Ranma Nibun no Ichi MST2K
Disclaimer, I dont own the legal rights to any Anime Series or the fan fics I am MSTing.
Deep in Washus lab Washu and Q are talking. | |
Q | The author Lemon Otaku wanted Kasumi punished for knocking him out. We will now take it to a vote. |
Washu | I vote we throw her a party for knocking him out. |
Q | I like your idea better. We will now ask the cast to vote. |
Everyone | PARTY! |
Q | Ok then after todays fan fic we will have a party. |
Q | So this is the new fic for them to watch? |
Washu | Yup. Can you can deliver it? |
Q | Ok :: and disappears in a flash of light :: |
Q | Heres today fic. Psionic Ranma Chapter 2 :: Q disappears in a flash of light :: |
Ranma | Great the pervert healed, and wrote another chapter. |
Akane | Just to remind our viewers the Ranma in this Fan Fic will be referred to as Lemon Otaku. The author will be called Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku. |
Ryoga | Hey guys a few people followed me today. |
Deanna Troi | Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung asked me to come |
Picard | And I decided to accompany the counselor because Q is present. I was concerned for her safety |
Q | :: Walks around from the corner :: Jean-Luc how did you know I was here. |
Picard | The nice young man called Ryoga told me all about this theatre. |
Kagome | Wow! Its 2 of my favorite actors from Star Trek: The Next Generation. |
Inuyasha | That one television show you like watching? |
Deanna Troi | The Next Generation? Television Show? |
Picard | Q What do you do now? |
Q | I only told a few people about the Enterprise. Its not my fault they made a TV show about it. They also know about the history of your universe. |
Deanna Troi | Including my mom? |
Inuyasha | Shes not here is she? :: looks around extremely worried :: |
Kagome | I knew it, you where paying attention when we watching TV last night. |
Washu | Whispers to Q. When are you going to tell them about the Trekkers? |
Q | Shhhh |
Deanna Troi | Wait a minute I heard your name somewhere. Arent you a philosopher like Charlie Brown? |
Ryoga | Charlie Brown? He is a cartoon character, made by Charles M. Schultz. |
Kasumi | Oh my, what cute ears you have Inuyasha. |
Picard | I heard Q say this is a horrible Fan-Fic, can it be so bad that Q hates it? |
Ranma | Yup. |
Psionic Ranma Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma ½, Sailor Moon, or Dragon Ball. They belong to their respective owners. This will be a lemon fanfic. If you are under the age of 18 then do not read this, even though I started reading lemons at about age 14. The prologue takes place prior to Ranma ½ and will not be a crossover. This is an alternate universe fanfic that takes place prior to the Dragon Ball series when Master Roshi was in training. Most of this fanfic takes place after the Jusendo and failed marriage part of Ranma ½ and after the end of Sailor Stars series. This will not contain Master Roshi or any of the Z fighters, only Korin, Kami, and Popo. I dont have the views towards women that is expressed in this fanfic, hell, I have three sisters, if I did have the views Id be dead right now instead of writing this fanfic
Deanna Troi | Ok, he says I dont have the views towards women that is expressed in this fanfic Ok so he is writing about something he does not believe in. Why is he writing it then? |
Kagome | On some level he has to agree with what he is writing. Otherwise he would not write it. Fiction or not you cannot write about something you do not agree about. The only times writers do is when they create an adversary. |
Deanna Troi | On some level he feels a more aggressive and a desire to control women. Even though he says he does not have these views in some way he is writing a part of what he feels on some level. He may not ever do the same actions but that does not mean he does have not have the desire to control women. It shows that he has a insecurity about the female gender and to cover that up he desires to control what he feels he has no control over. It can also indicate a hatred towards the female gender by having his character physically and mentally abuse his female subjects. I would like to talk to the author. |
Ranma | Wow, you really know what you are talking about. The author probably wont be coming back. |
Ryoga | Yeah, seeing how the last time he was here we cut off his heads. |
In this chapter Ranma finally goes to Narima and while on his way has his first meetings with the Sailor Scouts.
RanRan, LinLin, Chibi_usa, and Hotaru are all 15. Ranma, Akane, Ukyo, Xiam Pu, Usagi, Minako, Makoto, Rei, Ami, Haruka, and Michiru are all 18 (In the series Haruka and Michiru were both the same age as the rest of the scouts). Mamoru is dead; he was never brought back after Usagi beat Galaxia. Setsuna still looks to be about 23. All the inners are living in an apartment together now
Ranma | So the Stupid Pervert changes the ages of everyone. |
WARNING: This is a lemon for the sake of being a lemon. Meaning that while I plan to add some plot aside from sex, it is mostly going to be lemon. Im not the best at adding plots that dont revolve around sex, but Im gonna try. Some parts may make people queasy
Happosai | Baum Chiki Baum . Baum. |
Ranma | Why did you make that sound? |
Happosai | Because its a porno my boy. |
Nabiki | Ok, the author is going to only write about sex, and not much plot. |
Dr. Tofu | I guess because he isnt a good enough author to write plot. I mean look at the last 2 chapters. |
Ryoga | And kills of Mamoru. Plus the inner scouts all got a apartment together. |
Deanna Troi | Which goes back to disproving his statement that he does not have the views towards women that is expressed in this fanfic. |
Picard | This is really sad state of mind to see in the people of this planet. |
Since I forgot to mention it in Chapter 1 I will here Dorei is Japanese for slave. Im only gonna have the characters use it to refer to slaves submit to Ranma. RanRan chose to submit to Ranma so she refers to herself as a slave. Ranma might start calling those that choose to be his slaves by their name + dorei, he might not. I havent decided yet
Ranma | Its a good thing we mentioned what Dorei means in the last chapter. Its sad that Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku forgot to mention that in the last chapter. |
Send flames to Bite_Me@Nelson.com
Nabiki | So far 1,000,000 flames have been sent there. Tom asked me to tell people to stop sending Flames there. He is not Lemon Otaku. |
Send positive comments/suggestions to Ranma@habiki.com
Ryoga | Positive Comments We where happy to beat you up during the last chapter. |
Kagome | Miroku said he would stop by later. His only positive comment was Lemon Otaku is lucky he dont know where he lives, yet. |
Chapter 2
Thursday morning Ranma once again wakes up at 6:00 and gets ready for practice with RanRan. Once hes dressed he goes to RanRans room to wake her up. On his way there he passes the bathroom and peeks in to see LinLin on the toilet peeing. He stands there watching her till she finishes and gets up. LinLin then notices Ranma standing there, at which time she pales slightly.
Ranma | Once again? When did Lemon Otaku and Lung-Lung start training together. |
Ukyo | Plot Hole. |
LinLin, I thought I told you that you were to go to the bathroom outside from now on. Why did you disobey me? Ranma asks curtly
Ling-Ling | Pervert go bathroom outside, Ling-Ling go inside. |
Deanna Troi | Gee, it looks like Lemon Otaku does not respect women alot. |
Nabiki | You should have seen what he did in the last chapter. |
Master was asleep, LinLin no want to wake Master so no one to take LinLin outside. LinLin replies
Miroku walks in sits down next to Inuyasha | |
Nabiki | Man, he treats her worse than Kagome treats Inuyasha. |
Kagome | Inuyasha only gets what he deserves. |
Inuyasha | Since when have I always gotten what I deserved. |
What about your sister, no, let me guess, she was asleep too and you conveniently forgot that I told you to get her to take you outside if Im busy or asleep, correct? Ranma asks.
Inuyasha | Man someone needs to teach that jerk a lesson. |
Miroku | I agree, Inuyasha. |
Yes Master. LinLin replies as her shoulders slump.
Ling-Ling | No Understand |
Lung-Lung | No Master |
Ranma | Wait a second, where then did you 2 come back? |
Q | :: On the intercom :: I decided it was safe for them to come back, but if gets bad |
You know the rule, you knew youd be punished if you broke it, and yet you decided to break it. Now you will be punished. Ranma tells her. Now, get on your knees.
Ling-Ling | No get on knees. You get on knees. |
LinLin drops to her knees in front of the toilet. Ranma then walks out and goes to get RanRan. Once Ranma and RanRan return Ranma turns to RanRan.
Akane | Once again Lemon Otaku cant do anything by himself so he gets Lung-Lung. |
Deanna Troi | So he is getting Lung-Lungs name wrong. Is this intentionally done to indicate that this is a nick name of Ranma? Sense Ukyo calls Ranma Ranchan. |
RanRan, Id like you to meet our new toilet. LinLin chose to disobey me by using the toilet inside the house so until I say otherwise she will be our toilet. When you pee you will pee in her mouth, but when you take a shit you will use the regular toilet. LinLin, once any girl is done peeing you are to clean them off with your tongue, do you both understand? Ranma asks
Deanna Troi | That is not humanly possible. Humans are not capable of digesting urine. You will get sick and there is a huge possibility of permanent damage. |
Kagome | Man what a pervert. |
Miroku | He is a bigger pervert than me. |
Happosai | I wouldnt even do that. |
Picard | I need to use the facilities. |
Everyone Else | I agree. |
RanRan-dorei understand Master. RanRan replies.
Ling-Ling | No Understand |
Lung-Lung | No Master |
Picard | This is a human rights issue and it should be illegal on this planet. |
Ranma | I think it is. |
LinLin understand and is sorry Master LinLin says hopefully.
