Water Water Everywhere....
By: NeoPatamonX
Based on the Masterpiece Ranma1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi
I claim no ownership of Ranma1/2 or any characters in this story; this story is from my mind and is the product of fanfare. This story is also rated NC-17 for sexual content.
Sexual Index: M/F
‘Ranma Saotome…. I will have my revenge yet…. Now that you and that amazon have been more acquainted with each other… muhahaha…. But for now….’
P-Chan released himself from Akane’s sleeping grip and looked at the girl with love, ‘If only I could…. be with her…. Oh Akane…’. He continued to stare at the girl and then went back to sleep…
“AHHH!!!! HOW GROSS!!!!”
Kasumi came running up the stairs to see what the commotion was, “Akane, what’s wrong?”
Akane was standing next to her bed, staring down at P-Chan and…
“Wake up!!!” Akane said, shaking P-Chan
“Look what you did!!”
P-Chan, in a daze, looked down to see a damp area right next to his thighs… his eyes widen, and then…SMACK!
“Akane, clam down, he’s just a little piglet, I’ll change your sheets after breakfast, why don’t you take a bath?” Kasumi said, “Infact, you could bath P-Chan too!”
P-Chan’s eyes widen again and he jolted away in terror of his discovery
“Hey! Get back here!!!” Akane said running after P-Chan
“…a….ar….aahhh…..hhh!” yawned the waking Shampoo, she looked to her right, were her love Ranma slept, she gave him a kiss and went off to take a bath.
“Humm? Oh, good morning Shampoo!” Kasumi said as she saw her walk by.
“Ah? Oh..He-llo!” Shampoo said to her best attempt
<<Pretend that this is Japanese, thankies ^^>>
“Going to take a bath? There is one drawn already.” Kasumi said and walked off
Shampoo blinked and headed to the bathroom, inside, she took all her clothing off, revealing her appealing body with abnormally sized breasts, and she proceeded to the bath…to find Akane in already.
“G…G…Girl!!! You try to take Ranma! I kill now!” she said
“I accept for challenge! And no tricks this time!” Akane replied, and the two got into fighting stance.
“Whaa…?” Shampoo and Akane said in union
As the door slide open, Shampoo blushed, but Akane turned red in anger…
“AH!! I didn’t know this was tak…”
“I…love…you…” Shampoo said, pressing her nude body against Ranma as usual, only this time, he was in the nude too….
“You…PERVERT!!!!” Akane said, as she swiftly splashed cold water onto Ranma…
Shampoo blinked as she felt her head touch Ranma’s now female breasts, she looked up with haste to see the face of Female Ranma…
“I KILL!!!!”
And so, another chase began, Ranma ran out of the bathroom nude, with the nude Shampoo chasing after her. Along with Shampoo chasing him, Akane chased her also, throwing various objects.
“AHH!! Leave me alone!!!!” Ranma screamed as she ran more and more, as the three passed Kasumi, Mr. Saotome, and Nabiki, they all just stared and continued as normal…
“Another day…” Nabiki said, “Another scam… this is too easy” she said as she prepared the kettle…
The three continued outside, Ranma having her mind on survival, Shampoo on revenge, and Akane too… Hearing the screams of the three, Ryoga in his human form looked out to see what the ruckus was…
“Heh… perfect!” He said as he started after them too with a bucket of cold water.
“Excuse me…”
Everyone having breakfast froze and looked in the direction of Kuno
“…Could…one of you tell me where the…pig-tailed girl is?”
Everyone pointed to the front gate
“…Gone…ok…” he said leaving… but right after his leaving…
“Excuse me…”
Everyone looked again, to see Kodachi
“…Could…one of you tell me where Ranma is?”
Everyone pointed to the front gate
“Gone…ok…” she said leaving…
“AHHH!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” Ranma said screaming down the street.
“DIIEEEE!!!” Shampoo and Akane said in union, but when Shampoo noticed Akane’s voice this time, she stopped and turned to Akane
“Eep…” Akane said as she ran back toward the house, Shampoo now chasing her.
Ranma ran around a corner and panted…
“7000 yen…for these” Nabiki was next to her
“…..Fine…” Ranma said
Nabiki gave Ranma his clothes and some hot water; he changed back into his normal self again and got dressed.
“You should pay up soon, before I charge interest like the last time…” Nabiki said as she ran off
“I just noticed…she is un-cute too!”
Akane’s eyes widen to realize that the three of them have been running in the streets nude!
“Shampoo! We are nude!” she yelled
“What to do…this curse is unbearable…” Ranma said to himself as he walked back toward the Tendo residence.
