Story © Theodoric of York |
Illustrations © Anime19792 |
All illustrations are the property of Anime19792. Those interested can find more examples of his work at his Yahoo groups at and
Akane and Yuka, Akane’s friend, were watching a movie. Akane had hoped that she might talk Ranma into coming with her, but he refused. Not only had this movie the reputation for being a chick flick, it had the reputation of being the chickiest. Upon seeing the movie she could understand why. It seemed designed to appeal to young women and teenage girls, what few men that were in the theater soon left. But the theater seemed packed young women and teenaged girls.
Half way through the movie, Akane started to nod off. The last thing she noticed was that Yuka was sound asleep.
Soon after that men wearing gas masks came into the theater and started carrying the young women through a side door. Akane and the rest of them were stacked up like cordwood inside the container on the truck. It did not matter. They were just raw material anyhow. Minutes later the truck was on the road, heading for the seashore.
The container was loaded on the ship. One by one the sleeping girls were loaded onto a conveyer belt. The belt carried the girls into the maw of a huge factory machine. Soon it was Akane’s turn. She was placed on the belt, head first and fed into the machine. After her followed Yuka.
The container was loaded back onto the truck and soon it was off to pick up by another consignment of raw material.
The first thing the machine did was expertly cut away all Akane’s clothing. Soon her nude body moved along.
Next Akane passes under what would appear to be a huge futuristic gun. It zapped her with energy. Suddenly her breasts and hips began to grow. In moments she had a perfect hourglass figure, with D cup breasts.
Next her sleeping form was passed under another futuristic gun. It fired, hitting Akane with a green ray. Her body was bathed with a green glow. She immediately began to change. Her head and limbs shriveled away. Her body changed also. Her skin turned into satin latex and her inside became a uniform, pliable rubber. In moments the sleeping breathing teenage martial had been reduced to a green, rubber, large breasted sex pillow. The newly large-breasted Yuka followed Akane under the ray. The only difference was that this time the ray was Yellow and Yuka’s torso emerged as a yellow, rubber sex toy pillow.
All that was left to do was to package them up and ship them off to various sex shops around the world.
As Akane and Yuka were prepared for shipping the container truck pulled up with a new load of sleeping girls. Among then were Kasumi and Nabiki. A few hours later the pair of new sex toy pillows were being shipped to different parts of the world. Kasumi was distant for a shop in Amsterdam and Nabiki ended up in a shop in Colombia. Akane and Yuka were on display in a window of a sex shop locally.
Ranma came walking by and admired the pair of torsos in the window. He had to admit to admire their form and curves. He started to examine them more closely. Soon he found himself inside the shop examining the pillows more closely. As the pillows yielded to his probing hands and fingers he thought he was in heaven. They were so soft, yet firm. He had to admit that this was a whole lot better than going to some chick flick with Akane. Not in his wildest imagination would have believed that the sex toy who’s breasts he was so enjoying just a short while ago had been his fiancée.
As to the sex toy he was manipulating it had no real memory to ever being alive, just fleeting thoughts of a past life. It did not remember that its name was so resently Akane Tendo, that she was an active, headstrong teenager who already had a fiancée. It could feel Ranma’s hands as he explored its curves and spring softness. It could sense his arousal and dearly hoped that it would be owned by him and put to use the way it had been designed to be used.
Ranma for his part found that he was attracted to the yellow sex pillow, but there was something special about the green one. Eventually he pulled himself away so that he could get money to buy it. He left the store hoping to return in a few minutes with the cash.
Meanwhile the store received an Internet sale for a green sex pillow. The green pillow was removed from the display. It was buffed up, placed in a box and dropped off at the shipping dock.
Shortly thereafter Ranma returned with the cash. He was disappointed that the green pillow had already been sold and had to content himself with the yellow one. Within a half an hour he had put the yellow pillow to use, neither of them realizing that the object he was fucking had been so presently Akane’s friend and companion. All the pillow knew was someone who knew how to put a sex doll like it to use now owned it.
At the same time the green sex pillow had been loaded into a delivery van and was being carried away to the airport. There it was placed on an airplane and was headed half way around the world. Three days later it was delivered to its new owners, a young Yuppie couple named Brad and Janice and soon was put to use. The sex toy realized they was not the same one who had expressed an interest in it so long ago. Soon it had a new name, Bubbles. Thought it did not realize its name was Bubbles, Bubbles was satisfied.
Janice was not. Being an artist and quite a talented seamstress she pulled out her needle and thread and started to work embroidering the new pillow. The pillow could feel the needle entering and leaving her. It felt pleasant.
Meanwhile the Tendo household was in an uproar. When the girls did not return there was worry, concern and then panic as to their fate.
