Game Time! Mousse's Secret Crush
One-Shot "Alright, sorcerer Saotome, you've gathered us all here, now what do you plan to do with us?" Ranma grinned lecherously as he surveyed the roomful of sexy bishounen before him. He had finally convinced Ryoga to let Ranma use his normally-empty house for a 'party;' it had taken a _lot_ of convincing on Ranma's part to get Ryoga to agree to it. His gaze rested on the Lost Boy for a moment, who was busy fiddling with his bandanna. Their eyes caught, and Ranma could see the anticipation floating in Ryoga's warm brown depths. Ranma snapped his gaze away from his koibito's and did a quick head count of the living room. Ryoga, Kuno, Hiroshi, Daisuke, Mousse, and himself. 'Sounds like a good-sized party to me,' Ranma thought as he shrugged. "Okay everyone, form a circle. It's time to put a new 'spin' on an old game." Ranma plopped down next to Mousse, who was trying to fix his glasses. "Damn things broke again!" Mousse muttered. Ranma looked appraisingly at the Amazon. "Eh, don't worry about it, Mousse. For this game you don't really _need_ to see." Ranma placed an empty glass bottle on the floor, on its side, and beckoned Ryoga to begin. The Lost Boy cleared his throat. "Uh, okay, well the name of the game is Spin The Bottle. We each will go in turns spinning the bottle, and whoever it lands on, the person spinning has to kiss them. After that, it's the chosen person's turn. Any questions?" No one said anything, since everyone was familiar with the game. "Okay, then, we'll spin to see who goes first." Ryoga placed his hand on the bottle, but Ranma laid his fingers on the Lost Boy's wrist, stopping him. "Wait, koibito," he said, winking at Ryoga. "You didn't define the terms of the kiss." Ranma looked around the room. "This has to be a real kiss, mouth-on-mouth, maybe a little tongue action. No pecks allowed." Everyone shifted somewhat uneasily, most already blushing deeply; only Kuno and Ranma seemed to take it in stride. Ranma continued looking at each person until everyone had consented. Ryoga then gave the bottle a good twirl, and everyone watched in anticipation as it spun. The bottle top pointed towards Hiroshi, who scrambled into the center. He closed his eyes for a second and spun. Six pairs of eyes watched as the bottled slowed down. It gave one last lazy turn before resting on Ryoga. Hiroshi grinned as Ryoga came forward. He grabbed the Lost Boy by his shirt and pulled him forcefully into a long, wet, probing kiss. Ryoga's hands snaked around the sandy-haired boy's waist, pulling them closer together. "Okay, okay, knock it off, Hiroshi!" Ranma yelled, separating the two. Both boys came up for air sheepishly, faces flushed. Hiroshi went back to his seat on the floor as Ryoga stayed in the center. "Damn, what a way to start this thing," commented Daisuke, looking at his best friend and lover. Hiroshi just shrugged happily. Ryoga took a breath, and spun the bottle. It landed on Kuno, who smiled wolfishly. He waited for the Lost Boy to make his way to him, then pulled Ryoga down onto his lap. The kiss was soft and passionate, and it left Ryoga more flushed than before. "I taste young Hiro-kun on you, Ryo-kun," stated Kuno. "It wasn't unpleasant," he added, cocking his eyebrow toward the non-martial artist. Hiroshi giggled. Kuno lifted the Lost Boy off his lap, his breathing heavy from the kiss. He positioned himself in the center and spun. The bottle landed on Ranma. "First one, then the other. What, perchance, have I done to deserve such good fortune? Come to me, koibito." "I don't think so, Kuno-baby. _You_ come to _me_," countered Ranma, crooking his finger the samurai's way. Kuno groaned, but complied. Ranma pulled the upperclassman on top of him as he rolled backwards, lying on the floor. The kiss was heated and went on for several seconds as both boys jockeyed for dominance. A growl trickled out of Ryoga's throat as he watched, eyebrow twitching. "Okay, Kuno, I think we should stop before Ryoga pounces on us," Ranma chuckled, releasing the older boy. He scrambled out from under Kuno and grabbed the bottle. Kuno licked his lips as he settled back, savoring the pigtailed boy's taste. The bottle spun wildly around, everyone's eyes glued to it yet again. It landed on Hiroshi. "Hey, no twicers!" protested Daisuke, hugging his lover tight. "Yes huh," growled Ranma, crawling on hands and knees towards the pair. "There's nothing in the rules that says someone can't go more than once." With that, Ranma pressed his lips to his friend's, who was still in Daisuke's lap. Ranma kissed Hiroshi slowly and deeply, letting his tongue explore the other boy's mouth. Hiroshi wriggled excitedly in Daisuke's embrace. Ranma broke off the kiss only when he felt two brown eyes glaring daggers into his back. He turned to look at Ryoga. "You know, this night