Disclaimers- Boy, I sure am making no money off of this stuff. Purely for entertainment.
Warnings- Lemons! ^_^ Angst, of course.
AN- Cheongsams are those mandarin dresses. (I learnt the name, I did
I did!) It sounds more official than 'mandarin dress.'
Thought for the day- Why do they call 'it' an 'entrance', when it's
really more of an 'exit'?
Okay, enough from me.
C&C is welcome, as I'm proud of this fic. ^_^ Ego...swelling...can't
hold....head up....::crash::
Romeo and Julie Yet?
Alright, so it wasn't one of his better ideas, now that he thought about it. But didn't it usually end up this way? 'The idea looked good on paper...' Mousse snorted in disgust and slumped farther down in his seat, in a decidedly unlady-like position, earning a few interesting looks from passerby's.
He huffed again, blowing an errant ribbon from his face. So, Ranma had fallen for his disguise (the only actualized step of the plan...) but hadn't taken the bait. He was supposed to carry the swooning lass into the parlor, alone, and thereby, falling into a trap that would expose him for the pig he was! Caught with yet another 'woman', thereby losing his right to marry Shampoo. It was perfect. It was flawless. And it went nothing like that.
The 'lovely lady' swooned, and Ranma had lunged to catch her... and missed. That jerk! So, after bashing his skull in, dazed, he was lifted and carried to the parlor. Alone. And he sprung his attack, launching himself at the Ranma and creating a general ruckus, drawing a crowd to watch as the poor girl was 'felt up' by Ranma. But nooo.... it wasn't Ranma, was it Mousse? No... It was PRINCIPAL FREAKING KUNO! And you remember what happened next, don't ya Mousse? Yes, you were genuinely felt up by PRINCIPAL FREAKING KUNO weren't you? And did anyone rescue you, offering up an impromptu quick-save for the plan? No! No no no no NO! They left you two love-birds alone! You... in the dark... alone... with--
Mousse was too angry to finish his line of thought. He shivered in disgust as he recalled those grabby little hands massaging his rear and thighs. It was enough to send him to therapy... He took deep cleansing breaths to calm himself and counted to thirty for good measure.
So here he was, stuck at this stupid party in a stupid dress, and absolutely nothing to show for it. The fact that at least he hadn't been discovered for who he really was offering little consolation, as the night was still young and he seemed to be on a roll. He grabbed another champagne glass and downed it in one gulp. He turned a snaky gaze to the startled man sitting next to him.
"What are you looking at?" He didn't even bother pitching his voice, but it didn't seem to matter. The guy was freaked out by now anyway. You don't see a lovely, dark-haired beauty in a flower sequined dark purple cheongsam and white flowers and ribbons streaming from ornately braided hair surrounding an immaculately porcelain face sitting practically spread eagle in a chair, growling to herself and downing champagne like it was sake.
Turning his attention back to his empty glass, he searched for one of those servers walking around with trays of the junk, who just happened to completely disappear when you really needed a drink. Mousse was on his fourth. He reeaaaallly needed more. He was going to get good and sloshed. He wasn't stopping until he was certain he'd wake up in three days, roll out of the dumpster he'd landed in, and the night so utterly forgotten, he'd wonder where the hell those boobs taped to his chest came from.
He laughed mirthlessly as he weaved through the crowd. Screw that, he wanted to struggle to remember his name. He bumped into a few people, muttering apologies absentmindedly. These contacts were okay, but compounded by the fact that everything was already tilting a little too far to the right, they weren't as good as his glasses. They just didn't make contacts that thick. But his glasses would have been a dead give-away, and he was at least able to tell who's who, what's what, and wallpaper from doors.
He tripped over his high-heeled shoe, waving his arms frantically to avoid adding another dint to the floor. After regaining his balance, he looked around- no one even noticed. Uppity pricks, ignoring a damsel in distress like that... Not that he really was or anything, but still. It was the principle of the thing. He shuddered at the memory the word evoked.
Nope, not drunk enough yet. He resumed his search for a drink, unknowing of intent eyes watching his every move.
Finally making it to the bar, his anger at being blocked at every turn having, unfortunately, killed his buzz, Mousse was determined to make up for this momentary lapse of lucidity and ordered something a little stronger.
"What'll you have, miss?"
"Something stronger, duh! What'd I just say!?"
Oh. He'd only thought that. Oh well, the guy was fixing his drink, so no harm done. As long as he didn't spit in it. Mousse watched him a little more closely.
Drink placed in front of him, Mousse sat down and threw it back. Tears stung his eyes and his throat was torn open. Choking, he motioned for another. He sipped this one slowly, sinking into the tingling warmth of the first leg of a pleasant, drunken stupor.
He never noticed when a body sat on the stool beside him, sliding closer as the occupant ordered a drink.
"Hi. What's your name, beautiful?"
Mousse tore his gaze from the fascinating woodwork of the bar to the guy sitting beside him. Creep. Couldn't he feel the 'bug-off' vibes?
"Have you had a little too much to drink?" The voice sounded close, and amused. It pissed Mousse off to no end.
