Ranma and the HentaiShinnobi The Assassinistic Society of Shinnobi (or the ASS) were a world famous organization of warriors. All people feared the all mighty ASS, for many people were crushed under the mighty power of the ASS! Yes, the ASS was a truly amazing sight to see. No organization’s members were any tighter than that of the ASS. And before the author could go any further with this absolutely pitiful attempt at a cheap laugh, the story actually began! Ryoga was in search of Nurima as always. Unfortunately, he was looking at a map of western Africa. The next thing he knew, he wandered into the ASS’s dark dank interior! Ryoga- Let’s see. If System of a Down is coming to Japan on the twentieth of March, and it’s November right now, I probably should wander around aimlessly again in search of… Just then, dozens and dozens of figures surrounded him! All wore suits that were completely black, wore masks with only a small slit for eye holes, and some even threatened him with swords! Ryoga- Uh oh. Let’s see. Burgos, swords, really pissed, sort of yellowish color… Yip, I’m in Arabia again. Leader- You are far from Arabia little boy. You have just entered forbidden territory. Fifth guy- Now we must chop your head off! Ryoga- What? Why?! Leader- Because you have seen the ASS when no one else has! Second guy- And those who see the ASS must either never speak of it, or must die! Ryoga- Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to look at your ass. Leader- You have gazed upon the ASS in all of it’s glory. And you shall pay for trespassing upon it! Ryoga- Trespassing? I didn’t touch anything. The leader rose his sword over his head. Leader- Prepare to die! Ryoga- NO! I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! AND I NEVER GOT REVENGE! He froze in mid swing of the sword. Leader- Revenge you say? Third guy- Why didn’t you say something. Second guy- Who do you seek revenge on. Ryoga- Uh… Well… His name is Ranma Saotome. The sword wielding ninjas put their swords back into their holsters, and stood there like cadets receiving orders from a drill sargeant. Ryoga- He is my bitter rival, and has stolen the one I truly love. And I want him dead! Leader- Yes. I think we can do business. The ASS has smited many an enemy. This Ranma sounds like an easy task. Siaka! One of the many ninjas stepped forward. All Ryoga could tell about this ninja was that it was female. Either that, or it was a guy wearing an extremely large chest guard. Leader- This is Siaka. She may have slept with more of her enemies than killed, but she’s still a mighty ASS warrior. Seventh guy- Not to mention a demon in bed. Everyone burst out laughing. Third guy- Ha ha, I don’t get it. Siaka- I shall do my best. For I must serve the ASS. Leader- Now now, no one likes it when you kiss up to the ASS. Now go! And take this loser with you! A week later, Ryoga and Siaka ended up in France. Ryoga- Let’s see. According to this map, we should be in Nurima any minute now. Siaka- Is that why we’re going past a sign saying welcome to Germany. Ryoga- What? AH DAMN IT! I told you we shouldn't have taken that left turn at Albuquerque! Siaka- Maybe you should let me read the map. She yanked the map out of Ryoga’s hands. Siaka- See, here’s your problem. This is a map of Austria. Ryoga- You don’t say. Siaka- Yip. Perhaps you should let someone who is a one hundred percent ASS do the navigating. After all, the ASS can navigate through anything. Three weeks later, Siaka and Ryoga arrived at the Tendo dojo in Nurima. Ryoga sarcastically- Yeah, you’re a REAL good navigator. Siaka- Well my friend, I don’t think you’d find very many maps of Nurima Japan in BERLIN GERMANY! Ryoga- Never mind that now, we’re at the location. Where isRanma? Together, we’ll… Siaka- Uh, dude. I don’t think you noticed, but it’s two thirty in the morning. Ryoga looked around, and realized she was right. Ryoga- Good. Then you can assassinate him while he sleeps. Siaka- Which one will he be? Ryoga- He’s about my age, and aside from two old guys, he’ll be the only guy in the house. Siaka nodded as she entered the dojo. Siaka looked around, and tried to get a feel for her surroundings. Once she had gotten this, she made her way into Nabiki’s room. Siaka- Oops. Wrong room. She walked out, and then opened the room Ranma was staying in. Siaka- AH HA! Here we… Whoa baby, look at this guy. He’s hot! Well, better get this over with. Hmm. Still… Her thoughts were