Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan
[COMPILERS NOTE: This story is a compilation of posts from an online hentai role-playing game, the Anime Hentai High School. This text is just an extract of the whole game, solely concentrating on the Ranma ½ characters (sort of) involved and their immediate surroundings. Remember that the game had already started well before this part, and that others threads, either with original creations or characters borrowed from various animes, are running parallel at the same time. As well, the episode separations are very arbitrary, reflecting a change of place or time, but not really acknowledged in the game. Enjoy.]
New character here
Louis F. Perico
Greetings! Heres my character...
Name: Leto Pelops, Earl of Alpha Centauri
Gender: male
Age: 16
Year: Freshman
Favorite subject: almost anything in Social Studies
Least Favorite Subject: biology and geometry
*Strength- C
*Intelligence- C
*Agility- C
*Luck- B
*Attractiveness- B+
*Skill- B-
Leto Pelops is the son of King Agamemnon, who rules the space kingdom of Peloppenesia. He is second in line to the throne, so he has the luxury of going where he wants. With the permission of the major Earth governments, Leto has been granted permission to go to school on Earth. Leto looks forward to going to Earth, mainly because the women in Peloppenesia are very conservative when it comes to doing this and that.
Leto is only 5′3″, but has dark curly black hair and dark eyes. He may be small, but has a very healthy physique, and is usually wearing the finest clothes possible.
Special Note: Leto currently has two vehicles; a space fast frigate, and a transformable motorcycle/battle suit [hint: if any of you saw the third Robotech season <aka the Invid War>, you will know what I am talking about.]. He has rented a well-to-do condominium thats only a half hour away from the High School.
New Character! ( a TEACHER *gasp* )
Name: Maiko Tawasa
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Favorite subject: Biology/Chemistry
Least Favorite Subject: Social Studies
*Strength- B
*Intelligence- A
*Agility- C
*Luck- C
*Attractiveness- A
*Skill- B
According to records, Miss Tawasa was born in Japan where she graduated with top honors from both elementary and highschool by the age of 17. She then attended Havard and obtained a masters in Science by her 23nd birthday. She spent three more years obtaining her BA in Edcuation. She returned to Japan to teach in highschool. This is her first full time job teaching science, biology and chemistry. While she was going to school she worked as a part time biochemist at BioTech industries in the USA. Before obtaining this position, she spent time as a substitute and worked briefly as a discipline instructor.
She has long black hair, and despite her age appears to be 23-24. She is about 5′11″ and often wears 2-3 inch heels. She comports herself with a very confident and dominating air. She wears tight skirts and equally tight tops. She has an impressive bust, and long, toned, slender legs.
Special Note:
During her intern at BioTech, she was unknowingly subjected to experimentation with endowed her with psychic abilites. When the tests became apparent she left the company, but still retained her psychic gifts. Her powers include Puppet (being able to control someones body but not their mind), Empathy, Minor Telekinesis, and an amnesia ability (to make people forget specific things within short term memory). She has an active interest in science and her own agenda.
Re: New Character! ( a TEACHER *gasp* )
Maiko walked into the school, wearing a tight dress and a blazer top over it. She went into the school, heels clicking as she walked on the polished floors. She took off her sunglasses as she entered the building.
Hmm. So this is the school? She looked around.
Large enough... empty enough. She made her way to the office to talk to get her room assignment.
The New Student cometh...
Louis F. Perico
Just as Maiko-sensei stepped through the front doors, a motorcycle rumbled from the street, throught the outer entrance, and into the parking area.
Flipping the leg down so that he could get off, Leto then removed his helmet. Leto was currently wearing a pure silk version of the school uniform, with matching colors and symbols. [whatever they may be]
This is the place. Leto said.
Getting off his bike, he grabbed his briefcase, then activated the alarm systems. Leto then departed for the main office.
Upon entering, he saw one GORGEOUS woman waiting there. [Maiko, that is ^_^]
Space Gods! What a woman! IF luck smiles, I may have her... AS a teacher. Leto thought as be blushed a bit.
Approaching the desk of the school secretary, Leto said Good morning and added a pleasant smile.
The secretary, an oriental woman of about 50, replied, Can I help you, young man?
