This story brings about Kodachi, one of the largely unsung Ranma ladies in my opinion, keeping herself ‘entertained’ while enlisting a little help from Sasuke the manservant. It came to me seeing the foreign movie “Tokyo Decadence”- And don’t think she’ll be nice to him.  Judging the strangeness poor Sasuke has to endure with just Tatewaki, I’m sure this has at least crossed Kodachi’s mind on occasion. ‘Make yourself useful man!’  One of the many sides of the twisted sister and her craving for Saotome - what else could this be called but…

16 year-old Itch

            Kodachi Kuno mused in one of the plush chambers of the Kuno estate.  It was one of her own, this chamber, and decorated by her own nimble hand.  The walls were ivory and quite plain, devoid of messy clutter such as paintings or pictures.  The furnishings themselves were quite Spartan; a traditional low table, ebony hued, a trio of heavy standing mirrors, and an opaque changing curtain.  Kodachi mused at the time that she would bring Ranma here, and perform a saucy strip tease with the aid of this suggestive curtain, which was able to reveal shadowy suggestions.  Kodachi stepped barefoot over the snowy carpet of this half of the room, her toes running over the fibers which seemed to hold her foot so snug and warm. She was fresh from gymnastics practice, and ordering her lesser around had wetted her appetite.  Lesbianism was not something Kodachi strongly participated in, unless her dominant side took control.  She had been daydreaming of Ranma whilst at school, and of the moment when he would soon ‘make her his own’.  On occasion she worked this sexual frustration out with her teammates – some of who were only too eager to play submissive to her.  These dalliances served as a relief of her desires, but a muted one.  She wanted Ranma, not some skinny woman under her.  Such was her thinking tonight as she carried her tension home, where the early evening air wafting through the balcony window kissed the fresh sweat from her body.  Kodachi smiled over her figure, the leotard offered such a tempting view of her, how could Ranma resist?  After all, she wore nothing underneath.  So bold, her love!    Running gratifying hands all over her anxious body, Kodachi knew she had to do something about this lust she carried tonight.  Moving herself in front of the full-body set of mirrors (gold and crystal, not some low-class thing Akane Tendo might be seen looking over her giant ass) she swore at her own beauty, looking at each part in turn.  Shapely legs, graceful arms, luxuriously shiny jet hair, a sizzling pair of eyes, pert full lips (face and otherwise), barely constrained cleavage, and a tight muscular ass!  The leotard of the Black Rose was already stained with the arousal of her sex.  The sight of it drew her mind to thoughts of basking in pleasure, and of being sweaty.  She remembered coming from practice, perhaps a shower first?  Kodachi decided against it as her hand betrayed her by caressing her bust. Her long dexterous fingers, used to twirling and clutching clubs in rhythmic gymnastics, made passionate tweaks and pinches at her breasts, which were jutting through the fabric deliciously.  She twisted her nipples with both hands, emitting a low shudder as she imagined Ranma doing this to her body.  She gripped her bosom tightly in her palms, kneading the breasts together simultaneously, as her nails dug into the leotard, and into the teats.  Kodachi’s eyes soaked up her lewd state cast in the mirrors, a vice of hers being that she loved watching herself.  If it was this fun for her, imagine her partner… still, she wished she had gotten one of her more ‘revealing outfits’ on for this.  She owned a bodysuit that was nearly see-through, and her dark areola attempting to masquerade through the thin costume would only add to this encounter.  With a small cry she grasped the crotch of her outfit and thrust it into the wanton folds of her pussy.  She smiled in the pleasure of it, teasing herself only created more honey for the pot.  With her lips pursed tightly, she wrung the thin band of fabric back and forth.  It was enough to excite the clitoris, but did nothing to sooth that burning yearn for something inside her.  She needed to see more.  Turning her back to the glass and standing on her tiptoes, Kodachi bent over slightly as she pulled the string tight between her buttcheeks.  She afforded herself a favorable chuckle at the sight of the light blue rope sawing between her engorged lips, deliciously grazing her burning sex but denying it the fulfillment it needed.  Playing peekaboo just above her honey-stained spectacle was the taut ring of her sphincter.  For a moment she writhed in the ecstasy of fabric sliding over both her holes. Kodachi let a low purr, if there was one thing she loved more than looking at her sexy self, it was making a show of it.  She relaxed her tensed muscles, letting her thighs and calves rest, bringing the balls of her feet down back to the tatami mat that graced this area.  Her tight buttocks met together, closing the tantalizing view of puss and booty.  She was excited, and very wet, why waste it fingering herself in the mirror?  This called for the chair.
