A Ranma 1/2 Lemon fic. WARNING: This
fic contains scenes of non-consentual sex, domination and various other
scenes of graphic sex. Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and all other distributing companies forthwith. ================================================================= Chapter 1. Ranma glared at the panda beside her as she trudged along in the pouring rain. It had only been a few hours since she had gained her curse, and she had no intention of letting her father forget her serious displeasure. A short distance away, the panda cringed slightly at the heated look directed its way, and affixed its eyes securely on the ground, intent on not acknowledging it's erstwhile progeny. "Stupid old man," Ranma snarled, pushing her sodden red bangs out of her eyes and trying to ignore the fiercely burning sensation originating from her breasts as the sodden gi top she had put on dragged over her sensetive nipples. Grinding her teeth as she took a particularly deep breath that made her want to shudder, the pony-tailed girl attempted to burn a hole in the muddy road that stretched in front of them. "Ah Sirs,
you is very lucky, yes? Today annual tournament of Juketsuzoku village!
Much goodly entertainment yes? Is lots of womans running about in...uh..."
The Jusyenko guide trailed off at Ranma's fiery glare, daring him to
continue the line of thought further. She had already caught him ogling
her unbound chest and licking his lips when he thought she could not
see. "Runnin' about what, Guide?" Ranma asked sweetly, eyes promising a world of pain. She hated this man for his clingy eyes and vapid smile when staring at her breasts. It made her feel dirty, and she certainly wasn't about to let him do the same to other women, even ones she'd never met before. "Uh..."
the guide sweated, his smile strained slightly. "Running about...uh...and...uh...doing...things?"
He ventured weakly. Ranma's glare subsided slightly, and continued plodding
toward the village in the distance. Remarkably, after another five feet,
the rain stopped completely, and everywhere she looked seemed as dry
as if it had been in the sun for days. Looking back, she saw a similarly
bewildered look on her panda-father's face. The guide merely looked
resigned. As they entered
the village, Ranma glanced around at the buildings: most built out of
strong wood and bamboo, and some larger ones towards the back of the
village, these more like houses than huts, built out of brick and mortar.
The redhead looed
on in interest as two girls, both approximately her own age, jumped
up onto a large log suspended at either ent to two taller poles, both
firmly pounded into the ground in order to support the weight of those
fighting on it. "Nice shot,"
Ranma murmured to herself with a grin, taking a bite out of her fruit
in the lull of the match. Soon enough the two had regained their bearings,
going at each other again, the large one obviously posessing far more
power, but slower and slightly less skilled at dodging than her opponent.
Several times the smaller girl had darted in with her weapons - a pair
of steel maces called bonbori - and scored telling hits that would add
up over the course of the match and take their toll on the larger girl.
Shampoo, up on
the challenge log, lost her smile as she spotted a panda digging into
her victory feast. Sure the whole village would be able to partake in
it, but to do so uninvited! And be an animal to boot! She growled and
leapt off the log, fighting a small bout of fatigue and making her tired
muscles move smoothly as she strode angrily to her prize. Wow, they're pretty big, she thought to herself. I wonder if I can get her to have some fun later? Or even now? Hiding the feral grin that threatened to engulf her face, she turned to the guide. "Why is her panda eating my prize!?" She shouted as angrily as she could, casting lightning fast glances at the generous swell of creamy white skin that rose and fell heavily with each frustrated breath. The guide looked striken for a moment before at a quick gesture turned to the small redhead. "She say,
'why you panda, eat my prize?'" He said quickly, almost stumbling
over his words in his haste to speak. The redhead glared at the panda
angrily, which seemed to wilt under the look and waved a sign that Shampoo
had trouble reading. The glare directed at its person intensifieduntil
the girl broke off into a thoughfull look, making her look heart-achingly
cute. Shampoo's mouth watered slightly. "Well, this food's tha first prize, right? So, if I challenge her for it, there'd be no problem, right?" The man looked bug-eyed at her, before turning back to the amazon. Shampoo, although she understood perfectly what had been said, looked at him inquiringly, forcing herself not to shudder at the ugly face. "Honoured Amazon, she said that she challenges you for the food," the guide said, sweat popping out on his brow. Disappointed that the girl hadn't offered to pay in any manner, and more than a little insulted that this girl, who looked to be no older than herself, thought she was good enough to defeat the champion of her age group, Shampoo scowled at her and nodded curtly. She'd show this cocky outsider who was best! The purple-haired girl fought to conceal a lecherous smile. Then I'll show her a thing or two!!! She