Leto replied, Yes, maam. Im Leto Pelops, the new... foreign exchange student. This is my first day. Here are my papers. Leto handed them over.
A few minutes later, she smiled and said, Well, Mr. Pelops, your papers are in order. She handed them back. Now, if you will just have a seat right there, I will have your new schedule in just a moment.
Leto has a seat, waiting...
Maiko gets to her class...
She got her papers for her classroom fairly quickly after a little chat with the secretary. Not that she minded the older woman, but rather she had things to do. Having been in other schools not unlike this one, she found the science wing fairly easily, and shortly after her classroom. N 231.
She pushed the door open and was greeted with a fairly standard science classroom, but it looked rather unused. Briefly she wondered why, but then chalked it up to the shortage in teaching staff at this school. She opened it up and began to air the room, checking her office, which was a small separate room from the class. Coughing at the dust, she examined the desk and chair.
No, No, this will never do. I can see I have a good amount of work to do here. But... It will have to wait. I will have a class shortly. They made that clear at the office. I wonder why this school has such a shortage of staff... she muttered to herself before setting about cleaning and bringing in her supplies from the car.*
Class Schedule
Louis F. Perico
[OOC: I am guessing that the high school uses the seven periods system, especially when the school has a large population.]
Leto was called by the secretary to get his class schedule. It read:
1st Period: BIOLOGY rm: N 231
Teacher: TBA
2nd Period: Chemistry rm: N 231
Teacher: TBA
3rd Period: Japanese Lit 101 rm: S 100
Teacher: Ms. Uni Okami
4th Period: Lunch
5th Period: PE rm: Gym
Teacher: Coach Gai Daikoji
6th Period: World Government rm: S 100
Teacher: Dr. Yurika Tenkawa
7th Period: Pre-Calculus rm: N 230
Teacher: Mr. Jun Aoi
Leto sighed as he walked out, not exactly looking forward to cutting up other life forms like in previous pre-bio classes...
Getting to know the stu... I mean school.
Maiko made several trips to her car to get teaching supplies. Soon, her room was clean and ready for classes. She exchanged her blazer for a lab coat and waited in her office for classes to begin. *
Re: Getting to know the stu... I mean school.
Louis F. Perico
Students started flooding in, most of them, including Leto, carrying their books and their freshman orientation materials.
Leto made polite chat with some of the students, then took a seat near the front of the class.
I wonder who our teacher will be? Leto mumbled to no one in particular...
Re: Getting to know the stu... I mean school.
As the class flooded in she watched from her office for several moments, before moving from her office to the front of the classroom. She walked slowly, her ample bossom seemingly attempting to bounce out of her tight dress any minute under a simple white lab coat. With a voice that commanded more than rapt attention, she called the class to order. Her beautiful, yet cool gaze rested on Leto for several moments before moving on to the rest of the class. After the chatter died almost instantly, she spoke.
Greetings, students. I am Tawasai Maiko. I will be your instructor for this class. I expect nothing but the best from each of you. I reward success, I punish failure. It is that simple, class. You will learn many things in this class, more if you try hard and volunteer for extracurricular activies and clubs. I will be available for private tutoring and consultation after class as well as on saturdays. She began by writing her first lesson on the board, reproductive biology in mammals.
The Students and the Sensei
Louis F. Perico
The reaction of the classroom population boiled down to this:
Most of the males almost drooling at the sight of Maiko-sensei.
Most of the girls were glaring at the boys, and making their usual comments [perverts... ecchi... hentai] and so on.
Leto did his best to stay cool. He smiled back in a pleasant manner at the gorgeous sensei when she brought her gaze to him.
As the class went on, the discussion went to the talk of motherly mammals feeding their young with breast milk.
Letos thoughts strayed. I wonder...what would her breasts taste like...
Continuing to look at that ample bosom, and partly hearing what she was saying, Letos arousal was growning, so he crossed his legs, hoping he could attempt to calm down.
Re: The Students and the Sensei
She began to hand out worksheets and diagrams to the class, walking around seemingly studing each student as she gave they their work. She was obviously very knowlegeable about what she was teaching, and seemed rather good at teaching. She had a very smooth style, punctuating an otherwise boring lecture with her own sarcastic humor and witty quips. At the end of the class, she reminded the students that she would be here for a while after classes and after school if they had any questions about the work. She thanked them and dismissed them at the bell.
