Methods of Convincing an Unwilling Father-in-law


We enter the mind of Kodachi Kuno as she plots another way of making Ranma hers for all eternity. Will she succeed? Will she suck seed? Read this flaming hot story of her unusual attempt at securing the most wanted but unfortunately engaged man in Nerima ward!


The owner of Ranma ½, our beloved Rumiko Takahashi, would never approve of such a fanfic as this, so please do not share it with her. I doubt she would agree with me on certain characterisation and plot issues. I beseech you to stay quiet about this fanfic. Although I doubt you would want anyone to know what you are reading…

Warnings for bestiality, lesbianism, painful penetration, and underage partner. Oh, and sex, too, but I guess you figured that out for yourself.

Methods of Convincing an Unwilling Father-in-law

There are three universally known, effective Methods of Persuasion. These are Torturing, Extortion, and Bribery. All others are but modifications and mixtures of these three; for example, threatening is a tool of Extortion. Reasoning is not born out of these, however, but neither is it effective. So I believe it is safe to say that being good at these will get you far in life.

Now we focus our gaze on a girl. She is Japanese, slim, and beautiful. She has long, black hair in a ponytail, and she wears dark lipstick. Her name is Kodachi Kuno. At the moment when our story began, she was pondering which of the three methods of persuasion to use.

I am yet not certain on the matter of which of these priceless tools would be the most befitting to this task. Therefore I will attempt each one in turn. The task she thought of was the one at least half a dozen girls her age in Nerima were thinking: How to become Ranma's fiancée? As she perceived it, Ranma didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Through applying the first Method, Torturing, she had found out some of the circumstances leading to the currently effective engagement. So clearly there was little chance of success through Ranma himself. It would be easier to target the original creator of the mess, Genma. Ranma's father was known to be a coward, gullible, and greedy.

So I will begin. Kodachi began to jump along rooftops, and soon arrived at the Tendo dojo. From atop the house across the street, she spotted Genma and Soun playing yet another game of shogi. She jumped and threw a black rose fresh from Hammerspace. The flower detonated when it hit the ground near the old men, releasing a cloud of black rose petals. Kodachi landed softly into the cloud, and as it dissipated, she stood straight, with another rose in her hand. "I am Kodachi, the Black Rose. Beware, Genma Saotome, for I am going to cause you unfathomable pains until you give me your son Ranma in marriage!" Naturally, the coward would fold and pray for mercy as he did in front of his master.

Genma had not bothered to listen to the girl and made a false assumption. After all, a martial artist or wanna-be fiancée demanding an audience with his successor and son was an everyday occurence. He turned to shout inside: "Ranma! There's another challenger for you outside!"

Kodachi realised her mistake too late. It was one thing to threaten Genma, but having to fight Ranma instead was a fatal blow to her plan. Kodachi had suffered in her beloved's hands several times, and she expected it to be the same this time. Ranma peeked out of the doorway. "Hiya, Kodachi. Whatcha up to now?"

In two minutes, Kodachi walked out of the Tendo dojo with several bruises. She was smiling despite the pain. Even if it was punches and kicks, she was happy to have been touched by Ranma. Over time, this had developed into a bizarre sort of selective masochism.

It seems that the first Method can not be properly employed in such a well-guarded environment. Let us move on to the second Method. Extortion was the name of the game. Kodachi turned and marched back to Genma. "You will give me Ranma's hand in marriage, or I will reveal to all the nation your true form as a panda!" The thought of people knowing his true, black and white form, would surely pain him to making a deal with her.

Genma turned to look. "Who will believe you, little girl?" Behind him, Soun altered the situation on the game board, although it was not his turn.

Kodachi frowned. The old man does have an amount of truth to his words. "Then, I will reveal that you are a single father! All of society will despise you for letting your son grow up to be a brutal, bloodied street fighter!"

Soun piped in: "Everybody admires Ranma's fighting skills, so that would only serve to heighten Genma's reputation." Now it was Genma's turn to edit the locations of the pieces. His move was not entirely legitimate, either.

Kodachi was trembling with fury now. "I will… I will… I will reveal to your son that it was you who caused this mess!" She was so annoyed that she forgot to speak properly.

