Ranma 1/2 # crossover with Sailor Moon
by Naquiel

Disclaimer - Ranma and Sailor Moon don't belong to me, so please don't sue. I am sorry if my writing offends any anti-# readers. This is my first time, so be gentle, please.

Chapter 1

Usagi was sitting on a bench in the middle of her favourite park, in a pleasantly secluded spot, next to the lake that made up the heart of the parkland.
It was night, snowing and deserted, chill winds caressing her bare flesh. She tried to be inspired by the cold, to stop crying, but she was hurting too much.
She had with her a box of tissue and a small pile of photographs. She was using up the tissues with disturbing speed, dabbing at the corners of her eyes. She was looking at a photograph, each in it's own turn. Taken from the pile it was on, scrutinised, then placed on a neighbouring pile. When she was finished looking at them, she would start again, in reverse order.
Her eyes were very red from all her crying, and she had a mean bruise, that throbbed painfully and raw, on her right cheekbone. She was wearing her usual jacket and attire, but also in an impenetrable shroud of depression and personnel pain.
She replayed the memory in her mind, again and again, and could see no way in which she was at fault. She was just in Mamoru's apartment, only a few hours ago, sitting next to him, talking quietly as they watched television. She was just standing up, and felt something graze her ass. She turned round and saw Mamoru with an odd expression on his face, cruel and wanting. He had tried to seduce her, and when she had proved too resistant to his clumsy and crude advances, he slapped her, hard. She ran out of the apartment and came to home.
It was then that she came here, to her secluded safe spot, where she could cry and remember in peace. She could think of only one way to heal the damage, she could have to give in to him and give him what he wanted, or, otherwise, she could lose him.
"Hi," said a quiet, husky voice, next to the bench.
Usagi looked up in surprise and saw a tall figure through wet eyes. She wiped them on her sleeve and looked at him.
He was tall, about Mamoru's age, with long, silky, salt and pepper hair, tied into a loose ponytail, with large bangs hanging over his forehead. His eyes were a deep blue, and radiating concern. His skin was well tanned and his lips were moist and slightly parted, shaped into a slight, curious smile. He wore a cream turtleneck and pale blue jeans, tapering down long legs to end in a pair of clean white trainers. His presence was imposing, and paradoxically, polite.
"Is this seat taken?" he asked. His eyes, boring into hers almost searchingly. Usagi blushed; scooped up her photos, dumped them into her lap, along with the tissue box, kindly handed to her by the stranger.
He sat down in a single smooth movement, his long legs, stretched out, crossed at the ankles, his elbows resting on the backrest of the bench.
He looked across the cold water, seeing the flakes of delicate snow melt into its aqueous depths. His eyes followed a single flake at a time, sometimes losing it as it hid amongst its siblings. For ten minutes this continued, Usagi in an uncomfortably tense pose, with the tall, elegant stranger next to her looking at the coldness, of winter's touch, so close, enough for her to smell his male husky scent.
Then, he turned his head and looked at her. "I'm sorry. Am I making you feel uncomfortable?" he asked in his husky, soft voice, remarkably intimate.
"Um," began Usagi, until something that she heard in his voice rang through her mind. Concern, for her, however light, displaced her tenuous self-control. She bowed her head and looked at her photographs. Tears began to well up, then spilled out in an unstoppable flood. She couldn't find it in herself to stop it!
The stranger reached out with a hand and patted her back, making reassuring circular motions. "There; there. Whoever he was, he was a fool for hurting you like he has!"
Usagi leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around her, a rock to calm her tumult. She crushed the photos and the tissue box to her chest and cried.
He made reassuring noises for her as she let it all out, her tears wetting his clothes, also making her photographs and tissues soggy.
Finally she was done. Her tears were more-or-less all gone. She calmed down and drew away slightly. "I don't believe I'm doing this with a stranger!"
"There's no shame in being sad, and no shame in being comforted, but if it would make you feel better." He drew her even more out of his embrace and held her face between his hands. "My name is Ranma Saotome. And you?"
Usagi grabbed his wrists with her hands, gently. "Usagi Tsuki. So, now I guess we're not strangers any more, huh!" She smiled nervously and wished with all her strength. Even she wasn't sure what she was wishing for
"I should, so!" Ranma smiled and leaned in planting a gentle kiss upon her forehead. "So," he released her face, but not before brushing away the wetness from either cheek. "Tell me, who is the boy that made you hurt so much?"
