"A demon's gotta do what a..." by Kanomi Any and all C+C welcome. -------------- WARNING WARNING: This lemon fanfic contains a whole lot of non-consensual sex. That means rape. A lot of it. It's disgusting and all sorts of bad thing. Don't read if this offends you. -------------- Kasumi Tendo was walking down the street to the school. It was late at night, but she wasn't concerned. Not many things concerned her, really. Things always turned out alright after a bit. Nothing bad ever happened to her. That is, nothing bad had ever happened to her before. As she stepped inside the school, she sniffed a bit and wrinkled her brow. "Ick. Smells like Akane's cooking." she mumbled to herself, then started guiltily and looked around to make sure no one had heard her make such an unkind comment about her younger sister. She never noticed the eyes that were gazing upon her from a dark corner, so she felt reassured no one had heard, and she went on to her business. Or so she thought. ------ Touching down lightly on the roof of the school, Belldandy looked around while her older sister made a much less graceful landing next to her. As Urd got to her feet, she was rubbing her smarting (and very shapely) bottom, growling to herself. "So, is it here?" she asked, looking annoyed. Belldandy nodded, seeming lost in her thoughts as she perceived her surroundings more than she observed them. "Yes. It is here." she whispered oh so softly, then shuddered, and added "I feel evil rivaling your latest cooking attempts." Urd frowned at that, but then dismissed it. Her latest cooking attempt had resulted in something that had crawled out of the kitchen, using the pot it had been boiling in as a shell, like some hermit crab. It had then almost destroyed the temple where she, her sisters, and Keiichi were living in. Finally, Belldandy had managed to exorcise the evil thing. Now, though, the vibes were much stronger.. Numerous. There were demons around, the very nastiest kind, and a lot of them. This could not be good. -------- Makoto Kino was chatting with Madoka, as she awaited the arrival of her old friend Kasumi. It had been a while since they had last been together. Madoka was telling her about her latest boyfriend, a boy who apparently had psychic powers. Had she herself not been out of the ordinary, Makoto would have doubted such a thing was possible. But, being a Sailor Senshi, she had seen stranger things, and Madoka was no liar. She believed her. They were both looking forward to seeing again their older friend, and the sweetest girl they'd ever known. Kasumi Tendo was something else, really. ------- "Whoah!" thought Galaxy Police agent Kiyone when alarms went off in her cockpit, announcing the arrival of multiple vessels in the vicinity. "Alert Alert!" went the automated systems, blaring sirens almost covering it, "There have been multiple hyperwave shocks, multiple hyperwave shocks. Transdimentional travel in progress." "Computer, how many events?" she asked, professionally as she checked the sensors. "At least 30 wormholes have breached the hyper-dimentional walls." "Location?" asked Kiyone again, while staring at some readouts. "Within the Earth atmosphere, near to ground level. Geographic location labeled as Nerima, in Japan." "Are they widespread?" "All are located within a hundred meters of all others." "Shock troopers doing a pinpoint strike? But why multiple transportations instead of only one big one?" "Data insufficient for analysis." She sighed, oh well at least Mihoshi wasn't there to mess it up. "Okay, let's go there." she ordered as she got up to prepare for a fight. ------- Kasumi was stepping up the stairs when she heard a rattling noise from behind her. Turning around, she could see nothing that could have caused that noise. Smiling her usual, nice and happy smile, she resumed her climb. By the time she was at the third floor, where her friends would be waiting for her, she heard that noise again. A sort of rattling as if someone was shaking the guardrail. She looked closely at it, and saw some kind of moist deposit on it. She frowned, looked around again, then thoughtfully went up again, getting out of the staircase and into the corridor. She looked right and left, trying to remember which way to go to get to the classroom she was looking for. Finding her way, she started walking when something made a wet sucking noise behind her. She blinked and turned around yet again, expecting not to find anything but curious none-the-less. Kasumi was very surprised to find something staring at her while extending a gangly pseudopod her way. Eyes wide opened with fright, she started to scream, but something wrapped itself around her head, blocking her mouth and muffling her scream. She did something very unlike her then, and, overcome with the emotions, she fainted dead cold. ------- Makoto blinked. "Hey, did you hear that?" she asked, and Madoka