crowed mentally as she planned what to do with the girl as payment for the dishonour and the food. Leaping up onto the challenge log, Shampoo felt a slight twinge of uneasiness as she realised her muscles were beginning to stiffen up from the day's exhertions, and quashed the thoughts before they could affect her performance. The redhead jumped up shortly after, a strange look crawling across her face as her unbound breasts bounced inside the gi she wore and a pink blush appearing on her cheeks. Oh-ho! Shampoo thought gleefully. She is aroused? How wonderful! Maybe I can use it in the fight? Grinning as hungrily as she could, the amazon leered at the redhead, causing her eyes to widen slightly in confusion, and spoke. "Name Shampoo," she purred, mentally cursing her poor japanese and hoping the effect had not been spoiled. She was lucky as the girl blushed a little more and worked her mouth silently a few times before speaking her own name. "Uh...I-I'm Ranma. So," she said, standing lightly and without any persceptible stance, "we gonna go or what?" Changing her leering grin into a smirk, Shampoo nodded and swung her bonbori expertly, with only a fraction of her strength to test the girl. Seeing the girl flip away back to the end of the log, the violet haired amazon barely missed a viscious kick to the chin that would have sent her sprawling by jerking her head back. Eyeing the girl with a newfound respect, the amazon moved closer, swinging in a one-two combo that caused the girl to vault right over her head. Guessing correctly, Shampoo jerked her head to the side as she span, finding a foot departing rapidly from the area her head had occupied a second ago. "Is good," she said softly, frowning at her crude language. The girl's own smirk grew into a grin at the compliment. "You ain't
so bad yerself!" She answered. Shampoo grinned in reply and tried
to sweep her legs out from under her, following up rapidly with a sideways
double-blow from her bonbori that had defeated Dowell just a few minutes
ago. For a wonder, the girl twisted into a horizontal spin in mid-air,
avoiding both the sweep and the follow-up in one movement before landing
on her hands and mule-kicking backwards into shampoo's chest. However
Shampoo, having determined that her opponent was much more agile than
herself, had moved a fraction to the side, and caught both the girl's
legs under her armpit. Discarding her bonbori for the moment, she gave
an evil grin at the seemingly helpless girl and allowed her free hand
to crawl up to the girl's groin and press gently into the yeilding material.
"Aiyah," she muttered as she rolled onto her back. Spotting the redhead glaring furiously at her, she slowly clambered to her feet, a slightly sheepish smile on her face. I know just the thing for this situation! She thought to herself, and promised she would wince when she got home. That girl's foot was hard!!! "Is joke!" she murmured as she stepped closer to the girl, who looked vaguly suspicious. "Is joke, see? Shampoo no mean it!" The amazon ignored the mutterings of some of those close enough to hear her words. The only thing that mattered now was getting this right... "So...the food's ours...right?" Ranma asked, eyeing her neutrally. Shampoo took another step closer and nodded cheerfully. The girl sighed and nodded. "Okay, that's fi-MMMPPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her words cut off as Shampoo lunged forward, crushing her lips to those of the petite redhead and parting her teeth with her probing tongue. Her hands moved, one used to hold the head of the redhead motionless, the other on a very different mossion, as it burrowed into the pants of the gi, past the girl's underwear and curled up slightly. Her blue eyes bugging out in shock, Ranma stood frozen as the purple-haired amazon slipped two fingers up into her most private of places and stroked gently. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!"
She screeched, her voice muffled by the mouth that obscured her own.
Jerking from the pleasant feeling, her eyes rolled up and she collapsed
into Shampoo's waiting arms. Grinning victoriously, Shampoo hefted the
lighter girl over her shoulder and sprinted for her house. "Very bad, Mr. Customer. Amazon give 'Kiss of Little-Death.' We come back in few days, yes? Maybe she let her go then." Nodding to himself, the Jusyenko guide dragged the comatose panda off back to his hut. Trying to retrieve honourable Mr. Customer's son now would be tantamount to suicide. ==================================================================== Ranma awoke slowly,
her vision slightly foggy and a strange taste in her mouth. Working
her tongue to try and rid herself of the taste revealed that it was
infact something that had been wedged in her mouth. Pushing at it with
her tongue let her know that her mouth was open almost as far as it
could go, and that there were straps leading from it that went around
the back of her head. Shaking her head from side to side, the redhead
tried to remove the gag from her mouth using her hands, but found to
her growing panic that both were firmly secured by heavy metal manicles
padded with soft leather above her head. A test of her legs revealed
that they were also manacled, but in a different fashion. She was also naked as the day she was born. "MMFF!"
