There is a bit of blood in this fic but don't let it scare ya. I assure you, both Shampoo and Ukyou are going to walk away with big grins on their faces. :) If you liked "Okonomiyaki Orgy" you will probably like this. --- Standard disclaimers apply. Don't sue me, I have no money. Ranma 1/2 and its characters belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. Special thanks to the author of "Okonomiyaki Orgy" which was partial inspiration for me to write this fic. Text in quotes ("") indicate normal speech. Text surrounded by asterisks (**) indicate either thoughts or sound effects. Ukyou and Shampoo get down on Ranma =================================== Shampoo had Ranma cornered against the wall of the bathroom. She had picked the right moment to strike, when there was no one else in the Tendo Dojo. Genma and Soun were out drinking beer, Kasumi was out shopping, Nabiki was out extorting money from someone, and Akane was over at a friend's house. Shampoo turned her back to Ranma briefly, as she undid the buttons on her Chinese clothing. She turned back to face Ranma as she let her clothing fall to the floor, leaving her completely naked. She smiled at Ranma, purring seductively. "What are you doing, Shampoo?! Put your clothes back on; I told you I'm not interested!", exclaimed Ranma. Even in his agitated state, he noticed just how desirable Shampoo's body looked. Shampoo's breasts were well sized, somewhat bigger than those of his girl form. Her luscious curves accentuated her abdomen sexily, running off into a pair of well rounded hips and shapely legs. Her shaved cunt glistened slightly in the light in anticipation of what was to come. Ranma started sweating as he could feel his own manhood being aroused by the sight in front of him. "Stop stupid talking Ranma! Ahh... what you can do with body like this?" asked Shampoo, as she unhooked the shower head from the wall and turned on the cold water. The spray of cold water ran over her luscious curves, dripping onto the floor. Her transformation took place, leaving a cute white cat with pink paws in her pile of clothing on the floor. "Mrrrrow." Ranma looked down in horror at the adorable cat standing before him. He tried to back up as much as he could, only to run into the wall. *Now you're mine,* thought Shampoo-neko. She disentangled herself from the pile of clothing on the floor, and slowly padded her way towards Ranma, all the while swishing her tail cutely. "C-c-c-cat..." Ranma trembled as he edged into the wall, trying to get himself as far away from the cat as possible, but to no avail. With a well-placed leap, Shampoo-neko leapt onto Ranma's right shoulder as she nuzzled her face into his cheek, licking him gently. "Mrrrrow," she meowed cutely. Ranma backpedaled across the room screaming, trying to shake Shampoo-neko off of him but much too afraid to touch her. As Ranma changed direction, Shampoo-neko found herself clinging on desperately to Ranma's shoulder to avoid being thrown off. On instinct, she extended her claws, digging into Ranma's shoulder. He let out a cry of pain, as his whole body froze in terror and Shampoo-neko nuzzled herself closer to him... *Aaaahhh!!! C-c-c-cat... must... get... away...* thought Ranma as he tried to get his muscles to move but only succeeded in loosing his balance and falling down. Shampoo-neko batted Ranma's face with her tail playfully, as an expression of terror crossed his face... "Mrrrow." This was not Shampoo-neko's voice. She had finally driven him over the edge, as the neko-ken kicked in. Ranma got up from his sitting position onto all fours, as his hands and feet curled like a cat's paws. "Mrrrrrow." *Now's my chance!* thought Shampoo-neko. She leapt off Ranma, bounding over to the furo in a few quick steps and hopped in, sending out a small splash of water. Ranma-nekoken started leaping around the room like a cat. Suddenly, a purple blur shot out of the furo, attaching itself to Ranma in a tight embrace. "Ranma, wo ai ni!" cried Shampoo. Ranma-nekoken jumped up in surprise at the sudden attack. He leapt out of Shampoo's grasp, doing a flip in midair and landing on all fours, facing Shampoo. He hunched his back in a threatening stance and hissed at Shampoo. Shampoo got up cautiously, appraising her opponent. *Ai ren want to play hard to get, but is ok. Here come Shampoo!