Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin glared through her visor as Poison One closed on her. Still, it might not be a bad thing; at point-blank range they wouldnt have the time to fire their weird weapon at her missiles again.
She was about to give them a hot reception when, all around her, the school began to transform!
What the hell is this place??
She quickly decided that she didnt want to be caught in here; she still had a report to make to her superiors of the weird direction this Megaplayboy case was taking.
Jumping on her hover-cycle, she didnt lose any time taking the air. Instead of fleeing away of the M.H.I. warplane, though (and risking being shot in the back), in a bold move she decided to fly right toward it, in a collision course, surprising its pilot. Avoiding the impact at the last moment, she climbed above Poison One leaving behind her another salvo of minute missiles to dissuade them of trying to pursue her. Since she was firing from above, theyd have a hard time intercepting the projectiles with the Goop 5000 this time.
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
Nuku-Nuku took a big chance, and leaped for Karin. As Poison One dodged the lethal weapons, the catgirl managed to get a hold of the odd, flying motorcycle thing, and climbed into the saddle with Karin. Karin better be good! she yelled. If Karin is bad, Nuku-Nuku will not be her friend! Nuku-Nuku studied the controls, but they were of an unfamiliar type, even though most weapon control systems were hardwired into her computer-assisted memory. Why did Karin try to shoot Poison One down? Just because it was one of Papa-sans first inventions, doesnt mean you can blow it up! Nuku-Nuku giggled. It is kind of slow and old now, compaired to the neat Mecha that Momma-san likes Nuku-Nuku to test. Yes, Nuku-Nuku actually thought of herself as a sort of test pilot for all those new weapons systems. So far, M.H.I hadnt come up with anything she couldnt handle! Karin, fly back now, and see if you can drop Nuku-Nuku back onto the cummy gun! Nuku-Nuku has an idea on how to shut it off for good!
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin gasped in shock. How did the cyborg made such a jump? She wondered for a moment if the ditzy catgirl hadnt understood that she was trying to shoot her along with Poison One. But then, she realized that Nuku-Nuku will not be her friend was, indeed, a threat, probably the worst threat that the easy-going schoolgirl could give.
Gritting her teeth, Karin reluctantly nodded. Okay, try to neutralize that damn weapon....
So that I can blow both of you to Hell she completed for herself. Checking her ammunitions, she could see she wouldnt have another chance; there was only one salvo of super-crack missiles left.
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
Louis F. Perico
The schools auto-defence systems, unaware that the missiles were meant for Poison One, opened its gatling guns and eliminated the pursuing missiles.
Arisa was quite happy. HAHA! I KNEW this school bought the Mishima Configuring Defence System! Now lets get those two!
Her co-pilot cried, There they are! Were getting lock in 5...4...3...
Arisa, naturally, was to eager. Goop 5000 Gun FIRE!!!
Yet another creamy salvo streamed forth, straight to Nuku-Nuku and Karin....
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
Nuku-Nuku had to act fast, to save her new friend! She locked her arms under Karins, gripping her hands together just under the girls breasts, and with a mighty shove, jumped up off of the doomed hover-cycle. It was a bit of a risk for Karin. Poison Ones momentum should bring it under them, just as they needed a place to land. If the fan-copter should veer off, well, Nuku-Nuku could survive a ground impact from nearly a two-kilometers altitude. She very much doubted that Karin could!
Good! They were going to make it! Nuku-Nuku shoved Karin towards the pilot canopy, while she scrambled along the still throbbing Goop 5000. Gripping it tightly, Nuku-Nuku pulled off her shoes, and rammed them both into the pee-hole, um, barrel of the weapon. Copying the movements of the weapons hands the cyborg began giving that gun the best handjob it ever had! Hold on Karin! she cried, as she worked. Nuku-Nuku thinks this is gonna be a bumpy ride!
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin, at first a bit shaken by Nuku-Nukus energetic rescue, landed hard on the canopy. The momentum and the weight of her weapon gave the reinforce glass already weakened by Nuku-Nuku a nice spiderweb-shaped crack. She watched in horror as her hovercycle, stuck in goo, crashed to the ground.
YOU BASTARD! LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE TO MY CYCLE! she yelled in hot rage, slamming the barrel of her missile launcher through the canopy the tip stopping right under Arisas nose.
