
Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan

[COMPILER’S NOTE: This story is a compilation of posts from an online hentai role-playing game, the Anime Hentai High School. This text is just an extract of the whole game, solely concentrating on a Ranma ½ character involved and his/her immediate surroundings. Remember that the game had already started well before this part, and that other threads, either with original creations or characters borrowed from various animes, are running parallel at the same time. Enjoy.]

[Continuer from: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – Picolette Chardin II – 3]

Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue


Slowly, Ranma opened the door. Her face was wet from where she had tried to wash herself. Standing a bit wobbly on her legs, Ranma took a step forward until she rested in Akane’s arms.

“Oh... I feel bad....”

Re: Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue

Louis F. Perico

Gently, Akane guided Ranma-chan back to a stool, then grabbed a towel and gently dried off Ranma.

“Easy, dear... it’s going to be OK.” she told her fiancée. She smelled the pigtailed girl’s breath, then grabbed a toothbrush, toothpaste, and some water and a cup.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” she said sweetly.

Re: Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue


“Sorry,” Ranma apologized meekly. She couldn’t believe that, that had happened to her. “It must have been something I ate.”

Ranma sat down and let Akane fuss over her. It felt nice having Akane pamper her. Ranma didn’t even mind the fact that she was about to use someone else’s toothbrush.

“So, what did I miss?” Ranma asked

Re: Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue

Louis F. Perico

As she cleaned up Ranma, Akane explained what was going on.

Once she was finished, she said, “OK, all done.” ^_^

Re: Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue


Ranma smiled sickly at Akane.

“Should we join the others now?” The redhead asked, wondering what Akane wished to do. Standing up, Ranma reached out and took ahold of the Tendō girl’s hand.

Re: Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue

Louis F. Perico

“Er... before we do that, Ranma....” Akane turned on the hot water faucet, took the cup, filled it halfway, then splashed it onto Ranma, making him male again.

“I didn’t want that French freak messing with you, dear... and speaking of messing....” she said with a playful grin.

Akane then got on her knees, rubbing her face against Ranma’s crotch. “How about a quickie blowjob before we go, ne?”

Re: Nursing Ranma, Akane to the rescue


“Akane... right now I can’t think of anything else I would rather have. But don’t you think we should rescue Ranko’s baby first?”

At Akane’s suggestion, Ranma’s cock had hardened in his pants, his member pressing firmly against his black slacks. Yet right now, an innocent baby was in danger and he couldn’t be the person Akane loved if he ignored that.

Rejoining the group

Louis F. Perico

Ranko happened to storm in.

“HEY! If I can’t get any, YOU can’t get any either!” Ranko snapped.

Akane blushed a bit, then recovered to ask, “What’s the deal with your baby being taken? You didn’t look pregnant to me....”

Ranko replied, “It was very recent... but SOMEHOW the freaks who jumped Mom and I managed to take it out.... I KNOW it’s not there... so c’mon... oh damn, we need a costume for ‘lover-boy’ here....”

She then dragged the two back to her room, and they looked around for costuming.

Re: Rejoining the group


Ranma followed Ranko into the back room. What’s up with a change of clothes?” the tall boy asked, not understanding what was going on. Reaching back, he took hold of Akane’s hand once again, and pulled her close to him.

“I like what I’m wearing right now.” The Tendō girl could tell Ranma was about to dig in his heels over this.

Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries

Louis F. Perico

Ranko sighed, “Mom, if he is a good at what he does... I don’t think he’ll need one.”

Takara-sensei replied, “Fine, fine... now come on!”

It was rolling into evening, and the five of Sensei, Ranko, Pink, Ranma, and Akane ran on the rooftops toward Mishima Heavy Industries....

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


She ran on the roofs, but fall a bit behind when they leaped from rooftop to rooftop. She was a former sex slave, not a ninja, so she had no prior experience of this sort. Hopefully, nothing major would occur or she might be in some serious trouble. But she tried not think about that and concentrated on not falling off the buildings instead. Luckily, she was part cat and her tail helped her keep her balance rather well.

“Wheew.... How much further is it? My feet are getting sore.”

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Not waiting for another word to be said, Ranma easily picked up Pink. Jumping from building to builing was easy for him, until at last he carried the catgirl to the building belonging to the Mishima Heavy Industries.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries

Louis F. Perico

Finally atop one of the MHI buildings, the quintet of Ranko, her mom, Ranma, Pink, and Akane arrived.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Pink was a bit surprised as Ranma carried her nearly the entire way to the heavy industries. By the time they arrived, Ranma was more than likely trying to fight her off than carry her any longer. She had taken advantage of the closeness and was cuddling him the whole way there. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his back and neck, with her tail wrapped around his waist, anchoring her to him so he couldn’t push her off. She continually nuzzled his cheek with hers, purring the entire way. True, she was a Chardin’s slave, but he wasn’t around so she had decided to play with the latest hunk of man she had run across, or in her case been swooped up by.

“Ppprrrr, you’re so strong. Can we play? Please!! I want to eat you all up....”

