Author's Notes: This story is a lemon, meaning it contains a written depiction of sex. I've rated it NC-17 to avoid any questions about it's appropriateness, though it's only as graphic as a steamy romance novel. It features a Mousse x Shampoo pairing, so if you don't like this couple, don't bother reading this. It also features some of what's typically called "forced seduction" (as opposed to rape) so if that offends you, pass this story by. I've also toned down Mousse's poor eyesight a bit, as this isn't a comedy. Reviews are welcome, but no anti-Mousse and Shampoo propaganda, please. By the way, I use the manga characterizations, as I'm not really acquainted with the anime.


Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is the property of VIZ Communications in the United States. I do not claim ownership, and this story is purely non-profit and for entertainment only.


Tempations of a Delivery Girl
- by Angelique Limoges


"Take this order to the Sumitomo building right away. Both of you will have to go." Cologne packed lidded bowls of ramen into a delivery box, then filled paper containers with steaming fried rice, black pepper chicken, and sweet-and-sour pork, packing those in a box as well. "It's an important meeting, lots of people." She gave both delivery boxes to Shampoo, then two others to Mousse, one containing steamed rice, the other containing drinks in paper cups and chopsticks. She rushed the two young people out of the restaurant, rattling off more instructions.

Once on the street, Shampoo looked at the sky with trepidation. A grey blanket of clouds hovered over the city. "Ahhh, look like rain."

Mousse put on his glasses to see for himself, then shrugged. "They say that if it thunderheads by eleven, it won't rain."

"Who say?" Shampoo asked, disbelieving.

"The old men," Mousse said, lifting his head with pride, daring her to contradict a bunch of old male biddies who played too much Go and did too little housework.

"What lazy old men know? Mousse should stayed home more, less listening to foolish ideas."

"They know what they're talking about, Shampoo. They've lived for a long time." Mousse frowned, looking back up at the sky.

"They not know how shut up, that for sure," Shampoo said, sticking out her tongue. He sounded like a naïve country bumpkin.

"It won't rain." He took off his glasses, his blue eyes steadfast, challenging.

"Hm! It rain, big trouble for us."

"It won't. I'll bet you. Anything you want."

I can get whatever I want from you already, dummy. "Okay. Mousse have deal. It rain, you clean Shampoo room for month. It not rain..."

He smirked. "You date me."

Shampoo frowned, opening her mouth to protest. Knowing her refusal would convince him that she believed his silly husbands-tales, she agreed. "Shampoo date you." Mousse nodded, satisfied.

As they continued walking, Shampoo added, "But won't happen, because it going to rain."

They walked side by side, Mousse chatting, Shampoo only half-listening, when she felt the first drop. Mousse grew quiet, then pulled her under the green awning of a shop front.

"Damn." Mousse put on his glasses, watching as the rain began in earnest, falling in silvery lines.

Shampoo grinned in victory. "Too bad. No date for Mousse." She glanced down the street, seeing the Sumitomo Bank on the next block, and her victory lost its appeal. Even if they ran from awning to awning, they would be soaked when they crossed the busy intersection. "You got umbrella?"

"Um, yeah... let me get it." He pulled his hands into his sleeves, a confused expression passing over his face after a few moments. "Ummm..." He closed his eyes and concentrated. Worry clouded his chiseled features when he opened his eyes. "It's not here."

"Huh? You not bring it?" Shampoo tapped her foot on the ground in irritation. It figured.

"I left it at the restaurant. I thought I had it."

Her hands occupied with the delivery boxes, Shampoo kneed him. "Stupid! Nekohanten two block away!"

Mousse shrugged. "Maybe the rain will stop."

They waited under the awning for the light rain to end. Less than a minute passed, and it started pouring down in sheets. Thunder cracked in the distance.

"I guess not," Mousse said.

"What we do now? We run to Sumitomo Bank, we get wet; useless to carry so much food. We stand here, food get cold."

"Well, we can't take it to the bank, at any rate..." Something seemed to catch Mousse's eye down the street, and Shampoo followed his gaze. A furniture store on their side of the street had its windows boarded up.

