AkioSumi Studios akiosumi@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RANMA's Chest is Gold P L A T I N U M E D I T I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR .... Hi there and thanks for downloading "Ranma's Chest is Gold," my first and only fanfic. Before you plunge into the text, please allow me to share a little information regarding the following script. This story is about some girls with really big breasts (that's why we're all here, isn't it?). Now I think that most of us can agree that at some point, REALLY REALLY huge breasts are no longer attractive, but instead become more of a freak show than anything else. (Actually, a lot of you probably totally disagree!) That is why I haven't included any measurements in this story. If the various descriptions throughout the story of women's breasts seem ... well, a bit much, please understand that it is only for EMPHASIS; do not take these descriptions literally, exactly! Second of all, I'll apologize for Parts 1 through 4. Not that they're bad! On the contrary. But after completing Part 5 (the final episode), the rest just looks sad. Part 5 had been in my mind for a little while, and so I had a chance to work it through to the point that it was beyond your average fanfic crap. It also managed to grow and grow and grow so that Part 5 is about two thirds of the entire fanfic. Aside from that, it's also the best-written part, the part with the most action, intrigue, best dialogue, and character interaction. It's way more exciting than the rest. But please, DON'T skip right to Part 5! If nothing else, Parts 1 through 4 serve to set up the plot and describe the events leading up to Part 5, as well as providing some contrast in quality, I suppose. And they're pretty short. And finally, "AkioSumi Studios" is NOT a company I work for! :-) More than one person has asked me that. I AM AkioSumi Studios. The name comes from the first- ever AkioSumi comic, which I drew a few years ago. It featured a boy, Akio, and a girl named Sumi. Well, whaddya know ... AkioSumi Studios was born! Hey, without further ado, please sit back and relax, as AkioSumi Studios proudly presents ... BUXOM RANMA 1/2 RANMA'S CHEST IS GOLD!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ranma1/2 Ranma's Chest Is Gold Part 1: Shampoo VS. Ranma! Scene 1 Shot of outside of Tendo Training Hall - slow zoom-in. We hear Ranma-chan and Genma fighting inside. Cut to indoors. Ranma is in Genma's clutches, as he struggles to put a tiny tank top over Ranma-chan's head. Ranma-chan is wearing shorts and an absolutely huge push-up bra. (Oh yeah, her breasts fill them up all the way.) RANMA-CHAN: Aww, do I hafta put this on? GENMA: You heard me, Ranma, you're not getting out of this one. The ad said "buxom young girl needed as mascot", and you're the bosomiest girl in Japan! RANMA-CHAN: WHAT? How can that possibly be? I'm a guy! Nabiki enters. NABIKI: (Coolly.) He's right, Ranma. Just look at you. You're all shakes and jiggles. RANMA-CHAN: Huh? Ranma-chan breaks away from Genma's grasp and jumps in front of the mirror. Ranma-chan stares blankly as her reflection as Nabiki walks up behind her. NABIKI: Now those are outrageous. RANMA-CHAN: Hey!! Akane enters. AKANE: Hey everyone, I'm off to - AHRGHH!! (Seeing Ranma-chan standing nearly- naked.) You big show-off! Quit standin' around with that disgusting frilly thing! As if you weren't busty enough already! Show some decency, okay?! RANMA-CHAN: Hah? But I was just -- AKANE: Rrrrr, you make me FURIOUS!! (She runs and punches Ranma-chan right in the face. Ranma-chan flies upside-down into the wall.) AKANE: Hm! Now don't ever stand around like this again! Akane storms off. Nabiki leans in close to Ranma-chan, who is lying in a heap on the floor. NABIKI: Boy, you really steamed her, huh! RANMA-CHAN: (Smiling awkwardly from a bruised face.) I'll do it. GENMA: Ahh, hahahahahahh, we can't lose!! Think of all that beautiful money! Genma slips, spilling a nearby bucket, transforming him to panda form. GENMA: Grruuu. ... Scene 2 A waiting room. Genma enters, pulling Ranma-chan by the wrist. RANMA-CHAN: Hey, c'mon, old man, leggo my arm! Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. ... GENMA: Alright, Ranma, this is it. In just a few minutes they'll be taking names for the Kirin Girl contest. RANMA-CHAN: I don't wanna be the Kirin girl ... GENMA: Too late, boy! (Shoves her forward into a chair. Her breasts bounce as she lands.) Don't you mess anything up, you hear? (He exits.) RANMA-CHAN: Aw, man. I can't believe this is happening. Just then Shampoo enters dramatically, her hair flowing in the breeze (where is that breeze coming from, anyway?) Everyone is awe struck at her beauty. Seeing Ranma-chan, Shampoo shrieks with happiness and jumps, hugging Ranma around the neck. SHAMPOO: Nihao, Ranma! You come to help cheer for Shampoo? RANMA-CHAN: Uh - CHOKE CHOKE - er, well actually I'm here to enter (heh!) SHAMPOO: (Growing cold.) Then we competitors. Shampoo will not loose, Ranma! RANMA-CHAN: Fine with me. A short, well-dressed man enters. His name is Kirmaru. KIRMARU: All applicants to the Kirin Girl Contest, form a line here! Stampede! Kirmaru gets trampled. Scene 3 All the girls are lined up in a low-ceilinged, wood-paneled room. Kirmaru stands by with about three to five helpers. KIRMARU: In order to determine which of you will become the official Kirin Girl mascot, we'll be holding a short competition. First order of business: Measurements! GO! The helpers run with measuring tape to each girl. RANMA-CHAN: Oohh ... ! SHAMPOO: Shampoo not worried! One comes to Shampoo, who takes a deep breath, proudly inflating her chest. HELPER: W-Wow! SHAMPOO: Giggle! Shampoo good? HELPER: You're in! Head over to that room! SHAMPOO: Bye bye, Ranma! (She runs off.) Helper goes to measure Ranma's bust and ... the tape barely fits all the way around! HELPER: Huh! Er ... tight squeeze. ... RANMA-CHAN: Heh heh!! HELPER: Huh ... you're in! RANMA-CHAN: Uh, ah-okay - thanks! Heh. ... (Runs off.) The helper is left drooling. Stay tuned for Ranma's Chest Is Gold Part 2: The Kirin Girl Contest Ultimate Battle!! Ranma1/2 Ranma's Chest Is Gold Part 2: The Kirin Girl Contest Ultimate Battle!! Scene 1 Shampoo bounds out of the dressing room clad in a tight, skimpy dress. SHAMPOO: Aohh!! Shampoo ready for competition! You ready, Ranma? Ranma-chan cautiously appears in the dressing room doorway wearing an ornate, frilly dress with folds and folds of silky cloth. RANMA-CHAN: I - I guess so. Her breasts, supported by an immense push-up bra, are thunderously huge, bobbing slowly and heavily with each step. SHAMPOO: Nihao. ...! KIRMARU: And now, to commence the Kirin Girl Ultimate Battle ... an all-out brawl! All the girls in the large ballroom begin to fight madly, including Shampoo, who seems to be taking the lead. Ranma-chan stands by, bored. RANMA-CHAN: This is so stupid. ... Someone hits Ranma-chan from behind, knocking her down. RANMA-CHAN: OOOFF!! Scene 2 Genma, Nabiki, and Akane walk down the hall in the Kirin building. GENMA: Nabiki, Akane, I'm so glad you decided to come support Ranma. AKANE: (Smiling.) Well, I was angry, but ... I know how important this is to him. They approach a large window, beyond which is the battle. AKANE: There's Ranma. ... GENMA: What? He's ... losing?! NABIKI: Oh god, this is pathetic. There's four girls on top of him and he's not even fighting back. AKANE: C'mon, Ranma, you can do it! Fight back!! Meanwhile, on the other side of the glass ... RANMA-CHAN: Ohhf ... ohff ... hey, quit it, get off! GIRLS: No way, we're gonna win this contest! Suddenly Ranma-chan spots Akane through the glass. RANMA-CHAN: Akane! Rrr ... heh heh. Springs up out from under the four other girls and bounds to the glass, where she leans revealingly forward. RANMA-CHAN: Ohh, Akane, there you are! Watch this ... have you SEEN breasts this size? Ha ha! She bounds away to trounce a bunch of other girls. AKANE: WHA?? Ranma!! Now Ranma seems to have the advantage ... she is unstoppable! She bounces from one opponent to the next, smothering them with her colossal chest! AKANE: I will kill him. GENMA: Uhh ... I didn't know he had it in him. ... NABIKI: This is getting ugly. ... Ranma1/2 Ranma's Chest Is Gold Part 3: The Ultimate Size Double-R Bra!! Scene 1 Early morning. Akane jogs along the road, through the streets of Japan. A bus pulls up slowly beside her. AKANE: (Stopping to look at the side of the bus.) Hm? Pasted on the size of the bus is a larger-than-life Ranma-chan, tongue hanging out and leaning so far over that mounds of milky-white cleavage bulge forth from her flimsy bathing suit. Next to Ranma-chan it says, "KIRIN BEER ... Ranma Saotome Drinks it ... Shouldn't You?" AKANE: RANNNNNMAAAAAA!!!! Her scream carries all the way back