If you have comments on this story, please send them to me at This is my first attempt at yaoi. After researching this stuff for months, I decided to crack a hand at it. If you are offended by male/male sexual interaction, step away from this piece, now!
The Fine Art of Warmth and Tension
<by Omega>
The mountain forest has always been a place of solace for a fighter like Ryouga Hibiki. There is nothing to distract him from the strength training that he can only get here. He takes a deep breath of the clean forest air as he starts his morning workout turning trees into toothpicks with single thrusts of his strong arms penetrating the core of the wood. He uses his thick legs to break boulders between his knees and the echoes travel throughout the lonely forest. Ryouga is panting heavily as the hot sun beats down on him and forces him to take off his sweater and wipe down his body with it. The unbearable heat made Ryouga moan and silently wish for rain. And as if someone above him heard Ryouga, dark clouds swirled above him in the air and he flinched when the thunder bellowed. Ryouga quickly put on his sweater and started to run for the cabin… if he could find the cabin. He runs quickly in every possible direction of the forest and everywhere he goes, the dark clouds were still above him.
Ryouga forced himself to calm down. If he could think, he could probably remember where the cabin is before the rain transforms him. A vision entered his mind and he could see the cabin the same way he could see the breaking point in every rock. He turned around and in the distance, he saw the cabin.
He dashed for the cabin. The rain was starting to come down and Ryouga is so desperate to get to the cabin that he knocked down every tree in his way with a backswing of his hand just to get there. But it was too late. The rain is pouring so heavily that Ryouga has a hard time moving in it. As Ryouga starts to whimper, he realizes he's not changing. He looks up, feels his hand and notices that the drops are warm on his skin. Ryouga breathes a deep sigh of relief and trudges to the cabin, getting thoroughly soaked by the warm rain.
Ryouga arrives at the cabin and lets himself into the dry place. He couldn't help but think that the cabin was unusually warm. He looks up and he notices all these candles lit up throughout the entire cabin. Before Ryouga could even react to the candles he hears another voice in the room:
"So you've finally arrived…"
Ryouga cocks his head to the side trying to discern the voice. "Kuno?" Kuno steps out of the shadows very slowly and Ryouga was a little frightened that anyone else could be in his private training place. "Just what in the heck are you doing here?!"
"Why I am here is not important--" Kuno pauses himself to look at the Lost Boy, dripping wet in soggy clothes. "Hold there, Ryouga, allow me," says Kuno as he produces a towel from the inside of his robe. The towel, warm from Kuno's body heat, dries Ryouga's hair leaving it slightly damp. He softly strokes and pats Ryouga's wet face and neck, while Ryouga stands still allowing to be dried off. He dries Ryouga's hands, paying attention to every finger, stroking them dry and mindlessly staying on his strong hands. Starting from the fingertips, down the length of the finger, stroking deep into the palm, gently touching the wrist, slowly losing the hand inside Ryouga's sleeve…
Ryouga's grabs Kuno's wrist suddenly, causing him to drop the towel. "Uh, thanks Kuno. You're not such a bad guy after all…" Ryouga walks over to the candles and warms his hands against the slight flames. His wet clothes are making him shiver despite the warmth and dryness of the cabin. "You never did answer my question, Kuno," he says while still facing the candle flames. "What are you doing here?"
Kuno scoops down to pick up the towel and presses it against his own face, sniffing the traces where the towel touched the Lost Boy. "Indeed. I have not told thee," he says as he approaches Ryouga from behind. "But more to the point, thou canst not dry thyself this way, sopping wet like a sponge before a bare spark." Kuno lightly touches the back of Ryouga's neck with the towel again, reaching for the front and wiping his throat and slipping a little beneath the shoulder blade under Ryouga's sweater. "Thou shalt catch cold if thou persist to wear these garments," indicated by Kuno's other hand as he reaches for the front of the dripping sweater, grabs a fistful of the sopping wet fabric, and lifts it just a little bit above the navel. Ryouga's can feel Kuno's breath inhale and exhale slowly behind his neck, and Kuno's arms are joining his hands in surrounding Ryouga. Kuno closes his eyes and smells Ryouga's damp hair. Ryouga could not help but feel he was being attacked somehow, so he stood stiffly while Kuno was enclosing him.
