Black Lightning Productions presents: Is This a Dream? Or a Nightmare? a Ranma 1/2 Fanfic I wake to my alarm buzzing in my ear. At this time in the morning, it is a very unwanted thing, but, then, I need to get to work soon. I look at the clock, which reads 11:00 AM, and I moan, "Just five more minutes..." The clock just glares at me with its baleful red glowing digits. I sigh, and hit the blasted thing, "You're SO ungrateful. If I hadn't picked you up off that shelf, you'd have been taken by that guy who trashes clocks. Oh, well." I grin at my monologue, and then tap the OFF button. Thankfully, the button worked. I then get up and get dressed. Then I decide to look in the mirror and see how bad I look today. I chant: There I be, Only me, Tall and slim, Flat and trim, Mark Athagrita I be! I grin at my little rhyme, and continue to look at myself in the mirror. At 6'3" I don't look too bad, and my light brown hair doesn't do any wonders, my blue eyes, from my point of view, do most of the work at making me handsome. I had noticed that the meter of my rhyme was lacking in something, so I gave myself an extra long last name, that wasn't even close, to boot! I sigh. But then Mark Reddale isn't even a good name, by my standards. I wish that I could actually watch where I'm going, for once. Too bad that I didn't, for if I had, I would have noticed the great, big, gaping hole in front of my closet. One that seemed to resist my falling 'till I was half-dressed. After all, the gods DO have a good reason for everything, and I think that launching me into a new universe naked wouldn't have been very funny for them. Well, it would have, until I found out a way to get back at them. But what they had in mind was MUCH worse. I remember watching some anime about a person who changed sexes. Ranma I think it was called. I remember something else about a training ground in china, a training ground called Jusenkyou, or something like that. The reason that I'm remembering this is that I'm looking at it. I remember something about a prince ... Herb his name was, I think. Lo and behold, there be he, in all his glory. I seemed to be heading for a spring close to the one he was at. Oh, well, I wonder what I'll turn into? Better that I don't know, but then, these things happen, right? I hate my life. The spring I am heading towards LOOKs harmless, but then, I knew about the curses. Herb seems to be grabbing that ladle of his for something. Then it was too late for thinking. SPLASH! We have touchdown! I remember thinking, as the water started working its magic on me. But something was WRONG. Ranma didn't feel any pain when he changed, neither did Genma. Either they did feel pain, or I'm in a spring that DOESN'T care if you have pain or not. I feel pain as all my limbs shrink, become smaller imitations of themselves. My body shrinks to more pain, and I wonder what I'll be. That was my last coherent thought for a while. I wake up, to see a face unfamiliar to me. "Where am I?" I groan. Then I noticed my voice. It was a small child's voice. I cover my forehead, then notice something else. Something is missing. Seem as I can't put my finger on it yet, I sit up and look at the person in front of me. The man is short, fat, and is looking at me like I said something he couldn't understand. This was the case as I see him walk over to a bookshelf and take out a book. I can't read the title, it's in some oriental language. I groan and feel my head. Not sick, no fever. That's good, right? The man finds what he was looking for, and then comes to me. he reads from the book, with no inflection, "Hello little miss, I am Jusenkyou guide, sorry about this, but oth- other guide on vacation right now. Would you follow me and get dressed, please?" He looks up, mightily pleased with himself. I then notice the title he used. Little miss? I shrug, maybe he read it wrong. Only way to be sure is to check. I reach under the covers, into my now, large pants, and feel around. IT wasn't there OH SHIT! I look under the covers to see if my hands missed it or something, but no luck. I start to cry. The guide looks at me, and frowns in confusion. Then he gets out the book and starts reading from it again, "Miss, you fell in very bad spring called Changing Spring of Drowned Young Girl. Only spring known of that makes change permanent." The guide looks confused for a second, and then shrugs. Permanent? I start crying harder. This definitely isn't my day. A thought occurs to me. *If the change is PERMANENT, does that mean that the other pools will still work on me?* I decide to take a chance and ask. I calm down, then say this slowly, as I don't think he can understand me at all, "Will the other springs work on me?" The guide then picks up his book and starts leafing through it. after a few minutes of waiting, he shakes his head. I feel the tears start welling up again. *NO! I will NOT cry! I will show how mature I am by holding the feelings in!