I Only Have Eyes For You By S. Mark Gunther and Brian The small claps of thunder were barely audible deep down in the enclosed basement. A girl roamed said basement and reached for the various ingredients she needed with practiced fingers. She mixed the ingredients in an ensorcelled pot she stirred over a small flame in the center of the glorified grave. Red streaks of energy could be seen flowing through the mixture as the old wooden spoon cut through it in steady rhythm. The basement had no walls or floors, per se; it was simply a hole cut into the ground with a ladder leading up and out. One had to have great courage to enter such a place. Foul bugs regularly crawled from the walls and only the barest of flames could be endured from the heat that it gave off. This hole could be seen as a potential grave and induced the most morbid of thoughts to those inhabiting it. The mixture was complete. Blackened hands quickly uncorked an intricate glass bottle and poured the mixture in. She wiped her hands across her forehead, heedless of the streaks of soot that swept across her face. "AIYAH! IT SO HOT IN STINKY HOLE!" Shampoo leaped straight into the air, screaming. "EEEEEEEKKKKK! BAD BUG! BAD!" She slapped her shoulders randomly in complete panic. The bug was removed. "Stinky hole! Shampoo glad leave now!" Shampoo quickly made her way up the ladder with her precious possession tucked safely in the pocket of her apron. She reached the top of the ladder and opened up the cupboard that the hole was made under. Next time they made a hole, she'd personally make sure Mousse did a better job. She crawled out from the cupboard and took off the soiled apron she had been wearing. She turned around and quickly washed her hands and face in the sink. Shampoo immediately flew out the door, jumped on her bike, and set off for the public baths on her bike. She flew past the startled bath attendant, who stared at the five yen in her hand, and scrubbed every inch of her body until she positively gleamed. Her anticipation couldn't be avoided today; she'd been waiting for so long. She jumped on her bike again, completely prepared for her rendezvous. Luckily, Shampoo was a skilled biker...she only ran over 5 people on her way back. The things she had planned for him... ********** He walked home with his back straight and his eyes to the clouds. The small black pack was strapped securely on his back as Ranma enjoyed the sunrays that the descending day supplied. Sunshine, even less of it than usual, was more appreciated after hours of detention with Principal Kuno. Ranma readied himself for battle when a scent that normally didn't belong in his daily life flew with the breeze. He scrunched his face in contemplation. The scent was somewhat familiar, and sweet. "Is that...coconut?" Ranma sniffed the air hoping to catch more of the supreme scent. He followed it, practically floating up to the rooftop of the house along the river. The scent was his master and he, its ever-happy slave. Step by step he grew unseeingly, and unworriedly closer to the source. Shampoo snapped her fingers in front of Ranma's face. "RANMA! SNAP OUT RANMA!" Shampoo grabbed the boy by the shoulders and shook him fiercely. "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH" Ranma uttered as the Amazon girl swung his body back and forth. Figuring the job was done she set Ranma on his feet, only to find that the stupid look remained on his face long after it should have been. "RANMA! WAKE UP!" Shampoo lost count of how many times she slapped the now barely conscious Ranma. She only knew he should be aware by now. She looked around for some larger items to attack him with. "Hmm..." There was a telephone pole, a large rock, a vase, and a gate, what to choose? The telephone pole might attract more attention than she wanted. The large rock, well, anyone could use a large rock, what was the point of years of martial arts training if you were just going to throw rocks around? The vase would shatter. Her eyes and mind finally rested on the large gate at the front of the home. Shampoo hopped down to the yard below and tore off the gate from the wall, first looking to see if there were witnesses anywhere in the vicinity. She stealthily leaped back up again and prepared the attack, the gate lifted menacingly over her head. The shifting wind blew the hair back from her forehead as she paused to gear up for her attack. When it did, Ranma shifted positions around the open bottle that she had left on the roof to accommodate for the shifting wind that had sent the sweet, sweet scent away from him. "AIYA! Shampoo be stupid sometime!" She threw the gate to her right and ignored the sounds it made when it flew through the next house over's wall and slapped her forehead. Shampoo gleefully ran over to the bottle, making sure to smooth her dress, fix her makeup, polish her shoes, primp her hair, add more lip gloss, and pull up her bra before she did, and corked it. Ranma snapped awake as soon as the scent left his general vicinity and his eyes slowly came into focus again. He immediately noticed the purple-topped blur before him. "Shampoo? OW!" He grabbed his head in obvious pain. It seemed that all his wounds had come back to him without the potion. :::Hmm... Maybe I no hit him so hard next time.::: Ranma rubbed his cheek sorely. "Whaddya want?" He didn't know what just happened, but he guessed his bruises had something to do with Shampoo. "Oh, nothing special. Shampoo just want to hear Ranma tell Shampoo how pretty she look." Shampoo looked coy while pivoting her right leg slightly. Ranma couldn't help but notice the setting sun reflecting off her shiny shoes and caught the full package. He gazed up at Shampoo's long lengthy exposed legs to her trim waist, up to her firm bust and then to her devious smile. She wore her long Chinese dress with the large slit that seemed to never stop. Her hair was caught up on top of her head, exposing her neck in an almost sexual manner. "Does Shampoo look lovely?" "Uh, s-sure....you look great!" Ranma gave his brightest smile. :::back away, don't look her directly in the eyes, no matter what you do.::: "You always look...great! Yeah great!" "Are you sure? Do you want look again?" Shampoo took a few steps closer in preparation for her glomp. She seemed ready for the chase as Ranma slowly took two large backward steps away from her. A single trickle of sweat run down his forehead, and dripped off his face. Ranma froze, watching the droplet slowly fall to the ground. Shampoo jumped at him when it hit. :::She's catching on, run for it!::: Ranma turned on his heel and set off for the sky. He landed running. He looked behind him to see Shampoo not to far behind him, he'd waited too long. He made for the construction site, as fast as his legs could carry him. :::I'm sure to lose her there. Why can't I go anywhere without being potentially poisoned?::: "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAANNNNMMMMAAA!" Shampoo followed closely at his heels. Ranma began to feel the sweat come pouring down his face. :::Damn! I can't outrun her::: Ranma made it to the construction site after a few close calls with some considerably large objects. Shampoo apparently didn't need to slow down to pick up and lob projectiles in his path. He hopped up to the first beam of the building being built and ran across to the middle where the ladder up the building was located. He hopped up the beams around the ladder figuring that the ladder gave him more leverage if Shampoo did catch him. Right now, she wasn't doing too bad a job. He was always one step ahead of her, no more, no less. He could always look behind