to the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, where Ranma-chan attempts to bar a mob of reporters and business men from entering. RANMA-CHAN: No, I'm sorry, I'm not interested! No, I don't have time, go away!! Nabiki, gimme a hand with keeping this door shut, will ya? NABIKI: Ranma, Ranma, Ranma. ... You got yourself into this mess. It was your ego and your breasts that started all of this. RANMA-CHAN: WHAT? It was the old man's fault! MYSTERIOUS YET WELL-DRESSED GENTLEMAN: Might I offer some advice? SOUN: How'd you get in here? GENTLEMAN: My name is Shinshi. I represent Okina Bra Corporation, and I come with an offer for one Ranma Saotome. RANMA-CHAN: That's me. ... SHINSHI: (Eying her chest) Of course. As you may know, Okina Bra Corporation prides itself on its quality products; comfort, durability, and sheer reliability are key factors in a successful bra. We have searched for the girl who would best test the strength of our products. Okina-san has expressed exclusive interest in you to model our new line of quality brassieres. RANMA-CHAN: Well ... SOUN: You have no right to break into our home like this! SHINSHI: Okina-san is a very rich man. I'm sure he would pay you generously. RANMA-CHAN: The principle still stands: You have no right - SOUN: Er- how much money? SHINSHI: (Smiling) Let's start at ´400,000,000. SOUN: Ranma, you're going to model for Okina Bra Corporation!! RANMA-CHAN: Oh brother. ... Scene 2 Ranma marches down the hallways of the Okina Bra Building with Soun and Nabiki, led by Shinshi. SHINSHI: Right this way, Miss Saotome. They enter a huge room resembling a warehouse, its shelves piled with boxes and boxes of ladies' underwear and brassieres. SHINSHI: This room holds at least one copy of every product we've ever made. RANMA-CHAN: Wow. ... SHINSHI: Here you'll find a bra that fits, please try as many as you like ... in the meantime, I'll be discussing business with Mr. Tendo. Come get me when you're done! He leaves abruptly with Tendo and Nabiki, slamming the door in the echoing warehouse. RANMA-CHAN: Wait! You mean I have to try on ALL of these?!? Just then ... a noise coming from the boxes. Ranma-chan is alert, scanning the shelves for the source of the sound. And suddenly ... HAPPOSAI: RANMA!! (as he springs from his hiding place, hefting a bag of panties. He zips to her side, leaning over her protruding bosom.) RANMA-CHAN: Uh ... er ... HAPPOSAI: WOW!! (He pats her chest, which jiggles in response.) Had a growth spurt since last time, eh? Heh heh! Not bad, not bad at all! (He abruptly rips off Ranma-chan's shirt, leaving her completely topless.) RANMA-CHAN: HEY!! (Runs off in search of cover.) HAPPOSAI: I'm coming, my bouncing beauty!! Hee hee hee!! Scene 3 Shinshi, Nabiki and Soun walk down the hallway. Soun: Well I must say, Mr. Shinshi, I am very impressed with the facilities here... SHINSHI: We take pride in our tradition of excellent products. Now, let's see how our Miss Saotome is doing. I'm sure that she's -- AAUGGHH!! Just then, as they enter the room where they left Ranma, they see boxes everywhere, the room completely trashed, Ranma-chan standing in the middle (topless), and next to her, Happosai. RANMA-CHAN: (Angrily) None of these fit me! SHINSHI: Wha-what?? HAPPOSAI: Your products are of surprisingly low quality, wouldn't you say Ranma? RANMA-CHAN: Surprisingly. HAPPOSAI: I will be representing Ranma in this matter. My client demands better treatment, better bras, and above all, better payment! SHINSHI: Of - of course! Please, Miss Saotome, right this way ... ! (Thinking: I never thought we'd have to use it, but ... it could be that the Okina Bra Super 1000 is our last hope for Miss Saotome!) Shinshi leads the others down the hall to a large bolted doorway. He enters an access code, and the door locks release. The group enters another huge room, this one all metallic, with a single pillar in the center. Shinshi approaches the column and presses a switch somewhere on the surface. The side pops open, and Shinshi removes an object from the pillar. The others gasp in awe. It's an enormous bra. SHINSHI: This is it: The Okina Bra Super 1000!! The mother of all bras! We have been unable to find anyone - ahem - "built" enough to wear it, but Miss Saotome, YOU may be the one to fulfill the legend. RANMA-CHAN: Oh, brother. ... Shinshi fits the bra around Ranma-chan's large chest, connecting it in the back. He steps back. SHINSHI: Well? RANMA-CHAN: Sigh ... it's too small. ALL: WHAT?? RANMA-CHAN: Well!! Look, I'm absolutely smashed in here! SHINSHI: N-no! It's not possible! That's the largest bra we make! Ranma-chan is getting fed up. She clenches her fists and grinds her teeth. RANMA-CHAN: WELL ... The buckle on the bra begins to strain. ... RANMA-CHAN: IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH ... One of the straps is connected only by a thread ... RANMA-CHAN: FOR ME!! The bra explodes off of her chest, knocking Shinshi across the room. NABIKI: Ranma, you really are something. HAPPOSAI: Hee hee!! RANMA-CHAN: (Giggles and scratches the back of her head.) Scene 4 A troop of attendants measure Ranma-chan, preparing for the creation of a whole new line of Okina bras. Ranma-chan stands in the middle, looking confused. RANMA-CHAN: But I'm a guy ... oh man. ... A few weeks later, the bra is complete: The Ultimate Size Double-R Bra! It even has little R's all over the cups. Ranma-chan looks stunning in it, the cleavage- enhancing structure of the bra making Ranma-chan look nearly ludicrous. Ranma1/2 Ranma's Chest Is Gold Part 4: The Big Show!! Scene 1 On every telephone post in ! Japan, there are flyers reading: "OKINA BRA CORP. presents a GALA EVENT! COME! Witness the unveiling of our new line of bras! COME! Meet the fashion designers themselves! COME! See Ranma Saotome strut her stuff! DON'T MISS IT!" The wind blows through the empty streets. In a dark place ... RANMA (BOY): Hello? COLOGNE: There you are, son-in-law. I'm glad you finally arrived. She strikes a match, and Suddenly the two of them can see each other in the darkness. COLOGNE: I'm sensing that you are in need of assistance. ... RANMA: Yeah, I guess you could say that ... ya see ... He takes the bucket of water that he's been holding and dumps it over his head. SPLASH!! RANMA-CHAN: ... I need you to make my breasts bigger. COLOGNE: WHAT?? RANMA-CHAN: Well, you can cast a spell or something, right!? I mean, I could really use your help. COLOGNE: Well I never ... ! You don't think you're buxom enough ALREADY? RANMA-CHAN: You don't GET it! I'm gonna be in this fashion show, kinda, and want to make sure I do a good job ... think of the money! I mean, they wanna pay me tons of cash! COLOGNE: Well, as a matter of fact, I could do something for you ... but are you sure this is what you want? Remember, son-in-law, the way to someone's heart is not -- RANMA-CHAN: Yeah, yeah, lay it on me. COLOGNE: Very well. The first step in the process is an ancient martial art known as "Jishoo o Kaimasu Concentration." Scene 2 Ranma-chan runs through the street, Cologne sitting on her shoulder. COLOGNE: That's it, son-in-law! Keep your arms folded behind your back, your chest pointing out, only touch your toes to the ground, and keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth! RANMA-CHAN: (Mumbling) Are you sure this is necessary!? COLOGNE: Concentrate on the task, son-in-law! You still have another four miles to go! Ranma-chan is suspended in the air between two vertical, parallel bars, gripping one with her hands and the other with her feet. Her whole body is quivering. RANMA-CHAN: I don't think I can hold myself here much longer!! COLOGNE: Quiet and concentrate! Ranma-chan dances crazily in a clown outfit, to some really odd music. RANMA-CHAN: This is insane!! COLOGNE: Nonsense. She turns up the tempo and Ranma-chan dances even faster. Later ... Ranma-chan collapses on the ground in exhaustion, Cologne standing above her. COLOGNE: Well, done, son-in-law. You are now ready for the elixir. RANMA-CHAN: (Straightening up suddenly) ELIXIR!? You mean that all I had to do was drink some stupid medicine!? COLOGNE: You could put it that way. RANMA-CHAN: Ahh! She falls again to the ground in incredulity. Cologne picks her up and takes out a glass bottle with some purple liquid inside. COLOGNE: This stuff should do the trick ... it's been in the family for generations. Now remember, son-in-law, just a drop will have powerful effects. Use it very sparingly! ... Although I can't imagine why you would want your breasts to be any bigger -- RANMA-CHAN: Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks a lot! She grabs the bottle and runs off. COLOGNE: Foolish boy. He'll get himself into trouble for this. Scene 3 In a huge convention center, masses of people crowd the halls and ballrooms, which are adorned with bright banners and golden ornamentation. In the main showroom, there is a large stage with a R-Bra hanging on the back wall. A band plays some glitzy tune, and suddenly the announcer speaks up ... ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, in just fifteen minutes, the Okina Bra Corporation's new Ultimate Size Doulbe-R Bra will be revealed, on the absolutely fabulous body of Miss Saotome! An excited murmur runs through the crowd. Meanwhile, back at the Tendo Training Hall ... boy Ranma sits by himself, holding the bottle from Cologne, thinking. RANMA: (thinking) Well, I guess this is it. Just a bit, she said. How much is a bit? Hmm ... I need all the help I can get ... always room for one more ... more is more ... it can't hurt, right? Here goes! Ranma chugs the entire bottle! RANMA: BELCH! Ugg, that tasted awful. I think I may be sick. ... Just then, he looks at the clock. RANMA: Oh my god, I have to be on stage in ten minutes!! Ranma bounds outside, splashes into the backyard pond, and jumps over the fence (in girl form now, of course.) Suddenly, a strange but pleasurable feeling passes briefly through her chest. Ranma-chan looks down at her bust. RANMA-CHAN: AHHHH!!! As she runs along, her enormous breasts bouncing heavily, she sees that her bust line has certainly increased by at least a couple inches. RANMA-CHAN: Wow, I guess it worked! It's a bit heavier than I'm used to, though. ... Ranma arrives through the back door of the convention center, and enters the dressing room, where about fifteen other models (none nearly so busty as Ranma- chan) prepare themselves for the show. SHINSHI: Miss Saotome! Where have you been?? You have to go on stage in three minutes! And wha -- AHHH!! He sees her chest, which has gained another few inches. Her shirt is stretched tightly across her bulging bosom. RANMA-CHAN: Uhh, it's nothing. Where's my bra? SHINSHI: Uhh, yeah, sure, it's right over there ... HURRY! As make-up people apply lipstick, eye-shadow, etc., etc., Ranma-chan scrambles to undress. Just then, they hear music playing loudly from the showroom ... the announcer is about to introduce Ranma-chan!! SHINSHI: HURRY UP!!!! Ranma-chan grabs the R-Bra and flings it on to find that ... it doesn't fit! SHINSHI: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM!?!?!? RANMA-CHAN: The bra ... it's too small! SHINSHI: WWHHAATT!? Somebody, give her some help! His face is absolutely red. In the showroom, the lights dim, the reporters ready their flashbulbs, and a drum roll begins. ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ... Miss Saotome!! Backstage, Shinshi is going ballistic, as Ranma-chan sits on the floor, screaming, as six grown men attempt to fasten on the R-Bra. SHINSHI: Try harder! RANMA-CHAN: (Eyes wide, tongue hanging out of her mouth, enormous breasts bulging out of the bra) AHHHHH!!! NEW-COMER: Son-in-law! Everyone turns and looks to see Cologne, who tosses something to Ranma-chan. Ranma catches it and holds it up, to see that it is a green-sequened dress. COLOGNE: Put it on! There's not time for decisions now! Ranma-chan slips the dress over her head and strides out onto the stage. the crowd screams in joy. Flashbulbs pop. The band plays. Ranma-chan runs her hand through her hair and struts back and forth along the stage, the short, form- fitting dress accenting her figure. The neckline is very high, reaching halfway up her neck, but even still her titanic bosom protrudes forth immensely, bobbing slowly and heavily with every stride. ANNOUNCER: Isn't she fantastic, folks? The music ends and Ranma leaves the stage. The lights come up, and the crowd is left giddy. ANNOUNCER: She'll be back later this evening, hopefully modeling the new R-Bra. Can't wait! TO BE CONCLUDED! Up next: Ranma-chan gets into more trouble, as the Miracle Elixir continues to take effect ... luckily, Cologne is present to help out, but wait! Who's that there? Could it really be Shampoo, and how did she get her hands on that Miracle Elixir!? She's still out to beat Ranma-chan and claim the title as most beautiful girl in the world! By the way, how do you think Akane feels about all this? And you can always count on Nabiki for her input! DON'T MISS the climatic conclusion (and the best installment yet!) in "Ranma's Chest is Gold Part 5!" Ranma1/2 Ranma's Chest Is Gold Part 5: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World Scene 1 Ranma arrives backstage, having just appeared before the world in a tight, green-sequened dress. Behind the scenes, stagehands hustle to prepare the next setpeice. COLOGNE: Son-in-law! RANMA-CHAN: I can't believe I did it! SHINSHI: Miss Saotome, we at Okina Bra Corp. cannot tolerate this level of negligence. It is absolutely essential that you are punctual for all planned events -- RANMA-CHAN: [Smiling] Yeah, yeah. [Getting into the 'girl' role, sidling up to Shinshi] C'mon, Shinshi-san, you know you and your company need me. She leans over, her titanic, watermelon-sized breasts resting in her hands as she jiggles them rapidly. RANMA-CHAN: Me and my breasts. COLOGNE: It's those breasts that have us in such a predicament, Son-in-law! It's a good thing I followed you here. I have another item for you. She holds up a small clasp of some sort, about three inches long and seemingly carved out of marble. COLOGNE: This has been in the family for generations. ... She takes the R-Bra from the table and fits the clasp into the strap, elongating the band. COLOGNE: There. This should help. For a little while, at least. Suddenly Genma, Soun, Nabiki and Akane appear from the crowd of stagehands. RANMA-CHAN: Hey, surprised to see y- A-A-Akane!? Heh heh ... what are you doing here? AKANE: This is so embarrassing. NABIKI: I can't believe I just saw that. GENMA: At first it was all about money, but this has gone too far, Ranma. You're a disgrace to the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts! Ohh, if only your mother saw you today ... she'd make us both commit seppuku! RANMA-CHAN: Er, well ... SOUN: Not at all, Ranma! You're doing a fine, fine job! Heh heh heh. NABIKI: My god, each one is the size of your head. COLOGNE: Son-in-law, there is little time ... Suddenly Happosai springs from the crowd, hefting a bag of panties. HAPPOSAI: Hee hee, there are so many beautiful girls around here ... RANMA! My, you've grown even more since last time! RANMA-CHAN: Some good YOU turned out to be! What kind of manager ARE you!? SHINSHI: Please, please, there are only thirty minutes before your next public appearance, Miss Saotome! There are preparations to be made! SOUN: Make us proud, Ranma! GENMA: I've failed as a father. COLOGNE: Son-in-law, please, it is essential for you to listen immediately! there is one more thing for me to give you ... Cologne holds up a colorful brooch, sparkling in the light. COLOGNE: This will reduce the effects of the Miracle Elixir. Wear it now, unless you want the elixir to continue taking effect! RANMA-CHAN: Aw, c'mon, I'm kinda getting into this super-buxom thing ... GENMA: Ohh, he's a disgrace! AKANE: I'm not going to marry some PERVERT! COLOGNE: Son-in-law, you don't have a CHOICE!! Suddenly, in a flash, the brooch is gone! The others look up to see Shampoo, standing in a window wearing a long, frilly gown (cut sufficiently low). SHAMPOO: Sorry, Ranma, but Shampoo no loose to future husband! For now, the brooch belong to Shampoo! She pins it on her dress and disappears through the window. RANMA-CHAN: She still wants to prove her beauty? COLOGNE: This is terrible! Shampoo doesn't understand the full effects of the brooch! Worn by someone who's drank the elixir, it will slow the process until an antidote can be found. But on one who has not, it will have the same body- enhancing effect as the elixir! ALL: WHAT!? They all fall on the floor in disbelief. SHINSHI: I nor Okina Bra Corp. are concerned with your dysfunctional family! You, Miss Saotome, have an obligation to us! You are required to appear publicly in twenty-two minutes! RANMA-CHAN: Alright, alright. She calmly slips the dress off, over her head. ALL: WOW!! Everyone present turns to stare, and the men fall to the ground in a heap. Ranma-chan puts on the R-Bra. RANMA-CHAN: Like a glove! SHINSHI: If you'll please come this way, Miss Saotome, there is make-up to be applied. Ranma-chan and Shinshi disappear into the crowd of stagehands. COLOGNE: That stubborn boy! Listen, we must all split up and retrieve the brooch from Shampoo, or my son-in-law's appearance will be a disaster! GENMA, SOUN, AKANE, NABIKI, and HAPPOSAI: Right! They scatter. Scene 2 Ranma-chan (clad only in R-Bra and panties) enters her dressing room, a small, square room with a mirror, a desk, a costume rack, and a few big, comfy chairs. For the first time since she