Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan
Re: Yohko and Leto
= Ooooh my, its so...sooo big! =
the speakers whispered in Nuku-Nukus ears, and the catgirl ran faster.
How did Leto dare run around trying to get still another girl pregnant!? Momma-san and Poppa-san had went through all the trouble of giving her new eggs, and making it impossible for her to get pregnant, until certain code strings were firmly in place. Nuku-Nuku didnt even knew all of them. They would all auto-unlock the moment she was married. The catgirl had looked forward to giving this great news to Leto, and now he was off trying to fuck a strange girl with big loopy hair! THERE WAS THE HOUSE! That had to be it! It looked almost as big as Momma-sans main family compound. Nuku-Nuku didnt give much thought to that! In a flash, she was over the wall. Letting her instincts take over, the feline scrambled effortlessly up a tree, right besides a window. She heard alarms going off somewhere, and knew she had been detected. This was not a problem.
LETO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! She yelled at the top of her voice. She had thought of Leto as her future husband, and there he was, in bed, with a girl playing with his huge cock! Worst of all, the girl was very pretty! What if Leto liked her better than Nuku-Nuku? The catgirl felt like crying, but hid her tears behind her anger. OPEN THIS WINDOW, OR NUKU-NUKU WILL SMASH IT TO A BILLION PIECES!
Leto and Co
Louis F. Perico
WAH! o.O
Leto was definitely taken by surprise! He wasnt expecting Nuku-Nuku to show up.
Quickly covering Yohko-chan with a sheet (except for her head so she could see), Leto then walked to the window and opened it.
ER... Nuku-chan... hi! I wasnt expecting you here... ^^;; ... please come in. he said, trying his best to be calm.
Re: Leto and Co
Yohko heard the loud female voice, and watched Leto panick shortly before covering her in a blanket and walking to the window with his manhood still hanging out of his pants. Yohko lowered her head and placed it in her blanket-covered hands.
Oh, man!! Why do these things always happen to me? And right when I was finally going to get some too!!
Re: Leto and Co
Nuku-Nuku hopped right into the room, and glared at Leto. Nuku-Nuku can see that you werent expecting visitors! she muttered through her teeth, as she stared at his nakedness. Leto may have been scared, but his big-boy penis sure wasnt! The feline hastily looked away. Seeing his hard tool like that was very distracting! It was all she could do to keep from dropping to her knees, and taking it into her mouth! Looking away gave her a good look at Yohko, where she was burying her face in her hands. The catgirl suddenly felt very foolish, and wished she didnt hurt the pretty girl.
She walked to the bed, and sat down. Nuku-Nuku is sorry. she whispered, as she patted the girls shoulder. Ignoring Leto for the moment, she went on. Nuku-Nuku likes Leto. Nuku-Nuku likes Leto a whole lot! Nuku-Nuku never meant to make you sad. She finally looked back at Leto, and felt her anger start to slip away. Did Leto warn you about his special sperms? she asked the room in general. She gently moved the girls hands from her face, and smiled. Leto has super-special sperms. If a girl plays sex with Leto, she gets a baby in her belly.
Nuku-Nuku had a wonderful idea. If you want to play sex with Leto, Nuku-Nuku can help! She looked at the confused girl, and then at a puzzled Leto. Nuku-Nuku wants you to show Yohko what big-boy penises feel like. She once more glared at her future husband. (She was rather sure of herself!) Leto had better not squirt inside her, not one little bit! When Leto feels like he wants to squirt sperms, Leto better stick his thing into Nuku-Nuku! With that, the catgirl stood, and quickly stripped off all her clothing. She left on Karins helmet though, because she looked in the mirror, and thought it made her look kinda sexy wearing just a cute little helmet! She turned back to Yohko, and startled the girl by kissing her. Do you want to play sex with Letos big-boy penis? Nuku-Nuku doesnt mind! She turned back to Leto. Nuku-Nuku should have been invited from the start!
Re: Leto and Co
Louis F. Perico
Leto replied, Nuku-chan, I DO have condoms, see! He went over to one of his closets, and it was a WAREHOUSE of different condoms!
And as for inviting you, Nuku... if you gave me a phone number, I just might have called you! Im pretty sure Yohko-chan doesnt mind sharing... I mean come on! He held his sizable dick. Theres more than enough for the two of you ladies.
Leto then lay back on the bed, his arms behind his head.
Heck, if we had a third here, now THAT would be bliss! he grinned, not knowing that there WAS a third chick coming (or at least breathing hard from the running...).