"No! I've had a little too little to drink, thank you very much!" He 'humphed' and returned his gaze straight ahead. "And I'm not a drunkard..."
"I never said you were, beautiful."
"I know!" Mousse held up his hands, defensive sneer on his face as he 'psha'ed' the guy, enunciating carefully. "I was just sayin'! I just want to drink myself to oblivion. I've never done that before, so hopefully it won't take too long. I'm not much of a drinker at any time." He looked at the guy, who was leaning to the right and awfully fuzzy. "But you probably think that's stupid because you don't understand and... and..."
He nodded, urging him on. "Yes?"
Mousse took another sip. "Yes what?"
"You were saying?"
Mousse blinked owlishly for a moment.
"...I was?"
The man chuckled and scooted closer. Mousse vaguely noted that he ordered two drinks. He giggled. Oi, boys don't giggle!
"Even I know you-" He stumbled but the guy caught him, setting him right, but not releasing his hold around Mousse's hips. You... you... YOU" He jabbed a finger into his chest. "Should only drink one glass at a time."
"Why?" The voice was laughing, damn him.
"Quit leaning. You're making me sick..." Mousse slumped forward, resting his forehead on the man's shoulder. Startled at hearing a soft snoring issuing from Mousse's lips, he gently shook him. Mousse looked around, feeling his face burning and not knowing why. Oh, his drink. It refilled itself. What an awesome glass!
"The second one is for you. Here, drink up."
Mousse smiled a big, lop-sided grin, smacking his pal on the shoulder none-too-softly, before sucking it down. When the other drink was pushed before him he did the same, almost as a reflex. Too bad they don't pay people to do this- he was a pro!
"C'mon." The arms lifted him and steadied him as Mousse was not-quite-willingly led through the crowd, back to the parlor. Mousse groaned and hoped Principal Kuno was gone. The room was dark and empty, and as the doors slid shut behind him, mercifully quiet. Alcohol buffering his nerves or no, he was feeling that earlier fall. Placing a hand on his head, the hands returned and eased him to a seat.
He sat and leaned back. Or rather was pushed back, farther and farther.
"Ugh. I'm pretty sure that up is that way." Mousse's head hit the pillow and a great weight landed on his legs, pinning him. Judging by the play of fabric, the guy was grabbing his boobs. Mousse laughed loud and long at that. Poor jerk. He was silenced by a hungry mouth on his cheek. Er, this wasn't right...
Mousse tried to sit up, but the guy just pushed him back down. He whispered words of encouragement into Mousse's ear, but his befuddled brain really couldn't pick any of them up. It had no problem, however, picking up that a hand was sliding up his thigh to the hem of his dress... and above.
He heard the sharp intake of breath and smiled goofily. Took the guy long enough! His smile disappeared when the back of a hand collided forcefully with the side of his face. The force throwing him to the ground with a grunt, Mousse laid there as the doors opened, throwing light and the shadow of a person across the room and out of his limited vision. Somewhere in his mind he knew he should throw a punch or two himself, but someone roughly grabbing his hips and pushing his skirt up distracted him. He squawked indignantly and was thrown to the floor again, as whoever was in the doorway launched across the room, attacking Mousse's molester.
"Impudent knave! To so ruthlessly attack a helpless, fair maiden. I shall smite thee!!"
Mousse faded in and out of consciousness to the sound of bokku-meets-skull.
"She's waking up."
"Ah, good. Thank you."
Mousse cracked open his eyes, blearily focusing on a white ceiling, with great effort. A hand brushed his cheek soothingly and he turned his head into the embrace, against his will.
"How fair you, lovely one?"
Oh god. This family... Mousse groaned and tried to move, stilling as he felt his stomach rising faster than he was. Gingerly laying back down, Mousse rested his eyes from the painfully bright lights.
"Ah, it is to be expected, that you should be so exhausted. But fear not, my sweet, the effrontery against your virtue has not gone unpunished."
Ah, well, that was all well and good and all, but where the hell was he? Wait. Mousse's internal gears creaked and groaned and finally turned a notch, dislodging a spider in the process.
"Ah yes, my soul I cannot bear to keep sealed away from you, locked in the vault of my heart! I love you, my dark beauty! I would allow you to date with me!!"
Mousse cracked open one eye and watched Kuno parade around the room. Ode to Kuno, it would seem, was the unheard tune he waltzed to.
"My dear Akane- so powerful, so pure! And my beloved Pig-tailed Girl- so full of life and bursting with energy! And now you, my sweet Dark Angel- so innocent and so helpless, the very personification of naive susceptibility!"
He rushed to his side, clutching his hands in his own, and produced a red rose, presenting it to him ala mouth. Blood heated Mousse's face as he glared down at Kuno's ridiculously sparkling eyes.
He bolted up, ready to give a physical lashing to accompany the onslaught of words, but the room tilted violently, and he pitched forward into Kuno's eager arms.
"YES! Come to me, my love!" He caught Mousse and hugged him close while Mousse tried his damnedest not to puke. True, doing it all over Kuno would make him feel about as good as it would to get that poison out of his system, but he really didn't want to deal with that. Kuno wouldn't be deterred, and he'd just smell like vomit. He sighed in defeat.