Not even bothering to turn and look, both old men spoke at the same time: "He knows."

Kodachi's hopes were once again devastated to the ground. She walked away, wondering what there was she could do. The third Method, Bribery, was very tricky. What would Genma want enough to sell his own son? Money? Kodachi had it, but probably not enough. Power? That was not in her hands. Pleasure? But what kind? Food was a good idea, but Kodachi doubted it was good enough. What, then? Genma had not seen his wife after he took Ranma to be trained, which was over ten years ago. Kodachi doubted that he had the appeal required to obtain a mistress. Yes, Genma was probably very… lonely. A devious plan popped up in Kodachi's mind.

Slightly after midnight, Genma woke up to the sound of a knock on his door. He shambled up and opened the door, seeing nobody. He was about to close it as he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up, and in the faint moonlight filtering in between the curtains he could only discern that it was some sort of a photograph. He went to fetch a flashlight from his drawer and pointed it at the picture. There was a woman's bare leg. A slim, beautiful leg. On the other side of the paper were the words: Follow the trail to me… They were written in a feminine, flowing handwriting. Genma walked out of the room and spotted another picture. It was of a woman's bare thigh, the edge of the paper ending it just below the hip. He looked around again and spotted yet another one with his flashlight. Picking it up, he saw that it was of a young female's bare body, her sensitive areas barely concealed by a blanket. His manhood reacted, blood beginning to fill it. I haven't seen a woman's body in fifteen years… Genma ran to the next picture, and the next, and the next. They got gradually more revealing, and in the end, he had three of them which showed the girl's butt, and one with a shot of her breasts - the nipples were a very dark shade of red - but never was her face visible. Slowly but certainly, the amount of blood required by his swelling erection was deducted from the amount operating his brain. Genma's thought processes were stripped down to an animal level and his lust took control.

The trail of pictures led to a door. As Genma opened it, he saw that he was in the courtyard, looking at the carp pond. There was a woman up to her thighs in the water. She was the one in the pictures. Her back was turned to Genma, and her long, black ponytail glistened in the shine of the flashlight. She spoke in a soft voice: "I know you are lonely, teacher of martial arts. It is a fine profession you practice, and you deserve a reward for it. Come closer, and I will show you pleasure you have never dreamed of."

Genma could not identify the voice, although it sounded familiar. Not caring who it was, he stepped closer. What should I do? I must remain loyal to my wife… But… Oh, gods, I haven't had a woman in so many years. All of his attempts to use Ranma as a tool for bartering had failed miserably. My body yearns to be touched again as it once was. "Please, show me your face."

The woman turned slowly. It was Kodachi. Genma's mind screamed: She's just a girl! Don't do it! You can't do it! Just tell her no and go back to sleep! The flashlight fell to the ground from his limp, trembling hand and the light disappeared. However, the bright full moon provided enough lighting to allow Genma to see the young girl's body. Her legs and thighs were slim, and her waist was thin to the point of anorexia. Her small, pert breasts glistened with tiny droplets of water. As he opened his mouth, the words that came out were: "May the gods forgive me. I will take you."

Kodachi smiled. Everything is working as it should. Now then. She got out of the pond and walked closer to the man. The cool night breeze caressed her body, and her nipples hardened and turned such a dark shade of red, that in the moonlight they seemed nearly black. She reached out to pull down Genma's underwear and freed her enormous manhood. It was ten inches long and two inches thick. Kodachi leaned back and took a good look at the man. She was disgusted by his slightly overweight body. He is fat… Nothing like my Ranma at all I do not think I can do it. There was no need to use the most complicated possible sentences while thinking. After all, who heard her?

Kodachi tried to figure a way to get around her aversion to Genma's physique. I guess there is no way. I must do this for my Ranma-chan. Reluctantly, she embraced the man. The cold water from the pond, still covering her skin in little droplets, touched Genma. Suddenly, Kodachi was not holding a man, but a black and white, fluffy panda. A real animal, one with strong, thick arms and legs, clawed paws, and a snout full of gleaming white teeth. It is kind of cute, in the same way as stuffed animals are. Kodachi hugged the beast. Its thick fur tickled and pressed against her breasts and belly. It actually felt good, the way she nearly sank into the warm fluffiness. She rubbed her body up against Genma's, feeling the panda's erect penis against her thigh. She looked down and saw how it had increased in size after the transformation, and a hint of doubt entered her mind. Can I take that much manliness into me? For my dear Ranma, I will try.

