Mr. Sakura Person, name this thing "Ryoga's revenge" or something....and for the list, you can name me as "Blue Phoenix" (heck, I like the name) +--------------------------------------------+ Ranma 1/2 fanfic by the irrepressable me! You're not getting my name because of this: 1: I hate my name. 2: I want to keep the fact that I'm a big pervert a secret (doesn't everyone?)...oh, this is my first lemon fanfic...or any fanfic for that matter...and of course my first has to be lemon! Oh, well...I'll write something less hentai next time, although I'm TRYING to keep this one's hentai-ness down to a minimum, it's late and I'll probably get carried away...I dunno if that's good or bad. +--------------------------------------------+ And now for the all-important disclaimer! All characters in this fanfic are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Video and a bunch of other companies whose names escape me...I use them WITHOUT permession (like the great Rumiko Takahashi would give me permission to use her characters, and ESPECIALLY not to use in THIS filth...) but since I'm not giving my name you can't sue me!! NYAH! Not like I have any money anyway...on with the show! Or story.... +--------------------------------------------+ (keep in mind I had no idea of what I was gonna write at the time I wrote this, except for a vague idea about Ryoga and...) It was a normal day at the Tendo Dojo, starting with the usual sounds of chaos... "uncute tomboy!" "pervert!" "sexle-" the insult was caught in mid-sentence by a rather large mallet....and seconds later a very angry Ranma-chan emerges from the koi pond... "What'd..oh, forget it...why does this always happen to *me*?" Ranma-chan said, drying herself off... "because you're an insesitive jerk who doesn't know when to shut up!" yelled Akane. "better than being a sexless tomboy who can't cook!" Before Akane could respond, a very angry Ryoga burst in, cuts across his face and a rather large gash in his arm.... "How *dare* you talk to Akane like that, you jerk! I won't allow it!" he said as he fired a large ki blast towards an unsuspecting Ranma-chan as she narrowly avoided the attack, yelling furiously at Ryoga.. "stay out of this, pig boy!" "Don't call me 'pig boy'! Ranma, now you die!!" yelled Ryoga, unleashing a ki blast that hit Ranma-chan squarely in the....arm.. "AAH!" yelled Ranma, who was blown back against the dojo's walls. "''d he do that?" said Ranma, struggling to get up, her arm out-of-order and unmoveable... "Hah! I got you now!" yelled Ryoga, as he lept towards Ranma-chan as he was intercepted by..."KACHU TENSHN AMAGURIKEN!!!!!!" and Ryoga flew somewhere...far, far away... ----seconds later, somewhere in Hong Kong---- ----- "Damn Ranma! I swear next time he'll pay..." Ryoga fumed as he got up and dusted himself off, heading in a direction he thinks is towards Nerima, Japan....suddenly laughing maniacally.. "I've got it! He'll pay...the perfect revenge.." --------------Night, back in Japan----------- ----- "jeez, why can't that jerk *ever* just leave me alone?" Ranma said, tossing in his futon. "Don't see what I did to him so bad...Sure, I knocked him into the Jusenkyo spring, but he didn't *have* to follow me there! ->sigh<- maybe he won't find his way back this time" with that, Ranma fell asleep. ------------------late night----------------- ----- Ryoga stealthly crept up to Ranma's room, carrying a bucket of cold water, a length of steel cable, an electric cattle prod and a gag. He slowly walked into Ranma's room, tied his arms and legs and gagged him, all of this woke up Ranma..."mph! mph mph mph!?" Ranma soon realized he was gagged and helpless and fought to break free of the steel cable which bound his arms and legs. A bucket of cold water was poured over Ranma.... "Ranma, I'm finally gonna get you back for everything you've done to me. Make one noise and I'll use this." Ryoga help up the cattle prod and lightly jabbed Ranma-chan in her arm. "umff!" managed Ranma through the gag over her mouth. Ryoga began to tear off Ranma-chan's shirt as Ranma-chan's eyes grew wide with surprise and horror, she tried to yell out and was hit with the prod...Ryoga then grabbed her breasts, slowly massaging them, as Ranma-chan let out a slight involuntary moan that was quickly cut off as Ranma-chan stopped herself. thought Ranma-chan as her thoughts were quickly cut off by a sharp pain as Ryoga violently twisted one of her nipples and Ranma gasped sharply. Ryoga then tore of Ranma-chan's pants and started to lick her pussy slowly, Ranma-chan gasped in disbelief and then moaned. Ryoga began to take off his pants and reveal his enormous manhood as Ranma-chan's eyes filled with dread. thought Ranma-chan as Ryoga rammed his manhood into her, tearing through her hymen, and causing Ranma-chan to cry out in pain and anger. Ryoga repeateadly thrust, and Ranma-chan was in extreme pain. Ryoga (who lacked for self-control) quickly came and got off of Ranma-chan, as he looked at her face he noticed...tears streaming down Ranma-chan's face as she sobbed quietly.. "There! Now I have my revenge..." he said as he untied her. He expected Ranma-chan to hit him, to kill him, but she sat up.... .....looked at Ryoga... .....and sobbed into her hands.... "Ranma?" Ryoga said, astonished as he had never seen Ranma cry before.. " could you..? I knew you hated me...but..but rape? How could you..?" Ranma-chan said while sobbing. Ryoga couldn't say anything. He just stood there, wracked with guily, trying to think of what to say... "R..Ranma, I'm sorry..I went to far, and-" he placed a hand on Ranma-chan's shoulder. "don't touch me! Don't come near me! I don't want to see you *ever again*!" said Ranma-chan, sobbing loudly. "R..Ranma, I'm sorry...!" he knelt down to Ranma-chan, who had dressed herself, and embraced her. "I'm sorry..." Ryoga said once more, as Ranma-chan sobbed, face buried into Ryoga's shoulders... +--------------------------------------------+ This is THE FIRST PART. I think. It's really late now, and I MUST go to sleep before I *die*. So I'll tell you this- there's gonna be more. I will add to this. Given my obsession with Ranma-chan and Ryoga, I can't leave it like this. Anyway, send all your flames to, and if it's possible that some miracle in the heavens makes you somehow like this work, send your praises there, too.