glanced at her perplexed, "Heard what?" "I guess not, then. I heard as if someone was starting to scream, but was cut off." Madoka got to her feet and started towards the door, "Maybe we should check." Makoto was about to tell her not to open the door, her fighting instinct suddenly kicking into high-gears, when the door exploded inward, tossing Madoka down on her rump as some demonic figure slithered into the classroom, dragging Kasumi behind itself. Makoto did not need more than a moment to start to summon forth her Sailor Senshi uniform and powers. The demon, typically, just stared as she whirled in the air, her clothes dissolving and being replaced by her short-skirted, form fitting senshi fuku. She struck a pose and pointed at the demon "Don't you dare hurt my friends, you ugly demon-thing. For Sailor Jupiter is here!" she called out, then jumped in to wrestle Kasumi from the monster. Tentacles wrapped around her, as she struggled, her two hands gripped at one tentacle. Finally, strength and a good heart won, and the tentacle gave, snapping at the root. Sailor Jupiter grinned triumphantly as she managed to push Kasumi away, the girl still held by a now dead and viscous tentacle. Speaking of slick and sticky, Sailor Jupiter realized she was covered in that slimey stuff by now. Fighting off nausea, she managed to kick and hit into the mass of the demon's main body, trying to get some distance, so she could use her electrical attacks or something. She was growing desperate now, every tentacles she ripped out grew back again, every holes she punched into the hideous body healed within moments. She was the strongest of the two. But the demon was winning by outlasting her. This shouldn't be! She was Sailor Jupiter and this was some lowly demon scum. But little by little she slowed, grew tired. Soon, she realized she had to do something. With a finality to it, she cried up and threw her arms up, disengaging from the monster's grip for a moment, and called forth lightning! Lightning couldn't come, she was indoors, but the next best thing did come. Electricity struck like lightning from the wall outlets in the room, incinerating the demon and shocking her unconscious. As it hit, lights all over the school flickered and then went out. All was still for a while, with three unconscious girls and one fried demon in the room. ------- Belldandy and Urd were walking down the corridor when they heard short screams from further down, which were cut short. They started moving faster that way, when the lights went out. "Oh, I don't like this." Urd muttered under her breath. Silently, Belldandy agreed with her older sister. Wonders of wonders. They moved swiftly, despite the darkness, and after turning a corner, found a door that had been smashed in. Belldandy produced light, a faint soft glow hovering in a sphere above her palm as she looked in. They staggered back in surprised before they could realize that the demon was dead. Burned to a crisp. They carefully stepped inside, and watched at the mess. The fight between the Sailor Senshi and the demon had reduced half the desks in the classroom to so much scrap. It was obvious which one had done the fighting, too, since Madoka was unconscious over that way, with little to show for a fight, while Kasumi was on the floor, with a severed tentacle wrapped around her, but again little to show struggling. Sailor Jupiter's uniform, on the other hand, was ripped and torn, and covered in slimy trails where the tentacles had gripped her. Belldandy knelt down next to the girl, and as she was placing her hands above her, to start a healing spell, she heard a noise behind her. Both Belldandy and Urd whirled around to find themselves facing a second demon, come to finish the job. ------ Urd was at a loss, for once. She and her sister kept blasting those demons, but more were showing up. Her beautiful dress was all torn up in places, when a demon had gotten too close. She could see Belldandy waver a bit, tiredness setting in. Her powers were waning. And damnit, so were her own! Another one was coming at her and this time, she had nothing to give. She tried to run through a spell to enchant its mind, but it resisted that attack effortlessly. She concentrated, placing her hands before her, ready to blast the demon, but the only thin she managed was a faint glow. Huh-oh! Suddenly, the tentacle snaked around her waist, dragging her despite her weak struggles, and drew her over to the demon. She turned just in time to see another of those scums starting to tear Belldandy's clothes. Its eagerness was plain, at least to a goddess of lust like her. "Belldandy! Flee!" she yelled at her sister, while already knowing that it was too late. ------ Makoto, or rather, Sailor Jupiter, woke up groggily, aching all over and with a tremendous headache. The first thing she noticed, was loud, rhythmic breathing. Well, not quite