Ling-Ling | No Understand |
Lung-Lung | No Master |
I know you are LinLin, but that didnt stop you from breaking the rules yesterday, or this morning. Ranma says. RanRan, Ill be in the living room when youre ready to practice. Ranma then walks to his room and grabs his pack. Once he has his pack he heads downstairs to wait for RanRan to show up. After about fifteen minutes a blushing, smiling RanRan walks down the stairs.
RanRan-dorei ready Master, LinLin said LinLin get more sleep. RanRan says.
Ukyo | Nice that when every time someone breaks his rules he either rapes them or makes them do something sick. |
Ok, lets go outside and see how much you have been practicing Ranma states.
Ranma | Seeing how the author did not mention any training before this |
Nabiki | When was she supposed to train, in her sleep? |
Inuyasha | Is Lemon Otaku a Demon? Kagome, does he have a shard? |
Kagome | I dont see a shard in him. Sorry Inuyasha |
Inuyasha | Damn than hes just a regular pervert. |
Ryoga | I guess they trained when the author blacked out, again. |
Ranma leads the RanRan to the front yard and then turns to her. Ok, today were gonna see how much youve been practicing mixing Saotome Ryu and Amazon Wu Shu. Since Amazon Wu Shu focuses on speed and Saotome Ryu on stealth, you will be using the Umisenken. Understand? Ranma asks.
Ryoga | Again, this is the first time he mentions training her. So that means she could not have practiced. |
Picard | Referring to Lung-Lung as the as though she is nothing more than property. |
Yes Master, RanRan-dorei understand. RanRan replies.
Ling-Ling | No Understand |
Lung-Lung | No Master |
Ranma and RanRan both disappear from view and the battle is joined. While its not a spectacular battle to watch, several sounds can be heard. The most common sound is clothes ripping, followed by flesh hitting flesh. After about half an hour of both combatants being invisible Ranma drops the Umisenken.
Mu-Tsu | Lemon Otaku dropped the Umisenken because I sliced off his head. |
Ranma | Hooray |
Genma | Its not a spectacular battle because Lemon Otaku is not a true Martial Artist. |
Ranma | Clearly, he has no Honor whatsoever. |
Ok RanRan, drop the Umisenken. Ranma says.
RanRan reappears and is completely nude, her hands are tied behind her back, and her butt is red. Very good RanRan, youve been practicing. Ranma compliments his slave.
Ryoga | We have established she could not have trained. |
Ranma | Maybe the author get drunk after half a shot of sake, again. |
Nabiki | Of course she did not notice that she was tied up or that her butt was red. |
Ryoga | How is she supposed to have been holding the Umisenken while she was tied up? |
RanRan-dorei thanks Master for teaching RanRan-dorei RanRan replies.
Ling-Ling | No Thank |
Lung-Lung | No Master |
RanRan, once we are done with breakfast Im gonna leave for Narima, Ill probably be gone for a couple of days. When I leave, youre in charge of your sister. I expect you to punish her if she breaks any rules while Im gone. Also, enjoy yourself while Im gone. Got it? Ranma asks with a smile.
Ling-Ling | Enjoy myself, we go home? |
Lung-Lung | We kill Lemon Otaku? |
RanRan-dorei will Master. RanRan replies grinning.
Lung-Lung | No Master |
Ling-Ling | We kill Lemon Otaku, he agree. |
Ranma then walks to RanRan and unties her hands. He then leads her inside, while she heads off to the kitchen to make breakfast he heads upstairs to take a bath. On his way he stops to check on LinLin. When he tries to turn her door knob he finds that it is locked. Frowning he flares his ki, melting the door knob. He then pushes the door open to see LinLin asleep on her bed, on her back, wearing only her dog collar. Ranma glances around her room and spots a plastic ruler that LinLin has been using to draw. He picks up the ruler and slaps it against LinLins exposed pussy. LinLin sits up at the sudden pain and looks around. She spots Ranma and says, Master, LinLin
Deanna Troi | Gee, Lemon Otaku is a gentlemen, look how he woke her up. |
Nabiki | What was she drawing with just a ruler? |
Deanna Troi | Lemon Otaku is obsessed with punishing his victims. He also has severe psychological problems, he needs immediate medical attention. |
Ryoga | I know a place, Cedar Springs. |
Ranma | I dont think that is in Japan. |
Ryoga | Are you sure I saw some mountains nearby. |
Picard | No, thats in Colorado, on the other side of the planet. |
Ranma hits LinLins tits with the ruler, shutting her up. Let me guess, youre sorry, you forgot? This is the second time today youve disobeyed me. Ranma grabs the leash from LinLins desk and hooks it to her dog collar. Follow me. Ranma says evenly. Ranma then yanks on the dog collar as he heads towards the door. Ranma leads LinLin to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom (its American style) Ranma shuts the door and takes off his clothes. Kneel and get me hard LinLin. Ranma tells her. LinLin remains standing so Ranma hits her pussy with the ruler again. Did you not hear me LinLin? I said kneel. Ranma commands. LinLin sinks to her knees and takes Ranmas penis into her mouth. Ranma reaches down and grabs a hand full of LinLins hair and moves her head back and forth on his penis until he gets hard. He then pulls out of her mouth and lets go of her hair. Stand up LinLin. Ranma orders his slave. LinLin just kneels there with her head down. Ranma sighs and bends down a little. He the grabs one of her nipples and twists it as he pulls her to her feet. Once LinLin is fully standing Ranma walks behind her and lifts her up by the back of her knees. He carefully positions her and then shoves his penis all the way into her ass. LinLin starts sobbing as Ranma pounds his penis into her asshole. After a few minutes Ranma grunts and cums in LinLins ass. He then sets her down on the floor where she curls up and sobs. Now, shut up, and kneel there until I finish my bath. Ranma orders LinLin. LinLin kneels and tries to stop sobbing while Ranma takes his bath.
Nabiki | Where to start? |
Deanna Troi | I am horrified at this misogynistic display of punishment. It is a horrifying example of the degradation and exploitation of his subjects that will result in the complete metal degradation of these girls. I dont believe that Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung should be here to watch this display it will only mentally alter their minds in a most unhealthy manner. I object to this fanfic and if I was able to I would send immediate law enforcement to ensure that Lemon Otaku could never harm another female ever again. |
:: Q Flashes in :: and walks up to Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung | |
Q | Time to go, Counselor Troi is correct. |
Ling-Ling | :: Crying :: Promise no Lemon Otaku ever hurt Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung like that? |
Q | I promise. No lets go say hi to Riker. |
Lung-Lung | We go play Enterprise |
Q | Ok :: Snaps his fingers and he, Ling-Ling, and Lung-Lung, disappear. |
Picard | STOP! You are not playing Drats they are already gone. |
Once Ranma is done he grabs LinLins leash and says, Lets go. LinLin stands up and follows Ranma as he leads her to his room. Once in his room he ties the leash to the door knob and gets dressed. After he finishes dressing he walks to the closet and pulls out three silk scarves. Put your hands behind your back. Ranma orders LinLin. LinLin just stands there, not moving so Ranma walks over to her and slaps her ass as hard as he can. LinLins hands fly to her butt to cover it at which time Ranma grabs both wrists in one hand and ties one of the scarves around her wrists. He then ties a second scarf around her waist. Once thats done he takes the third and final scarf and twists it a few times. Ranma then ties one end of the twisted scarf to the scarf around LinLins wrists. Spread your legs a little. Ranma tells LinLin. LinLin, not wanting to be spanked again quickly spreads her legs, at which time Ranma runs the scarf between her legs, tying the end to the scarf around her waist. You will wear nothing but these scarves, like this, and your dog collar until I say otherwise, do you understand? Ranma says curtly.
Nabiki | Im a little surprised Ling-Ling was able to walk around after he did that to her. After what he did she should be in a lot of pain. |
Kasumi | What a bad man. |
Soun | :: Puts on his Samurai Outfit :: You will never get ahold of my daughters Lemon Otaku. |
Ukyo | Is that outfit supposed to stop the bleeding? |
Xiam Pu | No good outfit, Lemon Otaku have no Fashion Sense. |
LinLin understand master. LinLin replies.
Inuyasha | Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung are with Q you pervert. |
Kagome | Inuyasha, settle down we can kill the pervert later. I mean sit |
Inuyasha | ::WHAM:: Whats you do that for? |
Kagome | Sorry, didnt mean to do that, this time. |
Good, the only time they may come off is when RanRan puts you to bed at night, but they will be reattached when you wake up the next morning. RanRan will feed you while your hands are tied. Also, since I will be gone for a few days, RanRan will be in charge. You will obey her as if it were me telling you what to do. She has the right to punish you while I am gone, and I will punish you when I get back if you disobey her. Is that understood? Ranma asks.
Genma | How convenient that Lung-Lung submitted to his so fast after being raped and tortured. |
Nodoka | This young man is obviously dishonoring his family and should commit Seppuku |
Yes Master, LinLin understand. LinLin replies while flexing her arms a little, finding out that the twisted scarf rubs her pussy whenever her arms move.
Nabiki | How exciting, since he is not pleasing her, she can please herself. |
Everyone Else | Nabiki! |
Ranma then unties the leash and leads LinLin downstairs. The entire time they walk the scarf rubs back and forth against LinLins pussy, arousing her. They walk to the dining room where Ranma has LinLin sit in a chair. Ranma then goes into the kitchen to help RanRan bring the food in. RanRan, youre gonna have to feed your sister for a while. Shes being punished again. She is to remain tied like she is until I say otherwise, but you will untie her when you put her to bed at night and retie her when you get her up the next morning. Also, she has been told that she is to obey you as if it was I that was telling her what to do. If she disobeys you then you can punish her how you see fit, but do not cause permanent harm. When I return I expect you to inform me of how she has been behaving and how often youve had to punish her. I also expect you to tell me how you punished her. Basically, while Im gone she is your slave, and you may do with her as you please. Ranma tells RanRan while they both carry the food into the dining room.