Luck of the Draw
Louis F. Perico
Most of the male students were reluctant to leave, but they left just the same; some of their own will, others via the will of angry girlfriends pulling the males by their ears, arms, hair, etc.
However, Leto stayed at his desk, only switching out his biology book for his chemistry text.
This earned him a questioning glance from Maiko-sensei.
Leto warmly smiled and said, It was the luck of the draw, Maiko-sensei.
He then went up to her desk and showed his class schedule, showing he stayed in the same room for both biology and chemistry.
Leto then said, Im sorry if I wasnt attentive. Ill be honest... I can handle most science stuff, but Ive always had problems with biological materials. Would it be OK if we could get together for teat... GAH *O_O* Im sorry! I mean tea and study later... today?
Leto blushed a LOT with the Freudian slip.
Re: Luck of the Draw
She kept a kind of business like air about her when she replied. If you are here to study Leto-kun, I would suggest we leave the tea part out of it. It could be seen as something it is not.
She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, before holding up a stack of papers. There is fifteen minutes before class begins. Would you be a dear and go take this photocopying down to the duplication room? Give it to Mrs. Chigawa, Ive already phoned her about it. Hurry, Id hate you see you late for chemistry. If you do a good job, I might have other tasks for you.
She handed him the papers and dismissed him with a wave of her hand. She then leaned down and begins writing, her breasts pressing against the desk, once again threatening to break their confinement.
Leto again, and the girls locker room
Louis F. Perico
Yes... you have a point, Maiko-sensei.
WHEW! Shes not pissed, thank the gods!
Almost like a blur, Leto weaved, dodged, and dashed his way to the way to the duplication room.
Rush item for Maiko-sensei! Leto cried, placing the stack of papers atop the counter.
Mrs. Chigawa smiled, then grabbed the copy job and asked Leto to assist. He did so, doing everything smoothly yet quickly.
With two minutes left, the copy job was finished.
Thank you, Mrs. Chigawa! Leto said as he literally zipped out of the room.
Leto was NOW a blur in motion, working his way through the last-minute crowd.
And JUST as the bell ring ended, Leto SOMEHOW managed to slip back into N 231.
SAFE! said one student as Leto practically slid into the room.
Leto smiled, bowed, then went to Maiko-senseis desk, laid down the completed copy job and said, Mission accomplished, Sensei.
Leto then went to his seat, dusted himself off, then sat down, then panted. (He DID run a lot, ya know ^_^)
Meanwhile, back in the girls locker room, the conversation continued about the wager.
A different girl yelled, I want to wager on something else... I bet the new Gaijin got a girlfriend.
I can see it. He didnt drool over the science teacher... and wasnt he wearing silk??
Definitely silk, no doubt. Hes got to have money!
Well, Ill make him MY boyfriend, then!
The girls laughed.
What was his name?
Leto... Leto Pelops...
Oh LEEETOOOO... the girls laugh some more.
Re: Leto again, and the girls locker room
She took the papers in stride and rewarded him with a smile. Other students were beginning to enter into the class for chemistry. She handed Leto a different set of papers to hand out to students as they arrived. She conducted the class in the same manner as the other one, business all the way. She assigned a goodly amount of homework and study, before dismissing the class.
Leto and proper chemistry
Louis F. Perico
Leto gave a brief sneeze.
Someone must be talking about me. Leto thought.
Being a dutiful student, Leto passed out the paperwork, groaned at the sight of the homework, but then sat with the rest of the class. Unlike biology, Leto easily took grasp of the subject.
Alas, the bell rang, and chemistry was over.
Leto then went up to the teachers desk and asked, Maiko-sensei... when would be a good time for us to meet... for the biology tutorial, that is? Leto blushed a bit.
Re: Leto and proper chemistry
I am here at 3:30 for tutoring. Be here at 3:40 sharp and we can go over whatever you do not understand. She appeared to dismiss him and as he was about to leave she snapped: Wait.
She paused for several moments before saying matter-of-factly: Bring Strawberry tea.