* Unfortunately, the spring did more than just change my form ... it changed my mind, somehow, and now I have just as much control as a small girl. I can't hold the tears back. The guide nods to himself and quickly leaves the room. I can't see, or care for that matter. I can't really believe it. I'm a girl. And from what the guide says, forever, to boot. After a few minutes I start to calm down. *There HAS to be a way to get out of this, or, at the very least, a way to console myself. Waitaminute! Jusenkyou? Ranma! I could go with Ranma and search for cures with him! Will he believe me? Probably not, but it's my only chance.* With that, I set off for Japan, hoping to all the gods out there that I will succeed. ****** Black Lightning Design Group presents: Is This a Dream? Or a Nightmare? Chapter 2 A Ranma 1/2 Fan-fic *I finally made it to Japan* I think as I walk off the boat. That was the scariest ride of my life. I didn't know what anyone was saying, and I didn't know what their intentions were. I remembered how I noticed that I had put on my pants with credit-card first. That was my first life-saver. The second was finding a translator at the nearest Chinese city, boy was he helpful. The first (and most important) detain that he helped me with was getting clothes for myself. I was slightly embarrassed by having to try out the girls clothes in the store, but the guy was helpful. Even though he couldn't find the store to begin with. The other thing he helped me with was getting on the boat to Japan. He acted as my father and got me on, handed me the card back, and got on the boat too. I haven't seen him since. Oh, well. At least I found this cute black piglet in my room. My room. The one thing I hated, for it was there that I found out something about my new body. *** Flashback *** I was getting ready for bed, and my piggy was sitting in the corner, with his back to me. I found that funny for the first few days, but I thought that that was the way he had been trained. I was taking off my pants when my hand slipped. somehow, instead of slipping outside the pants, they fell in. White fire gripped my mind as I tried to move my hand. The pig heard me and came up to me. Probably to see what was wrong. I couldn't see, or hear for that matter. The pig, somehow, managed to pull my hand out of my pants. I lay there gasping for breath. That felt ... weird. I felt tears welling up again, but this time I managed to stop them. True it felt good, but the good feeling was doing something to me ... I can't remember my father anymore. I was scared, and somehow the pig felt that. He snuggled up to me and we both fell asleep, me half clothed. *** End Flashback *** I didn't try to take off my clothes very often, after that. Only when my pig was nearby or some nice woman. That didn't happen again, but I am scared that it might. The first thing I tried to do is look for that nice translator again, but he didn't seem to be on the boat anymore. I shrugged, and then walked to the nearest store. I had to be able to understand people somehow ... and I don't think that the translator would be coming back. I was in luck, the first store I came across had a Japanese-English computer translator. for how much credit I had left on the card, I could afford it, and still have some cash for later. First thing I did was buy the translator, then ask the cashier where I could get cash withdrawals from my card. The store owner asked what currency, I said Yen. He asked for how much, then I thought, *How much? Well, cab, train, Nabiki... I'd say about 100,000 yen would do... I think I have that much left...* I asked for 100,000 yen, and he obliged me. The account said it was completely empty now, so when I got out of eyesight of the store, I shredded the card, and threw it out. Now that I have money, I should try to get to Nerima. I walk over to one of those police-box things. I ask if he understands English. He nods. I ask him how to get to Nerima. The police man looks at my piggy, at me, then calls a cab. He tells the cab driver something, and pushes me into the back. I pull my piggy along with me. It wasn't too long of a drive. When we get into Nerima itself, he asks me something. As I can't understand him, I look up what he said in the computer. The computer translates I type madly for a second, then I tell the cabby "Tendou Dojo" The cabby nods and we're off again. We finally make it to the Dojo. I ask the cabby how much, and _he just waves the money away_. I'm surprised at that, but nod, and thank him. I get out of the car, and walk up to the house. I hear from the other side someone shouting "Ranma no baka" or something like that. I guess that I'm at the