Christmas Eve the Year Before

Story © Theodoric of York        
Disclaimer: Ranma1/2 and all of its characters are the copyrighted property of Rumiko Takahashi. No infringement intended; I'm just borrowing them for a while. I am a fan of Rumiko Takahashi in every meaning of the word. It is my hope that my story helps to introduce others to her work. It should be viewed as a parody only. For those who wish to find out about Ranma1/2, click here
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Ryoga Hibiki looked into Ranma’s eyes. They had an urgent, needful look in them. Ranma’s heart began to start beating as she felt her breasts flatten against Ryoga’s chest. Ranma’s ringed, nipples were hard and erect as they pressed against Ryoga. Ranma lifted her thighs as she opened them, accommodating Ryoga’s mass between them. Her eyes grew wide as Ryoga slid into the tight, hot, corridor between Ranma’s thighs. As Ryoga began to pump Ranma rolled her hips to accommodate him. Ranma’s body was soft an eager.

So different was it a year before. That day, like this day was Christmas Eve. Ryoga ran into Ranma doing the same thing that he was, looking for a last minute Christmas gift for Akane. Ryoga reasoned that at least he had a reason for his tardiness; he had been wondering around the mountains and cities of Japan, lost. Ranma was complaining that there was no reason that he should have to buy Akane a present, after all it was not as if she was actually his fiancée or anything.

But she had spent days looking for the right present for Ranma.

But here he was, looking for some sort of toy pr resent to give to Akane. But what really irritated him was that Akane, delighted by the sudden appearance of P-Chan, had announced that she would be spending the night with her little black piglet. She was out, finding a gift for her P-Chan.

Ranma desperately wanted to tell Akane that her little often-absent pet was Ryoga but honor would not allow him to, just as Ryoga desperately wanted to beat Ranma in a challenge once and for all.

As it was they were beginning to compete with each other on who could buy Akane the best Christmas gift. Unfortunately they both were hampered by the lack of money. So they both found themselves scrounging around flea markets and thrift stores for that special present that Akane would love.

Thus it was that they found themselves in a small hole in the wall shop. It was an odd shop, filled with toys that resembled humans. They were remarkably lifelike, beautiful humans. But the objects were clearly out of the range of either Ranma or Ryoga, so both of them got ready to leave. But neither of them would leave before the other one did. But each felt that there was something nick-knack or curiosity here that Akane would love and fit in their price range. This was the place and both were going to find it.

Finally an elderly clerk came over to talk to them. She gently talked to both of them about what they were looking for. She assured that there was something here that would fit their needs; an item that the girl for whom it was given to would never forget the one who gave it. It was an item that would end this useless rivalry once and for all.

Ranma asked, “Show this item to us!” He quickly added, “Not that I want Akane to fall in love with me or nothing.”

The old woman answered, “You are looking at it, just put our money down and you will see.”

Ryoga asked, “Will Akane truly love it?”

She answered, “It will become her most prized possession. You will see.”

Ryoga placed his money down and watched the old woman take it. He asked, “Well, what is it?”

She looked apologetically answered, “I am afraid this is not enough. Perhaps your friend might be willing to chip in.”

Ranma exclaimed, “Why, so that Ryoga can give Akane the perfect present? I think not.”

Ryoga looked crushed at the news but when he reached over to take the money back the old woman snatched it from her. She said, “No refunds.”

Ryoga cried, “Hay! Give it back!”

Ranma teased Ryoga, “What’s you going to do, steal it from a defenseless, old woman?” Ryoga asked, “Perhaps We could make an arrangement. Perhaps I could work off the rest of the dept?” Just could I have the present now? It is important that I get it tonight.”

The elderly woman raised her eyebrow. She asked. “Are you sure you do not want to help your friend out?”

Ranma exclaimed, “You have got to be kidding. If I helped Ryoga what money would I have to buy Akane a present?”