She exclaimed, growling at her inability to speak. Jerking at her bonds
roughly did nothing, much to her surprise. She had thought she had enough
strength, though lessened slightly in this form, to snap the simple
metal straight off. Well, she thought smugly, that's no problem, I can snap that easy! So thinking, the redhead clenched her muscles and arched her back as sharply as she could so she could force the leather to snap. Except it didn't. Bewildered, and more than a little anxious, Ranma began to struggle desperately, trying to seek a way to free herself from her bonds. After five minutes of exerting herself, she lay, panting through the porous gag and her nose, and covered in a fine layer of sweat. What's wrong with me? Ranma thought to herself. I can't break these manacles, I can't snap this leather, and now I'm panting as if I've ran twenty miles!!! WHAT'S GOIN' ON!?!?!?!? Huffing and panting in the silence, the redhead rested for a moment before struggling violently to free herself once more. "No do that anymore, yes? You no get free." The voice came from behind, and slightly to the right, so Ranma twisted her neck as far as it could go in an attempt to see her would-be captor. Seeing no one, she growled softly and attempted to yell at whoever stood just outside of her sight, her words coming out severely muffled through the gag and making her even more angry. I'll tear 'em apart! She snarled furiously, thrashing again until she froze at a soft, warm hand being placed on her bare shoulder. Jerking her eyes up, she found the twinkling red eyes of Shampoo, a smile on her pretty face. "Nihao,
Ranma. You stop struggling, yes? Do you no good. Shampoo press weakness
point, make you weak as puppy! You no get out of cuffs, yes?" The
amazon giggled and walked around the table that Ranma appeared to be
shackled to, the heavy wood warm against the petite girl's skin. Ranma
merely glared silently at her captor, betrayal and hatred flaring brightly
in her eyes. Shampoo paused for a moment, as slightly sad frown flitting
across her brow, before she smiled softly. Silently, Ranma resolved *never* to allow that to happen again. Unfortunately for her, it was a vow destined to be broken. Shampoo looked
at her askanse for a moment, as if judging whether she lied, then blinked
and withdrew slightly. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMF!! MMMM!!! MMMM, MMMMPH!" Ranma shrilled, her eyes wide and utterly horrified. Shampoo blinked and shrugged. "Is no worry! Is TOO TOO good!" She giggled, then sobred quickly. "But," she said, holding up a hand, "you still insults amazons. So, you must pay. I give you 'Kiss of Little-Death' so I give you many, many 'Little-Deaths,' but must make you suffer firt! Must make BEG, for 'Little-Death.'" Frantically, Ranma-chan shook her head, making Shampoo smile. "Oh? You no beg?" She purred. Ranma shook her head defiantly and glared at the amazon hatefully. I'm a guy dammit! A GUY! DAMN YOU SHAMPOO! I'LL NEVER BEG!!!!!! I'D RATHER DIE FIRST! Ranma roared mentally, thrashing in her bonds as she did so. Shampoo pursed her lips carefully, a smile twitching up at the corners. Oooooh...she doesn't want to beg! She thought joyfully. I can have so much fun! I hope she doesn't break too soon! I want a day, at least before she does! Spinning around and smiling gleefully, Shampoo quickly threw several logs into the fires that burned around the stone room. She leant against the wall outside and closed her eyes, thankful that her family had enough influence to get their own private sauna. Having the Matriarch as your own relative had its perks. Inside, Ranma began to notice a definite increase in temperature, and growled furiously as sweat began to pop up all over her skin, making her squirm uncomfortably as it trickled down in mini-rivulets onto the table. For nearly half an hour she sweated, pulling at her shackles futilely and trying to ignore the fact that every inch of her exposed skin tingled madly. She merely assumed she needed to itch herself, and squirmed harder, ignoring the healthy pink blush that covered her from her chest to her cheeks. Once half an hour had gone by, Shampoo stepped back into the room carrying a strange, covered bucket, and set it inside what looked like an insulated stone box. Ranma shivered at the gust of cold air that blew across her naked form from the open door, and tensed as her nipples tingled, hardening instantly in the momentary cool breeze. Glaring at the offending body parts, the failed to notice Shampoo until her breath tickled her ear. "Ah, Ranma
liiike that, yes?" She purred seductively. Ranma growled
and shook her head, glaring at the violet-tressed girl as she moved
around the table, her fingernails trailing across the redhead's bare
skin, making her shudder at the strange sensations. Contrary to what
Ranma believed, Shampoo was delighted with the girl's reaction, which
showed she had a strong spirit. Smiling happily, the young amazon brought
around the hand that held whatever she had taken from the bucket, and
pressed it lightly to the underside of the redhead's breast. Immediately
Ranma sucked in an astonished breath, her eyes bugging out at the contrary
sensation. Smoothing her smile into an emotionless mask, Shampoo began
to run the ice-cube around the base of the smaller girl's left breast,
careful to work slowly and methodically. She tilted her head slightly
at the soft protest that eeked out from Ranma's gag, but did not stop
her slow and carefully methodical motions across the girl's sweaty skin.