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries

Louis F. Perico

Akane poked both Ranma and Pink. “We can play after we’re done, AND I get in on it.” she said.

Both Ranko and Takara-sensei shushed them as all of them arrived on the roof of MHI. Sensei found a door, picked it open, and waved everyone inside.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Putting down Pink, Ranma took a step towards Ranko. Putting his hand on her shoulder, he waited for the next plan.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Pink was a little surprised by Akane’s reaction. Her first impression of the girl was that she was a very angry individual and wouldn’t be interested in threesome even if her life was threatened. But wonders never ceased; she was actually telling she had to have a threesome if they wanted to play, how kinky. ^_^ She ended up just nodding her head to Akane, and even though Ranma put her down she stayed right on his back, literally, her arms wrapped around his stomach and leaning against him. She was starting to realize this might become dangerous, and she couldn’t fight worth a lick. So, she was staying close to what she perceived the strongest and most likely to protect her of the group.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Akiko sighed, watching the cryo-chamber on her monitor. “Such perfect little children I’ll have.” she giggled. “Ryūnosuke will make such a loving big brother! I just know he’ll want to stay right with us!” The woman glowed with love for her son. “Kyūsaku!” She suddenly screamed (not that he was there, or anyhting.) “Kyūsaku! You’ll come crawling back to me!” Akiko grinned. That was her secret weapon! Her ex-husband would do anything she asked, if she had a baby in her arms!

Meanwhile, out in the cryo-chamber control center, two women were having a nice civilized discussion. “I’ll kill the first techie who tries anything!” Arisa screamed, as she waved her automatic high in the air.

“You can’t be sure this is what Milady meant!” Kyōko tried to sooth.

“You saw the memo! No drinking, no smoking, only light workouts, no birth control pills, no sex with men, and a totally supervised diet!”

“Uh, Arisa? You, you aren’t on the pill, you don’t smoke, and...” Kyōko blushed, “since when do you need a man? You, you always make me do, ‘this and that’ with you!”

“That’s besides the point! Look at this!” Arisa waved the newly signed contract under the nose of her partner (in more ways then one). “Contract to remain in effect for nine months! Look over there, what are frozen???”

“Uh, human fertilized eggs?”

“Oh, very good!” Arisa mocked. “Nine months mean anything to you?”

“Oh, oh my GOD!” Kyōko looked stunned. “There’re thirteen, and just two of us!”

“Correction. Three of us!” Natsume Akiko stepped quietly into the control room. “Quintuplets for me, quintuplets for Arisa, and for little Kyōko, triplets!” She placed a hand lovingly on both loyal employee’s shoulders. “There are no other women in all the world who I would trust with such an important job! Just think of it, ladies! With Ryūnosuke to help teach and guide my little princes and princesses when they reach adulthood, there will be no aspect of the economy that Mishima Heavy Industries will not control!”
Akiko raised a fist high, and laughed sinisterly. Thunder boomed, and lightning flashed. (Not from a storm. Akiko had pressed a botton on a small control unit that communicated with special effects computers.)

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries

Louis F. Perico

Meanwhile, Ranko, Takara-sensei, and the others were sneaking their way within the confines of MHI.

And then, they found the cryo-labs.

And thirteen fertilized eggs.

Ranko spat, “Man, this SUCKS! How can we tell which ones are MINE???”

Sensei hushed Ranko, then said, “First off, we will have to take all of them. Then we will see what we can do.”

She then looked at Ranma, Pink, and Akane. “Unless you three have any plans....”

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Ranma just looked at the eggs and tried not to get sick again. “Aww... this is just sick, we need to find who did this and royally kick their asses.”

Getting madder, Ranma’s voice had raised until he was just short of shouting. In fact his actions were large and his arms were swinging since he was very mad.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


As Ranma got all emotional, Pink found herself nearly getting elbowed several times. She quickly contained Ranma for all their safety by leaping at his back and putting him in a big bear hug, pinning his arms to his side.

“SSSHHHHHHH!!! You’ll let them know we’re here.... Mmmmm, you’re so muscular, do you work out?”

Of course, Pink’s mind was quickly sidetracked in her action to the sexual side of things. Her nipples were poking into Ranma’s back through their clothing.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Out of the darkness stepped death, in a office girl’s uniform, and high-powered machine gun. “Milady is most certainly not sick!” The woman actually smiled quite happily! “Come on! Move just a little bit!” she pleaded. “Please?”

“No! Arisa, don’t kill them! Think of all the paperwork we’d have to fill out!” Kyōko leaped over her partner, executing an excited mid-air forward roll, before landing daintily on her high-heeled feet. “Let me take care of these intruders! It’s the perfect way to field-test Mishima Heavy Industries latest creation!” Kyōko struck a dramatic pose. “The BGC2040 powered hard suit ‘Night Saver’ (patent pending) can handle this bunch of school kids!” With a dramatic whirr, Kyōko’s visor shut. The rather sexy-looking mobile armor took a step closer to the shouting, arm-waving young man. “Tell me”, the eletronically altered voice asked, “why shouldn’t I let her kill you?”