"Ah, she speaks! That heavenly voice knows no earthly bounds of beauty! And to speak my name, to know me! It must be fate!!"
"No, it's a gym sock." Said sock was deposited in Kuno's hand in place of Mousse's hand. He looked down expectantly at Kuno, who was obviously working the equation out in his head. Scratching the back of his head, the closed his eyes and concentrated.
"Ah!" His eyes snapped open with newfound insight shining in his eyes, and Mousse beamed. "A gift for me!" Mousse's smile deflated. "Why, however did you know I had lost one sock to a pair! You truly can look into my heart!!"
Mousse groaned. Some romantic he was if gym socks were the message of his heart...
"No, Kuno, it's not a gift! It's my boob!" Kuno's eyes bugged out. "See?" Mousse pointed to his uneven chest, pinching the leftover fake. "They're stuffed. Not real. Get it?"
Kuno 'hmm'ed some more, thinking hard. Mousse rolled his eyes and settled more comfortably on the floor. He'd most likely want to be up and mobil once the pieces clicked and the sword started swinging, but Mousse had a nagging feeling this was far from over.
Kuno clutched his body close, tears streaming down his face. "Oh my Dark Angel! You don't have to be ashamed of your body! Your endowment means nothing to me in light of your glorious beauty, which nature has been so gracious to spring forth unto me!"
Mousse clicked his tongue. He hated being right.
"Kuno..." Mousse rumbled, lucidity sparking along with ire. "I'm not a girl. I'm Mousse! You know, Mousse? Nekohanten? Handed your ass to you a few times?"
Kuno looked deep into his eyes. "Please, call me Tatewaki."
"Grrrr!" Mousse wrestled himself out of Kuno's iron grip. "Are you even listening to me?!" Mousse swayed again, and surging up, Kuno caught him, holding him close. "Not that I'm surprised! I mean, even Azusa realized who Charlotte really was after two days! You've been chasing Ranma for ages and still don't know he's the Pig-tailed Girl! How stupid of me to think that you'd-" Kuno rested his head on Mousse's shoulder, breathing deeply against his neck. "You'd... uh..."
Kuno 'mm-hm'ed and squeezed their bodies together tighter. Mousse frowned, momentarily thrown off oh tirade. He blushed as he felt his body responding to the admittedly pleasant sensation of being held. The warm, strong, taller body next to him cause his own body to betray his screaming mind- he blushed, stuttered, and felt all tingly all over. More tingly in some parts than others.
With a terrified 'eep', Mousse leapt back and backed into a corner, looking warily at Kuno, who remained where he was, arms dropping to his sides, looking back at him.
"I uh... uh... I mean... I-I" Stupid brain! No wonder Shampoo always calls you stupid!
"My Dark one, please return to my side. I love you, and I would date with you. I would love you, would you allow me." Well, this was different, he had to admit. Kuno, asking instead of assuming? Mousse just shook his head and gulped, not trusting his voice. Kuno reached a hand out for him, but dropped it back limply to his side, a dejected look in his face. With a heavy sigh, Kuno walked to the door and opened it, whispering "Farewell, my love." before closing it softly behind him.
Mousse just blinked a few times. Then a few more for good measure. Odd didn't even begin to cover it. Maybe it was all a strange dream caused by alcohol poisoning? Speaking of which... He scanned the room until he found the bathroom.
Minutes later, Mousse washed his face with warm water (damn curse!) and looked at himself in the mirror. Hours of braiding and tangles and curses and ribbons were destroyed, his hair a veritable rat's nest. His skin looked greenish and there was a bruise on one cheek. If he ever found out who that guy was... Mousse frowned and clenched his fist. He looked at himself one last time, wondering how on earth Kuno had seen not only a woman there, but a beautiful one besides.
He walked to the bed and yanked the sheet off, wrapping it around himself.
He opened the window and jumped out, roof-hopping the whole way home.
Mousse swept the floor, caught in the monotony of the sounds and smells of the Nekohanten and unable to break free of the rhythm. Back forth, back forth. Boring. And his head hurt like no other, which didn't help his already low mood, when he'd awoken later that morning to a bucket of cold water and that old ghoul hovering over his face.
He'd done the only natural thing- screamed like a girl- and gotten a hearty whack for it. Since he'd disappeared to who-knows-where last night instead of showing up for work, he'd had double shifts today, and no lunch. Mousse grumbled as loudly as his stomach as he momentarily broke the humdrum rhythm of sweeping to nurse it. And his pride. All this trouble, all this work, for absolutely CRAP. Shampoo still hated him, he still didn't get any respect from the mummy monkey, and he was in pain, tired, starved, and couldn't get that blasted Kuno out of his head!
Sometimes, he thought lamely, it would be so much easier if he were a girl. As if speaking his desire made the gods thrust another taunt that he could never achieve it at him, Ranma walked in. Shampoo glomped. Akane screamed. Mousse found himself too tired to be adequately angry. He still felt mad as hell, he just didn't have the energy to show it.
Another blow to the head and he was feeling really dandy.
