*By TZ* Ryoga: Hmph. They're doing it other places, too. Us anime boys just aren't safe anywhere anymore! Mousse: *raises an eyebrow* Well, you could always define safe.. I mean, we *do* have martial arts on our side... Tachi: *gasp!* Thou wouldst raise thy hand against mere women? For shame, yea, verily! Thy suggestion likes honor... Why raise hands against women when 'tis much more.. fun.. to raise hands 'gainst me? Ryoga: He has a point. Mousse: Indeed, he does. Tachi: *sweatdrop* .. urmm... I.. ahh... you can ... always.. put the whips *DOWN*, you know.. Ryoga & Mousse: *smirking* *simultaneously* We know. Tz-chan: THIS is gonna be fun... Gen-chan: ... *eats more popcorn* *By Yoiko* Yoiko: (sits down with her own box of popcorn) I can't wait to see this! Ryoga: Uh, are you gonna watch? Yoiko: Why, Ryoga, I wouldn't miss this for the world! Please, continue! Ryoga: *blush* Uh, I uh... Kuno: Why dost thou hesitate? Mousse: Well, I won't hesitate! (lashes out with a whip) Ryoga: OW! (rubbing his posterior) Hey, put your glasses on! *By TZ* Tachi: Thy accuracy is meet, Mousse-chan *laughter* Ryoga: Accuracy my ass. Tachi: *smirk* Thy ass, indeed. Mouse: *growls softly* Yeah.. *MY* ass.... *smirks* Ryoga: *moans as Kuno presses against him from the front, Mousse from behind* Oh, shit... *By Yoiko* Ryoga: Uh, no...This isn't what we agreed to! Mousse: (Undoing Ryoga's belt from behind while nibbling on his neck) Mmmm-hmmm... Kuno: Methinks we can persuade him to agree with us, Mousse-chan. (Mousse pulls the belt free and Kuno runs his hands up under Ryoga's shirt, pulling it up and over his head) Ryoga: But...but I... Mousse: (snapping the belt across Ryoga's backside) Yes, I think we'll have to persuade him somehow. Ryoga: (biting his lip as the belt wallops him) Mmmph! (Kuno pulls off one of Ryoga's bandannas and uses it to tie the Lost Boy's hands behind his back) But... Kuno: Why dost thou protest so overmuch, when thou knowest the end result will be to our mutual satisfaction? (Silences whatever reply Ryoga might make by kissing him soundly and pinching his nipples) Mousse: Just relax, Ryoga...(pushes Ryoga's pants down over his hips, smiling as the Lost Boy squirms) Ryoga: (suddenly realizes he's naked; pulls away from Kuno) No! Let me go! Mousse: (whacking Ryoga's bare bottom with the belt) Looks like we need some more persuasion, Tachi-chan... Kuno: (pulling off a pair of bandannas and using them to gag Ryoga) Agreed. Don't be afraid, Ryoga, we aren't going to hurt you...much...(caresses Ryoga's flushed cheek tenderly, then drops his hand to stroke the Lost Boy's hard shaft while Mousse presses up against him from behind, gently caressing his bare ass) Note that thy body bears no confusion in this matter. Do you still wish for us to stop? (After a moment's pause, Ryoga shakes his head no, but his eyes start to fill with tears) Mousse: (reaches around to pinch and tease Ryoga's nipples, chuckling as Ryoga leans back against him with a muffled moan) Now, whatever are we gonna do with you, Ryoga? (Reaches into the voluminous sleeves of his cloak and pulls out a pair of nipple clamps, which he holds up in front of Ryoga's wide brown eyes) This'll do, for a start...(hands the clamps to Kuno, then slowly draws his hands down the length of Ryoga's body to encircle his manhood. Kuno carefully applies the clamps, ignoring the frantic shaking of Ryoga's head, while Mousse begins slowly pumping with his hands) Mousse: (as soon as the clamps are in place, Mousse pulls his hands away, chuckling as Ryoga mumbles a soft protest into the gag) Oh, no, be patient, Ryoga. We haven't even begun yet. Kuno: (picking up a short deerskin whip and running his fingers through its strands) Truly, the evening has barely begun. (Ryoga stares at the whip and starts trembling silently) Mousse: (delicately playing with Ryoga's clamped nipples) Maybe we should start with making him more comfortable? (At Tachi's nod, the two of them lead Ryoga over to the bed and untie his hands long enough to stretch him out on his back, tying him spread-eagled to the bed frame) Kuno: Now, truly thou art a grand sight... (trails the whip's ends lightly enough to tickle across Ryoga's torso, smiling as his stomach muscles contract in reaction) Mousse: Oh, yes...