scrambled. Should she kill him, or should she do something much worse to him? Or maybe better, depending on how you looked at her idea. Finally, she could stand it no longer, and decided upon something. She removed her mask, revealing her face, and letting her blonde hair stream every which way. After a little brushing of the hand, however, her hair went back into place, and looked normal. She then walked over to the sleeping Ranma, who lie flat on his back unaware that a shinnobi was about to… Uh… Do something to him. Siaka- Let the games begin. She brushed more of her hair away from her face, then reached down, and slowly drew his boxers down to his ankles. He didn’t even stir, which was kind of a surprise, but not enough to make her wonder. After positioning herself properly, she took Ranma’s limp bizkit in her hand, and let her other hand run down the shaft. Though his cock went from limp to slightly stiff, nothing happened as far as a reaction goes. She then let her lips wrap around the head of his cock, and let her tongue lick it gentley but aggressively. Ranma reacted now in the matter of someone getting their dick mouthified would, but he was still asleep for some bizarre reason. Siaka then slowly began to take more and more of his dick into her mouth, letting her curious tongue lick and coat it with her own saliva. Siaka’s thoughts- This couldn’t be any more perfect! She gripped the base of his rock hard shlong, and began to bob up and down upon it. She stopped moving downward on each bob once she got to her index finger, and stopped moving upward on each bob after she reached the head. After four or five of these, she released her hand from his dick, and took the entire thing into her mouth in one big gulp! She continued to bob, lick, and suck on his cock; causing pleasured noises to escape the sleeping recipient. The tip of the erection had gone down her throat as she then reached out with her tongue, and licked his sack. And at that moment, almost as if on cue, he busted! She Removed about an inch of Ranma’s cock from her mouth, and swallowed the warm load he had shot into her. She took Ranma’s shlong from her mouth, reapplied her mask to her face, and exited the room. Siaka’s thoughts- Well that went pretty well. For some reason, I feel like I forgot something. Oh well. He tasted just fine to me. She walked out of the dojo, and met Ryoga. Ryoga- So Ranma is dead? Siaka- Dead? Ryoga- Yeah. That’s why I’m paying you! Siaka’s thoughts- Damn it, I knew I was forgetting something! Siaka- Don’t worry. It’s… Uh… Part of the process. Yeah, that’s it. First, I seduce him, and then I kill him. Yeah, good plan. Ryoga- Details details. KILL HIM NOW! Siaka- I’ll do it tomorrow. But for now, let’s get out of here. The ASS isn’t welcome around here. The next morning, Ranma awoke. Ranma- Man, it’s kind of chilly in here. What the…? He looked down, and noticed his boxers were down to his ankles! Ranma- Hmm. That’s out of the ordinary. Must’ve had one of THOSE dreams again. He got up, got dressed, and continued as normal. The next five nights were pretty much the same. Siaka snuck into the dojo, she sucked Ranma’s dick; nearly strangling herself on a couple of occasions, and would leave; forgetting she was supposed to to kill him. But one fateful night, she was in the middle of the sucking process. She stopped, removed Ranma’s erection from her mouth, and looked over him. Siaka- Nope, this just isn’t working anymore. Looks like I’ll have to resort to the real deal. She dropped her pants, revealing she had no panties, and climbed atop the sleeping Ranma. She then spread her legs, and impaled herself upon his dick! And for some reason, this action woke him up! Ranma- Huh? What the…? AAAAAH! Siaka- Oh. Uh… Well… Uh… Ranma- Does this mean I’m not a virgin anymore? Siaka- Uh… I guess. See ya! She put her mask and pants back on, and leaped out the window into the nearby pond. Ranma looked out the window, and saw what appeared to be a combination of a spider and a mushroom leap from the pond. Creature- Damn it! Cold water! Oh this just isn’t my night! With that, it ran aimlessly into the night. Unfortunately for Ryoga, Siaka disappeared completely after that night. For apparently, her curse was permanent. She didn’t fall in the springs of China, but the springs of France. And everyone knows once you fall in THAT water, you’re screwed for life! So everybody moved on to live their normal everyday lives. |