Kuno could feel Ryouga's tension racked through his body until Kuno lips uttered, "Come, Ryouga. Please…." Ryouga could feel the Kuno's lips move against the nape of his neck before he heard the words. With his head face down, eyes lost into a burning candle in front of him, he lifts his arms above his head without thinking. Kuno pulls the wet and heavy sweater over Ryouga's head, clinging to his body as if it wanted him for itself. But Kuno wrestles it off of him and throws it to the farthest part of the cabin to leave them both alone.
Kuno could smell the sweat of an honest workout still draped down Ryouga's back and he can see the muscles ripple and tense up. He takes the towel and wipes his broad, expansive back, collecting the sweat lying there. He slowly works his way to the small of his back, exploring and discovering the muscles from the spine. Kuno's tender touches are met with stone cold hardness on the surface of Ryouga's skin. Kuno put his hands on Ryouga's shoulders to ease him but he tightens up even more. He tightens so much that he shakes and his fists clench so tightly, they turn pale. Kuno is taken aback by the strong reaction. He steps back, sighs, and lets go of his shoulders.
"Goodbye, Ryouga. Don't catch cold." Kuno throws the towel on the bed and walks away.
Ryouga finally turns around only to see the back of Kuno's blue robe, loosely covering his body, heading out the cabin door. He finds that he is reaching his hand out to Kuno to stop him from moving another step, but Kuno keeps moving. Kuno opens the door to the warm rain pelting his body, dampening the front of his robe in seconds. Kuno sets his foot out of the cabin and Ryouga instinctively yells,
"Don't go!"
Kuno stop his foot midstep and turns to look at Ryouga. No longer cold now but in some sense, desperate. He could see in Ryouga's face all the reasons why he can't leave. But Ryouga is still standing there in the corner with the candlelights, not moving. Kuno thought to himself that he must have misheard something or wanted too much to stay that those words only came from Ryouga through his mind.
"You said…" Kuno's words drifted off, hoping to have Ryouga's mouth finish his thoughts. The door was still open and the Kuno was getting as soaked as Ryouga when he came into the cabin.
Ryouga looks down and his face reddened. "I… I… don't want you… to go…"
Kuno stares straight at him, eyes unmoving. He noisily gulps and Ryouga hears it across the room despite the clattering of the pouring rain.
"Why?" Kuno asks softly, as if not to challenge him but still wanting an answer.
Ryouga looks up to see Kuno unflinching in the rain, biting his lip, and refusing to move. Kuno stands still like a statue that is almost refusing to breathe. "I… I… You… said yourself… that you'll catch cold… If you go out… side…." Kuno looks at the Lost Boy for a few more moments, steps back inside and slowly closes the door.
Kuno walks over to Ryouga who is keeping his head bowed down, eyes cast to the floor. When Ryouga doesn't look up, Kuno goes over to the bed, grabs the towel, and stand in front of him again. Kuno pats the towel on the cold sweat still dripping on Ryouga's chest and he could see Ryouga is trying hard not to tense up. The pats turn to strokes running from the top of his chest, down his abdomen, stopping consciously inches below his navel. The muscles on Ryouga's stomach contract when Kuno touches him there. Ryouga's breathing starts to become a little labored and he gulps to wet his dry throat.
"Thou art still tense," Kuno utters softly. "Lie thyself down and I shall do my best to untense thee."
Ryouga nods silently and he lies face down on the large bed, his head resting comfortably on the pillow. However, his still soaking pants are dampening the bed and his shoes are still laced tightly to his feet. Kuno kneels on the side of the bed unlacing the shoes on each foot, removing them, and placing them neatly on the floor.
"Excuse me, but I cannot have thee sleep on a wet bed," says Kuno and he puts his hands around Ryouga's waist and peels his drenched pants downwards off of his body. Ryouga doesn't tense or shudder and allows himself to go limp as Kuno removes his trousers and hangs them neatly over a chair. Ryouga is lying down on the bed wearing only his underwear as Kuno stands up and watches over him. Away from Ryouga's sight, Kuno disrobes from his own wet robe and pants, and in his underwear, lies gently beside him on the other side of the bed.
Kuno stared at the length of Ryouga's back lying right in front of him. He inches closer to Ryouga just enough to whisper into his ear, "Art thou still cold?"