(pulls a length of leather string from one sleeve, then wraps one hand around Ryoga's shaft, stroking a few times. Ryoga arches his back and groans in frustration as Mousse takes his hand away, then whimpers as the magician slowly and carefully begins winding the leather string around the base of his balls.) A grand sight. Kuno: (leaning in close to whisper in Ryoga's ear) I love that sexy little whimper you do. Do it again! (quickly releases the nipple clamps and presses his thumbs against Ryoga's nipples, drawing another whimper) Good boy... Mousse: (lightly strokes Ryoga's thighs with his hands, then begins unwinding the leather cord) He's a very good boy. Do you think we should reward him? Kuno: Indeed, it seems to me that a reward is in order. Mousse: (kneels between Ryoga's outstretched legs and grins down into his feverish brown eyes) I think I'd like to hear him beg, first. Kuno: (pulling off the gag while Mousse runs his hands along Ryoga's stomach and thighs) I must agree again. It is only proper that he should beg. Ryoga: (writhing on the bed as Kuno and Mousse's hands touch him everywhere except his straining shaft) Please...oh, pleasepleaseplease... Mousse: Please, what? Ryoga: (eyes well up with tears) Anything! Anything, please... Kuno: (brushing a tear from Ryoga's cheek) Don't cry, precious. (Bends down to kiss Ryoga deeply, stroking his face and chest approvingly as Ryoga whimpers deep in his throat. Mousse looks on with a gentle smile for a moment, then takes Ryoga's shaft into his mouth, trying not to laugh as the Lost Boy's whimper turns into a high-pitched, grateful moan) Kuno: (mumbling against Ryoga's mouth) I think he likes that, Mousse-chan... (Mousse pulls away long enough to moisten the fingers of one hand, grinning as Ryoga moans and lifts his head to recapture Kuno's mouth. Mousse slowly and gently pushes one finger deep into Ryoga while using his mouth and other hand to engulf Ryoga's manhood. Ryoga gasps as Mousse inserts a second finger, and the Lost Boy's entire body goes tense, focused intently on the two fingers moving deep inside him and two mouths loving him. Mousse takes Ryoga as deep into his mouth as possible, and starts to hum just as his fingers find *just* the right spot. With a loud cry, Ryoga reaches a violent orgasm, his whole body shaking. He lies stunned for several moments, breathing heavily and waiting for his heartbeat to slow down, while Kuno and Mousse grin down at him) Ryoga: (still panting slightly) Thank you. (the other two still grin down at him, in a way that makes him nervous) Uh, could you untie me now? Kuno: I know not. What think you, Mousse, are you ready to free him? Mousse: (slightly moves his fingers, which are still deep inside Ryoga) I don't think I'm quite finished with him yet. (presses his two fingers gently against the "magic spot" and grins as Ryoga moans. Kuno's hand drops to lightly stroke Ryoga's rapidly hardening shaft while the Lost Boy pulls at his bonds and bites his lip, his brow furrowing) Ryoga: Oh, no... Kuno and Mousse: Oh, yes... Ryoga: (writhing violently as his manhood revives with a sensation that is both pain and pleasure) Nnh! No, untie me! Mousse: (still moving his fingers delicately inside Ryoga, stroking the Lost Boy's thighs with his other hand) Do you suppose he wants us to convince him again? Kuno: (gathering up the bandannas that had been used as gags and preparing to use them again) Indeed, methinks a little more persuasion would not be amiss. Ryoga: Mm-mm! (refusing to open his mouth for the gag, turns his face away and tries to squirm away from Mousse's invading fingers) Mousse: Actually, Tachi, I can think of much more entertaining things he could do with his mouth... Kuno: (grips Ryoga's chin and forces him to meet his eyes, gently stroking the Lost Boy's lips with one finger) Truly. (bends down to kiss Ryoga gently, and with a tiny sigh the Lost Boy stops struggling, and starts kissing back passionately) Mousse: (grinning as he watches the two of them kissing) I think you have him convinced, Tachi-chan... Ryoga: (whimpers as Mousse slowly withdraws his fingers, then looks up with wide eyes as Kuno pulls away from him) Please...untie me... Mousse: We could do that. (starts pulling several lengths of chain out of his sleeves, and laying their cold lengths across Ryoga's flat belly. Ryoga hisses in surprise and stares wide-eyed as Mousse starts producing small padlocks) Ryoga: (in a