ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – The Terrible Trio – 2


Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan

[COMPILER’S NOTE: This story is a compilation of posts from an online hentai role-playing game, the Anime Hentai High School. This text is just an extract of the whole game, solely concentrating on the Ranma ½ characters (sort of) involved and their immediate surroundings. Remember that the game had already started well before this part, and that others threads, either with original creations or characters borrowed from various animes, are running parallel at the same time. As well, the episode separations are very arbitrary, reflecting a change of place or time, but not really acknowledged in the game. Enjoy.]


New character


Name: Asuka

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Year: Hmmm, I’m not familiar with Japanese grades. I’ll say Junior.

Favorite subject: English
Least Favorite Subject: Maths

*Strength- D

*Intelligence- A

*Agility- C

*Luck- B

*Attractiveness- A

*Skill- C

Having been transferred from Tokyo-3 High School after she graduated from there. Did want to leave everything behind, so she has quit NERV. (Sorry, I prefer the human side of the Eva show to the mecha battles. ^^;)

Redhead, blue eyes, long hair... Well, everyone can get a picture of her, I guess. ^^

Special Note: Dunno ^^
Ah yeah, be gentle with me, I’m not too used to that kind of RPGs, so I might need time to get used to it. ^^

Hope I’m welcome!

ADDENDUM to my character (sorry! ^^)


Ah, I knew I could put something in the special notes area :)

My Asuka is bisexual. (Like me.) Yeah, this mean I also like lesbian sex, so what? Many girls do! ^_~

Welcome to the Club!


OOC: Sorry everyone, for not really posting lately. After all, Yahoo! has been a real pain in the ass with the posts as of late. However, I’ll try to post more often now. As for Asuka, welcome! Personally, I prefer the human side of Evangelion myself (though I am a big Mecha fan, I much prefer smaller mecha- Cyclones, for instance).

Also, and this is for you, Asuka, I’ve heard that your character, in the Eva episodes, is something of a... how should I say it nicely? Hot-head? Thinks she’s superior to everyone else? If you’d like to play her that way, then you can add 2 more attribute points to your character. I say this because I know a bit about your character in the shows, so it’s up to you. You don’t have to play her directly from the episodes.

Re: Welcome to the Club!


A bitch, you can say it ^^
I don’t know if I’ll play her like that, I’ll see with what happens, I guess. Thanks for the two points, too, but I think my stats are okay as they are... or where do you think I should put those points?

Re: Welcome to the Club!


Well, you only get the two points if you decide to make your character a bitch. I consider being hot-headed and the ‘holier than thou’ attitude to be two small disadvantages for her.

Re: Welcome to the Club!


Okay then, I’ll play her as a hot-headed bitch (but if you do the right things she can become more... submissive ^_~).

*Strength- D

*Intelligence- A

*Agility- B

*Luck- B

*Attractiveness- A

*Skill- B

This should be 16 (changed Skill from C to B, and Agility from C to B )


A New Day

Louis F. Perico

Leto got up, showered, munched quickly on some breakfast, got suited up, and zoomed on his bike to school.
The Takara sisters almost stumbled over themselves and proceeded to run to school, and getting passed by Leto.
Just as Maiko-sensei stepped out of the door of her residence, she noticed an envelope by her doorstep.

Upon opening it, she saw a note and a gift certificate for 50,000 yen for the nearby Galleria Mall.

The note simply said, “Thank you, Sensei. L.”

Re: A New Day


Laucian turned the corner on his bike with Killer not to far behind and saw Leto. He caught up and then said, “Hey, Leto, how are you today?” Looking back, he saw Killer. “Come on, Killer, you can make it!”

Leto yells back

Louis F. Perico

“Hey dude! Its hangin’ good! And you?”

Re: A New Day


Asuka walked towards school with her bag on her shoulder, as she’s wearing her school uniform. She arrived at the school gate and entered....

1st Period

Louis F. Perico

Leto barely got into the closing gates, screeching into the mecha bay. As he dashed inside, he inadvertently bumped into the new redhead, Asuka. “Oops, sorry.” he said quickly with a smile. He then continued his dashing to his first period class, Biology, and Maiko-sensei.

Re: 1st Period


“W...who was that!?” She narrowed her eyes and got up, resuming her walk... “Weird place...”
She then, without knowing it, followed Leto to his class....

More of 1st Period class

Louis F. Perico

Getting to his seat, Leto noticed the new girl entering his class.

Going over to Asuka, he made a small bow, and said, “I do apologize for bumping you earlier. I honestly thought I was running late.” He smiled warmly, then said, “I’m Leto... Leto Pelops. A pleasure to meet you.”

Re: More of 1st Period class


“I’ll kill you later for bumping into me! Hmph!” She gave him a slight disdainful look and went over to her seat.

(OOC: Am I bitchy enough to your taste?)

Even More of 1st Period class

Louis F. Perico

[OOC: Just like Asuka. ^_^]

Leto chuckled, then said, “Well, how about you kill me AFTER I treat you to lunch?”

Re: Even More of 1st Period class


“Hmmm... I’ll think about it, and tell you my answer later!” She sat at her desk and waited for the class to begin.

Re: Even More of 1st Period class

Louis F. Perico

Leto presented a big grin. “Okay then! We’ll chat after class.”

First period proceeded accordingly without incident. [UNLESS pyrianna, who plays our teacher, says otherwise.]

1st Period ends

Louis F. Perico

An uneventful session of biology passed for first period.

Before Asuka could leave, Leto gently stopped her, wearing another bright grin, saying, “Well, think you can handle my presence for lunch... or you getting timid and shy on me?”

Leto looked deeply into her eyes, waiting for an answer....

Re: 1st Period ends


She frowned.
“You’re impossible, aren’t you? Fine, I’ll accept your lunch, but it’s only because it’s my first day here, are we okay with this? And I’m not SHY!”

Grinning, Leto replies

Louis F. Perico

“I’m OK with it. ^_^ Not shy, huh? Great! See ya at fourth period then!” [wink ^_-]

He left for second period class.

Re: Grinning, Leto replies


“Hmph...” She went to her second period class.

Time passes

Louis F. Perico

@nd and #rd period classes flow like the wind under a dress. ^_-

As Asuka made her way to the cafeteria, there was Leto, leaning against the doorframe, and holding two motorcycle helmets.

“Great, you made it! Here.” He handed her a helmet. “You’ll need this.”

Leto waited....