"Why?" asked Usagi, missing the warmth of his hands, but liking the retained closeness and the arm wrapped around her shoulder, his other hand grasping his knee.
"So I may vanquish the vile cretin," shouted Ranma, making sword-fighting gestures with his free arm. Usagi giggled and smiled. "And so I may protect the fair princess!" he looked right at her face and leaned in to steal another kiss on the forehead.
When he drew away, she was blushing and looking shyly at him.
"Please, tell?" he asked gently, looking at her eyes, a glint of something passing through his blue, meltingly soft eyes.
Usagi lean into him more and began, not caring as most of the photographs fell to the ground. "You know when you think everything is perfect. A perfect life, a perfect relationship, perfect friends. You think that in the future, things are going to happen, really good things. Then you feel that when something happens to change that, it has to be you to bend, to keep that future, 'cause no one else will!" She couldn't believe she was telling such things or acting about, a stranger like this. He could be any sort of the worst kind of person, a rapist or youma in disguise, but she needed to talk to someone.
"Yes, I understand!" replied Ranma gently, a set look in his face, that would have startled Usagi greatly if she had seen it. She also did not see the intense anger he directed at the wound on her face.
"In the past with Mamoru, and those other things, I've bend and I've changed, for them, for that perfect future, but, I can't anymore! I've bent and twisted for my friends, family and the person I thought I loved. But now, I've been asked to bend too far, and I don't know wither I'll break or be broken!" she put a hand to her forehead to massage her aching head. "And I still have no idea why I would be telling this to a perfect stranger!"
"Perhaps because I'm a stranger," he replied a smile dancing on his lips, no trace of the previous anger to be seen.
Usagi shivered with both the cold and an unfamiliar feeling. She thought of him like a character in one of Rei's secret 'naughty' manga. A beautiful, rugged man with a smooth tongue, going from place to place, seducing girls, left, right and centre. She just hoped, well, she wasn't sure what she hoped to get from him, reassurance, understanding, love, perhaps!
His eyes narrowed as she shivered and sneezed. "You must be really cold!"
"I have my jacket," retorted Usagi, embarrassed by her own lack of preparation, it was a common enough feeling for her.
"It's paper thin. It a raincoat, not a winter-coat!" he looked at the fabric and at her legs. He snapped back to looking at her.
She was fiddling with the toggles of her jacket, and the few photographs that were still in her lap.
"Well, I guess there's only one course of action." He stood up from the bench, bowed and presented her with his hand. "I would ask you lady to come with thy lowly servant to have a cup of coffee," he put on an English accent, and smiled as she giggled.
"Well, I don't know! I've got to be home soon or my parent's will be home before I am, and I've got to met my friends tomorrow mourning!" she looked at his hand, sorely tempted.
"Usagi, it's Saturday night, just let go and be a little wild for once! And besides, don't you think it's time for other's to bend for you!" he gave her a reassuring smile, his hand still offering.
"Ooh, alright. I'll go with you good sir to have a cup of coffee!" she put on her own version of an English accent and placed her small hand into his larger hand, even as she giggled and Ranma smiled silently.
"So," she began to ask as they walked, hand in hand to the path out of the park. "Where do we find a café this time of night?"
"We don't. I'll have you know I make a pretty mean coffee! We'll go to my apartment, if that's okay with you?"
She took a moment to weight the pros and cons, and decided she trusted him enough. "Sure."

"Wow, you live here?" Usagi remarked as they stood thirty meters and across the street from a tall and elegant high-rise. Usagi had known that the tower had taken almost two years to build, three years ago, and only very rich people could afford to live in it's exclusive apartments. It was even said that the emperor's family had bought three apartments, and even then, there was stiff competition, but gossip wasn't always reliable.
"It's only my Tokyo home, I have a few others about. Do you want to go in or shall we just stare at it?" he asked smiling, making light-hearted fun with her.
She smiled, a slightly pained smile, as he had reminded her of what she was running away from. She was pleasantly surprised that her kindly stranger was secure enough to make such jokes with her, yet delicate enough not to let them hurt her, unlike the others!