"They go out of business?" Shampoo asked. Mousse passed her to get a better look.

"The place is empty." A sign in the window indicated that a "Moving Sale" had happened the day before.

"Oh yeah. Shampoo forget about that. Wonder where they move?" The wind picked up and changed direction, carrying the rain so close she felt moisture touch her skin. Shampoo shivered, flattening herself against the building.

"Well, I know one thing. We need to get out of the rain, and this is just the place." Mousse pulled a credit card from nowhere, and slipped it between the door and jamb, all the while fiddling with the knob.

"When Mousse get Mastercard?" Shampoo asked.

"I was pre-approved," he announced with a proud smile.

"What limit?"

"Twenty-five thousand yen."

"That nothing," Shampoo sniffed.

Mousse popped the lock open, and after glancing around to see if they were being watched, opened the door and led Shampoo in.

The room was all concrete floor and bare sheetrock walls, the only light a dull grey filtered through the windows. Against the far wall was a three-foot-high stack of Indian rugs and a step ladder. A phone still sat at a cashiers desk.

"Wonder if it work," Shampoo thought aloud. Setting down the delivery boxes, she picked up the phone. Silence and the sound of rain greeted her. "They turn it off already..." She turned to face Mousse, fury finally overwhelming her. "We be in big trouble! Customer be very angry! How you forget umbrella?"

"I-I don't know!" Mousse held up his hands to placate her. "I thought I had it!"

"And Shampoo told you it look like rain! Mousse no listen. Now we stuck, and great-granny be mad at us!"

Mousse ducked his head, but Shampoo saw frustrated anger in his eyes before he looked down. He spoke in a clenched, throaty voice. "I'm sorry, Shampoo. I thought I had it. I was wrong."

She sat on the stack of Indian rugs with a soft thud, finding it firm and comfortable. She put her head in her hands. "Anyway, no can do anything now. We lose valuable customer, get bad reputation if happen again. We go out there, food get ruined when we transform. Is no choice."

"Shampoo..." Mousse sat beside her, putting his glasses away. "For what it's worth, I really am sorry."

Shampoo didn't say it was okay. She shook in the cold air, and hugged herself.

"Hey, if you're cold..." Mousse paused. "Let's eat some of this food. It's still hot."

Mousse picked up a delivery box. "Ramen." He pulled out a bowl, taking off the lid before passing it to Shampoo. Steam rose from the dish, and the beefy scent made Shampoo's stomach grumble. Next he broke a pair of wooden chopsticks apart, handing those to her as well. He smiled as she began to eat, then started devouring his own bowl of ramen.

The soup warmed Shampoo throughout, taking off much of the chill of the empty store. In the middle of the meal, she slowed her eating, watching Mousse as he sucked noodles neatly into his mouth. He stared out the window, deep in thought as he usually was when not trying to win her affection.

He stirred his bowl, then brought another clutch of noodles up to his lips. After drawing them into his mouth in a quick, deft movement, he turned his gaze on Shampoo. "Everything okay?" he asked.

Shampoo straightened. Had he seen her staring? He wasn't wearing his glasses, but they were sitting fairly close to one another... "The food," he prodded after she didn't respond. "Is it okay?"

"Mm. Is good." Shampoo felt a little relief that he hadn't noticed her watching him. Or at least pretended not to. That's unlikely, she laughed inside. If he even thought I was looking at him for a second he'd be all over me right now.

He smiled at her, sudden realization lighting his eyes. "So, I guess I'm getting that date after all."

Shampoo shook her head. "Mousse lose bet. This no date." "Well, we're here, alone together. We're sharing a meal. What else does it take to make a date?"

"Girl have to like boy, that what." She held her head high, accentuating the fact that she did not like him.

"Shampoo..." Mousse returned to his bowl, sipping the last of the soup. He picked up another delivery box. "Want a drink?" he asked. Shampoo accepted a cup and straw from him.

"Ick. Diet."

"Here. Try this one." It was regular cola, she couldn't tell which kind. She sucked on the straw, watching as Mousse picked up another box. "Fried rice, pepper chicken, or pork?"

"Fried rice." Mousse took the pepper chicken. They ate, not speaking for long moments.