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


OOps, she was too late, they had already been spotted by two of the guards. In result she ended up grabbing Ranma tighter, squeezing him enough to prevent him from responding to the question asked to him.

“You can’t kill him, he’s supposed to protect me, and we were going to have a sex after this!”

Oh, so forward the absentminded catgirl was. Mistake or helpfull, though was unknown but would soon be revealed.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Moving quickly, Ranma flipped through the motions; putting Pink under his arm, the boy went for cover. In the same motion, he turned so that he was in-between Ranko and Akane. In effect he became a human shield.

“Go, go go!” It wasn’t until Akane, Pink and the others were safe, that Ranma would go on the offensive.

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


A large sweatdrop apeared for a second, just behind the head of the gleaming silver hardsuit. “Sex?” she asked in a strained tone. Why were the most forbidden things always the most desirable? Kyōko, and Arisa too, were both forbidden to have sex with a man, until their new “Conception Contract” was completed. Kyōko stared at the cute young man before her. “Um, anyway, what’s your name, I, I mean, what are you doing here!”

Arisa stared in turn, but at her parter. “What are you doing?” she hissed. “Attack them!”

Kyōko hissed right back, forgetting her voice was being electronically amplified. “He’s cute! Oh, he’s looking at me!” The visor of the hardsuit suddenly had two cute little hearts, just where the eyes should be. The armored hands clasped together, over the suit’s breastplates. Kyōko looked herself over as best as she could. “How do I look? You don’t see any fingerprints or smudges, do you?”

“Are you insane?” Arisa whispered. Attack them! Test the damn suit!” With a hard shove, Arisa sent her companion staggering forward.

Kyōko blushed behind her visor. Was it getting hot in here? “Uh, yes. Prepare to meet your doom!” Kyōko leaped into the air again, and did a complicated twist turn, landing just inches in front of the cute guy. “Hi!” she said cheerfully. “What’s your name?” The silver blue helmet shook itself. “Uh, I mean, I like to know the names of those I battle. Yeah, that sound right!” ‘Oh, he’s really cute!’ Kyōko shuddered. Arisa hadn’t let her date, or even look at a guy for almost two years! She liked her partner, and was even starting to get into their nightly “relaxation” sessions, but, oh my! “How old are you, anyway?” Kyōko was twenty-one. She hoped her handome young man didn’t mind a tiny thing like an age difference!

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries

Louis F. Perico

Takara-sensei quickly whispered, “Ranko, Akane, Pink; grab as many canisters as you can... I’ll hold off Miss Gun Nut here....” gesturing to Arisa.

Ranko ran off. Akane barely managed to peel Pink off Ranma. “Pink, Ranma needs to do his martial arts without distraction, OK?”

Takara-sensei then turned to Arisa and cried, “ANYTHING GOES SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: CELTIC FIGHTING STYLE!”

In microseconds, Arisa had her face full of ninja costume. Once she pulled it off and tried to shoot, she suddenly saw a nude Takara-sensei (with sword) preparing to cut her lovely machine gun in twain....

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Arisa dashed the cloth from her face. “Throwing your clothes is a fighting technque?” The armed woman froze. This intruder was something else! Firm body, perfect form, lovely body, very long sharp sword, smooth flawless skin, very, very long sword. Arisa always leaned a bit that way in the first place. This strong woman was everything she was looking for! “Hold fast!” she called, as her gun quivered a tiny bit.

Once more back in her office, Akiko smiled grimly. “Oh, for goodness sakes!” The business woman punched a glass panel on her desk. Glass shattered, and a glowing red button was depressed. “Perhaps I should let those girls have their fun. I WILL NOT let them harm my lovely little royal babies though!” Akiko was still upset about the loss of her restaurant “Akki’s”. Arisa, and Kyōko had leveled it, in their efforts to battle that schoolgirl gynoid. “Not this time!” the elegant woman whispered, as the whole inner cryo-chamber sank deep into the bedrock below the laboratory. Akiko was not an unkind boss. She picked up a microphone. “Kyōko, offically, the contract doesn’t start until the actual implantation. If you must, you must. YOU WILL USE PROTECTION THOUGH!”

Back in the lab, the ring of steel filled the air, as thick metal shutters dropped into place. All exits were blocked, and the windows to the inner chamber where covered. Kyōko stared at her young man, and felt her face grow hot. “Yes Ma’am!” she cried cheerfully. Got it covered, Milady!” Her diaphragm was in her locker, and she had a couple “just in case” condoms hidden in her purse! She looked at her young man, and smiled. “You’re all sealed in, you know. Why should we fight now?” she popped her visor open, and grinned. “We, we could go somewhere quiet, and, um, talk this over? Tell you what, why don’t I get out of this armor?” Kyōko had a little shiver of excitment run up and down her spine. She’d let it be a surprise. She’d let her young man discover on his own, hat she hadn’t had time to slip into the suit’s inner garment. “What do you say? truce?” Kyōko shivered. She’d show this guy how nice a more mature woman’s body could be!