right spot. My piggy is wide eyed as I walk up to the house. I wonder why? A nice woman opens the door after I knock, and asks me something. I look it up in the translator, and I type in my reply ... the woman watches me for a second, then calls to someone inside. I watch intently until this other girl walks up to me. I think that I should remember her for something. Remember. I can't remember very much anymore. I can't even remember my own name. I look at the two women in confusion. I look at the computer. I can't read anymore. I blurt out the one thing I can remember, I hope it is important. "Ranma." I say, even as I fall unconscious. ****** Black Lightning Design Group presents: Is This a Dream? Or a Nightmare? Chapter 3 A Ranma 1/2 Fan-fic I wake up slowly. *Who am I?* I think. I feel the bed moving. Maybe that's what woke me up. I look at the other person in the bed. She's tall, has long brown hair, and is startled. I feel some connections making themselves known. I remember some words. What do they mean. Then I know. "Konnichiwa, Okkasan!" I blurt. The woman ... no, my MOTHER looks at me, startled. She says something, but I can't remember those words. She feels my forehead, and I relax. She then starts going through a ... waking ceremony? I'm startled, but I watch her, and try to follow along. Mother smiles at me, and I feel happy. I feel more connections making themselves in my head, confusing as they are. Mother asks me something. I ... try to remember the words, then I have it. Mother wants to know where my parents are. I'm confused. I search for the words, and I eventually find them. [Authors note: From now on all dialogue will be in Japanese, except for the amazons, where their talking will be delineated by {this}.] "But mother, don't you remember?" The words come slowly, but I _DO_ remember them. Mother looks startled. "Are you sure that I'm your mother?" she asks. I'm confused, of course she's my mother, why can't she see that? "Don't you love me anymore?" I feel tears start to well up. I hold on to my piggy for support. I feel hurt, and mother looks startled. Mother then looks pityingly at me, and then asks me, "Can you remember your name?" I shake my head, and she looks even more sad for me. "Well, I don't know if I'm your real mother," Tears start flowing from my eyes, *Can't she see that we're related? Please mother, try to remember me, at least take me in...* Mother continues, "But if you want me to, I'll adopt you, so that I'll be your mother in other people's eyes, at least, is that okay?" I nod, for having your mother adopt you is better than having to mother at all. I then notice another woman standing at the doorway. "Hey, Kasumi, did you find out how she got all this money?" The new woman holds out a LARGE bundle of money. I look startled. Me? Have money? I don't think so. "Who had the money?" I ask. Then another connection is made. Nabiki. This is my aunt Nabiki. "Did that person say you could take the money, aunt Nabiki?" She looks startled, as if she didn't expect me to know her name. Oh, well. Nabiki looks at me strangely. Then she asks something that even I don't know. "Who's your father?" I'm startled, I don't know. I can't remember my father's name, or mine, for that matter. I'm afraid. Mother sees this, and holds me close, whispering comfortingly in my ear. "Did I say something wrong? By the way, why did you say Ranma's name when you came here?" I'm confused. Ranma? Ranma? I try to remember him, calling up every dredge of memory I can, then I find it. Uncle Ranma, well, he will be, after he marries aunt Akane. I tell Aunt Nabiki this, and she looks startled. Then she asks why I find it hard to remember. The word is there somewhere. I'm confused, but mother holds me tightly, so it's not so bad. The word, I heard it before, somewhere. I got it! "Amnesia" I say confidently. Mother and aunt look startled. But they then nod. Mother gets up. "Nabiki, put the money back where you got it from. I have to make lunch." Lunch? I perk up at this. "Mother, can I help?" Mother looks startled, but nods. I happily get up and throw on my clothes. Aunt Nabiki looks startled for a second, and then mutters something about Akane's cooking, or something like that. Piggy just gets up and follows me. Mother waves at me to stay where I am for a bit. I nod. Mother goes up to aunt and whispers something in her ear. Aunt looks confused and whispers back. Mother whispers again. Aunt looks at me, shrugs, and nods to mother. Mother comes back to me and says, "I know you can't remember your name, but could you think of Naiko as your name?" I look at mother, and nod. After all, she knows my name, even if I don't. "Well, shall we go to the kitchen, then?" I nod happily, and then hold onto mother's hand. I still can't remember our house. Oh, well. It will