Shampoo smiled as she saw Ranma squeeze her eyes shut and decided to step up her plan a little. Moving ever so slightly, she shifted the melting cube of icy water up, circling widely around the tip of the beast, still avoiding the areola and nipple. The effect was instsantaneous, as Ranma snapped her eyes open and arched her back as high as she could, a muffled exclamation of surprise issuing loudly from the ballgag in her mouth. Ranma snapped
her eyes open as the freezing cold chunk of ice in Shampoo's hands climbed
upward into an even more sensetive area, making her shriek in surprise
at both the cool, wet texture and the imensely pleasant sensations that
it kicked up. Her breathing quick and shallow, Ranma squirmed, trying
to escape the maddening coolness that made her tingle all over, leaving
her flushed and fidgety. Squeezing her eyes tightly shut again, she
tried for a thrid time to block out all the sensations, failing miserably
as Shampoo moved onto the left breast again, making wide, consistent
circles around her breast. Caught unawares, Ranma's breath exploded
from her lungs, making her eyes bulge in shock. Bereft of air, she whimpered
softly as Shampoo inched closer to her areola and nipple, but not entirely
there. Watching the redhead lie back again and try to ignore the sensations of the ice-cube - now almost disappeared, Shampoo grinned. You're not
getting off that easy with me!
She crowed mentally, and withdrew the cube, or what remained of it,
throwing it over her shoulder to the floor. Ranma sighed in relief at
the cessation of sensation, and relaxed slightly, trying to even out
her ragged breathing. Observing this, Shampoo grinned wickedly and brought
out a brand new rough cube of ice from the bucket, only slightly melted.
Glancing at the glass window, she determined that it had been nearly
an hour that she had 'tortured' the redhead. Well, she was certainly
up for more! Ranma shrieked and bucked at the icy cool touch of the cube, thrashing desperately to get away as her body shuddered delightfully at the pleasure and chill touch. She barely felt as Shampoo's arm draped across her lower abdoment, keeping her pinned down slightly as the maddening taunt of the ice-cube continued, circling around, gliding over and against her nipple over and over and over again. Ranma moaned against the gag, a few tears trickling down her face in humiliation and shame from the pleasure. I'm a guy! Noooo...it's not supposed to feel like this! I'm not supposed to like it! I'm a guy! A GUY!! DAMN YOU SHAMPOO!!!! Outwardly the redhead moaned and arched upwards, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. Shampoo watched this with slight trepidation, but continued on, switching to Ranma's right nipple and watching the girl jerk and moan loudly. She smiled slightly and leaned over, nibbling on the girl's throat gently up to her ear, suckling delicately on the girl's earlobe. In response the girl's breathing quickened, her arms and legs jerking on her bonds as she arched her back, thrusting her breasts as far as she could towards Shampoo's taunting hands. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!" She moaned, several more crystal tears cascading down her angelic face to splash against the table and Shampoo's cheek. Pulling away slightly and glancing at the tears, Shampoo smiled. I know, she must like it so much that she's crying! Well...I can't make her cum just yet, but I *can* give her something to cry about! Grinning like a maniac, Shampoo left off teasing Rnama's nipples with the cube of ice and trailed it up and along the redhead's arm, paying careful attention to her wrist and elbow crook, her grin widening when Ranma squirmed and glared at her. Repeating the action down the other arm, she trailed the cube up again, circling the luscious breasts several times and grazing the nipples gently, watching with avid interest as Ranma shuddered, her eyes rolling in her head, choked off moans filtering through the gag. "Ranma like,
yes?" She purred in the girl's ear, recieving a hateful glare in
response. Shampoo grinned and shook it off, knowing that it was more
from the frustration of being teased more than anything else. Just you wait,
Shampoo! When I get free, I'll KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME!!! KILL YOU!