Ranma sought out Cologne, hoping they might aide in finding and fearing that they might be the cause of the Tendo sister disappearance. He found a note there. It said, “Closed for now. Back soon.” Unbeknownst to him they had gone to a movie.
At that moment Shampoo had been loaded onto the conveyer belt. Cologne soon followed. They were quickly stripped of their clothing. When the elderly and shriveled form for Cologne was hit by the body altering ray her body to the size it was when she was eighteen. Her hair was the color it was back then. Her skin looked fresh and youthful but her body grew to a fuller shape than she ever had before. Moments later the newly youthful Cologne ceased to exist and a new sex toy pillow was ready for shipping. A few days later the sex toy pillow, which once been Shampoo, was on display in Australia and her great grand mother was on display in Times Square.
Meanwhile Ranma started doing some checking. Ukyo had not been seen in hours. Azusa Shiratori had disappeared. Miyo the fortuneteller and many his and Akane’s classmates were missing. They had all one thing in common. When last seen they were going to a movie.
The last person on his list was Kodachi Kuno. Her brother rather frostily informed him that she was gone. She and a group of friends had apparently gone to a movie.
Ranma ran to the theater. As he got there he saw a truck pulling away. Instinctively he followed it. It was hard going but he caught up with just as he saw the container being loaded onto the ship. Then he jumped on board ship and stared to battle the crew. It was hard going for they were armed with guns. He arrived just in time to see the sleeping body of Kodachi being hit by a black ray. He watched in horror as she morphed into a sex doll pillow. Then he had to leave for reinforcements had arrived. He barely escaped with Kodatchi under his arm.
He saw the ship pulling away. Dejected he walked away, saying, “This is not over!” He did not know how long he walked. Then he looked up. He was standing in front of the sex shop that he had bought his own sex doll at. Now he understood everything. He knew that sex doll he had wanted to buy had been Akane. He had missed buying her by just a few minutes.
There was another sex toy pillow on display in the window. This one was dark blue. He asked, “Is that you, Ukyo?”
Then he heard a voice behind him. “I’m over here Ranma honey. I only wish I had that bust size.” He looked behind him and saw Ukyo standing there, smiling. She continued, “Of course if was that big I could not dress as a man.”
Ranma gasped, “Ukyo you are alive! How did you escape? Are there any others?”
Puzzled Ukyo asked, “Ranma-honey, what are you talking about?”
Ranma gasped, “I thought you.... Didn’t you jus go to a movie?”
She answered, “I did. It was a martial arts double feature. It was great! I just got out!”
Ranma ran over to her and hugged her. He exclaimed, “Thank god you are safe. Were there any other girls with you?”
Ukyo answered, “No, it was more a guy’s event. Why? Ranma, not that I am objecting to being hugged by you but are you all right?”
Ranma exclaimed, “Then you don’t know?”
Ukyo answered, “Know what? All I know right now is that I have found myself sandwiched between you and a sex toy of some sort, not that I’m objecting. As a matter of fact if you want to take that pillow to my apartment and put it to better use, I’m game!”
Puzzled, Ranma asked, “Sex toy?” Then he realized that he was pressing Kodatchi against her back. He let go of Ukyo and said, “She’s not a sex toy. She is Kodatchi!”
Ukyo asked, “Kodatchi?” She paused momentarily and then a look of understanding came to her. “Ranma-honey, if you want to name your sex pillow Kodatchi that is al right with me. It is sort of kinky but I can get into that. If you want to buy that other pillow in the window and name it Ukyo it is all right with me. At least I know that you are seeing me as something more than just a buddy.”
Ranma answered, “If she is not you, I don’t know who she is? She might be Shampoo or one of our classmates though.”
Ukyo answered, “Whatever, lets buy her and we can decide her name in the privacy of my room.”
Ranma cried, “No. You don’t understand. This is bad. This is real bad. This pillow really is Kodatchi. I saw her change. That pillow in the window used to be a girl, I don’t know whom, but she was a girl. Akane had been changed into a pillow and I think Shampoo, Nibiki, and all the other missing girls have been changed into these pillows. We have got to rescue them.” He paused and then said, “You don’t believe me!”
Ukyo answered, “Actually Ranma-honey, I do. In a world where boys change into girls, girls being turned into sexy pillows do not seem far-fetched. Can we change them back?”
Ranma answered, “I don’t know. There has got to be a way.”
Ukyo asked, “Where are they being kept?”
“Probably in sex shops like this. They may be all over the town, maybe the country, maybe the world.”