He glared over his glasses and grumbled at Cologne, who glared imperiously back at him.
"No slacking off, part-time boy."
"Honorable elder, I humbly ask that you allow me a few moments to collect myself, so that I may carry out my duties with more fervor and less fatigue than I do now." He bowed. God, if he didn't feel as tall as an ant he'd pat himself on the back for his first-rate groveling.
"Hm. You rarely ever kiss up. Very well, but not for long. You have dishes to attend to." Mousse nodded and sighing with relief, headed out the back door and into the afternoon sun. Stomach growling again, and very aware he wouldn't be fed at the Nekohanten, Mousse headed to some random restaurant and entered, plopping down in a booth, and waiting to be served. After a few minutes he had ordered some water and whatever was on the menu that he could get for the 200 yen he had in his pocket.
It sucked being poor.
"Ah, Mousse, isn't it? May I sit with you?" Kuno sat anyway, much to Mousse's annoyance.
At least he wasn't a rich bastard.
Mousse had finally managed to get nothing into his head but the prospect of food (he'd not eaten since early yesterday, and he had thrown up earlier) and in waltzes Kuno, right into his booth and straight to the forefront of his mind. Damn unfair. His skin tingled again as he thought back to the morning, and he turned away, blushing.
Should he let Kuno in? He'd spelled it out for him earlier, maybe he'd be more successful this time. But suddenly the idea of revealing to a guy he hardly knew and barely liked that he had dressed in drag, attended his sister's party without invitation, and passed out in his room didn't seem like a great idea.
Best to just let the guy dream. He hummed mentally, idly wondering where that rose he'd been given had ended up and not entirely sure he understood why he even cared. Kuno clearing his throat brought his attention back to his companion.
"I wish to speak freely, if I may."
Mousse nodded, interest piqued, as his food was set before him. Kuno hastily ordered some food and waited until the waiter had left.
"Last night I had the distinct pleasure of playing host to a very lovely woman, whom I have fallen madly in love with upon first sight." Mousse nodded, beginning to feel uneasy. "She of course ran away, overwhelmed by my manly charms." Mousse gagged on his soup and decided it was better to wait until Kuno finished- he didn't want that stuff coming out his nose. "I scared off my true love, my heart's content, and I wish to make amends. She mentioned something about the Nekohanten. I don't remember much else, so awed was I by her beauty." His dreamy, far off look settled firmly on Mousse. "You," he said, pointing a finger in Mousse's face, "will deliver this message to her, should you see her."
"Uh..." Mousse reached out and took the envelope, addressed to 'Dark Angel' before looking back up at Kuno, puzzled. The food had arrived and he paid the bill, even Mousse's meager 8 yen portion. "Um... How will I know her?" Shocked at his own daring, Mousse bit his tongue and waited, as Kuno rose from his seat.
"Without any trouble, I should think. She'll be the most beautiful woman in the establishment. Good day." He nodded curtly and began to leave.
"Hey, wait a minute!" Kuno looked over his shoulder at him. "More beautiful than Akane or the Pig-tailed Girl?" Kuno flipped his hair and chuckled.
"You foolish knave." He opened the door and crossed the threshold. "More beautiful by far." It closed behind him, leaving Mousse more than a little confused. He turned back around and sunk to his seat. He noticed that Kuno hadn't even bothered to eat the food he'd ordered. Well, it was paid for, and looked like it tasted a lot better than that broth he had.
As he tore his way through dumplings and fish cakes, his mind wandered back to what Kuno had said. More beautiful by far. He blushed. Well, he wasn't a girl, so that really didn't ring true. Kuno was just a perverted idiot. Still, it was a compliment that warmed his cheeks.
After eating all the food (in record breaking time that Ranma would have been proud of) Mousse tore open the envelope. It was an invitation to the girl- him- to meet Kuno at his home at 8 o'clock that evening. It didn't say anything more specific, only little gushy endearments and professions of love that Mousse re-read despite himself.
Poor fool, Mousse thought as he finished off his tea and stood to leave,
pocketing the letter. He'd be waiting all night for a woman who never even
Blushing madly, his sanity bashing it's head against the padded walls he'd obviously trapped it behind, Mousse rang the doorbell. He had to be mad to be doing this. HAD to be. So, he came to break the news to Kuno. He could have done it in man's clothing. Honestly, he was going to get a reputation. Without the time or resources, however, he wore no make-up and left his hair down as usual. He did wear his contacts though. They were kinda growing on him.
The door opened and Sasuke admitted him to the entry hall with a bow. Gesturing for him to follow, Mousse was led to a set of closed double doors.
Behind door number one, a broken heart. And I'll be leaving through door number two with a broken jaw, no doubt. Sighing, Mousse slid the doors open and walked inside, the ninja closing the doors behind him. Mousse's jaw dropped as he looked at the high ceiling covered with murals, bookshelves to the top, completely full of books. To his left a fire roared in a fireplace twice as tall as himself and as wide as a car. There was a light mixture of tables and chairs here and there, spread out on a huge ornate rug, but the room was dominated by a large, plush couch facing the fire. With nothing to signal what was expected of him, Mousse sat on the couch and waited.