Kagome | I thought slavery was still illegal in Japan. |
Deanna Troi | :: Gets up and dials 911 :: |
Back in Washus Lab | |
Washu | Hmm, if keep him alive and dissect his brain, I can get more information. Hee Hee Hee Hee. |
Back in the Theatre | |
Deanna Troi | Hello 911 |
Thank you Master. RanRan-dorei will take good care of LinLin RanRan says with a huge grin on her face.
Ryoga | Not only is she his subservient slave how she is enjoying punishing her own sister. |
Nabiki | The horror continues |
Akane | Bum Dum Bum |
Ranma | Of course we are assuming that good care means what Lemon Otaku defines as good care. For all we know she will untie her and they run away. |
Mu-Tsu | We can only hope, Ill protect you, my darling Xiam Pu. |
Ukyo | I am not Xiam Pu, put your glasses back on duck boy. |
Ranma just grins back as he takes his seat. LinLin, starting now, you have to obey RanRan. Ranma says. LinLin just nods her head. Ranma takes his time eating the scrambled eggs and sausage that RanRan made. RanRan on the other hand rushes through her meal in order to feed her sister. RanRan starts by grabbing a piece of sausage and shoving it into LinLins pussy. RanRan then pulls the sausage out and brings it up to her sisters mouth. LinLin clamps her mouth shut.
Ryoga | Didnt he just explain that to her? He must be a little slow. Either that or he thinks she is slow. |
Nabiki | Maybe its both. |
Nodoka | Since when is a traditionally Chinese breakfast Scrambled Eggs and Sausage? |
Xiam-Pu | When sisters learn to cook American Style? |
Kasumi | What no Rice? |
Washu comes in and gives Dr. Tofu a shot. | |
Washu | You are cured of your love hysteria, now quit talking to Betty. |
Everyone | Finally! |
Dr. Tofu | How can that possibly be healthy or pleasurable? |
Deanna Troi | That sausage looked hot. Isnt the purpose of this supposed to be to feed her, not to hurt her? |
Dr. Tofu | Kasumi, will you marry me? |
Kasumi | Oh my. |
Open mouth LinLin RanRan orders her sister.
Nabiki | Heck no, I saw where that sausage was a second ago. |
LinLin still keeps her mouth closed causing RanRan to pout. Try twisting her nipple RanRan. Ranma suggested.
Inuyasha | What he thinks milk will come out? She is not a cow, pervert. |
Oh, good idea Master, RanRan-dorei try that. RanRan replies. RanRan reaches up to her sisters breast and grabs LinLins left nipple with her thumb and index finger then twists as hard as she can. LinLins mouth opens in a silent scream and RanRan takes the opportunity to put the sausage in LinLins mouth. Now LinLin, you eat sausage or you get punished. LinLin slowly chews the sausage. RanRan then feeds her sister some eggs. After the eggs RanRan again shoves a sausage into LinLins pussy then brings it up to LinLins mouth. This time LinLin opens her mouth and allows her sister to feed her the girl-cum covered sausage. Breakfast continues this way until RanRan has finished feeding LinLin.
Inuyasha | Where did everyone go? |
Everyone comes back from the restrooms | |
Nabiki | Is the scene over? |
Inuyasha | Yes, I was trying to figure out what the point behind that scene was. |
Picard | There is no point behind that scene. Obviously Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku has a fixation with shoving objects in certain areas of the female body. Which makes you wonder if he is not lacking in a certain area. |
Well, I had better be off. I will see you girls in a few days. Oh, and RanRan, you have my cell number, correct? Ranma asks.
Nabiki | When did he get a cell phone? |
Ukyo | Plot Hole. |
Yes Master, RanRan-dorei has number. RanRan replies.
Nabiki | Let me guess his number is 666? |
Ranma then walks to the door and grabs his backpack and leaves. He walks towards Nerima for a while, passing through several districts of Tokyo. When her reaches the center of Juban he sees ten girls in short skirts fighting what looks like a Minotaur, but it has a humanoid face and wings. He hears the girl wearing a red skirt shout, Flame Sniper. The fire arrow flies at the monster, but hits a shield with no apparent effect. The girl in the red skirt then reaches up and takes off her bow.
Ryoga | When her reaches I thought he was cured of that problem? |
Mars, what the hell are you doing? The girl with short yellow hair and a blue skirt asks.
I dont know Uranus, I cant control my hands. Mars replies.
The girl identified as Uranus looks around and sees all the other scouts in various states of undress. What the hell is up with you guys? Uranus asks in an annoyed voice.
Their being controlled by a psionic. Ranma replies. The only reason youre not affected is because you are a low level, untrained psionic.
Nabiki | So is Lemon Otaku making them strip or is it the Minotaur? |
Ukyo | Could it be both of them? |
Uranus spins around and brings her Space Sword into attack position. Who the hell are you, and what makes you think that thing and me are psionics? Whats a psionic anyways? Uranus asks while snarling at Ranma.
Akane | That does sound like Uranus, she would be more concerned about her friends than worrying about what a psionic is? |
Ryoga | How did she know that Lemon Otaku was referring to the Minotaur, all he said was Their being controlled by a psionic |
Ranma | Hold on, shes a martial artist. Why would she draw her sword and point it at Lemon Otaku. |
Nabiki | Maybe she knows what he did earlier |
Ranma scratches the back of his head while saying, Names Ranma, and I know you and that thing are psionics because Im a fully trained psionic. A psionic is someone who can control other people and some objects with their minds, at least to a certain degree. Now, shouldnt we stop this monster before your friends embarrass themselves any further? Ranma asks.
Grr. Uranus growls at Ranma, turning back towards the monster. If youre so smart, how do we beat this thing?
Ryoga | Out of character |
Nabiki | Damn Body Snatchers |
Use your attack to weaken it, since youre psionic its shield shouldnt have any affect. Then Ill finish it off. Ranma replies with his usual smirk.
Akane | Most of the scouts, with a few blonde exceptions, are smart enough to figure some stuff out. |
Nabiki | Why didnt Mercury use her computer to find its weakness and the rest of the scouts work together to beat this Minotaur? |
Ryoga | Like they do throughout the series? |
Ranma | So of course the rest of the scouts are completely immobilized, plus since when did they need to beat their adversaries. |
Space Sword Blaster Uranus shouts out. A glowing orange arc races towards the monster and slams into it, stunning it.
Makuseppo Ranma says while pointing two fingers at the monster. A thin beam of blue ki shoots from Ranmas fingers and penetrates the monsters chest, killing it. Shortly after the Minotaur falls to the ground dead it dissolves into dust. Well thats a first. So, Uranus was it? Care to introduce me to your friends?
Ryoga | Ok, this is before Dragon Ball, so how can he use one of Piccolos techniques before he created it? So is he now making Piccolos techniques for him? |
Sure, whatever. Uranus replies, motioning the scouts to a nearby roof. Well talk on that roof there, need help getting up there?
Ranma glances at the indicated roof and snorts. Why would I need help getting to that low of a roof? Ranma asks just before jumping to the roof.
The scouts follow Ranma after they put their uniforms back together. Ranma, Im not sure if youve heard of us, but we are the Sailor Senshi. I am Sailor Uranus. Points to the girl with long sea-green hair and a sea-green skirt, This is Neptune. (I thought Neptune had sea green hair and a sea green skirt.)
Nabiki | Ok so they put their uniforms back together, but did not put them back on? Interesting. |
Charmed Neptune says.
This is Pluto Uranus says while pointing at the girl with dark green hair. This is Saturn. Uranus points to the girl with short black hair and a glaive in her hand and these are Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. Uranus says while pointing to each girl in turn. Finally, this is our leader, Sailor Moon. Uranus says while pointing to the girl with a multi-colored skirt and blond hair in a weird style.
Nice to meet you all Ranma says, Listen, Uranus, can I talk to you for a minute.
Sure. Uranus replies as she follows Ranma away from the other Senshi.
Uranus, I would like to train you to use your powers. I can sense that youve been using them unconsciously, and I would like to teach you to use them at will. So, I ask, would you come over to my mansion in two days to start your training in the psionic arts, as well as advancing what you know of martial arts? Ranma asks.
Washu walks in and walks up to Deanna Troi | |
Washu | Ok, Deanna I have bad news we cannot lock up Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku. Instead you can join me in my lab. I would like to get insights from you. :: Washu says grinning :: I have some chocolate sundaes in the lab. |
Washu and Deann Troi walk away The Ranma ½ cast then screams No fair, we want to go to |
Definitely. Ill be there in civilian form. I guess since youre going to be teaching me and maybe even helping out the scouts you can know at least my civilian name. Which I will tell you in two days. Uranus replies with a grin.
Ukyo | Why would she need training from him? Isnt that insulting to her as a martial artist? |
Ranma | Maybe he will train her everything he knows. |
Ryoga | How to be a pervert? That wont take him long to train her everything he knows. |
Ok, Ill see you in two days, Haruka. I gotta go; I have something to take care of in Nerima. Ill give you my cell phone number and address so you can contact me. I wont be at home till Sunday so dont try finding me there. Just call my cell. Ranma says just before handing her a slip of paper with his cell phone number and address before roof hopping away.
