Authors Note: I started writing this because I read some of the things that are on the Net, and a lot of them are ridiculously cruel to Ukyou. If Ranma made his choice, I think she would accept it. Dont expect this to be a very happy fic, more along the lines of Rei watching Usagi and Mamoru getting together. Some lemon scenes (sorta), but look for cheap thrills elsewhere this time . I really need to lighten these things up, maybe later. Any LEGITIMATE c/c is welcome at .
All characters, their names, distinctive likenesses, and UFO Catcher Dolls belong to Rumiko Takahashi, who I hope could forgive all of us wannabe authors for butchering her marvelous creations.
Light a Candle For Me, Lover
Lord Onyx
When you make love,
Do you look in the mirror?
Who do you think of?
Does he look like me?
Love Bites by Def Leppard
I Im sorry, Ukyou.
Thats all right, Ranchan, I managed to eek out through the tears. I can still call you that, right?
Ucchan, youll always be my best friend.
I turned to the girl that took away my love. So, Akane, I guess this means you win. In a kind of haze I go over to hug this my greatest rival, the one who has become my friend. I wish you both happiness. I think I need to get back to my apartment now. Goodnight.
As I gently shut the door, I hear Ranchan say, Well that went pretty well, right?
She was just the first, and I think the others will be much worse, Akane replied.
About a year ago I had pulled Akane aside. This was really the first time I had conceded that I might lose. I promised her that I would respect any choice Ranchan made, and made her promise to do the same. Now, my worst nightmare has come true. In about four months, Ranma Saotome is getting married to Akane Tendo, leaving me forever.
That night I threw away something I had been saving.
I sobbed all through the subway, unable to stop, and hating myself even more for crying, for the feminine weakness that had ruined my life. No wonder my father wanted a boy, no wonder he passed me off to the first hungry thief he could, no wonder a little boy rejected me, no wonder a man had just rejected me .
There was something I had wanted to give to that man, the one who used to be that boy. I wanted to give him everything. I had been rejected, all of me, body, mind, soul, and, most of all, heart.
There wasnt any point in saving it any more.
I seriously considered suicide that night, but I couldnt find a way around the pain. And I didnt want to hurt Ranchan and his real fiancée. That was my title, my boast, my claim, and it tasted like ashes, now.
Instead of taking my life, I took my own maidenhead.
I had longed with every fiber of my being to give my body to Ranchan. But now, that dream died. Of course I had masturbated before, but my hymen was still intact. Now, it didnt matter. I found a candle, unused, just like me.
Look, Akane, someone is going to marry Ranma, and its probably gonna be either you or me. If I have to lose, Id rather he choose you than get kidnapped by Shampoo or Kodachi.
So what are you saying? That we just beat them up until they quit?
Havent we tried that? Numerous times?
Point taken.
We were sitting in the okonomiyaki-ya, after I had closed up for the night. Ranma was out on a mercy-date with Shampoo (translation: probably fighting Mousse, possibly others), so I had pulled Akane out of that asylum of a dojo to talk. No easy task, either; Id had to bribe her with food.
So what do you suggest?
We keep the others at a distance, as usual. No more bickering between us, for Ranmas sake. I could see her ire rising at that, so I moved to stomp it out immediately. No more. He has enough problems in his life without us. And I think it really hurts him when we fight, even if he doesnt let on that it does.
All right, Ill try, but it isnt as if I can suddenly switch.
I didnt say that this was easy; is anything in our lives ever?
All right, what else?
Teach me kenpo.
WHAT???? Why would YOU want to learn how to fight? You already beat me half the time .
Only if I have my spatulas, but if someone, especially an extremely strong tomboy, gets in under my guard .
I thought you said no more bickering.
then Im toast, and we both know it. I dont want to rely entirely on weapons.
So what do I get out of it?
Geez you sound like Nabiki. I was going to suggest we trade. You teach me how to fight hand-to-hand, and I teach you how
to cook.
I CAN cook! Why does everyone .
Run in fear whenever you step foot in the kitchen? Your eagerness is matched by your incompetence. Hey, its true, why do you think Ranma always comes to me or the Nekohanten when you try to make dinner?