With him in that deranged and bestial state, there is no need for complicated preparations. She stepped back and lay down on her back, spreading her thighs. "Mr. Panda, I do not think my body is ready for you yet. I would love to take you inside me, but I can not. Can you help me? Please?" The helpless girl routine will certainly hit a switch in his brain. The sight of Kodachi's hairless pussy helped, too.

The panda held up a sign saying: Sure and dropped down to all fours, walking closer to the girl. It sniffed around her crotch, then put out its tongue to give her labia a good, long, lick. The pink limb had a rough texture, which served to draw a moan of pleasure from the girl. She grabbed her thighs with both hands to separate them even further. Genma continued licking her pussy over and over again, now and then accidentally brushing his tongue over her clit. Kodachi screamed in delight, then bit on her lip to muffle the sounds, so that nobody would awaken and discover them.

In a minute, her pussy was ready; her nether lips were red and separated, and a clear liquid trickled from the slit. Genma tasted it and retreated, holding up a sign: Are you ready?

Kodachi turned away from Genma, pressing her breasts to the ground and holding her ass up high. "Please, be gentle!" This was all the horny panda needed. It padded over to the little girl and positioned its body over hers, poking at her wet cunt with the tip of his dick. Very slowly, it bean to push apart her labia. Kodachi bit her lip again, this time to prevent a scream of pain. It felt as if she was going to be torn in two. Her virgin hole slowly spread and opened, admitting the tip of Genma's cock. Kodachi employed a meditation technique to loosen up her muscles and rearrange some internal organs, which helped her to take in more of the hot, veiny shaft. She thanked the gods that she had lost her maidenhead to a gymnastics baton a year earlier.

Genma was struggling to keep his body under control, knowing that a powerful thrust might permanently injure the girl. He slowly pushed inch after inch of his meat into her, savouring the incredible tightness surrounding his prick. When he was about two-thirds in, he felt an obstacle. There was simply no way he could go further; he was bumping up against Kodachi's cervix. He began to pull back for another thrust.

The Black Rose was in pain. A gymnastics baton was nothing compared to the enormous cock filling her to the rim. Yet she opposed her desire to pull away and make a run for it. This is for my Ranma. As a picture of her beloved appeared in front of his eyes, she remembered how good it had felt when Ranma's rock hard fists connected with her body. If it is to get closer to him, it feels wonderful. So should this. Kodachi kept her mind on Ranma, imagining the intruder in her pussy to be his entire forearm with a balled fist at the end. The pain was still there, but now it carried the undertone of pleasure.

Genma's dick was almost out of Kodachi, and he reversed direction for another, faster thrust. Kodachi screamed with mixed pain and pleasure; there was not enough lubrication to smoothen the friction. Genma flipped a sign in front of her: No need to be quiet - flip to the other side - Everybody is away - flip - Except for kasumi - flip - And she sleeps like a log.

How many sides does he have on one sign? This thought was never voiced as Kodachi screamed again. Genma was picking up the pace, only taking a couple of seconds for each thrust. Kodachi's breasts mashed against the cold earth, but she focused on the burning sensation in her pussy. Every time Genma entered him, he hit her cervix, and it stretched a bit further. Kodachi enjoyed the violent and painful fucking and began to hump her butt back at the panda as it pushed into her steaming hot orifice, holding a sign: Yeah, baby! Girl cum flooded out, as there was no space for it inside. Soon, Kodachi's labia and inner thighs were glistening with it.

Genma's pace got more furious as he felt his time drawing near. With a massive grunt and a shove, he forced his entire cock into the girl, the tip penetrating her cervix and entering her womb. His testicles pumped hot, white jizz into the girl until her womb was full and it began to leak out. He pulled his manhood out of her, releasing a flow of sperm which covered her labia.