Re: Time passes


She took the helmet.
“Huh!? We’re going on a bike!? Who said I was coming with you?”

Lunch reservations

Louis F. Perico

“Well, if you don’t want to eat at the Ritz-Carlton, the finest joint in town, that’s fine... unless you are afraid of motorcycles, that is...”

Re: Lunch reservations


*suka’s eyebrow twitched. “Me? Afraid? Ha! OK, come on if you can afford the best restaurant out there, I don’t see why I’d refuse!”

Puttin on the Ritz

Louis F. Perico

A short while later, Leto and Asuka arrive with a screeech at the Ritz, and they are escorted to one of the Presidential suites.

Both went to the large balcony where lay a very regal table setting, and lunch was served.

And it was a four course lunch; soup with noodles, salad, an entree of fine sausage rolls with cheese, and dessert with fine wine. After all was presented, the waiters left the couple alone.

Leto smiled and said, “Think you like the meal AND a view, ne?”

Re: Puttin on the Ritz


She sat down and began to eat. “Aaaah, european food! It’s been a long time since I ate some! Oh the view? Who cares when you have a good meal?”

Smiling and providing

Louis F. Perico

Leto replied, “I HAVE to agree with you, Asuka. ^_^ More wine, miss?”

He popped a fresh cold bottle, pouring himself some, offering to Asuka...

Re: Smiling and providing


“Wine!? But, I’m too young to drink alcohol!” she said, still eating her meal...

Leto again

Louis F. Perico

“So what? Is someone going to card you here??? Make the most of life! Be bold and daring! And besides, who can STAND rice wine all the time?”

Re: Leto again


“HEY! It’s not as if I was afraid!” She poured wine into one glass and drank it quickly. “See?”

Re: Leto again

Louis F. Perico

“Good!” He took a swig himself, refilling both glasses. “It’s a good vintage... 1919 in fact....” Sipping more, he watched Asuka.

Re: Leto again


She mimicked him and poured another glass of wine and drank it. “Not that bad, actually...”

Leto gets closer

Louis F. Perico

“I wholeheartedly agree.” He had yet another glass of wine, pouring more for her, and scooting closer. “I was wondering if you care to participate in an experiment... after we are done with the bottle, of course...”

Re: Leto gets closer


“An experiment?” she asked curiously.

experimentation w Leto

Louis F. Perico

“Yes... an oscillation experiment... an experiment in kissing... and how it stimulates the human body...” He took yet another swig of wine. “... Care to try it?”

Re: experimentation w Leto


“K...kissing!? But I...” She blushed because of the alcohol, and didn’t know what to reply.

Re: experimentation w Leto

Louis F. Perico

[OOC: I am SO TEMPTED to hold her nose as I kiss her...]

“This experiment can be quite pleasant, you know.” Leto said as he slid even closer. Asuka smelled a brief hint of cologne, an arousing one, emanating from him.

“Also, the experiment can provide more positive results when the parties involved are attractive to each other... like I am to you.”

Leto took another swig of wine, waiting to hear what she said next.

Maiko catches up ( well actually I do..)


OOC: Hmm, it seems things kinda... well... zoomed past me... I guess Maiko accepted her gift, returned to school, taught her class... yikes. Now we are at what? Lunch? This is hard to keep up with! Man, what’s a teacher to do when not teaching? Especially when she seems to be the only teacher in the world...?

IC: Maiko ate her lunch in her office, munching thoughtfully. The Terrible Trio were cleaning her lab again. She smiled inwardly as she punched a few keys on the seized laptop. The girl had it wired into the security system and Maiko found she could flick through the cameras and watch any part of the school. She kept her notebook handy as she scribbled notes on various students she observed through the hallways. She dismissed the trio before the bell and waited for her next class.

Maiko, the Trio, and ooc notes

Louis F. Perico

[OOC: The laptop ALSO can access some CIA satelites, and JUST for the heck of it, you happen to find where Leto went for lunch... the Ritz, where he is charming up to that redhead he was talking to in first period class]

As Maiko-sensei made notes, she got a message, “You got mail!”
As she looked at it, she noticed that it was written during third period.


re: After school tutorial

Hey sensei ^-^! Hope everything’s OK. Are we still on for the tutorial session tonight at my place, say 7? Please let me know.



Meanwhile, the Terrible Trio grumbled again at lunch, complaining about “the slave driving bimbo, Tawasa-sensei.”

Ranko: Goddammit! what a slave driver!
Mihoshi: [She moaned in agony.]
Nabiki: [She said nothing for her nose was in a borrowed laptop, and she was slowly grinning.]

Ranko and Mihoshi: Uh oh... [They both noticed Nabiki, and they were justifiably worried.]

Nabiki: I managed to reacquire my spy satelites... hehe... and guess who I found at the Ritz?

Mihoshi: Um... the Dalai Lama?
Ranko bonked Mihoshi.
Mihoshi: owie!
Ranko: Baka... I’ll guess its one of the students, ne?
Nabiki: Not just ANY student... remember the guy whose cute butt we saw yesterday?
Ranko: No way! The same stud with the fine bod and tool?
Nabiki: Un! And if HE can afford taking a girl to THE RITZ for LUNCH suggests that he HAS to be loaded... yesss... [She squirmed in her seat, having fantasies of doing it with Leto atop piles and piles of yen, rubbing the bills and coins all over his and her bodies...]
Sweatdrops occured on Ranko’s and Mihoshi’s heads.

Re: experimentation w Leto


“I huh... huh... I don’t know...” She was quite troubled by the wine and his cologne, actually...

Re: experimentation w Asuka

Louis F. Perico

Leto smiled and then said, “Well, if you do not know, you must find out for yourself.” And with that, he gently palmed Asuka’s cheek, turned her head, and kissed her, tasting the wine on her lips.

Re: experimentation w Asuka


“HMmm...” She gently hummed as she was being kissed, but the alcohol in her blood prevented her from reacting how she’d like to to this ‘aggression’ :)
“Don’t... do that...”

Re: experimentation w Asuka

Louis F. Perico

Leto looked a bit quizzically. “Why? Afraid of kissing? Or are you afraid of something...deeper?”

He went in, stealing yet another kiss, gently pulling her closer to him.

Re: experimentation w Asuka


“Don’t... touch me like that!” She tried to resist to him, and pushed him away a bit, standing on her feet. “Don’t... don’t try to do anything on me!”

Re: experimentation w Asuka

Louis F. Perico

The pheremones were slowly attempting to increase Asuka’s libido and reduce her reluctance.