* Shampoo suddenly leapt up in the air, and swooped down on Ranma-nekoken in a tackle hug. He was too fast for her however, and leapt out of the way. She grabbed at Ranma-nekoken, but only succeeded in ripping off his shirt. As the floor approached, she rolled as she landed to lessen the impact, and stood up to face Ranma. Ranma-nekoken approached Shampoo cautiously. He batted a paw at Shampoo while hissing, warning her off. Shampoo suddenly dove towards Ranma, trying to grab him. Ranma chose that moment to attack, and leapt up right into Shampoo's trajectory. She tried to grab Ranma but it was too late, as she slammed into him chest first, her bare breasts pressing into his chest as they rolled across the room in a tangle of arms and legs. Ranma-nekoken landed on the floor on top of Shampoo, jumping backwards off of her. He hissed and slashed at her with his hand hitting her right between the legs, his fingernails digging into her pussy lips and drawing a thin line of blood. Shampoo yowled in pain at the blow. She stumbled backwards and got to her feet, a drop of blood from her torn petals trickling down her leg. The pain from the scratch aroused her pussy glands, as her love juices began to flow. Ranma hunched his back at Shampoo, hissing threateningly. "Mrrroooow!!!" Shampoo backed away from him a bit, the fear evident in her eyes. Suddenly, he stopped and relaxed his stance a bit, sniffing the air. "Meow??" He sniffed the air again, then padded up to Shampoo. He sniffed the petals of her sex for a moment, then started licking her. Shampoo moaned in ecstasy, the pain of her earlier wound slowly fading as Ranma gently licked around her nether regions. She lay down on the ground, spreading her legs invitingly for him to continue. *Aiya. That herbal tea I drank really did work...oooohhh...oooooohhhh...Ranma... wo de airen!... Husband won't be able to resist the scent of my love juices.* As Ranma tasted more of Shampoo's love juices, he started licking faster in an effort to lap up more of the tasty fluid. Soon he was licking in a frenzy, his tongue going at the speed of the Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken. "Aaahhh...Ranma... wo ai ni!" screamed Shampoo as she came forcefully, her love juices flowing freely out of her cunt. Ranma wasted no time in lapping it all up with a loud slurping sound, then eagerly pressed his mouth further into Shampoo's love hole, licking around the insides of it. Shampoo moaned loudly at the intense feelings of pleasure wracking her body. She cried out "Wo da airen!" as Ranma's nose brushed her clitoris. Shampoo found that the suction was starting to become too much for her as she orgasmed twice in succession again, with Ranma-nekoken showing no signs of slowing down. "Aaaahh....oooohhh...Ranma...aaahhhh... you no lick Sham...aaahh....poo so fast?..oooohhh," moaned Shampoo as she tried to push Ranma away from her with her legs to no avail, as they were weak from the three orgasms she had had already. --- Ukyou looked around the grounds of the Tendo Dojo for anyone. She was wearing her normal okonomiyaki outfit, a blue shirt and black leggings. Her large combat spatula and bandolier were strapped on her back as usual, and she was carrying an okonomiyaki delivery box in one hand. Ukyou was looking to ask Ranma out on a date and was trying to find him. She knocked on the front door, but there was no reply. After a few moments, she decided to try the doorknob. It was unlocked so she opened the door and went in, closing it behind her. *Maybe Ranchan is upstairs...* As Ukyou took off her shoes at the entryway, she suddenly heard a high-pitched voice moaning "Wo da airen! Aaaahh....oooohhh...Ranma... no lick Sham... aaahh... poo so fast?..oooohhh," and a loud slurping coming from the bathroom. A hundred possibilities flashed through Ukyou's mind, none of them good. *That sounded like Shampoo! She better not be trying to seduce my Ranma!* Ukyou rushed over to the bathroom, setting her okonomiyaki on the floor and drawing her combat spatula. She threw the door open, paying no attention to the "Knock First!" sign and rushed in. She froze in surprise at what she saw. Shampoo was completely naked, lying on the floor spread-eagle. Ranma was on all fours, licking Shampoo's cunt like there was no tomorrow. The sweet aroma of Shampoo's love juices hung in the room, causing Ukyou's love petals to stir a bit in arousal. Ukyou recovered from her initial surprise and stalked over to Shampoo. "Just WHAT the heck are you doing with my Ranchan, Shampoo?!" She scooped up Shampoo with her spatula and flipped her off of Ranma-nekoken in one swift motion, sending Shampoo sprawling to the ground. Shampoo sighed in relief, as the too-intense suction on her love tunnel ceased. Then she remembered just why Ranma stopped licking her and stood up angrily, her legs shaking slightly from her earlier multiple orgasms. "You! Pervert spatula girl! You go away, we having fun!" "It was bad enough with you glomping onto Ranma all the time, but now this!" shouted Ukyou. She then turned towards Ranma-nekoken, who was now sitting on the floor and licking his paws, looking on confusedly at the exchange going on before him. Ukyou realized Shampoo must have gotten Ranma into nekoken mode to take advantage of him. She changed her