“Ranma!!! Ranma!!!”
“Ranma!!!” said Kodachi as she ran to him
“Not…. her…” he said in depression, but the next thing he knew, her arms were around him.
“Oh Ranma darling… we are meant to be…”
“Not now!” Ranma said, pushing her away and he ran down the street again
“Hehehe! A chase huh?” she said running after Ranma
Ranma quickly ran into another alley, and as soon as he came around the corner, he felt the cold feel of water…
“…R..Ryoga! You jerk!” Ranma said, now in his female form again.
“G’bye!” Ryoga ran off
“Ranma!!?…Ranma! I will have my revenge now!” Kodachi said running after her with her mind set on revenge
“Oh great…” Ranma said and ran off again, she approached the corner, where she cut it and fell immediately…
“Ow…watch where you are..going!!” Ranma said with shock, when she realized she ran straight into another nuisance…
“P..P…Pig-tailed girl! I love you!!!” Kuno said as he brought Ranma up to her feet and hugged her, she restrained and fled again, having the siblings chase him another block, he cornered another alley, and then felt the warmth of…water!
“This will be another 3000 yen…”
“Nabiki! I didn’t ask you to do anything!”
“Ranma!!!” Kuno and Kodachi said in union
“I will kill you now!”
“I will kiss you now!”
“AH!!! Leave me ALONE!” Ranma said and ran yet again!
As he ran, he dodged both of their attacks, as Kuno attempted to strike Ranma and the Gymnastic used her club attacks to try to render Ranma unconscious…
Ranma found himself in darkness, being held by large clawed hands, he kept quite as he watched Kuno and his sister run past him…
The hand released Ranma and he turned around…
“Father…for once, you did something to save me!”
Then, Ranma fell to the impact of a street sign wielded by the panda…
“Ok Shampoo! It’s time to settle this!” Akane said
“You die!” Shampoo replied
The battlefield was set in the training room of the Tendo residence, and the two girls stared each other down before they both began their fierce attacks, but right as Akane was lunging herself at Shampoo, she disappeared!
“Huh? Ranma?!” Akane said as she looked to her left outside, seeing Ranma being carried by the panda, and Shampoo watching too.
“Wait! What about our fight?!”
“Ranma-Kun!” Shampoo said as she drifted off to hug Ranma
Hearing this in the distance, Kodachi approached the Tendo house again in haste as her brother continued in the opposite direction.
“Ranma darling!!”
The three girls, Shampoo, Akane, and Kodachi stood and stared at Ranma being carried by the panda, Mr. Saotome turn around and growled, leaving the girls to flee a few paces as he continued upstairs…
“Ranma…darling…” Kodachi said, this caught Shampoo’s ear and she turned to give Kodachi a kiss…
“Wha? WHO ARE YOU?!” she said in disgust as Shampoo gave her the kiss of doom!
“Oh jeez…” Akane said in disbelief
“Now you die too!” Shampoo said facing Kodachi
“What?!” she said in shock
“You seek Ranma, you must get by me!” Shampoo said
“She’s a Chinese Amazon… and she just gave you the kiss of death… that means she will kill you…” Akane said dully
Kodachi stared back at Akane in terror “She…kissed…me?”
“Yes! You both die now!” Shampoo said and she launched an attack on both of them, they both fled in opposite directions, leaving Shampoo to decide, but then, she realized the luck of her situation and ran upstairs to see Ranma…
Ranma was still unconscious, the panda left Ranma…
“Heh…wake up!” Ryoga said as he splashed cold water onto Ranma, he woke in shock
“R…R…Ryoga!!! YOU JERK!!!” she said, but Rygoa already had fled onto the roof, and before she could stand up, Shampoo entered the room, falling toward Ranma…
“Oh no…” Ranma said as she jumped out the window, landing right into the outside pond, Shampoo jumped out after her too, and landed next to the pond.
Shampoo watched the bubbles form from the water, getting ready to ambush Ranma when she would come out of the water… Then she leered over her should to see that Kasumi, Nabiki, and Mr. Tendo were watching the whole situation…
The family turned their attention back to their business… Just then, Ranma jumped out of the water and ran toward the streets again…
“DIEEE!!!!” The two disappeared from the family’s view…
“Everyday, the same thing….” Kasumi said
“I’m going to earn another 3000 yen…” Nabiki said as she took the now heated kettle and ran after Ranma also.
“Shampoo! Stop…chasing…me!!!” Ranma screamed as she ran down the same street before, people started to watch the familiar figures run down the street.
“Isn’t that the same people from before?”
“Yea, but this time, they have clothes on…”
“You must DIE!” Shampoo said as she continued the chase
“I know! I know!”