Back in her office, Akiko had a brainstorm. She pounded a fist on her desk, and laughed joyfully. “She picked up her microphone again. “Intruders, now hear this! I haven’t called the police yet. I’ll give you a choice. Fight my employees, and later be arrested for it, or accept a short term contract with this company.” Wisely, she didn’t mention that short term was actually full term! Three more healthy female bodies! Akiko had planned on implanting quintuplets into her body, but now could cut back to triplets for her, and twins for everyone else! Prefect!

Arisa smiled, as the steel plates dropped into place. She helped design this armor. She knew that even now, the eggs were safe and secure. She faced her challenger, and smiled. “I’d accept the Lady’s offer, if I were you!” She raised her gun, and touched the barrel to her forehead in salute. “Accept or decline, it’s up to you. I only ask one thing.’ She dropped the gun to the floor. “Spar with me! I’ve also trained with the blade! I need to see how your form would fare against mine!” Arisa blushed at her words. They were true enough. She’d love to get that form against hers!

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Pink was eventually pried from Ranma, but when Kyōko started to make advances on Ranma, the next person Pink planned on laying, she had to reattach herself to him, especially since the threat of major fighting seemed to be disappearing. So, Pink grabbed Ranma from behind in a big hug again and peaked out from behind Ranma, under his arm.

“I called dibs first!! If you want we can share, but I saw him first!!”

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Kyōko nearly fell over at the news from that clinging little piece of fluff. The eggs were secure, which was a good thing! Anger and embarrassment drove thoughts of her mission out of her mind. “What!?!? But I haven’t had sex with a man in two years!” Kyōko slapped her own head. The clang of the hardsuit rang loudly. “You little girl! Why would he want to mess with a kid, when a real woman is right at hand?” Her visor opened, as she stepped closer to HER young man. She gently ran a steel-clad hand through his hand. Kyōko desided to use her embarrassment, as her secret weapon. “It’s been so long, love. I haven’t been with a man in two long, lonely years! Couldn’t you please find in in your heart to release me from this curse?” She took off her helmet, and let it clatter to the floor. Leaning closer, she whispered in the young man’s ear. “I ache to feel you inside me. I know things that little girl never dreamed of!” her voice dropped even lower, as her arousal grew. “Sweetheart, have you ever role-played? I, well, look.” she held up the handcuffs that were attached to the waist of her powered suit. “I could give you these, and you can arrest the mean bad lady! Just think! A handsome young man like yourself, in charge of a helpless, sexy older woman! Of course you’d have to make me take off the hard suit. I, I don’t have anything on underneath though. If something like that were to happen, how could I possibly stop you from doing whatever your mind can think up?” The metal-clad woman removed her gantlets , and let her hands slide slowly over his body. She found hardness, and smiled sweetly. “Should I beg?” She shot a nasty look at the little girl grabbbing her young man, before sinking to her knees. “Please, young master! I long for your body to enter mine!” Kyōko just knew he was weakening! After all, here was a sexy, beautiful older woman, on her knees before him! She sighed, and gently blew her warm breath at the huge lump his cute outfit was trying to hide. Hopefully, the material was thin enough for him to feel it!

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Pink didn’t know why, but for the first time she felt like she had to compete for a man’s affection, and it was bugging her big time. Her ears furled, hearing every word the girl was whispering to Ranma; after all she wasn’t very far from where she whispered and her cat ears picked up very soft sounds; even if she hadn’t wanted to, she would still have heard it. Pink lowered herself so she was eye-level with the girl that was trying to keep Ranma all to herself, and gave her the nastiest scowl she could, which unfortunately wasn’t very nasty.

“I’m an older girl too!!” Which she was; Ranma was only 16 and the catgirl was 18. Though she wasn’t positive at the time she said it. “You do not know half the stuff I do! I bet I know more than you could ever dream of!!”

Pink glanced to the side and got a good view of the huge lump Kyōko was blowing on, and it slipped right out of her mouth at the sight.

“... Wow, it is really big. Oh, can’t we at least take turns? I’ll let you go first, but I have to have a turn too!!”

Re: Raid on Mishima Heavy Industries


Kyōko felt like crying. For the first time, she noticed this girl wasn’t quite human. Nuku-Nuku was bad enough! Now a flesh-and-blood catgirl was stealing away her chance at happiness. How could she compete against that? She knew she was good looking, but she also knew guys drooled over the rare and exotic Felinous Erectous. “I know more than you do!” she said weakly, already thinking she was going to have to go back to Arisa and her strap-on. Then, there was a ray of hope. “You, you’d let me go first?” Kyōko was amazed. Maybe she misjudged the catgirl! “Really? I, I can go ‘all the way’ as long as you get a turn too?” Kyōko threw her arms around the catgirl, and kissed her pretty lips. “Little sister! Thank you!” Hmmm, an arm full of catgirl was very nice! “Oh God, you’re right! Look how big that thing is! Uh, I’m Kyōko. What’s your name, Little sister?” Thoughts of fighting were forgotten. The cat-grl was so cute, Kyōko just couldn’t stay mad. Especially if she really did intend to share this lovely cock, uh, young man.