come back to me. ****** Black Lightning Design Group presents: Is This a Dream? Or a Nightmare? Chapter 4 A Ranma 1/2 Fan-fic I follow mother down to the kitchen, with Piggy following me. I hear uncle Ranma and aunt Akane fighting, again. Poor uncle, getting himself in those predicaments. It's funny, but I hope he will stop, soon. I don't want aunt Akane to kill him, accidentally. With a cry of, "Ranma you Jerk!" she sends him on a one-way flight to pain. Poor aunt. I know she loves him, but she will only shove him away if she continues with this. I follow mother into the kitchen, as if it was a shrine instead of a normal kitchen. Mother puts on an apron, and I grab one myself. I follow mother up to the counter. Something feels familiar about this. Oh, well, I'll remember later, I'm helping now. ***** Ranma looks funny. Sitting at the table with a big bruise on his head. Mother asked me not to call them aunt and uncle anymore. I liked calling them that, but whatever mother wants, I'll do. I put out the salad that I made. Ranma looks at me funny, like I poisoned it, or something. Mother just tells them to eat. For some reason no-one will even try my salad. I feel sad, but I try it anyway. I like it. Ranma looks at me like I have a death-wish. So it looks funny, at least it doesn't turn out like Aun... Akane's cooking. I giggle silently at Ranma's face. Mother just sighs. Then I decide to play a joke on Ranma. So I'm feeling silly, is that a problem? I open my eyes wide. I grab my throat. Mother looks concerned. I fall back, pretending to choke. Everyone runs up to me. All they see is me grabbing my chest and giggling merrily. Ranma looks like he's been hit by Akane again. That was fun! Mother scolds me, but I only half-listen. Until she asks me to not pull tricks like that again. I pout, but agree. Spoilsport. Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted. Ranma still looks funny, though. Mother asks me to go to the bathroom and have a bath. I nod and happily go up, then realize something. I walk back to Mother and ask her where my other clothes are. Mother looks startled. She then does something unthinkable. "Nabiki? could you please go get Naiko some clothes, please?" My eyes go wide in shock. Asking Nabiki to do anything? That's expensive. But to my amazement, Nabiki nods and leaves the room. She comes back a minute later with a small pile of clothes. I grab the clothes, and thank her. She just waves me away. I shrug, and run up to the bathroom. I wonder where Ranma is? Oh, well, it doesn't matter. I take off my clothes, put my clean clothes to the side. As I throw my dirty clothes in the wash, I hear a small splash in the bathroom. I think it might be Akane, so it doesn't matter. I walk in, to a surprising sight. "Ranma!" I shout, "Leave my piggy alone!!!" I run up to Ranma and start hitting him. Ranma is looking at me, surprised, and has my piggy in his hand. They are both standing over the bathtub, which is full of hot water. Ranma is so startled that he drops my piggy ... into the tub. Shortly after my piggy hits the water a man appears. My eyes are wide. I start crying, "Where did my piggy go?" Ranma looks startled, looks at the man. The man looks scared or something. I just want my piggy, where did he go? Ranma comes up to me and says, quietly, "Naiko, see that man over there? Well, that man _IS_ your piggy. He was put under a curse by some magic water that changes him into a pig." The man, NO, my _piggy_ looks scared of me. I run up to him. Ranma looks startled, for some reason. Ranma quietly says, "Do you want him to be a pig again?" At my nod, the man-form of my piggy gets out of the bathtub and turns on the cold water and splashes himself with it. Mother knocks on the door as I pick up my piggy, who is a piggy again. Mother asks, "Is everything all right in there?" I finally slow my crying, as Ranma replies, "It's all right, Naiko just had a little scare here. We'll be out soon." Mother bursts into the room, looking for something, probably me. When she sees me, she asks Ranma something. I can't hear, as I am still crying, and they are whispering. I finally stop crying, and see mother sitting beside me. Mother tells me, "Naiko, that man you saw? His name is Ryouga. But he prefers to be called P-chan when he's a pig." I nod, trying to understand. Then I do. He doesn't want people to know that he turns into a pig, so he uses another name. For some reason, that strikes me as hilariously funny. "Just like Ranma!" I say, then giggle some more. Ranma looks surprised that I know. I'm surprised that Ranma thinks that. "Ranma, I thought _everyone_ knew?" Ranma blanches. "You mean _not_ everyone knows?" My voice is a tiny whisper. Then IT happens. I feel fire through my body, my mind. It hurts. I can't control my body. I try to call to