The old woman answered, “You could both give it to her. That way she would love you both.”

Ryoga explained, “You see, we are rivals, over Akane more than anything else. We could never share her. I guess our rivalry will continue until one of us wins her heart.”

The old o\woman said, “then I guess you win. I guess I can let you have it for what you paid me.”

Ryoga shook his head. He answered, “I think not. It sounds like this might evolve magic or bewitchment. I do not think I would want to gain Akane that way. I am sorry to have taken up your time.”

The old woman asked, “What will you give for a present?”

Ryoga answered, “Nothing I guess. She is not expecting a present from me anyhow. The only one who will be disappointed will be me.”

Ranma exclaimed, “Lucky you! You don’t have to give Akane a present. I do. She is such a bother.”

The old woman asked, “If it is such an inconvenience, why bother?”

Raman answered, “Because… she will make my life a living hell if I do not.” He could not answer the truth, that she would be disappointed in him and that he could not live with.

The old woman asked, “So if she is such a bother why not give hr up to your friend here. Why not let him be the subject of her wrath?”

He answered, “Because… even Ryoga deserves to be saved from that fate.”

Ryoga answered, “I would not mind.”

The old woman answered, “Of course you would not. You love her. The problem is that he loves her too.”

Ranma exclaimed, “I do not. Why would I love the mule-faced tomboy? You have no idea how annoying she is, how frustrating t\it is to live with her.”

Ryoga answered, “I have never minded.”

Ranma snapped, “She does not expect anything from you. To her you are just a friend.”

Ryoga snapped, “If it was not for you I could get her to love me!”

The old woman asked, “She sounds like a very special girl to both of you, but only one of you can have her. You both seemed convinced at that. Neither of you can give up on her. It is a competition and she is the prize.”

Ryoga snapped, “You make Akane sound like an object.”

“Perhaps you do not want the competition to end. Perhaps you enjoy it, for if you did not it might not go on.”

Ranma said, “I wish it to end. He keeps challenging me and I keep beating him.

Ryoga shouted, “I have won my share of fights!”

Ranma, in a contemptuous tone answered, “Not when they count.”

Ryoga shouted back, “I’ll beat you yet.”

The elderly woman asked, “And what then? Will he not just challenge you back? Your rivalry is unending. I have a solution to your dilemma. Buy the toy together and have a contest as to who gets the present to give to your Akane.”

Ranma asked, “After I win what changes? What will stop him from challenging me again?”

The woman answered slowly, “If you win he will not have an opportunity to challenge you. He will be the toy. Akane will gain him and you will gain Akane. Everybody will be happy.”

There was a long silence. Finally Ryoga said, “You’re kidding.”

Ranma answered, “No. She is not.”

Ryoga answered, “It doesn’t matter. I already said that I do not want to win Akane by magic and trickery. I am not Shampoo!”

The old woman asked, “Then you concede the fight? You would allow yourself to became an object, owned by Akane and your rival?”

Ryoga answered, “I am already owned by Akane. It is not such a bad existence.”

The old woman asked, “If your rival throws you in a dust bin, what then?”

Before he could answer, Ranma cut in, “You are just chicken. Chi chi chicken!” Ranma’s competitive dander was up.

Suddenly Ryoga shouted, Ok, but if I win I will just keep you.”

Ranma shouted, “Same here!” He slammed down the money on the counter.

Suddenly both of them vanished from the store. They each found themselves standing on a broad plane, in darkness and alone. Ranma cried out, “How are we suppose to fight if we can not see each other.” He heard a distant Ryoga shouting, ”Yea?”

They both heard the old woman’s voice answering. The contest is not a fight. The first one to returns to me wins. If neither returns to me you both lose. You both become my toys.”

“Where are you?” cried Ryoga.

The woman answered, “That is for you to find out. Good luck to the both of you!”