Looking out the window again, Mousse chuckled, barely loud enough for Shampoo to hear. A blush was dusted across his cheeks.

"What? Why you laugh?"

"Oh... it's nothing."

"Tell Shampoo."

"You don't want to hear it."

"Maybe not, but say anyway."

Mousse let out a long sigh, and stared out the window for a few moments before speaking. "I've always wanted to make love in the rain." He rested his chin in a palm, a bitter-sweet smile on his face. Shampoo was unable to make a cruel retort. She realized with sympathy that his dream was impossible, not just because she rejected him, but because the rain was cursed for them. They could never stand under it again as normal humans.

"Mousse, you forget such silly idea." Shampoo insisted. "It no can happen."

He still smiled. "I know it's hopeless. But I can think about it, right? Sometimes I think I should resign myself to a life of fantasy." He looked at her with earnest, blue eyes. "If I just dream, I can have you, the rain, and everything else."

"But... Mousse. That no real life. No healthy give up, take easy way out of making dream come true."

Mousse straightened, grasping her hand, eyes wide and bright. "It can't be. Are you encouraging me, Shampoo?"

Shampoo yanked her hand away. "No way!" She looked away from him, trying to hide the conflicting emotions she knew she wore on her face. "Stupid. Shampoo just worry that Mousse live empty life. Is friend, after all."

They fell into an awkward silence, Shampoo too embarassed at herself to speak. After awhile, she spoke her thoughts aloud. "Mousse, why... why you always have to ruin happy moment? Why you always get so crazy?"
     Mousse kicked his heel against the rugs. "I can't help it. When I think about you, engaged to Ranma..." He growled in his throat. "I can't take it. He's just.... so... so unworthy!"

"He better fighter than Mousse." She flipped a lock of hair back, giving him a challenging look.

"That's not what I'm talking about," Mousse said, determination lighting his eyes. "If he were worthy of you, he would accept you with joy! Any man who can't see how valuable --how wonderful!-- you are can never deserve you!"

Shampoo put down the empty fried rice container, and curved her arms around her knees. "He see it soon. It just take time."

A soft touch lighted on her hair, so light that she didn't bother brushing it away. "I hate seeing you sad, Shampoo. I only want to you to be happy."

"So long as happy with you, ne?" Shampoo accused in a biting tone. The hurt in his eyes was apparent, but in spite of a twinge of guilt, she didn't apologize. She trembled, the warmth from the ramen having seeped out of her.

He gave a sardonic grin. "Heh. I can't deny I feel that way.... You're cold." Mousse said.

"Not cold," Shampoo said, shaking her head. She didn't want any of his sympathy. Against her will, she shook with another chill.

"You are. Here..." He moved closer to her, slid an arm around her shoulders. "Don't be proud. You're shivering." A fantastic warmth shielded her from the chilling air, enveloped her, and she couldn't force herself to push him away. Grateful, though with a few reluctant thoughts, she leaned into him, savoring the heat of his slim body against hers.

Mousse's voice trembled when he spoke. "Th-there now, love. You'll warm up soon." Glancing up at his face, she saw that his eyes were clamped shut, his teeth clenched.

"Mousse... what wrong?"

"I am here to provide warmth for you, beloved. I must control my... lustful desires."

Shampoo giggled. "Silly. You lose so much control just by putting arm around Shampoo?"

His eyes snapped open, blue and fevered. "You have no idea what you do to me, Shampoo. Every day I watch you, and you're so pretty, so strong. You've got more life inside you than all the other girls I know put together. At night, I think about... about what it would be like... to be with you... like a husband is with a wife."

Shampoo opened her mouth, unable find any words.

"And here you are, next to me, my arm around you. And I... And I want so much more." His other hand reached out to her, fingertips brushing her face. Shampoo grabbed at his wrist, intending to pull his hand away, but his touch was so soft, his caress so tender and cherishing, that she only managed to encircle his wrist in a light grip, the racing of her heart pounding in her ears. His eyes commanded her field of vision, became all she saw in the dim light, their ardent gleam entrancing her, hypnotizing her.