mother, but Ranma is there first. Ranma holds my arms down, mother comes up and holds down my legs. I can barely feel this as I have so much pain running through me. Then everything mercifully goes black. ****** Black Lightning Design Group presents: Is this a Dream? Or a Nightmare? Chapter 5.lemon a Ranma 1/2 Fan-fic I wake up, slowly. Not because that I'm tired, but because I'm afraid. I'm afraid the pain is still there. As I regain consciousness, I find that the pain has receded to something more bearable. I feel the pain receding, faster, now that I'm awake. Now that the pain is less, I notice something else. I feel warm down by my legs. I try to reach down there with my hands to make certain, but I can't move them. I just noticed something else. I'm tied up, to the bed? I raise my head, and see that, yes, I'm tied to the bed. My arms and legs are tied down. Probably because of what happened, whenever. The warmth is getting stronger. Now the pain is all the way gone. I call out, "Mother?" pleadingly, I want the warmth to stop. It's making me feel funny. For some reason, I like that feeling. All the more reason to make it stop. I want a bath. Mother walks into the room, and sees me awake. She comes up to me, and I see that she's concerned about something. She feels my forehead, and asks me, "Does it still hurt?" I shake my head, and feel the warmth getting stronger, still. Mother probably notices, because she puts her hand on my stomach, now. I start moaning, it feels TOO good. Mother looks suprised at this, and moves her hand down a bit. Then she snatches her hand away fast. I feel the pleasure lessening, so I stop moaning. I breathe deeply. Mother then unties me, and the sudden freedom of my arms seems to spark another one of those reflex things. My eyes go wide as I feel my hand flying down to my crotch. Mother sees this, and politely walks out of the room, telling the people out there that it's still not a good idea to go in there. Then I can't notice them anymore, as the pleasure engulfs me. I regain control of my hands, but I don't want it to stop now. I feel, with my fingers, down THERE, and find something that feels like "petals". I move them aside with a finger. I feel more connections making themselves known to me, and I now know more about my anatomy, somehow. I feel my clitoris, bringing an even more strong wave of pleasure to myself. I do this for a minuite, until that doesn't bring any more pleasure, then I use my finger to explore more of my opening, then shove the finger all the way in. I arch my back in pleasure, and another moan escapes my lips. I pull my finger out a bit, then shove it back in, bringing still more pleasure to myself. Again and again I do this, and I feel a knot of pleasure expanding more and more. Suddenly the knot explodes, and I can't move, because of the pleasure. After a few minuites I regain control of my hands, my entire body. I look at my hand, it's glistening with something. I taste it, and find that I like that taste. I lick off my hand, then sit up. the pleasure is still there, but receded to a point where I can control myself again. I hope I dont lose control of myself like that when mother is here. I get up, slowly. I then untie my legs. Now I can clean up this mess on the bed. I hope mother won't be too mad at me. My stomach growls. How long was I unconscious? However long it was, it was too long, for I'm hungry again. I slowly get dressed. I run downstairs, hoping that I didn't miss supper, or whatever. When I get downstairs, I find that supper is, indeed, over. But mother saved some food for me. I grin happily and walk up to mother. She smiles and tries to hand me my food. I give her a big hug, first. She seems to be surprised. Oh, well. My stomach growls again, and I sheepishly take the plate from mother, wanting to get rid of that growling before it becomes a nuisance. I sit at the table and start eating my food. After my third mouthful, my stomach finally stops growling. I quickly finish off my meal, as I don't want Ranma's father to get a hold of it. All of a sudden I feel sleepy again...and I feel thirsty for something. I eplore the thirsty feeling and find out what I'm thirsty for. For some reason I don't think that mother would appreciate me sucking on her tonight. I shrug the feeling off, and walk upstairs to the room I share with mother. Mother takes a while to come back to bed. As she gets ready for bed, I tell her, "Mother? I was wondering..." I feel sheepish, and nervous. I don't want mother to get mad at me, "It's been so long, and I'm, well, I'm thirsty for some milk..." Mother starts to get dressed again, probably to get me some milk from downstairs, but I coninue, "Not that milk. I ... please don't get mad at me..." I try not to cry. Mother comes up to me, and tells me, quietly, "I'm