"Yes, just a little." Ryouga curls up into a fetal position away from Kuno.
"Are there no blankets here?"
"It normally doesn't get this cold up here. I usually just sleep in my clothes. They're good enough to keep me warm."
"Yes, but now thou art without clothes, Ryouga, and we need to stay warm. The candles themselves will eventually burn out and we will have nothing but each other to keep ourselves warm." Kuno reaches his hand and strokes Ryouga's back. "Thou art still very tense, Ryouga."
"I've trained very hard this morning," Ryouga utters like a confession. "Some of me is still sore."
Kuno gets even closer to Ryouga, spreads his hands across his large back and kneads it. "Like here?"
"Yeah," responds Ryouga, feeling Kuno's warm, strong hands relieving his back with the heat in his palms. "Thanks, Kuno."
Kuno puts pressure into his hands as he massages Ryouga's back, starting with the shoulders and working his way downward. Kuno has a knowing touch, sensing Ryouga's reaction by his sighs welling deep from within him. His hands go down the length of his spine and then quickly go back to his shoulders, which quickly loosen up. Then Kuno's strong and nimble hands slip under Ryouga's arms from behind to work his chest, hard not from tension, but his natural strength. Ryouga felt Kuno's hands warm and stretch his chest and moved his body back, closer to Kuno so that it would be easier for him to reach around him. Kuno was now lying side by side with Ryouga's body, rubbing his chest when Ryouga's nipples were caught between Kuno's fingers and he gasped. At first, Kuno lightened up on kneading his chest because he thought he might be doing it too hard, but his hands were suddenly covered with Ryouga's own strong hands. Ryouga was trying to increase the pressure that Kuno's hands applied to his chest. His breathing was increasingly coming out in gasps and even more when Ryouga directed Kuno's fingers to press directly and hard on his nipples. Kuno felt swept up in the moment and started to press his heated lips against the back of Ryouga's neck and make kisses over the length of his broad shoulders. Ryouga was no longer gasping, but moaning when Kuno's hands stopped pressing and started pinching his sensitive nipples. Kuno found a delicate spot on the side of Ryouga's neck and slowly sucked it until he could get Ryouga to moan with abandon.
"Hast thou any more sensitive parts in need of rubbing?" Kuno asked precociously. Ryouga was so lost in sensations that he couldn't make out a sentence and until he managed to say,
One of Kuno's hands left his chest and traced the ridges of Ryouga's constantly contracting abdomen. Kuno liked the way those brick-like ridges felt moving under his hand. "Here?"
Ryouga still strained against Kuno's handiwork and moving mouth until he uttered,
The hand glided down lightly down the skin until he reached the area of the navel and circled it with his finger, barely touching it so that it tickled. Kuno was tickling it to the point where the body occasionally began to shudder, not just the abdomen. At the same time, Kuno chose to attack Ryouga's ear with his electric tongue, bringing a whole new array of sounds from the depths of Ryouga's lungs. "How about here?"
Tears were welling up in Ryouga's eyes because he was aching in one spot more than anywhere else and yet his hard body could feel everything Kuno was doing to him. He squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth and gurgled out another,
"Lower… still… more down…"
Kuno pulled Ryouga's body so that he was lying flat on his back, giving Kuno a better view to admire his body. The candles provided a light glow that reflected off the hard muscular curves of their bodies. Instead of Kuno's hand drifting downwards, his hand moved up his body until his finger touched Ryouga's lower lip. Ryouga stayed absolutely still; he was still aching down there, but more intrigued with the way Kuno's finger was exploring just his lower lip. Kuno loved the way it felt so smooth against his thumb.
"I wonder what thy lip tastes like," Kuno said silently. Ryouga looked into Kuno's eyes, endearing but intent on satisfying the curiosity in the words he just spoke. Kuno moved his body so that their faces were close together, enabling them to feel warm breath on each other's faces. In the slowest of motions, Kuno moved his face over Ryouga's and licked the trembling bottom lip. Content with the taste, Kuno kissed and sucked on the lip and Ryouga could feel his heart racing fast. When's Kuno chest touched his, he could also feel Kuno's heart thumping hard. Ryouga swallowed and opened his mouth wider in anticipation for incoming lips, but Kuno gave him more than he expected when he pressed his open mouth against his. Kuno used his tongue to explore every crevice of Ryouga's mouth while Ryouga savored his tongue brushing wetly against Kuno's. Ryouga used his hands to caress Kuno's well-toned back as they continued to kiss intensely. Kuno instinctively moved the rest of his body so that it lay directly on top of Ryouga. Ryouga opened his legs wide to accommodate Kuno's weight. When their long kisses finally broke, Ryouga let out a trembling exhale, now that Kuno was touching the spot where he ached the most, with the same aching spot on Kuno's own body.