Re: Leto and Co
The catgirl looked upset for a moment. Condoms are no fun. she muttered under her breath. In one of her lightning mood changes, the catgirl looked up and grinned. Leto, you better show Yohko how nice your big-boy penis can feel! She locked eyes with him. Leto will answer to Nuku-Nuku, if Letos condom should accidentally pop inside Yohko! The cyborg turned back to the confused looking girl, and kissed her again. Does Yohko mind if Nuku-Nuku is here too? Nuku-Nuku can help you get ready for Leto! The feline gently pushed the girl back onto the bed, and pulled the covers back. Yohko is very pretty! she announced, as she let her gaze wander over the Devil Hunters well-toned, athletic body. Nuku-Nuku likes pretty girls! With that statement, the feline bent, and rained soft kisses all over Yohkos face. Does Yohko want Nuku-Nuku to help? Please?
Re: Leto and Co
Yohko was basically at a loss for what to say. Way too much had just happened way to fast for her to fully comprehend. Mixed with the fact that the cat-android didnt want to stop her first time with a man, but instead actually help her out, confused her even more. As the situation ran through her mind, her body simply did what Nuku-Nuku suggested it to do with her motions. She just nodded to her question with a soft Mmmm hmmm...
Re: Leto and Co
Yohko is such a pretty girl. Nuku-Nuku whispered. She began letting her hands wander over the Devil Hunters firm body. Her kisses grew bolder as the girl with the exotic hair simply moaned and didnt resist. She slipped her tongue between soft lips and moaned herself at how sweet Yohkos tongue tasted against hers. The feline only lingered a moment, before lightly dragging her lips along Yohkos cheek, and licking smooth flesh with quick little darts of her pointed tongue. She stopped to nibble at a cute little ear, and breathed softly into it. Letos big-boy penis will feel so nice up inside you. Is Yohko-chan still virgin? Nuku-Nuku will make sure Leto is extra-extra gentle with pretty Yohko!
Re: Leto and Co
Louis F. Perico
Leto rolled to his side so that he could kiss and caress Yohko as well.
Oh yes, she is. replied Leto. His hands were now playing with the Devil Hunters firm tits, feeling the nipples harden in his hands.
And yes, I will be very gentle... now, which of you ladies wants to wrap my rascal with this? He showed them the Trojan Magnum condom.
Re: Leto and Co
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
*pant* *pant* *gasp* *pant*...
Panting and sweating from the mad running, Karin stopped and leaned against a wall to catch her breath. Her problem was that since she had the tracker to pinpoint Letos position, she hadnt thought of noting the address of his house. So, she couldnt use the commodity of a taxi. She was missing her hovercycle worse than ever.
However, it only fuelled her rage against the quarry.
Damn you, Leto Pelops... when Ill get my hands on you, Ill... Ill... Ill make you pay for all of this!
Putting back the earpiece to resume the spying, she unfortunately only heard static. Not knowing that the proximity of her helmet was jamming the reception, she cursed and resumed her walk, this time with no more clue of what was expecting her.
Re: Leto and Co
Yohko never imagined her first time would be this weird. She expected it to be normal, like most other girls, with a normal, average-sized, teenage boy. But instead, she was going to have a threesome with a cat-android and an alien with a cock the size of a baseball bat!!!
The attention from both of them at the same time was driving her insane with pleasure. Her pussy was wetter than it had ever been as it glistened with her juices, while the two kissed and teased her flesh.
Mmmmm... yes... virgin... mmmmm... end it... please.
Re: Leto and Co
The feline smiled at Yohkos admitting her virginity. Nuku-Nuku will help! she breathed softly, as she resumed kissing her new friend. When Leto held up the little square package, the catgirl sat up, and took charge. Nuku-Nuku will wrap this nice present for Yohko! The catgirl tore open the packet, and took out the slippery latex sheath. She thought for a moment, then made sure Yohko was watching. With a little happy moan, the catgirl put the stil rolled condom into her mouth. Very slowly, she leaned forward, and took Letos big-boy penis between her lips. It took a little doing, but the catgirl managed to roll the sheath down his shaft, using only her lips and tongue. Nuku-Nuku saw that in a naughty movie online! The feline giggled, and pulled her hair back out of the way. At the base of her skull, just visible under Karins helmet, a tiny port popped open. Inside was a USB connetion socket. Nuku-Nuku is the only person in the world who can use a cable modem and doesnt need a silly computer! Mind surfing the net was always such fun, but helping Yohko lose her virginity was even better! With a sparkle in her eye, the catgirl got back on the right subject. Nuku-Nuku has to make sure Yohko is all nice and ready! Without waiting for an answer, she bent, and placed her lips against Yohkos damp sex. Her long tongue darted, and Nuku-Nuku sampled Yohkos sweet honey.