Dealings at MHI

Louis F. Perico

Ranko tried her best to bash her way through [as did Akane]. Even though they made major dents and holes; they could not get through.

Akane noticed that two other girls were hitting on Ranma.


The Tendō then turned to the speakers, “Look, Ma’am... someone in your company took my friend’s fertilized egg... we were just getting it back.”

Ranko said, “Yeah, MY EGG, DAMMIT! GIVE IT BACK!”

Takara-sensei snapped, “DAUGHTER, HUSH!” She then faced the speakers, “Milady, For the sake of my daughter, I ask that you return to her the fertilized eggs that were taken; in return, not only will I and my students be in your employ, but I will include my services as Sensei of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts Seduction to your pair of employers... AND yourself. Do you accept?”

Re: Dealings at MHI


“No deal,” Ranma answered Takara-sensei’s proposal. “I won’t allow your offer to happen.” Quickly his eyes darted towards Akane and back to the naked sword-wielding woman. “Akane’s told me about how she’s your new student.” Throwing his arm out wide he looked at the woman in anger.

“I will not allow Akane to be of service to anyone who would do something this... this... sick.” Ranma was not about the let Akane be used by anyone who would steal human fetuses.

Only two things took away from Ranma’s presentation as defending knight. One was the fact that more then likely he had misunderstood just what Takara-sensei had meant. The other thing was the raging hard on that tented the front of his skin-tight sneaking suite. The cat-woman and the knelling older woman were really turning him on.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Pink nodded her head and grinned, very willing to share. She wasn’t stingy and she liked the female body just as much as the male, though she must admit she prefered the way it was done with the men.

“Uh, huh, we can take turnsn I bet we can each get two turns each. He looks like he has lots of stamina!!!”

Pink was actually thrown back by the big hug Kyōko had given her and was stuck under the cute older woman. Pink pecked back at the woman and smiled.

“Call me Pink, big sis.”

Pink leaned forward and whispered in Kyōko’s ear, while running he rhands freely over her soft smooth skin.

“We better grab him before he tries to get away. Obviously he wants us to, but his head seems to being saying the opposite. Agree?”

Pink winked at Kyōko and then turned to Ranma and gave him a wickedly sexy grin.

Re: Dealings at MHI


“Agreed, Pink!” Kyōko struck while the iron was hot. “Emergency Release!” she called out, as she stood up before the boy they were calling Ranma. Her hardsuit powered down, and disassembled. Parts clanged to the floor, leaving Kyōko standing nude, with a smug little smile on her face. She ran the tip of one finger along the nice hard lump in the young man’s tight suit. “I think this little guy wants to come out and play, don’t you, little sister?” The dark-haired girl across the lab was yelling and carrying on, but Kyōko only had eyes for the young man before her. She blushed a little. She had eyes for pretty Pink too!

Re: Dealings at MHI


Arisa was watching every fluid movement of her challenger. Her heart pounded, as she watched the supple woman turn to the PA system. Her pounding heart skipped a beat. “Uh, Madam Natsume, could, could I have a word with you?”

Akiko swicthed views on her monitor. “1-2-3-4-5-6” The business woman smiled as she counted her precious eggs. “7-8-9-10...11...12...13! ARISA! EXPLAIN THIS!”

“Milady! I, I only thought to please you! This was yet another Leto sired child! That girl is still just a schoolgirl! I, I thought she would be happy not to be pregnant!”

Akiko spoke slowly, through gritted teeth. “Arisa, you thought too much!”

“Milady!” Arisa cringed. Shit! There goes my bonus! There goes my vacation! She didn’t dare say these things aloud! She clasped her hands behind her back, and looked at the nude woman, and her daughter. “Um, sorry about that?”

A door to the lab opened, and Akiko strode in. “Madam, you have my deepest apology. This action was not santioned by me or this company. Of course, the eggs in question will be re-implanted instantly, or, if preferred, you can leave it in cryo-storage, until a date you and your lovely daughter agree on.” She turned to her employee. “You are still standing?”

Arisa dropped to her knees, and clasped her hands together. “Milady! No harm was done! We used every precaution! The child’s eggs are safe! Go check! I even made extra sure they would not be confused with those of the schoolgirl-android! Please, don’t cancel my vacation!”

Akiko turned her back on her employee. “Madam... may I call you Takara? This is not something I can let go so easily. You look like a powerful woman, well able to take control of things. I ask you, If I turned Arisa over to you, would you be able to teach her not to overstep herself?”

“Milady, No!” Arisa nearly sobbed. She liked this swordwoman! She liked her as an EQUAL!”

Akiko smiled at Arisa. “You have been a naughty girl. If you expect to keep working for me, you must obey this order completely, and to the letter. See this woman? She is your guide, your teacher, and your owner. Until I say otherwise, you must obey her every whim, as if it were a direct order from me!” Akiko bent, and kissed Arisa’s forehead. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. You just need a firm hand to hep you learn right from wrong. I was too lax with you in the past. I thinkthis will do you a world of good.”