Ukyo asked, “You want us to go around buying up pillows or breaking into sex shops all over the world. What if they had been sold already? What do we do then? Face it Ranma, Akane is gone. We have to live in the here and now. If you are willing to go on this quest, fine. I will go with you, but it may never end.” Privately she was thrilled to be going on a never-ending, futile quest alone with Ranma. A few life or death encounters would only serve to solidify their relationship. But her imminent concern was getting Ranma in bed with her. This was her best chance yet in getting Ranma in seeing her as more than a buddy. Suddenly she said, “Ranma, I’m scared. Please never leave me. Please hold me tight.”
Ranma hugged her and said, “I will never leave you. I will protect you.”
In her mind Ukyo thought, “Score!” The next step was to get Ranma to start thinking of Akane, Kodatchi and the others as the sex toys they had become. She would start with Kodatchi. Getting Ranma to think of Kodatchi thinking of a sex toy, deserving of her fate should be easy. After that it should be easer to get Ranma to think of the other pillows as sex objects. After that Ukyo would not mind owning Akane. She could even imagine Ranma and her rutting on the Akane pillow. If Akane now looked like Kodatchi she would be well suited for that. Perhaps she could make a display of all three of Ranma’s other former suitors. She could imagine them on stands is if they were mannequins, all belonging to her. True Akane was her friend but this was an opportunity that might not present itself again.
She asked, “Take me home and lets make plans.” Plans were the least thing on her mind.
Ranma answered, “First we got to return Kodatchi to the Kuno household.”
Ukyo asked, “Why? Can’t we keep her?”
Ranma asked, “What would we do with her.”
Ukyo thought, “Ranma you really are a babe in the woods. I can think of lots of things we are going to do with her.” But what she said was, “Couldn’t we play with a little bit. It might prove therapeutic and a way get some old scores out of your system with the Kuno household.”
Ranma would have none of it, not that he received a pleasant reception when he reached the Kuno estates. Kuno was frosty to say the least. He refused to believe that this sex pillow could be his sister and demanded that Ranma leave the premise imminently. Ranma tried to explain what had happened to the girls. He told the story about Akane but Kuno appeared not to be listening. Dejected and angry Ranma left the Kuno estates.
Still fuming, Ranma soon found himself in Ukyo’s room. He cried out, “If Kuno does not want his own sister I will put good use to her. To Ukyo’s delight Ranma was soon fucking the sex pillow that so resently had been Kodatchi. For Kodatchi’s part she had never been so enjoyable to be around. He loved the feel of her satin-like surface against him. He fucked her cunt. He breast fucked her and corn-holed her. The pillow itself had no real memory for the reason for these activities but was only felt a wicked delight to be put to use for what she had been designed for. Ukyo joined in the activities and strapped on a dildo. The black sex doll pillow found itself sandwiched between the two thrusting lovers. Soon Ranma was only viewing the pillow Kodatchi was as only a sex toy he owned and would enjoy using over and over again.
At last Ukyo said, “Save some of that energy for me.” Ukyo lead the way and soon the pair of them was making love on top of their black pillow. Ranma felt Kodatchi’s large breasts and nipples squeezed against his ass while Ukyo rode him. At last the came together.
Later they cuddled together as they continued to explore each other’s bodies’ as well as their sex pillow. Ukyo asked, “Ranma-honey would it be possible for us to indulge in a fantasy I long had, ever sense she realized that Ranma could turn into a girl.
Ranma, hugging Ukyo, asked, “Sure, what is it?”
She said, “Turn into a girl and let me fuck you.”
Ranma cried, “What? Your gay?”
She answered, her cheeks turning red, “Maybe a little, I think maybe you are too. I am one hundred present woman but part of me is attracted to women. That is one reason I have been so attracted to you. You are both male and female.”
He protested that he was not as she poured cold water over him and felt him change. She protested as she kissed her nipples and they grew erect at her attention. She claimed it was not true as Ukyo lowered her lips to his cunt. Ranma moaned and held her head steady as Ukyo licked Ranma’s clit and cunt. She worked her tongue into Ranma’s channel. She tasted Ranma’s musty, oily heat. Ranma was still meekly protesting s Ukyo pressed her breasts against Ranma’s breasts. Ukyo opened Ranma’s thighs and pressed her dildo against Ranma’s cunt. Ranma only gasped when Ukyo slid her dildo into her. Their mouths locked as Ukyo started to pump. Their breasts rubbed together. Their erect nipples tickled each other. The dildo rubbed again their clits as Ukyo pumped into Ranma. Soon both were gasping as Ranma met each of Ukyo’s thrusts.
The next day Ranma and Ukyo married. Ranma wore a beautiful, low cut white gown to the ceremony and Ukyo wore a suit. When Ukyo looked down at Ranma’s cleave she was reminded at that she caught Ranma doing this morning. The girl had wrapped her arms around Kodatchi, their breasts pressed together. Ranma had wrapped her legs around the pillow and forcing the pillow against her couch and she was frantically rubbing the pillow up and down against her. Ranma was going to make a great wife.