As Ranma began running there was a squeaking sound behind him. A female windup doll was running beside him, and pointed to a place up ahead, this was a race between him and the doll. He didn’t know what would happen if he lost this mini race but he didn’t want to find out. He started to run faster and faster but no matter how fast he ran she seemed to bee keeping up with him.

The doll took a flying leap to get past him, but Ranma raised his fist and knocked her backwards. She bounced a short ways behind him and finally stopped moving. He heard Ryoga cry Bakusai Tenketsu and there was an explosion near him. Suddenly the two ran into each other.

“See yea at the end!” Ranma yelled as he took off, he remembered the woman saying it wasn’t a fight between them so he tried to keep his focus on the race. If he could get away from him, Ryoga would no doubt get lost. He dodged the other way and hoped he lost Ryoga in the dark.

Ryoga ran into a wall, and went thru it with his breaking point technique. When Ryoga felt he was supposed to go in one direction, he went in that direction alone. The wall blew apart. He ran forward, and then he heard Ranma gasp in the distance.

There was a large body of water, and a girl who was in the shape of a pool toy floated there. Ranma saw the toy turn it’s head and motion for him to get on, and he shivered a little, a bit crept out by this but getting on anyhow. In the middle of the lake the pool toy reached a latex hand into Ranma’s briefs and started to rub against him.

Ryoga dove into the water. A blow up Mermaid swam up and grabbed Ryoga, beginning to hug and try to seduce him.

Ranma managed to spring off the pool toy, using her rubber body like a springboard, “I never liked Grabby girls!” he said as he landed on a statue on a pedestal.

The Ryoga piglet twisted to get out of the way as he swam. He popped away and eventually got on the other side of the body of water. Meanwhile Ranma looked around him.

The statue turned out to be stone woman with gigantic breasts. She grabbed Ranma and trapped him against her cleavage, bouncing her breasts up and down with him between them. Ranma could see that he was being carried to one of the pedestals. Pushing on the breasts he flipped himself over the doll forward. His hands landed on the pedestal and they tingled but he pressed himself forward

Ryoga was pretty far ahead by now, but one false move and he ended up going in the wrong direction. He opened a doorway and saw several toy people looking at each other, talking in their own way. “Oopsie...” Ryoga thought, seeing them all look at him. He started running as fast as his little piglet legs would carry him. Suddenly he realized that he had no idea in which direction he was running.

Ranma had managed to get out of the lake, now a she, and realized that her hands were now balloonish in appearance, and when she felt them they had a rubber tone. She began to use them to gain bounce. She wondered if she would have balloon arms from now on. She saw Ryoga running in her direction.

Ryoga squealed a question of how she got ahead of him, and then realized he must’ve got turned around. He turned to run and Ranma leapt over him, making a face, then promptly hit a pillar. Ryoga zipped by her, squealing. Ranma looked at him dazed. Suddenly Ranma realized the pillar was looking rather busty, and a pair of arms sprouted from the pillar and grabbed her. A mouth opened up and brought Ranma up to it, breathing into her like she was a balloon. Ranma pushed the air out and wiggled free. She discovered that they latex covering of the doll felt great against her skin. She started running again.

Ryoga had discovered his smaller form allowed him to take what he HOPED was a shortcut under a low fence he looked around and started running.

”Come back here you little rat...Whoa!” Ranma yelled, and suddenly realized her feet had balloonized as well, and her steps now suddenly had a spring in their steps. Ryoga jumped at her, striking her in the belly and she started bouncing away. “I’ll getttt you for thisss!” she yelled, her body was bouncy enough now that she couldn’t stand up good. Her breasts seemed to have started inflating too, making it harder to see over them. She began to worry if her fate was to be a sex doll. But she was not going to lose to Ryoga. Suddenly she saw a shack. She bounced towards it. Inside she found a bottle, marked antidote. It was hard to pick up the bottle but she drank it. Ranma let loose a large belch and her body returned to normal, “THAT was close. I’m going to get him!” She yelled, running faster than ever before. Ryoga had begun hopping over small platforms when Ranma began getting closer. She cried, “You are a dead little piggy. I will personally stuff you in one of these dolls!”