him and see her face coming straight at him. He arrived near the top and quickly ran to a hook attached to a pulley. He grabbed the hook and hastily attached it to a half full can of bolts and kicked it over before grabbing the hook himself. He went flying to the bottom of the twenty stories at a somewhat unsafe speed. Shampoo knew better than to grab hold of a moving rope and started working her way down the building, three floors at a time. Ranma had already leaped from the descending hook a few moments before and escaped into the rapidly approaching dusk. He sped off in the opposite direction of the Dojo, knowing Shampoo would show there looking for him. He had some yen to spend, and it was Akane's turn to cook tonight, which he'd probably already missed. :::Heh. Might as well get some food while I'm out, I do have an excuse and everythin. N' missin' Akane's cookin is better than runnin' into Shampoo again:::: ********** "Grandmother! Grandmother!" Shampoo went through the door of the Nekhokentan, quite literally in fact. The shards stuck in her hair as she rushed into the kitchen. "Grandmother!" Shampoo skidded into the kitchen, her eyes wide with shock. She didn't even wait for Cologne to answer her cries before she ran up to her babbling somewhat coherently, plowing Mousse in the process. "Grandmother! Ranma get potion and escape! He somewhere in city and I no there!" Mousse let out a slight groan of pain. Cologne had been stirring a full pot of ramen, but froze in mid-stir at this most-unsettling news. "No! The potion doesn't work for a specific person! You have to find future son-in-law!" Shampoo stuck out her foot behind her to trip Mousse without looking. Mousse let out a slight yell. Cologne quickly started to shoo Shampoo out of the kitchen and into the night air. "You have to go find him!" "Find who? Do you need my help Shampoo?" Mousse had picked himself up and had interjected himself between Shampoo and Cologne before they had made it out into the street. "NO!" Cologne batted him with her stick as Shampoo belted him with her fist. Mousse let out a slight yelp as he hit the sky. "I go find Ranma! Wish me luck, Grandmother!" Shampoo clenched her fist as she built up her determination, then she went out the door at full speed. Mousse hit the ground with a thud behind an unflinching Cologne. Cologne watched Shampoo bike down the darkened street with trepidation. "Good luck child, you will need it." Cologne shook her head and hopped back to the kitchen, barely noticing the whooshing air sound as her stick stuck into Mousse's stomach. ********** Ranma hadn't gotten any food. Apparently, Miss Hinako had pilfered student's pocket money to buy herself food again cause she'd forgotten her lunch, again. Ranma's stomach growled. :::Aw man, There's no way I'm gonna get anythin' to eat back at the dojo, and Ukyo's closed by now. Hey, if Shampoo's gone, I bet the Old Ghoul'd give me some ramen.::: "Ranma, prepare to die!" Ranma jumped up into the air. Ryoga passed under him, fist first. "Yo, Ryoga! Got no time! I'll see ya later!" Ranma jumped off the lost boy's head and went around the corner, knowing Ryoga wouldn't find him if he wasn't in direct sight. :::What a dunce:::. ********** Mousse lifted himself off the ground and ran over to Cologne, his glasses askew and his clothes a bit dirty. "What's going on here? Where'd Shampoo go!" Mousse was starting to go frantic. He was almost out the door before Cologne poured the cold water on him through use of a thrown bucket. She quickly locked duck-Mousse into a cage in the kitchen to keep him quiet. "Can't have any interference. Ranma's out there alone in the city. Shampoo's lust de-inhibitor potion was made perfectly. He could be anywhere...with anyone...." Cologne looked up worriedly at the ceiling. Mousse quacked. Cologne sweatdropped. "I must stop saying things aloud." ********** Ranma turned the corner and barreled straight through Tatewaki before his challenge was properly issued. Ranma had no time for fighting. He was hungry, and there was little time left for any hope of getting any kind of nourishment tonight. He stopped to wipe off a little of Kuno's stray spit from his shoe. :::Hate it when that happens::: ********** Mousse seemed to settle down and made the soft quacks that meant he was asking to be freed. Cologne was feeling forgiving, and she had locked him up for the entire night just last week, she felt that the boy would stagnate if kept caged for too long. She opened the lock with a tap of her cane and released him. Duck-Mousse stood calmly as he awaited the usual tall glass of warm water that would change him back to a man once again. He felt the warm water slipping over his feathers and slowly sliding down his human skin and seeping into his clothes, which he always hid under his feathers. "Please sweep the kitchen before you go to sleep. I have some business to attend to Mousse." Cologne sometimes felt sorry for the Amazon boy...sometimes. Regardless of what she felt, he would not interfere in her plans and she would take action again to make certain that he did not if necessary. Cologne hopped out of the kitchen and through the broken door without a word. Mousse sweeped up the shards of door that remained from Shampoo's crazed entrance and began to put up one of the many spares they kept in the store room. He, being experienced in such construction, finished putting the door in rather quickly for someone of his age and cleaned up the materials before resting. He entered the kitchen and started the pilot burning under a pot of water filled with noodles which was the meal that he ate late in the evening. He sat in the chair on the opposite of the room and cracked open an old book that he'd found in the storeroom that no one would notice missing. He almost fell off his propped up chair when the furious knocking was heard at the window... ********** Ranma wasn't hungry anymore, well not in the normal sense of the word anyway. The ramen boiling on the stove had barely caught his attention. They were much too flaccid for his tastes at the moment. He licked his lips sensuously before banging on the window. Ranma hoped his current state wasn't TOO visible for the casual passerby. ********** Mousse answered the door angrily. Not being a particular fan of Ranma at the moment since his beloved was out searching for the swine at that very minute anyway, he was going to make sure that Saotome paid. "Ranma!" Mousse poked his head out the door and looked to both sides when he didn't see the cur. "Hi, Mousse!" Ranma swung down from above the door to come face to face with the startled Mousse, who was just inches away from the smiling Ranma. "How's it goin?" Ranma waved. "Ranma!" Ranma dropped to the ground to avoid the large knife that replaced his head in front of the Amazon boy. Mousse squinted at the area in front of his knife, he squinched his face when the fuzzy blackness didn't indicate blood. He gazed on the black-topped red blur and threw chains from both sleeves of his robe at it. Unfortunately for Mousse, he'd forgotten his glasses and had barely identified the area of his opponent. Ranma easily ducked between Mousse's sleeves. He grabbed a chain and threw it in a circle around himself and the Amazon boy. "Uh-oh. You caught me." Spoke Ranma as he was trapped against Mousse, their bodies pressed hard together. Mousse screamed, trying to escape from his chained imprisonment. His arms were chained down against Ranma....but below the waist. His screams only served to draw a crowd. He quickly maneuvered his body around and pressed the newly made door closed. Mousse started to struggle futiley