He worried at the hem of his dress. He should never have come... never never never. Why had he thought to come in the first place? Why even give Kuno the courtesy of being told his latest infatuation was all some failed attempt to screw Ranma over? Of all his lame ideas, Mousse cursed this as his worst. He didn't know what to think, and only one thought resounded through his tired brain- It wasn't too late to leave. He stood up and walked to the door, but a voice behind halted him, and he spun around, landing in a fighting stance.
"No need to leave so soon, my dark one." Mousse let out the breath he had been holding and relaxed. He immediately stiffened again as Kuno stepped out of the shadows.
"How." Mousse cleared his throat, trying to get rid of that damned annoying crack in his voice. Remembering not to pitch his voice any higher, he tried again. "How long have you been standing there?"
Kuno chuckled, stepping closer. Mousse saw he held a bouquet of red roses. "I've been awaiting your arrival for many hours. The anticipation has been killing me." He extended the flowers and Mousse hesitantly took them.
"Afraid I wouldn't get the letter?"
"Not really. Just afraid you wouldn't come." Well, he had no reason to be angry, as Kuno wasn't belittling his- Mousse's- competence when it came to delivering the letter. "Shall we sit?"
Not knowing what else to do, Mousse moved forward, Kuno's hand on the small of his back a slight presence guiding him. But Mousse's cheeks flushed again and his breathing quickened. Confused, he looked into Kuno's eyes, greatly surprised to see compassion in them, and at discovering he found it to be a very attractive look for him.
"I know you are confused, my beloved, for I am as well. I know not from whence this fount of love flows, only that it broke free of the dam when I first laid eyes on you, and has not let me rest on it's tempestuous current ever since." A little lost but getting the main idea, Mousse nodded. Kuno laid a warm, strong hand on Mousse's own, which lay in his lap clutching the base of the flowers. He'd never received flowers before. He idly ran his forefinger over the petals as he tried to calm his pounding heart as all his blood rushed to the hand that Kuno held.
He should not be feeling this! This was an anomaly, that's all! He was just tired, and confused, and still a little hung over, that's all!
"I remember that day well... That evil grin and seductive laugh as you carried Akane off. I was torn between two facets of beauty to cherish in that moment." Kuno sighed dreamily. "For months I've stewed in my juices, too wary to step onto the unfamiliar soil of my feelings for you."
Back. Up. Months?
Mousse wheeled his gaze to meet Kuno's, who was a lot closer than he thought, and they nearly bumped noses.
"I can't explain this! I don't know what to think or say or do! All I know is that I love you! I've always loved you, and it feels so right..." He wrapped his arms around the other's waist, holding him close and breathing in the scent of his neck. "Oh Mousse..."
Frozen stock still, Mousse gasped and sputtered, trying to think of something appropriate to say and coming up sadly short. He felt Kuno stiffen against him (in more ways than one!) and even his attempts to speak were halted when a hesitant kiss was placed on his neck. When no blows were forthcoming, Kuno murmured appreciatively and continued to kiss along his throat from jaw to ear to the collar of his dress.
This wasn't helping Mousse to think any clearer, as that tingling in his skin multiplied ten-fold by the feeling of soft lips ghosting across skin that no one had ever touched before, at least no in that manner. Melting just a bit more, Mousse only sighed as the kisses spread to the other side of his neck, nips and licks entering into the embrace. It felt so good... But it was wrong! Shampoo... She wasn't the one licking his adam's apple right now.
All his decidedly limited brain power focused intently on Kuno as his skilled mouth moved above his jaw, planting sweet, wet kisses along his cheeks, the tip of his nose, narrowing in their arch toward his lips where they hovered, awaiting permission. Mousse was so hot, he didn't think he could stop even if he wanted to, and was only mildly surprised to find that he didn't. Kuno, the lady-killer, was here, kissing him of all people, and he liked it, it was right and he had absolutely no objections whatsoever as that hot mouth descended on his.
His first kiss.
Kuno moaned against Mousse's mouth, his face flushing more as his breathing quickened. Thick, lingering kisses connected again and again with his mouth, leaving Mousse breathless. Their mouths touched again, and Kuno slipped out the tip of his tongue, barely, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. Having told his sense of reason to take a holiday already, Mousse didn't hesitate to part his kiss-swollen lips. Kuno's tongue slipped deftly inside and began immediately brushing every cell in Mousse's mouth, and a few down his throat. Mousse moaned now, and pushed his tongue into Kuno's mouth. The hot, wet feel of another's mouth, moaning around his tongue turned him on even more. When Kuno bit his tongue, he almost screamed.
Mouths frantically grappling with each other, their arms went to work. Kuno slid his hands up the hem of Mousse's dress, massaging his thighs in a maddeningly slow rhythm as he worked one knee between the two. He slid Mousse closer until he was sitting on his knee (gasping for air) and wrapping his strong hands around Mousse's rear, he started pushing Mousse along his knee, rubbing his trapped arousal wonderfully.