"Why dost thou tremble so?" Kuno mouths breathily against Ryouga's lips and pushes his stiffness downward with his weight. Ryouga's hips convulse and rock upward and his hands move down to Kuno's backside, pushing to increase the grinding pressure. The tension was striving Ryouga insane and it took the core of his desire to say out loud,
"Do… it…" Ryouga's breath was hissing at every inhale and exhale. Tears were running down his face. Kuno licked a salty tear before it could hit the bed and kissed him lightly on the lips.
"Do… what… pray tell?" Kuno teased as one of his hands ran down Ryouga's thigh, tugging just a little at the band of his underwear--
"IT!" Ryouga exclaimed, jerking his hips with such force that Kuno's body was thrown a few inches above his own and when he landed, the increased pressure between his legs forced him to groan loudly.
Kuno smiled. He gave Ryouga another kiss and another thrust from his hips. He left a salivating trail with his mouth, starting from the lips and down the curve of the chin. Kuno's tongue licked the length of his neck so closely that when Ryouga moaned, the sound vibrated Kuno's mouth. Kuno's smeared hot kisses across Ryouga's chest until they deviated from the downward path to his left nipple. He first prodded the sensitive area with his tongue, causing Ryouga's body to shake a little. Then after kissing it, he lightly sucked on it and was rewarded with little gasps from the Lost Boy. Then Kuno held his arms tightly around the trunk of Ryouga's body and increased the pressure in his mouth so much that one long moan emanated from deep inside and Kuno's entire body could feel it. Kuno moved over to the right nipple and gave it even more pressure so that Ryouga's body almost seemed to spasm from pure sensation.
Ryouga's hips started to buck again with anxiety; he was waiting so long and he was starting to feel pain down there. He was sobbing a little but he was stifling it as best as he could. Kuno stroked Ryouga's face tenderly trying to calm him down.
"Patience, Ryouga," Kuno whispered, putting a finger against Ryouga's lips. "Thy body is a temple deserving of worship, but 'better service have I have never done you'* than letting thee have all I can give thee." He moved his hand down and squeezed Ryouga's aching stiffness lightly, causing him to gasp. "I shall get there soon… I promise…." Ryouga nodded and ran his fingers through the back of Kuno's hair. Kuno slid up his body to give him another mouthful embrace before going further down.
Kuno traced his tongue along the ridges of Ryouga's rock hard abdomen while Ryouga arches his back because he knows he is just waiting to get there. Kuno dips his tongue a little in Ryouga's navel and goes down from there. He can see the bulge throb beneath the underwear and dutifully kisses it along the length. He can hear Ryouga swallow and Kuno pulls it only a little. He looks up to Ryouga who is biting his lip and a little hungry drop falls from his fangs and runs down his chin. Then Kuno grabs the sides of Ryouga's underwear and pulls it down the length of his legs and tosses it to the floor.
Ryouga covers his face with his hands, totally vulnerable and subject to the wills of Kuno's mouth and ready to feel it on him. Kuno licks the tip of Ryouga's manhood very lightly. The next lick moved very slowly. The one after that moves to the down the length of Ryouga's engorged member and he reacts to the tickling pain it makes. Kuno opens his mouth and takes in the head at first. Ryouga uses all his will to keep himself from losing control. Then Kuno descends gradually, holding his breath, as he engulfs the member to the base. Ryouga arches his body upward and stifled his moan. His hands get lost in Kuno's hair, combing, pulling, pushing, but just reacting. Kuno slides up and down, the member slick and glistening. The pull from Kuno's mouthwork was just right enough to elicit sounds deep within Ryouga's chest. Kuno's hands reach around cupping the musculature of his bottom, pulling his lower body closer to his mouth. Ryouga's hands are clenching a fistful of the bedsheets as his body squirms to the sensations Kuno is bringing out of him.