Kodachi reflected on her choice of which internal organs to rearrange and resize. It was a good thing I moved my uterus and loosened the cervix. Otherwise that would have been very painful. Kodachi reached a hand between her thighs and scooped up a handful of the sticky substance. She brought it to her mouth and licked it up. It was very salty, but Kodachi liked the taste. The sperm is so strong, as if some of the powerful nature of the panda were present in it. She rolled onto her back and tried harvesting more of it, but only succeeded in spreading it over her crotch and belly. She crawled under the panda to reach the source of the delicious goo.

Kodachi grabbed the still hard panda cock with both hands and started to milk it. Genma stood up so that the girl had to sit straight, and he knew there was a surprise coming for the girl. It did not take many seconds before his cock began to pulsate again, and just as Kodachi was about to close her mouth over its tip, it released another shower of sperm. The first globs hit her around the mouth and in the face, and taken by surprise, she fell over backwards. The rest of the warm jizz flew out in arcs, splattering on her breasts, belly and crotch.

For a moment, Kodachi just stared at the sperm covering her torso. Then, very carefully, she began to massage it onto her breasts. The sensations created by her fingers and palms sliding over her nipples, covered in a sticky but slippery goo, kindled the flames within her, and her movement became more vigorous. Kodachi's hand slid over her abdomen, diving into her crotch, and two fingers slipped into her canal, which was again growing wet. The other hand kneaded her breasts and twisted her nipples.

Meanwhile, the panda was recuperating. He was sitting up next to the wall, looking at the girl covered in his seed, rubbing it into her young, smooth skin. The sight was very arousing, but he still had problems getting it up again.

Kodachi reached her peak loudly and moaned out her ecstasy. The movement of her fingers in and out of her cunt quickened and the thumb circled her clitoris, lengthening and strengthening the tidal waves of pleasure flooding her senses. As the sensations withdrew, she collapsed on the ground. Some of the sperm inside her, stirred by her masturbation, leaked out of her and covered her labia.

Suddenly, a female voice spoke up. "Why, hello, Mr. Panda. Hello, Kodachi." Both mentioned turned their heads to the door and froze. Kasumi was there; the eldest daughter of the Tendo dojo was standing in the doorway to the house, naked. Her eyes had a glazed look, but Kodachi wasn't looking at them. Kasumi's body was lush and curvy; made to carry a baby into this world. Her eyes were directed at the woman's huge breasts. I want ones like that, too. The thought was more than little envious, tinted with admiration. Without knowing, Kodachi blushed.

A cough from Genma the panda attracted her attention. He was holding up a sign: I forgot to say that she sleepwalks. There was a huge sweatdrop on his forehead. He was also sneaking glances at the daughter of his best friend.

Kodachi raised an eyebrow and her eyes sparkled like two infernos. "You call sleepwalking sleeping like a log? I should…" We will never know what Kodachi should have done. She was interrupted by Kasumi, who was oblivious to the obvious.

"Meow." A heavy silence followed. Both Genma and Kodachi sweatdropped.

Sign: I think she is dreaming that she is a cat.

To Kasumi, things were a bit unclear at the moment. In a dream, some incredible or bizarre things can feel completely natural, and other, everyday things can be simply forgotten. She perceived herself as a cat; a golden-brown domestic cat with bright green eyes and a gentle smile. Her eyes were open, and she could see, but her brain interpreted some things in a different way. She saw Genma as a panda, but had no idea that he was her father's best friend. To her, it was just another sentient animal. And Kodachi; Kasumi knew her name, but had replaced her appearance with that of yet another cat: a little, black one, that she thought was her child. Overactive parental instincts can do that to a person.

"Oh my. Kodachi, you seem to be covered in some sort of slime. I should clean you up. Come here, my little kitten."

Kodachi got up, covering her delicate areas with her hands. I remember hearing that opposing a sleepwalker might be dangerous… or was it awakening? I must not take any chances with this. If I act properly, maybe she will just go back to sleep and remember nothing. Whispering "Act along" to Genma, she walked over to the woman.