            Such said chair was one high-backed black wooden piece that would look right at home at a dining room.  Solid design with a wide fan shaped back, featuring two holes cut into it ornately.  Kodachi had it brought up from the Kuno Estates’ 3rd kitchen, to entertain a fantasy she had of being Ranma’s main course.  First he eats my cookies, then he eats my cookie.  Kodachi smiled sinfully at the memory.  As it turned out, the erotic poses she contorted in the chair drove her into new plateaus of pleasure.  She kept it possessively in a closet, for while it was an ordinary chair in all regards – she wanted no one else using it.  Kodachi stepped out of her pale leotard, tugging it free from her drenched sex.  As she opened the secretive closet, which also contained her sex-aids, she scanned the supplies.  Whip, four hot candles, strap-on dildo, but the objects she sought eluded her.  Kodachi feverishly wished for her suction-cup dildoes to use on the sex-seat, but they were in the dungeon.  Someday she would get a spare.
Within moments her naked form was dragging the long seat before the mirrors, her long legs straddling it backwards.  Briefly her hands played over the thin black carpet of her pubic hairs, and her insides burned in anticipation.  Kodachi permitted herself a quick frigging with her left hand, the pleasure of the touching driving her to cry out heatedly.  Her lean body melted into the chair, her bust pressing through the artistically cut back.  Kodachi moaned, as her hard nipples brushed against the wood.  Now her orbs hung pendulous through the furniture, and gave her anxious limbs something to fondle.  Together her hands pressed and kneaded her breasts, stopping occasionally to flick a finger against one of her deep brown dugs.  As she brought one heavy boob to her mouth, the chair grew slick with her thrusting hips grinding her pussy against it.  Wrestling a teat between her teeth, Kodachi cast a sideways glance at the mirrors, imagining Ranma having his way with her.  His hands on her slippery fuckhole, running them back and forth– that sounded good!  Kodachi let the breast go with an audible pop, and examined the mirror behind her for ultimate arousal.  Her clear honey was already over the seat of the chair in a slimy sheen, the sight of her own nimble fingers probing her labia open brought a shudder.  Slowly, sensually, she made circular coaxes against sex with her right hand, burrowing into the sticky folds.
“Umnnhh… Ranma.  Your dick is so thick.”  Kodachi cooed against the back of the frame, thrusting her ass out more, and working three-then four fingers inside her.
“You know just where to go my darling.” She continued, enjoying her slutty posture.
She brought her pace more frantic, and came with loud moan.
            “Ranmaaa, what a man!” Kodachi complimented her pretend lover, stirring her juices again.  Kodachi’s left hand traced invisible arcs across her posterior, before sliding into the crack of her ass.
            “Do you like what you see?” She continued, wiggling her rump explicitly in the mirror.  She freed her breasts from the confines of her erotic throne, and rose slightly.  Her pubic mound began to hump the back of the chair, sliding up and down the woodwork.  Kodachi removed her left hand from her backside, sucking each finger in her mouth, biting the fingers occasionally.  When they were good and wet, the hand snaked back to her rear.  Her left middle finger traced her browneye, before slowly tapping against it.
            “You dirty boy!”  Kodachi licked her lips.  “You want more?  Uhhhnnn…”
She groaned as the digit sunk inside her asshole to the first knuckle.  “So bold my love…” She throated huskily, as the finger sunk deeper.  “Ahhhnn!!!”  She continued masturbating with her other hand, reaching another pinnacle of pleasure in her double-penetration.
            “Yes you big-dicked motherfucker!!” She was ranting, screaming now.  “Take me!!  Fuck me!! Fuck me!!”  The view of both arms busy against her brought a high wave cresting, any moment now…
            “Oh fuck!! Oh Fuck!! Ohhh F-“
            “Mistress, are you all right?” Came a mild voice at the door.