Her train of thougth abruptly derailed as Shampoo left her nipples and
began to trail the ice-cube down her stomach. Convulsing slightly, her
breathing ragged and eyes wide, Ranma watched as the little cube of
ice approached her groin. Clamping down
hard on the ballgag in her mouth, Ranma frantically tried to calm her
breathing and control the sounds that escaped her mouth, with little
success. As Shampoo slid the ice-cube higher, Ranma was constantly reminded
of the blazing hot area of her loins, which - until Shampoo had descended
down there - she had been completely unaware of. Now however, she was
completely aware of it, and that awareness was made even more
pronounced with each stroke of the cube of ice along her spreadeagled
thighs. Eyeing Ranma's
sex hungrily, Shampoo resisted the urge to taste for herself, knowing
full well that at the girl's obvious state of arousal it could possibly
bring her all the way to orgasm. Ranma's pleasure
fogged mind soundly cursed Shampoo to the best of it's ability, which
was not much at present, due to the small rivulets of sweat and water
running constantly over her thighs and sex. The redhead could feel *something*
building, but had absolutely no clue as to what it would be, other than
every step closer brought more pleasure, and so hinted that the greatest
pleasure was yet to come. Ranma both dreaded and longed for it, wanting
nothing to do with it, and wanting desperately to know what all of this
was about. "Mmmmm..." Ranma moaned softly, her blue eyes pleading silently with Shampoo. The purple haired girl grinned and undid the gag in the redhead's mouth, disappointed that she had broken so quickly, but willing o do what she promised should the girl beg. Once the gag was free, Ranma panted for a moment before raising her head to look at Shampoo, her eyes burning with hatred. "I'm gonna
rip out your heart you-mph! MMMMMMPH! MMMMM!!" Glaring furiously
around the gag shoved in her mouth, she struggled anew in her bonds,
glaring vengefully at the amazon every now and again. Shampoo watched
in amusement as the redhead struggled, shooting furious glares laden
with promises of pain and death every few seconds. Getting bored of
watching the girl struggle, she leaned down and pressed a finger to
the girl's sex. Ranma froze instantly, a soft whimper passing the gag,
her eyes very round as she watched Shampoo's arm as it passed out of
her sight under a thatch of vivid red hair. "You like, Ranma? Shampoo think you do. Ranma wants more, yes?" Ranma shook her head weakly, her hips thrusting invluntarily towards the source of pleasure. Shampoo continued to run the ice-cube up and down for several more minutes, watching Ranma's face as it contorted with pleasure, her breathing coming in increasingly ragged and sporadic gasps, making her breasts jiggle delightedly with each intake. "MMMM!! MM! M! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shampoo grinned ferally as she saw the redhead approach orgasm, her face crumpled from the intense pleasure that was stimulated by the conflicting temperatures. Just before the smaller girl achieved release, however, Shampoo drew back and popped the ice-cube into her mouth, savouring the taste of her prisoner's sexual juices and bathing with delight in the mixed look of dissapointment, incredulity and fury in Ranma's eyes as she glared at her. "Ah! Ah!
Ah!" Shampoo said, wagging her finger just in front of Ranma's
nose. "Shampoo say she no give you release until you beg! You want
beg now?" Surprisingly, Ranma managed - barely - to curl her lips
around the gag in an approximation of a snarl. Shampoo grinned and clapped
her hands giddily as she skipped out of the room, another ideafor the
torture of her prisoner already forming in her mind. I'll KILL
HER! Damn you Shampoo! How DARE you do this to me!
Panting from the combination of heat, arousal and exhaustion, Ranma
relaxed slightly, her muscles unknotting a little from their clenched
positions. Ten minutes later, Shampoo entered the room and eyed her prisoner. Sweat covered her body, and her nostrils flared constantly. Her hips figeted where they lay, as if trying to touch some unseen force. Ranma's face however, was completely calm, her eyes affixed on one point of the ceiling. Pouting slightly, and chiding herself that she should have known that something like this would happen, Shampoo placed the plate of food to one side of Ranma's head. Five seconds later, Ranma rolled her head to the side and eyed the food hungrily, her stomach growling loudly, making the bound girl blush and Shampoo giggle. "Should
no look at Shampoo that way," the purple-haired amazon purred as
she eyed the deadly expression on Ranma's face. Smiling craftily, she
leaned down, her cheek resting on Ranma-chan's smooth stomach and
blew softly across the erect nipples of her prisoner. Ranma gasped,
a soft cry allowing Shampoo to know she had stimulated her correctly.