Kasumi smiled, but her eyes were still looking into the distance. "Lie down on your back, so I can make you all clean again." Kodachi did as she was told. Kasumi dropped onto all fours and bowed her head down to lick the back of the girl's hand. "I will clean you, my little kitten."

Kodachi's body tensed. Is she going to clean me up with her tongue? The thought is disgusting. I do not go for women. However, I seem to have no choice. "Yes, mother cat." She tried to stay calm as Kasumi moved to the girl's face. The woman extended her cute, pink tongue, and flicked it across Kodachi's face. The girl closed her eyes to remove the hallucinating woman from her sight. With feather-light licks, Kasumi soon cleaned the girl's face, swallowing all the sperm she got into her mouth. Finally, she kissed Kodachi on the lips and slipped her tongue in to fetch the last drops of cum. The horrified girl moaned into Kasumi's mouth, but the sleepwalker continued the kiss as long as was necessary to probe and shine every crevice of Kodachi's mouth.

Genma stared in awe as a scene of lesbian erotica unfolded before his very eyes. He felt blood surging back into his manhood, but waited to see what happened.

From there, Kasumi moved down over the other's neck, kissing away a glob of jizz. Her teeth brushed Kodachi's carotid artery, sending shivers up and down her spine. The sensation was not new to the girl; she knew it from the times she had known Ranma had her in position for the final move. It was the feeling of knowing your life is in the hands of another; Kodachi did not like it.

Kasumi reached Kodachi's chest, and gently but purposefully moved to the side the hand covering the girl's nipples. The woman began to lick and kiss her kitten's chest, avoiding the nipples for now. Kodachi tried to fight the signals her body was sending. It is not supposed to feel good. But she was powerless in front of mother nature and mother cat's alliance. Her nipples hardened and became erect, and Kasumi noticed them. She pulled one entirely into her mouth, twirling her tongue over the hard nub. Kodachi moaned in pleasure and frustration. She barely had time to sigh with relief before the cat lady attacked her other breast. After repeating the treatment, Kasumi bit lightly on the nipple, making Kodachi gasp for breath and her eyes fly open. This is that kind of good pain. I won't last much longer. She was losing the battle to her instincts, which told her to moan and twist her body.

Kasumi was finished with Kodachi's chest and moved to her belly, using wide, long licks to quickly clean the flat area. Then she moved between the girl's thighs, spreading them wide, and looked at the wet and sperm-covered labia. A thought filled with horror entered Kodachi's mind: There's lots of it inside me.

After licking her lips, Kasumi began to lick around Kodachi's pussy. Then she poked at the girl's nether lips with her tongue, sending another set of shivers through Kodachi's body. Finally she kissed the clitoris. The girl tensed, nearly falling over the edge to orgasm. I will last… No woman is going to make me feel that good. Her labia parted just a bit, but enough to let Kasumi catch a glimpse of the white, gooey treasure welling inside. She clamped her mouth over the leaking pussy, and began to drink the jizz from the inside.

The force of nature proved stronger than Kodachi's self control as an orgasm shook her body and mind. As the girl's pussy clenched, Kasumi received a flood of mixed girl cum and sperm into her mouth and swallowed it eagerly. As the river died down to a mere trickle, Kasumi gave the area a few finishing kisses and began to move her body above Kodachi's. The girl resisted, pushing the busty woman's breasts with her palms. Too late she remembered that there was still sperm on her hands; she felt Kasumi's nipples slide against her jizz-covered hands, and rolled away.

Kasumi looked down at the white stuff on her breasts. "Meow. Must clean." She grabbed her breasts and attempted to lick her own nipples, nearly reaching them with her outstretched tongue. After failing a couple of times, the woman looked at Kodachi. "Will you help me?" She released her breasts, letting them bounce freely. Kodachi felt another wave of boob-envy.

Kodachi swallowed. Remember the prize awaiting you is worth all this. She leaned closer and licked Kasumi's left nipple. She felt it harden under her tongue, but cleaned away the jizz on and around it. Then she swallowed and moved to the other breast. She tried to take all of the slimy area into her mouth at one and sucked on it, drawing a purr from the cat lady. Somehow it bothered her that she was giving pleasure to another woman in this way against her will. Kodachi swallowed the second mouthful of sperm and said: "Now you can go back to sleep… mother."