Mousse moaned and threw his head back, letting it loll for a moment before resting his head on Kuno's shoulder, returning kisses along the smooth column of his throat. With a lot less practice under his belt his kisses were sloppier, but judging by Kuno's hitched breathing and increasing pace, he was pleased. The friction growing too great, Mousse clutched Kuno's shirt, murmuring about gods as Kuno thrust harder, saying 'yes' as many times as he could in one breath.
Deciding a wildly aroused and near the point of orgasm Mousse was even more sexy than regular Mousse, Kuno continued to ignore his own aching sex and focused on making sure to see what look crossed his lover's face when he came. Frantic hands lighting over his own, clutching the sweet pound of flesh tightly, Mousse rested his forehead against Kuno's. Moaning hotly, he screwed his eyes tightly shut and whimpered.
It was too much for Kuno. Abruptly pushing Mousse onto his back on the couch, Kuno settled himself between his thighs and pushed his skirt up, ripping the confounding cloth of Mousse's underwear clean off. Mousse gasped and writhed as his cool air hit his cock as it sprung free, resting angry and wet against his stomach. It was almost surreal to Kuno, looking down at a beautiful person in a cute yellow dress, with an engorged penis jutting out proudly between quivering thighs. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Kuno held Mousse's legs apart at the knees and bent down, licking from the very tip down to his base, past his tight balls, to the hidden spot.
Mousse jerked off the couch, sweating like mad. He reached his hands down and wrapped them around his neglected shaft, getting no more than a few delicious strokes before Kuno's hands removed them. Mousse cracked open his eyes as Kuno leaned forward, kissing him. Mousse didn't know what he was supposed to do, but he wanted it done and now. Kuno seemed to understand and, still deep throating him, wrapped his hands around Mousse's sex and twisted, pulling hard and slow all the way up.
Mousse choked and wrapped his fingers in Kuno's hair, pulling helplessly as his body jerked and sang all at once. Pushing down firmly, Kuno repeated the process, twisting just a little bit more. Just enough to make Mousse scream as tears rolled down his temples. Reduced to a shuddering, groaning, needy puddle of nerves, it only took one trip up his penis and Kuno's slick finger probing his entrance to make Mousse's entire body go rigid as his seed soaked Kuno's shirt over and over, his thighs trembling as badly as his choking, screaming voice.
Kuno whispered soothing words against his brow as Mousse calmed down a bit, still feeling tight as a wire and guilty as hell. He managed a blush, quite a feat when his face was flushed so much his legs were numb, but Kuno saw it and chuckled, lazily rubbing Mousse's spent sex.
"You're as beautiful when you came as I thought you would be..." He leaned down for another long, slow kiss that stole Mousse's newly acquired breath. Standing on his knees, Kuno kept eye contact as he slowly removed his shirt, then tackled his pants, leaning forward to slide them off and to the floor. Mousse, frozen as he was, sat transfixed as Kuno stripped, watching each new patch of flesh revealed with renewed vigor, blushing again as his cock twitched.
Gloriously naked and smirking (he obviously knew he was glorious) Kuno grabbed the dress hem and yanked it over Mousse's head, staring down at his naked partner, sprawled, shy, and wanting. Kuno lowered his body, creating as much skin to skin contact as he could. Mousse groaned in appreciation, hands returning to Kuno's hair as Kuno gyrated languidly against him. His hard shaft pressed insistently into his thigh, arousing Mousse further.
"I've done my homework. I know what to do, if you'll allow me." Kuno sounded confident, but he bit his lip. Mousse sighed. 'What's that? You want me to cut my arm off? Okay.' As if he was able to say no at this point... he was astounded there was more, and grateful that at least one of them knew what they were doing, whatever this was. Nodding dumbly and sucking on Kuno's earlobe, Mousse missed the motion of his lover's hands until it was too late.
Kuno's fingers, slick with something- he wasn't sure what- traced circles on his sac before sliding underneath, and rubbing the opening before finally pushing his first digit inside, to the hilt. Mousse gasped and jerked, and Kuno's other hand rubbed his chest soothingly as the finger moved around inside him. Playing with a nipple to distract Mousse from the unusual sensations, Kuno added another finger, scissoring them and spreading him wider. Mousse hissed between his teeth, trying to pull himself off those invading fingers, but Kuno twisted a nipple painfully, cowing him into staying put.
When a third finger entered, Mousse was ready use real force to remove Kuno, but then he felt the fingers brush something inside him, causing all his blood to rush to his groin and his breath to exit his lungs in a great whoosh that sounded something like a cat. Smiling, Kuno rubbed that spot again and again, slowly and barely. Mousse wrapped his legs around Kuno's waist, thrusting his hips helplessly down further on those fingers that he really didn't mind much anymore. Pleased with the relaxed state of his partner, Kuno pulled out and adjusted himself, pausing to swallow Mousse's moan of disappointment. Hands on Mousse's hips, Kuno slowly pushed forward until the head of his sex entered his lover's body, and waited as Mousse choked and writhed in discomfort.
"Hush, it'll be over soon, shhh." Kuno exuded more control than he ever had before as he slowly eased in, knowing Mousse's pain would pass the sooner he was completely inside. Thrusting forward slowly but unerringly, Kuno buried himself to the hilt in the impossibly tight, quivering heat of his sobbing lover.