Business at the restrant picked up immensely now that Ukyo had a permanent, sexy, flirtatious waitress working there for free.
Meanwhile Kuno could not get what Ranma had told him out of his head; when Kodatchi did not return, nor any of the girls who disappeared he began to wonder if what Ranma told him could be true. He did some checking and decided Ranma was right. He made no effort to retrieve Kodatchi. But he was interested in acquiring Akane. He remembered what Ranma told him and used his resources to track down what had happened to Akane. He was able to find the sex shop that had acquired and sold Akane and was able to find out where she had been shipped.
The next day Brad and Janice received a message. It was from Japan, requesting to buy a green sex toy pillow that they had acquired. They were amazed at the price they were being offend for the pillow and readily agreed to sale the pillow. With the proceeds they were able to buy many more pillow. One of these once had been Cologne. Imminently Janice started to work on the sex pillow with her embroidery needle. Cologne would become her masterpiece an eventually end up in a museum before she was stolen and ended up in a private collection.
Meanwhile Kuno was disgusted by what he received. An intricate web of embroidery of bubbles and designs covered the pillow. The nipples were embroidered with bright, red thread. The designs branched out form there, down the breasts, swirled around the abdomen and ended swirling into the fuck-holes. Even the interior of Akane’s fuck-holes had been embroidered, giving the texture an erotic, rough feel to them. But what truly annoyed Kuno was embroidered in large loud script was the name, “Bubbles!” Kuno cried, “I did not want Bubbles. I wanted Akane!”
He started an angry correspondence with Brad and Janice. At first Brad and Janice were confused by his angry correspondence and his threats to a duel. Finally they decided that they were dealing with an idiot. Janice found another green sex pillow, embroidered the name, “Akane!” Kuno was satisfied. He was even more satisfied when he tricked Ukyo and Ranma that Bubbles was indeed Akane and sold it to them.
Ranma knew better. As soon as he touched the pillow the same desire came over him the last time he fondled her in the sex shop.
Ukyo set up a display of their three sex pillows around their bed. Akane/ Bubbles was the centerpiece. When Akane was not on display Ukyo and Ranma used her in their sex play. They found uneven surface of Akane truly erotic, especially when they fucked her.
One day when Ukyo and Ranma were rocking on Akane, the swirling fragments of Akane’s intellect came together into a thought pattern. Akane suddenly realized who she was, what she had been turned into and who were on top of her. Her mind flashed with anger but a moment later those thoughts dissipated and Akane fell back into the almost mindless stupor that was her existence now. She went back to being enjoyed being fucked and used by her owners.
Ukyo was able to find out from Kuno who did the embroidery and soon Janice was pleased to do similar treatments to Kodatchi and Yuka. Kodatchi was soon covered with swirling vines of white and sliver roses springing from her crotch. Her nipples here now embroidered roses in shades of white and silver. The pillow’s new name, “Rose” was embroidered on the pillow’s abdomen. Yuka was covered with embroidered waves of water and suds gushing forth from her fuck-holes. The Name “Shampoo” was embroidered on her abdomen.
Both realized that the chance that this pillow was the real Shampoo was exceedingly small. But the fact that they were making no progress in discovering any leads as to where the real Shampoo was, or the people who had done this in the first place, it made them feel better. After all the doll could be Shampoo. Over time they started referring and even thinking of the pillows by their new names. They pronounced Rose’s Name as “Ros-A” but it did not matter. Nor did it really mater that the real Shampoo was being humped regularly in the outback. To Ukyo they were three trophies to her winning the Ranma sweepstakes.
Besides it was donning on both Ranma and Ukyo that their quest finds those who had done this would have to wait, in that both of them were pregnant. Ukyo’s condition needed little explanation but Ranma managed to knock up herself in that when Ukyo made love to female Ranma with her dildo it was often covered with Ranma’s sperm. They first realize something was wrong when Ranma realized that she could not change back into her male form. She realized that for the next nine months she would be a girl, maybe longer if lactation kept her from changing. As she felt the new life growing inside her she began to feel more and more a girl. She began to react to Ukyo was a Japanese wife traditionally reacted to her husband. Ukyo decided that she was going to keep Ranma barefoot and pregnant as much as possible.
As Ranma’s belly grew and she become increasingly obedient to Ukyo she realized that they might never get around to tracking down those responsible for their dolls fate. Besides Ranma was beginning to realize that if they stuck their nose in this affair too far that they might find a way to turn their three sex pillows back into the girls they once were and she certainly did not want that.
Story © Theodoric of York |
Illustrations © Anime19792 |