trembling voice) Wh-What's that for? Kuno: All will be revealed in time, precious one. (ties one of the bandannas around Ryoga's eyes as a blindfold, then places a finger over the Lost Boy's lips as he draws a breath to say something) Speak not, Ryoga-chan, or you will suffer a penalty. Do you understand? (Ryoga's lip trembles a little, then he slowly nods his head) Mousse: (grinning) Almost ready. (straightens out the chains, smiling as the blindfolded Lost Boy flinches) Kuno: (grins at Mousse as the two silently begin untying Ryoga and then step back to watch him. The Lost Boy hesitates several moments, then moves his hand toward the blindfold.) Ah-ah, precious! (slaps Ryoga's hand away and smiles as the Lost Boy bites his lip in consternation) You stay where you are until we come for you. Don't move and don't speak. (smiles gently as Ryoga puts his arms back down, as though he were still tied.) Mousse: (picks up the chains, dragging the still-cold lengths across Ryoga's body, making him shudder) Don't worry, Ryoga-chan, this will be fun. (Ryoga shakes his head silently, but whether he means that he's not worried or that he thinks it won't be fun is unclear. Mousse takes the chains to the other side of the room, where a large wooden A-frame stands) Kuno: (plucks a piece of ice from a nearby glass and holds it in his hand, allowing icy drops to fall into Ryoga's navel and then across his chest. Ryoga gasps loudly at the first droplet, then bites his lip again. Kuno sees Mousse signaling him from across the room) Time to go, precious. Ryoga: (allowing Kuno to pull him to his feet) Where are we going? Kuno: (tapping Ryoga's lips lightly) Naughty boy. Didn't I tell you not to speak? Ryoga: (appalled) I'm sorry! Kuno: And do you persist in speaking? (smiles as Ryoga bites his lip again) Mousse: (crossing the room so that he and Kuno can each hold one of Ryoga's arms, as they begin to lead him slowly toward the A-frame) It sounds as though he's begging for punishment, Tachi-chan. (exchanges a grin with Kuno as Ryoga shakes his head silently) Kuno: (guiding Ryoga under the A-frame) Stop right there, precious. (strokes Ryoga's right arm, making him shiver, then slowly fastens a leather cuff around his wrist. Ryoga shifts his weight from one foot to the other, biting his lip nervously, as Mousse does the same to the other arm) Now, beautiful...(presses up against Ryoga from behind, nuzzling his neck) Lift your arms, just like this...(raises Ryoga's arms straight over his head, and helps Mousse to clip chains from the A-frame to the leather cuffs. Ryoga seems agitated as he realizes he can't move his arms, and he scrubs his face against one arm in an effort to dislodge the blindfold) Mousse: Ah-ah, Ryoga. None of that, now. (gives Ryoga a hard slap on the bottom and starts fastening leather cuffs around his ankles. Mousse and Kuno push Ryoga's feet till they are slightly more than shoulder-width apart, then fasten chains leading to the A-frame to keep him in place. Ryoga starts breathing hard as he jerks on the chains and they hold) Kuno: Methinks the punishment should be swift, Mousse-chan, to spare him the agony of anticipation. Ryoga: No! I didn't- Mmmph! (bites his lips as Kuno swats him with a short paddle, then starts squirming as Kuno begins paddling him in earnest) Ow! No, stop! Kuno: (looping one arm around Ryoga's waist and holding him still, pressing the paddle against Ryoga's bottom and holding it there) Listen to me, precious. Ryoga: I didn't mean to talk out of turn... Kuno: Listen. It's all part of the game, precious. The idea is to make you feel things. Sometimes it will feel good (strokes Ryoga's manhood a few times, grinning as the Lost Boy presses back against him with a moan) and sometimes it will hurt (gives Ryoga one good swat with the paddle, then rubs his reddening buttocks gently). Neither of us is truly angry with you, it's part of the game. Do you understand? (smiles as Ryoga opens his mouth to answer and then nods instead) Good boy. Good, good boy. Now, I'm going to give you a good paddling, because it's part of what we want you to feel. If it's truly too much for you to bear, I want you to say "mercy." Do you understand? (Ryoga nods again) Now tell me your safe word. Ryoga: Mercy. Kuno: That's right, precious. Now, are you ready? (Ryoga nods again, and Kuno delivers a series of blows