Akiko turned back to the nude swordswoman. “I do hope you can take on this challenge. I will pay you well, and give you an open expence account, for any tools, or shall we say, devices you may need to teach my employee some manners.”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Pink got up and watched the suit drop off of Kyōko. She licked her bottom lip, purring a bit. She walked behind Ranma and once again wrapped her arms about him, but grabbing much lower this time. She actually took the hard lump into her hands, sizing the confined piece of man meat up.

“OH yes, definately. If it weren’t for these awfully tight clothes, I bet he’d be even bigger and more willing to play!”

Re: Dealings at MHI


“Why, I bet you’re right, little sister!” While Pink held Ranma, Kyōko looked around on the floor, among the fallen sections of her hard suit. She stood back up, holding a wicked looking knife. “Hold him tight, little sister!” she giggled, as she carefully went to work. With one hand, Kyōko pulled a handful of the clinging material away from Ranma’s body. With the other, she carefully inserted her blade. With a fluid motion she sliced down the legs of his outfit, one after another. In moments, Ranma was clothed only in his soft sole shoes, and the excitingly form-fitting top. Kyōko dropped the knife. “Oh Goodness! I, I never....” She looked at Pink, with a dreamy look on her flushed face. “That’s big!” she finally stammered. The office lady/pilot/weapons expert slowly sank to her knees. She loked up at Ranma, and smiled shyly. “I’m yours, lover!” She stared intently at the hugely erect member. “Is there something you’d like me to do?” she asked coyly. “Just ask. Um, I, I’ll do anything you say!” She looked up at him. “ANYTHING” she said slowly. “Anything at all!”

Re: Dealings at MHI

Louis F. Perico

Akane now REALLY got nervous!

“HEY! Be careful with that thing!” she said, pointing to the knife. “You might cut him with that.”

She then sighed, then said to Ranma, “Look, anata, you better have some spunk left for me, OK?”

Re: Dealings at MHI

Louis F. Perico

Sensei smiled. Before she could say anything, Ranko stepped up and asked, “Um, sorry to interrupt, Akiko-sempai... but since you have a fancy lab and all, can you analyze my eggs before you... put them in me?”
Ranko was blushing a bit.

Takara-sensei was smiling. “So you do want the children?”

Ranko nodded, then said, “I will have to tell him he’s the father... I just wanted to find out how I got so fertile when I use all the precautions.”

Takara-sensei nodded, then looked down at Arisa. “As for you, I will accept the Lady Akiko’s offer, and you will serve as the school’s training dummy... once Lady Akiko grants my Ranko-chan’s requests.”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Pink moved her arms aside so Kyōko could cut Ranma free of the suit, then wrapped her arms back around him and pulled the tight top off also. Running her hands across Ranma’s chest, she listened to Kyōko, and blinked at how desperate she was.

“Big sis? You have you been with a man before? You sound... so desperate... I’m sorry, was that mean?”

She apologized afterward, in case she accidentally offended her new big sis.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Akiko smiled. “Mishima Heavy Industries is at the forefront of medical science. While your eggs themselves were not analyzed,’ she looked pointedly at Arisa, “the sperm of the young man in question was. When my, I guess I should call her daughter, Nuku-Nuku was impregnated, her construct body managed to isolate a sample. It would seem that young Leto’s claims to being an extra-terrestrial are well founded. His sperm is highly aggressive. Nothing this lab has attempted can kill them. The also have a life span of several weeks. If that young man has sex with you, the sperm lay in wait for an egg to ripen. We have a lab tech here who is now pregnant, just because she didn’t wash her hands after handling a microscope slide. ONE SINGLE SPERM was isolated on that slide! As far as we can tell, it somehow ‘hitched a ride’ on her hand.” Akiko blushed. “The woman in question admitted to masturbating, when she on her lunch break. I guess I don’t have to tell you where she had her fingers.” Akiko somehow looked proud. “As Nuku-Nuku learned, her stainless steel cryo-static chamber was also no match for this alpha-sperm. The head of the sperm is tipped with an unknown substance, that can bore its way through nearly anything. Condoms or diaphragms cannot contain them! Once an egg is fertilized, a chemical signal is released, and all other sperm lose interest.”

Arisa finally found her tongue. “TRAINING DUMMY?” She looked up at Akiko, eyes pleading. “Milady, please no! Take my vacation! Cut my pay! Please don’t make me do this!”

Akiko bent, and kissed the kneeling woman’s forehead. “You will obey Lady Takara, as you would me! This is my order!” Her voice lowered, and continued in a soft and loving tone. “Don’t you see? This is for your own well being. Now be a good girl, and do as you are told.”