as Ranma snuggled his head and neck into his chest. Ranma sighed in contentment against the struggling Mousse. "Now, we're all alone." Ranma reached out his leg and kicked the blind boy's legs out from under him, making Ranma fall on top of him. "This is going to be fun..." Ranma reached up to gently grasp the sides of Mousse's head as he pulled him in for what he hoped would be a deep, long, sensuous kiss. Mousse couldn't help but notice the several pedestrians that had stopped to view the spectacle. "Nnnnnnyyyyyaaaaahhhhhh!" Mousse struggled against Ranma's pulling hands and approaching lips. The adrenaline rushed through him as he pulled arms more and more against his bonds. The chain was too strong, but his sleeve was not. The seam above his right shoulder gave way and the extra way out allowed him to free his arm by sliding it through his sleeve. In desperation he grabbed the first weapons his hand met. He pulled his arm out to reveal, a blowtorch. Mousse desperately pulled the handle that released the gas. Unfortunately, like most blowtorches, this one required something to light it. Thinking fast Mousse held the releasing blowtorch near Ranma's face, and sure enough, it lighted. "Ah! Ah!" Ranma avoided Mousse as he tried to thrust the blowtorch in Ranma's face. Mousse finally arched his arm to burn Ranma's body where it was confined by the chains. Ranma grabbed his arm and they rolled over in the struggle a few times, finally bumping into the wall, with Mousse at the bottom. Mousse, realizing that the chain had come unwound, vaulted Ranma above his head. "Ranma! What are you doing!?" Mousse already readied a few more weapons. "Are you trying to torture me!" Ranma spun around and landed lightly on his feet. "No! Mousse! Of course not!" Ranma held his arms out trying to calm the angered Amazon. Maybe the direct approach hadn't been the best way. Next time, he had to be subtler. "I...uhh...came by to get some ramen!" "Grrrrr....Ranma!" Mousse almost threw Ranma out threw the wall, but then he'd have to repair it. Not only that, but he didn't feel like being locked up in the cage for another night. He might as well give Ranma his ramen. The faster he was fed, the faster he would leave. It wasn't like he cared for Shampoo or anything. "Fine." The blind Amazon practically radiated defeat. :::I must remember the old saying, the meek will inherit the earth. I'll be nice now, and the second he trusts me, that's when I'll strike!::: Mousse snapped his head up, a smile planted achingly on it. "Please, please, sit down at one of our tables." Mousse motioned to the clean restaurant. "Choose any table you would like sir, the restaurant is yours for the night." He laughed slightly. :::I'll kill you when I get the chance::: "Oh no! Ahahahaha! I'll just stay in the kitchen! I don't want to mess up your clean restaurant!" "No really, the dining room would be fine!" "Oh no! I'd be fine in the kitchen!" "THE DINING ROOM IS FINE!" Mousse exploded at Ranma, his smile immediately falling. Ranma cringed away from him in response. "I only wanted to be kind and keep you company. I didn't want to be any trouble." Ranma made huge chibi teary eyes, his bottom lip protruding. :::Hah! Improvised Saotome School of Anything Goes Begging Dog Gets the Food technique!::: He sighed heavily and lowered his head in some moments of contemplation. "Alright. This way." Mousse grudgingly led Ranma into the kitchen in back. He started to prepare the ramen for Ranma. :::Stupid Ranma, why'd he have to go so low?::: Ranma slightly fidgeted in his seat by the kitchen table :::mustbepatientmustbepatientmustbepatient. I just gotta be subtle....::: Silence settled over them uneasily. "So, Mousse! How's your package? I mean, practice! Like martial arts! Y'know punching and kicking! Eheheheheheh." ::::Good save!:::: "That's none of your business. Here's your ramen." Mousse slammed the bowl down in front of Ranma and half-heartedly offered him some chopsticks. Ranma picked them up, and set them down on the table again. "Mousse...I-I'm sorry, I just don't know what came over me before...." :::Too bad it wasn't you::: "I want to apologize." Ranma looked up into his face. "Not just for this, but for, for everything. I'm sorry." Ranma looked away, looking embarrassed for such a display of emotion. :::Oh man, I am the master!::: "Really?" Mousse tilted his head and stared at Ranma dumbfounded. "Yeah." :::This is it, be subtle.:::: They heard a very familiar ringing sounding down the street from the Nekhokentan. Ranma and Mousse gave each other scared looks. Shampoo was coming. "Oh man! Hide me! Please?" Ranma jumped on the table and held out his clasped hands in front of him in a pleading motion in front of Mousse. "Why should I do that?" Mousse turned away and folded his arms over his chest. :::He deserves whatever he gets::: "Because, I don't love Shampoo and you know that. I don't want to lead her on. I actually came by to talk to the Old Ghoul about a way I could break off my engagement with her. Someone that doesn't love her with their whole heart doesn't deserve her." Ranma spoke as fast as he could in the precious few moments he had before Shampoo came in. Mousse sat back and closed his eyes. Those were the words he dreamed of hearing for months now. Saotome was renouncing his own engagement to Shampoo! There was a much brighter light at the end of his tunnel. "You mean that?" Mousse jumped up excitedly. "Yes, yes I do!" Ranma jumped up with starry eyes and hugged Mousse. "Uhh..Ranma." Mousse looked down at the pig-tailed boys head as it burrowed into his chest. "Yeah?" He muffled into the large chest of the Amazon. "Could you get off me." Mousse's eye twitched as he held back potential violence. ::::I can't do that just yet, I have to keep him away from Shampoo....with that lust de-inhibitor in him, he might try to touch her in his addled state!::: Mousse had forgotten about the potion. No way was he gonna let Ranma get anywhere near the most irresistible of all women on that thing! He quickly shoved Ranma in a cupboard as Shampoo came flying in through the door on her bike. The door blasted apart as a bike came roaring through. "MOUSSE, YOU SEE RANMA!!?" Shampoo asked without pausing to let her arrival register in anyone's mind. "Uh, no." Shampoo flew out as she'd come in and set down the street once again. "That was close." Mousse let out a large sigh. "Ranma." "Yeah?" "Let go of me." Ranma stopped squeezing Mousse's backside from the cupboard. "Sorry, I got started to fall out and I had to hold on to you for support. Eheheheheheh." "Yeah well, you got your ramen, now get out!" Mousse picked Ranma out and shoved him at the kitchen door. Ranma fell to the ground and looked up with tears in his eyes. Guilt rose up in Mousse as Ranma's bottom lip quivered, seemingly trying to hold back his tears. "I'm" He hiccuped and wiped a tear from his eye. "I'm sorry to cause so much trouble. I'll just leave now." Ranma picked himself off the ground, quietly sobbing as he dragged himself towards the open hole in the wall that had once been the door to the Nekhokentan. Shame rose up in the Amazon boy as he felt the dark aura surround the sulking Ranma. :::Oh Damn! I can't let him leave like this::: "Ranma, wait!" Ranma hiccuped as he turned again to face Mousse as he ran up to him. "Are you going to yell at me again?" Ranma asked in a quiet, innocent voice. "N-no. Listen Ranma...I'm..." Mousse struggled with himself. Imagine saying this to his greatest enemy! "sowwy?" Ranma asked in a baby voice. "WILL YOU NOT TALK LIKE THAT!" It angered Mousse to hear Ranma speak as a child would to their parent. It was