Gods it hurt so bad. Mousse felt like he was being torn in half and struggled vainly to free himself. When the mindblowingly painful sensation of Kuno buried deep inside his ass had faded to discomfort alone, Mousse opened his watering eyes and shut his whimpering mouth to frown at Kuno. Kuno's eyes were closed and he was swallowing rapidly.
So tight so tight so tight. Kuno hissed between his teeth as he pulled out almost all the way and slid in slowly, opening his eyes to see Mousse's frown disappear behind rolled-back eyes and surprised 'o' of a mouth as he hit his prostate. He leaned down, capturing that sweet little mouth and rolled his hips, hitting that spot again. Mousse moaned brokenly as he wrapped his arms around Kuno's shoulders, his knees clasping beneath Kuno's rear, pushing him forward, harder. Had he ever not enjoyed this? For an instant? He couldn't see how he could have as that thick, pulsing organ trapped inside him pulled out and slammed in with more force, sending him reeling.
Kuno moaned in time with his thrusts, Mousse groaning whenever, each swallowing every erotic sound the other made as Kuno's tempo picked up. Mousse's hands moved down to Kuno's hips, and Kuno's hands shifted to cup Mousse's ass, allowing both a better grip as they slammed into each other, lost in passion. Kuno worked words of love out between kisses that Mousse eagerly swallowed as his trapped member was rubbed deliciously between their stomachs.
Kuno's rhythm became faster and more erratic, matching their breathing. With a final four mindblowingly sharp thrusts, Kuno went rigid, biting Mousse's neck as he came in the heat of his lover. The bite on his neck did Mousse in, as his seed splattered their stomachs and he moaned to the stars in ecstasy. His inner muscles clamping even more wrest another climax from Kuno's spurting cock, and he rocked against Mousse's pliant body until the waves faded, then collapsed bonelessly against him, a crushing yet pleasant weight on Mousse's chest.
They lay there, breathing heavy for many minutes, Kuno petting Mousse's hair as Mousse massaged Kuno's lower back. Eyes closed and nearly asleep, soft kisses at his neck lulling him further, Kuno's voice shocked him awake.
"I love you."
Sense and reason returned painfully to Mousse. Finally realizing the game he had just played with Kuno's heart, knowing he was about to break it, made Mousse feel sick to his stomach.
"Kuno... listen, I-"
"I am all too aware of your affections for Shampoo. I respect how you feel, but I couldn't bear the thought of you wasting your life on her, never knowing you had another option." Kuno sat up and started to dress, Mousse following slowly, his guilt slowing him down. "Return home. Figure out what you really want in life and the paths you need to take to get that. I'll be here, waiting for you should you choose to remain with me." He looked down at Mousse, a little sadly. "I trust your judgment, and will honor your decision, no matter what it may be." Kuno turned and left, leaving Mousse to stew in his own guilt and shame as he too stood and left, walking dejectedly home.
Time to analyze who he really was- he really didn't want to, but he needed to. He loved Shampoo, there was no changing that. What he felt for Kuno was... well, it was different. He felt tingly and giddy and excited around him (in more ways than one) and even the thought of that buffoon made him smile a little. What he had felt... the loss of his virginity! He didn't mind at all that it was with Kuno and not Shampoo- the girl, after all, had lost hers long ago. No, he felt nothing but pleasant emotions when thinking about that night. But he loved Shampoo.
The tone of finality ringing in his mind somehow failed to cheer him
as he slowly made his way home for the night.
"I get this funny feeling in my tummy, and I start tripping all over myself and my skin is on fire whenever he touches me!" The girl giggled madly, her friends joining her.
"Oh, it's love, I'm telling you!" The three laughed again and continued chattering, but Mousse heard no more.
One night. One night of unbelievable sex, and he was a zombie, thinking of nothing else. One night with someone doesn't mean you're in love, right? How fickle was the human heart if that were the case? Impossible! But Mousse watched Shampoo, trying to figure out what he felt around her. He felt weak in the knees. He felt his stomach churn and his head light. He managed to brush against her without evoking suspicion and found himself tingling all over. Love.
But how could he feel for Shampoo what he felt for Kuno? It wasn't right! He'd spent thirteen years loving Shampoo, and one little compliment about his crossdressing skills sent Mousse into a swoon?? More miserable than ever, Mousse swept the floor, thoughts flitting from one train of thought to the other, still comparing Shampoo to Kuno.
Beautiful. Powerful. Intelligent and cunning. Determined. Careless. Madly in love with Ranma.
Handsome. Powerful. Poetic. Determined. A blind fool. Idiot. Jerk. Pervert. Madly in love with Mousse.
He sighed. They definitely had more in common than he and Shampoo...
Unable to stand this indecision any longer, Mousse threw his broom to the floor and stalked out, shocking more than just the patrons as Cologne and Shampoo stared after him in bewilderment.
"Another one of those breaks, I suppose."
Kuno answered the door this time and motioned for him to enter, but Mousse stayed on the doorstep.
"Tell me what you feel."