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Usagi shivered at the feel of that soft husky voice, rolling over her like a dreamy fog. "Yes, I'm fine, just a little tired, I guess!"
"Well," he smiled. "Coffee does wonders for sleepiness! Don't be intimidated by the building, just remember that your worth far more than any lump of concrete and glass!" he said seriously, smiling slightly, looking into her eyes.
She gasped slightly, almost thinking that he knew of her position as Sailor Moon. If he did, she would have to consider that he was a youma, and she couldn't think that, she wouldn't! Maybe, just maybe, he was saying that to Usagi Tsukino, and not the magical girl, Sailor Moon.
They walked hand in hand into the lobby of the building, and from there to Ranma's apartment.

Usagi look upon all of Juuban and Nerima. The moonlit sea of buildings and people was only slightly less busy at night, than at day.
Her jacket was on a long black sofa, one of the few pieces of furniture in the plain, large wood-panelled room. Every other panel in all of the walls refracted the moon- and starlight. It illuminated the room as well as the dull velvet-soft lights.
Up from behind her, Ranma walked quietly, like a cat in its lair, with two cups of coffee in his hands. He handed one to her silently as he joined her in look through the veranda windows, to see the bustling glory of the city.
Usagi looked at him, his hard, determined face, gazing almost in fond recollection of the city, yet tinged with a deep sadness. She did not know why, but she reached up her free hand and gently caressed his check, at the same time, gently, yet persuasively, leading his lips to hers.

Like in a dream, before they were in the living room, then they were in the bedroom, undressing each other. Their coffees were lying, spilt and forgotten in one corner of the large room, with two walls made up of windows. The blinds were half shut and the light slanted into the room.
They were standing next to the bed. Usagi was pulling his turtleneck over his head, while they were intimately close together. Ranma's thigh, lying between her own, rocked slightly.
With his turtleneck now off, Ranma turned his attention to undressing Usagi. He reached to her blouse's hem; he tucked his fingers under and pulled upwards, but not before stealing a kiss. He threw the blouse away into the same corner as the forgotten coffees.
They kissed for a few moments, crushing their bodies together, along with their lips. Usagi's young pert breasts, contained within her lacy bra, pushed against his vest-covered, hard chest, the hard nipples like caressing fingers.
Ranma reached around and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the ground. He leaned backwards, keeping the kiss, and her linked arms around his neck, but bringing his hands to cup and caressed her breasts. He could have drowned in her body, if he let himself.
She returned the favour by unlinking her hands and lowering them to the hem of his vest, and from their, sliding up the thin channel between flesh and cloth, finding his own, smaller nipples, to tease.
The deepened the kisses, keeping their ministrations up, until they broke, the kiss and released their respective body parts. They took of the rest of their clothes themselves, stealing glances to each other, making silent promises, passed by a look or a seductive movement.
They were finally both naked in front of each other. Usagi shyly only looked at his face, while he let his eyes roam down her tall and slightly gangly form. He walked up to her and cupped her face, kissing her lightly on both the forehead and the lips
Following his lead, Usagi sat down on the bed, and guided by his gentle touches, ended up lying down on the bed, her legs together and twisted to one side, her arms curling up and framing her head. Her long golden pigtails cascaded down on either side of her body, making her look like so much an angel to Ranma, that he almost didn't want to touch her, almost.
He suspended himself over her. His spread legs and shins supported him, along with the hands that he placed on either side of her chest. His manhood hung down, touching her thigh, the coarse pubic hair tickling her.
He leant down to kiss her, and she responded, wrapping her arms over his neck, then washing them down his back and to his buttocks, gripping fiercely, making him groan. In response, he shifted his weight entirely onto his legs, reached down with his hands and moved her thighs into the right position, spread, open and raised.
He moved downwards, leaving a trail of cooling saliva as he kissed and licked his way to her secrets. His tongue made a path through the forest of blonde pubic hair, twirling expertly, making her gasp and squeal. He drew back and looked at her pussy. From the slit, a trail of clear fluid made a trail to her anus. Her 'petals' were unfolded, and in bloom. He leaned in and tasted her, only to feel her hands on his head, urging him deeper. He relented and drove in with his tongue, loving the sounds of her moans, her gasps, consuming her with all of the passion of the moment.