Re: Leto and Co
Louis F. Perico
Leto moaned pleasantly as Nuku-chan not only deep-throated his shaft, but was able to mouth-roll a condom on the aforementioned stiff pole.
Mmm... Yohko-chan, youre having the fun without working... here... suck on my cock, and get it slick.
Leto then straddled Yohkos chest, placing his hard dick between her tits, and placing the tip at the Devil Hunters lips.
Re: Leto and Co
Yohko closed her eyes and was moaning quietly as Nuku-Nuku started to lick her virgin sex, almost unaware of what Leto was doing. Until she heard him ask her to suck on his cock for him. Opening her eyes, she nearly went cross-eyed as both her eyes focused on the enormous head of the one-eyed snake at her lips. She experimented by separating her lips and sending her tongue out, licking the tip of the large head, getting a taste for it. The taste was new and quite arousing, she had to admit. Nuku-Nuku then poked her tongue in just the right spot, forcing her head forward as she gasped, making yohko take part of Letos apple head into her mouth. Reacting as naturally as she could, she lightly began to suck on it. She pressed her breasts around the shaft of his manhood, providing a warm sheath for his mighty manhood.
Re: Leto and Co
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
In the main hall of Letos house, B-3PO the protocol droid hurried toward the door, which was shaking under violent blows.
Oh my, oh my, who could that be? Please wait, Im coming....
The majordomo, however, wasnt given the leisure to open it. The door suddenly came off of its hinges, and fell on the hapless droid, pinning him under its weight.
Walking on said door without minding B-3PO, a very red and very out of breath Karin Aoi stepped into the hated Megaplayboys lair. She was wearing jeans, tennis shoes and sweatshirt, and was brandishing her handgun.
Leto Pelops, PREPARE TO DIE!!
Ahem, okay, maybe she forgot a bit about the low profile and wait and see advices from her superiors....
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Leto was getting into his combo titty-fuck and suck-off from Yohko-chan when suddenly....
> *BLAM!* *BLAM!* *BLAM!*
Letos eye twitched; and then the alarms sounded throughout the compound, and the lighting changed to red, reflecting the alarm, which said over and over:
Leto had enough of this!
On screen! he said to no one in particular. He saw the picture of Karin BASHING the door in on his favorite droid! Then she had the GALL to threaten his LIFE in his own home!!!
That was the final straw! ><
He STOMPED into another closet in his room.
Moments later, he ran out wearing an energy backpack and holding what looked like an energy gatling gun on each arm!
Finding the intruder still atop his favorite droid, he roared, BITCH, you just started a war with the WRONG ALIEN!
His guns whirred to life, then a massive flurry of energy bolts went downstream, forcing Karin to strategically relocate her person quickly, lest she be turned into kawaii-swiss-cheeze-girl.
Re: Leto and Co
Nuku-Nuku didnt know where Leto was off to in such a hurry, but she did think it was nice of him to dim the lights to a romantic red glow. As she steadily lapped at Yohkos yummy honey, the feline slowly snuck her hand into position. With a little pressure, her finger began slipping slowly into Yohkos tightest opening.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karins face turned deathly pale at the sight of Letos armament. Since when Megaplayboys were allowed to fight back? That just wasnt fair! She just missed her missile launcher even more now.
Yelping in fright, Karin desperately threw herself on the side, landing hard on the ground, then scampering away on all four as the walls and floors were exploding all around. She was never directly hit, fortunately, but the superheated plasma from the bolts that graze her were enough to vaporize a good part of her clothes. In her panic, she let go of her gun and hid behind the derisory shield formed by a sofa.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Leto, still in a very unhappy mood, kicked Karins gun across the room, well beyond her reach. Sheathing one of the guns behind him, he then flipped the sofa aside.
Well, well, well... he sneered, what have we here?
Leto then grabbed Karin by the wrist and dragged her to his room, where Nuku-chan was preoccupied in eating out Yohko-chan.
He then THREW her into a seat, then got RIGHT in her face.
Look, you little brat! You are THIS CLOSE... He gestured with his thumb and pointer finger in a pinch-like style. ... to having this planet invaded and occupied! If you want ANY chance of being in my good graces after interrupting my SAFE-SEX SESSION... He pointed to his cock (which is still wrapped in a condom). ... you will do EXACTLY as I say, GOT IT?!?