“Asuka, I TRIED nothing. I DID kiss you, and YOU LIKED IT! And I liked it too, and if your mind is saying no, your BODY says yes, so...”

He stood, then grabbed Asuka and gave her a very passionate kiss, with lots of tongue.

Re: experimentation w Asuka


She shook her head, trying to get the hormone boost away... “Don’t get near me...! Please don’t!”
She was very strong, and the battle against the hormones and her mind was raging inside her, neither of the two parts taking the advantage...

Re: experimentation w Asuka

Louis F. Perico

“I’m sorry Asuka... I can’t help myself... I want you so bad it hurts!”

Leto kissed her again, hands roaming across her body.

Re: experimentation w Asuka


Her body and mind were in a halt, the special scent of Leto wouldn’t overcome her strong spirit, and yet, her strong spirit woudl’tn get those hormonal thoughts away... She lay there, still, under Leto’s hands, who would be able to take advantage of her body without her noticing. She was in another plane, another dimension, where her mind and the hormones were battling against each other....

carrying with Lust

Louis F. Perico

Leto pulled his lips away, only to pick up Asuka to take her to the plush bedroom. Gently, he placed her on the bed and began to disrobe her, kissing the exposed flesh with soft kisses....

Re: carrying with Lust


Unable to resist anymore, she began to feel all wet under his touches and kisses, as she moaned slightly... “Please... go away...” Her brain tried to say something, but her body didn’t think so.

Re: carrying with Lust

Louis F. Perico

Leto managed to get Asuka completely nude, her nipples erect, and the scent of her steaming pussy wafting through the air. He kissed his way down to her breasts, softly he kneaded them, then took one into his mouth and suckled on it. One hand glided down to her triangle to stroke her cleft, the other hand went to undo his shirt.

“You are so beautiful... Asuka-chan.” he said between kisses.

Re: carrying with Lust


As she lost control, she began to caress her own body with her hands, until one of them reached her womanhood... She then begins to quickly finger herself, breathing hard and fast as pleasure was overhelming her...

Going down

Louis F. Perico

Leto kissed his way down Asuka’s hot body, giving a little lick to her belly button. When he reached her womanhood, he licked her playing fingers as well as her cleft and clit. He got up, only to remove his shirt, then got back to munching on Asuka’s sweet pineapple.

Re: Going down


She continued to finger herself forcefully, completely oblivious to him.... “Aaah... hmmm...” she moaned aloud, not realizing at all that she was going to loose her virginity to a guy she almost didn’t know at all.

Munching away

Louis F. Perico

Leto continued his oral ministrations as he worked the rest of his clothes off. As she moaned, she reached the breaking point, and started to splash Leto’s face with her womanly fluids. [Yes, women can spurt their lube, it is documented.] Leto drank up what he could, and licked off the rest. His arousal was very apparent, as his dick got bigger and bigger...

Re: Munching away


Unknown to her mind, her body told her to spread her legs further, and that’s what she did, exposing her shaved pussy to Leto’s view...

1 less than 70

Louis F. Perico

Leto noticed Asuka’s willingness, and continued to munch away to get her off yet again; however, he swung his body so that his now 10″ member was touching Asuka’s cheek, rubbing back and forth along her soft skin.

Re: 1 less than 70


She was just more aroused by the touch, but wouldn’t do anything about it. Leto noticed that his special “feature” had a strange effect on Asuka. It made her wild with pleasure, but she was too focused on satisfying herself with her fingers to even notice him. If he wanted her to do something, he’ll have to manipulater her like a doll...

Re: 1 less than 70

Louis F. Perico

Timing it just right, Leto made Asuka moan and moan until her mouth opened for a big moan. Then he quickly stuffed her face hiw this mighty prick, then got to the 69 business again.

Re: 1 less than 70


Still unresponsive to the events around her, she tried to breathe by her mouth and nose... Her breath and tongue movements inside her mouh greatly pleasured Leto....

A quick burst

Louis F. Perico

The abnormal fellatio that Leto got was severely arousing, to the point where he shot a load of creamy cum into her mouth.

Nevertheless, Leto was still quite hard. The modifications of his body and lust had him still going strong. He turned around, and was about to start fucking her when he remembered something.


He pulled on a drawer by the bed, pulled a condom out, rolled it on, then got back atop Asuka in a hurry.

His lust driving him on, Leto then slid his covered prick all the way inside Asuka’s cunt, not worrying about any barriers as he started to pound in her tight pussy.

Re: A quick burst


He could hear her gulping down his sticky essense down her throat as she moaned, both in pain and pleasure...

Cock strength

Louis F. Perico

Leto proceeded to pound away, making Asuka moan and writhe in pleasure. His cock then grew even more, as did his body frame. Leto’s cock reached a ridiculous 16&#Prime; in length, and was almost as wide as a beer can. He then noticed that the window was left open to the patio. He stood up WITH ASUKA STILL IMPALED upon him. He walked over and closed the window. Then, seeing a mirror, he turned to it, grabbed Asuka’s legs, and started sliding her up and down his monster dick.

Re: Cock strength


Leto’s cock was soooo enormous that Asuka’s belly grew as he pounded inside her. She moaned in both pleasure and pain, as he fucked her endlessly in front of the mirror....

Watching his own fucking

Louis F. Perico

Leto grinned lecherously as he watched himself use Asuka as a fuck doll. He proceeded to fuck her even harder, trying to get her to have the orgasm of a lifetime....

Re: Watching his own fucking


She collapsed, unable to take more of his fucking....

Uber come shots

Louis F. Perico

Leto placed her back on the bed with only his cock, then sped up his fucking.

“Oh shit, I’m CUMMMMINNNNG!” Leto roared as he pulled out of Asuka, then ripping his rubber off, he shot gob after gob after gob of hot sticky cum. Her face: covered. Tits covered. Tummy with many cum streaks, cum on her bush, her thighs.

Asuka was almost completely covered in Leto’s seed. And Leto then began to lick it off. Like a man dying fo thirst.

Re: Uber come shots


She moaned as she began to wake up, feeling his tongue on her body....

Leto again

Louis F. Perico

“Welcome back, Asuka. Did you like it?”

Re: Leto again


“I feel... so strange... like... I want... sperm... all inside me...” she said, panting, a bit exhausted.

Leto sperm supply

Louis F. Perico

“Well, if you need more, Asuka-chan... here...” Leto scoots up, putting his member near her lips.