expression and said in a sweet voice, "Here kitty kitty, wouldn't you rather have my body than that Chinese hussy's?" "Ranma mine, not yours pervert spatula girl. You obstacle, and that is for killing!" Shampoo charged at Ukyou, grappling her and knocking her spatula across the room. It landed in the furo with a splash, as Shampoo (with her cunt spread wide open and dripping juices everywhere) and Ukyou rolled across the room, struggling with each other on the ground. "Mrrrroooooow?" Ranma-nekoken looked on at the two very attractive girls before him, wrestling each other for mating rights to him. His cats mind was confused by their actions---shouldn't it have been him fighting for them and not the other way around? "Ranchan's mine you bimbo!" "Ranma Shampoo's not pervert spatula girl's!" "Over my dead body!!" *RIP* "Arggh! That was my best shirt!" "Pervert spatula girl get mouth off of breast!" This last remark came from Shampoo as Ukyou's mouth ended up on Shampoo's breast. Ukyou suddenly got an idea, grinning to herself and bit down on Shampoo's nipple hard. She jerked her head backwards, trying to pull the nipple out of its socket. Shampoo screamed in pain as Ukyou's teeth sunk into her flesh. She suddenly got an idea too, and moved her hand over to Ukyou's nether regions, fumbling around to locate her clitoris through her leggings. "What the heck are you doing you mynx?!" exclaimed Ukyou through her clenched teeth, which were still latched on Shampoo's nipple. Meanwhile Shampoo found Ukyou's clitoris and pinched it firmly, twisting hard. Ukyou cried out in pain, releasing her grip on Shampoo's nipple. Shampoo took the opportunity to yank on Ukyou's clitoris hard, trying to dismember it. Fortunately for Ukyou, Shampoo's grip slipped and ended up ripping a large hole in the part of her leggings covering her nether regions. "Argg, those were my best leggings too!" exclaimed Ukyou. She counterattacked with a powerful right hook. Shampoo tried to dodge backwards to avoid it, but her large cup size worked against her and she ended up getting scratched across her breast. "You try to ruin Shampoo's body so Ranma no like!?" "What's there to like about your body anyway?? Hey get your hands off my breasts! *grab*" "You get hands off Shampoo cunt. Cunt for Ranma, not you!" "Argg, what are you trying to do?! Rip my labia off??" "Is good idea. *pull*" "You gotta pull harder than that, like this! *pull*" "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Had enough, you Chinese mynx?" "Mrrrrooowww!!!" By now, a large chunk had been ripped out of Ukyou's shirt, exposing her breasts for all to see. A similar large chunk was missing from her leggings, exposing her shaved glistening sex. Both girls had each other's hand-prints all over their breasts, and were squeezing each other's breast hard and trying to rip off their labia. Both their cunts were dripping juices onto the floor like mad from the arousal of fighting nude as they grabbed at each other. Ranma-nekoken meowed as Ukyou's bare cunt was turned towards him as the two girls struggled, the scent of her sweet sex filling his sensitive nostrils. The scent of both girls' love juices aroused him greatly. He looked over at Ukyou's love petals, then padded over to her. Grabbing the scruff of her neck with his teeth, he proceeded to mount her. Shampoo grinned evilly as she realized what Ranma-nekoken was about to do. *I think I'll let Ukyou have what she wants. Too bad she's probably not ready for this.* Shampoo released her hands from Ukyou's body, and grabbed Ranma-nekoken's pants, pulling them down as he was about to thrust into Ukyou. Ukyou blushed as she realized what Ranma was going to do to her. After all this time of just being his friend, giving him free meals, cheering him up when he was down, it was finally starting to pay off. Ranma would show his love to her---her reverie was abruptly cut off as Ranma arched his back and thrust into her HARD all the way up to his hilt, savagely tearing past her virgin barriers with an audible ripping sound, causing a few drops of blood to trickle down her petals onto the floor. Ukyou cried out in pain at the sudden penetration of her sex. She didn't have time to recover though, as Ranma pulled out of her love tunnel then thrust in hard again. He pulled his member out, then thrust into her hard a few more times, Ukyou crying out in pain with each thrust. Ranma-nekoken yowled in frustration, as he seemed to be unable to bring himself to orgasm. He started thrusting harder and faster in an effort to gain release. Shampoo grinned evilly, her hand touching Ranma's shiatsu impotence spot. *If Ranma doesn't come, he won't stop.