is not going to progress too good if you keep doing that," Ranma stated pointedly. Ryoga blushed but didn't soften his glare. Ranma kissed the tip of Hiroshi's nose and moved back into his spot. "Your turn again, Hiroshi." The sandy-haired boy spun and got Daisuke. He squealed as he pounced on his lover, and they kissed lovingly, hands roaming. When Daisuke spun, the bottle landed on Ryoga. Daisuke and the Lost Boy hesitantly met in the middle. The kiss was sweet and short, as both boys were incredibly nervous. Daisuke seemed to be very excited after they parted, however. As Ryoga spun the bottle again, Mousse began to worry. It seemed as if he was never going to get chosen. He watched the bottle fuzzily as it spun and slowed. It looked as if it might land on him! Mousse's heart gave a leap. The bottle spun lazily, and pointed just to the side of Mousse, at Ranma. Mousse's heart plummeted. "Alright!" Ranma yelled, victorious. He cradled the Lost Boy in a crushing embrace. "Love you, koibito," he breathed before he plundered Ryoga's lips. Ryoga moaned into his lover's mouth, hands tracing along Ranma's hips and lower back. The kiss was deep, searching, and very passionate. Both boys rubbed against each other excitedly as they continued. It took Kuno's loud cough to pull the two apart. "I think we've had enough of this game. Do you have any others we could try, Saotome?" Ranma grinned wickedly, still holding Ryoga. "How about Truth or Dare?" "That's a child's game," complained Kuno. "Not," said Ranma slyly, "if you play it right. Ryoga." The Lost Boy turned towards the group. "In Truth or Dare, a person asks another to choose either Truth or a Dare. If you pick Truth, you will be asked a personal question, often embarrassing, but one you have to answer. In Dare, you will most likely be asked for 60 Seconds In Heaven with a person of the darer's choosing. For that, we can use my bedroom." Ryoga pointed at a door behind him. Ranma cleared his throat. "Ah, Ryoga? Your bedroom is that way." He pointed down a long hallway. "Whatever," Ryoga growled. "Anyway, are there any questions?" "Yeah," Mousse piped up. "What's sixty seconds in heaven?" "Well," Ranma began, "60 Seconds In Heaven is where two people go into a separate room while the others count down from sixty. Make sense?" "I suppose. But what do you do in the room?" Ranma licked his lips, eyeing the Amazon. "Whatever you damn well please," he said. Mousse blushed scarlet. "Okay, everyone ready? Let's draw straws to see who's first to ask," Ranma said, pulling straws out of his pants pocket. Each boy took a straw until everyone had one. Mousse held the shortest straw. "Alright, buddy," Ranma said. "Choose your victim." Mousse twirled the straw slowly, contemplating. He knew who he wanted to ask, but would they choose the response he wanted them to? He just wasn't sure. "Okay," the Amazon said slowly, looking around the room. Kuno was stretched out on his side, playing with his own straw. Hiroshi and Daisuke were still huddled together. Ranma and Ryoga had finally managed to separate; Ranma was perched on his knees while Ryoga was laying on his stomach, arms propping his head up. At least, that's what Mousse thought he saw. "Ryoga," he said, squinting at what he was pretty sure was the Lost Boy. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth," Ryoga replied simply, turning his head to look at the Chinese Amazon. Disappointment flooded through Mousse, but he pushed it back. "Um, do you wear boxers or briefs?" he rushed out, unable to think of anything better. Ryoga grinned at the question. "Neither." Mousse blushed furiously. "Okay, my turn! Kuno, Truth or Dare?" "Dare," said Kuno easily. "Okay, I dare you to 60 Seconds In Heaven with..." Ryoga's eyes roamed the room, "Daisuke!" Daisuke blushed as Kuno smirked at him. "Shall we?" Kuno said, getting up and offering his hand. The two made their way to Ryoga's bedroom; when the door shut behind them, the remaining boys began to count. "...3, 2, 1. Time, time!" They all chanted. Daisuke and Kuno came slowly into the living room, both looking pleased with themselves. Daisuke's button-down shirt was open, revealing a very nice chest and stomach. Ranma whistled. "Go, Kuno!" The upperclassman laughed. "Foul sorcerer, Truth or Dare?" Ranma raised an eyebrow. "Dare," he replied defiantly. "Good," Kuno said slyly. "I dare you to 60 Seconds In Heaven with me." "You're on." Ranma stood up. "Not so fast, Saotome. You have to do it as the fair pigtailed goddess." "Huh?" Ranma sputtered, dumbfounded. "Okay!" He grabbed a glass of water that was conveniently nearby and dumped it over his, now her, head. "Let's go!" The boy and girl shut the door soundly behind them when they reached it. There was a loud thumping sound as the countdown began. Ryoga looked worriedly down the hallway. While