Those eyes came close, so close, then shut, black lashes sooty above his high cheekbones. Soft, dry lips touched hers, and she flinched. A pleasant tingle moved down her body from her mouth to lower regions. Mousse had never actually managed to kiss her before, and it felt... wonderful.

"Still cold, my love?" his shaking voice rasped when he ended the chaste kiss. "Let me try again." Tentatively, he brought his lips to hers again, this time opening and closing his mouth, pulling gently at her lips with his own. Shampoo's skin thrilled all over, and she found herself longing to return the touch. She held back, her mind in haze, thinking that she shouldn't, though not remembering why. She opened her mouth a little, just a little, and that tiny concession killed her resistance utterly. The sensation of his lips sweeping across hers became impossible to resist, and she began caressing his mouth with her own, a strange excitement coursing between her legs at each hot touch.

His arms encircled her, strong around her waist now. "Sha-Shampoo..." he groaned when he pulled out of the kiss for a moment. "You're not... not hitting me!" He finished the sentence with an impassioned cry, then fell on her in a lush kiss, his moist mouth enclosing hers, the tip of a brazen tongue lashing at her lips.
     Shampoo found herself smiling against his kiss, and allowed her tongue to dart out to meet his, coaxing a groan from his throat. She encircled her arms about his neck, her excitement growing as her silk-encased bosom squashed against the hard muscles of his chest. She resisted the urge to crawl onto his lap, but continued to play with his tongue, enjoying as he licked at her mouth with his.

I shouldn't be liking this, Shampoo thought, barely coherent even to herself. But oh, gods, it feels good!

She gasped when she felt a soft weight against her breast, Mousse's hand sliding between them to palm it. His thumb teased at the hardened tip that tried to force its way through the silk of her shirt. She heard his breath, quivering in her ear, as he caressed the stiff nipple in a slow, deliberate motion. No, no. This can't be happening, Shampoo cried inside as she dropped her forehead to his shoulder, strong and solid. Think of Ranma. You have to be faithful! Charges of electricity passed from his fingers throughout her anxious body.

"Mousse!" she cried, trying to sound strong, but the word left her as a needy whimper. Even her own voice betrayed her. "Shampoo... no can do this..."

He stilled, stopped fondling her, and she felt as if he'd pulled a plate of dessert away from her. "You want me to quit?" he asked. His voice sounded hollow with disappointment.

Shampoo couldn't answer.

Mousse backed off, and smiled at her, a sweet, gentle smile. He stroked her cheek with his thumb. "Shampoo. I love you. We don't have to continue, if you don't want to. I'm just happy to finally know that... kissing me doesn't make you sick."

Shampoo gave a short, choked laugh. "No, it no make me sick. In fact..." She looked at his face again, wondering if she would regret these words later. "It feel pretty nice."

"You enjoyed it?" Mousse asked, his smile broadening. Then, his smiled softened into a throughtful expression. "If you liked it then... I don't want to pressure you but... we're going to be here for awhile. We could just... play around."

The idea of those feelings washing over her again, so hot and wild, made Shampoo hunger in her most secret places. She rubbed her legs together involuntarily, her body anticipating the pleasure. She tried to hold her resolve together. "But Mousse not just play around. You heart be involved."

"Okay. But let me hold you. If you want, you can forget this ever happened when we leave this place. For now, I'll keep you warm."

The rain pounded hard against the outside of the building, refusing to let up. Shampoo nodded. She moved into the bend of Mousse's arm, and leaned against his warm, toned body. The feelings of lust still fresh within her, she tried to dismiss the thrill that coursed up her body at their resumed closeness. She rested her head on his chest, comfortable and happy as each breath he took moved his muscles up and down in an even rhythm beneath her cheek. She heard a quick, strong pulsing beneath the heavy muscle, and couldn't suppress a smile. His heart. She wondered if she could make the tempo rise.

"When Shampoo get back, she ask Ranma on date," she said, her tone casual. "You think he say yes? Maybe Shampoo give sex to him tonight."

Mousse's body tensed. She ventured a glance at him, to see his head lowered, his eyes squeezed tight, his mouth a taut line. "What wrong?" she asked in an innocent voice. A cruel vice, but his jealousy always excited her.