Picard | He has paper with him? When did he get some paper and a pen? |
Ryoga | Dont you know, when the author blacked out. |
Haruka walks back to the Senshi with a dumbfounded look on her face. How did he know? Haruka asks herself out loud.
Ryoga | Of course, why didnt she ask Lemon Otaku that? |
Know what Uranus? Sailor Moon asks.
How did he know my civilian name? Im definitely gonna take him up on his offer. Uranus replies.
What offer would that be love? Neptune asks while rubbing against Uranus.
To train me as a psionic and improve my martial arts skills. Uranus replies. Uranus then proceeds to explain all she knows about Ranma.
Dr. Tofu | Interesting, the only female he is being nice to acts like a guy. Now then lets see how he reacts to the tom boys in Nerima. |
Meanwhile Ranma has finally reached the Tendo Dojo. When he arrives he sees Happosai harassing Akane. Hey Happosai, what do you think youre doing? Ranma shouts at the shrunken pervert.
Happosai | What does it look like you moron, he is harassing Akane. Duh. |
Whatever I want. Ranma, Im tired of you ruining my fun. I challenge you. If I win, you will not interfere with me, and if you win, you will be Grandmaster of the Anything Goes School. Happosai says.
Happosai | Why would I challenge my student like that? |
Agreed, but Im gonna warn you, Im gonna be going for the kill. Ranma states evenly. Akane, go get everyone else. While we get this fight started.
Everyone | He is going to kill someone. |
Ranma | Let me guess, hell make the old fool eat Akanes cooking. |
Akane | Ranma no Baka :: Then hits him with her mallet :: |
Nodoka | Ranma, stop teasing your fiancée, if you are not careful you will have to cook for her. |
Ranma | Yes Mom, Sorry Akane. |
As Akane rushes into the house Happosai jumps at Ranma. Ranma blocks Happosais attack, at which time Happosai climbs onto Ranmas head and tries to his Ranmas strength sapping maxabustion point, using his pipe to poke a spot on Ranmas back. Ranma grins at this and lets Happosai think he succeeded. Happosai jumps back and waits for Ranmas counter attack. Ranma weakly kicks Happosai. Whats wrong Ranma, feeling a little weak? Happosai gloats. Ranmas only reply is a smirk.
Genma | I thought that move was called the strength sapping maxabustion point. Not the Ranmas strength sapping maxabustion point |
Katchuu Tenshin Amaguriken Ranma shouts as he hits Happosai with all his strength. The shrunken master is sent flying into the brick wall surrounding the dojo.
How did you keep your strength boy? Happosai asks.
Easy, I trained. Ranma replies as he presses his attack. Once Ranma is about 3 feet away from Happosai the shrunken pervert pulls out a fire cracker.
You loose boy. Happosai says.
Inuyasha | :: Perfect Tear :: I think he meant lose not loose. |
I dont think so you perverted freak. Makuseppo. Ranma replies while pointing two fingers at Happosai. Once again a thin blue beam shoots out of Ranmas fingers and this time it hits Happosai in the stomach.
Impossible, he couldnt have beaten m Happosai says as he dies.
Ranma | Because Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku forgot about the Happo Fire Burst, which he just called a fire cracker we will add it for him. |
Ryoga | BOOM. Ranma realized his error as he is sent into orbit and joins Keitaro. |
Ukyo | Then Keitaro pulls out a M200 (That he got from Su) and blasts Ranma into the Sun. |
Nabiki | Thus ending the fanfic. Everyone may now leave the building. |
Washu | :: On the intercom :: Nice try guys, Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku merely forgot what he wrote as he was he was writing it. There is still more. |
Everyone | NOOOOO! |
Suddenly Ranma is surrounded by the Tendos, his parents, and Ryoga, who are all congratulating Ranma on finally getting rid of Happosai. After a few minutes Ranma says, Look, Im gonna go take a bath that was my second fight today. Pops, Im gonna need to talk to you, mom, and Soun when I get done. Nabiki, you will regret it if you listen in on this conversation. Once he said his piece, Ranma walks off without waiting for a response. In the changing room he puts the occupied sign up and shuts the door, then removes his backpack and Chinese outfit and sets them next to the door leading to the bathing area. He then walks into the bathing area and shuts the door behind him. He rinses himself off for a few minutes with cold water, still excited about no longer changing into a girl. Finally he gets into the furo to soak. After about 20 minutes he stands up and gets out. Just as he steps out of the tub Akane walks in covering her front with a towel. As soon as she sees Ranma her aura flares up and she pulls out her mallet.
Happosai | What, Im dead? |
Ranma | The author finally did something good. |
Genma | :: picks up Happosai and stuffs him a box marked delivery to Little Washu :: There we go |
Just as Gemna closes the box it disappears. | |
Everyone | Yeah, lets party! |
Akane | When was the last time I walked in on you? |
Ranma | When you thought I was a girl, the first episode. |
RANMA!!! YOU PERVERT!!! Akane yells as she hits Ranma over the head with her mallet. Ranma sags to the floor from the impact, but isnt knocked out. After a few seconds Ranma shakes his head and stands up.
Akane, that is the last time youll hit me with that damned mallet. You walked in on me, after I shut both doors, made my pack obvious, and put the occupied sign out. The next time you hit me with that mallet you will regret it. Ranma says in a slightly pissed off tone of voice. He then brushes past a dumbfounded Akane into the changing room. He closes the door behind him so that Akane has her privacy. After drying off, Ranma pulls some clean clothes out of his pack. After he gets dressed he goes downstairs to find Soun, Genma, and Nodoka. While hes searching for them he spots Ryoga in the back yard. Hey Ryoga, I wanted to talk to you. I have a deal for you. Ill give you some Naniichuan and cure your direction curse, but if and only if you forget about Akane for good. What do you say? Ranma asks.
Ryoga | Id say forget it pervert. |
Ranma | I usually deserve when Akane hits me on the head, usually because I dont know when to keep my mouth shut. |
Akane | Why would I walk in on him? |
Nabiki | Isnt is obvious, so you can be punished. |
Well, I suppose I should marry Akari, since she is my fiancée. If you promise that we can still spar from time to time Ill agree. Ryoga replies.
Ryoga | If Ranma where to take good care of Akane I think I would agree, then I would pursue Akari. I would never trust Akane with someone like Lemon Otaku. |
Agreed. Now, hold still and Ill fix that direction problem of yours. Ranma says, and then uses his psionic powers to look at Ryogas DNA. He spots the genes causing Ryogas direction curse and eliminates them. Once hes done he reaches into his backpack and pulls out one of the battles he had filled at Jusenkyo. Here you go man, your direction curse is cured and once you pour this on yourself so will your Jusenkyo curse. Ranma says as he hands the bottle to Ryoga.
Washu | :: On the intercom :: He spots the genes causing Ryogas direction curse and eliminates them No Scientific training and he is eliminating genes with no thought towards consequence. Thats not including the fact that Psionics dont have that power. Maybe he got Qs and Psionics mixed up. |
Ryoga snatches the bottle from Ranmas hands, rips out the cork, and pours the Naniichuan on his own head. Ryoga then jumps into the koi pond and walks out of it still in human form. Ranma, my grudge with you is finished. You have not only cured me of the curse you caused, but got rid of my direction curse. I will see you in a few days, Im gonna go visit Akari. Ryoga says while grinning broadly.
Ryoga | The reason I continued to have a grudge was how you treated Akane, and honor. |
As Ryoga walks off, going the right way for once, Ranma resumes his search for Soun, Nodoka, and Genma. He finds them sitting in the living room. Ranma walks in and sits in one of the chairs. Ok, first off, Pops, heres your cure. Ranma says as he hands Genma one of the bottles of Naniichuan. Now, as you three know, tomorrow is the debate to determine who I will marry. I want to say this now, if any of my three fiancées start fighting tomorrow, they will be my slave. Ive tried it your way pops, it didnt work. All it got me was being beat up constantly. Also, Soun, Im sorry to have to shock you like this, but if Akane hits me with her mallet again, she will immediately become my slave.
Soun | Why would I even agree to any of that? And why would let him stay in my house after that? |
Genma | Thank you for the water, but that dont excuse your behavior boy. |
Nodoka | I cant believe his mom would let him talk to her like that. What an ingrate. |
Ukyo | Where does he get off saying if any of my three fiancées start fighting tomorrow, they will be my slave what gives him the right to treat us like property? If he doesnt like people fighting, then he should find someone who wont fight back. |
Nabiki | If thats the case he should dump everyone and be honest for once in his life. That way he can finally behave like a man. |
Genma then turns to Nodoka. On your knees slave. Since everyone here knows, you will act like the slave you are. Genma orders Nodoka. Nodoka quickly stands up, removes her panties, hands them to Genma, and kneels in front of her master.
Nodoka and Genma in unision What? This nonsense again? |
Just as Ranma finishes speaking Ms. Hinako walks in, in adult form. Ma ister Tendo, Kasumi asked me to bring this food in to you. Hinako says as she presents the food.
Miss Hinako walks in from Washus lab. | |
Hinako | What, when did I get enslaved? |
Its okay slave, I was just about to inform Ranma about you, and tell him about some of Genmas and my training under Happosai. You wont be punished, this time. Soun says to Hinako.
Hinako | Punish me for what? I must go and discipline him, hes a bad man. |
Miss Hinako runs off to Washus lab. | |
Everyone Else | Where is she going? :: Perfect Tear :: |
Yes Master. Hinako replies.