Now, for a point-blank shot, thats going to be a point-blank shot.
OOC: Just imagine Arisas face right now and youll get a good laugh.
Re: Women @ Arms! Two can play this game
Nuku-Nuku was having just a lil too much fun, and didnt notice how badly Karin was reacting to the spunking of her hover-cycle. Her strong hands had found just the right pressure and tempo, and the weapon quivered between her thighs. Do it for Nuku-Nuku, she whispered, as she began to rub her whole body against the hardness of the shaft. Do it just one more time for Nuku-Nuku. The cyborg would never admit it, but it was kind of cool to be, in effect, making love to a machine! She wondered fleetingly what would happen if the weapon fired while her shoes firmly plugged it up! That didnt seem to matter right now. Nuku-Nuku realized something important. She was actually in danger of firing first! The catgirl moaned, as she humped against hard metal. Poison One was so powerful!
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Louis F. Perico
What Nuku-Nuku didnt realize was that her increased stimulation of the Goop 5000 was causing a buildup, AND because she plugged the firing hole, the gun was swelling even more and more.
Arisa and Kyōko were not thrilled with this.
Kyōko: We have to bail! Pressure is ALREADY at 200, and
Arisa: NO! Im not going to lose to that machine!
Kyōko: If we eject, we WONT be part of the blast!
Arisa: Oh! Well, why didnt you say so?
Kyōko banged her head, then got back to work.
Arisa: OK! Ejecting in 3... 2... 1... NOW!
The canopy popped off of Poison One, and both Arisa and Kyōko zoomed into the air....
Moments later, the pressure was too much, and Poison One erupted into a giant sphere of Goop, capturing both Karin and Nuku-Nuku. Suprisingly, the Goop cushioned their falls, almost like falling with a parachute. However, getting OUT of the Goop and the remains of Poison One was another story.
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin cursed and barked various swearwords, several of them not to be in use before a century. A quick look at her weapon informed her that the barrel holes were obstructed by the goop, so the missile launcher was useless. Struggling to get out of the sticky stuff, she soon concluded that shed have to shed off her armor to escape it. Leaving cape, jacket, helmet and boots behind, she extirpated herself from the stuff.
Wearing only a very skintight dark violet jumpsuit (but not seeming to mind much), she walked toward the landing spot of the pilots with a decisive stride and a murderous glint in the eye. She could tell them apart from her quick glance through the canopy, and guessed that Kyōko was the mostly harmless copilot, while Arisa was no doubt the crazy girl who shot her cycle.
So, as Natsume Akikos special secretaries landed and got entangled in their parachutes, she was already upon them. She casually discarded Kyōko with a high kick to the head, strong enough to stun a horse. Before her teammate even touched the ground, Arisas throat was locked in a death grip.
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Louis F. Perico
Kyōko was out for the count; Arisa, however, still had some fight left in her.
Gah... no... youll... glah... pay... for... Poison One! she rasped.
With her free hand, she jabs Karin with the modified taser, and ZAPS HER!!!!
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Nuku-Nuku suddenly thought her actions through. Um, This is sort of not good! she whispered, as the shaft between her legs began to swell. She turned. Karin, Nuku-Nuku thinks you should SPLURT! Poison One erupted in a huge wad of goop! Having the blast nearly between her legs was very exciting, to say the least. Its a good thing Papa-sans technology was so good, or the cyborg would be walking like a cowboy for the rest of her life! As it was, the catgirl discovered a new problem, as she bounced to the ground, with the heavily damaged aircraft. Nuku-Nuku... Nuku-Nuku cant... Nuku-Nuku cant move! she shouted, as she struggled in a big wad of Poison Ones issue.
She watched as Karin escaped by stripping off her armor, and ran to help Kyōko and Arisa. Nuku-Nuku wished she could go help too, but just her head and shoulders were protruding from the sticky mess. This is not fun! she shouted, and then a huge sweatdrop appeared once more. Karin kicked Kyōko in the head! Then when she was talking to Arisa, there was a bright flash of light, and Karin fell down. Nuku-Nuku was now angry. She didnt like Kyōko and Arisa all that much, but Karin seemed so nice, when she wasnt shooting at things.