"Damn it Shampoo! What do you think is wrong?" He looked at her, eyes blazing with some frustrated emotion she didn't understand. "Everything always has to go back to him! Why can't you just notice me?"

"Mousse..." Shampoo said, touching her throat. The force of his anger surprised her.

"I followed you, all the way from home --and you know how much the village means to me, how much I didn't want to leave-- just so I could be close to you, and you're confiding in me now? Telling me you want to fuck that bastard?"


"I'm not some pathetic toy for you! You act like I don't matter... does it make you feel good to spurn a prize male? You're the only one who thinks I'm not worthy of you, Shampoo. You and that shriveled old crabapple you call a great-grandmother. Do you know what I've given up for you? Do you?"

Shampoo found no way to answer.

"I've had so many insistent marriage proposals that I can hardly go into the village market without being bothered. They don't care that I can't see, so long as I can fill them up with babies! My parents are getting angry at me for refusing suitable women! All for you!" He grasped her by the shoulders, yanking her close, possessing her mouth with his own in a hard, unrelenting kiss.

Shampoo gasped into his mouth, fighting off the sparks of need that rose in her at this new level of heat, pushing against shoulders that felt overpowering and strong. Her back hit the thick stack of carpets, her cry of surprise captured by Mousse's persistent, hungry mouth, slanting over and over hers hotly. She sucked in a breath when the strength of his bold sex, prominent even through the layers of clothes, thrust against her thigh. I should push him away! a part of her mind cried weakly, but his hands slid down her sides, rubbing her through silk, caressing first the swell of her breasts, then moving down her waist to her round hips and back up again, sending ripples of delight undulating over her torso.

His tongue batted at her lips, then pushed them apart, advancing into the depths of her open mouth. When his tongue rubbed against her own, sensitive tastebuds, Shampoo couldn't hold back the lusty moan that issued from her throat, her hands moving to his back to push him closer instead of away.

Their tongues mated eagerly, brushing against each other in a frenzy, and they moaned their pleasure together, soft voices echoing a chorus of desire in the empty room. Mousse tore off the clasp at her high collar, continuing to kiss her as he ripped the other two clasps that held up the bib-opening of her shirt. He yanked it down, baring her breasts to the grey light. Mousse's breath hastened and his need grew sharper at the sight of the ample, pale globes, their pink tips as rigid as the hard shaft that pressed against his abdomen, demanding satisfaction.

Shampoo's wide eyes told him of her fear, but her lips parted with a deep hunger that mirrored his own, her hair a disheveled bed of luxury around her beautiful slim body that made her impossible to resist.

Shampoo stared into Mousse's eyes, untamed and lustful as they looked upon her naked chest. The predatory gaze she'd only seen hints of before when he caught sight of her in a towel or watched her bend over in a skirt was trained upon her now, fixed and pitiless and determined to own her completely. His eyes moved to hers, and they held an expression she'd only seen once before, the night they ended his dates with the jizou. No one would stop him. There would be no arguments. His hunger would be satisfied. Desire raced up her prone, trapped form. She knew looking into his eyes then that she'd been wrong; deep down, he was stronger than she thought. Even stronger than Ranma.

He pulled her into his lap in a flash of movement, her back shoved hard against his chest. He locked an arm around her waist, her bottom nestled in the hollow of his groin, his erection nudging against the sensitive flesh of her sex.

"Gods, you're pretty," he whispered into her ear, his voice trembling with his need. He unfastened her shirt the rest of the way, drawing it off, and Shampoo wiggled in his lap with anticipation. Still holding her tight, he moved his other hand to cover one breast, sliding it over the firm, yielding sphere and giving a light squeeze. Shampoo took in a quaking breath.

Loosing her waist, Mousse shifted his other hand to cup the opposite breast, both large orbs overflowing from his grasp. He massaged them in slow circles, and Shampoo leaned her head back on his shoulder, arching her back so he could grope her more fully, a well-pleased moan ascending from her.