Nabiki | Look out shes coming to get you Pervert Man. You are not my daddy. |
I guess this makes matters easier. I think I can figure out what you were going to say about your training Mr. Tendo. Now, could you call Nabiki down? I think you will find her in her room. Ranma says.
Ukyo | Ok, so Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku decided that Mr. Tendo will get a slave. This is the first time he mentions that Mr. Tendo would want a slave. Of course he is not explaining why and how. Of course if this Mr. Tendo was the kind of man to have slaves... So why would he have raised his daughters the same way the real Mr. Tendo did? If thats the case then none of this would be happening, because Akane would have submitted to Ranma immediately. |
Nabiki | Major Plot Hole. |
Certainly, Slave, go and get Nabiki. Soun orders Ms. Hinako.
Ms. Hinako walks off to get Nabiki while Ranma turns to Soun. Mr. Tendo, I can fix the aging problem if youd like.
Nabiki | It slices, dices, changes peoples ages, their DNA, and is a pervert. Maybe we should jar him up and make millions. |
Ranma | If it where that easy the fanfic would be over. |
Ranma Mboy that would be wonderful. If youd do that for me, I would help you in anyway I could. Soun replies.
Kasumi | Oh my I thought Grandfather Happosai was dead. |
Naiki | No, he became a Body Snatcher, and is now in the pervert dad body. |
Ukyo | This has now became a horror movie. With a small body count. |
Ranma | What do you mean now, its been a horror movie from the start. |
Ryoga | With no sequels, hopefully |
Ranma uses his psionic powers to modify Hinakos body so that she can no longer absorb peoples battle auras. He also sets it up so that she can change her age from her current age down to fifteen just by thinking it. Its done Mr. Tendo. I also made it so that she can change her age at will and no longer needs to absorb(s) peoples ki. Ranma tells Soun.
Ryoga | Man if it was that easy one would think Ranma would have done it during the series. |
Nabiki | Bum Dum Bum |
Ukyo | Let me guess, she tweaks it and becomes a walking skeleton. Oops too old. |
Thank you Ranma, now, why did you want Nabiki in here? Soun asks.
Nabiki | What, Im lost, is this HFIL? |
Ryoga | HFIL? Wait, youve been watching too much of the Toonami version of DragonBallZ. |
Ranma | I dont get it. |
Ryoga | In the uncut DragonBallZ there is place called Hell. In the Toonami version it is the Hole For Infinite Losers aka HFIL. |
Well, I told her she would regret it if she listened in on this conversation, did I not? Ranma asks.
Yes, I believe you did. Soun replies.
Well, she has been listening in this entire time. As per my warning, she will become either my slave or yours. I leave that up to you. Ranma says.
Nabiki | First off, why I aint I downstairs yet. What makes him think I care about that conversation? |
Well, while shes my daughter, you are the new Grandmaster of our school so Ill give her to you as a gift. Soun says just as Ms. Hinako brings Nabiki in. Nabiki is wearing her usual short denim shorts and her tank top.
Picard | Ok, if it took her this long to bring her in, how was she ease dropping? |
Ryoga | She is a gift now? Gee thats a nice way for a father to think about his daughter. I only thought Ranmas character was different. |
Nabiki | Damn body snatchers. |
Nabiki, do you recall what I told you before I went to take my bath? Ranma asks of Nabiki.
Nabiki | Saotome, do I ever listen to you that much? |
Yeah Saotome, but why did you have me called down here? Nabiki replies snidely.
Ryoga | Isnt it obvious, you are being punished because Lemon Otaku is sex deprived. I wonder if they have treatment centers for that problem. |
Ranma | They have centers for everything nowadays, even computer centers. I know a easy way to fix that problem. He can be the next Roy on Siegfried and Roy. I think the tigers are still hungry. |
Two things, first, you are now my slave. You were warned that you would regret listening in on this conversation, but you chose to listen in anyways. Second, you will call me Master from now on, or you will be punished. Ranma tells her.
Nabiki | I wasnt listening in on your stupid conversation. I was busy balancing my books. So why am I your slave? And why would I let you enslave me? |
Dad, are you gonna let him talk to me like that? Nabiki asks.
Nabiki | Hold on, I was upstairs. If I had bugs in the house it would be different, but name one episode in which I bug the house or told a direct lie. |
Ranma | Wait a minute, if Nabiki was listening in on that conversation Why would she still be in the house? |
Ryoga | Damn Body Snatchers, they got Nabiki. |
Dont look at me; hes your Master now. He warned you Nabiki, and you chose to not head his warning. Now you will suffer the consequences. Soun replies.
Nodoka | How can you head a warning? |
Nabiki | How was I listening in Saotome? Whatever, Washu can I have a break, this is driving me crazy. |
Q flashes in | |
Q | Want to join Ling-Ling, Lung-Lung, and Me? |
Nabiki | Sure |
Q and Nabiki Flash out before Picard opened his mouth. | |
Ryoga | Sorry Captain, Im sure your ship will be in one piece with Nabiki on board. The question is how many people will owe her money. |
Picard | Money? We dont have that anymore. |
Ryoga | Poor Nabiki, oh wait never mind she will find some other way to have fun. |
Akane | Im sure she would find a way for people to owe her one. |
Now, Nabiki, you will remove your bra and panties, without leaving the room. Ranma orders his newest slave.
Yeah right Saotome, like Im gonna do that with everyone in the room. Nabiki replies.
Ryoga | Lemon Otaku needs to stop acid tripping. |
Akane | Finally one line that actually sounds like Nabiki. |
Ranma stands up and grabs Nabikis right wrist. He then grabs her left wrist and forces both arms together so that he can hold both wrists in one hand. Once he has both of her wrists in his left hand he puts his right hand on her shoulder and forces her to her knees. Once she is on her knees he lifts her arms above her head and pulls her shirt up. Once her shirt is covering her head he rips Nabikis bra off. He then grabs her wrist with his right hand and forces both of her arms behind her back at which time he uses his left hand to again hold both wrists. He lifts back and up causing Nabiki to stand up, once shes standing he unbuttons and unzips her shorts and pulls those down till they are around her knees. He then rips her panties off. Once her panties are off Ranma pulls her shirt up over her head and down her arms so that it is around her elbows. The roughness was for disobeying me. Ranma says. He proceeds to use Nabikis torn bra to tie her hands together. Open your mouth slave. Ranma orders Nabiki. Nabiki just scowls at Ranma, making sure her mouth is shut. Fine, have it your way. Ranma says. Ranma then reaches out and twists Nabikis nipple causing her to squeal. As soon as her mouth is open Ranma shoves her torn panties into her mouth. You will keep those in till Im done punishing you or you will be punished even worse. Ranma warns.
Picard | All the details are surrounded either by punishment or sex. Yet Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku fails to add any distributive information to any of the other scenes and fails to ensure there is plenty of information so everything flows. |
Ukyo | He shoves her torn panties into her mouth. He could give the Marquis De Sade a run for his whip. |
Dr. Tofu | It is not healthy to shoves her torn panties into her mouth. In case anyone does not who the Marquis De Sade is, that is how the modern day word of Sadism came about. |
Picard | If in question check French Histroy. I wont go into details about that person. |
Nabiki looks towards Soun and he just says, You brought this on yourself. I told you he was your Master. Its his right to do what he wants to you so dont look at me.
Ukyo | I thought this was still modern day Japan. |
Inuyasha | Heck back in my time she would still have rights. |
Nabiki scowls at Souns words but wisely decides to obey Ranma. Ranma then sits back down in his seat and says, Now, Nabiki, you will lie across my lap, I will then spank you. Once I am done spanking you, you will be allowed to pull your shorts up and put your shirt back on. You will not wear any panties or bras unless I say so. Nabiki simply nods her head and lays herself across Ranmas lap. Ranma then spanks her ass as hard as he can. After the first slap Nabikis eyes water a little. When the second hit falls a blush spreads across her cheeks. By the time the tenth and final spank hits Nabiki is fidgeting. Ranma then unties Nabikis hands. You may spit out the panties now. Ranma comments flippantly. Nabiki spits out the panties, pulls her shirt back on correctly and pulls up her pants. Nabiki, when I leave the dojo you will go with me. Ranma says. Be aware that you have no choice in the matter. Also, you will not talk to your sisters about this. You will not try to hint at it to them. As far as they are concerned you were never down here for the discussion. You will also attend the debate with me tomorrow. Whoever wins the debate will also be your owner. Since you know what will happen if a fight starts, I wont go over that possibility. Also, just so you know, LinLin and RanRan are my slaves as well. They made the mistake of attacking my sensei that chooses not to fight. By doing so they basically forfeited their lives. Now, you will go up to your room and act like everything is normal. I will be sending Ms. Hinako, with Mr. Tendos permission, up with you to remove all your bras and panties from your room. You will also wear the outfit you have on now tomorrow, and pack all your cut off shorts into my backpack today.
Ryoga | Trained Martial Artist, spanking someone weaker and smaller than him for no good reason. Need I say more? |
Ranma | Wait a minute when did Kami vow not to fight. Didnt he kind of fight Garlic Jr.? |
Ukyo | I thought Nabiki had more than Bras, Panties, and cut off shorts. How is he going to fit all of her stuff in his bag, he has a few days worth of his clothes in their already. |
Mu-Tsu | Damn You Lemon Otaku, quit stealing my techniques. |
I have no problem with that Ranma, and please, call me Soun. Soun says.