with the paddle, stopping when Ryoga tenses and starting again the moment he relaxes. The tempo builds until Ryoga suddenly starts sobbing out loud. Kuno pauses a moment to knead Ryoga's bottom) Do you need to use your safe word? (Ryoga shakes his head no) Good boy. You are such a good boy. (nibbles on Ryoga's ear, making him shiver) Mousse? (steps around Ryoga and gently runs his fingers along the bottom of the blindfold, noting that the fabric around Ryoga's eyes is wet) Mousse: (Steps up behind Ryoga with a length of chain, and drags the cold ends lightly across Ryoga's arms and back. The Lost Boy shudders as he realizes what it is Mousse is holding) This is where the fun starts, Ryoga...(steps back and pulls out a large metal ring, using two of the padlocks to attach two lengths of chain to it. Mousse slides the ring over Ryoga's manhood, where it fits loosely; Ryoga gasps loudly at the cold and then bites his lip. Next Mousse lubricates a small butt plug and pushes it slowly into Ryoga, grinning at his grunt of surprise and ignoring his efforts to squirm away. The longer length of chain hanging from the ring is drawn back between Ryoga's legs and fed through a small loop in the end of the butt plug, then pulled taut up to the small of the Lost Boy's back. Kuno pulls the shorter length of chain up along Ryoga's stomach; it stops just short of his navel. The third, longest piece of chain gets padlocked to the piece in front, then the two ends circle Ryoga's waist to meet at the piece in back. A fourth padlock attaches the three pieces together at the small of Ryoga's back, then the two long ends of chain cross over Ryoga's chest, go up over his shoulders, and back down to the padlock at the small of his back. One final small lock joins the two pieces on his back, near the nape of his neck so that he can't shrug the harness off.) There now, you look wonderful, Ryoga. (pats Ryoga's bottom gently, then helps Kuno to unfasten the wrist and ankle cuffs. Kuno pulls off the blindfold, smiling into the Lost Boy's blinking eyes.) Kuno: What do you think, precious? (gently tugs on the chains, jarring the entire harness) Ryoga: I- (ducks his head, looking unhappy) Kuno: You may speak, since you were asked a direct question. (Tugs the chain again, hiding his smile as the motion makes Ryoga whimper) Ryoga: I don't...like this... Mousse: Oh, really, Ryoga? What's not to like? (scrapes his fingernails lightly across Ryoga's sore buttocks) I like it very much. Kuno: (Gently tilts Ryoga's chin up and presses one hand against Ryoga's bottom, pushing the butt plug in a little deeper. Ryoga groans, tenses up and tries to look away) Is it because you've never experienced this? (Ryoga nods silently, blushing deeply) Mousse: You mean you've never been on the receiving end? (Ryoga nods again and turns his face away. Kuno and Mousse smile at each other) Kuno: Don't worry, precious. We'll be very patient and gentle with you. Ryoga: But I don't want- Ow! (stops talking as Mousse swats him on the behind) Mousse: You're not supposed to speak unless asked a direct question, remember? Ryoga: But- Kuno: (placing one finger over Ryoga's lips) Come on, now, precious. Play the game. You can always use the safe word if the need should arise. (Ryoga thinks a moment and then nods, and Kuno and Mousse exchange another smile) Mousse: Oh, almost forgot. (pulls a small leather band out and snaps it around the base of Ryoga's balls, making him hiss in reaction) Let's go get something to eat, shall we? Kuno: Indeed, one tends to whet one's appetite... (kisses Ryoga gently, then backs away and looks with satisfaction at the Lost Boy's half-lidded, passion-clouded eyes. Kuno loops a finger inside one of the chains, and uses it to guide Ryoga to the kitchen) Mousse: (patting a smooth wooden stool) Up here, Ryoga. (Helps Ryoga climb up onto the stool. Ryoga winces as he sits on the stool, his weight putting pressure on the butt plug. Mousse notices and grins, guiding Ryoga's hands to the edge of the stool's seat behind him. Then he pushes Ryoga's knees apart and runs his finger around the little leather band) Keep your legs just like this, Ryoga. I want to look at you while we cook. (Ryoga blushes deeply, closing his eyes tightly) Kuno: Indeed, there are interesting seasonings to be had here... (takes a half-strawberry from a bowl on the counter