Frowning cutely,
Shampoo turned around and rummaged in a cupboard, previously hidden
from sight in the wall, and turned around with a thick wad of bandages
in her hands. Leaning closer to Ranma, she grinned wickedly. "Hope you is hungry!" She said cheerfully. The horrified look on Ranma's face told her that she was fervently wishing she was not hungry. Grinning and humming a happy tune, Shampoo took each and ever piece of fruit that she had brought for Ranma - all sliced into clean, neat slices - and worked them into Ranma's depths, coating them in her dripping juices before placing them back onto the plate. Throughout all of this, Ranma failed to hold back the erotic moans of pleasure that betrayed her enjoyment of the culinary intrusion. Once all the pieces were coated with her juices, Ranma lay back and panted at the ceiling, her nostrils filled with the smell of her own arousal, body flushed and crying out for more. She didn't know
whether to laugh from the pleasure, or cry from the humiliation. She
settled for neither and regaining her breath. Shortly, Shampoo's lavender
hair cascaded around the redhead's face, obscuring the ceiling above
her. Panting, Ranma managed a half-hearted glare, occasionally making
grunting noises at the sharp jolts of pleasure her body incessantly
sent her. "Shampoo says: Be quiet. You be quiet for Shampoo?" She flexed her finger again, gaining another cry of pleasure from her captive. Panting Ranma nodded. "Yes! Yes! I'll-aaAAHH!!!!!!!!" Her words cut off abruptly as Shampoo once agin flexed her finger. "Did not
Shampoo say, 'be quiet'? Why is Ranma not shutting up?" Gritting
her teeth Ranma nodded silently, giving a soft cry (of pleasure, anger
or disappointment, Shampoo wasn't sure), when Shampoo quickly removed
her finger, forcing it into Ranma's mouth before she could react. Without
thinking, Ranma suckled on the finger, tasting her own juices for the
first time. Removing her finger, Shampoo watched the red flush of embarassment
spread across Ranma's face and chest as she realised what she had just
done. Finishing the
last of the fruit Ranma slumped back, her chest heaving from having
to keep her head upright for so long, but jerked in shock as the amazon's
fingers gently pinched her clit. Shrieking in surprise, Ranma was unprepared
for the gag that was jammed into her mouth, a different type this time,
as she noticed when something thick and slightly spongy pushed its way
to the back of her mouth. She howled furiously when she worked out that
it was in fact some form of artificial cock, but could do nothing as
Shampoo released her clit and securely fastened the gag around her head.
"No! No,
Ranma! You is not ignoring me! Shampoo make sure you is having fun!"
So saying the amazon leaned over the redhead's lower half, depresssing
several more pressure points before standing up and moving to the wall.
Reaching up, she adjusted a simple vent to direct the cool air from
outside to wash over the bound and spread-eagled form on the table.
Ranma whimpered at the cool air over her hyper-sensetive skin, squirming
continually against her wishes, much to Shampoo's delight. Walking over
to her captive, she re-inserted the cock-gag and gave a cheery goodbye
suckle to the redhead's nipples. The pig-tailed girl whimpered in response,
feeling her entire body twitch with pleasure. Outside, Shampoo
suckled on her cum-drenched finger, a delighted grin on her face. She
rubbed her crotch thoughtfully before drawing her hand away. There was
time enough for that later. Peeking inside,
careful to stay silent, she grinned as she watched the redhead writhe
on the table, frustrated grunts and gasps escaping her as she sought
to escape her torture. A quick glance was all Shampoo needed to confirm
her suspicions: the redhead's thighs were gleaming with her juices,
her labia standing out a swollen, angry pink. Even from her position
at the door, Shampoo could see the hard nub of Ranma's clitoris standing
proud. Grinning, Shampoo silently disrobed, her eyes roving up and down
the redhead's naked form continually. "Nihao,
Ranma! How is you doing? Is good?" Her mangling of the japanese
language prooved an apt damper on her spirits, but she didn't let it
bother her, merely holding the warm smile on her face as the redhead
glared furiously and made incomprehensible sounds as her body bucked
and swayed. Feeling the thrill of arousal race across her body, Shampoo shivered and climbed seductively onto the table, placing her knees either side of the bucking Ranma's chest, feeling her erect nipples poke into her buttocks. Savouring the delicious sensation, Shampoo looked again at the redhead's face and smiled at the rapt expression found there as the blue orbs stared fixedly at her groin. Various astonished noises and croaks came from Ranma, her body still heaving in response to the pressure points placed upon it earlier, but Shampoo paid them no mind as she slowly spread her labia to her attentive audience of one. "You like?" She purred huskily, feeling her sex wetten with her increased arousal. Ranma's nostrils flared at the musky odour and the amazon distractedly noticed that her body's thrashing had actually increased. Soft groans and whimpers came from Ranma now, her thigh muscles straining to rub together in a futile attempt to relieve herself. Shampoo drank in the attention as if it were a fine wine and shimmied her way closer to the redhead's face, leaning back slightly and spreading her lips wider. Now only a few inches seperated her sex from the face of her captive, her juices glistening in her triangular thatch of pubic hair. It was a wondrous feeling, heightened by the frantic bucking of Ranma's body beneath her. Tilting her head back and sighing, Shampoo spoke. "Shampoo