            Kodachi’s violet eyes boggled, her hands slipping down from her body.  What the?  “Fuck!” She finished, without the passion she previously had.  “Sasuke?!  I told you I did not wish to be disturbed!!”  She found her leotard crumpled against the wall and donned it once more.  Her angry stomps thundered towards the door.
            Damn!! Almost cumming and here he comes!  Kodachi was too vexed to notice her ironic thought.  I’m tying him up and feeding him to Mr. Green Turtle bit by bit!  She threw open the door, her flashing eyes a killing stare- mouth and arm poised in indignation.
         Sasuke, the Kuno family retainer, was prostrated on the floor, head down.  He wore the costume of a shinobi, although at times it seemed no more than that, a costume.  Truly his stealthy talents were lacking.  A thin bowl bearing a bullet vibrator was lain before them.
            “The hunka-chunka?” Kodachi raised her eyebrow quizzically.  “Wha-“  Then she ground her teeth.  She had asked him to bring that up to her from the pool, an hour ago.  “You moron!  Didn’t you hear?  I think I had the situation under control without it!”
            “But mistress-“ The pug-faced ninja defended himself.  “Weather you had it or not, I must do my duty or be punished.”  He looked meek and then added.  “Worse than if I interrupt now.”
            Kodachi sighed, her hands on her hips.  “You might as well make yourself useful.  Bring it inside.”
            Sasuke had a look of total shock.  He knew the mistress was a hellion of horniness, did this mean that he might actually help her?  Frightening as she was, might he actually get laid?
            Kodachi had already walked back to the chair, glowering at him.  He gulped, picking up the bowl in trembling hands, and shut the door behind him.
            The mistress was alluring in her leotard, he had tried hard to not look at the dark stain between her legs and to hide the 3” pole that tented his pants.  She has nothing but contempt for him, but perhaps if he were dutiful she would feel like rewarding him.
            Kodachi slipped out of her leotard as if it were no more than a robe.  She slid like an eel into a reclining position back onto the chair.  She lifted one leg and her black forest parted.  Sasuke gaped and felt himself taking his pants off.
            Sasuke, are you a real man-servant?  Let me just see for myself.  Oh Sasuke!!  What a massive hard-on you have!  Take me!!
Kodachi’s firm foot crashing against his nose brought him out of that little daydream.  Her violet eyes flashed violently.  “Wretch!  You are not permitted to sow a Kuno!  The insolence!”  Sasuke fumbled with his beltstring, but she waved her hand to stop him.  “No, leave it off.  I suppose it would be too difficult to assist me with your crotch stiff.”  Kodachi’s eyes held something mischievous from him, but what he did not know.  Her stare fluttered down to his member briefly, her lip curling back.  “Or do you even notice?”
            “I-“ Sasuke stammered, raising his hands towards her genitals.
            “Oaf!” This time Kodachi kicked him head over heels.  As the ninja lay on the floor, Sasuke pondered how her shapely feet could be so dainty and yet hit like steel.  Not that he wasn’t used to beatings, Master Kuno seemed especially fond of administering them.  He did not have much time for that thought as Kodachi continued.  “Don’t touch me with your person! Use that!” She pointed damningly at him first, then to the vibrator.
            “Of course.  My mistake mistress!”  Sasuke lowered his head, and gripped the instrument.  He set it on with a gentle hum.
            Kodachi stretched languidly.  It was going to be hard trying to get off with him here, but at least it was more interactive than being just herself.  She rubbed her clitty, baring her petals open with a stretch of her hand.  “Put it in me, but I’m warning you..”  The thorns of the Black Rose’s words left their own meaning in Sasuke’s mind.
            Sasuke flicked the humming thing to life, ignoring the embossed “Hunka-Chunka” on the side.  The ivory tower trembled, awaiting something to move and shake.  Gingerly, the ninja guided the object between Kodachi’s fingers.  It slid in effortlessly.
            “Ahhh.” The satisfaction was written upon her face as Kodachi brought her head back slowly.  “More, more.”  Kodachi suddenly snapped her face up, looking at Sasuke in strict seriousness.  “Can you sound like Ranma Saotome?”
            Sasuke blinked.  “What?  No – I”
            Kodachi sighed.  “Never mind.  It would be so much more for this fantasy if you could.  But don’t just let it sit in there.”