Finally, Ranma saw her chance to ditch Shampoo, the morning traffic had started, she made haste to try and blend into a nearby crowd, she saw a group of tourists gathered in one spot, she quickly made her way into the people.
“Where are you?” Shampoo exclaimed from a distance from the people, then, the people started to move in one mass, Shampoo went after the group, who all started to run away when she started screaming “You will die!!!”…
“Phew…” Ranma said, watching the mass of people run away from the crazed amazon, she could finally relax…or could she…
“Pig-tailed Girl!” sounded Kuno’s voice as a bundle of roses appeared in Ranma’s hands
“Argh…..Kuno!” Ranma yelled
“Don’t say a thing…” Kuno said, Ranma stared at him
“The petal of a rose is as beautiful as life itself, but when you take a look at the petal, you find that it’s real purpose is to support life itself… like your beauty helps support me, you are my petal of the rose, your beauty gives me power and life…”
Ranma paused a moment, his feminine side made him think about what was said, she found that beautiful, but being Ranma…
“I don’t want to hear it! I am a man! A MAN!” Ranma said as she ran off again…
“P..Pig tailed girl… I won’t rest until you are mine! I LOVE YOU PIG TAILED GIRL!!!!”
Ranma ran until he was out of Kuno’s sight, ‘God, this is ridiculous, whenever I am a boy, I have Kuno ready to kill me, Kodachi ready to rape me, and Shampoo using me as a bed… And as a girl, it’s the complete opposite! I’ll be damned if there isn’t a cure…’ just then…
“Your new total today is 13000 yen…” Nabiki said and ran off
“…and now, at this rate, I’ll be broke for the rest of my life too…”
The now semi-depressed Ranma headed home in a walk, on the way, he happened to walk by Dr. Tofu’s office, he decided to stop in, just to see if he could get his back and neck pain to go away.
“Oh, hello Ranma, what can do for you today?” Dr. Tofu said
“Hey, I have neck and back pains again, and I want to relax for a while…”
“Relax? It’s only 11:00!”
“Well, it feels like 11:00 at night to me…”
“I see...I’ll see what I can do, could you wait on the table in the other room?”
Ranma waited for Dr. Tofu, which he returned with a bottle of medicine
“You could try this medicine, it’ll help calm you down, but wait till you get home, it’ll put you right out” he said, handing Ranma the bottle, “Now, let me get that back and neck fixed…
“Hello? Dr. Tofu?” said a familiar voice…
“Yes, it’s me!”
Ranma’s eyes widen ‘I gotta get outta here!’
“Come in Kasumi!” Dr. Tofu said, walking up to the door to the closet, Kasumi came into the room.
“I was just checking up on Ranma here!” he said and walked into the closet
“Oh Dr. Tofu, your so silly! That’s the closet, I’m over here!” Kasumi said
“Oh! Hahahahaha!” Dr. Tofu said and came out
“I brought you a nice lunch for you, I also came to get Ranma… where did he go?” Kasumi said
“He was just here… Oh, here he is!” Dr. Tofu said
“Oh Dr. Tofu! That’s your skeleton” Kasumi stated
‘Good thing I got out of there in time, or else I would have more than pain in my neck and back…’ Ranma said to himself as he approached the Tendo school
“Ranma! There you are!” said Mr. Saotome
“What is it?!” Ranma said scornfully
“You have got to stop getting charged by Nabiki! Look at this!” his father said, handing Ranma the bill she made
“300,000 yen!?” Ranma exclaimed
“Yes, and that’s with a discount…”
“Do you think it is my fault?!” Ranma exclaimed
“Well, it’s not mine!”
“Oh, SHUT UP!” Ranma said, with throwing his father into the pond outside, turning him into a panda.
“Everything is YOUR fault, if it wasn’t for your stupid decision to go to China, I wouldn’t have this curse, I wouldn’t be getting coned by Nabiki, nor would I have a crazy amazon ready to kill me! It’s all your FAULT!” Ranma exclaimed, but shortly after, he found himself thrown into the pond himself…
“Die Old Man!” Ranma said, jumping out of the water and launching an attack on the panda, the two began to quarry as usual, they both fought with good skill, but shortly after the fight began, Kasumi appeared from the streets. She walked by, almost ignoring the fight going on, she sighed softly and minded her own business.
Meanwhile, Akane walked to Dr. Tofu’s clinic to try and hide from the killing spree of Shampoo, who now had 3 targets! She entered…
“Dr. Tofu? Are you busy?” she said
“Oh! Is that you Akane?” Dr. Tofu asked from the medicine room, he followed the voice, “What brings you here today?” he completed with a smile.