Soun | :: Nods his head with a perfect tear :: |
Kasumi | I think fathers gone into shock. |
Thank you Soun. Also, Ms. Hinako will destroy Happosais collection of bras and panties with yours so as not to raise suspicion. I suggest you take a bath after I send you to your room. Ranma says. He then motions to Ms. Hinako to lead Nabiki away. After Nabiki and Ms. Hinako leave Ranma turns to the parents. Im gonna go outside and practice. Please call me in for lunch. Ranma requests.
Genma | I just finished putting sharks in the pond. Let him practice with them. |
No problem Ranma mboy. Soun says.
Soun | I have got problems with that. :: Soun says while sharpening his Katana :: |
Ranma walks outside and waits till he is sure that everyone is busy. Once hes sure he pulls out his cell phone and calls his mansion. When the other end is picked up he says, RanRan, its Ranma. I need you to do something for me.
Ranma | I need you to shoot me and live in the mansion, my money is now all yours. |
Inuyasha | Dont worry about shooting him, Ill just use my claws. It will be more fun. |
Kagome | I knew you had a heroic side to you, wanting to save those poor innocent girls. |
Inuyahsa | :: Perfect Tear :: You know you arent supposed to mention that outloud. |
Miroku | Come on Inuyasha we all know you are a softy at heart. |
Kagome | Come on snugglekins, we might as well be honest about our relationship. |
Miroku | What? |
Inuyasha | Snuggems. I mean Kagome! Shhh. :: Puts his arms behind his head :: you know no one is supposed to know about that, yet. |
Miroku | Im glad you two are being more honest with each other. |
Yes Master, RanRan-dorei will do anything Master wants. RanRan responds.
Ranma | Yeah! She will shoot him! |
Good, Im gonna assume you remember Nabiki. I want you to go out and buy the skimpiest green bikini top that will fit her. I also want you to purchase a dog collar and leash for her while you are out. In case you couldnt tell Nabiki is now my slave as well. Ranma tells RanRan.
Picard | There is too much missing information, I dont know where to start. |
Nodoka | How would she know what size she is? Where would she get the money from? |
Ryoga | Ok, so she dont need him to unlock any gate. So why are they still there? |
Ukyo | Plot Hole. |
Yes Master, RanRan-dorei remember Nabiki and will get bikini top, collar and leash for new slave. When Master coming home? RanRan asks.
Akane | Wait a minute, he said he would be back Sunday. Did she forget already? |
Kasumi | She must have been paying attention, maybe she is trying to get away. |
Dr. Tofu | One could only hope my dear. |
Soun | My future son-in-law is so strong and intelligent, the dojo is secure. |
Probably tomorrow if everything goes like I expect it too. I guess it was too much hoping that anyone would change around here. Well, Ill talk to you again when I get home. Ja Ne slave. Ranma says.
Ukyo | Well everyone in this fanfic is acting different, so they did change. |
Ja Ne Master. RanRan replies.
After Ranma closes his cell phone he starts going through various katas for a while. Eventually he stops and sits down on one of the boulders near the koi pond and starts to meditate. An hour later Kasumi leans out the door and says, Ranma lunch is ready. Causing Ranma to jump up and run to the table.
Genma | Of course when he jumped up, my pet sharks ate him. |
Kasumi | Look at all that blood, those poor sharks. Now I will have to clean up the mess. |
After lunch Ranma decides to continue practicing until supper. He starts this time by meditating for about 2 hours, after which he starts working on creating new katas to mix in Amazon Wu Shu and what martial arts Kami had taught him. He keeps up with this for about 3 hours when Kasumi again calls him in, this time for supper. After supper Ranma decides to get in another hour of practice. This time the Kunos show up. Kodachi instantly grabs onto Ranma while Tatewaki and the principal attack him. Ranma grabs Kodachis shoulders and throws her at Tatewaki and the principal, causing her to crash into both of them. The three insane martial artists wind up in a pile. Ranma then walks over and kicks them towards the Kuno Mansion. As soon as he sees them start to drop back down, right above the Kuno Mansion he pulls out his cell phone and calls the police. Soon after the police arrive at the mansion and arrest the entire Kuno family for assault, harassment, stalking, and, in Kodachi and Tatewakis cases, attempted rape. Even Sasuke gets arrested for stalking and harassment. A second set of police officers show up a short while later at the Tendo Dojo to get a written statement from Ranma. After the police leave Ranma heads back into the house, and tells Kasumi that he is going to take a bath.
Ryoga | Details, Details, we are missing A LOT of details. |
Ukyo | I have no objection to them being arrested, but when did he file the police report. Shouldnt that be first. |
Ryoga | So you can have a warrant to actually arrest them. Once again the world changes to suit Lemon Otaku. |
Kuno | Why would my sister, that insane principal, and me attack Ranma all at the same time? I dont need any help to beat Lemon Otaku. I am the Blue Thunder of Fur.. |
Ranma knocks out Kuno, again. | |
Ranma | Quickly lets put them in a box and send them to the funny farm. |
One week later, in Cedar Springs | |
Some Doctor | What is this box, and who are the Kunos? |
Q | :: On the intercom :: And then they where three less bystanders. |
Ukyo | I should have never compared this to a horror movie. |
Picard | Never give Q ideas. |
Q | :: On the intercom :: Hey, I couldnt resist mon captain. |
Ok, Ranma-kun. Akane left earlier to spend the night with Yuka. She said that she would be home at 8:00 for the debate. Kasumi tells Ranma.
Ok, thanks for telling me. Ill see you tomorrow. Ranma replies.
Kasumi returns to cleaning the dining room while Ranma walks upstairs. Ranma then takes a quick bath and goes to bed in the guest room.
The next morning Ranma wakes up at 6:30 and goes to take a quick bath. Dr. Tofu arrives at 7:00 to go over the questions for the debate. As Kasumi walks in with some food, Dr. Tofus glasses start to fog up so Ranma sighs and uses his psionic powers to get rid of the effect Kasumi has on Dr. Tofu.
Ranma | Wait a minute, Washu got rid of his curse here. :: looks at Dr. Tofu sitting next to Kasumi :: Then he instantly proposed to her. So why is for some reason not in love with her? |
Ryoga | Dont you know Ranma, he got rid of his feeling for her, so he can enslave her as well. |
After half an hour Akane shows up and says that shell be down in a little while, after she freshens up and gets changed. Fifteen minutes after Akane heads upstairs Xiam Pu, Ukyo, Ku Lon, and Mu Tsu arrive. The arrivals are each wearing their usual outfits from the series. Ranma has everyone wait for Akane to come back downstairs to begin. When Akane finally does walk down the stairs she is followed by Nabiki. Akane is wearing a long blue skirt and a white blouse. Shortly after Akane and Nabiki arrives Soun, Genma, Kasumi, and Nodoka walk in. Ranma then turns to the fiancées, motioning towards three chairs. After all three are seated Dr. Tofu asks the first question. Xiam Pu, why do you think you should be Ranma wife?
Xiam Pu already is Ranmas wife, Amazon law say so. Xiam Pu replies.
Not hardly you Amazon hussy. Ukyo responds to Xiam Pus assertion.
Ukyo | When did I ever call Xiam Pu a Amazon hussy? |
Xiam Pu | When author black out? |
You want start something spatula girl? Xiam Pu says.
Dr. Tofu clears his throat causing both girls to settle back into their chairs. Ok, Ukyo, why do you think you should be Ranmas wife? Dr. Tofu asks.
Well, Ran-chans dad accepted the dowry making it his duty to marry me. Anyways, I cook a lot better than Akane. Ukyo says with a grin.
Ukyo | The reason was I was the cute Fiancée, Akane was the violent Fiancée. That does not stop the fact that I had to realize that Ranma and Akane tried to get married because they love each other. |
Ranma | Wait a minute, in the first episode with Ukyo she came after me not because it was my duty to marry her, but because SOMEONE left her behind. |
Genma | :: Splash, and starts playing with his tire :: Boh-Haa |
What did you say? Akane asks in an acidic tone.
Akane | She said, Ran-chans dad accepted the dowry making it his duty to marry me. Anyways, I cook a lot better than Akane. Of course the REAL Ukyo would not have said that. |
You heard me, Xiam Pu was right to name you kitchen destroyer. Ukyo responds while smirking.
Xiam Pu | I call her Violent Tomboy, not kitchen destroyer. When you destroy kitchen Akane? |
Akane | When I was asleep of course. |
Xiam Pu | Aiyaaa, I no fight violent sleep walking kitchen destroyer. You have Ranma, me go home. |
With that Washu comes into the theatre and allows Xiam Pu and Ku Lon to leave. | |
Mu-Tsu | Wait for me, my darling Xiam-Pu. :: As he slams into the screen :: |
Washu walks up to Mu-Tsu and puts a visor over his eyes. Then walks up to Xiam-Pu. | |
Washu | In 1 minute the visor will fix his sight. Since you are not going to marry Ranma, why not marry Mu-Tsu. In fact if you want to leave here you have to promise to marry him. |
Xiam Pu | Well Duck Boy no blind? |
Mu-Tsu takes the visor off and runs over to Xiam Pu | |
Mu-Tsu | I can see! |
Xiam-Pu | Ok, me promise |
Ku Lon | Granddaughter why did you do that? |
Xiam-Pu | You want to stay here? |
Ku Lon | Good point, we can train him, now that he can see. |
Washu | Ok, you can leave, everyone has to stay. |
As Washu, Ku Lon, Xiam Pu, and Mu-Tsu leave Ranma gets up and screams NO! | |
Picard | When do I get to leave? |
Q comments over the intercom You can leave shortly after Darth Vader gets here |
Dr. Tofu again clears his throat and both girls seem to calm down a little. Akane, why do you think you should be Ranmas wife? He asks.