hard enough apologizing, but now, he wasn't about to lower himself. "If you feel that way..." Ranma turned and started to run out sobbing. "Ranma, Ranma wait! I'm sorry for yelling at you!" Ranma stopped short. "You are?" :::This one always works...hehhehheh:::: "Yeah..." Mousse fiddled with his fingers and looked down at his tapping foot to ignore the heated gaze from a red-eyed Ranma. "I forgive you!" Ranma hopped up and gave Mousse a fierce hug. "You're such a nice, sexy, I mean REALLY nice guy...you know that?" Ranma pivoted his right foot on his toe and swiveled it back and forth. Mousse seemed to have a lot more interest in Ranma's feet these last few seconds. It was a good thing his hair covered his face, for he knew that he wouldn't be able to stand the thought of Ranma seeing him blush. :::Waiiiiiiiiiit a second...this is my bitter enemy! My rival for Shampoo's love!::: "Ranma! This is all a trick to get Shampoo isn't it!" Mousse went to unleash a flurry of weapons from inside his robes. Ranma held his arms against his side. "Shampoo? Why her? She's so.....bouncy. I want someone..." Ranma slowly bent his head around Mousse's head to breath into his ear "hard." Mousse stood stock still with his mouth agape. Ranma leaned forward on the prone boy and slowly pressed his lips against the other boy's. He twisted his lips and they practically burned in their energy. Ranma released him. "See ya." He ran a few steps and turned, blew a kiss, and ran off again. Mousse eventually was forced to regain control of his body again for risk of tipping over. He quickly dismissed his thoughts for now and worked on a new door for the Nekhokentan. ********** Ranma quickly ran out the door of the café and around a convenient corner into an alleyway. He stood there, panting for breath. Self-control wasn't the word for the guts it took to not run back into the café and take advantage of the innocent boy that was fixing the door. He stood breathing for a few moments, reflecting on just how dull things would be for the rest of the night compared to this. He almost stepped in the path of the directionally challenged Ryoga. As usual, he had his head stuck in a map, heedless of where he was actually going. Ranma poked his head out the alleyway and watched Ryoga walk away. :::I wonder why I'm not hot on Ryoga? I guess he's attractive enough::: Ryoga was very attractive, but in such a ruffled way. He always looked as if he wasn't fully rested and was waiting to relax, even when he was. His hair was always unruly and in need of a trim, which was usually a hack job done by Ryoga himself. Although, his rock hard body was nice, but he was so big and tall. That, and he was a brute, no finesse in the least. A pig was pretty fitting for a guy like him. Ah, but Mousse, Mousse was nice. He was so sensitive, so agile. He was easily more attractive in his actions than Ryoga. His hair was always well- groomed and despite the large glasses, was still attractive. His lithe body was hard, but flexible. Just how flexible he'd find out later, that, he was sure of. ********** "Hello, Nekhokentan." Mousse picked up the receiver and listened to the nasal voice talking through the other end. He groaned slightly as he arose, half asleep, from his chair to deliver the ramen. He had cleaned and if Cologne learned that he had turned down a potential yen or two, it'd be the cage for him. He quickly started the ramen and cleared up the dust from yet another replaced door. Maybe he should start a business replacing doors and walls. He did it enough already. You'd think Shampoo would learn to open the door after a while, but there was little that could be said for the barbaric Amazon women he loved. There was just no telling them. He seated himself on his bike and pedaled off, the ramen still steaming in the box behind him. He set off for the address. ********** Ranma had set up and removed the net at least 5 times. It was just so hard chasing after someone when you were so used to running away. He had no qualms about calling Mousse with a :::clever::: fake voice, but to actually ensnare him? That required more thought. Ranma quickly jumped down from his perch and let go of the net that he had been setting up again. "Yo! Mousse!" He smiled and waved to the nearly blind boy. Mousse looked directly at him and kept riding. Ranma jumped up and down and waved harder. "YO! MOUSSE!" Mousse quickly looked around. "Did someone call me?" Ranma ran under a street lamp and jumped up and down. Mousse noticed that the large bat was getting a lot closer. He quickly pulled out a few knives to attack the descending foul being. "Mousse, you really shouldn't stand so close to the pot when making ramen." Mousse's world went dark, then suddenly clearer as Ranma wiped off his glasses with his sleeve. "You could've crashed for how well you see." Mousse grew dark, as insulting his vision was not the way to get to his good side. "What business is it of yours!?" "Wow, I'm sorry man, just tryin' to help a buddy out." Ranma stood with his hands defensively. He took a hesitant step closer. "Can't blame a buddy for taking a piece of wood from his hair..." Ranma ran his fingers through Mousse's hair and came out with a piece of wood. "Or picking a piece of lint from his pants..." Ranma inched a bit closer and pulled a piece of lint from Mousse's pants. "Or maybe even..." Ranma was so close Mousse could feel the boy's breath, and his own growing rage. "Making sure he has no food stuck between his teeth..." Mousse was about to blast Ranma with one of any number of assorted blunt objects, but nearly fell off his bike with the shock. "RRRAAAAAAANNNNNNNMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Shampoo came flying down the street on her bike. "Oh....SHIT!!" Ranma forgot his ministrations on the nearly blind boy and took off running for the hills, so to speak. :::There has to be someplace Shampoo can't find me!::: Ranma's crazed expression dropped to a smirk. He leaped over the rooftops to land near the community bath. The attendant at the door barely saw him as he ran through the door. He was about to chase after him before he was leveled by a plummeting bicycle. Shampoo jumped off and headed through the door, without thinking of the many privacies she was invading. "Ranma!" :::this time Shampoo get him good!::: Shampoo pulled the delicate bottle with the swirling red liquid from her blouse and held it ready for uncorking. Ranma stopped short when he ran into a wall and turned to face his pursuer. The many men in the baths watched in shock, and more than a little fascination at the devious, and very sexy Chinese girl standing defiantly with a strange liquid. "There no escape, airen. This time Shampoo have you forever!" Shampoo ran forward and leaped into the air, uncorking the bottle as she did so to land right in front of Ranma. Ranma grabbed a small tub and threw it, aiming for her outstretched hand. Having more than sufficient training with bathhouse martial arts, Ranma hit dead on and the bottle went flying from her hand to land, uncorked, on the tiled floor. Strangely, the liquid did not pour out, but rather stayed in the bottle and emanate that pleasing scent. "The potion! Now all men in bathhouse no have lust inhibitor!" Shampoo quickly scooped up the bottle and corked it, just a second too late. Ranma had already scrambled through the window and now Shampoo was left alone with the many men of the bathhouse. At least Shampoo knew the potion worked. Unfortunately, this was the wrong situation. Shampoo leaped and kicked first to her left, then to her right, bringing down two lustful pursuers. She jabbed to her far right