arrived at the convention center, she's alone. She sighs and steps in front of the mirror. RANMA: Wow. She turns to the side, looking at her chest in the reflection, the way it swings when she turns, the way it points out into the air. She turns again and looks at herself dead-on, then leans slowly forward. RANMA: I can't believe I thought this was a curse. ... Mounds of cleavage spill forth from the flimsy pink bra, which now stretches enormously to accommodate Ranma-chan's titanic hanging breasts - pressed firmly together, soft and warm and ... huge! RANMA: I'm the hottest girl I know. She smiles for an instant, her breasts jiggling as she laughs, but suddenly this thought seems to disturb her. Slowly, she backs away from the mirror and flops down into one of the chairs. As she lands, her chest bounces, and at the same time, seems to swell. A wave of pleasure passes through her, and she closes her eyes and savors the feeling. It's gone in a moment, but her chest feels subtly heavier. Rising cautiously, Ranma steps once again in front of the mirror. Her breasts are noticeably larger. Not much; someone fifteen feet away would probably not notice a change. But her chest has certainly grown. RANMA: Is it working faster? Suddenly a stage hand opens the door, causing Ranma to jump. STAGE HAND: Miss Saotome, you're on in five and, unless I'm mistaken, no one has powdered your breasts! RANMA-CHAN: (Giggle!) Coming in a minute! ^_^ Scene 3 Cologne and Genma walk along in a dark hallway in the convention center. COLOGNE: Don't loose faith, I'm sure we'll find Shampoo soon enough. GENMA: Ohh, I can't believe what's happened to my boy! He started out with decent intentions, but he's become some kind of crazy pervert! COLOGNE: Such is the effect of the Miracle Elixir: It has intensified repressed attractions to Ranma's female side. In other words, Ranma has always had a bit of a 'crush' on his female side, but never admitted it to himself or anyone else. Now, he is so smitten with the new, bustier girl-half, that it is difficult to resist flaunting her ... attributes. GENMA: Are - are you saying that Ranma is in love with himself!? COLOGNE: There is a fine line between a 'crush' and true love; I suspect that the boy is merely realizing the possibilities of using his girl-half to fulfill certain desires ... well, it certainly is strange, and a bit unusual. In any case, the task at hand is to locate Shampoo and the brooch, before Ranma is publicly humiliated. GENMA: What's the worst that happens? He has that clasp on the bra, right? COLOGNE: Yes, but its powers are limited. Although made of a marble-like material, it behaves like a rubber band: Stretch it enough, and POW! I fear that it won't hold for long. Scene 4 Nabiki and Akane walk through a similar dark hallway, elsewhere in the convention center. Akane is obviously very annoyed. NABIKI: Jealous? AKANE: OF WHAT? NABIKI: Of Ranma. I guess you didn't notice, but he's got a little crush on himself, if you know what I mean. AKANE: Why would I care about anything that pervert does? NABIKI: Don't ask me. Scene 5 The main show room is jammed to the gills with eager journalists and casual showgoers alike. The band plays jazz loudly, the disco ball hung from the ceiling casts soft sparkles around the room, and Happosai rushes through the crowd, still hefting his bag of panties (which has grown considerably). Soun passes through the crowd. looking in every direction for Shampoo. ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please! In just a moment, Miss Saotome will make her second appearance, this time sporting Okina Bra Corp.'s fantastic Ultimate Double-R Bra ... Elsewhere in the building, Cologne hears the announcer's voice. COLOGNE: Is it time already!? GENMA: Ranma can't go out there without the brooch! COLOGNE: Come, there is truly no time to waste!! They dash down the hallway. Elsewhere ... AKANE: Did he just say that Ranma was about to go on? NABIKI: Where could Shampoo be? Nabiki grabs a passing stage hand by the wrist. NABIKI: Have you seen a blue-haired Amazon girl anywhere around here? She would be wearing a colorful brooch on her chest. ... STAGE HAND: Yeah, I did see some chick with a really colorful brooch ... I only noticed it because she was completely stacked! NABIKI: Shampoo ... stacked? STAGE HAND: Listen, I'm kinda busy, catcha later! He runs off to carry some benches. AKANE: Do you think he was really talking about Shampoo? NABIKI: That brooch must take effect quickly. ... Scene 6 Back in the main show room. ... ANNOUNCER: ... And in 1996, Okina Bra Corp. opened their new line of R-Bras for women with particularly ample chests. And now, the girl who is responsible for the creation of this new line, the one who made Okina Bra Corp. aware of the huge demand for larger bras, the gal who always looks great in a bikini and makes Pamela Anderson Lee look like a wimp ... please give a warm welcome to the absolutely fabulous -- Backstage, Cologne and Genma screech to a halt. GENMA: Look, up there! Standing on the catwalk high above the stage is Shampoo. ANNOUNCER: -- MISS SAOTOME!! Amid the cheering audience, Soun turns to the stage, eyes narrowed to slits, and Happosai gives his full attention. The band strikes up a lively, bass-heavy tune as the stage rotates to reveal a giant photo of Ranma-chan reclining on a white couch, stupendously gargantuan breasts bulging from her chest. And beneath the photo is the real thing: Ranma-chan lying on a white sofa wearing nothing but the R-Bra and panties. The crowd roars in appreciation. Backstage, Genma scuttles up a ladder and pounces to grab Shampoo, as she leaps from the catwalk, descending upon Ranma. Genma snatches her wrist from the air and holds her there for a moment, dangling high above the stage (but still out of the audience's view), before pulling her up. GENMA: Heh heh. Gotcha. Ranma-chan (still reclining) stretches like a cat and slowly rises, running her hand through her thick red hair. GENMA: Alright, Shampoo, enough games. Hand over the brooch and we'll talk this one out. SHAMPOO: [Stepping out of the shadows, hands balled into fists at her side] Shampoo no give up. Shampoo prove herself as the most beautiful girl in the world so that Ranma love Shampoo! As she enters the light, Genma steps back in astonishment. On her low-cut dress, the brooch shines magically. GENMA: Shampoo ... you - you've grown! SHAMPOO: [Jabbing her thumb towards her, her colossal bosom shaking] Shampoo grow so that Ranma love her! Genma senses something behind him, and spins around to see Cologne standing there on the catwalk. GENMA: Quick - help me ... uhhhnnn Genma passes out, a result of Shampoo and Cologne's sleeping mist technique. COLOGNE: [To Genma] I'm sorry. SHAMPOO: You couldn't stop him in time? COLOGNE: I'm sorry to you, too. On to Plan B. Ranma-chan leans forward for the audience, her glorious cleavage spilling forth. Happosai is going wild. ANNOUNCER: It's gonna be one hell of an evening, folks! Scene 7 The sign reads: "HUG Miss Saotome the Bustiest Girl in Japan for only 2000 YEN!" (About $20) The line stretches around the room and out into the hall. Ranma-chan herself sits on a raised throne in one corner of the main show room, money stuffed into every crevice of her body, spilling out of her bra, jammed between her soft, jiggling breasts, and stuck in wads behind her ears. Elsewhere in the room, the band plays on, attendees crowd around the refreshment tables, and lesser models walk back and forth modeling smaller Okina Bras. HAPPOSAI: Hoo hoo hoo, this is the life! SOUN: Still no sign of Shampoo ... where could she be? A young girl in a uniform approaches Soun. MESSAGE GIRL: Excuse me sir, are you Soun Tendo? SOUN: Yes ... MESSAGE GIRL: You have a message from a "Shampoo" ... ? SOUN: Tell me! MESSAGE GIRL: A-achem! [Reading from pink scrap of paper] "Nihao! Shampoo have Cologne, Happosai, Genma, Nabiki, and Akane. Come rescue, or say goodbye. Shampoo in the kitchen" SOUN: Oh, merciful ancestors, say it's not true! MESSAGE GIRL: Cough, cough. ... [Palm outstretched] SOUN: Ah, of course. [He hands her a few coins] MESSAGE GIRL: Thank you! She departs. SOUN: So, Shampoo wants us out of the way so she can sabotage Ranma's appearance! I must warn Ranma! Soun shoves through the crowd, making his way towards Ranma. RANMA-CHAN: Hahaha! Hey wait your turn! There's a line, y'know! SOUN: Ranma! This is serious! Shampoo is trying to sabotage the party! Something terrible will happen if you don't come with me right now and stop -- RANMA-CHAN: [Pushing away an over-zealous fan] But I'm BUSY here ... look at all this cash! SOUN: There's no time to chat! He grabs Ranma-chan by the arm and yanks her out of the chair, pulling her along through the crowd, and out into the back hall. They dash