Before Leto leaves
Louis F. Perico
Leto smiled, and said, Will do, Maiko-sensei!
He then dashed off for his third period activities.
Re: Before Leto leaves
She watched him leave, thinking to herself. Its almost too easy. I wonder if he will be right for my work. She removed a device from her desk and pushed some buttons. Hmm... healthy, Ill give him that. Some odd mineral balances, Ill have to compensate for that. She tapped some further buttons, and then looked at her wrist watch. Looks like I have some time. She went into the classroom and set up some chemistry equipment.
As Leto leaves
Louis F. Perico
Leto got a weird feeling, almost as if he was being watched, but he shook it off as he went to his Jap. Lit. class.
HOWEVER, the storm came through, so, it was slow going through the darkness of the halls.
but then...
Louis F. Perico
A few minutes later, the generators went online, and power to the school was restored.
Leto commented to himself as he looked out to the stormy conditions, Hmmm... wonder why they havent worked on weather control...
He then shrugged, then went to his third period class.
It was uneventful.
and now... 4th period and 5th
Louis F. Perico
Leto placed an order with Starbucks for Strawberry Tea and some cookies, then proceeded to have lunch.
Afterwards, he made his way to the gym to get ready for his PE class.
Unbeknownst to him, he and his male counterparts were bing watched by female students that were in Maiko-senseis fifth period class.
And boy were the girls commenting.
Oooo, check him out!
Is that the new foreign student?
He seems short.
But WELL chiseled... omigod! Look at that butt!
So tight you want to pinch it
Turn around turn around! Show whatcha got, sexy!
Giggles occured.
There he goes... nice abs.
But hes not big!
Of COURSE hes not big NOW! They always start soft...
The girls were so distracted that they didnt see Maiko-sensei enter the classroom.
(Your turn ^_^)
Re: and now... 4th period and 5th
Maiko walked into the class and went quietly to the front of the class *
As they whirled around, she took notice of the ringleaders and made a mental note. She scolded class and assigned them extra homework, and gave the ringleaders detention for three days. The class was very well behaved after that.
BUSTed! (and other things)
Louis F. Perico
With reluctance, the main ringleader turns in the laptop to Maiko-sensei... but she forgot to turn it off, since she was embarrassed at getting caught, thus the video-feed of the mens locker room was still up and running.
Meanwhile, Coach Gai enthusiastically was having his class running track stule events and pushing them hard, but not too much.
About 40 minutes later, the coach released his students to get cleaned up. Leto and his classmates went to their respective showers, still unaware ov the observation equipment....
Re: BUSTed! (and other things)
Maiko, aware the laptop had the feed, closed the laptop to put it to sleep for the duration of the class. She quickly made it very clear that any repetition of such antics would be severely punished. After the class was over, Maiko kept the ringleaders behind and as punishment made them clean the science room with a pungent smelling cleaner. They do not know it was a special chemical of Maikos own design. Only Maiko had the counter agent, of which she has already liberally dosed herself with. The chemical, when absorbed through the skin, would cause an increased libido and possibly enhanced fertility, enlargement of penile tissue in males and mammary tissue in females. Her benefactors wanted data on both. This was a sure way to get extensive data on both long-term exposure and on a nice demographic group. She smiled at her handywork. Shed keep a close eye on these ringleaders since they would be getting a concentrated dose. But all the students taking classes in her room would be exposed to some extent. She dismissed them after she was sure they had covered the room in it, she could see they were somewhat disoriented from the fumes. She let them go well before she was expecting her visitor. She coughed a bit herself from the fumes, and wondered briefly if she had given herself a high enough dose of the counter-agent. She opened the windows to let the room air before anyone else arrived. She then placed the laptop she had taken in her desk.
Going from 5th to 6th period
Louis F. Perico
Leto showered in the mens locker room, still unaware of the hidden mini-cameras within the showers and dressing areas.
He then left for his sixth period class, World Governemnt, in the south wing.
He enjoyed the class immensely, and thought Yurika-sensei was a cute and intelligent person, albeit a bit bubbly personality wise.
As the class winded down, Leto looked up at the clock.
Only one more class to go, he whispered positively.