at another, and kicked another on her left. "I have no time for games!" Shampoo jumped and somersaulted over the volleys of lustful men who setup chase after the leg- revealing Amazon. :::I get Ranma yet!::: The real chase was still on. ********** :::A lust de-inhibitor potion? So that's why I'm like this.::: Once again, open dialogue had revealed another plan and Ranma was sure to make this work to his best advantage. He knew now that he had been manipulated through ancient Chinese magic again. :::Now, to get that potion from Shampoo and put a stop to this!::: ********** Shampoo turned and smashed the wall beside her. She spied the two now unconscious men behind it with a more than a little satisfaction. They had to split up to spread over the city to find her. She could beat up the lot of them easily. In pairs, it was almost too easy, in fact, it was fun. She held the potion tightly in one hand for instant attack when she found Ranma. She turned suddenly, ready to lash out at whatever man was there. All she saw was the sack of flour that was on the ground and felt the violent snatching feeling from her hand. "AIIIIIIYYYYYAAAAAA!" :::Someone take potion!:::: ********** Ranma silently laughed to himself. :::Now it's time to fix all the problems this bottle has given me::: He clutched the potion protectively to his chest as he mentally prepared his plan. There was still so much to do tonight. ********** "Hn?" Mousse twitched his nose when the feather tickled the end of it. Mousse batted at the offending item, only to have it return. He wearily opened his eyes from his almost-sleep to see nothing but white. When he batted the feather away he saw the letter attached to the ceiling from which the feather dangled. Mousse took the letter and examined it. Mousse: Meet me in the park, tonight. I dare you to come. -Ranma "A challenge!" Mousse stood wide-awake and threw on his robe, making sure that he had enough weapons. :::Saotome will dread ever having crossed me!::: Mousse readied his bike once again and rode off in the direction of the park. He reached the park in record time and tore open the envelope he found by the entrance: I'm at the lake, by the dock! -Ranma Mousse shot down to the dock with knives outstretched from both sleeves, ready for action. He sniffed the air furtively when it came into view. :::What is that strange scent?:::. "Is that....coconut?" :::What the hell smells like...lik....l...::: Mousse could not manage comprehensive thought as he slowly drifted to some other-plane while his body was, hopefully for Ranma, charging up. Ranma stood some ten feet away, and upwind from the open bottle. After waiting a minute or so for the potion to take full effect, he swallowed as much air as he could and made his way to it, not taking a single breath. He corked the bottle and moved away, waiting for the breezeto take the smell with it and free the paralyzed Amazon. As quickly as it happened, Mousse perked up and held out his arms in a battle stance again. "Saotome, you asshole! Come out and face me!" Ranma slowly stepped out from under the shadow of the tree and into the moonlight. The background couldn't be better. Mousse saw Ranma standing on a dock that was setting out on a silver lake of rippling light. His bangs were brushed slightly by the breeze. Although it was better when the strong wind came and blew his clothes tight against his tight, hard body, which was suddenly a lot more interesting than usual to the now befuddled boy. "I...I...." Mousse let his body to the talking. He kept stepping closer and closer like some mechanized animal. Ranma eventually met him by the side of the dock, standing next to the water, the only sound was their heavy breathing and the lazy lapping sound of the water's tide. Ranma put his fingers to Mousse's lips to stop his stuttering. "Shh...it's a perfect moment." Ranma looked deeply into Mousse's desperate eyes, letting the other boy feel his deep, never-ending love that would forever be his. "The guards don't come around here for another ten minutes! Let's go!" Ranma leapt on Mousse and quickly secured his mouth on him. Mousse sputtered for oxygen. Mousse finally let himself go and let himself melt into Ranma. Unfortunately, his grip slackened and the multitude of weapons he had ready for total massacre fell out. The chains from one side fell into the water, and Ranma, being wrapped around Mousse, got one of his legs wrapped in a single of the many falling links and fell into the water. Girl-Ranma surfaced, a little more than annoyed. "Damn it!" Mousse was undeterred. He gently lifted her from the water and started to proceed where they had left off. She elbowed Mousse in the head when his mouth reached for hers. "Hey! Le' go! I don't like being no girl. No way you're gonna get on me like that!" Ranma-onna prepared to rocket Mousse into outer space when she saw the hurt look in his eyes and stopped. Mousse quietly laughed to himself. :::Hey, this works better than I thought::: "Just leave me alone, ok? You got it!" Ranma, now unaffected by the potion since he entered female form ran off to the Tendo dojo to get some much needed sleep, and her most-needed warm water. Unbeknownst to her, Mousse followed quietly after, thinking that this was some kind of game she was playing. Ranma raced up the stairs past Kasumi, who had gone outside when she heard a stray cat. "Hey Kasumi!" "Oh, hello Ranma." Kasumi echoed startled by the rocketing redhead. "Hey Kasumi!" A quickly following Mousse called to her. "Oh My! Hello Mousse!" She called at his back when he jumped up the stairs and headed to the bathroom. ********** Mousse entered the bathroom just in time to see a naked Ranma seated in front of the shower, slowly dripping with moisture. "Ranma...." Ranma turned with a lewd smile on his face. "I was hopin' you'd show up." "I have to say that I'm not disappointed that I did." "You don't look it either." Mousse didn't have the mental capacity at the time to blush at the reference to his current 'state'. Ranma quickly stood up and strode over to Mousse, laying his hands on Mousse's shoulders. "Let's get this right this time, hn?" Mousse nodded in agreement as their heads met in a suction that's been marketed for home cleaning. In less than .2 seconds, both Ranma and Mousse came to a mutual decision that Mousse was wearing far too much clothing. Ranma reached down slowly to undo the ties in Mousse's pants. He slowly clasped the knot to untie it, but it wouldn't budge. Ranma fumbled around with it, but soon realized that it was one of the pure evils of earth, the practically untieable knot. He unlocked his mouth and tugged on the drawstring with all his weight behind it. Forgetting the slippery floor, he fell back, pulling Mousse on top of him. They both landed with a gasp and slid across the floor further into the bathroom so that now they lay beside the steaming furo. Taking advantage of the situation, they began their slow 'let's-see-how- well-we-can-mate-like-snakes' dance again in a passionate and...er...fervent...er...uber-lustful energy. But, little could be done with such offensive cloth blocking the two would-be-lovers from each other like a starving man from a twinkie and milkshake. Mousse stood to his feet, slowly gathering Ranma in his arms with him so as to not break bodily contact. Ranma worked as fast as his aching hands would allow and threw off Mousse's robe, only breaking lip contact for a millisecond, and Ranma was counting. The loud clanging noises echoed throughout the Tendo household as weapons fell to the floor of the bathroom. It seemed Mousse really did carry a full arsenal under his