Kuno lifts his head and kisses a trail back to Ryouga's mouth. They clutch their arms around each other while Kuno thrusts his hips against Ryouga's member. Ryouga started to pull down Kuno's underwear until he could feel their bare manhoods touching and rubbing against each other. Kuno managed to strip himself of his constraining underwear completely while remaining liplocked to Ryouga's mouth. He was grinding himself hard into Ryouga's own organ, and their rocking hips shook the mattress of the bed. When they broke their kiss, Kuno smiled while Ryouga's hungry mouth was still open wide, waiting to be filled.
Kuno crawled higher upon Ryouga's body until he sat on Ryouga's chest with his erect member inches away from Ryouga's face.
"Come… Partake of me, hungry one," said Kuno quietly. Ryouga looked up at Kuno's gifted body, rising above him and saw Kuno's manhood, more appetizing than anything else in the world. Ryouga open his mouth and Kuno slowly entered his waiting lips. Kuno was very careful not to smother him so he inserted himself very leisurely, allowing Ryouga to handle and play with the length in his mouth before he proceeded further. After a point, Kuno himself could feel the back of Ryouga's throat and Ryouga hummed in contentment. Kuno slowly withdrew from his warm mouth and entered again, doing very slow strokes that Ryouga could handle. He loved seeing himself entering and pulling out of Ryouga's face, especially when Ryouga's eyes looked up to watch Kuno's face occasionally grimace in pleasure. Soon, the entire length of his shaft enters Ryouga's face enough to make Kuno gasp and Ryouga smile with a mouthful of manhood in him. Kuno's strokes quicken little by little and the pull in Ryouga's mouth was phenomenal. Kuno was enjoying the stimulation on his sensitive member, but feeling so close too soon, Kuno had to stop and take himself out of that warm sensual indulgence.
Kuno pulls out his member to Ryouga's disappointment. "What happened? You tasted… good…." Ryouga blushed shyly at his admittance.
"Thank you," says Kuno and he shows his gratitude by kissing him sweetly on the mouth. "But I would much rather savor the heat within thee."
Ryouga was slightly puzzled. "Within… me?"
Kuno smiled reassuringly, kissed Ryouga's forehead, and stroked his chest. "Do you trust me, Ryouga?"
Ryouga was unsure of what he was implying by this. A few moments went by and Ryouga was still looking away, unable to say anything.
"Ryouga," uttered Kuno as he embraced him in his arms. "I will do nothing to hurt thee," he said softly as he stroked his cheek. "But I want so much to be in thee. Please…"
Ryouga looked into his face, so innocent and wide-eyed. After a bit of hesitation, Ryouga nodded his head and runs his fingers against Kuno's lips. Kuno gently nibbles them in his mouth and his body moves downwards.
Kuno put his hands between Ryouga's thighs and parts his legs, spreading them wide. Kuno reaches under and between the cleft of Ryouga's posterior to brush that sensitive spot where no one has touched him before. Ryouga lets out a little gasp as Kuno prods a single finger inside of him. Kuno's uses his other hand to stroke Ryouga's stomach to calm him down. Kuno wiggles the finger and pushes in a bit more. Ryouga is panting and hissing from the probing finger invading him until his finger is all the way in.
"Good," says Kuno as he kisses the inside of Ryouga's thigh. Kuno moves his finger in and out of Ryouga until he can get used to feeling of something penetrating him. Ryouga spread his legs a little wider and his breathing became more controlled, having been accustomed to the finger. Kuno inserts another finger into Ryouga, and he shudders a little from the stretch. Kuno moves deftly in and out of Ryouga, taking this chance to explore him inside. His finger grazed against one particular spot and Ryouga groaned out so loud that the bed shook with the vibration of the moan. Kuno pressed it again and Ryouga yelled because his manhood was aching hard to be relieved.
Kuno knelt in front of Ryouga, stroking his member, getting it stone hard enough to easily sink into Ryouga. Kuno takes Ryouga's ankles and puts them on his shoulders. He poises his manhood at Ryouga's entrance. Ryouga is squinting his eyes and biting his lip, getting ready for Kuno's thrust. Kuno lies over Ryouga, and Ryouga brings his legs closer to his chest, getting Kuno as close as possible to him.