and rubs it gently over the tip of Ryoga's manhood, gathering the small drop of salty fluid there, then lifts it to Ryoga's lips. Ryoga blushes furiously, and Kuno pinches one of his nipples hard enough to make him gasp and presses the strawberry against his mouth as it opens. Ryoga allows Kuno to feed him the strawberry, trying not to make a face at the odd taste. Kuno kisses him, and they pass the strawberry from one mouth to the other and back again, each of them swallowing some. Kuno stands back, rubbing his thumb over Ryoga's lower lip) Beautiful... Mousse: (brings over a small jar of honey and dips one finger in it, then moves in towards Ryoga as Kuno stands back) All kinds of interesting things to be found in the kitchen...(smears a bit of honey on each of Ryoga's nipples, then into his navel and on the tip of his manhood. Puts the honey away and pushes his finger into Ryoga's mouth, letting him lick and suck it clean) Such a sweet boy...don't you think so, Tachi-chan? Kuno: (Slowly following the trail of honey, licking and gently biting at Ryoga's nipples and then pressing his tongue into the Lost Boy's navel) Mmm-hmmm...(Ryoga squirms violently, his face turning bright red and taking on a pained expression) Mousse: Ryoga, are you OK? Ryoga: HA, hahahaha! Huh-puh-p-!! Kuno: Methinks the dear boy is a bit ticklish. (presses his tongue into Ryoga's navel again and holds onto his hips as he writhes. Mousse stands behind Ryoga and threads his arms under the Lost Boy's, pulling him backwards and holding him up as he howls with laughter and flops like a fish on a hook. Mousse is laughing himself, and Kuno is trying to keep enough of a straight face to continue the torture) Ryoga: (still laughing) Puh-please! Mercy! (Kuno stops, still holding firmly onto Ryoga's hips as he gasps for breath. As soon as the Lost Boy seems to have calmed down a little, Kuno moves on, slowly lapping at the tip of Ryoga's manhood. Ryoga groans and leans back into Mousse's arms, aware that the little leather band is enough to keep him from fulfillment) Mousse: (leaning in to nibble at Ryoga's ear in between words) Now THAT was an interesting reaction...I'm sure we can think of some fun things to do with that. (Ryoga shudders silently.) Kuno: (standing up with a satisfied grin on his face) Indeed. Mayhap we should postpone the repast, and go straight to dessert. Mousse: A fine notion, Tachi-chan! (the two of them help Ryoga down from the stool and lead him back to the bedroom. Kuno takes off his shirt) Now, Ryoga, lie down right here...(gently pushes Ryoga face-down on the bed, with his legs dangling over the edge) Oh, now look at that. He's lost all his red! Can't have that, can we? Kuno: Indeed not. Would you like to use my paddle? Mousse: That's all right, I have one of my own! (pulls a paddle out of his robe, grinning as Ryoga muffles a moan of protest into the bedspread) Ready, Ryoga? (The Lost Boy nods, and Mousse paddles him, noticing that he is getting tenser and tenser. Mousse pauses to rub the boy's reddened buttocks gently) You do remember your safe word, right? Ryoga: Yes. Mousse: Yes, what? Ryoga: Yes, I remember the safe- OW! (cuts off as Mousse whacks him with the paddle) Mousse: You say, "Yes, master." Ryoga: Mm-mm. (winces as Mousse whacks him again) Kuno: Why won't you say it? Ryoga: I don't want to...it's not right. Kuno: Then tell him, "Yes, sir." Ryoga: Yes, sir. Mousse: Good enough, Ryoga. (pinches his bottom, hard. Then Mousse pulls out the key and begins unlocking the padlocks. In a few moments, the chains come off, leaving Ryoga to shudder as part of the harness is pulled back out of the loop on the butt plug) Just relax, now...(pulls the butt plug partway out and then shoves it back in again slowly, sharing a smile with Kuno as the Lost Boy whimpers and squirms on the bed. Pulls the plug out again slowly as Ryoga grabs fistsful of the bedspread and buries his face in the wadded-up cloth) Kuno: (smiling gently) Methinks he needs time to loosen up further, Mousse-chan... Mousse: I have to agree. (pulls out a somewhat larger butt plug and lubricates it heavily while Kuno steps up to place a hand on the small of Ryoga's back) Kuno: Try to be still now, precious. (Ryoga whimpers again, and Kuno can feel how hard he is breathing as Mousse presses the new butt plug up against him. Kuno begins to massage