Suddenly, he surged back up wards, taking one breast into his mouth. Before Usagi could make a sound, Ranma placed one of his hands on her cunt, slipping his middle finger's thickness along, slightly inside, then out, moved constantly back and forth, not penetrating. He relished her sounds, her movements and her husky pleas. His last free hand supported his upper body, and his manhood was excited, erect and pressed gently into the soft flesh of the back of her left knee.
He kept up ministrations until he heard her let out a much louder moan than before, a single sound conveying all the ecstasy she felt rushing through her. He felt her release dribbled through his fingers, coating them in her cum. Her body released a great deal of husky scent when she gave in to her desire, and that scent was causing Ranma to begin to lose control.
He firmly placed himself into position, smiling at Usagi. She smiled back, and giggled when he prodded her neck gently with his nose. He laughed too, a base tenor than rumbled through her. He took one on his hands and slyly placed it on her side, and, quite suddenly, tickled her.
Usagi, laughed and thrashed, Ranma did so, as well. Usagi found that despite all attempts, Ranma's tickling wouldn't be stopped, until she laughingly, reached forwards and kissed him hungrily. It was then that the laughter was slowly and hungrily replaced by an overpowering presence.
They looked at each other, Ranma looking into Usagi's light blue eyes, and she, into his slate-blue eyes. He was on top of her, her right leg hooked around him, supported by his left hand. His right hand was curled around her back, and both of her hands were pressed gently against his chest.
They moved together like mercury, flowing. His large, jutting manhood, slipped easily, and well lubricated into her petit, virgin vagina. The scent of musk was evident in air; they swam in it in their desire and lust.
Her arms enfolded around his neck, and his body ground into hers, hungrily, moaning, sweat lubricating their bodies. Her legs arched up to give him easier access, and she moaned like a kitten into his ear.
Ranma was motivated by all of the sensation he was receiving from the bedding, his crotch's connection to hers, and her ministrations, particularly her sudden grabbing of his rock-hard buttocks, and the pressure exerted into making his tender genitals touch more and more of her lower parts.
Usagi gasped for air as Ranma's testicles slapped playfully against her anus, and as his pubic hair tickled her sensitive parts. But, what she was feeling then was nothing compared to what she felt when Ranma moved one on his hands down the to fondle her clitoris, moving up and down along it's juiced surface, enjoying her noises and her pussy muscles constricting around his shaft.
When the end came, it was explosive. Ranma shot his load into Usagi's cunt, it's warmth spreading throughout her vaginal canal, as she released her own juices in one massive orgasm, spewing them all over Ranma's genitals and upper thighs. A combination of both of their juices flowed out of her slit, still throbbing with pleasure, as his penis continued to moved inside of her, amazingly erect.
They slumped into each other, Ranma still managing to go through the motions, kissing her reverently. Usagi assisted by touching every inch of flesh she could. Ranma's hand, which was still by their genitals, moved to re-continue the ministrations it, had carried out before.
The second and last orgasm for Ranma was the third for Usagi, and only then did they slump together, slumbering before they could do any more than roll onto their sides.

The next morning, they made love again, twice, and dressed each other, which lead to the third time. When they gained control over their sex drives; they dressed, and kept their clothes on. Ranma made them both hot drinks, and they would just sit on his sofa and stare across the city, and at each other.
Usagi loved it, the peace, the warm feeling in her belly from the drink, and lower, from her still warm sex drive, the pain from her first time stung ineffectually, as Ranma's presence, his jokes, his responses, and his gentle sensual glow that permeated her.
Ranma loved it too. Usagi gave him a peace he hadn't felt since his mother was alive. Her smiles, her touches, her seductive looks and her angelic sensuality were a constant to their entire time together.
It lasted until her mobile phone rang with the tune of some catchy little song. Usagi left Ranma, mournfully on the sofa as she went to answer it. She left with a small parting joke that was intended to soften her departure. She answered her mobile phone, in the pocket of her jacket.
"Hello, Usagi Tsuki, here." She announced.
"Usagi, honey, where have you been?" asked her father's voice over the line.
"Oh, Dad. Uh, hi." She said, overly loud, to catch Ranma's attention. He peered over the edge of the sofa's back to look at her, concerned. "Oh, I was just... at a friend's. Yeah, just at a friend's."
"Your mother and I phoned all of your friends, non of the them knew where you were. We even phoned Mamoru's but he was quite... Um..."