“Well, actually, I came in hope to get away from everyone for a bit…” she replied
“Oh? Bad day huh? Ranma was just here.”
“Really? That’s odd, Mr. Saotome just put him upstairs at my home because he was injured…”
“He said he had neck and back pains, and that he was experiencing weakness from stress and over-activity, I gave him some medicine to fall asleep but before I could fix his back and neck, he was gone!”
“Huh… I could actually use the some thing!” Akane said jokingly
“Oh no! You can’t take that!” Dr. Tofu said
“Why not?” Akane asked
“Well, the medicine, taken by a male, has no side effects, but when taken by a female, she would experience major side effects after waking! Some include vomiting, cotton mouth, or even in some cases temporary paralization!”
“Oh my… I got to go! Thanks Dr. Tofu!” Akane said hastily and ran out into the streets
“Huh…I wonder what the matter is….”
“Hie-ya!” Ranma spoke as he landed a finishing blow to the panda, knocking him out.
“I’m sick of this! I’m going to bed!” Ranma said and she went upstairs, fingering the bottle of medicine, Nabiki heard Ranma’s female voice and approached her from a distance with the warm kettle…
Ranma found her room and laid on her cot, downing a pill, which to her surprise made her sleep instantly, loud snores began to sound from her delicate mouth, Nabiki opened the door quietly and poured the water on Ranma, turning him into a male again, but he still slept, “I’ll charge him later…” she said and left
Moments later, Akane entered the room in haste, she sighed in relief when she saw the male figure instead of the female one passed out, she thought Ranma looked so cute, so she kneeled down next to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek, he continued to snore though, she smiled and left…
Ranma slept, now under effects of the medicine, and awaiting the consequence of taking it as a female…
Hours past… the day continued as normal, Shampoo’s work hours began around noon, but she was about to be off duty…
It was now 9 o’clock at night, the darkness coated the entire area and the younger generation of peoples were generally asleep now, Shampoo began to walk back to home, she was tired after a day of brutal work, Dr. Tofu had a lot of customers that day and she also took some time to sharpen her language skills, not with much success however…
In the distance, the figurine of Kodachi could be seen jumping from building to building, she was approaching the Tendo residence; her agility was swift for her own urges powered her. She was going to attempt to get the love of Ranma once again, plus a bonus…
“Ranma darling! I love you!” she said to herself as she came closer and closer…
Ranma, having taken the medicine was now finally waking up, he opened his eyes and looked around to see his bedroom ceiling, but he tried to move… and with his surprise, he could not budge a single bit! Shortly after his discovery, his window was opened, and Kodachi landed on his floor!
“Ranma darling!” she said, but when Ranma tried to tell her off, he discovered that he had cottonmouth too and could not speak!
‘Oh no! What is this?’ he thought to himself
“Ranma… I love you… let’s make music together!” Kodachi said, approaching the motionless male, all Ranma could do was move his eye lids and brace himself for what was to happen.
Kodachi continued her approach, she felt so tingly inside and had the urge for the supreme experience… she stopped and looked at Ranma, smiling. Next, she took off a piece of her clothing, revealing a swimsuit like garment.
“Ranma… I want you to… take us to heaven…” she said as she grabbed Ranma’s bed cover and pulled it off. Taking no time, she continued by removing Ranma’s shirt, and seeing how Ranma could not speak or move, she assumed that he was allowing her to do what she did (as if she cared anyway).
“More? Ok!” she said in self bliss, Ranma was now sweating as she continued and removed Ranma’s pants, revealing his underwear, Kodachi marveled at him, fully inspecting and noting his smooth and slinder body, his muscular and sexy body.
Ranma started to get an errection from the attention, and all thoughts of worry escaped his body, then, he wanted to sigh as she placed her arms around his waste and slowly removed his boxers, this drove him over the edge as his full length was grown.
“Oh Ranma! Your… so big!” Kodachi said, almost drooling, at that moment, she decided that she would let Ranma see her body, she stood and removed her one-piece garment and her underwear, Ranma stared at the fine young female, her breasts where of normal size for her age, she had a nice curve to match, her sleek and slinder body was similar to his own and her clunt was shaved slightly, with minimal hair.
“That feels better!” She said and then positioned herself over Ranma, taking her legs and surrounding Ranma’s waste with them, her cult hanging over Ranma’s hard-on and her boobs dangling in the air like two grapefruits, Ranma felt like he was going to pass out from over pleasure! Just then, he felt some feeling his parts of his body, and his mouth was beginning to become moveable.