Ryoga's back as Mousse slowly but steadily pushes the plug into place, then quietly the two of them begin kneading Ryoga's tense muscles, caressing his entire body with warm, strong hands. When he is finally starting to relax, Kuno steps back to watch) Mousse: Don't forget your safe word, Ryoga. I want you to use it if you need it. Ryoga: Yes, sir... Mousse: Good boy. (pulls out a suede flogger and begins lashing at Ryoga with it, whipping his back and buttocks. Ryoga seems startled at the first blow across his back, but he quickly grows to accept the thudding blows. Mousse stops when Ryoga turns the precise shade of pink he wants.) Kuno: (steps up to Ryoga, holding a horse-tail whip, and brushing its ends lightly along the Lost Boy's sensitive skin. Mousse puts the flogger away and starts to undress) You're a good, good boy, precious. (starts swinging the whip in a circle, making Ryoga twitch at the stinging sensation. Mousse carefully sets his clothing aside, being sure that all his concealed weapons are in order) Mousse: A very good boy. (steps up behind Ryoga and caresses his reddened bottom while Kuno puts the horse-tail whip away and removes the rest of his own clothing.) Kuno: Just relax now, precious. (steps up to run his fingers through Ryoga's thick hair while Mousse slowly removes the butt plug and presses his own manhood up against Ryoga. Mousse starts to push in, and with a startled yelp Ryoga leaps several feet in the air, landing in the middle of the bed on all fours, looking at Mousse over his shoulder with a terrified expression) Mousse: (mildly) Good reflexes. Ryoga: I'm sorry! Kuno: (seating himself at the head of the bed, pats his lap) Come over here, precious one. (Ryoga crawls across the bed to Kuno, floundering slightly in the thick bedspread, and allows Kuno's hands to guide him. His arms circle Kuno's waist, his head pressing against Kuno's side. His chest is flat against Kuno's legs, and his back is arched, leaving his backside exposed. He tenses as he feels Mousse's weight settling on the mattress behind him) Mousse: Just relax. Ryoga: (hugging Kuno tightly and burying his face against Kuno's side) I can't... Mousse: Relax, or it will hurt. This is supposed to be one of the feels-good parts. Kuno: (holding Mousse off with a gesture) Try to relax, precious. Take a deep breath. Ryoga: (sobbing) I can't! I can't do this... Kuno: Breathe, Ryoga. Take a deep breath. (smiles as Ryoga draws a deep, shuddering sigh) Good boy. Now take another deep breath, and hold it...and let it out. And again. Hold it...and now let it out. (At Kuno's signal, Mousse starts pressing in as Ryoga exhales, turning the outgoing breath into a high-pitched whine. Mousse freezes with just the tip of his manhood inside, and they all wait while Ryoga pants heavily, trying to adjust to the feeling. Then Kuno guides him through some more deep-breathing, slowly rubbing Ryoga's back as Mousse advances a little more. By the time Mousse is fully sheathed, both he and Ryoga have broken out in a sweat. Mousse remains still for several minutes, savoring Ryoga's tightness and heat) Kuno: (feeling hot tears dripping down his side, gently strokes Ryoga's hair) Good boy. That's it, precious. Mousse: (Grimacing in concentration and struggling not to just pump away) Does it hurt? (Ryoga shakes his head no, and Kuno and Mousse smile tenderly at his tense, sobbing form) Are you ready? (Ryoga shakes his head again, and Mousse glances up at the ceiling as if praying for patience) Kuno: (lifting Ryoga's chin until he's up on all fours again) Have faith, precious. It will feel good. (Climbs off the bed and bends over to kiss Ryoga, reaching beneath the Lost Boy's body to stroke his hard shaft. Ryoga whimpers as his hips start to move uncontrollably, and then with a groan Mousse gives up his control and begins to thrust. His hands grip Ryoga's hips as he pounds away. Ryoga gives sharp, open-mouthed cries as he rocks back against Mousse, needing more and groaning in unfulfilled frustration as Mousse reaches his climax and collapses over Ryoga's back.) Kuno: (waiting for an exhausted Mousse to push himself away) Turn over, precious. (Guides Ryoga onto his back on the bed, and binds his arms to the bedposts.) Open... (holds the bandanna-gag to Ryoga's mouth, smiling as he opens his mouth in acceptance. Kuno ties the gag in place and