In front of them was a large chasm. Across it was a vine. Ryoga started to typewrote across it. Ranma did a leap and landed on the middle of the vine. To her surprise instead of Ryoga flying backwards, he flew forward fast! High in a wall there was an opening and Ryoga was heading right for it, his smaller size would allow him thru but not Ranma. He realized this and made a face at Ranma as he passed thru it.

As Ryoga ran though it Ranma attempted to fit between it so that she could grab his tail. Sudden she realized she was stuck and she was looking up at the face of the elderly woman. The woman was holding Ryoga and the piglet was sticking his tongue at her. She announced, “I see we have a winner, although this isn’t exactly the exit I had in mind it shall do.” She smiled. Suddenly Ranma appeared beside the pair, nude with a tag on a string on her neck. The tag simply said, sold to Ryoga

Ryoga had hot water poured over him and turned back to human. “Wow, so I really win her?” he asked, seeing Ranma’s face get angry.

The elderly woman answered, “Yes, you did. She will do anything you order now. Try her out. Order her to do something before I turn her into a toy.

Ryoga thought of a moment and then said, “O.k. dance like a stripper!” Ryoga laughed, remembering a picture he sketched out once where she was doing that.

Ranma started to do so, getting more and more angry. As she twisted and jiggled she cried, “I will get you for this!”

The elderly woman answered, “NO actually you will not. You are now his slave. Start acting like it.

Ryoga laughed his head off, “She can do ANYTHING I order?” He asked. The woman nodded, and Ryoga ordered, “Ranma Remain forever a female!” Ranma felt a tingling sensation and suddenly she cried out, “No!” The elder woman splashed hot water on her and she did not change.

Ryoga laughed again. He said, “I guess win. I free you. As a full busted girl, you are no longer a threat to me.”

Ranma was fuming now and attempted to charge Ryoga, but discovered she could not.

The elderly woman said, “I am sorry. That is the one thing you cannot do. Her fate is sealed. All you can do is give her away.”

Ranma to give Ranma a lap dance, and Ranma’s face went slightly pale as her body forced her to walk over.

Ryoga started feeling shame at what he was ordering his former rival to do. This once proud martial artist looked shamed and defeated. He said, “I am sorry Ranma. I guess you win. I will give you to Akane and I will leave.” He looked at the woman and said, “Please just deliver her to Akane Tendo at the Tendo dojo.” He turned and left the store.

Ranma stopped dancing. Ranma just stood where she was, still fuming. She couldn’t speak. She just stared ahead. Suddenly she felt herself dropping to her hand and knees.

The old woman commanded, “You love him. You always will. You always did. Now let us get you ready for shipping.”

Ranma felt her body begin to transform into a latex substance, getting softer and firmer at the same time. Her large breasts grew and stuck out in front of her, framed between her forearms. A saddle began appearing on her. Her upper arms and lower legs began to fuse into a pair of rockers.

The old woman picked up a pair of bronze rings and held them in front of Ranma’s forward jutting nipples. They fused with the nipples and dangled from them. She slid a bit and bridles over Ranma’s head and into her mouth. They formed and became part of her. She picked up the new Ranma rocking horse and wrapped her in bubble wrap. He placed the object in a boy, half filled with peanuts. She filled the box with peanuts and gift-wrapped it.

Akane wondered what happened to Ranma for a while after he vanished, it wasn’t like him. A deliveryman came by one day and left a package which said it was from Ryoga. Needless to say she was surprised to see what it was. Somehow she knew it was Ranma. Still she took it upstairs and climbed onto the rocking horse and slipped her feet into the stirrups.

Ranma was still aware, she was still a bit ticked that she got stuck in shipping for so long, but now that Akane was on her back it made her feel better. Still, she wondered where Ryoga was; she had a STRONG desire to see Ryoga.