Re: Leto sperm supply


She began to kiss his member, but then shook her head violently and got up. She looked at her body, and quickly put her clothes on. “It feels addictive, this can’t be! I HAVE to find a cure!” With that said, she stormed out of the room, and right to the school nurse office...

Leto sighs

Louis F. Perico

Leto sighed, showered, then somberly drove back to the school to get to his gym class.



Maiko’s day passed pretty uneventfully. She watched her students as they work diligently and made notes on any apparent changes. She could tell some were starting to feel the effects. She wondered briefly if Leto would stop by before the end of the school day. She checked her schedual and remembered about the tutoring session later that evening.

Nurse’s office [attn Asuka]

Louis F. Perico

Nurse Sakura was having a quiet day, until a red blur flashed in.


Sakura then asked, “Um... can I... help you, young lady?”

Re: Nurse’s office [attn Asuka]


A redhead rushed into the room and opened the door violently. “Nurse!” She was panting. “You MUST help me!”

Nurse again

Louis F. Perico


Nurse Sakura was surprised at the outburst, yet kept her cool, lest her current patient suffer from further stress.

With a serious tone, she said, “Okay, miss. Please take a few breaths to calm dowm. THEN, take a seat on the table, and tell me what’s wrong, OK?”

Re: Nurse again


Asuka calmed down, took a seat and began to speak, just to realize that her problem was... kinda embarassing. ^^;
“Hmm, miss, do you know Leto? I... I had with him... and I think I am addicted to his semen.” She blushed furiously.

Say what?

Louis F. Perico


The nurse got up with a shocked look on her face.

“Um... I see...”

She straightened herself, dusted off her labcoat, then proceeded to ask a few questions.

1. Have you had sex with this “Leto” before, and if so, how many times?
2. Did you or he use any protection during sex?
3. Was oral sex involved?
4. Did any other fluids come into contact with your skin?
5. Are you sexually active?
6. Before you had sex with this “Leto”, when was the last time you had sex?

Just as the questions were being asked, a pair of girls came in: One blonde, and one scratched up redhead.

The blonde spoke, “We’re here, Ranko!”
Ranko replied, “Thanks, Mihoshi.”

Mihoshi then got the first aid kit, then started working on her sister.
Mihoshi then noticed Asuka talking to the nurse.
“Hey! Isn’t that the girl that was...”
That was the noise of Ranko slapping a hand over Mihoshi’s mouth.
“Will you just SHUT UP???” Ranko whispered. “If someone finds out about that, we’ll have to pose for her stupid pay site AGAIN!”
“Oh.” Mihoshi whispered back.
She continued bandaging Ranko quietly, hoping that the others didn’t overhear her...

Re: Say what?


She looked at the two girls, rolling her eyes a bit, but she quickly dismissed that incident. “Hmmm, well... Let me answer your questions in order: I never had sex with him before, I’m a transfer student here. No, yes, I don’t think so, hm not really, and I was a virgin.”

Listening to Asuka

Louis F. Perico

The nurse thought for a moment, then said, “Well, since it was your FIRST time, I can’t say you have an addiction just yet. However, I do have an idea.”

She went to her desk, got out a small booklet and handed it to Asuka.

“I want you to use this as a diary for the next two weeks, then come back to see me. IF a pattern of addiction appears, then we can continue. But before you leave, I would like a urine sample, please.” She gestured to the bathroom.

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Huh, sure ma’am...” She went over to the bathroom, and did her best to provide an urine sample to the nurse. As she went back into the office, she gave her the sample, and then took the diary. “When I said I was addicted, it was because... well, I feel like I’m thirsty, but not of water, you know? This is definitely weird...!”

Re: Listening to Asuka

Louis F. Perico

The nurse replied, “Very strange.” She jotted down some notes. “Well, IF you do get the urge, be sure to record it! The more information we have, the better the chance that this problem can be dealt with.”

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Okay ma’am. And thanks.” She thought: ‘Damn, she couldn’t tell me and I’m considered an idiot now! How embarassing! Well, I’d better go see Maiko-sensei, this can’t go on!’ as she was heading for her sensei’s classroom.

Seeking a sensei

Louis F. Perico

Leto parked, then entered the school, stopping by the cafeteria to grab a snack. He looked and happened to find some of his first period classmates, which greeted him casually.

Leto asked, “Seen Maiko-sensei?”
One of the them replied, “Yeah, dude. She’s got her fourth class doing lab, so she’s in her office. You might catch her before class change.”

“Thanks, dude.” replied Leto. He walked to the south wing, looked into the lab, saw Maiko-sensei go into the office. He went in, careful not to interrupt the rest of the students, and knocked on the office door, waiting for permission to enter....

Maiko bids Leto enter


Maiko heard the knock on the door and told him to enter her office. It had been cleaned very well. She seemed to be marking papers.
“Is there something I can do for you, Leto-kun?”

Leto smiles at the gorgeous Sensei

Louis F. Perico

Leto came in and gently closed the door. Smiling, he said, “Sorry to bug you, Sensei. I was just wanting to check with you to see if we were still on for the tutorial this evening; I had sent you an email, but I guess you were too busy to check, so...” He shrugged, and waited for her reply.

Re: Listening to Asuka


Finally, Tyson got out of study hall, with about ten minutes left of lunch. “Damnit... I’ll never get lunch at this rate.” he muttered to himself, and blinked, looking toward the red-haired girl who strode toward one of the classrooms behind him. “Damn, she’s hot!” he said to himself, under his breath, and he smiled softly to her, giving Asuka a polite nod in greeting to her. He didn’t say anything, ‘cause she looked like she was on a mission or something — very, very determined.

Re: Listening to Asuka


She turned her head towards him. “Why are you looking at me like that!?”

Re: Listening to Asuka


He blinked in surprise, and stopped in midstride, turning back to look to Asuka with a polite smile... “What do you mean? I was just being polite.” he said softly, watching for any reason why she seemed to be so annoyed simply because he looked over to her as they pass in the hallway... hundreds of students passed each other every day, why would this have been any different, he wondered.

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Say, do you know anything about a guy named Leto? I’m sure you do!” she asked, impatient.

Re: Listening to Asuka


He looked thoughtful for a second, before giving a nod. “I think so... I have a class with a Leto, late in the day.” he responded. “Is that any help?”

Re: Listening to Asuka


“You know him then? Any... special things you could tell me about him?”