through the empty passage, reaching a door marked "kitchen." SOUN: This is it, Ranma. All our fighting skills will be put to the test. Don't hold back, now. On the count of three we break down this door. Ready? They stand on either side of the door. Soun wipes his brow. The breathless Ranma-chan's monumental chest heaves with exhaustion. SOUN: One ... two ... THREE! Soun crashes through the door, but Ranma-chan turns and runs right back to the main show room! Soun looks up to see Shampoo (shockingly buxom) and Cologne standing by, with Genma sitting in the middle of the room, tied to a chair. SOUN: Cologne? But ... where are Akane and Nabi-- Shampoo knocks him out. Ranma-chan appears once again in the doorway of the main show room. The crowd cheers, and hoards of men rush to greet her. MAN: Miss Saotome, you're single, aren't you? MAN 2: Miss Saotome, how do you keep your figure? MAN 3: Miss Saotome, what are your actual measurements? RANMA-CHAN: Patience, patience! I'll talk to all of you in due time! But first, I have some -- Suddenly she is cut short, as another wave of pleasure swells in her bosom. RANMA-CHAN: OH! [She falls back into the arms of a sixteen-year-old boy, who looks on in shock] This wave is much more intense than the last, and she can almost feel her breasts bulging bigger, as the warmth flows through her body. RANMA-CHAN: ... MAN 4: My god, they're even bigger than before! It's true. Ranma-chan's breasts have swelled considerably, and the bra seems now to strain to contain her wobbling chest. Ranma-chan opens her eyes, dazed, and slowly stands again. She seems now more beautiful than before; in a subtle way, she has become mysteriously radiant. A moment passes in complete silence, all eyes fixated on her. Ranma-chan blinks. Suddenly, her eyes sparkle. RANMA-CHAN: The night has just begun! Her breasts bounce happily, and the crowd cheers again. Scene 8 MESSAGE GIRL: Are you Akane and Nabiki Tendo? AKANE: Yes ... NABIKI: Uh-huh. They are standing in the main lobby of the convention center. It seems that Akane and Nabiki have still had no luck finding Shampoo ... MESSAGE GIRL: Well, I have a message for you from someone named "Shampoo." NABIKI: Read it! MESSAGE GIRL: Gladly! "Nihao! Shampoo have Cologne, Happosai, Genma, and your father. Come rescue in the kitchen." NABIKI: So she's already begun her plan! MESSAGE GIRL: Um, ahem! [Holding out her palm] NABIKI: I don't have any money to give away. Sorry. The message girl blushes and storms off. AKANE: She has father, too? NABIKI: Something tells me Ranma will be next! AKANE: We'd better warn him! Nabiki looks at her funny. AKANE: Not that I care what happens to that pervert. NABIKI: Sure, sure. Let's go. They run for the main show room. Scene 9 The sign in the main show room reads: "This hour's event: Coin Dropping! Can you drop a coin into the bra of Miss Saotome from fifteen feet up? 1000 YEN a shot!" AKANE: Huh? What is that PERVERT up to NOW? They see Ranma-chan now, standing under a fifteen-foot-high ramp, waiting for the next man in line to drop his coin. He releases it, and the camera (in a top- down view) follows the coin as it falls ... right into the welcoming warmth of Ranma-chan's deep, dark, glorious cleavage! A GONG sounds. KIRMARU: [Standing next to a gong] A winner! He gets a kiss from Miss Saotome! AKANE: [Still watching from a distance with Nabiki] Huh!? What does he think he's DOING? The man stands sheepishly in front of Ranma-chan, who seizes him and draws him close, her breasts (GOOSH!) pressing insistently into him. She licks his face with her long, perfect pink tongue, then finally lands a kiss right on his mouth. EVERY MAN IN THE ROOM: Ooooohhhh ... AKANE: YOU PERVERT!!! RANMA-CHAN: [Releasing the man, who falls to the floor] Akane? Uh, what are you doing here? Akane dashes to stare Ranma in the face, as Nabiki follows at a leisurely pace. AKANE: I'LL tell you what we're doing here! We're TRYING TO SAVE YOU FROM COMPLETE PUBLIC EMBARRASSMENT, BUT I GUESS YOU MANAGED THAT BY YOURSELF ALREADY!!! RANMA-CHAN: Hey, chill out, Akane ... AKANE: YOU PRETEND TO BE A GIRL, YOU ACT LIKE A COMPLETE EGO-MANIAC, AND EVERY TIME I SEE YOU, YOU'RE EVEN MORE RIDICULOUSLY BUXOM!!! RANMA-CHAN: Well, uh, I can explain that ... AKANE: THERE'S NO EXPLAINING TO DO, RANMA!! JUST LEAVE! NOW! TAKE OFF THE BRA, GO GET YOUR CLOTHES, AND GO HOME!! RANMA-CHAN: But Akane -- Suddenly Ranma-chan hiccups, and she falls back into her chair. Heat seems to spread from her bosom to every part of her body, and she smiles, the wave of pleasure more intense now than ever. Her chest swells ... AKANE: Ranma, what's going on ...? NABIKI: Oh my god. Ranma-chan sits there in the chair as the feeling passes, her stupendous ballooning boobs protruding out into the air, massive and supple. Once more, her beauty is mysteriously intensified. The men stare in silence once again. AKANE: Ranma ... RANMA-CHAN: I don't think I can stand up. ... But she springs up in a moment, light as ever. AKANE: [Suddenly very calm in the silence of the room] Ranma, this is serious. We've got to get Shampoo. Akane looks Ranma in the eyes. A moment passes. RANMA-CHAN: But just LOOK at me! I'm such a BABE! Come on, Akane, take a look at these knockers and tell me it's not incredible! ^_^ Haha! AKANE: RANMA, YOU PERVERT!!! HAPPOSAI: RAAAANMAAAA!! RANMA-CHAN: Huh? They turn in time to see Happosai flying through the air, to land and fixate himself upon Ranma-chan's huge protuberating bosom, face deep in her cleavage. RANMA-CHAN: Ahhh!! HAPPOSAI: Ranma, my dear, so nice to see you again! My, my, you're growing nicely! RANMA-CHAN: Get offa me, you letch! Ranma-chan begins to run back and forth, swatting at Happosai, who stays fixed to her colossal, bounding bosom. NABIKI: Wait, Akane. Didn't that message say that Shampoo had Happosai kidnapped as well? AKANE: Yeah ... NABIKI: Don't you see? It was a trick! Shampoo has sent letters to everyone, claiming to have kidnapped the others! It's just one giant trap to get us out of the way so she can ruin the party! AKANE: Oh my ... Ranma-chan runs by in the background. NABIKI: Happosai, did you get a letter from Shampoo? HAPPOSAI: Sure did ... what are you doing not kidnapped? AKANE: Well that confirms it! RANMA-CHAN: Get off, old man! NABIKI: So what do we do now? AKANE: We wait. They won't carry out the plan with me in the way. Don't worry. Back in the kitchen ... COLOGNE: Well, I'm tired of waiting. Akane won't be a problem. SOUN: [Tied to a chair next to Genma] Don't count on that! GENMA: And you'll have Ranma to contend with! Shampoo turns into the light, her face set in determination. SHAMPOO: Don't worry, Shampoo no lose. Scene 10 In the main show room, the door swings open, and Shampoo enters. SHAMPOO: NIHAO!! Shampoo come for Akane, Nabiki, and Ranma! The crowd panics and chaos ensues, as everyone scrambles to get away. AKANE: You'll have to get through ME first! She takes a fighting stance. SHAMPOO: [Jumping high into the air, and landing ten feet from Akane] No problem. AKANE: [Stunned] But ... but, your chest! What happened to -- HAPPOSAI: [Still firmly attached to Ranma-chan's bust] SHAMPOO! My, how you've grown! Indeed, Shampoo has grown significantly. She stands defiant, her loud, frilly yellow dress draped about her body, wrapped tightly across her bulging bosom. SHAMPOO: Yes, Shampoo grow to prove beauty! She calmly brushes away a fold of cloth, revealing an extremely low-cut, form- fitting yellow dress that was concealed beneath the first one. Mounds and mounds of cleavage burst forth, her well-tanned bosom jiggling with healthy beauty. On her left shoulder strap is a colorful brooch. RANMA-CHAN: Hey, Shampoo, this is my night in the spotlight! Ranma-chan shoves Akane out of the way and stands opposite Shampoo, inflating her pure, milky-white bosoms to maximum bulge. The bra strap groans. Happosai still has a firm grip on her bust. SHAMPOO: No, Ranma, SHAMPOO the most beautiful! She bounces on the pads of her feet, causing her enormous breasts to hike themselves rigorously. RANMA-CHAN: Alright, Shampoo, this is it: Battle to the death! They move close to each other, nose-to-nose, and their bosoms collide with a great "GONGGG!!" (courtesy of Kirmaru). Happosai, caught between two hugely buxom girls, squirms in delight. Shampoo bats him to the ground. SHAMPOO: Shampoo no lose, Ranma! COLOGNE: [Who has been watching from the doorway] Don't hold back! AKANE: Ranma, you can beat her! NABIKI: I can't believe this is happening. HAPPOSAI: This is my favorite episode yet! Ranma-chan and Shampoo leap into the air, trading punches and kicks mid-jump. Ranma twists her body, and pushes away from the wall, sending herself rocketing straight into Shampoo, who is sent flying into the opposite wall. SHAMPOO: Oh! Ranma lands but doesn't look up soon enough to see Shampoo coming down upon her, to deliver a drop kick. Shampoo follows that attack up with a string of slaps and kicks, sending Ranma to the floor once again. AKANE: Ranma, get up, you idiot!! Ranma springs up and grabs the gloating Shampoo by the waist, hefting her over her head, and slamming her down on the floor. NABIKI: I'M impressed. AKANE: Ranma!! Get the brooch! Ranma bends down and plucks the brooch from Shampoo's dress. AKANE: Put it on! Ranma turns the brooch over in her hands, looking at its colors. She then looks down at her bosom, huge and perfect and white. AKANE: What are you DOING!? Put on the brooch!! RANMA-CHAN: [Looking up at Akane] I don't want to. AKANE: WHAT!? RANMA-CHAN: I LIKE being a buxom sex-goddess! AKANE: Don't you think you're BUXOM ENOUGH ALREADY!!? Ranma-chan stands there for a moment, then drops the brooch to the ground. AKANE: RANMA!