Arisa stood, and bowed towards the nude woman. “Mistress Takara, I, I am yours to command.”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Kyōko blushed. “No, it’s alright little sister. I, I have been with a man before, um, once.” The embarrassed woman giggled. “It’s been a LONG two years, three months, five days, and six hours! My partner and I are way too busy for dating.” Kyōko looked at the dark-haired newcomer. “Um, Hi! Do, do you know Ranma?” Kyōko couldn’t stop her hand from gently grasping the huge shaft before her. Suddenly, she just blurted out what she was thinking. “I’m first! I already called it! Ask Pink! Tell her, little sister! First me, then you, then she can have a turn!”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Ranma stood feeling his body exposed bit, by bit. It was obvious from the thick member that was standing proudly that the boy really was looking forward to this. Groaning, he tried not to lose his focus.

“Pink, Akane... aren’t these the bad guys?” Ranma was shaking as the two older women pressed against him. A small droplet of pre-cum began to glisten at the tip of his shaft. Looking down, Ranma felt himself get lightheaded.

Re: Dealings at MHI


“Yes, yes, big sis is right. She goes first, then me, and then if our little friend still has something left, you can go.”

Pink heard Ranma finally spoke up, and purred in his ear lightly. She slipped out her ninja outfit at the same moment, so her hard nipples would press against his bare back. Her tail was sliding between her legs and simultaneously stroking her pussy and the underside of his balls.

“How can they be bad-guys? They aren’t even guys and they want you so bad. I kinda think that would be a good thing, neh?”

Re: Dealings at MHI


“Ranma, honestly! I’m not a bad guy!” Kyōko giggled. “Just who broke in here, anyway?” The aroused woman gave the shaft before her a friendly little squeeze. She looked up at him coyly, and gave the swollen head a little kiss. “If, if you still think I’m a bad guy, maybe you should punish me with your mean ol’ nightstick!” Kyōko kissed him once again; this time the head slipped between eager lips!

Re: Dealings at MHI


Whatever words Ranma had been about to say died on his lips, as the head of his member slipped between the woman’s lips. Ranma stiffened his back in reaction to the pleasurable feeling, thus sending his waist forward (and his erection deeper into the kneeling woman’s mouth).

What litle remained of his senses of right and wrong was slipping away as Pink’s tail tickled his sacs. Bitting his lips, Ranma tried to ignore the breasts that were pressed against his back.

“Didn’t they steal Ranko’s kid...?” Ranma said with one last weak attempt at reasoning why they were there.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Pink blew on the back on Ranma’s neck and leant against him a bit more firmly, moving up and down, rubbing her breasts against his back as her nipples grew erect from the friction. Her tail was tickling his sacs and Kyōko’s chin at the same time.

“Prrrrr... no need to worry, they gave it back.... Now we get to have fun!!”

Her cat ears let her hear the whole conversation between the others, so she knew what had happened.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Kyōko sighed happily. A real live penis was warm against her tongue! Arisa’s plastic toys could never match this thrill! The happy woman swirled her tongue around the swollen head, before letting it slip from her mouth. “We never stole anyone’s kid!” she shouted. “Huh?” Pink was saying “they” gave it back?!? Kyōko turned, and saw Arisa kneeling on the floor, then get up and bow to Milady Akiko, and the naked swordswoman. “Oh shit! She didn’t!” Kyōko felt a sudden panic. So close, and now Arisa was going to ruin everything! “Honest, Ranma! I didn’t know! Look! Lady Akiko is right over there, fixing everything up!” The worried woman rained kisses all over that delightfully hard shaft. “Please, don’t blame me! I’m being really nice, aren’t I?” Kyōko quickly gobbled down that wonderful shaft again, and let it enter her throat. She didn’t have much practice, so had to pull back in just a few seconds. “Please?” she gasped breathlessly. “Don’t be mad at me!” Kyōko stood, and threw her arms around Ranma, and Pink too. “Little sister! Please tell him! Don’t leave me now!” The unashamed woman began rubbing her body against Ranma’s. “Please, Ranma? Don’t you like me? I like you! I like this too!” She reached down and gently grasped his cock. “Wouldn’t it just feel so nice to put this deep inside me? Please? Pretty please?”

Re: Dealings at MHI


“Yes, that would feel nice.” Ranma gulped a loud breath of air. He looked down at the still-kneeling woman; by now the boy’s lust had crushed the last of his will. Turning, he looked over to pink. “I don’t know,” Ranma said smiling at the catgirl. “Should we let her?”

Ranma knew he was going to anyway, and right now, if Kyōko asked him to jump, his head would have smashed against the ceiling. But for now, it was fun having the illusion of being in control.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Pink smiled at him and licked her lips, just seeing how much the boy could take before he started to take control of the situation and sexually molest them, kind of a kinky fantasy of hers.