The cyborg closed her eyes, and accessed her thermal controls. Thank goodness her insulation was good around her cryostatic chamber! Nuku-Nuku was gonna heat things up! Nuku-Nukus exposed skin began to glow, and the goop began to boil and run from her body. There was a tiny little flaw in her escape plan, though. The second that air hit her school uniform, it burst into flames, and burned off of her skin. Yikes! The cyborgs hair was beginning to smoke! Nuku-Nuku ran in glowing naked glory, and dove into the nearby swimming pool. Water flashed to steam, as her skin resumed normal human temporature. Nuku-Nuku is very hungry! she cried, as she climbed from the now half empty pool.
She strode to where a gasping Arisa was standing over the dazed Karin. Nuku-Nuku got very cross when she is hungry! she shouted. The naked cyborg planted her hands on her hips, and glared at the startled pilot. Why did you hurt Nuku-Nukus friend? she demanded. Nuku-Nuku is here now! Why dont you try and hurt Nuku-Nuku?
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin was twitching and smoking on the ground, her blue hair very spiky.
Someone is gonna pay for that.... she muttered.
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Nuku-Nuku heard Karin mutter, and breathed a sigh of relief. Nuku-Nuku thought you were really messed up! Thank goodness you are OK! The cyborg turned back to Arisa, and glared. You are lucky! If Karin was dead, Nuku-Nuku would have been very angry with you! Nuku-Nuku felt the night breeze against her skin, and looked down absentmindedly. She froze, and blushed deeply. It wasnt that she was nude, she didnt mind that at all. Something terrible had happened from her flaming escape from the goop. Nuku-Nukus fur! she screamed, as she stared at her smoothness. Nuku-Nukus fur burned all off from between her legs! In her feline brain, human pubic hair was the closest thing she had to her lovely fur coat from her time as a four legs. This was terrible! The cyborg clapped her hands over her sex. Dont look down there! Nuku-Nuku is so embarrassed!
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Louis F. Perico
Arisa spat back, Yeah, Im glad Im lucky... if I didnt zap her, Id be DEAD FROM STRANGULATION!!!
Arisa then realized that Nuku-Nukus clothes were gone!
Removing her blouse and wrapping it around the cyborg, she scolded. And dont run around naked like that... you might start a sexually charged riot!
She then realized that Nuku-Nukus pubic hairs were burned off.
Er... right... now look, the Lady Akiko has ordered me to escort you to her presence at once!
Kyōko finally got up, moaning, Aaaallllleeeevvveee....
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Nuku-Nukus eyes went round. Momma-san wants to see Nuku-Nuku? The catgirls mind was in a spin. Momma-san must want to get back together with Papa-san for Christmas! Momma-san must want Nuku-Nuku to act as go between again! When do we leave? The catgirl blushed again. Does Nuku-Nuku have time to dress? She looked down at the slowly awakening Karin. Wake up! Were going to visit Momma-san!
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Louis F. Perico
Arisa had only to look at her near-naked form of the cyborg.
Yes... we WILL have you dressed for her Ladyship... but your new friend is coming with us to see her as well.
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Owww.... Karin slowly got up, rubbing her head. She looked dumbly at Nuku-Nuku.
Wait a sec.... What do you mean by Momma-san? You know those two crazy chicks?
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Oh yes! Nuku-Nuku knows them! They work for Momma-san! Papa-san and Momma-san love each other, but dont like each other, sometimes. Thats why Papa-san took Ryūnosuke to live away from her for a while. Nuku-Nuku looked around dramatically, as if someone was listening in. Papa-san wants Ryūnosuke to grow up as a normal boy, not get spoiled and be rich! she whispered. Anyway, Papa-san gave Nuku-Nuku this nice body, so nobody could take Ryū away from him! The cyborg forgot her embarrassment over her sudden lack of hair, bown there. She stuck her fingers in the corners of her mouth, stretched her lips out a bit (a bit more then a human would be able to!), and stuck her tongue out at Arisa. MUMMMPH! She turned and Smiled at Karin. Now we get to go visit Momma-san! Nuku-Nuku is having a happy day today!
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Ah... okay... sheepishly muttered Karin. She hadnt followed all of Nuku-Nukus rapid-fire babbling, but enough to understand that she had make a mistake assuming Poison One came from the future.