Sometime later Ryoga was walking out of town, a pack on his back. Suddenly he heard Akane behind him. She was sanding there, wearing a kimono and carrying a gift-wrapped box. She was smiling her gentle smile she seemed possess whenever she and P-Chan were alone. She asked, “Ryoga, where are you going. Come home with me.” Ryoga gasped, “How did you find me?” She answered, “I just knew where you were. I belong to you now.”

Ryoga fell to his knees and attempted to explain everything that happened and how he was not worthy.”

Akane looked down at him and asked, “Might I at least give you my present?

Ryoga asked, “Present?” She held out a small gift. He undid it. Inside was a bit bridle and a made for two arms to be laced together. He looked up in surprise, seeing that Akane let slip the robes she was wearing. Now all she was wearing was a pony girl harness needing to be tightened.

She said, “Sense you gave me a pony it is only fair I give you one in return. Now bridle me, Master! I am your broken, tamed filly.” Ryoga’s jaw dropped, but he slipped the stuff onto her, seeing her smile widely and felt her nuzzle against him. He tightened the straps of the harness on her body.

He asked, “Where did you get this stuff?”

She answered shyly, “I have had it for some time. I had planned to surprise Ranma on our wedding night.” Then she saw the hurt in Ryoga’s eyes. She grabbed his hand and pressed the palm against her breast. Though her bit she asked, “Now lace up my arms in the gloves.”

He did what she said, and soon Kane’s hands resembled hooves. She pulled something else out from nearby, a pair of rocking horse bands, she said that if he ever wanted, she’d kneel on these and he could have matching rocking horses, but she’d do whatever he told her to do.

She then reminded him that there was a tradition in Japan for girls to lose their virginity to their boyfriends on Christmas Eve and it was Christmas Eve.

The last thing he placed on her was a high collar and leash. Soon she was high stepping behind him to her bedroom. Soon he was sitting on Ranma, his feet in her stirrups. His other pony joined him and soon they were gently rocking back arithmetically.

Ranma was furious now, and at the same time glad that Ryoga was there. The rocking back and forth on her back and the two people going at it on her back was arousing her just as much as them.

Over the next year Ranma realized that all she really was anymore was a rocking horse toy to be used by her Mistress and her Master.

Ryoga realized that he liked to wrap his living filly in latex cat suits, bondage gear and everything else. But she truly was his living filly. But he discovered he most liked to turn her into a pony. She was soon taking her meals out of a feedbag.

Eventually Ranma was placed into a closet and Akane replaced her whenever Ryoga felt the need to rock on one. Ranma could hear them making love outside the door. Then one evening Ranma saw the closet door open.

Akane was bitted, bridled and bound in her pony gear. But her arms were free. She was holding a newborn infant against her breast.

Ryoga was standing next to her. Ryoga ordered, “Stand Up Ranma.” Ranma discovered that she was living flesh again. Ranma stood up and looked around, “What happened?” She attempted to ask but all that came out was a whinny.

Akane answered, to her sounds, “Do not worry. You will only be like this for a day so; every Christmas Eve you will change back to your living firm so that you can show appreciation to your master and mine. It is time you lived up to your namesake, Chaotic Horsy.

Ranma looked around worried, then looked at Ryoga for some kind of direction on what to do now. Ryoga pressed his former rival onto the floor. Ryoga looked into Ranma’s eyes. They had an urgent, needful look in them. Ranma’s heart began to start beating as she felt her breasts flatten against Ryoga’s chest. Ranma’s ringed, nipples were hard and erect as they pressed against Ryoga. Ryoga began using Ranma as he had Akane so many times, and reflected on the actions of the past, and how this all started just a year ago. His pony slave lovingly complied. Over the year she was truly broken and tamed. For Ryoga it would be a very merry Christmas.

Story © Theodoric of York