Ok, a while back on the old FFML there was a lemon challenge, daring the fic community to come up with a serious lemon including one of several pairs. I did my best to allow for this lemon to fit in the continuity of the series, but please bear with me if there is a little OOC-ness. Ok, a lot of OOC-ness and a piddlin' little bit of explanation. I hope you enjoy the fic! ^_^ Rose Petals Nabiki Tendo stood at a third-floor window, gazing out at the school yard of Furinkan High. From her vantage point, she couldn't really hear most of what Kodachi Kuno was saying. It didn't matter, though, because anyone could see how the conversation was going. Kodachi was throwing herself at Ranma, Tatewaki was waving a fan and loudly proclaiming that they had his permission to date, and Akane was seething. "You hate me, don't you?" Kodachi cried shrilly, and burst into tears. As predicted, Ranma got flustered and offered her some kind of idiotic reassurance. The Black Rose cheered up instantly, said something else, then bounded off in a storm of rose petals. Her wild laughter rang out over the school yard. The corner of Nabiki's mouth twitched slightly, then she turned away from the window with a carefully neutral expression. ***** Nabiki sighed with relief as school finally let out for the day. She made her way quickly through the crowds, headed towards home. Looking around carefully, she dodged down a side street and doubled back on her path, losing herself in the milling crowds of the market. Traveling in a very roundabout way, she finally made her way to the Kuno mansion. She darted into the house and paused for a moment, trying to slow the racing of her heart. Then, silently, she made her way to the room where Kodachi waited. The gymnast turned to face her as the door closed with a soft snick. Without a word, Kodachi rushed to meet her in a fierce embrace. She kissed Nabiki with a desperate eagerness, and started pulling at the older girl's school uniform. "Not so fast," Nabiki muttered, framing Kodachi's face with her hands and just barely brushing their lips together. "We have time, right?" "My love, the plan worked exactly as you said!" Kodachi whispered excitedly, her eyes brimming. "Big Brother was so thrilled at the idea that I desired a male at last!" "I heard him granting you his permission to date," Nabiki answered, smiling bitterly at the thought of the pompous fool who had caused them so much trouble. Thanks to Tatewaki's interference, Kodachi had been forbidden to ever see Nabiki again. Nabiki was grateful that at least Mr. Kuno hadn't seen fit to tell her father about the games the two girls had been playing when they were caught. She would never forget the day Mr. Kuno had walked in on them, his son smirking at them from behind him as they struggled to cover their nudity. She would never forget, and never forgive. Tatewaki Kuno would be made a laughingstock before she was done. He would suffer far worse humiliation than what he had caused herself and his sister. When she thought of all she and Kodachi had been through... Now was not the time to dwell on such things, however. Not when they had actually, finally carved out some precious time to be together "He won't be home for several hours," Kodachi was saying. "The afternoon is ours, my love..." "Well, we'd better make the most of the afternoon, then," Nabiki said with a now-gentle smile, smoothly reaching up and pulling Kodachi's ponytail holder out to let the long, gleaming tresses tumble freely down over her shoulders. The two of them looked deep into each other's eyes, neither of them touching the other until Kodachi's eyes had darkened to the sultry deeper blue of passion. Nabiki reached out and lightly traced a finger over Kodachi's lips, then slowly leaned in to give her another feathery kiss. The kiss gradually deepened, and Kodachi began slowly and stealthily unfastening Nabiki's uniform. The blue jumper slid to the floor, and Nabiki broke off the kiss and began unbuttoning the blouse, giving Kodachi one of those wry, twisted smiles she adored so. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage," Nabiki commented as she dropped the blouse and faced her lover wearing only her bra and panties. Stepping out of the puddle of clothes, she crossed over to Kodachi and lightly traced a fingertip along the neckline of the blue leotard. Kodachi shivered as gooseflesh rose up where Nabiki had touched her, then she quickly shimmied out of the confining garment. She tossed the leotard over towards the closet, her aim entirely destroyed as Nabiki pressed up against her from behind and stroked down the length of her arms. "Kodachi..." Nabiki murmured, burying her face in the long, silky dark hair and wrapping her arms around the girl's slender waist. They stayed that way for a few moments, luxuriating in the sensation and twining their fingers together. Kodachi turned in the embrace and kissed her again, sighing into Nabiki's mouth and trying to unclasp her bra. The stubborn garment refused to let go, and the two girls giggled as Nabiki finally gave in and undid it herself, flinging it over onto the pile of clothes. Turning back to Kodachi with something of a coy smile, Nabiki sauntered over to the bed and seated herself, then crooked her finger invitingly. Kodachi smiled, her eyes gleaming in anticipation as they traveled down over Nabiki's elegant body and then back up to her eyes. At a gesture from Nabiki, she lay down on the bed, gracefully arranging her limbs as soft brown eyes cherished her womanly curves. Nabiki leaned over Kodachi's body, never breaking the eye contact as her fingers trailed delicately from Kodachi's mouth down along the slim column of her throat and across her collarbone. "My beautiful Rose..." Nabiki murmured. Her fingers lightly traced around Kodachi's breasts, avoiding her hardening nipples until Kodachi moaned wordlessly. Nabiki bent down and kissed Kodachi deeply again, her hands repeatedly brushing across the sensitive buds of flesh. The Black Rose moaned again and ran her hands down Nabiki's arms, pressing Nabiki's hands against her breasts. Nabiki chuckled and kissed her way down along Kodachi's neck. As she began to flick her tongue across Kodachi's nipples, Nabiki straddled one of her slender legs, rubbing her own thigh against Kodachi's. Nabiki's hair fell forward to