promise to distract you. Shampoo always honour promises..." Groaning,
she slowly began to masturbate, the already slick index and ring fingers
of her right hand spreading her sex wide, revealing the pink and glistening
inner depths to her captive, her middle finger slowly sliding over the
suddenly erect nub of her clit and plunging into her cunt. She gasped
and shuddered at the pleasure, lost in the eternal moment before she
resumed her slow and steady pace, her finger disappearing and reappearing
before Ranma's eyes, the cloudy liquid secreated by her sex slurping
erotically and dribbling down to land on the redhead's collar bone,
her heady musk flooding her nose and making her yearn for more. Ranma breathed
the musky, spicy aroma of Shampoo in deeply and swallowed for the hundredth
time, her face straining forward as she yearned for more of the heady
smell. Remembering how her own juices tasted she dimly wondered if that
was what the amazon would taste like, or if she would be better, and
continued to try and get closer. Shampoo brought her left hand up, squeezing
and kneading her breast frantically as she finally gave in and began
to speed up her ministrations. Her single finger was quickly joined
by her index and ring fingers, scraping over her clit continually and
making her gasp and buck faster into the probing digits as they pounded
into her sex, spilling her hot juices all over Ranma's eagerly seeking
face. Glancing down, she saw the redhead straining her face closer and
grinned. Pulling her fingers out of her cunt, she used them to extract
the cock-gag from Ranma's mouth, sliding the slick digits into the resulting
hole and shivering as the redhead's eager tongue slithered wetly around
them, lapping up her juices. The delighted sound she made whilst doing
so further aroused the amazon into pulling her finger's out, ignoring
the frustrated sound made by Ranma, and picking up the cock-gag once
more. Up above, her hair whipping about in frenzied excstasy, Shampoo barely heard her captive's screch but, feeling an almost euphoric high as she teetered on the verge of orgasm placed her hands firmly to the right of Ranma's jerking body and, in an astounding display or flexibility, flipped herself around so that her clit delved into the gaping hole of Ranma's gag. Feeling the sudden rush of orgasm, Shampoo tilted her head back and howled. "Ah! Ah! AH! AH! AAAAAAAAAAIIIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Down below, Ranma
shut her eyes hurriedly as a sudden spurt of thick femenine cum coated
her face, shortly after followed by another blast that flooded directly
into her gag, forcing her to swallow frantically in order not to choke.
Finding she couldn't breathe as Shampoo crushed her sex into her face
and ground savagely in her excstacy, the redhead simply bucked her body
as hard as she could, simultaneously trying to bring herself to orgasm
and bring Shampoo's attention to her plight. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! AAAAAHHH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Shampoo, her
own cry muffled tremendously by Ranma's lips, squealed loudly as a fountain
of milk-white girl cum erupted like a hose straight into her awaiting
mouth, much of it spurting over her face and jetting off of the end
of the table to lant wettly on the floor. Feeling her lip cut open upon
her teeth because of the frantic thrashing of the girl beneath her,
Shampoo hardened her tongue and drilled Ranma's clit. A piercing shriek
rent the air of the room as Ranma jerked in excstacy, a second geyster
of cum spurting into Shampoo's mouth as she lapped at the delicious
liquid. "She cums
like a hose," the amazon murmured, the curious look on her face
breking once again into a silly grin. "I'm in love!" Dancing
a little jig, the amazon collapsed to the floor as she realised how
unstable her legs were. "Ow," she muttered, rubbing her knee
gingerly before laboriously getting to her feet and quickly fetching
the bucked that had contained the ice and dropping one of the numerous
cloths into it. Shivering she wiped herself clean, struggling not to
squeal as the rough cloth scraped across her clit, the hot flesh contrasting
with the almost freezing water. Cold cum is gross, she thought to herself with a smirk as she finished wiping away the last around Ranma's face. Moving past the redhead's breasts she paused a second time, a frown creasing her forehead as a shard of information recurred to her. Setting down the pail, she squeezed her own breasts experimentally, irgnoring the spark of pleasure, then repeated the actions with the redhead's pair. She blinked, then repeated the process. "I don't
get it...they're...harder?" After pausing to hit the redhead's
shiatsu sleeping spot, she carefully kneaded her breasts, moving about
continuously, occasionally stopping to compare her own. After five minutes
a stray thought took hold, making her scratch her head in contemplation.