New PCs [The Terrible Trio]
Louis F. Perico
Introducing, the AHHSs terrible trio, the Takara sisters.
All three are 16 years old, and all are sophomores.
Ranko Takara:
She looks a lot like Ranmas female half; no curse involved.
Ranko is the martial artist of the trio.
Nabiki Takara:
Nabiki is the brains of the trio, and her sisters are the muscle and body of the group.
She looks like Nabiki from Ranma ½.
Mihoshi Takara
Mihoshi is the blonde of the group... literally and figuratively.
LEAST FAV: Well, anything else just confuses me! [giggles]
Mihoshi looks just like the girl from Tenchi Muyō.
These girls have been going to this high school for two years now, and all three have been reaping the benefits of Nabikis EYE software.
UNFORTUNATELY, the threesome just got busted by Maiko-sensei, and all three were feeling disoriented after cleaning up the science lab.
after claning, but b4 detention
Louis F. Perico
The Terrible trio, still feeling a bit disoriented, made their way to the nurses office.
Alas, no one was there...
Ranko: Great. Nobodys here... [She began tuggin on her bra.]
Nabiki: Relax, Ranko. [Noticing Ranko tugging, she asked] Whats wrong THIS time.
Ranko: I dunno, my bras getting tighter.
Mihoshi then wandered in, but her nipples were quite obvious.
Ranko: Nice nips, sister.
Mihoshi: Are they really? I had to ditch my bra cause I think, welln my boobies were about to bust out...
Ranko: Really? Lemme check... [She tried to get up from the cot.]
Nabiki: [placing a hand on Rankos shoulder,] You can be incestuous LATER! We got to figure out whats up.
Nabiki sat down and pondered her and the sisters situation....
Leto readies for Study Hall, and the 3
Louis F. Perico
The last bell rang.
School was over for most people, except for Leto, Ranko, Nabiki, and Mihoshi.
Leto met and paid the delivery man from Starbucks.
He then dashed his way through the crowd of outbound students, stopping briefly by his locker to obtain his biology texts.
Leto then made his way to room N 231, stepped in, bowed, and said, Good afternoon, Maiko-sensei. Your Strawberry Tea, cookies, and I am here for our session. Where shall we start?
Meanwhile, in the detention room, the Terrible Trio whispered amongst themselves.
Ranko: Im telling you guys... I couldnt fit in my bra anymore, and I dont give a SHIT if I am being indecent!
Mihoshi: But Ranko, what if we got infected with something?
Nabiki: Infected? Feh? Wed be SICK, not having a larger set of tits... which reminds me, I need you guys to do some posing when we get home.
Ranko & Mihoshi: WHAT???
Nabiki: You HEARD ME! How the HELL am I supposed to replace a laptop like that??
Ranko: [sighs] Now this REALLY sucks.
Mihoshi: [sighs] Do I HAVE to?
Nabiki gave them The Look.
Both Ranko and Mihoshi hang their heads, despondent.
Tea time!
Maiko saw Leto come in and smiled.
Ah, Leto-kun. Come have a seat in my office. She took him to the office and had him place the tea and cookies on her desk. Now, please take out your text and begin to read out loud pages 24-28.
As he read, his nose in the book, she slipped two pills into his tea that disolved immediatly. Untastable, untraceable. She smiled as she could see the bulge in his pants. She could only imagine how much bigger that would get by the end of this session. She got him to read a bit more and sprinkled some kind of sugary stuff on the cookies, very fine and powdery. After some quizing and tea, she looked at him sternly. You seem to understand this fairly well, Leto. Why did you come here today? Be honest. She wondered how much he was feeling of her special potions... horny, she hoped.
This is where the fun starts
Louis F. Perico
Under NORMAL conditions, Leto would be very cautious in his words, saying something eloquent and long-winded, yet meaning nothing only to the trained politician.
However, these were not normal conditions.
His shaft, now bigger than ever before, was almost ripping its way out of his silk pants.
Leto smiled a lewd grin, then stepped around Maikos desk, not caring if he was embarrasing himself in front of this gorgeous woman.
And one thing came to mind... something his dad said before Leto left home.
Son, in whatever endeavor you pursue, remember this: He who dares, wins.
Leto then thought to himself, Well, time to be daring!