Re: Listening to Asuka


He shook his head, and shrugged. “Not really... Just that he’s from out of town. According to recent rumors though, he’s been known to hang out with Sensei Maiko lately.” he responded. “Of course, that’s only what I’ve heard around school. I could be wrong.” he shifted in his stance slightly as he watched her... damn, hopefully he’d be outta there soon, so she wouldn’t spot his erection.

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Oh, I see... Do you know where I can...” She looked down a bit and saw the bulge in his pants. “... see her?”

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Her classroom is down the hall... two or three doorways on the left.” he said, and blushed as he noticed where her gaze lurked down towards.

Re: Listening to Asuka


‘Damn, I feel horny!’ she thought. She unconsciously grabbed his manhood through his pants and squeeze it....

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Hey, what are you doing?!” he said, trying to keep his voice down. The hallway was deserted, fortunately, but the hand on his erection was way too surprising. “We’re in plain sight of anybody!”

Re: Listening to Asuka


“I don’t... care...” she said, almost unable to control herself. Looks like Leto’s scent had various unexpected side effects on her... “Take me, anywhere...”

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Hey, are you alright?” he asked... he couldn’t believe that this was happening... this girl he’d just met was now trying to get him to fuck her, and he had no clue why. “Did someone put you up to this?”

Re: Listening to Asuka


“Don’t... ask questions. Just satisfy me...” she said, purring into his ear.

Re: Listening to Asuka


His mind raced... what would Lilly say about this? She’d be devastated if she saw what was happening here... “I... don’t know...” he said softly. Lust was going to take over in time, but Asuka looked as if she didn’t want to waste any... She’d have to take him somewhere.



Lilly walking around the campus, looking for Tyson.
‘Where is Tyson? Where can he be?’ Lilly thought.
She turned the corner on her left and then she saw a woman having her hand on the lower part of his body.
‘What’s the hell this bitch thinking she doing?’ Lilly thought, as she got angry.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Lilly shouted at Tyson and the woman and walked over to them.
“You Bitch! What the hell you think you were doing?” Lilly shouted at the woman and pushed her away from Tyson.



Asuka just smiled at the girl. “Oh, sorry, you are his girlfriend? I didn’t know...” Shaking all over, she reluctantly got away from Tyson. However, Lilly took those words as a kind of provocation...



Well, it was official now — his whole body was red. Ears, face, nose, hands... every visible part of him blushed as he heard Lilly and saw her seemingly threaten Asuka. He simply didn’t know what to do now. He’d never been in this kind of situation before. ‘Please, let there be an earthquake, a monster attack, something... I need a diversion...’

Leto again

Louis F. Perico

Leto got confirmation of his tutorial appointment from Maiko-sensei. He then made his way to his locker to get his bag for gym class.

However, he happened to see Asuka, another cute girl [Lilly], and a guy from his gym class [Tyson].
“Uh, Hi Asuka ^_^;. Eheh... surprising meeting you here...” Then looking to Tyson: “Hey dude, when did you become the player, hanging out with two gorgeous women? I... know Asuka, but I don’t know you, miss." He smiled at Lilly. “I’m Leto.”

Re: Leto again


His face couldn’t get more red — but it did try, as he fell down to the floor in a near faint. First he was getting caressed by a girl he didn’t know, then Lilly showed up, and to top it all, Leto, the kid Asuka had asked him about, showed up. In true anime fashion, his eyes went into spirals as he hit the ground, showing he might as well be unconscious.

and then there were 3

Louis F. Perico

Looking down at the fainted one, Leto said, “Man, he’s suffering... maybe we should get him to the nurse’s office?”

Re: and then there were 3


“Tyson!”, Said Lilly, as she knelt down to him and lays his head in his lap.
“Speak to me,please”, Said Lilly, as she shook him a little bit and tears start to form in her eyes.
“That’s a good idea, Leto”, Said Lilly, as she looks up at Leto and the tears that was forming her eyes, trying to escape from her eyes.

Re: and then there were 3


Asuka just looked down at them, not wanting to do anything... Her body was shaking all over. She NEEDED something, and the only one who was capable of giving it to her was there, as she tried to resist...


Louis F. Perico

Leto broke Asuka from her daze by saying, “ASUKA! Come on’ give me a hand with this guy... you too, miss... Lilly, was it?”



“Huh...? Oh yes!” She took the guy by his ankles and lifted him up.

Back at the nurse’s office

Louis F. Perico

The nurse’s office was open, but no one was home as Lilly, Asuka, and Leto carried Tyson’s unconscious form to the bed.

Leto looked at Asuka, then spoke up: “So... Asuka? You going to be OK? What’s wrong?”

Re: Back at the nurse’s office


“Don’t you touch me!” She backed away from him once Tyson was on one of the nurse’s beds...

REALLY confused

Louis F. Perico


Camly, Leto replied as he stood still, not threatening anyone: “Asuka... please tell me what’s wrong? I want to help, really.”

Re: REALLY confused


She sighed, unable to resist anymore... “Come over here.” She took him by the arm, and dragged him in a secluded place near the school. Once there, as Leto was still confused, she turned her back to him, bend over and lifted her skirt. “Fuck me. Do it, but just do it quickly please.”

Re: REALLY confused and Horny

Louis F. Perico

Leto IMMEDIATELY got hard. Quickly he looked around, then pulled down his pants, freeing his rod. He licked his fingers, slid them into Asuka’s box, and was SHOCKED to feel that she was SOAKING WET. Then, he stuck his hard fleshpole in, and pounded away furiously, bringing Asuka to yet another wonderful orgasm.

“Oh Asuka, where do you want me to cum, baby?” he husked in her ear.

Re: REALLY confused and Horny


She didn’t reply. She didn’t want to, actually. She just wanted him to give her his seed quickly, so she would be satisfied. She sobbed a bit, realizing that she lost her control in front of him....

Re: REALLY confused and coming

Louis F. Perico

Leto moaned as his shaft swelled, then spurted his hot seed deep into Asuka’s snatch. Relcutantly, he pulled out. The bell rang, indicating the end of fourth period. But he didn’t leave... he couldn’t leave Asuka like that, crying, so he held her close and hugged her. “Asuka... it’s going to be OK... don’t worry...” he said softly.

Re: REALLY confused and coming


“Damnit, don’t TOUCH me!” She slapped him, hard on the face, got up, and then ran home, skipping the rest of the day at school....

Peeling himself off the ground

Louis F. Perico

Leto got up, quickly zipped, dashed to the men’s room to clean up, then went back to the nurse’s office, saw Lilly looking over Tyson like a concerned mother over a child.
“Hey, Lilly. Is Tyson going to be OK?”