Kasumi slid a hand down between her thighs. "Oh my. I am wet, too. Can you lick me clean?"

Kodachi attempted to steel her mind, but she was not capable of doing what Kasumi requested. Not even if it means losing everything. I can't do it. She shook her head.

Genma had another one of his bright ideas. He held up a sign: I can clean you. He laid down on his back and motioned for Kasumi to sit down on his face. The sleepwalker walked to the panda as gracefully as a cat, swaying her hips enticingly. Kasumi was not aware of the power her appearance had on Genma; as far as she was concerned, she was a cat and a cat wanted to stay clean. For some reason she was not able to lick herself, so other methods needed to be found.

Genma licked his lips as Kasumi stood above him. The woman's curly pubic hair were shaven to form a perfect triangle above the slightly wet slit. Kasumi sat down on the panda's snout, and he lapped at her cunt with his wide, rough tongue. She trembled as it brushed against her clitoris, and more cum trickled from her pussy into the panda's maw. Genma tasted he sweet liquid and went wild; he grabbed Kasumi's hips with his clawed front paws and began to furiously suck and lick the woman's crotch. Kasumi purred in delight.

Kodachi frowned at the sight of the sleepwalker twisting in pleasure upon the huge beast's face. I was taking care of the old fool. How dare that wench come and abuse me and interrupt my work? I must take revenge. The perfect solution came to her: Yes, that is right. This technique will serve to hurt her, but also possibly help her reach orgasm and leave. Kodachi sat on the panda's chest facing Kasumi, and reached her hands around to the purring woman's bust. Ultimate technique: Nipple Twister! Kodachi took said red, hard nubs between her fingers and rolled them. Kasumi whined and put her hands on Kodachi's, pressing and rubbing them against her breasts. The girl squeezed and pulled the nipples up and away from the woman, then released her grip to let Kasumi's breasts bounce.

Genma smiled inwardly. I have the best luck tonight. Not only was he drinking the virginal nectar of his best friend's daughter, but also watching her large but firm breasts being handled by another female beauty.

Kodachi was still releasing her frustration upon Kasumi, squeezing and caressing her entire bust and nibbling on the woman's earlobe. She whispered: "Does it feel good, mother cat? Or does it hurt?" Kasumi moaned. "Maybe both", Kodachi suggested. As she did not get an answer, the smiling girl doubled her efforts. Kasumi's moans echoed across the neighbourhood, as the usually tranquil woman went with the flow, her conscious thoughts wiped away by her half sleeping state.

By the combined efforts of Genma and Kodachi, Kasumi reached her first orgasm. She meowed to the sky as a completely new sensation flowed from her pussy and filled her body. Her mind went white with pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt. Slowly, the flow turned to ebb, and Kasumi came down from her personal heaven. She got up from the panda and kneeled to give it a big, wet kiss on the mouth. Genma seized the chance to push his tongue into the woman's mouth and give her a taste of her own cum. Kasumi pulled away and licked her lips, and with the speed and agility of a cat, turned to kiss Kodachi. The girl did not resist, reminding herself of the consequences of failure. She even let Kasumi's tongue probe around her mouth for a moment, although the taste of the woman's cum sent shivers down her spine.

Kasumi straightened herself and stretched, then left the yard. At the door, she turned to look at Kodachi and Genma. "Thank you, Mr. Panda, thank you, Kodachi. Good night."

Thankfully, that is over. Kodachi breathed out a deep sigh. They were so big and bouncy. What kind of a bra does she wear to keep them from jiggling? Kodachi thought back to the times she had seen Kasumi before. And to hide their size… My guess is a traditional Japanese cloth wrap. But now, I can return to the plan. She moved her ass down on the panda's body, until its penis was resting against her rump. "What are your requests, Mr. Panda? Are you prepared for another round?"

Genma had completely regained his erection and was as horny as… well, Hell. Horny as Hell. He grabbed Kodachi by the hips and lifted her, positioning her pussy above his cock. Slowly he lowered the girl onto him, penetrating her nether lips again.