"Ready?" asks Kuno, stroking his leg. Ryouga nods. Kuno pushes just a little into Ryouga, and before he could yelp, Kuno quickly covers his mouth with his lips. He allows Ryouga to get used to his size before he pushes onward. Kuno's tongue plays with Ryouga's lips and he gently wipes the sweat at his brow. He pushes a little more and tears roll down Ryouga's face, trying to be tough enough to stifle pain. Kuno clasps Ryouga's hand as he uses his weight to drive his member into Ryouga's depths. Ryouga moans so that the world could hear and Kuno complete fills Ryouga with his presence. Kuno stays still down there, relishing the heat of this unopened bud. Ryouga is having trouble breathing and his face is all flushed.
"Ryouga, squeeze… down there," commands Kuno gently as he rubs Ryouga's posterior. He moves Ryouga's legs so that they wrap around his waist. Ryouga uses the inner muscles that surround Kuno's invading length and Kuno gasps when he felt that tight space get even tighter. The delicious heat inside Ryouga made Kuno's entire body tingle. Ryouga was happy to see that pleasure all over Kuno's face and that length that once caused him a little pain is now driving him to ecstasy. Ryouga is writhing on the bed, squeezing Kuno's body with his legs.
Kuno begins. He draws his member out and slowly thrusts it back in. Ryouga sighs, reacting to the filling feeling that only Kuno can give him. Kuno gradually starts to develop an unhurried rhythm, determined to make Ryouga feel every stroke. His breath is constantly shortening as Kuno hits deeper, deeper, and even deeper into him. They are both breaking into a sweat and Kuno's attack is steady and still strong. Ryouga reaches for Kuno's bottom and helps him push as far into him as he can. Ryouga's breath moves a little quicker and Kuno adjusts the tempo of his pushes only going slightly faster. But Ryouga can feel every movement Kuno makes inside of him. Ryouga starts internalizing the rhythm in his body, tightening his inner muscles when Kuno invades and he blisses out at every shove. Kuno runs his tongue down Ryouga's throat, moaning into each other's mouths. Kuno's thrusts are now moving with such force that Ryouga's body is shaking from impact and shuddering from pleasure. Kuno's hand grabs Ryouga's manhood and strokes in syncopated rhythm with his own propulsion. Ryouga is crying out, his insides so close to exploding. The sounds are coming deeper from the bottom of their core desire. Kuno is ramming Ryouga for all he's worth, abandoning control to the pure indulgence of his loins. They're screaming so loud that the flames flicker and the cabin shakes; the bed gyrates in the sheer force Kuno pounds Ryouga. The sensual overloads of nerves are building up though the constant slamming of Kuno's rod inside Ryouga. They are ascending more heights of passions, generating so much heat that the sweat pours forth in splashes. Kuno and Ryouga are straining and they can't hold back that erupting feeling at the core of their manhoods and Kuno shoots pounding bullets of seed deep into Ryouga driving him mad. Ryouga's hot seed blast out of him with no control, hitting Kuno's chest and stomach and coating Ryouga's torso completely. Kuno and Ryouga collapse into each other from total exhaustion on the bed. Both of them are severely panting, trying to catch their breath that eluded them in that climax.
Kuno lays on the bed next to Ryouga, severely panting and wiping the ample seed from their bodies with the towel he used to dry Ryouga from the rain. Ryouga drapes his arm across Kuno's chest, snuggling close body to body. Kuno sniffs the damp sweat from Ryouga's hair and combs his hair with his fingers. He could feel Ryouga going limp at his side, so close to sleep.
"The candles… the towel… your body…" murmured Ryouga against the side of Kuno's chest. "You came to… take me, didn't you? You caused the rain…"
Kuno grinned slightly at the ridiculous thought and said playfully, "Yes, I caused the rain; all of this just so I could have thee…"
Ryouga sighed, smiled and held Kuno's body close. They drift to sleep, bodies embraced, and the candles surrounding them burn out of wicks and extinguish themselves in the quiet cabin.
*An actual line from Shakespeare's King Lear (Act 3, scene 7, line 77)
~If you were aching throughout this entire story (the same way I have been writing it), I did my job right <^.^>
~I hope to write another one soon.
Omega <^.^>