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin, only dressed in tattered clothes and underwear, gathered her legs against her chest and started shivering. Her teary eyes seemed to gaze nowhere in particular, but in truth she couldnt take them away from Letos manhood.
It wasnt supposed to happen like this.... she muttered. You... you should just have let yourself be killed and the threat to the future eliminated and my mission fulfilled! Now Ill never got a nice husband and a big house and a cute pet BWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! she concluded, bawling her eyes out.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Letos anger vanished; like some guys, he couldnt have a girl cry.
Aww, cmon... dont cry... I didnt ask to be like this... well, OK, I did want to score with a lot of chicks and all that since I was a forced recluse back home because my mom is a prude... BUT I didnt ask to be this muscular whacko with supersperm and a dick thatll make a horse cry....
He then tried to hug and console Karin. Now look... Im not out to get every girl pregnant, I swear. If there was just some other way....
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Yohko wasnt prepared to have Leto leave, even with the sudden intruder alert, and continued to suck until he pulled away having his manhood escaped from her mouth with a pop. Though she wasnt able to find out what all the commotion was about since the catgirl between her legs was very eager to show her what she could do with her tongue. Though when she felt the pressure on her bottom she began to wiggle about trying to get the girls finger away from there.
Mmmmah, no fingers there. They dont belong there. It may hurt.
Yohkos wiggling unfortunately helped Nuku-chan slid it a bit further into her tightest opening, causing the Devil Hunter to bite her tongue as her ass clenched, stopping the finger in its tracks as well as the girls tongue as her entire lower body clenched.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Nuku-Nuku moaned happily, when Yohkos strong muscles clenched on her tongue and finger. Yohko must realy like what Nuku-Nuku is doing. The catgirl wriggled her tongue, as much as the tightness would let her, and held her finger still. She didnt thrust it in and out, for fear of hurting the pretty girl. Instead, Nuku-Nuku began twisting her wrist. It was tight, but slick enough. The catgirl happily twisted her finger back and forth, deep inside the Devil Hunters rear end.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin knew on an intellectual level that she should freak out, since one very hunky and barely dressed guy was hugging her nearly-naked body. Still, she just couldnt find the strength to resist... his contact was just too comforting.
Its... Its what Junta said... she started, answering Leto. He said that he could control the Megaplayboy, solely by willpower... but in the end, Demon Junta won over... and he was ready to screw even his own daughter coming from the future....
She stared at Leto right into the eyes: Do you think you can truly resist? When lust will be everything that matter to you?
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Leto replied, Look, Karin... I SWEAR Im not going to go and impregnate every chick I see... really! I am the LAST person to have a bunch of kids with claims to the throne. So... thats why I am making VERY sure to use protection! He again showed his condom-clad dick.
As for lust... well, I like getting laid and having orgasms... but it wont take up ALL my time... I still gotta eat, sleep, and learn more about this planet....
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Oh yeah? asked Karin in a sardonic tone while glaring at Leto. And what about the girls youve ALREADY impregnated? I heard what that nurse said, youve already scored with a chick named Ranko... not to forget that sexaroid there and her full litter.... she added while pointing at Nuku-Nuku.
Thats when she finally noticed what the two other girls were doing.
What the hell...?
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Yohko, in her inexperience, thought the girl would have stopped what she was doing if she tensed up and squeezed her, but boy was she wrong. It just made the cat-android work even harder, basically driving Yohko mad with the twisted feelings of lust and slight pangs of pain sent up her ass by the twisting finger. All her body could do was shiver and continue to tense itself, so she could feel every little microscopic motion Nuku-chans tongue and finger made inside her.
ohhh... I cant take it... mmmm... its too much.
Though it sounded like she wanted it to stop, she really didnt. But her mind had no idea what was about to happen as her body neared an explosion.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Nuku-Nuku could feel Yohkos heart rate raising. She could feel the increase in bloodflow to her new friends sex. The catgirl knew the time was at hand! She wanted to stop, and say Hi! to Karin, but that would be bad manners! Instead, Nuku-Nuku did her very best, secret little trick. She shoved her finger in as deep as the tight little hiney would let her, and the tip of her long tongue found a very special bundle of nerves. Tingly little micro-pulses of eletricity flowed. Yohkos warm dampness completed the circuit, betweem the felines probing tongue, and the naughty finger way up the girls bottom!
