Za Gaman
a Ranma1/2 fanfiction by Ukyou Kuonji

WARNING: This story's got some lemon content, and maybe some mild S&M. Kiddies, don't read this... it's not all that pretty. For that matter, maybe most Ukyou fans shouldn't read this.. I'm probably gonna get the worst of this...

It's a well-known fact that Shampoo and I don't get along. Hah. That's an understatement. Hate each other is almost too mild, in fact. We avoid each other as much as possible, but when we do meet, we fight like alley cats. To be honest, I never used to knew exactly why she got my ire up so much. Akane and I are on reasonably good terms, for being rivals, and Kodachi... well, I don't consider her a threat, and she doesn't consider anyone, period.

But Shampoo, well... there's something just too brazen about her. The way she throws herself at Ran-chan just makes me sick. She has all the subtlety of a pink-salon girl, and a cloying desperation about her, too. Worse yet, he doesn't make an effort to brush her off. Granted, the way she hangs on to him like glue makes it hard for him to simply get rid of her. And that *witch* of a grandmother of hers... well, the less said, the better. In any case, I guess I understand Ran-chan's position -- hell, I've been in his shoes with Tsubasa, after all -- but it doesn't make it any easier to tolerate, now, does it?

So should it surprise you when I've got nothing good to say about her? And does it surprise you when I tell you she raped me?

Now, I consider myself a halfway decent martial artist, but even I know better than to provoke a confrontation with Shampoo. Not that I'm admitting that she's better than I am; I just have better things to do with my time. I mean, between classes, running a restaurant, and trying to convince Ran-chan that I'm the best girl for him, I've got a pretty full plate as it is. Why waste time and effort on fighting, ne?

But when Shampoo comes looking for me, well then, I've got no choice, do I? Like that little tramp has any business coming into my restaurant. She and that old witch of a granny have their own restaurant; for all I know, she might be trying to steal my business.

Of course, that's not likely; our fights are always over Ran-chan.

She showed up at my door, carrying her usual ramen delivery box: "Nihao, not-nice-spatula-girl. See? Shampoo delivering special ramen to wo da airen, and you stuck inside with boring customers." She doesn't have to rub my nose into the fact that I'm pretty much chained to the restaurant grill, while she gallivants off on 'deliveries,' serene in the knowledge that ol' Granny'll take care of the Neko-Hanten while she's out boy-chasing.

This was deliberate, right down to the grin on her face that just screamed out "I need to be slapped." Who was I not to oblige? I turned to Konatsu. "Hold down the fort for a moment, will you? I gotta teach this little slut a lesson..." My ninja Friday sighed sadly and nodded, and for a brief second I felt a bit guilty about what I was planning to do to Shampoo. 'Natsu-chan is fair and even-handed to a fault, and sometimes he can shame me out of my quarrels with that Chinese bitch. Hell, he's even gotten me to tone down the language I use about her.

But just as I was about to apologize to him for calling Shampoo a slut (I'd never apologize to Shampoo for that -- why apologize for the truth?), there was a buzzing noise from the doorway where she still stood; tongue out, lower eyelid pulled down...

That was it. No apologies, now. I grabbed my combat spatula and leaped over the grill. In my rage, it never even occurred to me *why* she was baiting me like this...

...until I got out the door and felt the knob of a staff on the back of my head; at which point, everything went black.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in what I could only assume to be the kitchen of the Neko-Hanten. And my arms were numb. Turns out, they were tied together, and the rope that bound them was hanging over a hook suspended from the ceiling. I was strung up, medieval-prisoner style -- or maybe like a side of beef. And to top it all off, I was completely naked.

I was mortified. And angry.

The first time I'd ever understood anything about masturbation was when I was in junior high school. The place was co-ed (it was my *high school* that was all-boys, until I transferred to Furinkan), but I was registered as a boy, of course. After gym class, I would only occasionally take a shower, and if I did, I kept my boxer shorts and either a tank top or, preferably, a T-shirt on while I did, so as to conceal my bindings. I got some teasing from some of the bigger boys, but a few whaps with my spatula eventually quieted them down. Some of the smaller boys understood perfectly: Puberty is no time to be seen naked by your peers, especially when you're deficient in some way. Not that they had any clue as to the nature of my so-called 'deficiency;' Kami alone knows what might have happened if they did.

I was drying myself off after a rare shower, looking for a restroom stall in which I could change out of my soaking wet gym clothes into my school uniform in some measure of privacy. The door to one of the rear stalls was half-open, and I almost walked right in on him.

He was a reedy-looking kid; scrawny and short. He was crouched by the toilet, right up against and facing the back wall. His shorts were down to his ankles and his... thing... was out. He had zero clue that the door to the stall was open and that his ecstasies could be seen by one and all; he was in that state in which he was oblivious to everything but the vision of those girls in the shower and his own urgent need. I really should have left, quickly and quietly, right then and there, but I couldn't help myself. I was transfixed by this.. this..

"Shampoo need practice. Shampoo know how to please boy-type Ranma, but no can practice for girl-type Ranma."

"What... you think this is pleasant? Let me down, you idiotic Chinese wench, and I'll show how what would please me! I'll bash your stupid head in!"

Didn't faze the little tart one bit. She just waggled a finger over her shoulder at me. "Ah, ah, ah! No want spatula girl too tired from fight she no can win anyway. Besides, is good challenge for Shampoo."

"Challenge? What the *hell* are you talking about, you stupid..." Words failed me as she turned around to face me.

I howled in pain as she tried to cram her dildo into me. I could feel her tearing me apart inside, and my screams began to catch in my throat.

All at once, she stopped her onslaught, and pulled out. I relaxed slightly and exhaled. She actually looked puzzled. "Eh? Not-nice spatula girl is virgin?"

"I'm saving myself for Ran-chan, or didn't you know that?" I growled. "What, fucking Amazon bitch no is virgin?"

Her eyes widened. Obviously, it hadn't occured to her until now that Ran-chan might *prefer* someone as inexperienced as he. And it was too late for her now. I decided to pour salt in the wound. "Yep. Didn't think so. What makes you think your precious 'airen's gonna accept damaged goods?"

Now an aura began to build around her. I may have gone a bit too far.

I gritted my teeth. Hard. Dammit, I can't let this little Chinese bitch get the better of me. I will not come.. I will not come..