* Meanwhile Ukyou was struggling to get back up. She finally succeeded in disengaging herself from Ranma's grip. She whirled on Shampoo angrily. "Why you little hussy!" Ukyou launched an uppercut at Shampoo, which happened to connect between her legs. She found something wet and warm close around her entire hand, and then heard high-pitched shriek of pain coming from Shampoo. Ukyou looked up and noticed she had literally punched herself into Shampoo's love tunnel. Shampoo lay on the ground, with Ukyou's arm protruding from between her legs. Blood trickled down Ukyou's wrist from inside Shampoo's sex. Shampoo had been knocked unconscious from the pain. Ranma finally came as Shampoo's hand released his shiatsu impotence spot, his erect member spurting cum all over Ukyou's breasts. Ukyou smiled to herself in victory. She slowly withdrew her hand from Shampoo's cunt, noting it had a bit of Shampoo's blood on it. Shampoo's slightly bloody cunt was obscenely spread wide open from her blow and looked to be staying that way for a while. Shampoo's love juices continued to leak onto the ground, forming a small puddle on the ground. Ukyou removed the torn remains of her clothing, dropping them on the floor. She walked out of the bathroom, pausing briefly to retrieve the okonomiyaki, then went back in. Ranma was lying on the floor, purring contently and feeling warm all over from his orgasm. Ukyou took the okonomiyaki out of the box, spreading her love petals with one hand and carefully smearing the okonomiyaki sauce all over the folds of her sex. As an afterthought, she walked over to the furo and retrieved her spatula from inside the tub, then used the spatula handle to thrust the okonomiyaki into her love tunnel. When she was satisfied that the okonomiyaki was inside her securely, she carefully withdrew the handle of the combat spatula from her body, setting it on the ground. She squatted down in front of Ranma, spreading her legs enticingly. "Come on Ranchan, lick me, lick me as hard as you can!" Ranma-nekoken sniffed Ukyou's cunt, recognizing the scent as his favourite food, and hungrily dug in, licking Ukyou's cunt as hard as he had licked Shampoo's earlier while munching on the okonomiyaki inside her at the same time. "Oooohhh Ran-chan, that feels soooo good... oooh... oooohhhh..." moaned Ukyou. --- Kasumi entered the gates of the Tendo Dojo, carrying a few shopping bags of groceries. As she took off the shoes inside the house, she heard a faint "Oooohh Ran-chan, lick me harder... don't... stop... oooooooooohhhhhhhhh...." coming from the bathroom. Curious, she walked over to the bathroom to investigate. The door was open and Kasumi gasped at what she saw. Shampoo was sprawled out on the floor, down for the count, a thin trail of blood tricking out of her pussy. Shampoo's love juices continued to leak out of her, expanding the small puddle on the ground. Ukyou was lying on the floor with a look of pure bliss on her face as her love juices leaked all over the place, as Ranma continued to lick her cunt. Kasumi gasped in surprise, then regained her composure. "How nice...Ukyou and Shampoo are here. Oh my! I better close the door and put up the sign so no one walks in on them accidentally." She shut the sliding bathroom door and hung up the "OCCUPIED" sign. She then proceeded to carry her groceries into the kitchen, humming a little tune. --- As Ukyou orgasmed for the seventh time, Shampoo begin to stir. She painfully picked herself up off of the cold bathroom floor, the pain between her legs still great. Her face contorted in anger as she saw what Ukyou and Ranma were doing. She briefly considered breaking them up, then remembered who had knocked her out in the first place. Then she noticed Ranma's erect member hanging out and smiled to herself. *I guess I can suck husband off at least.* "Oooohhh... aaaahhhh... Ranchan...I love you..." moaned Ukyou as she orgasmed yet again. Shampoo got up and walked unusually over to Ranma, inadvertently wiggling her hips sexily, the pain in her cunt preventing her from walking properly. She positioned herself behind Ranma, and took his erect member into her mouth, gently licking around the edges. Ukyou was dimly aware of Shampoo coming up behind Ranma, but didn't really care in her blissful state as she continued to enjoy Ranma's ministrations on her. Shampoo took more of Ranma's member into her mouth, her tongue roaming all around it. Ranma finished eating the okonomiyaki inside Ukyou, continuing to lick around her cunt, trying to lap up every last drop of the okonomiyaki sauce. "Oooohhh...Ranchan...I'm cumming again.....aaahhh..oooooooohhhhhhh...." moaned Ukyou. Suddenly, she felt Ranma's mouth leave her cunt. He licked his lips of the remaining okonomiyaki sauce, then yowled in pleasure as he came. Shampoo jolted back in surprise taking Ranma's member out of her mouth, unprepared for Ranma's orgasm. His cum spurted all over Shampoo's face and hair, leaving a sticky white substance. "Oh...don't stop please Ranchan... Ranchan... please..." moaned Ukyou helplessly as she lay on the floor, left at the brink of orgasm. Shampoo looked sympathetically at Ukyou. *I can't leave her like that...killing her is one thing but this is just plain wrong.