Kodachi checked that her internal organs were in place; normally, there was no way for any dick to enter a womb, but she was special. This time, it was less painful when Genma slid inside her. There was still a lot of his sperm inside her, and it flowed out onto his shaft as he lowered the girl onto him. The panda did not attempt to enter her womb yet; it began to lift Kodachi higher after he felt her cervix.

The girl pulled her legs properly under her and pushed up, spreading her thighs. On the next downward thrust, she used the fingers of one hand to spread her labia. Genma was treated to a sight of mixed jizz and girl cum oozing out of the hole as his cock sunk into it. I don't want that slime on my fur, Genma thought.

He sat up, laying Kodachi on her back on the ground. Then he grabbed her ankles and began to push them forward until they touched the ground next to her head. Now the setting was inverted; Kodachi's cunt was invaded by the panda's massive endowment directly from above. Being careful not to use too much weight, Genma thrust his cock into the little girl. Now the goo, which oozed out of the tight pussy, flowed over Kodachi's belly. She snaked a hand between their bodies and began to finger her clit as the other hand caressed her small but pert breasts.

Genma pushed in deeper, once again trying Kodachi's cervix. It was much looser now, and he passed through with relative ease. Kodachi, however, found the size of his cock enough to make her voice her pain and pleasure very loudly. "Oh yes, that is the way, love me deep!" The tip of the panda's dick dove into the lake of sperm still gathered in her womb, and it was squeezed out through the hot canal. Once outside, it formed a little river across Kodachi's belly and through her cleavage. The girl used her hand to bring it to her mouth and licked it off her fingers.

Genma increased his pace, the volume of his cock forcing more goo out of Kodachi, and grunted. He was nearing his limit and he knew it. The hot, slippery tunnel around his meat pulsated in unison with his shaft, and Kodachi was using her internal muscles to squeeze it even tighter on every backstroke. Finally, he could feel the pressure rising within his cock.

Kodachi came first, and her pussy contracted around the invading panda dick. Her cervix closed around the base of its tip, trapping it inside. She fought for consciousness as a deafening roar of ecstasy threatened to pull her under.

The panda attempted to yank himself out of the hot pussy, only managing to tighten it even more. He came hard, releasing a relatively modest amount of sperm into the girl's womb. Still it was enough to fill her to the rim. As her vaginal spasms ended, Kodachi released Genma from her channel. The panda fell over backwards, still tired from the exercise and mindless from the pleasure.

Kodachi was not finished yet. First, she cleaned all sperm from her skin with her hands and drank it, savouring the refined taste. Then she reached into Hammerspace for a one-litre bottle of water. She emptied its contents on her body, washing away the residual sperm. Then she placed the bottle on the ground, mouth pointing upwards, and crouched over it. She lowered her pussy onto it, and directed its neck in between her labia. When it was snugly fitted to her hole, Kodachi began to contract her vagina and canal, forcing the sperm to flow into the bottle. The sensation of thick jizz flowing through her nether orifice combined with the cold plastic of the screw-cap bottle pressing into her sensitive membranes sent mixed nerve impulses to her brain, making her unsure of what to feel. Her legs grew weak and gravity pulled her lower on the bottle, and the gently widening neck stretched her cunt. After taking in all of that panda meat, a bottle shouldn't have been much of a challenge, but Kodachi's entire pussy was tender from the wild sex. She bit her lip but lasted through it, waiting for the bottle to be filled. I need to save some of this tasty stuff for later.

Once that was done, Kodachi removed the bottle from her crotch. It had sunken three inches into her, and the removal sent new stimuli to her brain. She was feeling extremely aroused again. After screwing the cap tightly into place, Kodachi put the bottle filled with panda sperm and her own cum aside and put both hands to work on her crotch. The first one spread her lips to give the second one a chance to enter her cunt and fetch some of the remaining sperm, which Kodachi eagerly consumed. She slid two fingers back in for more, but could not find any within reach. She desperately tried to wiggle the fingers deeper, reulting only in an icreasing feeling of hotness in and around her crotch. Her pussy spewed her own liquids along with some of Genma's onto her hand as she came for the fourth time that night. She let her breathing slow down and licked her hand clean. The thought of tasting girl cum again, although it was her own, made her feel dirty, but the deliciousness of the panda's sperm made it wothwhile.