brushes a kiss over Ryoga's eyelids as they flutter closed.) Sweet boy... (Kisses his way down Ryoga's body, toying with his belly-button just enough to make him giggle into the gag, then moves down to his manhood. Keeping an eye on Ryoga's face, he unfastens the leather band and squeezes Ryoga's balls gently, allowing the blood to return slowly. Ryoga squeezes his eyes shut and gives a gurgling moan into the gag, his whole body in motion as Kuno continues to gently fondle and massage him. Kuno leaves to get the tube of lubricant, and uses it liberally on Ryoga's manhood and his own. He pulls Ryoga's knees up over his shoulders, and looks down into the boy's wide brown eyes) Are you ready? (Ryoga nods vigorously, trying to use his legs to bring Kuno in closer. Kuno slowly and gently pushes into Ryoga's accepting body, and leans in to press hot kisses across Ryoga's throat and chest. Ryoga's eyes roll back and he groans loudly as Kuno's hand wraps around his manhood, stroking him in the same rhythm as his shaft pounding into Ryoga. Kuno reaches orgasm with a loud cry, falling onto Ryoga, and Ryoga climaxes violently at almost the same instant, his seed spurting over Kuno's fingers to splash both of their chests and stomachs. Kuno stays there for several moments, their bodies still joined, and then he withdraws. Ryoga shudders and looks up at him quietly) Bath time, Mousse? (Kuno wipes at the wet streaks on his chest and belly, then licks his finger clean, smiling down at Ryoga. Mousse goes into the adjoining bathroom and starts running water into the bath. Kuno gently strokes Ryoga's cheek before following Mousse into the bathroom and closing the door) In the bathroom: (Kuno and Mousse talk and scrub themselves as the tub fills with water, the noise masking their voices) Kuno: What do you think? Mousse: He's probably feeling insecure right now. Kuno: Truly, I had noticed that he begins to entertain doubts as soon as the fire of passion is extinguished. Mousse: If you're trying to say that he's only sure of what he wants when he's so turned on he can't think straight, you're right. Kuno: Indeed... Mousse: What is it? Kuno: I want to keep him. Mousse: Well, he is a sweet one. I don't blame you. Kuno: Do you suppose he wants to be kept? Mousse: It's hard to tell. He might just be experimenting with all this. Kuno: Meaning he might wish not to submit on the morrow? Mousse: Meaning he might not even know what he wants. Kuno: Would that there were an easy way to tell... Mousse: Give him time, Tachi-chan. If he wants to continue, he'll find a way to tell you. Kuno: I'd keep you, too, if you allowed it. Mousse: (smiling gently) You know I can't leave Shampoo. Kuno: I wish that you would, Mousse-chan. I worry about you with her. Mousse: (shrugs with a wry smile) I can't help loving her, Tachi-chan. Besides, she might teach me some more fun tricks. And it's not like you'll never see me again. Kuno: You will forever and always be a welcome guest in this house, Mousse-chan. (leans over to kiss Mousse as they both rinse off and then step down into the tub) In the bedroom: (Ryoga watches as Kuno follows Mousse into the bathroom and closes the door. A long period of time passes, and Ryoga begins shivering with cold as a draft blows across his body, chilling the sweat and streaks of his seed. He whimpers uncomfortably as he gets an itch on his stomach and can't rub it away, and he feels wetness start to trickle out of him. The sound of running water makes him all too aware that he needs to use the bathroom, and he whimpers again, tugging uselessly at his bonds. After what seems an eternity, he hears the tub emptying, and after another eternity Kuno and Mousse come out of the bathroom in fresh, clean clothes. Ryoga is shivering visibly by this time, and his teeth would be chattering if not for the gag.) Kuno: Poor boy! It got cold in here! (quickly unties Ryoga with Mousse's help and undoes the gag, then fetches a warm, wet washcloth from the bathroom and wipes off Ryoga's face, then his chest and flat stomach. He leads Ryoga to the bathroom while Mousse goes out another door.) Now, precious, I'll give you ten minutes of privacy to do whatever you need to do. Then Mousse and I will come in. You need to sit on that stool (indicates a short stool used for bathing) and wait for us. Do you understand? (Ryoga nods) Good. I'll