sorry, not tonight. Tonight has been busy for me. I've got other things on my mind. I hope you don't mind." I shake my head, and then get up. Mother asks, "Where are you going?" I do the unthinkable, I tell her, "To Ranma. Maybe she'll let me." Mother looks startled, but just nods. I walk out of our room. When I get to Ranma's room, I peek in. Ranma is there, in his male form, and his father is sound asleep in his panda form. Ranma is also sound asleep, but he's on top of his futon. I quickly walk to the bathroom, grab a glass of lukewarm water, and walk back. Ranma has rolled over. All the easier. I quietly step in the room, and pour the water on Ranma. He changes to his girl form, and moans a little. No problem. Now the hard part. I pull lightly on her shirt, hoping that Ranma won't resist. to my surprise, she helps, sort of. She raises her hands above her head and mumbles something like, "Okay, mother, I'll take off my shirt," This was too easy. Then I lie beside Ranma and roll her towards me. Ranma obliges me. I move around until her breast is at my mouth. Ranma sighs. I start sucking. Ranma moans a bit, then wakes up. But she doesn't move, so that's good. I'm still sucking when Ranma asks me, "What are you doing?" As it is dark, I decide to pretend to be asleep. I close my eyes, and continue sucking. Ranma just sighs. then I feel Ranma moving both her hands. I'm afraid that she'll remove me, but I manage to not show it. Ranma's one hand works it's way into my panties, and her other one finds itself in hers. I open my eyes wide. Ranma looks impish, while she says, "Well, I want you to feel as much pleasure as you're giving me..." I just smile, until Ranma pushes her finger into me. Ranma seems to have done the same to herself, as she moans at the same time as me. I try to continue sucking, and succeed. Ranma continues to pleasure us both, and I feel the need for the milk receeding to nothing. The pleasure becomes unbearable after a while, and somehow, I feel that Ranma isn't as far as me. I continue sucking on her one breast, and start fondling the other, Ranma quickly catches up at that point. We cum together, and neither can move for a couple minuites, gasping in pleasure. After we can move again, we disentangle ourselves and walk to the bathroom. As I'm still small, I can bathe with other people, even boys. We clean ourselves and then step into the furo. after a while Ranma tells me, "Thank-you," I look at him, startled, and he continues, "I would never have gotten up the courage to do that if it weren't for you, thank-you." Ranma just sighs, and lays back. As I'm warm enough, I get out and dry myself off. I then walk up to my mother's room. Mother is watching me as I walk in. "How was it?" she asks. I just smile. I'm so sleepy, maybe I can sort out all this tomorrow. I get into bed, and fall asleep. ****** On waking, I'm greeted by Mother, silently tucking me into the bed, looking as if she had just gotten up, herself. I smile at her, glad to see her just after she woke up as well. Then the impossible happens. The fire comes back. The suddeness of the pain scares me, and a scream edges it's way out of my throat. The blackness descends on me again, but not before one lone thought runs through my mind. *Mark* ****** Black Lightning Design Group presents: Is this a Dream? Or a Nightmare? Chapter 6 a Ranma 1/2 Fan-fic I wake again, this time with a splitting headache that makes a migrane look nice. Then I remember. Memory flashes through my mind, and then I notice one memory that seems too real to be a dream. Checking it, I look down. I'm female, that much is plain, and I'm sitting in bed with four people surrounding me. Memory tells me that one of the people is my mother, so I call her. Mother hugs me and says something like, "It's'll be alright..." Then something wierd happens. Pain floods my body, different pain than the pain from before. Also, through the pain, I see mother fading out, as if from another dream. Memories start flooding me and eventually, I remember who I once was. My name. My name is... My name is Mark... Mark Reddale. I find myself sitting on the floor beside my bed and I start wondering if that was a dream...or a really funky nightmare. Sighing immensely, I stand up and get dressed, noting, almost absently, that there's dust everywhere. My father barges into my room, carrying a gun, screaming, "You fucking bastards! Get the Hell..." He trails off after seeing me. Then he drops the gun and runs to me, hugging me fiercely, crying, "Where have you been? Where? I've been so worried the last two weeks..." I stare at my father in shock, then fall to the floor in a dead faint. ****** Finally finished this sucker...hope you like it. As always, comments and criticisms are both wanted, and appreciated. My E-mail is, now. I await the flames!