Leto looked directly into Maiko-senseis eyes and said, Lust!
When I saw you this morning, I lusted after you. Unlike the other boys, I didnt want to make a scene in class this morning. And ALL day I have thought about you, your eyes, the gorgeous hair, and that hot body that of yours.
Leto then grabbed Maikos hand, and placed it directly onto his ever growing manhood. He moved her hand slowly, up and down, letting her feel the silk atop the hardening sausage.
I want to explore every inch of your body... and I want you to explore me... EVERY inch!
He then put the exclamation point to his statement by suddenly grabbing Maikos head and kissed her deeply, including tongue. After a few moments, they came up for air and Leto asked, Well? Shall we?
Re: This is where the fun starts
As soon as Leto parted his lips from hers, Maiko smiled. Leto stood frozen, held fast by some unseen force.
Yes Leto, Im doing that. You cant speak right now because I dont want you to. And thats the chemicals speaking, I hope. I wouldnt want to be disappointed.
She reached into her desk drawer and removed two syringes. She tapped them to get out the air bubbles before sticking him with them in the arm.
Dont look so scared, lover boy. Youll like it, I promise.
She opened his pants and freed his stiffening rod. She watched in delight as it lengthened and hardened even more in her hands as she stroked it gentily. Before Letos surprised eyes, it lengthened to a good sixteen inches long and four and a half wide. His balls were like twin softballs, barely contained by his pants. She rubbed his shaft skillfully to get him to his full length.*
Now thats a dick worth fucking. she muttered as she watched his already gread build seem to define more. His height increases by about an inch and several inches of muscles mass all the way around. She made a few notes as she held him in place with her abilities.
Ill let you speak now, and if you are good, Ill make sure that, she gestured to his raging hard on, gets taken care of.
Size DOES Matter!
Louis F. Perico
It hurt.
It really hurt!
The sudden growth spurt was not what he had in mind.
But that wasnt the real surprise as he looked at his muscles and mating equipment, which could no longer be held by his silk clothes.
Holy shit, Im HUGE! Leto exclaimed as he stood totally nude.
He felt his new tool and sperm sacs, amazed at the size, then asked a few questions as Maiko measured him.
Maiko-sensei, it this permanent? And... are you SURE I wont rip you in half with this elephant-sized cock of mine?
He looked into her eyes intently, not sure what to expect, and HOPING that she would at least get him off somehow....
Re: Size DOES Matter!
She smiled in a devilish way.
I expect part of that was unpleasent. I assure you the rest will be quite nice. I didnt expect quite a large increase but your metabolism is slightly outside of normal. I thought I had compensated, but... Im not disappointed. She shrugged and winked.
The changes are permanent, but like most, this, she gripped his mantool, will return to a more managable size when you are... less excited. However, it will be larger than before naturally. If you concentrate, you will find you have the ability to control the size and girth. This is the maximum size. Im sorry for the shock, its just a side effect of the process. You balls will shrink to their original size, but they will swell the longer you refrain from ejaculating when excited. You also have control of that. Youll find your stamina is almost limitless. I feel there are somethings I should mention however that may not be so visible.
She was still holding him with her mental powers.
Your libido has been increased by at least 50%, you fertility is also increased by a factor of ten I estimate, maybe more. I estimate you have had a significant muscle density increase, so you will be heavier and much stronger than normal. There are going to be other side effects, Im sure, but I cant be certain what they are. If you have any kind of unusual problem or anything, come and talk to me about it.
She made him move with her abilities and sit in her chair. She held him fast and began whispering in his mind as well as out loud. It had a very hypnotic, dual voice effect.
You wont tell anyone about what has happened to you here. I am not involved, you are not involved, Im an excellent science teacher.
With that she slipped her black panties aside and put the head of his monster to her moist slit. With a grunt she sat on his monster, sliding onto it inch by inch. Soon she was moaning lustily as she slid up and down his monster cock, she released him so he could enjoy his reward.
Pleasure time!
Louis F. Perico
Letos memory became a bit of a blur, yet here he was, getting Maikos pussy filled with his monstrously hard prick.