For Arisa, she said Listen, Im sorry to have attacked you, I thought you were some kind of time terrorists after Nuku-Nukus eggs. But Im not coming with you. Ill have to report to my superiors about this mess....
Facing Atsuko, she glared in her vapid eyes. But dont think youre through with me... Ill be back to take care of you and your precious Leto....
Turning to walk away, she stopped as if reminding something. Ah, yes, by the way....
She launched a backward kick, catching Arisa in the belly and stealing her breath.
That was for my hover cycle... and for zapping me.
She then headed toward the exit of the school.
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Nuku-Nuku couldnt help it, she giggled when Arisa made a wheezing gasping noise, and sank to her knees. The feline had been tempted in the past to do just this to the mean lady. She never would though, because a kick like that from her would be a killing blow. Nuku-Nuku, forgetting her nudity, skipped happily after her departing friend. Please come back soon, and play with Nuku-Nuku some more. OK, Karin? The feline didnt realize just how this statement could be taken, if said by a totally nude woman. She gave Karin a quick hug, and smiled at her. Nuku-Nuku is sorry she couldnt save your nice hover-cycle, but it was so much more important to save a friend! The cyborg looked a little sad. Please come back soon. Nuku-Nuku is gonna miss Karin!
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Louis F. Perico
After peeling herself from the ground, Arisa was about to go after Karin when Kyōko got in her way.
Arisaaa... the mission!
Arisa sighed, then nodded her head. Got any ideas?
Trust me... to Nuku-Nuku: Oh, Nuku-san! You want to look pretty for Momma-san, ne?
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Karin couldnt help it, she blushed deep red after Nuku-Nukus quick hug... and her totally shameless invitation.
Has this girl NO sense of propriety at all??
When her face finally settled to a more manageable temperature, she made a hesitant waving gesture to the ever-happy cyborg catgirl, with a forced, toothy smile. Then she walked away, not looking backward, cheeks still quite reddened.
As she exited the school, Karin didnt pay any heed to the various boys that were gawking at her or even whistling (from the moment she got out of view of Nuku-Nuku, of course; before that, the males were much more interested by the naked pink-haired girl). But it had to be said that her bodysuit was really hugging, and not leaving much to imagination. And Karin had quite a nice-looking, athletic body.
Once in the street, she slowed down as she realized one little disturbing fact... she would have to WALK through this backward city, up to the hideout of her time-traveling machine.
She sighed deeply. With her hover-cycle, it was just a quick jump, but now.... Why did she had to hide it so far away?
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Nuku-Nuku was sadly watching her friend walk off, when she heard Kyōkos call. She ran back on the double! Yes Yes YES! she shouted, while bowing to the more level-headed of the two pilots. Nuku-Nuku wants to look her very best! The cyborg happily imagined drinking tea with Momma-san, while thinking of ways to bring the whole family together for the coming Holiday. Nuku-Nuku needs clothes! she whined, when she realized all she had was her school uniforms, and the one she was wearing, was burned to ashes! Will Kyōko help Nuku-Nuku? Please?
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Louis F. Perico
Kyōko smiled warmly. Of course, Nuku-Nuku-san! It would be my pleasure... Arisa, please put the assault rifle down.
Arisa somehow had acquired an assault rifle and was aiming at Karin [OOC: hmm, hammerspace maybe? lol], then sighed and holstered the weapon.
Arisa said, Cmon... lets get her dressed before any perverts get any ideas....
[later, at a swank department store, Ladies section]
Nuku-Nuku was presented with finely tailored business suits, and other accessories.
Please choose something, Nuku-Nuku-san. Kyōko said patiently.
Re: Women @ Arms! Checkmate!
Nuku-Nuku was having such fun trying on different suits! She decided on the burgundy jacket and skirt set. It matched her kitty collar so perfectly! (Thankfully, the belled collar survived, where her uniform went up in a blaze of glory!) She slipped into a pair of modest black heels, and spun around, looking in the mirrors. Nuku-Nuku looks so good! she said excitedly. Momma-san will be proud to see Nuku-Nuku look so buisness-like! The cyborg looked in the mirror again, and thought. She slipped the collar from her wrist, and put it around her ankle. There! Thats just right! She took Kyōkos hands. Now, Nuku-Nuku is ready! Can we go see Momma-san now?
Christmas Scene
Louis F. Perico
The lackeys had then brought Nuku-Nuku to the Ladys estate.