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU --- Look behind you!! Shampoo smacks Ranma across the back of the head with a tray. Ranma falls over. Blackness. Scene 11 Ranma wakes up dripping with warm water. SHAMPOO: Ranma? Nihao ... Ranma suddenly realizes that he's tied to a chair, and he looks around the room. He's in a kitchen. Genma, Soun, Akane, Nabiki, and Happosai are also tied into chairs. Shampoo stands close to him in her tight yellow dress, waiting for him to wake up. RANMA: Groaannn. ... SHAMPOO: RANMA! You awake now! She throws herself at Ranma, hugging him around the neck, as he gasps for air. She then moves closer still, sitting in his lap and holding his face into her fragrant bosom. AKANE: [Across the room] HEY! Knock it off! SHAMPOO: Ranma, Shampoo like you better in this form. A large bead of sweat forms on Ranma's head. Shampoo stands again, and smiles at Ranma. He notices that she is once again wearing the brooch. SHAMPOO: Shampoo now go prove her beauty to world. You watch here! She whips out a small TV and places it on the metallic counter so everyone can see. It is a wide-angle view of the main show room, apparently taken from a security camera. SHAMPOO: Bye bye! Shampoo exits in a flash. COLOGNE: Son-in-law. RANMA: Huh? Where are you? Cologne appears from behind some shelves. RANMA: You're not tied up? WAIT A MINUTE! You and Shampoo -- AKANE: PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING! Glad you figured it out by now ... SOUN: Now, now, fighting won't get us out of this situation. COLOGNE: Silence, all of you! You may all be released immediately, on one condition ... GENMA: Anything! NABIKI: I gotta hear this. COLOGNE: [Turning to Ranma] Ranma must devote his life to Shampoo. GENMA: WHAT!? SOUN: Ranma and Akane are ENGAGED! COLOGNE: Well, that can be fixed. Right, Ranma? A moment passes. Everyone is looking at Ranma. RANMA: Uhh, well. ... COLOGNE: Think it over. Just watch on the monitor. I'm sure what you see will change your mind. Cologne exits. RANMA: Whew ... NABIKI: Well, here we are. HAPPOSAI: Ohh, all those young, beautiful girls downstairs and here I am with no way to go. GENMA: Shuttup, old fool! SOUN: We have a bigger problem here! Ranma is inspecting the pipes along the ceiling. RANMA: Hmm, hot and cold water lines? [To everyone] There's only one way out of this: We've got to break one of those cold water lines. AKANE: How will THAT help anything? RANMA: Trust me. AKANE: Oh, sure. ... SOUN: I can't reach the pipes at all. We're all tied down. NABIKI: Then we've got to throw something. GENMA: What here is small enough to throw, and yet heavy enough to make an impact on the pipes? Everyone looks at Happosai. HAPPOSAI: Ah heh heh heh ... I don't like the way you're looking at me ... A few minutes later ... Happosai is positioned between Ranma and Soun, who have their legs under his chair. SOUN: Ready, Ranma? 1 ... 2 ... 3! They kick the bottom of his chair so Happosai goes flying into the air, barely missing the pipe. HAPPOSAI: Hoo! RANMA: Okay, let's try that again. Shot of the ceiling ... Happosai flies into the air again and again, sometimes hitting a pipe but never breaking it. GENMA: Come on, boy, you can do better than that! NABIKI: This is pathetic. AKANE: This had better help us. HAPPOSAI: Enough, enough, I don't think my head can take much more! SOUN: Then this has got to be it! RANMA: Ready? SOUN: 1 ... 2 ... 3! Happosai flies up into the air and strikes a pipe! Water rains down on everyone! GENMA: [In panda form] Gruuu ... NABIKI: This will RUIN these pants! SOUN: Wait! Look at Ranma! Ranma seems to be halfway between boy and girl, his hair a light shade of purple. He grits his teeth, the ropes that bind him quivering. One rope snaps, then another. NABIKI: Ohh, I see! In one huge, explosive blast, the ropes fly off, revealing Ranma-chan, sopping wet, in all her buxom glory. SOUN: Very clever, Ranma! The ropes could not contain your female side! AKANE: Grrr ... HAPPOSAI: What a body! (Ohh, my head ...) RANMA-CHAN: [In mock-modesty] Ohhh, it was nothing. Haha! She pats her chest and laughs. GENMA: Good job, Ranma! Now untie the rest of us! RANMA-CHAN: Sorry, pops, can't do that. ALL: WHAT!? RANMA-CHAN: You'd just try to make me wear that brooch! Hey, I'm enjoying this! She leans over to give them a good look at her marvelously immense chest. AKANE: RANMA!! GENMA: GRUU!! SOUN: Bad form, Ranma! HAPPOSAI: No, Ranma, take ME!! NABIKI: Ranma, how COULD you. But Ranma-chan has already left. SOUN: Ohh, this is a grave situation indeed. Not only has Ranma effectively deserted and betrayed us, but if he refuses to wear the brooch ... well, who knows when he'll stop growing! The others look to the monitor, which is out of the water's reach. On-screen, Shampoo appears onstage as the band plays enthusiastically. ANNOUNCER: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the girl who may be a match for Miss Saotome ... Miss Shampoo!! Scene 12 Backstage, Shinshi rubs his hands together as he watches Shampoo strut back on forth onstage. The announcer praises Shampoo's body, and the crowd goes wild. Suddenly, up runs Ranma-chan, still wearing the R-Bra and panties. RANMA-CHAN: What ... (pant pant) ... wh - how did she - why did you let her onstage? SHINSHI: [Smiling] Are you surprised? Miss Saotome, you were consistently late, you showed no respect to your superiors, and your friends have been an annoyance. Along comes a beautiful girl - enthusiastic, clean, respectful, and hugely buxom - and we give her the job. It's only fair. RANMA-CHAN: Fair? FAIR? But - but LOOK at me! He looks at her. RANMA-CHAN: I'm bustier than she is! SHINSHI: Well, I'm not so sure about that. Look on stage. Afraid of what she'll see, Ranma-chan cautiously peeks around the curtain. Sure enough, there's Shampoo in her tight yellow dress. But it was never so tight before. ANNOUNCER: Isn't she fantastic? RANMA-CHAN: That pin must work faster than the elixir ... GENMA: BOY, YOU'RE IN TROUBLE NOW!! Ranma-chan spins around to see Genma (in person form), Soun, Akane, Nabiki, and Happosai, all dripping wet and furious. RANMA-CHAN: WHAT? How did you get out? SOUN: Luckily, Genma here was able to break free using his extra panda strength. And now, Ranma, it's time to pay. RANMA-CHAN: Ahh! Without thinking twice, Ranma-chan runs out onstage to flee her pursuers. She collides with Shampoo, who stops and looks angrily at Ranma-chan. SHAMPOO: Go away, Ranma! This SHAMPOO'S show! RANMA-CHAN: Uh ... Suddenly, the wave comes again. Ranma-chan puts her hand to her forehead and reels with the feeling. Her bra straps groan. SHAMPOO: Nihao ... Suddenly, the straps break all at once, and the bra flies off from Ranma-chan's wildly augmenting bosom. It hits Shampoo and knocks her offstage into the wing! RANMA-CHAN: [Recovering] Uh ... oops. She is standing on stage completely topless, her chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. The crowd cheers once again. Just then, Genma, Soun, Akane, Nabiki, and Happosai pour onto the stage from the opposite wing. RANMA-CHAN: AHHH! Ranma-chan runs backstage. Suddenly, Genma etc. are aware of their audience. NABIKI: Oops. AKANE: Uh, heheh. Let's leave. They dash backstage. SHINSHI: Rrr, GET OUT!! ALL OF YOU! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU OR MISS SAOTOME AGAIN!!! GENMA: Huh ... wonder what steamed him. SHAMPOO: [Lying in a heap on the ground.] Nihao ... Ranma! You ruin Shampoo's show! Scene 13 Ranma-chan (wearing only her panties) rounds the corner and speeds down the hall, ducking into the first dressing room she finds. There is no one else in the room. The room is laid out much like her own dressing room: A few chairs, a table with a mirror, a large, full length mirror, and a clothes rack. Ranma stands in front of the mirror. RANMA-CHAN: Wow ... Her breasts are larger than she thought she'd ever see, now certainly larger than Shampoo's. They were positively enormous, the large pink nipples pointing out into the air. RANMA-CHAN: Oh MAN am I gonna come when I return to boy form. Remembering her pursuers, Ranma-chan turns hastily to the clothes rack, searching for some cover. As it turns out, only one article of clothing will stretch to accommodate her unusually grand bosom, and it is a tight, leg- revealing, cleavage exhibiting tiger suit. RANMA-CHAN: Heyy, it comes with little fuzzy ears, too! It turns out to be a perfect fit! Scene 14 Ranma-chan creeps quietly down the dark back-hallway, keeping an eye out for Shampoo and the others. She hears the sounds of a party coming from another part of the convention center. Cheers, laughing, the band playing. Thinking it might be a good place to blend in, Ranma-chan makes a bee-line for Party Room D. Scene 15 Akane and Nabiki dash through the halls. AKANE: When I find that pervert ... NABIKI: Hey Akane! Look, a party! They are standing outside Party Room D. AKANE: Not now, Nabiki! We're looking for Ranma, remember? NABIKI: Oh, come on! It'll help you relax a little. AKANE: Well, I guess so, but just for a few minutes. They push through the doors, and enter the loud, dimly-lit party room. Someone wearing a large hippo head walks by, followed by a mermaid. In fact, everyone seems to be dressed up rather strangely. AKANE: Hey, it's a costume party! I don't have a costume. ... NABIKI: No problem, just relax. They weave their way through the crowd, passing a tanooki man, a giant beer can, and a styrofoam Statue of Liberty. NABIKI: My god, this is corny. AKANE: Look, there's dad! NABIKI: And Saotome-san, and that little letch, Happosai. SOUN: Akane, Nabiki, isn't this a great party? HAPPOSAI: Wow! So many young girls! AKANE: I thought we were all looking for Ranma. SOUN: Yeah, but Saotome and I decided to stop in here for a free drink. Besides, he fits right in! Good sake [an alcoholic Japanese drink] Saotome? GENMA: Gruuu ... AKANE: Well, we haven't found Ranma either ... I can't wait to wring his neck! SOUN: [Sobering up] Yes, Ranma has committed an unfortunate action. GENMA: [Holds up sign: "We'll teach him the true meaning of fear!"] Just then, up on stage with the band ... MASTER OF CEREMONIES: [Let's just call him the M.C. from now on, okay?] Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time for the annual costume competition! That's right! We've been watching you, and we've picked our favorite party-animals. So when we call you up, please don't be shy! AKANE: A contest? M.C.: Third place goes to a fellow with plenty of creativity; his costume is truly a masterpiece of the mind. Please welcome the guy we like to call, "The Guy Wearing The Shower!" A man with a shower curtain hanging from a large metal ring around his head wobbles on stage. NABIKI: Oh, good grief. The Shower Guy holds up his trophy in triumph, before being shooed off the stage. M.C.: Second place ... well, this is a very special prize, because we award not only in the name of silliness and good fun, but in the name of good hygiene. Please give a hand for ... the giant container of dental floss! Where is that guy! Come on up here!! A large plastic container of dental floss sort of falls onto the stage, tripping on the line of rope that is dispensing dangerously from his head. After being helped up by three other men, he takes his trophy and smiles to the audience. NABIKI: Absolutely fantastic. ... M.C.: Wasn't that great, folks? And now, the Grand Prize. As you know from previous years, the Grand Prize contains a two-foot-tall solid bronze trophy, a 40 oz. bottle of jelly beans, a 5000 YEN cash prize, and a very special "I Love My Johnny" t-shirt! Someone near the stage calls something out to the M.C. M.C.: No, I don't know who Johnny is. Hey folks, if you wanna know the truth, we swiped this from some old lady in the lobby! The crowd bursts out laughing. M.C.: No ... seriously. Okay, on with the show. Like I said, the Grand Prize winner gets all these greats items AND gets to jam with the band right here! Okay! This year, the Grand Prize goes to someone very close to our hearts. Or at least we hope so. Not only does she embody our female ideal, and not only does she come with a whole lotta jiggles, but she makes a great pair, too! Please give a round of applause to ... the girl with the really, really, REALLY big breasts! But there is no applause. The only sounds are the tap of the winner's shoes on the floor as she makes her way to the stage, the sighs and moans of disbelief from every man in the room, and the quiet voice ... RANMA-CHAN: Excuse me, excuse me ... excuse me ... The crowd parts to let her through. SOUN: RANMA won the costume competition?! HAPPOSAI: Little wonder, eh? Ranma reaches the stage, blushing girlishly. She bows, her extremely low-cut and stretchy tiger suit exposing her overwhelmingly tremendous, bobbing boobs. The audience starts up cheering. But the M.C.'s smile turns to a frown. M.C.: I'm sorry, Miss, I didn't mean you ... RANMA-CHAN: S-say what? Just then, from the back of the hall ... SHAMPOO: He meant SHAMPOO!! Shampoo vaults high into the air, spinning brilliantly, to land gracefully next to Ranma-chan. THE CROWD: Oohh! Aahh! SHAMPOO: Shampoo win Grand Prize! Shampoo the most beautiful girl in the world!! RANMA-CHAN: [Completely stunned] I don't believe it. Heh heh ... AKANE: Serves him right, that pervert! HAPPOSAI: I can't DECIDE which one is more beautiful! M.C.: [With a look of pain on his face] Once again, we seem to have made a mistake ... NABIKI: It wasn't Shampoo either? M.C.: If I may invite the woman in the bright yellow dress to take the stage ... All eyes turn to the back again, as a new figure appears from the crowd and begins to work her way to the stage. She's tall, with long brown hair and very large breasts, pushed up deliciously in a revealingly tight yellow dress. RANMA-CHAN: M-Miss Hinako!? SHAMPOO: Nihao ... M.C.: Let's have another round of applause! The crowd roars. RANMA-CHAN: What happened to her? She's bustier than us! SHAMPOO: This bad. HINAKO: [Taking the trophy, jelly beans, 5000 YEN, and "I Love My Johnny" t- shirt.] Thank you SO much. SOUN: Well this is an interesting plot twist. NABIKI: Highly unexpected. High above the fanfare, perched atop a large disco ball, unnoticed ... COLOGNE: Ah, good. Everything is going as I planned. Now for a little magic ... it's time for Shampoo and Son-in-Law to learn a lesson. She produces a small leather pouch, and pours a bit of the contents into her palm. It's power, fine and shimmering. She throws it into the air, and it descends slowly to the stage. M.C.: Well, that about wraps up our contest for tonight! Now if the band could strike up a cool rhythm, our winner here can show us her stuff with a little song and dance, maybe? He hands the microphone to Miss Hinako, who begins to sing a fast, jazzy tune as the band plays on behind her. AKANE: She can sing? SOUN: I'M impressed. But suddenly ... M.C.: HAH-CHOO!! (Sniff) ... what the ... SHAMPOO: What this shiny dust? RANMA-CHAN: Hey, it feels kinda funny! The tiny grains of sparkling powder come to rest, one by one, on Ranma-chan and Shampoo's skin. Each grain feels like absolute, perfect warmth and delight, and waves of heat flow suddenly through their bodies. Ranma-chan falls back against the wall, and Shampoo drops to the floor, their bodies pulsing with sheer pleasure. RANMA-CHAN: OH .. SHAMPOO: AaoohHH! M.C.: What are they doing? AKANE: Oh no, not again! NABIKI: This will be interesting. The band doesn't stop playing, nor does Miss Hinako stop singing, nor does the crowd stop cheering. Ranma-chan bites her lip, attempting to restrain the cry of ecstasy. All at once another wave comes, her bosom heaving, and she screams. RANMA-CHAN: AAOOHHH!! Ranma-chan's robust tits swell and retreat rapidly again and again, then begin to slow to a halt. There she is, leaning against the wall, outrageously buxom, her breasts magnanimous and supple. SOUN: I don't believe it! HAPPOSAI: Yippee!! GENMA: Gruu ... All at once the music stops and the entire room's attention is focused on Ranma- chan and Shampoo. They are lavishly busty, far more than they were a few moments ago, and their beauty has once again increased mysteriously. Shampoo stands, but unsteadily. SHAMPOO: Shampoo the most beautiful girl in the world! The costumed party-goers cheer in zealous recognition. Shampoo places her hand delicately upon her remarkably huge and gargantuan ballooning tanned bust. Her hands appear tiny against her momentous and weighty breasts. SHAMPOO: Ooh ... too heavy ... Shampoo going to sit down. And she collapses on the stage. RANMA-CHAN: [Snapping out of it, leaping to the front of the stage, nimble as ever] Then I