clothing. Maces, chains, knives, sinks, all were strewn about the room. Ranma, not to be deterred, but realizing that mating like wild monekys involved room, started to frantically shove weapons to one side of the bathroom and out of the furo. He slipped his hands under the water and pulled out some random blunt weapons. He reached down carefully to grasp the handle of a knife. He yelped, pulling his hand out hastily of the water. :::is there a snake down there?::: It wasn't completely out of the question. Mousse did carry some strange stuff. When he looked again, he saw the dull brown tresses of noodles peeking out from under the weapons. "Hn?" "Hn?" Mousse pulled himself (and his mouth) from Ranma's neck, following his glance. "oh! My spare ramen!" "Spare ramen, eh?" Ranma smiled evilly, pulling Mousse closer. ********** "Ranma! What are all these weapons doing out here!? What are you doing!?" Akane pounded on the door of the bathroom angrily, standing with her sisters who were awakened by the noise. Ranma's flushed head appeared in the small space of the door he had slid open. The Tendo sisters could hear small sounds coming from inside. "Uh...special training! New technique! Top secret! See ya!" The door slid closed. "I'm going to bed." ********** Mousse had watched Ranma's sexy slink back over to the furo with a bemused and slightly freaked out mindset in hand. He felt the ramen at the bottom of the pool and realized that Ranma wanted to have sex on the bed of noodles. His mind began to work overtime at the possibilites thereof. "Ranma..." "Shhh...I'm going to make love to you on the ramen right now and you are going to do the same to me." At that he crawled into the furo and settled himself on Mousse's lap. The amazon kept his shocked look as he felt Ranma's cute bottom press into his hard, throbbing cock. It became apparent that the velvet beneath them would create a bed that would rival the finest platforms for wild sex ever created. it made him drool with delight...and hunger...and passion... "We are going to make love until neither one of us can stand up. I want to make you go home remembering me." "You are sooo kinky, Ranma..." Mousse remarked as he rubbed Ranma's neck with a gentle touch. "Why the ramen??" "Why not?? We both are attracted to each other, we're alone, and this is probably the only time we are going to be able to have sex with each other." "And what about getting caught?" Mousse's normally fair skin had turned a deep shade of pale as he realized the risks of what they were about to do. If they were caught together in a tub full of ramen, fully naked and ready to fuck...the consequences would be deep and costly. "I'm not going to be beaten to a bloody pulp over this...we can find another place, a safer place to do this..." "No! We are going to do it here because," Ranma leaned over and whispered into the young amazon's ear, "we have nothing else to do, and I want you as much as you want me..." Ranma tilted his head over and began to kiss the skin on the side of Mousse's neck. The amazon could feel the talented lips of the man he once wanted to kill begin to caress his neck and at the touch of his tongue to his collarbone, Mousse gave up all ideas of raising a fuss. If he was caught, he was caught. No big deal... :::I'll only get this opportunity once. I might as well take it...::: Mousse grabbed Ranma's head, slipping his tongue into the young man's mouth while sinking deeper into the ramen filled water. Ranma's eyes flashed with shock for a moment, but relaxed as he realized that Mousse was getting into the sex faster than he thought. :::He's so ready...He's mine now...::: Ranma began to take control of the situation by slipping down Mousse's lithe, muscular body with his tongue. The amazon began to react as Ranma's mouth began to paint the surface of his skin with the colors of passion. Water sloshed and splashed up the sides of the furo due to the gyrating of the young boys in heat, but they didn't care at all about the mess they were making. The water damage could be taken care of later... Ranma caressed Mousse's skin with his tounge while cruising down the highway of his broad, glistening chest. Sweat began to sparkle down Mousse's upper chest and the salty taste ran in tiny rivulets into Ranma's mouth. "Mmmmm...so tasty..." he moaned as he continued down the body of the young amazon. "Did you bathe in honey this morning?? You can't normally taste this sweet..." "No...but I could if you want me to from now on..." Mousse replied as he rubbed Ranma's hair in appreciation of the sucking he was privy to. "I don't want you to do that...well, maybe just once!" "Baka!" "No...hentai! That's who I am." Ranma replied as he played with Mousse's innie bellybutton. Mousse could hardly stand the gentle tounging that he received from his former mortal enemy. His mind still reeled in amazement that he could be intimate with his main adversary. But it reeled off by itself in the back of his mind, while the rest of his body had a party with the nerve endings being lashed by Ranma's talented mouth. That and the velvety ramen cushion they gyrated on only gave Mousse all the reasons he needed to put reason out to pasture for the night. Ranmama slipped lower and lower on Mousse's body feeling the tense muscles he was ministrating loosen and deconstrict with the gentle pulling. He smiled gleefully as he felt Mousse's moans run through his body like a rippling wave of passion. the amazon kept up his rubbing of Ranma's silky hair, it being the only gesture of love that he could give back to Ranma until later. The ramen kept it's silky and unique texture despite the massive squirming that went on, and as it tickled the already red hot nerve endings in Mousse's spine. "Mmmmm...please take care of me..." Mousse moaned as he shook with delight in the now sloppy furo. "You want me to cook for you??" Ranma replied as he smiled the smirk of a man who knows what his lover wants and desires. "Mabye clean your room...kill Cologne..." "No! I want you," Mousse hissed while pulling Ranma's head to a looking position, "to suck me off. Now. Hard!" "Well, if you insist..." At that Ranma took Mousse's pulsing fuckstick into his mouth and gently sucked on the fleshy cock in front of his eyes. Mousse's juices began to trickle into his mouth like a slow, yet powerful river of desire, a river that Ranma was determined to travel. His mouth began to work independent of his brain as the lips caressed all the most sensitive parts of the amazon's tender anatomy. Throaty, desperate moans resonated off the shallow walls of the Tendo bathroom like a porn film being made in a closet, and the hands which had once fought against one another in anger now fought against each other in passion. Ranma kept his sucking and licking going until Mousse began to spill his manly broth deep into his waiting throat. :::So tasty, so good, so horny...he is such a catch!! And to think that Shampoo is giving this up...::: Every drop of Mousse's sweetness flowed into Ranma's mouth and he gulped it down with evident glee. Finally, when the pleasure filled penis stopped it's insistent flow of nectar, Ranma gazed lustily into the amazon's blue-gray and slightly unfocused eyes. Mousse had a look of pure contentment that could only happen when all of one's dreams were fulfilled in excess. "You like??" Ranma chirped as he ran his hand up the supine form in front of his eyes. "Yes...ohhhhhh, fuck yes..." Mousse's sighs ran over Ranma's body like chocolate silk. A smile formed on Mousse's lips as he drew up on his ass and kissed the young martial artist on the cheek. His hand began to stroke his lover's penis with