"Mmmm... does it feel good, Shampoo?" he asked, and she heard a hint of smugness in his voice. She writhed her hips instinctively against the swollen bulge in the concave of his groin, and Mousse groaned, his hands gliding faster on her aching breasts. He lifted a pair of his long fingers to Shampoo's lips, and she kissed and licked at them, hungry for anything she could have of him. He moved his hand back to her breast, where he touched a rigid peak with wet fingers, sending a thrilling, cold shiver over her.

His other hand unzipped the side zipper of her satin capri pants, and slid down her stomach to the waistband of her panties. He sneaked his hand beneath the flimsy cotton, exploring the delicate folds between her legs. "Ohhhh... hot," he murmured. He touched her entrance with a single finger, groaning at his discovery. "Mmmmmm... and so wet, too. Oh Shampoo... I can feel how much you want me." She turned to say something stinging, but saw his eyes glazed with concentration. "Now, just a little higher..." he whispered to himself, his fingers creeping north of her opening. She cried out when he caressed her most sensitive spot, his fingers stroking the little button up and down in a determined rhythm. "Ahhhh..." he sighed happily at his find, continuing to rub her. "There it is."

Eagerly, Shampoo forced herself against his hand, lost in the haze of sensual abandon. When her cries started coming in rapid succession, Mousse laughed, holding her still at the waist again and stopping the erotic caresses. "Slow down, beloved. It's not time for that yet."

He took her off his lap, and pushed her back down to the Indian rugs. He slipped off his robe easily, tossing it aside, then situated himself between her legs, wearing only his pants. Shampoo felt the insistence of his manhood between her thighs and shifted anxiously against it. His mouth fell ravenous on her breasts, moving over one and then the other, greedily sucking at the stiff tips when he encountered them. He rose to his knees then, and tugged her pants off, smiling at the sight of her pink panties. "Sweet," he murmured, love radiating from his eyes when he looked at her, warm and affectionate. Fully nude, Shampoo whined impatiently for him to continue.

Gazing at her face, he gently dipped a finger into her moist femininity, caressing her inside before bringing the finger to his lips and sucking the honey off. He shut his eyes, savoring her taste. He sat up and worked to unfasten his pants, his hair hiding his face as he pulled the garment down his narrow, muscular hips. Shampoo recognized embarassment in his posture. She looked with curiosity at the arousal springing proud and eager from the center of his loins, and marveled, wondering how it could ever fit inside her. At her silence, Mousse began to fidget, and managed to ask, "Do I... please you?"

"Ai-ya..." Shampoo said in a dreamy voice. "Yes. You do." She beckoned for him to come close to her, and he lay down between her parted thighs, guiding his swollen manhood to her threshold. She bent her legs around him, welcoming him into her hidden places, bracing herself for what came next. In a single quick thrust, Mousse snapped his way through her virgin barrier without a word or concern. Amazon women held no fear of the pain of sex, after all. His luscious groan when he was fully engulfed in Shampoo's center made her tingle in spite of the sting.

She smiled up at him, and he managed a smile back through a haze of passion as he began gliding back out of her body, sending an intense tingle up her core. "Ohhhh..." she moaned, leaning her head back in enjoyment, sliding her feet up the curve of his trim buttocks and smooth back as he rocked deep into her.

"Ohh, I want to make you come..." Mousse said hotly, his voice low and heavy with lust in her ear. He filled her over and over with his thick, engorged sex, and Shampoo clung to him, driving her hips against him in order to feel as much of his arousal as she could. She relished his weight on top of her and the salty scent of his skin, primal sensations that spurred her on as much as the feel of his large erection driving in and out of her tight channel.

She opened her legs wider, cooing lustily when she felt Mousse drive even deeper into her center, his speed increasing. Waves of ecstasy flowed to her breasts from the inner walls stroked so lovingly by Mousse's powerful sex, and Shampoo slammed herself harder against him, carnal enjoyment intensifying until a pleasure-induced blaze of white-hot light flared behind her eyes, splendid sensations washing over her lower body and up her torso in repeating vibrations, making her legs tremble and shake in the overpowering moment of climax. "Aiya! Mousse! Ohhhh!" She cried out loud in the secretive, empty space of the shop, continuing to buck her hips against his in the aftershocks of orgasm.