breathing. More like moans. Like ... Her eyes snapped opened, and she looked around, to find the room barely lighted by a lurid, red glow projecting from the demon's eyes. There were several of them this time. She counted six, before she noticed she wasn't alone with them. They were.. Busy. Nausea assaulted her as she noticed a very attractive, silver-haired woman, maintained on an all four position, with her rear-end upraised, naked, beautiful, being rhythmically shoved by the thrusts of large, phallic tentacles that where plunging alternatively into her from behind. Her breasts shook, her whole body jerked, every times one of the tentacles drove into her forcefully, wrenching another loud, exploding gasp from her. "AH! AH!" she would go, punctuating her ravishment with those cries, while small, thin tendrils snaked over her perfect dusky flesh, caressing her, and also, holding despite any wishes she might have had for escape. Makoto looked around a bit more, soon finding another woman, this one held up spread-eagled in the air by tentacles wrapped around her wrists and ankles, while two tentacles penetrated her, shoving up into her from underneath, one into her sex, and the other disappearing in between the cheeks of her bottom. Makoto shuddered, but then noticed she had attracted the attention of one of the demons. She tried to get to her feet, but soon found the strength lacking. She also suddenly thought of her wrist radio, the one Ami had given all of them so they could call for help in case of emergency. She turned it on and up to maximum power, then started talking into it "Youma, incredibly powerful ones, have invaded .." she was cut short as a pair of tentacles lashed around her, one around her head, covering her mouth and pulling back, the other around her wrist, smashing the watch/radio. "HHHNGPH!" she cried out, struggling, but feeling so weak. The demon was now more interested in her body than in her struggling. If only she could rest, take her strength back. But she was given no respite, as the tatters of her uniform were torn from her body, and like a multitude of little slithering snakes, tendrils slid over her body, teasing her, making her shake her head in protest, in shame, as her body responded to the touches, however revolting she found them intellectually, there was a definite pleasure in the slick organs brushing against her flesh, her nipples now hardened, and a heat growing more needful between her legs. "Nononono" she groaned, shaking, struggling against the inhumanly strong grip of the tentacles holding her. Her complaints where muffled again as one large phallic organ pressed against her lips, and forced her jaw widely opened, invading her mouth, in an obscene version of oral sex. Soon, while her large breasts were being squeezed and sucked on by mouthed tentacles, other slim and gooey limbs slid up the inside of her legs, to push into her sex, spreading her suddenly, then shoving in, making her bite roughly into the thick fleshy member that was thrusting rhythmically into her mouth, which suddenly disgorged a load of demonic sperm into her mouth, withdrawing and spewing its spunk all over her face. Meanwhile, the demon breached her virginity and started driving in and out of her roughly, making her whole body sway back and forth from where it was being held up, but now, she could cry out unrestrainedly as she was raped, her sex feeling distended, while the tentacles bapped with a shocking impact against the entrance of her womb with each deep thrusts. Makoto started screaming louder and louder, feeling, to her shame, an incredible orgasm building up, welling inside of her abused body. ------- Kasumi woke up just in time to watch a demon covering Madoka, one of her best friends, raping her brutally. It was hunched above the young woman, holding her legs spread, shoving itself against her with vicious bestiality. Kasumi could see Madoka's whole body shake from each penetrations, and her cries tore at the sweet woman's heart. And now it was her turn, as yet another of those fiends grabbed her by her hair, dragging her whole body towards itself, making her cry out as it pulled into her hair. Then her eyes grew wide with revulsion and terror as it presented a huge, rigid, grotesque parody of a penis, and forced it into her mouth, and started shoving itself down her throat. Kasumi had to fight from gagging, as her mouth was used, cringing in fear, but unable to escape as she felt further slimy organs playing over her skin, brushing inside of her dress, rubbing over her breasts or between her legs. Soon, one of those dripping phalluses was pushing against her sex, her cunny-lips bruised by the rough grinding, the silky panties pushed against her, into her, until they were torn off by the rhythmic thrusting, that now could drive into her deeply, making her whole body grow rigid for one moment as she was fully ravished. She then started struggling, fighting against the violator, sinking her nails into its slick flesh. To no avail. In fact, it seemed to be exciting it, as she was rocked back and forth between the two invaders stretching her mouth and cunt, impaled from both ends. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, both from the humiliation, and from gagging, from fighting for air, when her eyes grew wide again, and she wailed in her mind, "NONONONONONO!" as she felt yet a third of the monstrous limbs pushing between her buttocks, pressing against her anus, then thrusting into her roughly, raping her ass the same way it had raped every other holes. The worst part was that she was finding a perverse pleasure in this multiple, complete ravishment of her body, an animal part of her, deep down in her make up finding fulfillment in being used this way. It seemed to last an eternity. Her struggles had faded, her responses to the shoves that pushed into her mouth, cunt and ass now one of wanting to cry out, and still tears wetted her cheeks, but now at the intensity of the feelings that were wracking her body, as smaller tendrils explored her curves, teased her nipples or her clitoris, sending her into yet another orgasm. She was moving with the thrusts, pushing back against the organs invading her rear and sex, feeling so full, so complete. When the alien, viscous members pulsed inside of her, starting to shoot the sticky, thick goo of its seed, she cried out even louder, pounding herself unto the ramming limbs, until she lost consciousness, sprayed all over by other smaller organs, showered in this obscene manner. The darkness didn't hold her for very long, and she regained her senses only minutes later, still weak, brushing hair that was matted by demon-cum to her brow, to roll to her side, and look around. She could see Makoto, with thick, writhing tentacles attached to her breasts, a slight pulse animating them as they seemed to suck on her rhythmically, while she was riding up and down a large, evil looking pole of sickly green flesh. She too seemed to have succumbed to the baser animalistic instincts of her body, participating in the rape, seeming to *oh God* to be enjoy it just as much as she herself had earlier. She looked more around, finding Madoka still being raped, her face pressed to the floor, her cheek sliding back and forth as she was rammed into from behind. Meanwhile, the two other women, the silver-haired one and the other one, with brown hair, both of them very beautiful, even as they were being abused so bestially. At that same moment, tentacles yanked out of the silver-haired woman's body, freeing her completely, then shooting thick, creamy, sickly looking jism all over her while she writhed under the shower, rubbing her hands over her flesh to smear the goo all over... Just as she herself had most probably done. Kasumi slumped, and wept, for her lost innocence, and missed the arrival of a new demon into the room. ------ As it stepped inside, it knew at least one of the women would do. Its minions immediately turned their attentions to it, not all of them completely stopping their matting at once, tough. The demon-lord, for that is what it was, clucked its tongue, and then all was silent, except for moaning women, one of them actually complaining about the pause in her ravishment, begging to be taken again. The demon lord grinned, then asked, in a guttural voice, "So, do any of these females seem strong enough to bear my brood?" Several of the demons pointed tentacles toward the unconscious Makoto. It grinned again, just as he'd suspected. One of the demons even went so far as to talk "She was strong enough to wrestle with one of us. She has a strong body. She can bear great children for you, master." The demon-lord indicated Belldandy and Urd, "What about them?" "They are powerful, master, but physically weak. I do not think they would survive even only mating with you, master. But I believe they will bear strong lesser demons." "Very well, I shall take this female, then." it said, then went over to a stirring Makoto, grabbing her by the wrists and lifting her off the ground. Just as it was starting to fondle Makoto's breasts, there was a crash behind him, and it heard two gasps of surprise, before new arrivals announced themselves, "Hold, demon!" cried Sailor Venus, "You will not hurt my friend any more! Now face the wrath of Sailor Venus!" "And don't forget Sailor Uranus." The demon-lord made a jerk of its head, sending half a dozen demons to jump the two new females. It would have enough more mates to bear its brood, it seemed. Behind it, struggles could be heard as it spread its captives legs, and pushed her back against a wall, shoving itself into her sopping cunt, wrenching a cry of pain and pleasure at being filled again from her, the semen of the previous assaults pumped out of her by the massive