All right .hey, waitaminute, if I teach you kenpo, you could just take Ranma away and .
Do I look like Shampoo? I want him to choose me, not to kidnap him. He will eventually choose, you know. And I hope it doesnt go the way I see . And the last part of the deal is
Is what?
Both of us agree to abide by his choice, whichever way it goes.
Are you serious? What if he chose me? You would just turn and walk away?
No, Id fade into being his best friend, the way hes always seen me. But only if you agree that if he chooses me, you wont interfere.
What about the others? What if he chooses one of them?
I dont think we can trust him if he chooses Shampoo or Kodachi, theyve tried mind control, threats, and kidnappings so many times that anything about them is suspect. If its someone else, well, well just have to see. As for me, I promise not to interfere if Ranma chooses you, and furthermore, to keep the others away to the best of my ability.
You would do that? For us?
For Ranma, and only if he chooses you.
And for my part, I, too, promise to support Ranmas decision, whichever way it goes, and to help him and you, with the psychos.
So do we have a deal? I ask as I pour out two cups of sake.
Yes, she says, as she raises the cup to eyelevel before tossing it back, we have a deal.
I remember cutting the wick off the tip of candle for some reason, and then I slowly licked up the shaft of it, weeping as I thought of doing this to Ranchan, torturing myself with thoughts of Akane taking his asoko into her mouth. I was already naked on my bed, and as I sucked on the candle, my left hand moved down to squeeze my breast. I gasped as I gently pinched my nipple, then went back to moistening the impromptu dildo. I imagined that the hand caressing me, brushing down across my stomach to my slit, was his. As my fingers spread my lower lips, I used my right hand to bring the candle to the entrance. For a minute/eternity, it quivered in my grasp, and then I took a deep breath, bit my lip, and .
Wow, Ucchan, when did you start learning to fight like that?
Akane and I worked out a deal. She teaches me to fight, oof, I teach her how to cook.
Ranma interrupts our sparring with a look of pure horror on his face. Say it isnt so! Please tell me that was some sort of sick joke, Ucchan!
Ranma no baka! WHAP! Ranma sinks to the floor, revealing an incensed Akane wielding a table.
What did you do that for, you uncute tomboy!!
Ranchan, dont call your fiancée that.
Ranma and Akane stare at me as if there is some third eye on my forehead or something. What? She is one of your fiancées, isnt she?
Are you feeling okay, Ucchan?
Maybe you should sit down for a while, Ukyou. We can train later.
What? I feel fine, its just that .
You want me to what? she blinked. I think it is the only time I saw the old ghoul truly surprised.
Teach me the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken. I want to learn the same kind of secrets that Ranchan knows. Im sick of playing second fiddle to him and Ryouga; the next time I get trapped on a crazy island with a boy prince, I dont need someone else
to come rescue me.
Cologne looked at me for a long moment, weighing and considering.
All right, Ukyou, you have fire and dedication. Ill teach you.
I remember the white-blinding agony that stabbed through my lower regions as I screamed out in frustration, lust, and the pain that had built up in me for years. The candle seemed to pierce every cell in my body, but after only a moment, my hand began to thrust it deeper into me, acting almost of its own accord. Love didnt matter to me anymore; making love to Ranchan would be slow and sweet, punctuated by soft kisses and sighs of delight. Now, by myself, a rejected crossdresser armed with an artificial cock made of beeshit, the only thing that mattered was the orgasm to help obliterate just another dead end in my life. Despite my emotional state, I must have been pretty wet, because the dildo slid in and out rapidly as my left hand ceased its attention to my breasts and reached down to my clitoris. The beginning of that incredible series of spasms hit me like the ocean beside which I had trained, part of the quest to avenge my loss so many years ago.
Which do you like better, Ranma? Ukyou or okonomiyaki?
Okonomiyaki, replied the hungry little boy.