Once Maiko released Leto, he became almost bestial in his lust. Leto quickly stood from the chair, lifting and carrying Maiko ONLY with his cock, he went to her desk, scattered everything off from the surface, and landing her hard on the top.
Leto continued his pistonings, grunting like a neanderthal, and RIPPED Maikos dress apart with a gesture.
Continuing to pound into Maikos moist snatch, Leto bent forward to suck on her tits, almost inhaling them with his mouth.
Maiko moaned over and over as the titanic shaft plowed beyond her pussy and into her cervix for a whole hour!
Suddenly, Letos hot cum flooded Maikos insides, pumping her with quarts of steaming man seed.
But just as she thought she was finished, Leto pulled out of Maikos snatch, and started breathing regularly.
He slowly removed Maikos black panties, and tossed them to his bookbag.
Leto was still hard, but he was now only twelve inches, and his sacs were only the size of tennis balls.
Straddling Maikos chest and grabbing her hands so that the massive boobs were squeezed together, he said lustily, I want you to suck the head as I fuck your tits!
Re: Pleasure time!
Maiko was surprised at his new strength as he manhandled her, giving her the fucking of a lifetime. As he flipped her over an began to titfuck her, she did the best she could to please his cockhead as it disappeared and reappeared from between her mams.
She used her telekenetic abilities to squeeze and massage him while he pumped her breasts with his manhood. She wondered how much of a mess she was going to be and how she was going to get out of here without clothes.
Double the pleasure, double the cum
Louis F. Perico
Leto, in a part of his mind, wondered how the both of them were going to leave campus without being arrested for streaking.
Maybe we can borrow the labcoats* he thought.
However, it was only a small part, for most of his mind was on his engorged 12″ shaft that was plowing through Maikos dairy pillows.
After many intense minutes of thrusting and the room covered in the stench of sex, Leto cried out, OH GODS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
And that was when Letos flashy cannon started pumping rounds down range.
Maiko had just bent her head up to see, and her mouth was briefly open for one volley of Letos manjuice to fly in.
The second volley laid a very long trail across her left cheek and into her hair.
Instinctively, Maiko truned her head, only to get Letos third cum volley across her right cheek and hair.
The remaining sperm volleys splashed her chin, covered her boobs, and created a true pearl necklace around her neck.
After a few moments, the shooting stopped. And even though Letos marathon dick had now reduced in size to a still-respectable height inches, it was still hard, much to Letos own amazement.
Leto bent over, wiped off the cum from Maikos face, but Maiko GULPED what was in her mouth and licked off the sperm that was on Letos hand greedily, then smiled back at Leto.
He kissed her again, deeply, for a few minutes, and said, I STILL need to explore the rest of you... stay still....
Leto then turned around, then pulled apart Maikos legs, and saw her well trimmed snatch and inner lips, as well as all the cum that his cock had flooded into it earlier.
He looked up for a moment, and noticed the one thing that didnt get knocked off from Maikos desk: an empty petri dish. He grabbed it, pulled it toward her cunt, used one strong hand to keep her wide open, the other to gently dig out the remaining semen, and applied his tongue to the ENTIRE AREA, which meant tasting the Maiko-Leto sex mix.
On the other end, Leto felt the tip of his cock at the lips of Maikos mouth.
I sure hope she likes giving head. Leto thought.
[OOC: Pyrianna, I thought of an interesting side effect that may be entertaining... addictive cum; once you drink it, you cant do without ^_-. Hope thats OK with you.]
Re: Double the pleasure, double the cum
Under the influence of his potent new seed, she latched onto him, sucking him greedily. Inside her mind she slowly realized why she was suddenly so eager. Something in his new chemistry made his fluids like a kind of drug. She felt huge amounts of pleasure with every gulp of his cum. Now her body was moving on its own, seeking more. Apparently he was more than willing to oblige as her magic tongue goes to work, snaking up and down his slowly lengthening shaft. She somehow managed to swallow him with little problem, despite his size. It must be the fluids! This was an unexpected side effect, but she was sure she could find a counteragent. Perhaps it would wear off in time. She continued to suck him, lick him and tease him until he could take no more. When he exploded like a firehose, she swallowed it all as if she was a woman dying of thurst. The sheer volume was truly amazing. She came hard as the drug-like fluid inspired orgasm after orgasm.