shaft. This particular demon was much more humanoid than the others, and was holding the girl against the cold wall while shoving bout a foot of meat up her snatch roughly, rhythmically, making her whole body jerk up with every thrusts, making her breasts bounce tantalizingly. And it didn't resist, lowering its face to her bobbing bosom, sucking in almost a whole breast into its mouth, tasting her flesh, feeling her squirming against its supremely powerful form. Meanwhile, a mighty battle was taking place, but it didn't care. Six of its minions would obviously be able to defeat those two. There was a loud crash, and a booming noise. The demon lord stopped its fornicating, and turned its head to look at the battle. Well well well, already, two of its minions had fallen. It grabbed Makoto by the hair, and pushed her down to her knees, then bent her forward, so she was on all four, then knelt behind her to take her, each thrusts making her cry out, making her claw at the floor as it took her, each shoves shaking her body despite all the bracing against those impact she could manage. And it looked curiously on to the battle, as finally numbers were prevailing, the 4 remaining demons swarming the two girls and bringing them down, then proceeding to gang up on them, two on each, raping every holes while their demon-lord looked on with a salacious eye. Haruka's slim, athletic body was sandwiched between two massive, writhing demons, her senshi uniform torn in places, only enough to reveal her breasts and crotch, the demons too overeager with lust to finish removing her clothes beyond the necessities. She was crying out, still struggling, though uselessly, against the two demons which were now wrapping their tentacles around her, to hold her still as they took her from both sides, making her scream louder even. Meanwhile, Minako's uniform was torn off completely, and with her round breasts, curved bottom, and her plaintive cries as she was fondled by the two demons, she was turning the demon-lord on a whole lot, so that his assaults on Makoto redoubled, making her fall forward onto her elbows, gripping at the floor desperately as she was shoved back and forth, mounted, ridden by this powerful demon. Minako's ordeal was only beginning, and her cries turned to squeals as she was impaled on turgid members, slithering tentacles wetly sliding all over her pretty body, writhing, stroking all over her. Her blonde hair hung behind her head as she twisted on top of the rods forcing her, face upturned, mouth wide opened on screams that weren't coming anymore, her breath too short. She closed her bright blue eyes on tears of pain and shame, as she started to climax already. To be a powerful soldier of love can be a set-back sometimes, as she couldn't resist the lust in those raping her, her unconscious empathy sending her into a series of wild multiple orgasm that made even the most jaded envy those ravishing her. She stopped fighting the feelings completly, overcome, giving in, to become a creature of pleasure, of passion, her senses overloaded by the scent of sex filling the room. All her powers turned to the fullfilling of base, bestial lust she sensed around her, caressing the tentacles penetreting her, licking at those coming close enough to her face, rubbing her pert breasts to those sliding over her body, squeezing her thighs around those pressing behind her legs, while yielding most willingly to every thrusts, be it one filling her sex or piercing her rectum, rocking back and forth while they possessed her, body and soul. ------ Kiyone was stalking the corridors of the school. She had found the wormholes, they were all about human-sized. This seemed to confirm her idea that this was some kind of commando operation. She had placed a disruptor which had both wiped out the gateways, and would stop anyone from making any more within a radius of 100 KM. She was in her battle armor, a lightweight, but highly protective molded Breasts-plate with some more gears, and was totting the largest standard GP issue assault riffle. She had a feeling she would need it. Looking at a motion scanner, she found the room she was looking or, "On this floor, about 30 meters to the west, and 40 to the south." she estimated, then turned around, and stalked down a side corridor, and after turning a corner, found a room with its door opened (or smashed in, it looks like), wit a faint red glow coming out of it. She approached carefully, and as she was getting close, she could hear a concert of moans and cries and complaints.. All of a feminine persuasion. "What the heck is that, some kind of orgy?" she wondered, because that's what it sounded like. A sharper female cry made her glance inside quickly, and the sight that greeted her made her recoil in bot disgust and terror. There were women sprawled all over the room, and ... *things* were raping them in the most obscene