Mousse's lust mounted high at the sweetness of Shampoo's climax, and he raced toward his own reward, pitching his craving, hard erection into the hot, welcoming depths of her femininity. Fire raced from his shaft into his belly, hotter with each thrust, until he was finally engulfed in the flame of sensuality, his mouth opening in a loud cry. "Shampoo! Ahhhhh!" Molten jade spurted again and again into Shampoo's accepting body, and Mousse shook with the satisfaction of his long-overdue release. "Ahh... ohhhh."

The staccato of rain on concrete continued as they lay breathless in a side-by-side embrace. Mousse stared at Shampoo's face, wide-eyed. Looking at him, Shampoo sensed real fulfillment for the first time in forever.

"I-I can't believe that just happened," Mousse whispered, hestitant, as if afraid he dreamt.

"It feel great," Shampoo said, tossing a leg over him. Mousse turned his face to the ceiling, as if bracing for pain. He said in a terse voice, "Does this... does this change things?"

Shampoo raised herself up on one arm, staring him in the eyes. "Mousse... you no believe what other people think about Shampoo. That I loose girl?"

He sat up, pulling her with him, grasping her hands in his. "Of course not!"

"Then you no need to ask. Shampoo no sleep with boy unless she serious."

"I'm sorry," Mousse said with a slow shake of his head. "It's just so hard for me to accept, that I've finally... become one with you. Become your groom. I've wanted this for so long."

"I know. That why I forgive you." She gave him a teasing grin, sticking her tongue out. He put his arms around her, and Shampoo snuggled into his warmth.

He grinned down at her, eyes sparking with mischief. "I can't believe I finally laid you."

"Dummy!" she shouted, giving him a playful shove. He laughed out loud, and she giggled in response. "Now lay down, take what coming to you." She pushed him onto his back.

"I'm all yours. But... it sounds like the rain is stopping. Shouldn't we get going?"

Shampoo straddled him, wiggling her hips seductively. "Shampoo still hear rain. Don't you hear?"

Mousse made a show of listening, raising one eyebrow and cocking his head. "Ahhh, yes. Now I hear it."

"Look like we need stay here for long time. Too bad," Shampoo whispered, lowering her chest onto his.

"That is too bad," Mousse whispered back. "I guess we need to find something to do."

"Guess so," Shampoo said, covering his mouth in a slow, hot kiss, enjoying the feel of his sex reviving between her legs. After coaxing him to full rigidity again, she slid onto his shaft with a happy sigh, moving up and down in a slow rhythm, a long, languid climax overcoming her.

Mousse's hands wandered over her as he reached his own luxurious, extended orgasm, moaning deep in his throat each time Shampoo lowered herself onto his rigid arousal, until finally his seed burst into her again.

Shampoo smiled at the sight of Mousse lost in enjoyment, her breath still heaving from her own excitement. She'd never dreamed that this would feel so good, so satisfying. More than just physically. She stared in wonder at the Amazon beauty below her, amazed that she finally chose him, after all that had happened. She gave him a fond kiss, his eyes opening at the touch.

"Ohhh, thank you," he murmured. "That was fantastic." He glanced around. They lay naked on the carpets, surrounded by rumpled clothing and empty Chinese take-out boxes. "I guess we'd better go, huh?"

"Okay... but..." Shampoo paused, watching his smooth face in the waning light.


"We play again after great-granny go to bed."

Mousse laughed out loud. "Very well, my insatiable beauty. In the attic, tonight."

"Good. Now help Shampoo clean up."

"Yes, my bride."

They dressed quickly, then packed all the empty cartons into the delivery boxes. Shampoo looked around the grey room, memorizing it's lines and features like a friendly face. "Shampoo no want to forget this place."

Mousse gave her a squeeze, then, with a gentlemanly flourish, opened the door. She took one last glance around, then exited onto the mostly empty street, hearing the door click behind her. Mousse smiled down at her, a knowing smile, and she took his big hand in hers, reassuring him that she would acknowledge what happened within the closed shop, even out in the open.




Thank you for reading. ^_^

- Ange