Kuno and Ranma were having their private time, Mousse was in agony. Why hadn't anyone chosen him? It just wasn't fair! The Amazon looked longingly at his crush, who was still staring at the closed door anxiously. When the pair stepped out after time had been called, Kuno's head sporting a giant bump where Ranma must have hit him, Mousse saw Ryoga's shoulders relax visibly. He sighed in defeat; there was no way he had a chance as long as Ranma was around. Ranma-chan settled back into the circle, her red Chinese tunic open halfway down her chest. She looked at Ryoga, arousal plain in her stormy eyes. She caught Mousse looking at the Lost Boy, and cocked an eyebrow his way. "Mousse?" Startled, Mousse glanced at Ranma-chan, who smiled seductively. "Truth or Dare?" Mousse looked at Ranma warily. "D-dare," he finally managed. Ranma-chan pretended to think, placing her finger on her cheek. "I think," she paused dramatically, "that I'll let Ryoga decide what your Dare should be." Mouse's turquoise eyes widened considerably. He didn't even allow himself to think of the possibility that his fantasy might come true. Ryoga turned to look at the long-haired martial artist, eyes thoughtful. The Lost Boy then nodded his head. "I know. Mousse, I dare you to 60 _Minutes_ In Heaven," he stood up, "with me." Ryoga tossed the stunned Amazon a feral grin. Mousse couldn't even think. He heard the yells and whistles from the others, but they didn't register in his brain. He felt Hiroshi and Daisuke push him towards Ryoga, but he couldn't move. It was only when Ryoga's hand came up to stroke his cheek that Mousse responded. "Ryoga," he breathed, grabbing the boy's hand and squeezing it. "Come on, koibito," Ryoga said softly, leading the Amazon toward his room. "Does that mean we'll stop playing Truth or Dare?" Mousse heard Hiroshi ask. "Nah, we can still play, we'll just be short two people," Ranma-chan replied. Mousse entered the room and looked around. It was small and spare, save for a few souvenirs here and there. The bed was western, and the covers were rumpled. Ryoga gestured for Mousse to sit down, lowering himself next to the Amazon. "So..." Ryoga said enticingly, leaning into the other boy, smelling his hair. "What do you want to do?" Mousse just blinked, stunned. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly; his brain was unwilling to believe that this was actually happening. "I... uh--" Mousse's reply was cut off with Ryoga's mouth. Surprised, Mousse's lips opened involuntarily, and Ryoga took advantage of the situation, plunging his tongue in. Passion ignited within the Amazon, and he pulled his crush to him, arms wrapping around the other boy's neck. His fingers played with the soft thick hair at the nape of Ryoga's neck. Mousse felt the Lost Boy tremble in response. Mousse let his mouth be ravaged by Ryoga, as the Chinese Amazon kissed back fervently. Ryoga's hands found their way underneath Mousse's robes, and the young Amazon arched his back at Ryoga's touch on his bare skin. Ryoga pushed the young man back with his body, laying on top of the Amazon. Their bodies melded together as they continued their deep, probing kisses. Mousse found Ryoga's fangs and teased them gently with his tongue; Ryoga growled seductively in response, grabbing fistfuls of long black tresses as Mousse's hands fluttered along Ryoga's sides. Ryoga nipped his fangs along Mousse's slender neck as he began undressing the sight-challenged martial artist; soon Mousse was clad only in his billowing pants. Ryoga then began to touch, suck, bite, and lick every inch of the Amazon's upper body, driving Mousse wild. The young hidden-weapons master thrashed under Ryoga's ministrations. "Oh, oh, Ryoga!" Mousse panted as the pleasure built inside of him. His hands intertwined themselves in the Lost Boy's thick head of hair as Ryoga continued downward, hands roaming. Ryoga's fingers whispered underneath the waistband of Mousse's pants, which made the Amazon arch his back more, throwing his head back. "Mousse... Kami-sama, you are so beautiful," Ryoga said as he gazed up the length of the slighter boy. Mousse blinked fuzzily at the Lost Boy, his hand reaching out to caress Ryoga's face. Ryoga turned his face to daintily bite at Mousse's fingers. "You have the most amazing eyes I've ever seen." Mousse felt the blush creep up his face. "I think your eyes are nice too." Ryoga blinked, then grinned. "Yeah, maybe, but your eyes are... different. They look ethereal." Mousse cocked his head to one side, finally able to crawl out of his shyness. "Will you just shut up and make love to me?" Ryoga groaned pleasurably as he shed his shirt and then took Mousse into his arms. The pair made up for lost time with smothering kisses and wandering fingers. Ryoga made quick work of Mousse's pants and boxers, and moved between the now-naked