He has to marry me. Family honor demands it. Akane responds curtly.
Akane | Wait a minute, when did I ever say anything like that? Dad, are you using me like a puppet to say your own words? |
Ukyo | Before the failed wedding attempt she would have said, You can have him, it was all our dumb parents idea anyway. |
Ryoga | Hey where did Mr. Tendo go off to? |
Ok now, on to the second question. What would you say if Ranma were to have sex slaves? This question is not meant to imply that he has now or will ever have sex slaves. Tofu says.
RANMA!!!! YOU PERVERT!!! Akane shouts.
Ranma | Wait a minute, Dr. Tofu asked the question. When has Akane every blown up with Dr. Tofu around, let alone blow up at Dr. Tofu? |
Ukyo | The only thing he got right was the cute fiancée part. I would have said Ranchan would not do anything like that, so its a trick question. |
Husband who cheat on Amazon wife go to very bad place. Xiam Pu says. As soon as Xiam Pu finishes speaking all three of the fiancées attack Ranma. Ranma tries to dodge their attacks, but gets hit on occasion by the fiancées weapons.
Ukyo | I could picture Xiam Pu saying that, but all off us attacking Ranchan? |
Akane | Wait a minute, when has that EVER happened? |
Ranma | Not that I can recall. |
Ukyo | I could picture me and Xiam Pu fighting. Akane would then step in to stop us. Ranma would then jump into save Akane and stop the fight. |
Kasumi, why dont you say anything to stop them, especially to Akane, she is your sister and its your duty as the oldest to keep her out of trouble. Nodoka says to Kasumi.
Nodoka | So I am a submissive slave, but now all of a sudden I talk out of turn without my masters permission? Not only that but I didnt go to Soun directly and ask him why he does not stop her. I would never talk to Kasumi that way in the first place. |
Oh my Auntie Nodoka, why would I want to do that, this happens all the time. Kasumi says with her ever present smile on her face. Nodoka frowns at this and walks over to Genma.
Dr. Tofu | The Body Snatchers have attacked Kasumi now. |
Kasumi | I have talked about this before. And made her promise not to attack Ranma. I have also talked to father about this. I am not her mother, its daddys job to step in. Akane does not intentionally directly attack Ranma. |
Master, something needs to be done about Kasumi. I dont think Ranma will punish her, but I think she should be since she could at least stop Akane from beating on Ranma. Nodoka whispers in Genoas ear.
Nodoka | How could she have stopped Akane? Whom am I talking to, I dont know a Genoa |
Genma | :: Holds up a sign saying Beats me :: |
I agree, but what can we do about it? Genma replies in a whisper.
Ranma | Nothing, because she has tried to stop Akane before. And she is not a martial artist, so she could not have physically stopped here this time. |
By your leave master, after this is over and Ranma has left, I will talk to Kasumi and then send her to Ranma. All I need you to do is talk to Soun. Nodoka whispers back.
Ok, Ill do it. Genma replies.
Ukyo | Who is really in charge here, Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku said they have a Dom/Sub relationship, but in this scene they switch roles. |
Nodoka | I know in real life I dont let Genma boss me around. |
Genma | :: Holds up a sign Nor would I try. :: |
Ranma | Wait a minute; we never went home because pops was afraid of mom. So if you change their relationship, we would have just gone home. |
While Genma and Nodoka are whispering back and forth Ranma is slowly losing control of his temper. Finally when Akane gets a lucky hit in he snaps. His aura flares to life and he uses the Katchuu Tenshin Amaguriken to hit all three fiancées paralysis pressure points. Once all the fiancées are immobilized Ranma finally speaks. Ok, I gave you girls a chance. Ukyo, Akane, you are both now my slaves. I told you not to fight or you would be punished. Dr. Tofu said that the question was not to imply that I have now or will have sex slaves, but you three attacked me. Xiam Pu, dont think youre getting off the hook either. Ranma says as he turns to Ku Lon. Old ghoul, I challenge you. If you win I will become Xiam Pus husband and move to the Amazon village with you and obey your laws. If I win you and the Amazons leave me alone forever and Xiam Pu becomes my slave. Do you agree? Ranma asks Ku Lon.
Ranma | He hit their paralysis pressure points, so he permanently paralyzed them. Nice way to stop a minor fight. |
Ryoga | Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku needs to back to Grammar Class. |
I agree Son-in-Law because there is no way a whelp like you could ever beat me. Ku Lon replies.
Ukyo | Why would she agree to that? She is a cunning old lady. |
Ku Lon and Ranma both head outside to the back yard to begin their battle. Ranma gets in his usual relaxed stance and lets Ku Lon attack first. Ku Lon uses the Katchuu Tenshin Amaguriken to try and hit various pressure points on Ranma, but Ranma uses the Katchuu Tenshin Amaguriken to block each strike. Not bad Son-in-Law. Ku Lon says before yelling out Splitting Cat Hairs. There are now four Ku Lons, one on each side of Ranma. Ku Lon then attacks, with only one image attacking Ranma at a time getting in several hits, driving Ranma to his knees. Give up Ranma, you cant win.
Ranma | Hold on, in the first episode Ku Lon appeared she surrounded me with 18 copies. And the move is called Cat-Curiosity technique. And more than one image was attacking me. |
Oh yeah, Nin Pou Bun Shin no Jutsu Ranma replies. Now there are five Ranmas and four Ku Lons. All five Ranmas attack the various copies of Ku Lon until Ku Lon drops the Splitting Cat Hair. Ranma then dismisses the copies of himself and proceeds to go on the offensive. He uses the Katchuu Tenshin Amaguriken in his left arm only, in order to speed it up, to attack Ku Lon. In order to keep up with Ranmas attack Ku Lon is forced to use both hands to block. Ranma keeps this up for about two seconds before his right arm, which has been slowly creeping behind Ku Lon, presses her sleep pressure point. Ku Lon falls to the ground asleep, but otherwise unhurt. Ranma then turns to Xiam Pu and says, Well, looks like youre now my slave as well Xiam Pu.
Ryoga | Nin Pou Bun Shin no Jutsu Isnt that one of Tienshinhans moves? |
Ranma | Last time I checked. Wait this is before he was born |
Ryoga | And that technique allows someone to become 4 copies each with ¼ power and speed. Not 5! |
Soun | How can all 5 copies attack copies of Ku Lon if there is only one Ku Lon, that move is quite simply her running around so fast she is leaving after images. |
Genma | How can she drop the Splitting Cat Hair? She would just slow down. |
Ranma | How could I have snuck up on that old goul without her noticing? |
Ukyo | Plot Hole |
Never Saotome, you will never have my Xiam Pu. Mu Tsu shouts.
Ranma sighs as he turns to Mu Tsu. Listen Mu Tsu, you dont want to fight me. I killed Saffron, hell, I just beat Ku Lon. Just give up. Ranma says.
Ranma | I did not kill Saffron, he is a immortal god. duh! |
NEVER!!! Mu Tsu roars as he attacks.
Ranma dodges Mu Tsus attack and presses Mu Tsus sleep pressure point. Once Mu Tsu is asleep Ranma uses his psionic powers to make Mu Tsu completely forget about ever knowing Xiam Pu. Once Ranma is done erasing the blind boys memory he walks to his pack and pulls out a bottle. Ranma then pulls out the cork and empties the bottle on Mu Tsus head.
Ranma | Well it is far stretched for Lemon Otaku to beat Ku Lon, so I guess beating Mu Tsu would be that easy. |
Ryoga | Gee, what would be left of his memories, seeing how he grew up with Xiam Pu. |
After Ranma cures Mu Tsus curse he taps the counter to the paralysis pressure points on his former fiancées. Xiam Pu, you will go stand by Nabiki and be ready because we will be leaving soon. Akane, Ukyo, you two are to come to my mansion in one week. Do not, I repeat, do not make me have to come here and get you or you will walk to my mansion naked, and then be punished for disobeying me. Ranma tells his newest slaves. Oh, I almost forgot something. Ranma says while snapping his fingers. He walks up to Akane and grabs her blouse and tears it open. He then forms a small ki blade and cuts the sleeves. After the sleeves are cut he pulls the blouse off, then grabs Akanes skirt. He then rips that off as well, noticing Akanes aura starting to flare. Ranma then taps a point on Akanes back, somehow causing her aura to blink out. Just so you know Akane that point will make it so that you are extremely weak for about five minutes. Ranma explains just before he grabs the front of Akanes panties in his left hand. Ranma walks halfway around Akane and grabs the back of her panties in his right hand. I warned you that you would regret it if you hit me with that damned mallet Ranma says as he lifts Akane up by her panties. Akanes panties crawl up her ass and pussy before Ranma lowers her back to the ground. Akane sighs in relief a split second before Ranma yanks upwards as hard as he can tearing the panties as they bite into Akane some more. After the abused pair of panties are at stomach level Ranma again uses his ki, this time cutting the panties off Akane. Now, you will not leave the house for any reason and you are to wear only your bra around until you leave to come to my mansion. Ranma tells Akane.