be back shortly. (Leaves, with a backward glance at Ryoga, who looks both embarassed and lost.) Ten minutes later: (Kuno and Mousse walk into the bathroom to find Ryoga sitting on the stool looking a little frightened. Kuno picks up soap and a sponge while Mousse starts the water running again and fills a bucket with warm water. He dumps part of it on Ryoga, and then Kuno and Mousse begin scrubbing the Lost Boy's body, washing all his secret and tender places while he blushes helplessly) Kuno: Open. (Ryoga opens his mouth and Kuno starts brushing his teeth for him. Mousse finishes soaping Ryoga's body up, and quickly trims his nails and starts shampooing his thick hair.) Why do you look at me thus? Ryoga: I... (bites his lip) Kuno: Answer me. It was a direct question. Ryoga: This is embarassing. I can do this by myself! Kuno: But I don't wish to let you do it for yourself. It pleases me to tend to these tasks, and you should not be ashamed. Mousse: You're beautiful, Ryoga, you don't have anything to be ashamed of. (Ryoga blushes again and closes his eyes as Mousse starts rinsing out his hair. One more bucketful of water rinses him off, and Kuno leads him over to the now-full tub and helps him down into it. The water comes up to Ryoga's chin.) Kuno: Now, precious, you stay in here as long as you wish. Relax and enjoy; you've earned this. Come into the den when you're finished. You may use this robe, if you so desire. (Ryoga nods silently, and Kuno and Mousse leave. The Lost Boy soaks for a nice long while, savoring his bath, then he lets out the water and quickly towels himself off, wincing as the towel rasps against his tender skin, and wincing again as he climbs a little stiffly out of the tub. He quickly dons the robe, which is warm and thick, and far too large for him, then he hangs up the towel and wanders out into the hallway. Nearly an hour later, Ryoga hears a noise drifting down the hallway and follows it. He pokes his head around a doorway to see a TV set playing in a small, cozy den, and Kuno sitting in a comfortable armchair watching it.) Kuno: Where have you been? Did I not tell you to come directly here? Ryoga: I got lost... (Mousse walks up behind him and taps his shoulder, and Ryoga jumps several feet into the room, spinning to land facing Mousse.) Mousse: I went looking for you. Ryoga: I'm sorry...I really can't help it. Kuno: We know. Come over here, precious. (Ryoga walks over to him a little hesitantly, glancing nervously from Mousse to Kuno and back again as he walks. Kuno takes one of Ryoga's hands and pulls the Lost Boy down over his lap, holding him firmly in place as he tries to resist.) Ryoga: (crying suddenly) I'm sorry! I really couldn't help it! Kuno: (pulling the robe up over Ryoga's hips) Don't worry, precious. We're not angry with you. Mousse? (Mousse brings over a small jar of ointment, which he begins working into Ryoga's flesh, being certain to spread some deep inside Ryoga as well as over his legs and bottom) Mousse: (patting Ryoga's bottom gently and smiling as the Lost Boy whimpers) Don't worry, Ryoga. The salve should numb it pretty soon. That ought to do it, Tachi-chan. (leaves to go wash his hands) Kuno: (Noticing that Ryoga is shivering, pulls the robe back into place and helps him stand up, then goes to pull a blanket off the couch and sits again in the armchair.) Come here, precious. (Pats his lap invitingly, and after a moment's hesitation Ryoga sits. Kuno pulls him in close and wraps the blanket around them both. Ryoga cuddles up in Kuno's lap, snuggling his face under Kuno's chin. Long moments pass while the TV chatters away in the background, and Ryoga starts to yawn. Gradually he stops shivering and his body starts to go limp in Kuno's arms. Kuno caresses his soft hair gently, and whispers to the sleepy Lost Boy) So sweet, my precious boy... (Mousse walks in and freezes, not wanting to interrupt) Ryoga: (contented sigh) Master... (Kuno and Mousse smile to each other) THE END
Author's Note: I did not create Ranma 1/2, and the Ranma 1/2 characters and situations are being used in this fic without permission or license. This story is not meant to be taken as a claim to the copyright, and I do not mean any disrespect whatsoever to the creators of this wonderful anime. If you have any comments or suggestions, please Sign My Guestbook I'd love to hear from you!