The Tricks of Jusenkyou
by Isaac Lee

(M/F, BE)

A Ranma 1/2 Lemon Fanfic.

All Ranma 1/2 characters and Jusenkyou belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I did not create them.

Shampoo had chased her prey as far as Jusenkyou. She would not let it go. She would not let it stain her honor.

* * *

Ranma ran through the forest. He quickly jumped in a hot spring to change back to his old self.

Why was a crazy Chinese bimbo chasing him? He faced forward again. Jusenkyou! He quickly turned around and assumed a ready position.

* * *

There was no prey. Only a Japanese boy wearing the same clothes facing her. In a ready position? If he wanted a fight, he would get one...

* * *

The Jusenkyou Guide stepped out of his hut to see two young people fighting above the springs. "Oh NO! Mr. Visitor! Ms. Visitor! You do not want to fight above springs! Even as the guide spoke, the young boy was knocked into a spring.

Sighing, he walked up. "Oh no sir, you fall in Spring of Drowned Horny Man Whose Penis Becomes 6000 Miles Long and 4000 Miles Wide When Erect. Very tragic story of man who fall in spring 10,000 years ago...Oh NO! Miss Visitor!"

* * *

Shampoo screamed as the bamboo pole under her feet suddenly shuddered and snapped as the boy crawled out of the spring. She fell down, down, dwon, into the blue depths of the spring. She dimly noticed feeling rather funny.

* * *

The Guide yelled in horror. "OH NO! You fall in Spring of Drowned Horny Female Giantess Whose Body Stretches Across All of China! RUN!"

The Guide began to run as the springs erupted in a mass of flesh. He was soon crushed under the expanding flesh of Shampoo. Ranma, however, jumped to safety by landing on top of the flesh. "What the hell is this?" He cried as all of China was enveloped in flesh around him. He dimly noticed he was sliding into a belly button. Belly button? 'Oh man...' He thought as he began to get hard.

* * *

Shampoo was horny. Very horny. She quickly became aware of a pushing sensation in her midsection.

Reaching in, she plucked out...the cock of her dreams. She immediately tried to locate the source.

It was the boy she was fighting! Oh, but she was so horny...

* * *

Unlike Shampoo, Ranma knew exactly what to do. He leaned forward and his dick barely touched Shampoo's nipples. It was enough to trigger an orgasm. Shampoo quickly dropped him and shuddered with ecstasy from the orgasm. Ranma, luckily was dropped on to her soft, but firm, breats. He quickly slid down(it was a long slide)and began to shove his cock between Shampoo's humungous breasts. It easily reached her mouth, and she greedily sucked it for all she was worth.

Ranma felt an orgasm coming. He quickly shoved as hard as he could and his dick erupted. He was blown back by the force of the blast. Shampoo grabbed his cock and lifted Ranma into the air. He quickly aimed and rammed his dick into Shampoo's nipple. She shuddered with orgasmic delight. Aiming again, he aimed for Shampoo's mouth and shoved his cock into it. Shampoo, apparently wanting more done to the breast's sucked hard and fast. As soon as she felt Ranma's orgasm coming, she held his dick up to her massive breasts. (Keep in mind, Shampoo isn't as big as China yet, so she is still growing by the minute.) Ranma began to cum again, and the full force was aimed at Shampoo's breast's. Then, something that shouldn't have happened, but did, because the Jusenkyou Springs had mixed. Shampoo's breasts absorbed the cum and Shampoo's body, (which was now as big as China) shivered with delight and her breasts pulsed and grew a few feet. Shampoo, seeing this, began to suck at Ranma's dick again, even harder and faster this time. Ranma began to get hard again as Shampoo nibbled a little. He felt his eruption coming and again Shampoo held his dick in position. This time, however, it was aimed at the nipple so that the cum would cascade down the breast. Ranma erupted, and true to form, the cum cascaded down the breast. It shuddered, jiggled a little, and began to grow by the meter. After Shampoo had applied the same treatment to the other breast, she noticed something about Ranma's cock. The more she sucked, licked, and nibbled it before another eruption, the more it expanded and grew. Also, Shampoo noticed with some delight, if she swallowed the cum, her entire body shuddered and grew. Shampoo was now big enough to fit in Russia.

* * *

Shampoo sucked, licked, nibbled, and bit for all she was worth this time. Ranma's dick, which had begun to feel a little loose inside her mouth, suddenly filled it as he erupted yet again. Gallon, liter's, and fathoms of cum made it's way down her throat. Shampoo, who was now dangling into the oceans a little, suddenly shuddered and began to expand at an alarming rate. Shampoo now, if stretched out, just barely touched the United States from either end. Shampoo held Ranma up to her gigantic clit. Ranma looked at her quizzically, and she nodded. Ranma slowly moved his cock into Shampoo's clit. However, at her slightly 'spoiled girl who isn't getting what she wants' look, he shoved it in as hard as he could. Shampoo screamed with ecstasy and shoved him further with her hands. Then, Ranma gave an almighty eruption, and Shampoo burst forth, as did Ranma's immense cock. Shampoo began to cover the Earth with her flesh. However, as her head hit the soft, warm waters of the Atlantic, she began to fell her transformation take place. She fell, now normal sized, into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Ranma hit soon after and transformed as well. He caught Shampoo and swam her to shore.

* * *

When Shampoo woke up, three days later, the first thing she said in broken Japanese was "Want do again?" Ranma conceded and they went to find some cold water.