Really Twisted -Teaser

Oooo! Am I going to get raked over the coals for this one!

Really Twisted [mf][ff][fetish][inc][oral][mult part]
a Ranma 1/2 (twisted, hentai) fanfic, mostly lime, although I could expand on the details to make it a lemon.
by Deric (perm) (current ISP)

Disclaimer: Now I had one around here somewhere...
Some people used to ask me why I never got the hell out of the Tendo dojo when I first started to get fiancees up the yingyang showing up there. The answer was never given to them. I sure as hell was ^not^ going to tell them the in and outs of my reasons for allowing the chaos to continue. They sure as shit would ^never^ believe me. I don't belive half of it myself.

Three months after I had moved in, I had begun screwing each of Soun's daughters and was nearly drowning in sex. My classmates always laughed at me for falling asleep in class, But I wasn't about to tell them I had spent the previous night getting worked over by three sexy and sexually knowledgeable teenagers.

Kasumi worked as a prostitute from age nine or ten, when her mother died. She never really liked having to whore herself out or associate with the yakuza to keep her family together, but there was big money to be made for a pre-pubescent streetwalker. Maybe that's why she liked to fuck me so much. She didn't have to pretend and moan and otherwise fake orgasms. Doing it with her taught me how to relax and enjoy having a partner you liked, if you couldn't be with someone you loved. Even if she had to sleep with others, professionally, she showed me how to get the most out of different positions and always tried to make sure I was satisfied. Could be that's why she was so loving and giving at home, because she had to be cold and calculating at work.

Nabiki, growing up as a yak 'prostitute-in-training' also learned how to make money by staying off her back. They taught her how to make book, how to set odds, easy loansharking, and figure what someone's price was. Information was always worth something, but only a rare few knew where to set prices. She did fuck, but not professionally. Occasionally she would throw a quickie to Kasumi's boss, but he had realized her potential as a blackmailer would be compromised if she was one of the regular whores. Besides, men who looked for pre-pubescents weren't exactly loose-tongued. By the time Nabiki had developed and filled out, she had become much more useful as an informant and bookkeeper and soon would most likely become an auditor for the yakuza. Not some dumb slut, but someone who would probably be telling the oyabun (family head) what to do with their illegal income. Nabiki taught me cunnilingus. Both giving and receiving. She was the first to show me that also being a woman part time was not so much a curse as I had thought it was.

Akane was the whoremaster's dream, once she had joined her sisters in the 'stables'. As a ten year old she was taught S&M, B&D, and all the kinkiest fetishes you ever heard of. As long as she didn't have to be sodomized or fucked by her clients, she was willing to do just about anything. Who could have first thought of how to screw and sodomize herself with vegetables and make her customers eat them afterwards? She taught me how to sixtynine, to give and receive pleasure at the same time. But she absolutely loved being tied up. I think that's why she was kidnaped so often. She wouldn't let the kidnapers fuck her, though. Nabiki later told me that there were only two people that had ever fucked Akane, and I was one of them. Nothing was more enjoyable to her than to have me slowly fuck each of her orifices after I had tied her up.

I found out, later, long after that conversation with Nabiki, that Tendo was sexually abusing his daughters. It may not have been rape the first time he screwed Kasumi, though. Kasumi told me she fell asleep while putting her father to bed. After a hard day of school, housework and the sexual salt mines, she merely cuddled up to him and reacted instinctively. But, once he had one of his daughters satisfying him sexually, he spared no time in beginning to screw all of them. I've been told this is normal in cases like these, death of a spouse and recovering from catatonia. Although, I have no idea what 'normal' would actually be. I had no idea how our sexually dysfunctional families got together with each other in the first place. Then.

You mean you haven't figured that out yet? Talk about slow on the uptake.

I had bigtime doubts that Genma is my father. Not because he's incapable, he certainly bedded more than a few women while we were on the road for ten years. It's because mom would never let him touch her. In a sexual way. How do I know? The only one in the family to touch her sexually, while we lived at her house, was me. Shocking, what? From the time I was four years old until my father took me on that 'training trip' when I was six, I was the only one living there to see my mother naked. How do I know this? She wouldn't let my father into her bedroom, let alone her bed. I was the one who slept with her at night.

The first time I shared her bed was when I woke up in the middle of the night and walked in on her giving Genma head. At four years of age I had wondered why mommy was kissing daddy there. Once he came, (I guess he came, I only knew he was holding her head between his legs), she tossed him out of her room. Once the door was closed, she took my pajamas off, took off her nightgown and pulled me into bed on top of her. She encouraged me to rub my head on her breasts. On subsequent nights, she taught me how to use my hands, lips and tongue to stimulate her breasts and run a hand, arm or knee between her legs. She never had me fuck her, though. At least before I was sixteen or seventeen and the family was reunited. I was well hung for a six year old, but I think she only screwed her 'helpers' up until the time we left. Well, and probably for those ten years we were gone, too.