But BOTH of them and the cyborg were surprised at the sight:
Ryū-chan was playing with some toys.
Papa-san had Momma-san in her lap, both drinking eggnog to each other.
Ryū popped out of a box, saying, Hey guys, Hey Nuku-Nuku! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Re: Christmas Scene
Nuku-Nuku smiled broadly. This was what her heart was dreaming of! Happy Christmas! she shouted. The catgirl looked sad for a moment. Nuku-Nuku didnt bring her presents with her! Nuku-Nuku is so sorry! The cyborg cheered up, when nobody seemed to mind that at all! Bright lights and interesting movements caught her feline eye. Whats Ryū have? she asked breathlessly, as she hurried into the room. She hurried on all fours, but this was Christmas. She didnt think anyone would mind her little laps.
Re: Christmas Scene
Louis F. Perico
Papa-san and Momma-san watched as Ryū showed Nuku-Nuku all of his different presents and clothes.
Youre spoiling him. Papa-san chided to Momma-san.
He IS my son, anata. she replied back. And I plan to spoil Nuku-chan as well.
Honto? [Really?]
Honto! My scientists had managed to generate eggs for Nuku-Nuku based on her physical parameters... she WILL give up her eggs... they ARE mine, anata... BUT, she will have her own....
She then glanced at her lackeys, then became the cold and ruthless businesswoman once again!
Re: Christmas Scene
Nuku-Nuku jumped up, when she heard Momma-san yell. She felt a sinking feeling deep inside. Momma-san was going to give Nuku-Nuku her very own eggs! That was so wonderful, but Nuku-Nuku just had to tel the truth now. Momma-san. she said meekly. Poison One, um, it was all Nuku-Nukus fault Poison One got all broken! Nuku-Nuku got carried away, and made the big penis gun blow up!
Re: Christmas Scene
Louis F. Perico
Momma-san looked at her lackeys again. Is this true?
Kyōko replied calmly, My Lady, the Goop 5000 suffered an overload... mainly due to Nuku-Nukus accuracy of throwing a shoe directly into the cannons opening while taking evasive action from other enemy fire.
Other? she asked with an eyebrow lifted.
Yes, My Lady. Another person with some sort of state-of-the-art vehicle, which is included in the wreckage.
Momma-san then thought for a moment, then said, Nuku-Nuku, tomorrow you will clean up the mess you made... and dont worry, Ill help supply the tools for you.
She then whirled on her lackeys, As for YOU TWO... the ANSWER to my question is that by LOSING Poison One in combat... I can write the old piece of junk off! she said with a smile!
Arisa and Kyōko blink-blinked.
Momma-san also added, Now, you two will go back to work right now....
Arisa and Kyōko were about to protest.
Momma-san then added, NO BUTS! I need you to test out your NEW vehicle... its the one with the big bow outside...
Arisa and Kyōko both rushed to the window.
On the back lawn, and with a giant red bow upon it, was a brand new VTOL craft... sleeker, sharper, and brand-spanking new.
And written on the nose with a fine cursive scrawl was written the label, Poison 2.0.
And then, there was MUCH rejoicing!
Re: Christmas Scene
Nuku-Nuku hung her head whil Kyōko gave her report. She looked up in surprise as her punishment was announced. Nuku-Nuku will do her very best! she promised. Nuku-Nuku will clean up all the cum, uh, goop! The catgirls good mood returned completely, as she saw the joy in Arisa, and Kyōkos eyes, as they ran to the window. Momma-san was a very powerful woman, but she was also very kind and loving. She tried to hide it so hard, but times like this told everyone just how nice she really was!
Nuku-Nuku cleans up
Nuku-Nuku sighed. Christmas time was so much fun, with Momma-san, Papa-san, and Ryū all happy together! A promise was a promise though, and the catgirl picked up her goop-scoop, and once more tried to clean up the gunk covering the wreakage of Poison One. The gunk wasnt quite as sticky as it was the other night. The sunlight somehow made it more runny, but still it was very hard work! It was only adding to her problems, in that the goop had a very familiar scent. This really does smell like big boy cum! she said breathlessly. Thank goodness the goop didnt really have sperm in it! Nuku-Nuku didnt want to make her nice new eggs all pregnant and fertilized again, in a dumb accident!