manners. And they seemed to be going along with it.. Or rather, she thought, they had had all their fighting fucked out of them. Probably mostly mindless from their ordeals, or perhaps drugged. She took a deep breath, made sure the safety was *not* on, and then prepared herself. It would be chancy thing. The girls were strewn out mingled with the demons. She had seem one of them, at last, humping down on a victim. Just jumping in and shooting was not really an option. she would probably kill as many girls as demons. She realized she was calling them demons. Well, the name fits. Anyway, they looked pretty tough, too. She hadn't seen any weapons. But that didn't mean they couldn't attack at a distance. Still, she'd have to try. Kiyone jumped into the doorway and blasted away at one particularly far demon, with no victims close to it. Every shot struck the monster square on, a testimony to her steely nerves, and to her training. The thing is, the demon didn't die. Oh, it seemed hurt, and it writhed and struggled to get up, while the others turned their attentions to her. Her plan was forgotten within an instant, as she then frantically emptied her charges on the demon, finally slaying it. She gasped, and looked at the remaining demons, another half dozen, who had now stopped their debaucheries, and were gazing at her. "Huh.. Surrender, I've got you all cornered." she said, with complete lack of conviction. The battle was a short one, although she managed to deal out a lot of damage with her vibknife, it hadn't been enough, and none of the wounds seemed permanent. They regrew limbs, closed large gashes in their bodies. They piled on her, overloading the defenses of her armor. Finally, most had left to return to their monstrous activities while one remained to puzzle out how to remove her armored breast-plate. She was thankful for it. It was too tough for the demon to just rip off, and very complicated. She knew because it was a pain to remove even when you knew how to. She looked around, biting her lips as she noticed a pretty blonde girl being forced face-first against a wall, and then sodomized violently, while she begged for more, humping back against the demon, thrusting herself on its shaft. Everywhere else she found scenes of complete depravity. Over there, a mostly humanoid (grossly humanoid would work as well) creature was forcing a black-haired girl to lick on its cock while it shoved large, blunt fingers into her sex, with its other hand holding a brunette close and licking her cunt. That way, a beautful woman, with markings on her pretty face, her expression contorted in extreme pleasure, was being forced down on a huge member repeatedly, making her squeal loudly. The demon disarmed the last of her protections, bringing her attention back to it, and roughly got her out of the armor, "Well, now, girl." it hissed, "for all this trouble..." It lifted her into the air, by its arms, to bring her close, then shoved her down on two upright tentacles, which split her cunt opened roughly, making her scream! ---- Kiyone's headband was keeping her hair out of her eyes as she was bounced up and down on the twin shafts plunging into her sex, her arms held up above her head, pulling her up when the demon would lift her off its shaft, only to shove her down on them again. The position pushing her bust out in the most shameless manner as she cried out again and again. Elsewhere in the room, demons were fucking in a orgiastic frenzy, ravishing every girls again and again. The demon-lord was now planting its seed into the very womb of the third of the sailor senshis, having found all three of them to be strong enough to bear its progeny. At last assured of decadence on his planet, it turned its though back to home, to call forth a second wave of invasion. These humans were weak and would be subjugated easily. Except it couldn't find the gates back home where they had been. In fact, they weren't anywhere. "You bitch!" it cried, turning towards a Kiyone riding two shafts in her sex, bouncing with abandon. It grabbed into her hair, forcing her to look into its face, "You broke my gates, now there's no way home, you bitch!" it screamed into her face, only to see her eyes roll up as she exploded into an orgasm The demon-lord watched and snarled as she came her brains out, the thought that she had at least done that much dmamage to their operation mingling with the very intense pleasure of the dual penetration of her sex. Giving up, the demon-lord calmed itself, then wrenched her face down, bending her over, so that it could shove into her mouth, taking her, while it planned "Well, I guess we'll just have to impregnate as many women as we can, to create our own force of invasion." Its laughter wasn't pretty, and it rolled down for a long time down the corridors of Furinkan High. ---------- The end. -------------- http://anime.muck.com/~sakura/escort/