a gentle, yet firm grip. "Although I'm getting the impression that you need a bit of relief from this desire..." "What makes you say that??" "Just a hunch. Oh and the fact that you are harder than I am when I see Shampoo naked...or at least what I perceive her to be naked." "Are you sure that it wasn't Cologne that you were seeing naked Mousse?" Ranma chuckled as his prey blushed a grin of embarrassment back to him. "At least my family would not beat the shit out of me for just breathing wrong." Mousse retorted brightly. "Wait a minute...THEY DO THAT TO ME ALREADY!!!!!!!" "We'll talk about that later. But for now, just get down here and suck me off." Mousse smiled gently and placed his hands on Ranma's manhood coaxing it to rise to new heights of passion. His eyes took in the sighs of contentment that escaped Ranma's mouth as he stroked, and with a gentle dip he slid his lips across the tip of his lover's lust wand. Ranma watched as Mousse's craning neck allowed his lips to caress and cajole his penis to rise and be counted. His running of his hands through Mousse's hair only signaled to Mousse that the best of Ranma and the sweetness was still to come. The water sloshed, the ramen kept on sliding under them, and still they tended to each other's passions. Mousse let his lips encapsulate Ranma's cock as he slid to his knees for better leverage. Ranma gasped as the talented throat milked his cock like a dairy farmer in the morning. He laid back and allowed Mousse full reign of his crotch and manhood. Mousse didn't disappoint the young martial artist at all. All the outside world could hear was the splashing of water in the furo, but inside the birdcalls of passion lifted Mousse's libido and Ranma's manhood off the mortal plane. Their pleasure became divine, their time together seemed endless. Finally, as all good things should, Ranma felt his orgasm rise up. He moaned even louder to let Mousse know that he was cumming. Mousse took all the moaning and tightening of his lover's intimate spots in stride and when his seed began to flow into his mouth Mousse gulped it down like a baby taking his first breath. Only a whirlpool at the bottom of the deepest trench there was could have equaled the vacuum that Mousse placed on Ranma's cock while he came. Every drop, every molecule, every essence of his sweetness flowed into the amazon's willing mouth and he drank it up gleefully. "Mousse..." Ranma hissed as he laid in the afterglow of the fine blow job he had received. "Yes??" "You are such a cocksucker!" "Mmmm..." Mousse raised up onto his arms and looked deep into Ranma's flushed visage. The young martial artist dripped with sweat from the shuddering he underwent during Mousse's blowjob and his eyes fluttered with alternating currents of delight sweeping across his body. "You mean that I'm good at what I do??" "Dammit, Mousse! You think I would have came that hard if you were just mediocre??" "No." "You, Mousse..." Ranma wrapped his arms around the amazon's waist as he curled into his body. "You did this to me. And I love it." "At least we know who did what to whom..." Suddenly, a scream rang out across the Tendo household. "Aiiiirrrrreeeennnnn!!!!!!!!!" Both boys looked at each other in fear as the screaming came closer. "Oh shit!" Ranma exclaimed as he ducked down beneath the water and the ramen, hiding himself from the outside world. Mousse tried to follow his lover's lead but it was all to no avail. He watched as Shampoo burst into the bathroom, diving through the window and onto the floor. His heart began to beat faster and faster in his chest. Shampoo looked over at the furo and blinked at the sight. There was Mousse in the Tendo bathroom, stark naked and dripping, with all his weapons in the corner. It didn't make sense to her but she didn't think much about that. She had her husband to find. Along with the bottle. "Mousse, you see where Ranma run?" she gasped as she turned to leave. "Ummm....I think I saw him running to the Roppongi section of town, beloved." Mousse answered shakily as he felt his heart turn to ice. He shivered uncontrollably as he then felt Ranma's tounge and hands fiddle with his ass underneath the ramen saturated water. "You might need to find him before he goes and gets a woman..." "AIYAH!!!!! Shampoo need find airen!!!" And with that, she leapt out the window the same way she came leaving Mousse to stare helplessly and limp. He reached down and pulled Ranma up out of the water by his ponytail. The boy looked at the amazon with even more desire dripping from his eyes, and Mousse let his body go further into full nervous shutdown with the fondling he received from Ranma. "Mmmmm....your ass tastes wonderful, Mousse. I have to have it..." At that, Mousse felt Ranma turn him over and lean him against the edge of the furo. His hard penis began to prod the tight hole between Mousse's cheeks and the amazon moaned out in pleasure. "What did you tell Shampoo?" "I told her...mmmm...I told her that you went to the Roppongi section of town...ohhhhhh..." Mousse gasped as he felt Ranma's manhood pierce his tightest spots. "She...left without a word..." "She has a habit of that, dosen't she??" "Yes...Oh!! Yes!!! Fuck me!!!" Mousse pushed back on Ranma's pulsing cock with his ass arched and poised for action. Ranma smiled as he gently applied pressure and felt the head of his cock sink into the tight pink ring. The amazon's moans reverberated across the shallow walls of the bathroom like a boomerang during the gentle invasion. Inch by inch the pair fought each other for pleasure, and in a few minutes the large cock made it's home deep in Mousse's ass. Mousse's body took over the pleasure principle and his mind decided to quietly drink a glass of warm milk and go to bed. The pair's moans and sighs arched them to new levels of sonic pleasure as they fucked against each other. Thrust for thrust, mash for mash, the two boys consummated their new relationship with a sexual flourish that equaled their normally flamboyant martial arts. Ranma pushed his cock in and out of Mousse's ass with a vigor that only a truly possessed man could feel. But almost as soon as he began to thrust with force, a cold wave swept over him and he felt his body change internally. Then, the exquisite feeling of his manhood imbedded deep in Mousse's ass took over his body and he subconsciously decided to let reason have it's way with him later. Mousse felt none of Ranma's internal tension during the pounding of his asshole. All that the amazon kickdog felt was the delectable desire wash over and over his body as they went on and on. Minutes stacked themselves against each other as the fucking continued with no foreseeable end in sight. Mousse slid a hand back and gently stimulated Ranma with his fingers as Ranma drove for home inside of him. The only thought that ran in Mousse's mind was the idea that he had finally found the one who was to love him. Finally. "Oh!! Mousse!! I'm cummmming!!" Ranma moaned as he drove faster and faster in Mousse's ass. The insistent pounding gave Ranma the drive to spill his seed forth inside of his lover's asshole and it also drove Mousse towards his own release. Mousse's orgasm coated Ranma's hands in the juices of the moment, sweet fluids that Ranma eagerly licked off his fingers while finishing his own release. The boys slumped together in a heap of stickiness and passion, and Mousse rolled over to encapsulate Ranma in his arms. The pair stayed connected as the amazon cuddled against the boy he now felt such passion for. Nothing else mattered now. They were together. "Ranma, you make me feel sooo wonderful. Thank you." "The pleasure was all