Re: Nuku-Nuku cleans up
As Nuku-Nuku cleaned, she noticed a rounded lump in the goop. She worked it free, and using the special chemical momma-san gave her, managed to clean it all up. Karin-chans helmet! she shouted happily. The catgirl missed her new friend, and couldnt wait to see her again. Making sure all the goop was cleaned off, the cybog giggled, then put the helmet on. Posing like an action figure. The catgirl took a moment to play. It would be neat to be a time traveling cop, just like Karin! She still didnt see why she was so mad at Leto, though. Just because he had a healthy interest in sex?! Unknowingly, Nuku-Nukus hand brushed a control on the helmet. She heard the sounds of heavy breathing, and then distinctly heard a zipper being pulled. Oh Wow! Karin likes to listen in on people! The catgirl whispered, as she sat down on a cleared off part of Poison Ones hull. This is kinda hot!
= You have a GREAT figure, Yohko-chan... I still think the guys would be banging down the doors getting to you. =
she heard in the helmets sound system.
Nuku-Nukus sensors tried to deploy, and banged hard into the inside of the helmet. The catgirl grabbed her helmeted head. Ouchie! she moaned, as she recognized the voice. Leto! Leto was at it again! Normally, Nuku-Nuku wouldnt mind if he had an interest in other girls, but for some reason, the feline was getting pretty upset.
= Now, its your turn... undress me, please. =
Leto, and that Yohko funny-hair girl?!? Nuku-Nuku sat rock still for a moment. Her body was growing excited, but her mind was caught up in a burning feeling of jealousy! Nuku-Nuku has to find them! She shouted, jumping to her feet. Nuku-Nuku has to warn Yohko, before its too late! The catgirl fumbled with the helmet, and to her surprise, a tracking screen lit up before her eyes! In her moment of anger, the catgirl accdently admitted her real reason to look for the couple. Leto is having sex, and its not with Nuku-Nuku! Nuku-Nuku didnt say he could do that! The cyborg zeroed in on the blip on the screen, and began to run.
Meeting at Letos... Doom ahead!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
In the secret hideout of the time traveling DNA operator, Karin Aoi was gritting her teeth.
Why, would you ask?
Because her stingy employers refused to send through time new materiel to replace the one she destroyed. Too costly, they said. So, no new hovercycle, no new armor and despite her vehement protests no new heavy weapon. (She wasnt even supposed to have one in the first place.)
Also, they pointed out she simply wasnt blending in the early 21st century crowd and attracting too much attention to herself. So, she was now clad in civilian clothes, despite feeling a bit silly in the old-fashioned garment.
At least she had a new handgun, though no DCM bullets, since the DNA experts in her time admitted they were missing data concerning the target, Leto Pelops. It was still loaded with another kind of bullets, for her secondary mission, but their nature would stay classified for now.
Her primary mission, however, was to investigate about Leto and the mysterious genetic experiment hed been exposed to. If really some mad scientist was busy creating Megaplayboys, shed have to stop him or her at all cost.
Accessorily, she also had to bring some DNA sample from Leto to manufacture an adequate DNA Controlling Medicine that would reverse his mutation. She yet had not planned how to do that....
Grumbling, Karin wondered how she was going to move around in this big town without her cycle. Were her bosses expecting her to walk? Or to use one of those primitive vehicles called taxis? That was plain ridiculous.
Sighing, she put on her ear a small receptor and adjusted it on the wavelengths of Letos tracker to resume her spying and know of his whereabouts.
= Mmmm... You make it so hard to concentrate.... =
Hu? Whos voice was that?
= And you are just making ME hard, Yohko-chan. =
No way. No Way! NO FUCKING WAY!!
She couldnt believe it! That slimy, perverted Casanova!! He was at it again!!! He was again seducing some clueless little tart and trying to spread his cursed Megaplayboy genes! She wouldnt allow it! She had to stop him right now!!!!
Rushing out of her hidden base, Karin ran in the direction pinpointed by the tracker, very intent on preventing Leto to impregnate another poor, innocent slu... ahem, girl.
Unlike Nuku-Nuku, of course, jealousy had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.
[To see what was going on between Leto and Yohko, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Side-Story: thread 2]
[To know whats coming next, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Side-Story: thread 3]