            Sasuke held the tip of the instrument, and brought it slowly out of her.  He didn’t even want her to think he was touching her precious nectar.  He was choppy as he brought it back in, but he gained leverage at last, building a slow rhythm.  It was entrancing, to watch her slowly engulf this plastic, although his crotch ached to be used.
“Mmm.” Kodachi closed her eyes.  Fortunately Sasuke didn’t make a sound, letting her envelop in her fantasies.  “Oh Ranma, harder, harder!”
            Sasuke felt a large sweatdrop go down his face, but switched the vibrator to hi.  It jolted, and Kodachi’s body seemed to absord the hum as it continued thrusting into her.
            “Yes Ranma, yes!”  She worked her clitoris, fingers drenched in sex.  “God harder! Harder!  Faster!  Ramming speed!!” She moaned.  She was a sexual minx, masturbating like no tomorrow, and Sasuke felt his penis shoot onto the floor.  Oh well, at least it would prevent him from jerking off later.  “Ramming speed!” She repeated.
            Sasuke shook his head in disbelief.  What did she want, an invasion?  Yet he noticed a third notch, marked Ramming Speed! And gritting his teeth, he forced it to active.
            The pubic mound of Kodachi throbbed with the sesmic shocks this thing was giving out.  Sasuke had to fasten his hand tightly around the bottom to prevent it from jiggling onto the floor.  Kodachi let her mouth fall open in ecstasy.  Her labia trembled as if in an earthquake.  “Yes!!!  Oh!!!”  Kodachi came, tightening all her muscles.  Sasuke could not hold the vibrator any longer and fell forward (knee landing in his own semen).  As he grumbled, Kodachi pushed the vibrator in herself, driving herself into yet another orgasm quickly.  She turned the tool off with an absent flick of her thumb, her face a mask of content.
            “Get the bowl Sasuke.”  She whispered softly to him.
            Sasuke bowed and raised in both hands.  “Would you like me to fill it with hot water and a towel?”
            “No.” She shook her head weakly.  “I’m going to pee.”
            Sasuke looked shocked, but he already saw a thin stream shooting from Kodachi’s vagina.  His reflexes weren’t totally shot, as he caught the flow into the bowl expertly.  Obviously the vibrations had excited more than her libido.  The sound of water upon metal was heard until after a few seconds, Kodachi was finished, having filled nearly half the bowl.
            “Uh..” Sasuke looked uncertainly down at the pool.
            “Put it down on the carpet.”  Kodachi said, rising to her feet.
            The ninja did as asked.  He was about to leave when she asked him if he wanted something to remember this by.
            “Mistress?” He furrowed his ferret-like face; half-expecting a joke, half thanking his stars.
            Kodachi laughed, a sound that offered no clue.  “Drink up my dear Sasuke, and you’ll receive a good fucking.”
            She fixated her gaze upon him, and Sasuke looked downward.
            “Drink.”  Her voice was firm.
            Sasuke held his breath, and lean over the bowl.  Of all the weird things…  But if it meant not being unknown to a woman, who was he to judge?  He tried an experimental lick, much like a cat –and found it not to his liking.
            “Drink!” Kodachi said, putting her foot on his head.  He wavered, then commenced to the act, no matter how crazy it seemed.  He heard Kodachi stomping off, but kept at his task.  Maybe it wasn’t so bad.  She sure looked hot!  And maybe he could pop off another load!  Did screwing her mean the whole bed-wetting thing could be unmentioned now?
            Sasuke felt a sudden grip upon his buttocks.  He had no time to turn as something forced its way into him.  “Whaaaaaaa--!!?” He said, dumbstuck, as he felt a hard shaft at work upon him.
            Kodachi gripped the small man’s narrow hips as she thrust her strap-on further.  “Ha!  I told you you’d get a good fucking!”  She cackled as Sasuke could only moan.  He was probably used to it anyway from Tatewaki.
Oh Ranma, she thought, for all the bliss you would bring my body, just think for what all I can do for yours.  Kodachi had many kinks to her knot of lust, and this was one of her highest.  She dreamed of the day she could not only get it… but give it…

And behold, the twisted sister truly is twisted!  What does this mean for Ranma, if anything?