brush across Kodachi's skin as she gently fastened her mouth on first one nipple, then the other, her right hand tickling as it traced a path down across Kodachi's stomach. Kodachi writhed beneath her, clamping her thighs around Nabiki's leg as she tried to pull back. Nabiki chuckled and slowly slid down along Kodachi's leg, kissing the valley between her breasts and then working her way down along her flat stomach. Kodachi groaned and parted her legs farther as Nabiki's hands delicately caressed the tops of her thighs, and Nabiki bent her head, savoring her lover's scent and smiling as Kodachi stirred restlessly. Teasingly, Nabiki stroked the Black Rose's legs, massaging the taut muscles and then adoringly running her tongue along the inside of one shapely thigh. Kodachi strained upwards, and Nabiki ever so lightly, with the barest tickling touch she could manage, traced along the outer edge of the triangle of dark hair her lover offered to her. Kodachi gritted her teeth as the fingers teasing her continued tracing just along the edge of the hairline, maddeningly moving inward by a quarter inch at a time. Both girls moaned as Nabiki's questing fingers finally discovered slick wetness. Nabiki bent down at last and pressed her mouth against the offered lips, her tongue delving as deep as possible, then she parted her lover's outer lips with one hand, and traced her tongue just around the clitoris. Kodachi muttered something in frustration, and Nabiki flattened her tongue against the tiny organ, fluttering it gently while the fingers of one hand pushed slowly into Kodachi and the other hand rose to knead her breasts. Kodachi twined her fingers in Nabiki's hair, pulling at her hair as though she didn't know whether to push Nabiki away or pull her closer. Her trim, athletic body nearly lifted them both in the air as her hips pumped uncontrollably. She cried out, her whole being rigid with ecstasy, as Nabiki's tongue coaxed wave after wave of pleasure from her. "Enough, my love...enough," Kodachi gasped, and Nabiki let up at last, drawing her fingers out of Kodachi's trembling body and licking them with a feline smirk. Kodachi collected her wits, then wrapped her powerful legs around Nabiki's waist and flipped her over. Nabiki smiled up at her, helping as Kodachi pulled her soaked panties off and buried her face in Nabiki's eager sex. She was so primed from bringing her lover to orgasm, they both knew it wouldn't take her very long. Kodachi lapped at the slick lips for a few moments, then pointed her tongue, tracing the letters of the alphabet across her lover's clitoris. She had barely gotten to "Q" before Nabiki squealed, her thighs clamping around Kodachi's head. Kodachi kept her tongue pressed against Nabiki's clitoris until the tremors had stopped, then drew up along Nabiki's body. The two lay embracing for a while, Kodachi toying gently with Nabiki's breasts. "I'll have to go soon," Nabiki whispered. "I know, my love," Kodachi answered. "Next time, it will be your turn." And she kissed Nabiki, wishing this brief time could last forever, that they'd never have to get out of bed, or leave each other's arms. She was already plotting out what she would do with Nabiki's beautiful body, the next time they were alone together. They lay quietly for a few more minutes, then Nabiki kissed Kodachi gently, got up, and began gathering her clothes. After a moment's hesitation, Kodachi begrudgingly got up and squirmed her way into a fresh leotard. Neither of them spoke until after Nabiki had finished getting dressed and smoothed her hair. "You played your role beautifully today, Kodachi," Nabiki said at last. "Now you can show up at the Dojo whenever you want, and all you have to do if you're caught is pretend to be looking for 'Ranma-sama.' And do the laugh. The laugh was the best part." The two giggled for a moment, then an idea occurred to Kodachi. "What about you, my love? What if you are caught on the premises?" Nabiki shrugged. "Your father's in Hawaii. And if your brother questions me, I'll just show him these." Nabiki drew out several fairly revealing pictures of Ranma's girl form. "He really does make a pretty girl," Kodachi said. "I won't share you," Nabiki answered with a grin and a playful pinch. "Just keep in mind that it's really a man in that body." "Yes, my love," Kodachi sighed , grinning in return. "But don't ever let on that you know about his curse. If Kuno-chan found out it was really Ranma, I'd lose half my business. And my excuse to be here." "How long till we can leave?" "Another year or two, darling," Nabiki answered regretfully. "I'll do everything I can to earn us enough money..." "I would that we could just take some of the Kuno family's-" Kodachi began. "That would give your brother an excuse to follow us, and possibly a means of tracking us down. No, I want to do this myself, and I really think our best bet is to play along, and leave when they least expect it. I'll make just enough money that we can buy our way out of here, in cash. We won't owe anybody anything. And when we get there, we'll just have to make do as we can." "As you wish, my love." Kodachi leaned over and kissed Nabiki again, determined to enjoy this brief interlude as long as possible. And someday...someday there would be all the time they wanted. A quiet little place to live, just the two of them, with no interference, no fear of discovery, and most of all, no Big Brother watching over them. The End Author's Notes: Whew! I can't believe this thing is finally done! I had no idea it would be so hard to write. I knew it would be tough, but I didn't realize quite what a big challenge I was taking on. Please do let me know if you think it was worth the effort. Comments and constructive criticisms are very welcome at My Guestbook, but flames will be laughed at. ^_~ I do realize there are some logic errors in the story itself, so if you have better suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Author's Note: I did not create Ranma 1/2, and the Ranma 1/2 characters and situations are being used in this fic without permission or license. This story is not meant to be taken as a claim to the copyright, and I do not mean any disrespect whatsoever to the creators of this wonderful anime. If you have any comments or suggestions, please Sign My Guestbook I'd love to hear from you!