I had a feeling I was a knockoff of one of her adolescent lovers, possibly some twelve year old who she was sure was shooting blanks. She did her shopping daily and usually had some kid 'help' her carry the bags home. Once the three of us got home, she would send me out to the yard to play. I think that's when she used to 'play' with her 'helper'. It always took her a long time to come out and get me before she started making dinner. I wonder if that was the reason she made that 'man among men' contract, so she didn't have to put up with the old man. I mean it was making him have me concentrate on martial arts, so she could have a lover that she could be sure was disease-free and trained to pleasure her.

It was something of a surprise when eleven years after I had left, my mother had me stay the weekend at her place while telling Genma not to follow us. She said it was so we could 'get to know each other again'. Of course, the excuse was that he had hidden me from her in my cursed (female) form. I'm sure that she would have come up with something else, just to make sure she and I were alone.

As soon as the front door to her house closed behind us, she shrugged off her kimono. She wasn't wearing a stitch underneath. Turning, she reached towards me and proceeded to undress me. She stood back and admired my body, drooling slightly. Reaching out with one hand, she caressed my entire body, slowly and sensuously. She ended with both hands stroking my rapidly stiffening manhood and remarked that I had become a 'man among men' indeed.

That was the first time I had ever fucked her. It certainly wasn't the last. That day, that weekend or the rest of our lives.

I wonder if it was because of the Amazons and all those love potions. I mean, maybe the reason very few of them seemed to work was because we had already fallen in love with each other and that protected us. Or on the other hand, maybe they had worked and because we had agreed to keep our mouths shut about demonstrating how we felt about each other just made it look like the potions didn't work. I guess either way it was kind of weird having your mother and half-sisters as lovers and one half-sister as a wife.

Yeah, Mom finally admitted to me who was my biological father, long after we all had been sleeping with each other. It was my ^uncle^ ^SounTendo^! Now I knew why she had insisted the girls call her 'Auntie'. Mom's sister was Soun's wife! From what I could make out from what Kasumi told me, she had been sleeping with them from the time they were first married. Maybe even before they got engaged. She had supplied Kasumi with that information some weeks before she let me in on that little secret. That was the day Mom told Akane, and then, me.

["Soun, Kimiko and I shared a bed until you and Ranma were conceived. Rather than have me cast out of my family for my disgrace, being umarried and with child, Soun suggested I marry his old training partner. Although I doubt he remembers why I left his bed, I think Soun wants to unite the families just so I can sleep with him again. That won't happen. I want to know if knowing that Ranma is your half-brother will keep you from marrying him. Then, if not, if you are willing to have children with him. Then, if so, if you would allow anyone else to share your bed."

"Auntie, why are you asking me this? And why are you asking for an immediate decision?"

"Because it's important to me, Akane. It doesn't mean you have to marry him immediately. I want to know if it will stop you from getting married. To him. At all."

"I do love him. I knew I loved him since a few days before the first time I ever slept with him. As long as no one else knows, I'm willing to marry my half-brother."

"Will it stop you from having children?"

"I know there are risks, but I can convincingly say I didn't know he was my brother. Especially if you say the only ones who know are you and Daddy. And it sounds like Daddy forgot, with him pushing for us to get married. Yes, I will have his children, if he wants them, too."

"Will you share your bed with anyone else?"

"I don't think you know this, but he already sleeps with my sisters, too. As long as it's within the family, I guess I can say I'll share my bed, and my husband, with them."

Akane was unprepared for the glomp she received from Nodoka. Nor was she prepared for the kiss Nodoka pulled her face into. It was Nodoka's tongue she ^really^ wasn't prepared for.

After freezing up for a moment or two, Akane finally sensed the release of pain, the hope, and the need for acceptance in Nodoka's kiss. Riding out the storm of emotion, Akane began to return the affection that Nodoka wanted. Hell, desperately needed.]

[After they had brought the other to orgasm, Nodoka asked Akane where her son might be.

"If he's not in his room, check my sister's rooms. He may be there or in the dojo."

"Don't get dressed, dear. I'll see if I can't get him to join us."

Nodoka finally found the three in the bathroom next to the furo. Kasumi was riding him and Nabiki was shoving her womanhood into his face. She loudly cleared her throat, freezing the teenagers in mid-stroke. Drawing the two girls away from his body and out of his sight, she kissed them on the cheek and whispered, "I need him at the moment, but I believe he may be free again tomorrow," she said, her eyes twinkling.

The girls looked at each other, raised an eyebrow each, then turned and kissed one of Nodoka's cheeks. "Thanks, Auntie," they whispered back.]

I think the girls and mom reached some kind of understanding. I can't think of any other reason they would continue to let the others have me, without real screaming and backbiting like we staged daily for our 'fathers' benefit. When Happosai dragged them off for ^his^ training trips, it was nice to be able to sleep with the four of them together, no one minding who was doing what with whom. They each knew I cared as much about the others as I did them. I didn't know if it was Mom or Kasumi that kept the peace, not that I cared as long as it stayed kept.