Ranma: the Highlander
Author: Kai Yagami
Disclaimer: I dont own anyone in this story, there will be original characters in the story. The idea came from Ranma: The Immortal by AnimeMaster1 and Endymion by Neko XIII.
From the dawn of time We came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you...until now.
(Princes of the Universe- Queen)
It was a nice day in Nerima and Ranma Saotome, the greatest martial artist that has ever walked the face of the Earth was awaken by a bucket of ice cold water. WAKE UP YOU BAKA! Screamed his erstwhile fiancee, Akane Tendo. He turned into a red haired girl, she started to spit out water and looked up at her with hate in her eyes.
Do I even have to ask? He, now she, asked.
Get up, we are going to be late!
Well, if SOMEONE would let me get some sleep at night and not act like shes on perminate PMS, Id actually be up on time.
I dont know, maybe because its true? With that she sent him flying, meanwhile Happiosai had rebuilt the Naban mirror.
With this I will have all the lovelies I can get my hands on. He thought, just then Ranma landed near Happiosai and turned himself back in to a man. Then he walked over to see what he was up to.
All right, whats going on? He said, Happiosai looked over and saw him.
My boy, I have a way for you to cure your curse. The letch said.
Whats the catch? Happi cut himself and a drop of blood fell on to the mirror and it started to glow. Ranma knew what was going on now. You sonova...
Go to the Court of Silver! Happi said and with that Ranma vanished. But soon after that, Happi was met by an elder Ranma with a sword and it stabbed the evil grand master right in the chest. Then he pulled up and twisted it, taking the grand masters head.
Game over, said the Wild Horse.
Now I know what you are thinking , how did he get back? Well, Im going to answer that question. You see, when Ranma went to the Court of Silver he had appeared in the Silver Millennium ruled by Queen Serenity. He just landed right on top of her.
Serenity was getting bored, she went through this every single day. Just then, a portal opened up and a young man fell out of it. Just then, guards showed up from everywhere.
A woman that looked like her except she was black had long black hair and dressed in a black gown like her friends. Are you alright Serenity? She said.
Yes, Im fine Eclipse. Said Serenity as she looked down to the young man on the floor, he was handsome, had long black hair in a pig tail, a light tan and was dressed in a red silk shirt, black slacks and slippers. He was out cold because he hit his head on the throne he was on the floor.
She knelt behind him and placed his head on her lap she softly stoked his hair. He has lacerations on his forehead and was bleeding she started to heal him. Later she called for some guards to come in and take him to a room.
Do you know who he is?
No, but well find out.
Later Ranma awoke and found out that he was in a soft bed. He was surrounded in silk and satin. Where am I? He started to look around the room he was in was very nice looking and he was in luxury. He started to get up and realized that he was nude; he went into the closet and pulled out an outfit. He went to get cleaned up after he put on a robe and headed for the baths. He made sure that there was no one was inside and he started to get cleaned up. When he was done, Ranma got dressed in the outfit that he grabbed. It was tight and a body suit, it was black and white. It was easy to move around in, just then a female guard saw him.
I am supposed to escort you to the throne room are you alright? She said, You took a nasty fall there. He nodded and followed her to the throne room; they came up to the throne and Ranma bowed to the woman sitting on the throne.
Hello young man, she said. I am Queen Serenity and this is my friend, Queen Eclipse from Black Luna. Eclipse bowed her head and Ranma bowed to her as well. May I ask your name?
You may, I am Ranma Saotome of the Anything Goes School of martial arts. He said, It is nice to meet you. If you dont mind me asking, where am I?
You are in the Lunar Palace, headquarters of the Silver Millennium. Said Serenity.
Wait a minute, he said. Is this the Court of Silver?
Yes it is, Ranma.
And you said Lunar does that mean what I think it does?
Yes Ranma, said Eclipse. You are on the Moon. They told him that he was 10000 years in the past.
Wait up, 10000 years?
Thats right. Said Eclipse, he was stunned. He was 10000 years in the past and on the Moon. He just sighed and offered his services to Serenity. Serenity was shocked and agreed, even agreed to pay him for his services. So he did the job he was hired to do, he became a bodyguard, a teacher, a cook and basically a confidant to Serenity and Eclipse.
One night, Serenity had one of her handmaidens blind fold him and take him in to her room. He felt her slowly stripping off his clothes, then she had him seated on her bed and she was in between his legs and he felt her starting to lick his rock hard body. Years of training in nearly 0 gravity has its advantages. Her tongue went over his pecs and she slowly and softly started to kiss all over his washboard stomach.
Then she started to lick his cock and suck on his balls. Then she went back to his cock and started to give him his first and best blowjob ever. He was really enjoying it but he was upset because he couldnt see what was going on. She started to play with his balls and his toes started to curl. He shot his load into her mouth and she swallowed it all. Then she pulled off of him and licked him clean. Then she pushed him down on to her bed and started to tie his wrists to the bedpost with her silk stockings.
She started to kiss all over his body and started rub his body. Feeling every inch of his body, then she got on top of when was hard enough; she slipped him up in her. She started to bounce on him and he was enjoying it. She grinded herself on him so that her clit got the attention it needed. She rode Ranma like his namesake and she allowed herself to cum and he came in her empting his balls in her.
She collapsed on top of him and had his wrists and blindfold untied. They cuddled underneath the covers, the Queen of the Moon kingdom waited until Ranma was asleep and motioned for someone to come in to the room and in the bed. It was Queen Eclipse, turns out that the two are also lovers as well. She got underneath the covers nude and started to suck her friends juices off of the horse cock.
She continued to suck until he was hard again and she took her turn on the wild horse. She came and collapsed on top of him enjoying the after glow.
To be continued