Re: Peeling himself off the ground


He slowly came to, shaking his head a bit. “Oi... What ‘appened?” he asked, slowly moving to sit up and on the bed as he looked around his new suroundings. Realizing he’s been here once before, he looked over to Lilly and Leto, a bit surprised.

Leto jokes

Louis F. Perico

“Welcome back to the land of the living... now GRAB A SHOVEL and start yer diggin!”

“Just kidding... dude, you gonna be OK?”

Re: Leto jokes


Tyson nodded slowly. “Yeah... heh, it was a bit too much to take in all at once, I guess...” he blushed as he looked to Lilly. “Um, Lilly... I, I am very sorry for well, um, what you saw a little earlier...” ‘I did enjoy what she was doing.’ he thought. ‘What do I do now? There’s no way she’ll forgive me.’

After Leto leaves her office


Maiko gave Leto confirmation in her usual business-like and detached manner. After he left she returned to her business, teaching and checking the security cameras for activity. Maiko happened to catch the whole affair with the redhead, the other boy and girl and Leto.
“How interesting...” she mused. “Must be having additional side effects.” she took notes.
“I have a feeling it won’t be long before I see her in my office.” She smiled and put the laptop to sleep when the bell rang for fourth period.

Re: Leto jokes


“It’s okay, Tyson. These things happens all the time. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I know it was Asuka trying to get you to do anything that she wants, that means sex. So, don’t worry about it Tyson. I forgive you”, said Lilly, as she looked at him with tears still rolling down her cheeks from earlier, and tried to wipe them away from her face, but failed, terribly.
‘Oh god! Why am I still crying? Am I to make Tyson worried about me all damn time, if I’m not hurt, physically. But right now, I’m hurting inside,’ Lilly thought, as she was going to place her hand on Tyson’s, but she put her hand back in her lap, where it was before.
“Leto, would you leave us alone for awhile, so we can talk, please?” Lilly asked, as she looked away from Tyson and lowers her head, still crying.

Leto cares

Louis F. Perico

Leto said, “Sure, Lilly-san... lemme call one person first real quick.”

Leto got on the horn, dialed the school operator, then talked.

“Coach Daikoji please... hey Coach, it’s Leto... I’m in the Nurse’s office... no, I’m not hurt, but Tyson-san took a fall... No, he’ll live, someone’s looking after him.” He winked at Lilly. “... Nah, I think he’ll be stuck here for the rest of the day... yeah, I’ll get his assignments to him after school... OK, ja ne!”

Leto hung up, then said, “See ya, guys, later.” Then he left, closing the door.

Outside the door, Leto sighed, then said, “OK, young prince, NOW what will I do?”

He then left for fifth period, gym class.

Re: Leto cares


A girl sat on a bench in gym class waiting for it to begin, preparing herself for this week’s lesson in kick boxing. ‘God I hope I can still do this stuff without making myself look like an idiot.’

Kick boxing? me???

Louis F. Perico

“Coach? What’s with the change?” Leto asked.

“its just kick boxing, Leto. You can handle it!” he said WAY too cheerily.

Leto sighed, then has a seat on the same bench. He looked at the girl and said, “Hi. I’m Leto. You have any idea what Coach is up to?”

Moving right along

Louis F. Perico

Leto couldn’t get a chance to hear an answer, for some idiot with a dodgeball SMACKED him in the genitals.

“O.O... Owie...” THUD! Poor Leto... smashed in the nads during gym class...

After an hour or so, he finally woke up, with class already being over. Leto changed back to his uniform, and went to his remaining classes, which again were uneventful.

As the final bell rang, Leto WANTED to dash to his bike and make his place ready; however, he was still a bit tender, so it took him a good thirty minutes to get to his bike and head home.

His droid, B-3PO, came out to greet him once he was inside the compound. “Welcome home, master Leto.”

“Thanks, B.” Leto replied in some pain.
“Is something wrong, sir?”
“Yes. A large leather ball decided to introduce itself to my crotch rather quickly.”
“Oh, that’s TERRIBLE! Please find a seat... I will get the med droid to check you.”
“Thanks, B.” Leto replied as he carefully entered the find home and plopped onto a couch.”

Leto then thought aloud, “I hope I’ll feel better when Maiko-sensei gets here...”

Re: Moving right along


After her last class, Maiko carefully locked her classroom up. Everything was put neatly away and Maiko had her bag which had the laptop in it. She didn’t feel safe leaving it in the classroom. She locked it tight and headed to her car. Inside her car she fished out the paper she had written Leto’s address on. His house wasn’t far and she arrived without incident. Fortunately this time, she came prepared. She knocked politely on the door of the large house and waited for an answer.

Entering the compund

Louis F. Perico

The gate was opened, allowing Maiko-sensei to enter the compound. The house appeared small, but the degree of posh and finery more than made up for it... almost as if the residence was made for royalty.

After she knocked, the door was opened... by a robot.

With a polite British accent, it said, “Good evening, Tawasa-sensei. I am B-3PO, master Leto’s butler droid. Please, please come in. He wants you to be comfortable while you are his guest. He’s currently in the bath, and will be out shortly.”

After escorting Maiko to the library, Bee asked, “May I get you anything, miss?”

Re: Entering the compund


She instructed the robot to bring her tea with milk in it. She waited for Leto to get out of the bath.

Re: Entering the compund


Laucian went over to Leto’s house to see how he was after begin hit in the sacs. He walked to the door and rang the bell. He figured some one was there because he saw a lady walk into the house a little bit before he came to the door, so he waited there and about two or three minutes later the door opened....

a Busy busy droid...

Louis F. Perico

A short while later, B-3PO came in with a tray containing cups with saucers, a pot of tea, a small pitcher of milk, and a small bowl of sugar cubes. Bee set down the tray and fixed up Maiko-sensei’s tea per her request. “Here you are, Sensei, if there’s anything--”

He was interrupted by the doorbell.

“Oh dear, oh dear... WHO could that be?”
Bee left the library, then proceeded to open the door, and saw the young man, who was NOW startled to see a robot right out of Star Wars looking at him.
Bee spoke up. “May I help you, sir?”

Meanwhile, Leto emerged from his room, wearing a pair of silk pants, house slippers, and a towel around his neck. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, showing his decent build. He stepped into the library, smiled, bowed, and said, “Sensei! I hope I haven’t made you wait too long...”