“Of course you should, silly! Why hesitate any longer. Do it, do it.”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Kyōko blushed. “Yes, do me, uh, I mean, do it!” Her legs were beginning to feel weak, and the room felt like it was getting hotter! “AHHH! Little sister! Don’t let him go anywhere!” Kyōko ran like hell, to the locker area. She fumbled and cursed, as her trembling fingers finally got the combination lock off of her locker. “Where is it! Where is it!” Brush, comb, shampoo, soap, dildo, pocket change, hand gun, ammo, went flying all over the room. “Thank you, God!” she exclaimed, when she found a certain little case. Kyōko opened the case, and filled her diaphragm with contraceptive gel. Putting a foot up on a chair, the frantic woman carefully inserted the device into her body. “Lady Akiko would’ve killed me if I forgot!” she breathed, as she hurried back out to Pink and Ranma. She threw her arms around Ranma, and hugged him tight. “I’m sorry about that. I, I had to go check on something.” Once more she gently grasped his throbbing shaft. Oh wow, was it ever hard. Kyōko wasn’t a tease at heart, but she wanted to work Ranma up to a frenzy. “Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.” she whispered, as her hand slowly moved on the hot shaft. “You’re just a boy.” The aroused woman let out a sigh, and let go of the shaft. She knew she was taking a big risk. What if Ranma just backed right down? She was gambling on a simple rule of human nature. If you are told you can no longer have something, suddenly you want that something more then anything! Kyōko mentally crossed her fingers. “Little sister, would you fuck me with Arisa’s strap-on dildo? That’s what I’m used to. I don’t think a boy would be able to make me cum.” Perhaps if Kyōko knew Ranma better, she wouldn’t have dared to publicly challenge his manhood like that. “Ranma, I’m sorry.” She gave his cock a friendly little squeeze. “This is nice, but it can’t be as good as a dildo, can it?”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Ranma started laughing loudly, holding his stomach as he doubled over with mirth. Between his deep belly laughs he managed to squeak out, “Would you like me to wear the strap-on?” Reaching up he wiped his teary eyes. The Saotome boy really didn’t know why, but for some reason he had found that extremely funny. Moving close to the two women he reached out and took a hold of the shaft. Smiling at both females Ranma opened his mouth and licked the dildo.

Ranma would never have done such an act in his male body, but Kyōko had practically challenged him. “If a girl is more to your licking,” Ranma said with the tip of the fake dick against his lips. Not taking his eyes of the older woman Ranma’s hand moved so fast it blurred from vision as he struck the wall. The hole his fist left (Ranma was never very good about caring for other people’s stuff.) at first began to drip water. Suddenly a stream of water shout out, spraying the far wall, as the water main (which was labeled for fire emergencies) began to empty into the hall.

Stepping away from the stream the petit redhead, dressed in Ranma’s torn clothing was gently sucking on the head of the dildo. Pulling it out of her mouth the redhead said. “Since you seem to want a girl, I can do that for you too.”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Pink watched the teenage boy change from boy to girl, and started leaping up and down in disapproval.

“No, no, no. Big sis may like dildos, but I want a hot cock!!”

Pink ran over to the now female Ranma and started tugging at her arm lightly.

“Change back, change back. I want you to fuck me the other way!! I bet big sis does to!! She just wants me to prepare her for you largeness!! Right big sis??”

She looked pledingly at Kyōko to agree, so Ranma would turn back into a guy.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Kyōko fell to her knees, shocked. “R-Ranma?” Little sister Pink seemed to think this change was somehow normal, and was demanding that the little redhead change back! A sob escaped the frantic woman’s lips. “No! It’s not fair!” she wailed, as tears ran down her cheeks. Kyōko found herself doing something she thought she would never do. She begged. She pleaded. “Ranma! Please change back, if you really can! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry I teased you!” Her hand shot out, and she grabbed the dildo. Kyōko threw it across the room. “Please Ranma! Be a boy again! I admit it! I want your penis! I don’t want some dump hunk of plastic! I want your beautiful flesh and blood penis deep inside me!” The sobbing woman hugged the redhead around the legs. “Please Ranma? You’re in charge! I’ll do whatever you say! Just please change back and fuck me!”

Re: Dealings at MHI


Ranma smiled at the woman, feeling like she had won something. Placing her hands on her hips, the redhead smirked. “Well, if you’re sure that’s what you want....” Turning, the redhead looked for what she needed. The longer she searched the more her face began to pale.

“Uhh....” Quickly the girl turned her head left and right. “I, uhh... need hot water to change back.” Ranma admitted having no idea of where such a treasure was hidden in the facility.

Re: Dealings at MHI


Kyōko could only nod her head. Of course it was what she wanted! If she wanted a stupid dildo, she’d just let Arisa fuck her again! Kyōko was completely forgetting that it was her teasing that brought about this unwelcome (to her) change. “Hot water?” she whispered, hardly daring to show her sudden surge of hope. “We have plenty of hot water!” She grabbed Ranma’s hand, and dragged the pretty redhead towars the locker room. “Come on little sister! We need hot water! Um, I don’t know why, but if my handsome Ranma will come back, I’ll get you gallons of hot water!” Kyōko was jumping up and down like a child, when the reached the locker room. “Look! Hot water!” She pointed at the large sunken hottub, just off the locker room and showers. “Hot water! Hot water! Please change back now Ranma! I’m sorry! Honest!”


[To be continued in: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – Ranma Saotome – 5]

[About Arisa’s fate, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – Picolette Chardin – 4]