win! M.C.: Well, the judges seem to agree! [Snatching the trophy, etc. from Miss Hinako] Here you go, Miss! You win the costume competition this year, for your charming impersonation of a cat. RANMA-CHAN: [Playfully pawing at the air] Rowr! ^_^ M.C.: Okay, folks, the night continues with our annual line-dancing competition! Scene 16 Shampoo leaves the stage with Ranma-chan, who hefts her trophy, jelly beans, 5000 YEN, and the "I Love My Johnny" t-shirt. Suddenly Genma, Soun, Nabiki, Akane, and Happosai spring up in front of Ranma-chan. RANMA-CHAN: Ahhhh!! NABIKI: Hey Ranma, how about giving me that 5000 YEN and all will be forgiven, huh? RANMA-CHAN: Well ... SOUN: Ranma, that trophy can be melted down ... I'd sure like to have that! RANMA-CHAN: But ... GENMA: [Holds up sign: "Give me the jellybeans, boy!"] RANMA-CHAN: Hey ... Ranma-chan gets cold looks from everyone. RANMA-CHAN: Well, sure, that sounds fair! Heh heh! [She distributes the goods] Uhh, there's still this shirt. NABIKI: No, thanks. SOUN: I'd rather not. GENMA: Gruu ... HAPPOSAI: Ohh, the sweet bosom of a pretty girl! How I love them! RANMA-CHAN: [Jiggling her breasts] Haha! AKANE: PERVERT! HAPPOSAI: Say, Ranma, you haven't given anything to me ... what say we snuggle for a -- POW!! Ranma-chan smacks Happosai across the room. SHAMPOO: [Who has been quiet for a few minutes] Shampoo fail. Cologne appears behind them. COLOGNE: On the contrary, you've gained a valuable lesson! SHAMPOO: Nihao? COLOGNE: You've learned that beauty can be obtained through more subtle means, and that your chest is not the only path to a man's heart. NABIKI: Hey, did you make that up just now? COLOGNE: You see, Shampoo, even Son-in-Law learned -- They look to see Ranma-chan flirting capriciously with a young man. COLOGNE: Well, Son-in-Law tends not to learn anything. But YOU have gained something. ... Just go with me on this. She then produces another pouch and sprinkles its contents over Shampoo's chest. SHAMPOO: Ooh, cold ... COLOGNE: The sensation will only last for a moment. Shampoo's chest is back to normal. Scene 17 Genma, Soun, Akane, Nabiki, Ranma-chan, Happosai, Cologne, and Shampoo walk out into the lobby. SHINSHI: [Popping out from behind the corner] You can't leave yet!! NABIKI: Not THIS guy again. SHINSHI: Miss Saotome! Is it not enough that you arrive late, humiliate me before my associates, and make a mockery of Okina Bra Corp.'s upstanding tradition? Must you ALSO embarrass the entire company once more by crashing a private party!? As he continues to blabber on, Ranma-chan leads him to a bench, where they sit. RANMA-CHAN: [Slyly] Oh, but Shinshi-san ... SHINSHI: NO BUTS! We have dealt extreme-- Ranma-chan moves forward, and her tremendous, jiggling bosom strikes him full- force in the face. They all stand there for a moment, silently. NABIKI: Don't you think that's enough? RANMA-CHAN: Yeah. She smiles and leans back again, allowing her tremendous bosom to slide from Shinshi's chest and hit the air, bouncing. Her bounteous breasts bob several times, slowly, until coming to a rest. SHINSHI: Ah, like I was saying, we'll contact you for any, uh, any ... future projects. See, I was thinking of an extravagant, lavish kind of look for you for your next advertisement, kind of a fur-coat, wealthy kind of image. RANMA-CHAN: [coyly] Uh-huh. ... SHINSHI: [Stammering on] Because you really have - really, you do - they're very, ah, really very luxuriant, very sizable breasts. [He can't take his eyes off her chest] RANMA-CHAN: [Smiling girlishly] Okina Bra Corp. needs big breasts for their advertisements, right? Ranma turns to Shinshi again, leaning forward, her hands on the seat. Her walloping bust spreads itself out on the seat before her. RANMA-CHAN: [slyly] Well, I've got all the breasts you'll ever need. Nervous laughter immediately erupts from both of them again, and Ranma-chan hangs her wide, perfect tongue out of her mouth. Shinshi almost comes, no kidding. AKANE: That's QUITE ENOUGH. SOUN: Let's go home, children. Scene 18 As they walk outside into the brisk air, they see the sun, breaking over the horizon. SOUN: Look, we got out in time to see the sunrise! GENMA: Gruuu. HAPPOSAI: Well, isn't this a perfect ending to another crazy adventure? NABIKI: I guess so, but what about that big, huge, hole in the plot? AKANE: Which one? NABIKI: I wanna know: Why did Cologne suddenly change sides and sprinkle that powder down on Shampoo and Ranma? And where did Miss Hinako come from? SHAMPOO: That right! COLOGNE: Excellent question, Nabiki. Fortunately, you asked it late enough that the author had time to think of a half-assed explanation. The reason is this: As you know, I care deeply for Shampoo's well-being, and I saw her becoming obsessed with her desire to be the most beautiful girl in the world. So I decided to show her that she would not win Son-in-Law's heart by such simple means. And there is such a thing as "too much" ... RANMA-CHAN: Hey! NABIKI: Good enough, I guess. But what about Miss Hinako? AKANE: Yeah. MISS HINAKO: [Just now coming outside] Cologne enlisted me to appear in order to show you two that you couldn't obtain perfect beauty just by drinking some potion. I would win the contest, and you would learn a lesson. RANMA-CHAN: But it didn't work! After our breasts grew AGAIN [she pats her chest, which jiggles in response] I won the contest and got all the prizes. I also was able to keep my job by seducing Shinshi, and it's clear that the author favors ME as the most attractive girl in this story! SOUN: You're right! This story may not be so moral after all. SHAMPOO: But wait! One more thing you forgot! Why Miss Hinako's chest SO big? Cologne chuckles to herself. COLOGNE: That was simple. She drank some Miracle Elixir. RANMA-CHAN: What? I drained that whole bottle! COLOGNE: Hee hee hee! "In the family for generations" indeed! The truth is, you can buy these bottles at any pharmacy in the world! She takes the large sack that she's been carrying and dumps the contents out on the grass. There, in a pile, are at least 30 bottles of Miracle Elixir. RANMA-CHAN: Hey, I AM KINDA THIRSTY!! ^_^ Giggling girlishly, she pounces for the pile, her enormous breasts bouncing heavily as she lands. She laughs, her bosom swelling rapidly as she drains bottle after bottle. SOUN: RANMA, STOP! AKANE: RANMA, YOU PERVERT!! HAPPOSAI: RANMA, DID I EVER TELL YOU, YOU LOOK ADORABLE IN A TIGER SUIT! SHAMPOO: Nihao ... - T H E E N D - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANOTHER WORD FROM THE AUTHOR ... That's it! I hope you enjoyed "Ranma's Chest is Gold!!" Just in case you were curious, I've included below the descriptions I created for the download libraries: It's the Ranma fanfic you WON'T wanna miss!! Ranma-chan enters a beauty pageant ... Ranma-chan fights Shampoo ... Ranma-chan models a huge bra ... Ranma-chan is pursued by Happosai and a mob of reporters ... ALL THIS AND MORE ... SO MUCH MORE!! There's still much more to come! Expect to see Ranma-chan become the mascot of a bra company, strut her stuff in a tight green-sequened dress in front of the world, and face utter mortification when a body-enhancing spell goes terribly wrong! ! STAY TUNED! ^_^ - AkioSumi Studios Just because Ranma Saotome is perhaps the BUSTIEST GIRL in Japan, she gets into loads of trouble! First she becomes a mascot for a bra company, then she fights Shampoo, then runs from Happosai and a mob of salivating reporters, then takes a BOSOM-ENHANCING elixir, then finds out that her CLOTHES DON'T FIT ANYMORE ... it's the Ranma story that's too stupid for Rumiko Takahashi! It's "RANMA'S CHEST IS GOLD!!" ^_^ Parts 1 - 4 are included ... STAY TUNED for Part 5, the climatic conclusion! - AkioSumi Studios The SUPER-BUXOM Ranma-chan gets into all sorts of trouble! Modeling a HUGE BRA, running from salivating reporters, fighting Shampoo, drinking BOSOM-ENHANCING elixirs, and finding out that her CLOTHES DON'T FIT ANYMORE can be hard on a girl! ^_^ It's the Ranma story that's too stupid for Rumiko Takahashi! /// This is the completed, final story, parts 1 - 5. In all honesty, Part 5 is BY FAR the best, longest, etc. etc. If you! 've seen the rest, DON'T MISS PART 5! - AkioSumi Studios The ever-adorable Ranma-chan has always been a bit BUXOM. But what happens when Cologne gives her a mysterious BOSOM-ENHANCING "Miracle Elixir" with the forbidding warning not to take more than a sip? Well isn't it obvious!? ^_^ Ranma-chan models a HUGE BRA, BATTLES SHAMPOO (!?), and bites off more than she can chew! /// This is the complete fanfic, parts 1 - 5. If you've seen the rest, but not Part 5, get this! Part 5 is THE BEST BY FAR!! No kidding! - AkioSumi Studios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AKIOSUMI STUDIOS 1996 More AkioSumi Studios products coming soon ...