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Leto sighed. Im still not convinced that Rankos carrying mine... she did say she was on the Pill AND she was doing it with the soccer team BEFORE she met me... Im hoping she will be cool with an abortion....
He then added, As for Nuku-chan... I didnt know she was FULLY functional... which reminds me....
Leto turned to Nuku-chan and said, Sorry to interrupt you two... Nuku-chan, are you still carrying your fertilized eggs?
Meanwhile, back at the Takara estate, Ranko and her mother, while having lunch, were ambushed! Sleeping gas grenades were lobbed, catching both women unawares. Men and women clad in total black swarmed the pair.
Scan them. ordered one of them.
The womans clean. said a male who was scanning Takara-sensei.
HERE! cried out a female who scanned over Ranko.
Are you sure? said the apparent leader.
Yes, sir! Same male strand like the other ten. she replied.
Good. Beam it to the containment field, then everyone out! the leader ordered.
A special device was placed over Rankos tummy, and 60 seconds later, a computer voice said, Transfer completed.
The next moment, they were gone, but one of the ninjas allowed his uniform to be torn on his hasty exit.
The remaining scrap had three letters on it:
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
What Nuku-chans cybernetic body just did was all the Devil Hunter needed to be sent over the edge. Her body shuddered powerfully as she squealed at the top of her lungs, sending her girl cum all over Nuku-Nukus face as the hunter experienced her first orgasm. And it was definately something she wanted to experience again.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Nuku-Nuku felt proud and happy. She did so love making pretty girls have nice big orgasms! Boy, did Yohko seem to enjoy That! She looked up at Leto, and smiled. He face was shining with Yohkos yummy juice. Nope! Nuku-Nuku isnt pregnant any more! She saw surprise on Letos face. No! Nuku-Nuku could never hurt tiny babies! Momma-san has them! Nuku-Nuku has brand new eggs, all her own. She gave him a dagger look. Even Leto cant knock up Nuku-Nuku now! Nuku-Nuku glanced over at Karin, and grinned broadly. Karin was staring at Yohko and Nuku-Nuku! The catgirl thought Karin was interested. Dont worry, Karin! Nuku-Nuku will give Karin a very big orgasm too! Wouldnt that be nice?
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Hu... what?
Karin bigsweated in response to Nuku-Nukus proposal.
Not that she has any problem with lesbians in her time, homosexuality was quite accepted and even encouraged since it reduce the demographic pressure. Yet, since all her dreams implied a nice husband (not to forget a big house and a cute pet) she has always seen herself as straight.
No, it was the incredible forwardness and openness of the cyborg catgirl that were embarrassing her.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Leto was surprised, indeed... and pleasantly so. Thats a good idea, Nuku-chan... you can play with Karin while I get it on with Yohko-chan.
Leto then picked up Karin and placed her next to Nuku-chan on the bed. He then strolled to the closet, grabbing a fresh condom, then leaped playfully on the bed next to Yohko-chan.
Now... lets get back to what we were doing, hm? Leto said to Yohko as he felt her sweaty bosom.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Yohko was beaming after her orgasm. Man, she had heard wives tales about what they were like, but the real thing blew them out of the water. Yohko almost didnt realize that Leto had come back until she found his hands on her bosom.
Heh... mmm yeah, lets continue. Uh... where were we?
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
What?_? Karin said in puzzlement when Leto agreed with Nuku-Nukus idea.
What? she repeated when the man picked her up and put her next to the nympho cyborg catgirl. Yet, she was still too surprised to react.
When the Megaplayboy returned his attention to the poor, hapless, virgin little tart named Yohko, though, her anger returned. He hadnt really thought she swallowed his honey-tongued speech, had he?
Leto-kun, she started, not realizing just how she sounded like, if you think Im going to let you have your way with another girl while your sexaroid little toy is distracting me, youre...
OOC: Nuku-Nukus cue for interrupting.
Just a reminder: Karin is wearing only tatters of her previous jean pants and shirt... and electric-blue bra and panties underneath.
Re: Leto and Co; INTRUDER ALERT!
Louis F. Perico
Leto replied to Yohko-chan, Well, for starters... he handed her a condom, I need you to roll that on my shaft... (The other one slipped off during the firefight.) ... if you dont mind.
He then looked over to Karin and said, Look, Karin-chan, if either of these ladies did not want to be here, they wouldnt. Now, if you wnat me to do YOU first, you will just have to ask Yohko-chan and Nuku-chan here.
[Yohko & Leto, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Side-Story: thread 4]
[Karin & Nuku-Nuku, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Side-Story: thread 5]