My world dissolved into a haze of red, white, and black, a drifting mass of pain and pleasure as twin orgasms crushed me underneath them. My legs shot out uncontrollably, and my vagina felt as if it was being ripped apart, but remained ceaseless in its merciless clenching of the candle. My pleasure-drunk mind played back all the memories I had treasured, and all the ones I wished to forget; meeting Ranma for the first time as I chased the okonomiyaki thief; playing with him as he raided food for his father; Ranma and his father leaving with our yatai; training beside the roaring ocean with my grill and spatula; Tsubasa, and pangs of guilt over how I had wronged him; finding Ranma, and, I had foolishly thought, redemption for my femininity and my life; dealing with the fiancée situation; fighting all those insane martial artists who I realized now were my best friends; the deal with Akane; the three of us fighting against the others; and, most devastatingly, the events of this evening. I threw the candle away and just lay there sobbing, not sure how best to carry on. Sleep was a long time in coming, and brought no answers either, only torturous memories of a dark-haired boy with a pigtail.
Four months later
Their wedding day. The church is mostly empty, just the Tendos and Ranmas father, Mousse, and myself. Akane is beautiful, of course. Ranma gives me a small smile, then turns away as it fades. I guess I didnt convince him with my attempt at a return smile. The priest comes in, and the ceremony begins. This is going to be one of the amalgamations of traditional and Western wedding customs that have gained in popularity lately. Funny, Ranma never looked that comfortable wearing a suit before; must be a trick of the light or something
I was standing in the second row, because I couldnt sit. I almost jumped when the pew next to me developed the head of a cute girl. U Ukyou-sama? Are you all right?
I managed a slightly better smile this time. Yes, Tsubasa, Ill be fine. He stood next to me in a blue floor length dress. He squeezed my hand, and I thank him every day for it.
I was crying, and there was nothing to do about it. It was about half-way through the ceremony when the doors began to be assaulted by a dozen or so rejected suitors. I had a little laugh, knowing I was the only one who got invited. I ran to the front of the chapel and thrust my combat spatula through the door handles, as if at a castle gate with a log holding back tides of invading hoards. Not too far from the truth, really, I thought, as a gymnastics pin and a handful of bandanas thudded into the far side. I knew this would be a full-fledged riot; it seemed like all of Nerima was outside trying to break in. The doors disintegrated under two bonbori, and the crowd rushed in. Mousse sent out his chains into them. All we had to do was stall until they kissed, then it was all over. The priest had been appropriately prepped and started to spout out his rote like an auctioneer.
Facing all of the suitors with only a near-sighted, however competent, fighter with the unfortunate status of frequent water-induced duckhood for backup is not fun. Kunou, Kodachi, their father, Shampoo, Cologne, Ryouga, and Gosunkugi, with the Golden Pair and Happousai for no apparent reason, exploded through the door yelling threats and brandishing weapons of assorted types. Mousses chains ensnared them momentarily (really, where does he get all of those things, or whats more, walk around in them?) as I got ready to rumble for Ranmas romantic future for the last time. I cant really remember much of the fight, except that Principal Kunou has a nasty left hook. I got a few good hits on Shampoo, though, serves the bitch right Ill make it up to you later, Shampoo-chan, well all need comfort later. Tsu-chan makes a very useful trashbin for throwing rowdy uninvited guests into.
The sounds of despair that went up as the couple at the altar kissed it was like my world being shattered, burned and sprinkled on the wind. We all got smashed that night, and turned to each other for emotional comfort. In other words, we fucked like animals. Tsubasa, Ryouga, Mousse (after he did it with Shampoo of course; he and I had always gotten along pretty good, especially in the fight at the wedding). I did them all. Why not? The man I loved was married to someone else. I couldnt be a boy, I couldnt be a good girl, I might as well forget my sorrows in someones bed. Their kisses, caresses, their hands on my breasts actually felt like I could be loved. So why does it still hurt so much?
Ugh. Not very happy, is it? Unfortunately, Im not at a particularly happy juncture of my own life at this time. Eventually I plan on adding some more stuff in the middle, especially developing Ukyou and Akane as friends. They really could be, if it werent for Ranma; they get along much better than any of the others most of the time. Anyways, I hope you liked it. And I promise to try something a bit lighter next time.