Re: a Busy busy droid...


“Little robot thing, I just came by to see how Leto is doing after what happened in gym today, ‘cause that was one major hit, that’s all. Anyway, tell him I stopped by to see how he was, because I got to go somewhere. Bye.” Laucian said and then left.

Re: a Busy busy droid...

Louis F. Perico

The droid replied, “Of course, sir. Master Leto’s doing fine. I will pass on your message. Have a good day, sir.”

Bee then made his way back to the library, saw Leto and said, “Master Leto, there was a young man that stopped by... a Mr. Laucian... who was just checking on you to see if you were alright.”

“Thanks, Bee. I’ll buzz for you if I or Sensei need anything.”

“Of course, master Leto.” Bee then departed.

Leto then turned to Maiko-sensei and asked, “Well, what shall we start on?”

the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]

Louis F. Perico

Asuka was running off the campus, trying to get away from it all.

However, she was unaware that she was being monitored by the mistress of information, Nabiki Takara.

Activation her cell phone, she called her cronies, arrainging for a pickup of the fleeing redhead.

Later, the two meet in a corner of a Denny’s.

Nabiki spoke up, “Look... I know what you did with Leto... TWICE. It’s obvious that there’s something... strange... about him. You want to know what that is... as do I. Care to join me?”

Asuka glared at her with a look that said “what’s in it for me?”

Nabiki smirked. She easily recognized it. “I fully intend to make it worth your while. If you choose to decline, well, that’s your loss, and I can find out myself....

“So, do we have a deal?” Nabiki waited for a reply.

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


Asuka eyed the girl carefully. “What do I have to do? What do I get from doing this?”

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]

Louis F. Perico

Nabiki presented a mischevious grin. “Well, for starters, you will benefit from the information gathering. Also, we can provide additional forms of... compensation... whether it be monetary... or soemthing else of your choosing... within limits, of course.

“As for what to do? Oh that’s simple. You’re going to visit Mister Pelops...” She dug in her purse, pulled out a small pill box, and opened it to reveal a purple looking pill. “ You will need to take this.”

Asuka gave the pill a questioning look.

“It is a nanite pill... don’t ask HOW I got it, it’s a secret. Your eyes and part of your head will hurt for a few moments. Once the pain goes, you will hear a very faint sound, almost like a modem logging in. Once that’s happened, then I will see if the nano-cameras work, WHICH they should. With that operational, we can see what is going on inside, and thus, find out the truth.”

She slid the tablet over to Asuka, waiting for her reaction....

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


“You mean I have to get fucked by this pervert again?”

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]

Louis F. Perico

Nabiki glared back. “If that’s what it takes, sweetie, then yes. We could also use the semen samples, sweat, and hair... something’s just not normal about him... I can’t say what... that’s what my intuition says... but we HAVE to get that info to find out. But if you are getting cold feet...” She gestured to the door.

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


Asuka stopped her. “Sure, I’ll do it... one last time.”

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]

Louis F. Perico

Nabiki grinned. “Good... very good... here...” She slid the pill to Asuka.

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


Asuka just swallowed it without question and began to feel the headache... “Ouch...”

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]

Louis F. Perico

Nabiki then got out her laptop, and began to start up some programs. A few mminutes later, she said, “Success!”

She then turned the laptop to show to Asuka, showing a view of EXACTLY what Asuka was weeing.

“We’ve made you into a living video camera, isn’t that great!”

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


“Okay so... where is Leto now?” she asked. Just pronouncing his name was kinda making her horny again....

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]

Louis F. Perico

Nabiki turned back the laptop, did some quick typing, then turned it back around, showing a map of the local area. “His house is here, in a very swank part of town. The REAL mystery is that the land is owned by the UN! Anyway, we will have a car brought to give you a lift there, and will stay to monitor things. Ready?”

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


“Always ready!” she said proudly.

Re: a Busy busy droid...


“No, you haven’t made me wait long. I think we can begin now. A biology lesson, I think.”
She placed her purse aside and leaned back, her large breasts nearly spilling out of her tight blazer.

Such a beautiful sight

Louis F. Perico

Leto took a seat, close to Maiko-sensei, and pulled out his books as well. He then asked, “Are we going to do more on reproductive systems, Sensei?”

Re: Such a beautiful sight


“Yes, but a little later. First I think we will look at the cell structures lessons, since your last quiz was poor. Then if you are attentive I will give you some further tutoring in reproductive biology.”

Strictly to business first

Louis F. Perico

“OK, Sensei... you’re the boss.” Leto said with a smile. He proceeded with her over the subject of cells, taking his time to figure some of it out. His only problem was Maiko’s huge cleavage, which was making his member grow more and more. He did his best to focus on the subject, being patient with himself and wanting to stay on his sensei’s good side.

Re: Strictly to business first


Maiko smiled inwardly, although her face was as cool as ice. She carefully proded Leto at every opportunity. She knew he couldn’t keep his eyes off her breasts and she took every opportunity to flaunt them without being obvious. She watched as his bulge grew in his pants; she continued to give him further work to keep his excitement building.

the Obvious sign of arousal

Louis F. Perico

Leto had to take a sip of tea AND adjust his pants. His patience was tested to the limits, as was the tensile strength of his pants.

A torturous hour later, they finished going over a chapter. “Now what, Sensei?”

Meanwhile, a nondescript van pulled up to the other side of the street, carrying Asuka, Nabiki, and her cronies.

Nabiki said, “Well, here it is. Good luck, Asuka!” She opened the back door of the van to let Asuka out....

Re: the Obvious sign of arousal


She smiled. “Let’s take a bit of a break. Why don’t you show me around your lovely home?” She knew he was almost to the point of no return, she was very sure she would be able to push him beyond that.

the tour

Louis F. Perico

Leto had a bit of a problem walking. That tends to happen when one has a ridiculous erection building up.

He started with the library, then slowly showed Maiko around the house, which was VERY lavish. There’s the spacious garage, the living room, sitting room, dining room, FULL kitchen, smoking lounge.

Lastly, he gestured to the stairwell leading upstairs. “There are three guest bedrooms and the master bedroom.” Leto rasped, then swallowed, hoping that something would be done for his aching manhood.

Re: the AHHS spy Machine [attn ASUKA]


As she entered in Leto’s house, Asuka surprised the couple having fun and put her hand on her mouth, but it was too late, she was discovered....

a surprised Leto

Louis F. Perico

Leto was blushing heavily now, and quickly turned around so as to not show his ridiculous erection.