"Rude," Usagi supplied. "I've broken up with him Dad. He wanted things that I just didn't want to give to him!" she smiled at Ranma, and mouthed, 'but definitely you'. "There's no need to pussy-foot, Daddy."
"Huh? Second thoughts, I don't want to know." He muttered, but was still to be heard by Usagi. "Well, I never like that boy. But that doesn't answer the question. Where were you?"
"Well, I was at, uh..." she looked around for something. She used her head, and the truth. "I'm at a new friend of mine who lives at Tako Towers."
"What's the apartment number?" asked her father over the telephone, suspicion evident.
"Uh, it's... uh...Number 45" she said without thinking, after all it's not like he was going to come...
"Good, I'll pick you up!" said her father, relieved that he could help and play the role of Daddy, and no father likes his child becoming independent.
"Ah, no!" Usagi panicked. "Um... It's a kind thought, but... Ah..."
Ranma strode across the room to Usagi, and plucked the mobile phone from her fingers. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it!" he whispered to her.
"What will you say?" Usagi whispered back.
"The truth!" Ranma replied and put the phone to his ear.
"...agi, are you there? Hello!" asked Usagi's father, concerned.
"Yes. Usagi is fine, sir." He replied to the father of his lover.
"Who are you?" asked her father, suspicion returning tenfold.
"I am a good friend, of your daughters." Ranma winked at Usagi and smiled roguishly.
"I beg your pardon!"
"Well, it's just that I can drive your daughter home, later on. It's just that Usagi, so I've learnt, likes to use her legs as often as possible, so she may be intending to walk home. Please, don't worry, she is perfectly safe and we're in a good neighbourhood, not that far from your home. She'll come home when she feels like it, not you!" he ground the last sentence out, suddenly annoyed at her father. He pushed the red phone button and pushed to power button until the display went dead.
Usagi just stared at Ranma, and then laughed. "My Dad's going to have a heart attack. I swear, if you do that again, I will never be with you ever again.
Ranma smiled lopsidedly, "Yeah, I guess I went a little bit too far. It's just that I really don't like parents who think that they can control their children's lives!"
"Well, I better get to my house and let them know I'm alright!" Usagi made to take her jacket off its hook, but her wrist was clasped by Ranma's hand. He moved closer to her, till their lips brushed.
"Give them some time to simmer and cool down. He'll see it was probably think less of getting hung up on in a few hours!" he leaned forward and inhaled deeply from above her neck.
"So, will you be a good boy and let me go home?" asked Usagi, sparkles in her eyes. She reached forwards with both hands and placed them on his chest, while she pouted.
"No. Oh, Kami. No!" he kissed her full on the lips after his exclamation.
They moved back against the wall. Their need became stronger and quicker, than either of them could readily control. Ranma lifted her skirt; Usagi pulled down his pants. Both of them kissed each other and stripped each other's tops. Quickly, Ranma's hard chest was pressed against two soft orbs of warm flesh, and his bare genitals were pressed against Usagi's lower torso.
Ranma stooped down, and grabbed Usagi by the buttocks, hoisting her up. In that same motion, he slipped into her, still tight, pussy. They ground together, and again, and again. Usagi whispered in his ear, while he hoarsely growled back. The sensations they were giving each other were decidedly delicious.
Ranma's hold on Usagi's active buttocks faltered in his pleasure, two of his fingers came to rest on Usagi's hole, and with each thrust, pushed down on it.
Usagi gasped the first time startled, and in pleasure at her vaginal pleasure. The next time there was so much more pleasure; and Ranma thrusted harder, and she became acclimatised to the newer sensation. The thrust after that were only pure pleasures, and the discovery of her orgasm, just over the horizon.
Ranma was enjoying himself as well, as Usagi, inspired by him, had clasped his own buttocks, and squeezed them on every thrust. He gritted his teeth as he looked at her face, glowing and beautiful in it's pleasure-saturated state.
It was then, as he watched her face, that Usagi came. Ranma smiled predatorily as she writhed in his arms, responding to his own movements with enhanced fervour. He could come to love that look in her face, the glorious look of pure pleasure and peace, he golden hair woven, unbound, like a halo around her face. He kept his movements, as she kept her own, to a slightly feeble degree, which, he knew with experience, with her and other willing, if less lusty, women, would become stronger as her own involvement in the giving of pleasure became the top priority.