Kuno raised an eyebrow, confused.
"About Akane and the Pig-tailed Girl. Tell me what you feel about me."
"I love Akane, her power, her strength, he beauty. And I love the Pig-tailed girl, so full of life and energy and unbridled passion. And you, Mousse. I love you as well. I love your sensitivity and generous, forgiving nature. Your wit and hidden strength."
"So, you won't abandon them just because of your love for me?"
"Of course not! How cruel it would be to the world of beautiful maidens to no longer bask in the glow of my unending charm and good looks!" Mousse sighed and shook his head, fighting off a smile.
"I'm serious!"
Kuno stepped forward and held Mousse's chin, looking down into his eyes. "My love knows no bounds. My love for you is the same as for Akane and the Pig-tailed girl, and yet... And yet it is different. To deny myself one or the other would break my heart."
"So, if I still love Shampoo, you wouldn't care?"
Kuno snorted, pulling Mousse closer. "That foolish woman will never be able to give you the love I do. If chasing her makes you happy, by all means, don't stop on my account. I'll think no less of you, nor any less often of you." He leaned down and kissed Mousse softly on the lips, leading him inside and closing the door softly behind them.
He led Mousse upstairs to his room, shutting this door quickly and leaning against it, looking at Mousse with a predatory gaze.
"You look better in your normal clothes than a dress, but you look even better naked and sweaty and trapped beneath me." Kuno smirked easily and walked over to nibble on Mousse's earlobe.
"So, when did you find out it was me?"
"When you first started to get drunk. No self-respecting woman would sit like that." Mousse chuckled and nuzzled Kuno's throat.
"You know," Kuno gently finger-brushed Mousse's hair. "My love for you isn't purely physical. It's not just sex... I can prove it to you by being completely satisfied with your company alone..."
Mousse felt warm inside. That fuzzy love feeling. It creeped out from his chest, igniting his entire body in a pleasant, happy heat. Resting his forehead on Kuno's chin, eyes closed, he grabbed two handfuls of Kuno's ass.
"I know. But it's a good way to manage our time."
Maneuvering Mousse onto the bed, Kuno laid down on top of him, smothering him with kisses as Mousse massaged his rear. Wasting no time at all in removing their clothes, Kuno threw the whole wad to the floor and rolled over, Mousse straddling his hips. With a seductive lick of his lips, Mousse rolled his hips, grinding his rear into Kuno's rampant hard-on. Groaning and flailing for his secret stash of lotion, he stroked Mousse's own erection firmly, earning him more delicious sounds and peeks at the tip of his pink, wet tongue.
Finally finding the elusive tube in his bedside table, he squeezed some out into his hand and tossed the bottle away. Sliding his hand up underneath Mousse's squirming hips, he slipped two fingers inside, too eager to be as slow and thorough as the night before. Mousse didn't mind, thrusting back on the fingers until they rubbed against his prostate, sending sparks of pleasure racing up his spine. He moaned appreciatively and Kuno answered in kind. Slipping in a third, Kuno soon removed his hand entirely and grasped Mousse's hips, supporting him above his sex. Mousse held it, guiding it to his entrance as Kuno slowly lowered him.
Mousse stuttered his name as he slowly down until he was fully impaled. He waited, relishing the new feeling that had been so foreign to him before. Then, placing his palms on Kuno's chest, he started moving in an achingly slow rhythm, rocking and groaning as Kuno thrashed his head on the pillow. Breathy whispers filled with room as Mousse threw his head back, still riding Kuno agonizingly slow. His lover tugged on his hips, urging him to hurry, but he maintained his rhythm, feeling heat building behind his sac as it rubbed softly against the coarse hairs at the base of Kuno's cock. Licking his lips again, Mousse tightened his inner muscles, groaning at the erotic cry he tore from his lover.
Kuno twisted and cried below him, begging for more and not getting it. Finally relenting as orgasm neared, Mousse picked up the pace, allowing Kuno's hands to guide him to the speed he desired. Snapping his hips upward, Kuno bounced Mousse on his cock until the muscles gripped him so hard he couldn't withdraw. Forcing himself as deep as he could possibly go, Kuno came hard, spilling his seed inside his lover as his lover spilt over his chest. Still rocking hard and gasping for breath, Mousse moaned his name, running his hands along his smooth chest.
"Tatchi..." Mousse collapsed and Kuno wrapped his arms around him, still buried deep inside. He rolled over again so they lay side by side, pulling out, and he kissed his sated lover deeply, burying his arms up to his elbows in black, lustrous hair.
"I was wrong."
Mousse looked up, eyebrows almost to his hairline. "About what?"
Kuno smiled and kissed him lingeringly. "You look just as good hot,
sweat, and me trapped beneath you." Mousse chuckled, getting
an evil notion and seemingly conveying it as Kuno gave him a stern look.
"Don't even think about it. At least, not right now."
Ping- I thought I did a pretty good job of not excluding Shampoo without
really dealing with her. Tried to keep it simple and in character.
::Ryoga chanting prayers in a corner::
::Ranma glaring at sexed up Kuno::
::Kuno gives a victory sign::