He stammered, “Um... Asuka! I...I thought you were mad at me... Why are you here?... Oh... BEE! YOU FORGOT TO CLOSE THE DOOR AGAIN!!!”

‘Now what do I do?’ pondered Leto to himself.

Re: a surprised Leto


Actually, Asuka was asking herself the same question, when a voice rang into her head. It was Nabiki’s....


Louis F. Perico

In her head came a simple message...
“Be friendly to him! Do whatever it takes!”
And the voice within Asuka’s head went silent.



“Hhmmm... Hi Leto...-kun. Do you... mind if we do it again?” she said the end of her sentence rather quickly, as if afraid of saying it.


Louis F. Perico

“Uh... eheh... well, as a matter of fact, I was about to finish the tour of the place... the bedrooms... care to come along?”



“S...sure...” She followed him, a bit hesitant, towards the bedrooms.

Maiko and Asuka get the tour

Louis F. Perico

Leto showed them the upper rooms, presenting the opulence of paintings and art in the rooms and the halls.

He then presented the master bedroom, wich was more like a suite than anything else.

As Maiko and Asuka got to look out the balcony for its view of the city, Leto quickly locked the door, then stripped.

Just as Asuka stepped out of the room, she was shocked at the sight.

Leto’s build was now more pronounced, and his cock was as ENOURMOUS as before.

And Leto was jacking himself off, unable to resist anymore.

“Ohh Asuka! I’m cummminnnggggg!!!!!!!!!” Leto cried as he took both hands to hold his monstrous member as is spewed his cum ACROSS the room and in MASSIVE AMOUNTS, almost knocking Asuka down, and soaking her uniform with his seed.

Re: Maiko and Asuka get the tour


“What the hell was that!!!?” Asuka almost screamed, getting up, sticky cum dripping all off her.

Re: Maiko and Asuka get the tour

Louis F. Perico

[Meanhwile, back at the van...]

Nabiki had backed away from the screen, having seen the LARGEST mantool she ever saw AND the proverbial “mother” of all cumshots!

“Jeezus... and I thought cumshots like that were in ecchi manga...” Nabiki said to no one in particular.

Back in the bedroom, Leto was no longer spurting, but he was jacking himself back to hardness.

Re: Maiko and Asuka get the tour


Maiko herself was rather startled at the pressure and amount of manjuice Leto appeared to be producing. She also thought there must have been further side effects as the giant member seemed just a little bigger than it had been before. She quickly made a note on her palm pilot before they noticed, and whiped it back into her purse. She was concerned about the situation; what would the girl say about this? Especially with what she suspected was about to happen.

Re: Maiko and Asuka get the tour


“Thanks Leto, my uniform is all ruined now!” she said sarcastically as she got up and walked towards him. She thought ‘I must do it!’

Leto rasps

Louis F. Perico

“I will buy you a new one, Asuka.” Leto rasped as he continued to stroke his manhood, hoping that he might get more pleasure than just his hand....

Re: Leto rasps


She thought ‘Damnit, I want it!’ She instantly began to kneel in front of him, and took his member between her lips. She could only get the tip in her mouth for now, but didn’t suck less than usual, using her tongue and lips to massage his genitals....

Leto’s lust [attn Asuka & pyrianna]

Louis F. Perico

Leto moaned as Asuka suckled on the tip of his engorged prick.

Alas, it felt so good, he could not last any longer. After only a minute of head, Leto then spurted his cream into her mouth.

Leto then grinned and said, “I want you NOW!” and then RIPPED the front off of Asuka’s clothes with a stroke. Before she could react, Leto then hauled her like a sack of potatoes to the bed, threw her on it, then pounced on her, his manhood shoving deep into Asuka’s slick slit.

Re: Leto’s lust [attn Asuka & pyrianna]


“Aaaaah!!!!” she screamed in both pain and pleasure as he thurst deep and hard into her. She thought “I hope Nabiki-san will be able to help me...!”

back in the nodescript vehicle

Louis F. Perico

“Shit!” Nabiki spat out as she saw the action. “I’m looking at a virtual gold mine here...”

Then she came to her senses, and send a message.

“Asuka, be careful! Either get him in your ass or mouth, unless you WANT him as the father of your kids.”

Nabiki went back to viewing, and back to didlling herslef as she observed this WELL HUNG yet mysterious person fuck the daylights out of her new agent...

Re: back in the nodescript vehicle


Realizing, Asuka backed off him unexpectedly, and presented her mouth to him, as his tool was aimed at her face... “Do it here!!” she said, panicked, as she was fingering herself badly with her hands, trying to get away the desire to feel his member in her pussy....

Patented mancow [attn Asuka, pyrianna]

Louis F. Perico

Leto quickly grabbed Asuka’s head and stuffed his sausage down her throat, giving her a vicious face fucking.

Moments later, Leto cried, “Asuka, Maiko, I’M CUMMING!!!” His latest orgasm was not as explosive, but Asuka couldn’t drink it all as it overflowed from her mouth, to her chin, face and tits.

Then Leto turned his attention to Maiko. He grinned and asked, “Would you like some of this, Sensei?”

He began to approach her, his stiff prick still dripping with his cum and Asuka’s cunt lube and spit, his very intention to give Maiko a really good fuck.

Hesitation ( att Leto, Asuka )


While this had been going on, Maiko had been observing from the shadows. Her mind racing throught the possiblities she was seeing here. Something about the girl seemed wrong. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she was sure of it. It made her very nervous for some reason, although she could not deny that her pussy was wet for his horsecock.

“I’m not sure if I really want sloppy seconds.”

She tossed her hair back over her shoulder, her clevage heaving.

“Besides, I thought I was here to tutor you, not fuck you.”

Maiko hoped her ruse would work, especially with Asuka watching. She couldn’t have her position threatened, not now.

Moisturization [attn pyrianna and Asuka]

Louis F. Perico

Leto simply smiled and said, “But Sensei! How can you NOT want it? I can smell your vagina lubricating from here!

“And besides, what happens here stays here... isn’t that RIGHT, Asuka?”

Consideration [attn pyrianna and Asuka]


Her cool demenor waivered almost for a minute. She couldn’t believe it, he could smell her from so far away? Her fears still nagged her in the back of her mind despite the growing needs in her crotch.
“Ah... well, you must be mistaken.”
She grabbed hold with all her will power and stepped back a couple of steps towards the window.


[To be continued in: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – The Terrible Trio – 3]