She looked up at Leto through hazy vision as she recovered from her experience. She wondered if he was done yet.
(OOC: Leto, its okay with me, but Id say its not truly addictive, only psychologically due to the effect it inspires. But that can be pretty powerful. But remember you tasted it too, and Im gonna have to say you arent immune. You are going to want to lick out chicks once youve cum in them.)
Grade A Mancow nectar
Louis F. Perico
As Maiko and Leto were tightly embraced in a 69, Leto had his first experience with a joint orgasm.
Maikos hands were clinging to Letos ass, shoving his now-spewing prick all the way down her sucking mouth. He felt her throat swallow almost every burst of cum to the point where he had no more to give.
In response, Leto had now placed both hands under Maikos butt-cheeks and clamped his mouth over her soaking hole, feeling her quake and spurt her juices, as well as drinking his own, just as greedily as Maiko was doing with his spurting seed.
A short while after the lovers were done in their mutual ecstasy, Leto looked at a clock on the wall.
It was almost seven in the evening.
Leto then lay aside her, kissing her again, their tongues licking off their respective fluids.
Leto then said, That... was AWESOME! Thank you ^_^. He emphasized this with another kiss. I... had an idea. We can borrow some labcoats, get to the mens locker room, get cleaned up, and I can probably lend you my gym clothes until I can buy you something.
Then, his stomach grumbled. Leto chuckled and then said, Ill probably get some dinner as well. Would you mind joining me?
Re: Grade A Mancow nectar
She agreed with Leto about the suggestion of labcoats and showers.
But Leto-kun, I dont think it would be wise to be seen at dinner tonight. Another time perhaps.
She put on a labcoat and headed for the showers. *
Okay... skip the dinner
Louis F. Perico
Leto sighed a bit, but nodded in agreement. He wouldnt want Maiko to get in a scandal.
He too grabbed a labcoat, stuffed Maikos panties deep into his bookbag, then chased after her to the showers.
He finally catched up with her and said, Well, if it is OK with you, sensei, we could have tutoring sessions at my place. It is quite roomy and I can assure that we wouldnt be disturbed.
The two walked by the detention classroom, where Rankos voice cried out, DAMMIT!!! WHEN THE HELL ARE WE GONNA BE DISMISSED, HUH???
Then Nabiki and Mihoshi yelled, YEAH!
Oh $#!+
Louis F. Perico
Letos eyes widened, remembering that Maiko had greatly increased his fertility.
Pulling her aside quickly and whispering to her, Leto said, Sensei... I didnt use a sheath... whats going to happen if...if I IMPREGNATED YOU?
Re: Oh $#!+
Maiko dismissed the girls from the detention and continued to go to the showers.
Yes, we can arrange a tutoring session at your home. she nodded to Leto.
I cannot be impregnated. she answered simply with a bit of edge to her voice. She offered no further explanation. After cleaning up, she borrowed Letos gym clothes and left the school.
After thoughts
Louis F. Perico
Leto didnt reply to Maiko, just nodded, but was taken aback by the coldness of her statement.
Leto hit the showers, waved at Maiko as she left, then departed from the campus.
Once arriving home, he brought his Cyclone to his garage, and then fetched a droid, telling him, Modify the Cyclone for an increase in body mass and strength. I will download the data shortly.
The droid warbled questioningly.
No, I cant explain why I lost my clothes... but I know Im stronger and a bit bigger. I dont feel sick, so....
The droid mumbled something else.
Just get to it! Leto growled as he went inside.
Leto went inside, and met his butler-protocol droid, B-3PO.
Master Leto, are you all right? asked B-3PO.
Im OK, Bee. Hey, I need you to do two things for me.
Certainly, Master.
First, call Webvan an order me a new set of gym clothes and a new uniform, taking in my new measurements.
Of course, sir. What else?
Arrange for 50,000 yen to be delivered to the home of Maiko Tawasa for the best clothes store in town. Include a note simply saying, Thank you, Sensei.
Very well, sir. The droid left to do his chores.
Leto has some dinner, did some homework, then slept, looking forward to tomorrow.
[To be continued in: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL The Terrible Trio 2]