Kodachi remembered what she had come to do. After rearranging her entrails to their original positions and sizes, she put the bottle back to Hammerspace for later use and walked to the panda, lowering her body on top of the furry mountain that was it's belly. The smooth coat tickled her, but she did not squirm. Concentrating, she reached to her Hammerspace. Drawing little flowers or bottles through the dimensional rift was one thing; this was something bigger and heavier, and Kodachi's holewidth for downrifting was minimal. With a final thought, she materialised from behind her back a heavy steel chain with a leather loop on one end and a black iron collar on the other. On the collar, there was a heavy padlock, and a rose emblem. She opened the collar - the lock was open - and quickly snapped it onto the panda's neck. Then she slammed the lock shut and put the black leather strap around her wrist. "Ha! Now you are mine, vile beast! You shall heed my commands and relinquish your son!"

Sign: No. Why should I?

"But we made a pact! Do you go back on your word, old man?"

There was no pact.

"But certainly! You agreed to give the hand of your son in marriage in exchange for tonight."

I'm not that stupid.

Kodachi thought back. "I was certain…" She could not remember saying it. This is a huge setback. I will just have to rely on his weaknesses. "What is this? You have foiled me. Nonetheless, I propose another deal. Your son for another night."

Sign: Not a chance.

"If you do not agree to a deal, I will disclose tonight's happenings to all of Nerima."

Genma thought: Two can play at this game. If you do not agree to my terms, I will tell Ranma. Genma's years of fishy bartering and avoiding trouble had given him a keen instinct on some matters, but this was more of a lucky idea on his part.

Kodachi paled. "You dishonourable spawn of the badger! Name your terms."

One: Every night I want, …

And so it came to be that Kodachi became a slave to Genma. The collar was modified to fit Kodachi, and in return for this added bit of control, Genma agreed to always be in his animal form. As weeks went by, Kodachi began to like her nocturnal work, but she still yearned for Ranma. She dreamed of him every night and fougt to gain his respect every day for more than a year, and when the time for Ranma and Akane's wedding came, she was there, crying. After that, she began to slowly heal. She finished her studies in zoology and moved to China, where she studied wild pandas, and established intimate relationships with some of them.

This goes to show how unplanned implementation of the Methods of Persuasion can lead to disastrous consequences. When utilising Bribery, make sure that the sanctions from unveiling the Bribery are more heavy on the other side, and you can escape unscathed and unsued. Otherwise, the other might use Extortion to turn the tables on you. The same goes for accepting bribes.

Also, you might have noticed, that Kodachi did not attempt Torturing Genma. All she did was threaten; and threatening is a subculture of Extortion. This kind of double Method can be very effective, but you need power to back it up, for it is twice more susceptible to fail than a single Method.

Kodachi was overconfident and acted on her heart's commands. You should always think through your plans and prepare for the worst. If you see your plot crumbling, retreat while you still can. This way, you will not end up like our poor example.

Author's Notes:

Do as I say, not as I do. I saw the plot of this story crumbling since the very beginning, but I still went through with it. And although it wasn't my heart commanding me to do this, it was another equally mindless organ. It just took control of me, honestly! …Nah. My brains were Bribed into it: A weird lemon for a mountain of personal pleasure. My brains think it was a good deal. Seems like preparing for the worst was not necessary this time, because I am positive that this is not the worst bestiality `fic out there. Right? Um, anybody? Come on…!

Many thanks to Azrael' Wing for proof-reading and pointing out which parts needed explaining. Without him, the stump of a plot would not have been half of what it is.

Thanks to Kapuski for the idea of the bottling, although I had to modify it a bit. His was too messy. Also, the idea that led to the writing of this `fic came from a conversation I had with him.

Also thanks to Miss Mari for a final check.

All that is left to say is this: I apologise for the inconvenience I have caused in your underwear.

" 'rearrange some internal organs' Which ones? I'm curious... "

-Azrael's Wing