mine Mousse. Or I think we should say the pleasure was mine and yours but the blame goes to Shampoo!" Ranma gently replied with a kiss to Mousse's forehead. "Wha..." "Let's go to the rooftop and talk this out. There are a few things that I need to tell you." Ranma slipped out of the water and quickly dressed. His body went from naked and wet to dry and clothed in less than 90 seconds and as he walked towards the broken window to vault to the roof his eyes looked back at Mousse. "Just leave the weapons for now, and come to me..." "Alright." The amazon slipped out of the steaming furo, and walked over to his robes. He couldn't help but notice the furo filled of ramen as he dressed. The moments he shared with Ranma now lay in his mind, and their impact was not greatly felt by the boy at all. In an instant, however, the potion wore off and as Mousse reached for his tunic a cold rush passed over his body. The effects of the potion dissolved away, leaving Mousse with the sensations of the night that he had shared with Ranma. But this time they were tinged with a modicum of guilty pleasure and shame that accompanied such an act. His feet carried him to the window, and with a gentle leap he planted himself on the low rooftop. ********** Ranma stood on the opposite edge, his hair glowing gently in the wind as he gazed over the Nerima night. Mousse couldn't help but blush as he took in his rival's visual persona on the darkened ledge. Ranma felt the soft footsteps of the amazon and turned around slowly to face him. the boys approached each other with a gentle breeze blowing the sweet blossoms of the season over the area. No sounds were heard, no emotions were spoken. That is, until Ranma started to speak. "You felt it, didn't you?? The cold wave, I mean. You felt it in your body?" Ranma asked gently when he was in Mousse's immediate presence. "Yes. Yes I did. What was that??" "That was your girlfriend's handiwork..." "Shampoo is not my girlfriend...at least not now..." Mousse blushed in embarrassment as Ranma spoke the words he never wanted to hear. An equally cold emotion passed over him as he realized what Ranma was truly saying to him. "Ranma, you don't mean..." "Yes I do mean that. Mousse, I used the Lust De-Inhibitor on you the same way Shampoo used it on me. I knew it was going to wear off, but I didn't know when. It came over me when I was...um...inside of you." "They why didn't you stop? Why did you keep on going with me?" "Because I knew that you were not out of the potion's effects yet. I didn't want to spoil your moment just because Shampoo fucked me up in her schemes. Stupid girl..." Ranma said quietly as he lifted his hand underneath Mousse's chin. The martial artist looked into his rival's eyes and saw nothing but shock in his blue-grey eyes. "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it a lot." "You did??" "Yes. Yes I did. I enjoyed being with you. I loved being inside of you. I....I like you." Ranma blushed furiously as he felt Mousse's hand come across his own cheek and stroke the soft skin as it passed over. The amazon's gentle glare did nothing to stop the pounding that went on furiously in his heart and Ranma could feel the nerves in his body begin to fray at the edges as Mousse caressed him. "Ranma, please don't let this be just the potion talking..." "It's not the potion. It's you." He leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a spot of liquid love on the amazon's slender face. Mousse took Ranma's hands into his own and held him there as the pair gazed deep into each other's eyes. "Have you ever been with a guy before?" "No." His eyes dropped to the ground and slowly came back up to meet Ranma's gently insistent gaze. "I haven't either. Do you think we could...um..." "Are you asking me to be intimate with you more??" Mousse whispered, not daring to hope for what he was hoping for. "Yeah." "I...I don't know. I've never been this close to someone else before. And I'm not sure what to do..." Mousse said softly as the boys instinctively leaned into each other. Their arms melded into one another, skin meshing together in the bonds of affection. Time passed ever so slowly as their embrace continued, uninterrupted by the pace of the city below. Mousse finally pulled away and looked back into Ranma's clear blue eyes. "Can we just take this one step at a time?? I...I want you, but I'm scared..." "I'm scared too. But this feels right. We feel right. Together. You and me." He squeezed Mousse's hands in a gesture that invited love not raw desire into their touch. "Can I at least come and see you when I'm needing someone to be with?" "Sure...If you want to..." "I do." "Then come by when you need a love like mine. I have to go now." Mousse gently kissed Ranma on the head and turned to walk away. He was stopped by a touch of Ranma's hand on his arm. As he turned, he found his body being pulled deep into Ranma's body and his lips being assaulted by the tongue and lips he had come to desire. They kissed with fear, with hopelessness, with raw passion and with a feeling of remorse that the walls that they had to live under were once again bringing their happiness to and end. Their lips locked in a passionate dance, the saliva mixing and fueling the internal fires that raged on. Ranma finally pried himself away from Mousse and looked up at him. "Goodbye...for now. Koibito..." Ranma then ran past him and leaped back into the bathroom leaving Mousse all alone on the rooftop. A cold wind blew as Mousse watched his formal rival run away from him. Mousse walked to the edge of the roof dazed and unhappy, unknowing that a tear slowly ran down his smooth cheek. ********** Epilouge: Mousse slowly closed the door to the Nekohanten and sat down on his stool beside the large stove in the kitchen. It had been several weeks since he and Ranma had spent their night together chasing, taunting, seducing, and fucking, and he was lonely. Cologne was asleep and Shampoo was looking for her "airen" somewhere in the city. It was the late part of the evening, and Mousse was hungry. The fire was lit under the great pot and some ramen was beginning to cook. He gently sighed as he watched the water bubble and boil in the pot. Suddenly, he heard a knock at the back door. The door itself opened and as soon as he blinked, Ranma was standing inside with a bento and a pillow in his hands. He walked over to Mousse, placed the items he held on the table, and hopped into Mousse's lap. Their lips met as Mousse struggled to get a grip on what had just happened to him. He pulled away his lips from Ranma's and peered deep into his face. "Ranma, what are you doing here??" "Why Mousse, you said to come over whenever I needed someone to love. I'm lonely, I'm tired of my life, and DAMMIT! I'M HORNY!!" "Well, I can see that," Mousse smiled as he adjusted Ranma on the stool, his legs now wrapped around his waist. "But what about the others?? They'll hear us..." "I'm not going to scream. Are you??" He kissed Mousse on the lips and began to caress his chest as he wriggled his bottom on Mousse's hardness. "Besides, I only have eyes for you, koibito..." Ranma's words were cut off by Mousse's lips and the two continued to make out on the stool while the water boiled on and on. Just before it boiled over, Mousse reached his free hand over and switched off the stove. Then he toppled himself over onto the floor, leaving him on top of Ranma's body his lips still locked onto the lips he now dreamed of. The only thing that could be heard in the kitchen were the soft sounds of the love that needed no names, and wanted no sympathy. A love that was real. A love that was divine. A love that was.