* "Shampoo help you, Ukyou." She lowered her mouth to Ukyou's love petals and licked them gently, flicking Ukyou's clitoris with her tongue. She carefully inserted a finger in Ukyou's sex as she licked a bit deeper. Ukyou's body started to tense up in preparation of orgasm... She came forcefully, her most intense orgasm yet, her juices flooding all over Shampoo's face and her love tunnel clenching tightly around Shampoo's finger. "Ah...arigatou Shampoo-chan. I needed that." "You welcome Ukyou. Is least Shampoo could do." "Now, where were we? Oh yeah. I believe we were like this." Ukyou picked herself up off the ground and playfully tackled Shampoo, the two of them rolling across the room and grabbing at each others' sensitive parts. "Ooohhh, Shampoo...get your hands off my breasts," laughed Ukyou, as the two of them roamed their hands over each others' bodies while pretending to wrestle. Ranma-nekoken wake up to the sound of the two girls giggling and wrestling each other. He bounded up to them, wondering what the commotion was all about. "Meerrrow?" Suddenly the two girls rolled towards Ranma as Shampoo flipped over Ukyou, both girls trying to stay on top of each other. Ranma-nekoken jumped up in surprise, but failed to notice the furo. *splash* He plunged into it, sending the now-cool water splashing into Ukyou but missing Shampoo. A very wet and very naked Ranma-chan climbed out of the furo and stood up, sputtering out water. *How the heck did I get here? I remember Shampoo taking her clothes off, then turning into a c-c-c-cat but the rest is all a blur... what is that intoxicating smell in this room?* She looked up at the sound of giggling and moaning to see Ukyou and Shampoo wrestling with each other, their hands caressing each others' breasts. "Ucchan, Shampoo, what the heck is going on here?!" exclaimed Ranma-chan, averting her eyes to all the beautiful naked flesh in front of him. Ukyou and Shampoo looked up, realizing that Ranma was no longer in nekoken mode. They both blushed profusely, and tried to speak simultaneously. "We were just uh..." "Shampoo and spatula girl just having fun..." "I...I had no idea!" exclaimed Ranma-chan. "All this time you guys were lesbians?" Both Ukyou and Shampoo facefaulted. They looked at each other for a second, and then they both grinned sinisterly at each other. "Yep, we're lesbians," announced Ukyou, as she and Shampoo both tackled Ranma-chan. Shampoo latched onto Ranma-chan's cunt and started licking, while Ukyou pulled Ranma-chan close and gave her a long passionate kiss. Ranma-chan tensed up at first, but then relaxed and put her arms around Ukyou, returning the kiss. She finally realized that Ukyou and Shampoo were the only ones for her; they were devoted to her, always there when she needed them. They were the most beautiful, cute, kind and caring girls she had ever known. Unlike Akane, they both could cook very well and did not beat her day in and day out. Unlike Kodachi, they were sane and did not have that annoying scary laugh. And most importantly, they both loved her very much, as she loved them. Ranma-chan moaned in pleasure into Ukyou's mouth and embraced Ukyou lovingly, her hands roaming over Ukyou's breasts as she deepened the kiss, while Shampoo made her feel pleasure like she had never felt before through her ministrations on her love tunnel... --- "Anou, Ryouga-kun...this doesn't look like Tokyo," said Akane. *I knew I should have watched where we were going when I let Ryouga walk me home,* she thought. "It does to me...thats the Tokyo Tower over there, isn't it? It does look kind of high though..." said Ryouga. "It looks like the Tokyo Tower, but why are there all these French signs around us? And why isn't anyone else here speaking Japanese?" --- The End. Author's notes: Whew! This is my first full-length fanfic, and I must say I've outdone myself. I didn't think I could write a 30k fic in just a few hours. :) Comments, criticisms, etc. are appreciated as usual. Please send them to FYI, I am taking a relaxed viewpoint of sex used in some lemons, the viewpoint that sex is something good friends may choose to do with each other, with no change of STDs or unwanted pregnancy. Kind of like the Marital Arts lemon is. Unwanted pregnancy would complicate the fic too much and detract away from the lemon flavour. I was going to write a part 2 to this before but I got sidetracked; in any case, don't hold your breath. I've decided to work on a different lemon instead, entitled "Passion is in the Air". I think that one is a lot more promising.