He was proven right as her movement returned to its past strength, tenfold. She and he rolled their pelvises, grinning mischievously.
Ranma slipped his groin in and out at different time, teasing them both, and almost pushing himself beyond his own limits.
Usagi did something similar, by taking one of her hands away from his buttocks to grasp his sack, and with delicate curiosity, rolled the balls together in the palm of her hand.
This treatment was near torture to Ranma, so he retaliated, by arching his torso, and allowing his thrusting penis to move against her g-spot, only a bit, due to the angle, but enough to get her attention.
Their playing and their passion-induced motions were destined to end in a roaring climax.
Ranma kept his phallus inside Usagi, revelling in the pleasure of the hard flesh touching her internal folds, and contracting vice-like walls. He gritted his teeth when he felt IT comes, he was angry with himself; he had held it for longer than this!
He wondered for a few milliseconds why, until he received his answer with Usagi leaning down, arching her back, allowing him to continue supporting her, and to fuck her, and nipped his right nipple. Her tongue lapped at it, her teeth bit it gently, and her lips caressed it and her warm breath wafted across it. It was then that the pressure of his impending orgasm increased greatly, as did the need for control.
His control broke when she rose back up and started her ministrations on the tender flesh of his neck. His hands, on her buttocks, actively pushed her into him, as they rose together, in a single harmonious gasp.
Both of them were frozen in this for a few endless moments, as Ranma spurted into her, and she released the stream of fluid from her pussy. The collective stream of fluid, both hers and his fell to the floor, making a puddle of mucus on the polished wood.
Ranma embraced her as the pleasure racked through them in palatable waves. Both of their eyes were closed and the just breathed as their natural functions occurred, and the bliss that followed sex took place. Ranma's chin rested on her shoulder, his neck along her breastbone, as her chin was on his shoulder, so, when his eyes opened, she did not see the brief flash of sorrow and indecision that went through his eyes.

Four hours later, both of them were once again in the living room, embracing, in clean clothes and washed of the smell of sex, although they had made love both before and during the shower, they managed to force themselves not to do it after.
Ranma released the embrace, whispering into her ear. "My phone and mobile numbers are on your mobile. Call me tomorrow, whenever you can, I'm always here. You could come here, but you would be risking not leaving for a few years." He grinned, and she blushed at his smouldering look.
"Oh, and by the way. Tell that useless piece of crap that used to be your boyfriend that if he touches you, I'll kill him!" he said, in all seriousness, a malicious glint in his eye that Usagi, thankfully, did not notice.
She bit her lip and looked at him shyly. "Does that mean we are going steady?"
Ranma looked at her, deadpan, "Well, considering, that we have had sex a lot, probably means that, yes I want you as my girlfriend. But, be warned, being my girlfriend means, I'll be expecting regular visits and plenty of sex!"
Usagi mock pouted. "Well, I guess, I'll just have to live with that." She sighed and looked at him with an eye-smile. "Can I tell my friends?"
"Sure, no reason why not!" Ranma smiled and gazed at her lovingly.
"I just realised!" Usagi looked as if she was just stung. "I barely know you!" She looked at him, the proof of her own actions.
Ranma cradled her face and kissed her, with great self-control. "There is plenty of time to tell you everything about me, and for you to tell me everything about you. Besides, all I need to know about you is that your you!"
"That's so sweet!" Usagi hugged him around the upper torso, and planted a kiss on his chin. "I've got to go now. I don't want to!"
"I know, I don't want you to leave, but wither we like it or not, you can't hold off life forever! Eventually, you have got to deal with it." Usagi couldn't have seen the hard glint in his eye when she saw this, because, she responded brightly.
"Well, I guess I got to go now!"
"Yes," said Ranma in feigned relief. "Just, please, go!"
Usagi ran-cum-walked towards the door, and at it, looked back at him smiling. "Sure you don't want to give me a goodbye kiss?"
"Go!" Ranma laughed.
Usagi giggled and opened the door, waving as she closed it.
Ranma sat down in one of the chairs, looking at the window rather than what was beyond it. "How long have you been here?"
The glass became like fog, as a shadowy figure walked through it. "Long enough!"