“Ok Ranma, get ready!” Kodachi said, she then lowered her hips until touching Ranma’s penis, they both sighed deeply, Ranma then slowly moved his hips with Kodachi as his member penetrated her, the force made both of them sigh with more pleasure.
Slowly, the rest of Ranma’s member entered Kodachi and she began to moan his name, when his dick was finally injected to its fullest into Kodachi, the immediately began pulled out, starting a pumping action.
“Oh Ranma…” Kodachi cried out as soft as she could, Ranma sighed more as he felt the warmth of Kodachi dance around his member. He continued his pump, as he did, he started to move his hips faster; Kodachi did the same, keeping pace with Ranma.
As the two continued, Kodachi sighed louder as she felt Ranma shoot a shot of pre-cum, lubricating both sex parts allowing faster motion, the speed continued to grow, in and out, the pump gave both the great sensation.
But just then… “Girl! WITH RANMA!!! YOU DIE!!!”
Both Ranma and Kodachi froze stiff to hear Shampoo’s voice from the window, Kodachi instantly got up and ran for her lift out the door! Shampoo, however, didn’t chase after her, she was amazed to find a nude Ranma in bed!
“I…love…you…” Shampoo said, and Ranma in a state of sexual drive thought ‘This keeps getting better and better!’
“Show me…that you do then…” Ranma said, craving attention to his now limp penis, she blushed and instantly took off her clothing and approached Ranma’s member, sniffing it.
“Ew…girl’s sent is still on it…” she said, Ranma was confused, but that was overpowered by complete pleasure when he suddenly felt the warm dampness of Shampoo’s mouth, she drove her tongue up and around Ranma’s now erect again penis powerfully, sucking with equal force, Ranma moaned and drooled over the sensation.
Then, it all stopped when Shampoo turned her head and spit, afterward, she smelt the errection again, “Ok, all better!”, she then positioned herself over Ranma in the same fashion Kodachi did, Ranma observed Shampoo’s dripping cult and nicer breasts.
Shampoo then lowered her hips over Ranma, driving his penis easily into her damp cult, Ranma shivered with pleasure, the warmth of Shampoo seemed different to him, it made him more excited and he began to pump his hips, Shampoo did the same, they both began a steady pace.
“Oh…Ranma! Ranma!” Shampoo moaned as they both continued their pumps, increasing the pace with every thrust, Ranma couldn’t help it and shoot another pre-cum shoot into Shampoo, making both body parts gooey, Shampoo tightened her cult around Ranma’s penis, making it rub hard around her inners, causing both of them to moan loudly in pleasure.
Shampoo lowered her head over Ranms’s and began to kiss him, he returned the kiss and they both muffled their moans in each other’s mouths, Ranma began to feel his arms come back too, he grasped Shampoo and lowered her closer to him, making his member go deeper into Shampoo, their moans started to turn into outcries!
They both began to feel their climaxes approach as they continued their speed and deep penetration. Shampoo swiftly took her hand and carefully rubbed Ranma’s balls hard, causing to cum into her, the warmth overwhelmed her and she too cumed, she continued to rub his balls, causing him to have multiple orgasms as she did too, they both moaned loudly as each shoot flew into each other!
Shampoo continued to do this, as if she was milking Ranma! Ranma began to breath very heavily and felt like he was going to collapse! With a total of 5 orgasms, Shampoo finally stopped and fell over to the other side of Ranma, they both laid there motionless and breathing heavy, there was cum spots all over the bed and their bodies, Shampoo realized this and covered the two of them with the blanket and turned to Ranma, laying her hand around his chest and falling asleep saying “I love you”, Ranma passed out shortly also…
The morning bells rang and Akane woke from her sleep, she got up and went downstairs for breakfast.
“Akane, could you wake Ranma up?” Kasumi asked
“Why is it always me?” Akane asked scornfully
“Well, you two are fiancés!” Nabiki stated
“…Fine, I’ll go!” Akane said and marched upstairs
She approached Ranma’s room and opened the door…to find both Ranma and Shampoo nude and next to each other! She slowly turned around, walked to the bathroom and got a bucket of cold water, and marched right back into Ranma’s room…
“HERE RANMA! WAKE UP!” Akane screamed as she splashed the bucket all over Ranma, making sure not to hit Shampoo.
Both bedmates woke up instantly, Ranma was shocked to find that he had boobs and to see Shampoo’s boobs in the same line of vision!
“….gi…Girl Ranma?! YOU DIE!!!” Shampoo said
“Looks like another day…” Kasumi said as they all heard the voices from above
“Is the kettle ready?” Nabiki asked
Neo PatamonX