Finally shrugging and deciding to test her theory, she leant down and
captured one of the redhead's nipples in her mouth. Holding the table
and placing her hands to steady herself, she began to suckle hard at
the rock hard nipple, and after a moment gave a cry of surprise. Pulling
her head back she stared at the redhead fora moment. "It's gorgeous!"
She whispered, hugging herself. Giving the bound girl a tender smile,
she picked up the pail and resumed walke down to the far end of the
table. After spending five minutes cleaning the redhead's juices off
of the floor she stood up and eyed the thick red patch of hair hungrily.
Glancing at the rag in her hand she sniffed daintily and dropped it
back into the bucket before leaning down and beginning to clean the
girl in a decidedly intimate fashion. "Mmm, I
could do this all day!" She giggled, licking up the remaining streamers
of cum from the glistening sex of her captive before quickly using the
rag to lightly was away any remaining traces on either the table or
Ranma herself. Putting away the bucket and hanging the rag to dry on
a small hook in the small closet used to store the cleaning tools, she
once more turned around to survey her victim. Early next morning,
Shampoo awoke from the most restful nights sleep she could ever remember
having. Rolling her shoulders to relieve the cricks and stretch her
muscles, she remembered why it had been so restful, and why her pillows
had been so much more comfortable than normal. Grinning, she surveyed
the sleeping redhead from where she lay. Slowly rising, so as not to awaken her slumbering prisoner, she tiptoed to her bedroom, glancing outward to check the time. "Six thirty,"
she murmured as she checked the sun's position. Nodding to herself,
she moved over to her personal cabinet and opened one of the drawers.
Inside was a large assortment of vibrators, dildos, strap-ons and various
cuffs, chains and spreader bars. Since she had to import nearly all
of it, aside from the cuffs and restraining equipment which was made
in the village anyway, it had cost her an absolute fortune, and if the
village did not have a working power supply, overseen by Dowel's father,
Li Pei, she would have had to pay an exorbitant amount to get batteries
for the toys that required it. Picking up one of the larger vibrators,
she twisted the base to activate it and quivered at the pleasant buzzing
it gave out. Switching it off, she skipped silently back to the guest
room of her house and entered, setting it down in a drawer attatched
to the nightstand beside the bed. Nodding to herself in satisfaction,
she crawled gingerly back onto the bed and settled once more atop the
redhead. "Perfect," she murmured as she leant down. Ranma awoke screaming,
feeling as if her body was about to fly apart at the seams from the
overload of pleasure that set her blood afire and her body crashing
out of her control. Her luncs heaved as she fought to bring in fresh
air after its violent expulsion, and only when she had taken several
deep breaths was she able to kick start her brain into grinding forward
once again. "Is too
too good way to wake up, yes?" She purred softly, her fingers probing
insistently back into the redheads sex. Ranma's breath caught in her
throat and she whimpered softly. Shampoo lidded her eyes happily as
she swirled her thumb over the redhead's clit, revelling in the sharp
and disjointed jerking of her captive's hips as she rapidly ascended
to orgasm for a second time that morning. Ranma swallowed heavily. Her skin burned, her breasts ached, her lungs hollared for more air, but most of all her sex seemed to take up her entire world with it's lack of stimulation. Smatterings of thoughts flitted through her head, half reviewed then scattered like dandylion seeds in the wind. Those thoughts lurched to a halt when Shampoo removed her fingers with a wet slurping sound, her eyes seemingly accusatory as she made to get off of the bed. "MMMMM!!!" Ranma hollared through the gag, her tongue pinned beneath the intrusive accessory. "Did Ranma
say something?" Shampoo asked eyes boring into the redhead's own.
Swallowing again, Ranma nodded jerkily. Oh gods...this isn't fair! It's not fair dammit! Why does she have to do this to me!? Ranma closed her eyes and bowed her head, her fiery locks falling about her shoulders as she pondered the answer to the question. Feeling a weight settle upon the bed, she looked up to see Shampoo smiling gently at her. "Ranma want
shampoo to set her free?" She asked softly. Feeling a spark of
hope, Ranma nodded enthusiastically. Shampoo nodded silently. Suddenly
a ringing filled the air as a razor sharp dagger appeared in Shampoo's
hands. She placed is, almost reverently, point first over Ranma's heart.
The redhead froze, her wide eyes fixated on the glinting point of the
dagger as a crimson bead of blood welled up from beneath the metallic
sheen. She swallowed and dragged her eyes back to Shampoo's. The amazon
gave a tight smile. "Ranma say
something?" She asked. Ranma nodded. Taking a quavering breath, and reasoning quite correctly that if she was alive, her father couldn't really belittle her for doing what it took to survive, she nodded. Twice. End Chapter 1. |