Amazon's legs. When Mousse felt the first touch on his lengthening erection, he spasmed in rapturous delight. Ryoga bent over the Amazon and gave him one last fiery kiss before taking Mousse's manhood into his mouth. Mousse gripped the directionless boy's head as he licked up and down the length, hands lightly teasing the underside of it. Ryoga flicked his tongue across the tip, watching Mousse's face contort beautifully at this torture. Finally, the Lost Boy gripped the shaft with his hand and clamped his mouth over the head, sucking hard. Mousse's moans became louder as he wriggled underneath his lover's exquisite touch. When Ryoga felt Mousse could take no more without going over the edge, he stopped his actions. The naked Amazon whimpered, protesting. "Ah-ah-ah," Ryoga admonished, wagging his finger. "You don't come until I do." Mousse felt strong arms lift him up as Ryoga moved to take the Amazon's previously-held spot on the bed. The fanged boy shed his pants and settled his prize on top of his splayed-out body; Mousse lay kittenishly on top of the Lost Boy. "You weren't kidding about not wearing underwear," Mousse laughed. The Amazon felt Ryoga's erection against his thigh, and moved to rest his own manhood against the bandanna'd boy's, instinctively grinding against his lover. Ryoga gave a gasp of pleasure as he felt satiny skin rub against equally satiny skin. Both boys lost themselves to the sensations, and for a few moments there was no sound except the small gasps and moans coming from each martial artist. Ryoga felt his pleasure building to a keening pitch, and urged Mousse forward onto his knees. The Amazon straddled Ryoga's stomach as the fanged boy's hand stretched out to grab some lubrication from his nightstand. He squirted some into his palm and reached behind his lover, slathering his hardened erection. Mousse let out a small, low moan when he realized what Ryoga was planning to do. "Oh, please, Ryoga, let me impale myself." "Certainly, koibito," Ryoga responded, catching the Amazon's lower lip with his teeth. Mousse leaned down, hands on the Lost Boy's chest, as he let Ryoga's fingers smear lube on the entrance to his depths. Ryoga then gripped the sight-challenged boy's sides, guiding him onto his heated erection. Mousse stiffened when he felt Ryoga fill him up, then relaxed slowly as the pain washed away to unrivaled pleasure. Mousse rocked slowly back and forth against Ryoga's hips, his long hair spilling around them both, creating a curtain. Ryoga watched Mousse lovingly as the young man lost himself in the sensations. Mousse's eyes were shut tightly and his mouth was open, letting out small pants with each thrust. The Lost Boy bucked his hips wildly, forcing Mousse to take all of him in, which tripled the Amazon's pleasure. He never knew it could be like this! Ryoga's hand found Mousse's throbbing cock and pulled gently on it, causing the slighter boy to arch his back. Ryoga threw his head back, his body spasming with the impending climax. He gasped out Mousse's name a nanosecond before he exploded inside the Amazon, who came at the same moment. Mousse flung his head back as he felt the release wash over him, crying out in complete ecstasy. The young Amazon slumped forward into Ryoga's waiting arms, the Lost Boy's manhood slipping out of him. He pressed his entire body against the stockier boy's as they both panted breathlessly, hearts calming down after their incredible romp. Ryoga chuckled softly, smoothing Mousse's hair from his face, then crushed the slighter boy to him in a fierce hug. "Thank you." Mousse looked quizzically at the Lost Boy. "What for?" "Oh, I don't know. For being so damn sexy. For having the most gorgeous eyes in captivity." Ryoga began ticking reasons off on his fingers. "For being so sweet and innocent. For wearing your emotions plainly on your face." Mousse blushed at that one. "But most of all," Ryoga continued, cradling Mousse's face in his hands, "for loving me." Mousse gulped, eyes wide as saucers. Ryoga smiled softly and leaned up to kiss his Amazon. The kiss deepened immediately, passion igniting once again. They broke off only when they heard the door open behind them. Ranma, now male and quite naked, stepped through. "Can I join?" Both boys on the bed laughed and nodded. Ranma sexily walked his way over to the bed, sitting on the edge and wrapping his arms around Mousse's waist. The Amazon purred contentedly, rubbing his back against the pigtailed boy. "What about the others?" Ryoga asked. Ranma rubbed his face against the nape of Mousse's neck. "Mmm, don't worry about them. Daisuke and Hiroshi have Kuno gagged and tied to the couch. They're doing very interesting things to him with his bokken." Ryoga and Mousse burst out laughing, enveloping the pigtailed martial artist in their embrace. ---- Owari contact the author