Ryoga | Is this Xena Warrior Princess or Ranma Nibun No Ichi? |
Ranma | Nice, everyone is still there. So did all that in front of Dr. Tofu. |
Ryoga | Nice that Lemon Otaku is making up pressure points whenever he needs them. |
Dr. Tofu | So obviously none of the characters are true Ranma Nibun No Ichi Characters. I would have said something about Lemon Otaku doing that, especially right in front of me. |
While Ranma is dealing with Akane, Genma walks over to talk to Soun. Soun, Nodoka isnt happy with Kasumi. And to be honest, neither am I. Kasumi could have stopped Akane at any time, but she didnt. Also when Nodoka asked Kasumi why she didnt stop Akane from attacking Ranma in the debate, Kasumis response was, Oh my Auntie Nodoka, why would I want to do that, this happens all the time
Kasumi | How could I have physically stopped Akane from fighting? If I could do that, I would have done it long ago. |
Ryoga | Ok, another example of Baka Chibi Lemon Otaku needing to get some grammar training. |
Ukyo | Ok Genma is supposed to be the DOM, and he is doing as Nodoka the SUB told him to |
I understand Genma, but what should we do about it is the question. Ranma doesnt know about it and to be honest, I dont want to tell him right now. Hes mad enough, though I will agree he has the right to be. Soun replies.
Soun | He has the right to be mad? |
Nodoka said that she would talk to Kasumi then send her to Ranmas mansion. I think we should let Nodoka do whatever she has in mind. Genma says.
Nodoka | Wait a minute I thought she was the submissive slave. So now she is in charge. Weird, after all those years of abusive, she is now in charge. |
Ranma | That explains the Panda Rug on the floor. |
Akane | How come your Mom and Dad are getting along, and she knows about the curses? I have been trying not say anything. |
Ranma | Well she kind of found out. |
Akane | She wasnt mad? |
Ranma | Nope, she was mad that pops thought she would be. She likes his panda form. She gets to talk, and he cant say anything. She also said my female form has taught me a great deal and made me a Man among Men plus made me a better martial artist. Plus I am now the daughter shes always wanted. |
Akane | I thought Nodoka would accept you, she is a nice woman and a great mom. She promised to help teach me how to cook. |
Ukyo | Hey Akane, Ill help teach you as well. |
Akane | Thanks Ukyo. Maybe we should go see a movie sometime. Maybe find you a nice boyfriend. |
Ukyo | That sounds nice. |
I guess so. At least that will clear the house for my slave and me to live more openly. Soun responds. Figuring the conversation over Genma walks back to Nodoka and tells her that Soun agreed to let her handle it.
Dad, arent you going to do something to stop him? Akane asks her father.
Soun | Wheres my Katana? |
No Akane, he gave you a fair warning. Hes been more than tolerant of your actions and now its time you learned your place, just like your mother had to. Soun responds.
Soun starts crying. | |
Inuyasha | Whatever, Whatever, Whatever. |
Ryoga | Where have you and Kagome been? |
Miroku | Yeah, where did you two go off to? |
Inuyasha and Kagome just blush. |
Ku Lon finally wakes up and looks around. I lost. Well, Ranma, Xiam Pu is now your slave. Mu Tsu and I will return to the village and tell them that she has failed again, causing me to banish her. I wish you well young Saotome. Ku Lon says as she picks up Mu Tsu and walks away.
Ukyo | Its a good thing Ku Lon is not here. Even Deanna got to leave, plus she is eating chocolate with Washu. |
Akane | Hot Fudge Sundaes. Hey Ukyo lets complain and say its our turn. |
Well, she took that better than I thought. Now, Xiam Pu, that you are officially my slave; you will remove your bra and panties and hand them to me. Ranma commands the former Amazon warrior.
Akane | When did Xiam Pu start wearing a bra and panties. She just wears a one piece outfit or a two piece outfit. |
Xiam Pu, too dumbfounded to think straight, does as she is told. Once Xiam Pus bra and panties are in his hands Ranma turns to Ukyo. Now you Ukyo. Ranma says.
Ranma | When did Xiam Pu become that submissive. |
No way, I will never obey you. Ukyo responds.
Ukyo | Ranchan would never do that to me. |
Akane | I dont see Ukyo saying that, this new Ukyo is totally different. |
Ranma | Invasion of the Body Snatchers. |
Ryoga | Leave us alone, Mel Brooks. |
Everyone Else | :: Perfect Tear :: |
Ranma | I knew he should never have been a stunt double in Robin Hood: Men In Tights. |
Ukyo, Im gonna give you one last chance, either you remove your bra and panties or I remove them and any clothes in the way, and then punish you. Ranma warns.
Ukyo | Who says I wear a bra and panties? |
Never Ukyo responds.
Ranma | Nice timing huh Uchan? |
Pops, could you please go get a ruler for me? Ranma says as he walks towards Ukyo while tossing Xiam Pus bra and panties aside.
Ryoga | Again with the ruler. His teachers must really not have liked him. |
Sure Ranma. Genma says just before heading into the house. Just as Ranma is about two feet in front of Ukyo, Genma returns with the ruler.
Genma | Ok, I thought he was supposed to be a Dom. Why is he so agreeable? |
Thanks pops. Ranma says as he takes the ruler and sticks it in his sash. Ranma then grabs one of Ukyos mini spatulas and uses it to cut the sleeves open on her outfit. Ukyo then, realizing Ranma is serious, tries to fight him. Nabiki, Xiam Pu, grab her arms. Ranma commands the two. Nabiki and Xiam Pu rush to obey Ranma, hearing the unvoiced threat that they will be punished if they disobey him. Once Ukyos arms are restrained Ranma cuts through Ukyos bandolier and harness with the spatula he took from her. He tosses aside the bandolier and harness before grabbing the front of Ukyos outfit. Ukyo tries to struggle but Nabiki and Xiam Pu have too strong of a hold on her. Ranma smirks at Ukyos struggling as he rips the outfit from Ukyos body, which he tosses onto Xiam Pus bra and panties. Ukyo shrieks in protest and redoubles her effort to escape as Ranma grabs her bra, which she was wearing to impress Ranma with at the debate, and rips it off as well, tossing it into the growing pile of clothing. Hold still Ukyo or this will cut you. Ranma says as he kneels down to cut perforations in the bottom and left side of Ukyos panties. Ranma then grabs the front and back of her panties and says. Let her go for a second, but be ready to grab her once I have these panties off. After Xiam Pu and Nabiki let go of Ukyos arms Ranma lifts up causing Ukyos panties to tear after biting into her pussy. Ranma then jerks the cloth towards himself and motions for Nabiki to grab Ukyos arms while Xiam Pu makes sure Ukyos legs are spread and secured. While the girls are getting Ukyo into position Ranma tosses the panties to join Ukyos bra. Once his two slaves are in position Ranma pulls out the ruler. I gave you more chances than anyone else out here Ukyo and after you saw that I was not joking. Ranma says as he slaps Ukyos left breast with the ruler causing her to jump and gasp in pain. You will not leave the Tendo Dojo until it is time to report to my mansion Ranma tells her as he uses the ruler to hit Ukyos pussy causing tears to well up in her eyes. You will not wear any clothing until it is time to report to my mansion. Ranma says, this time hitting her right breast with the ruler causing her to start crying. You may let her go now girls. Ranma tells Nabiki and Xiam Pu who quickly let the sobbing girl go. As soon as the hands leave her body Ukyo curls up into a ball and continues sobbing. Akane, Ukyo will be staying in your room for the next week. You two will not fight or both of you will be punished. Ranma tells Akane, who is looking a little pale. Nabiki, Xiam Pu, lets go. Ranma says as he sends a ki ball at the pile of clothing, destroying it. Oh, Soun, if youd do me a favor, please keep track of what my slaves do wrong while Im gone and have them deliver it to me when they report to my mansion in one weeks time?
Ranma | I thought Ukyo was still supposed to be Lemon Otakus friend |
Ukyo | Wow one more chance, thats not really a favor. |
Akane | Hes just continue to abuse any female that comes into sight. Hes just the pervert. I am sorry that I ever called you a pervert Ranma. |
Nodoka | Convent that females are misbehaving forcing Lemon Otaku to punish them. Plus Xiam Pu and Nabiki suddenly become submissive and help him attack Ukyo. |
Sure thing Ranma mboy Soun replies.
Xiam Pu and Nabiki follow Ranma as he leads them out of the yard. After walking a little ways Ranma spots a pet store and heads into it. He looks around a little and finds three collars, as well as three leashes. He picks them up and goes to the cash register to pay for them. As he finishes paying he notices that both his slaves are following him still. Ranma finally leads the way out of the pet store and down the road to a taxi stop. Once the taxi arrives Ranma has it take them to his mansion. While waiting to arrive home, Ranma pulls out his cell phone and calls ahead. When RanRan picks up the phone he simply tells her that he and Nabiki are on their way and that Xiam Pu is with them. After he hangs up he stares out the window of the taxi until they arrive at his new mansion. After Ranma pays the driver he leads Nabiki and Xiam Pu into the house where RanRan is waiting in her tailored school uniform, while holding LinLins leash. LinLin is standing next to her sister with the silk scarves still in place. On the table next to the stairs sets a dog collar, leash, and very skimpy green bikini top.
Ukyo | New mansion? What happened to the old one? |
Master, RanRan-dorei so happy Master home. RanRan cries as she rushes over to hug Ranma.
Dr. Tofu | Again, she is happy to see her tormentor and rapist. |
Its good to see you to RanRan. How has LinLin been acting while I was gone? Ranma asks as he hugs RanRan.
Akane | Wow, how lovely he finally hugs one of the girls he is abusing. |
Oh, LinLin been good Master. RanRan-dorei only have to punish LinLin once while master gone. LinLin tried to put on clothing this morning but RanRan-dorei stop LinLin and spank. RanRan replies cheerfully.
Ryoga | So now Lung-Lung is spanking Ling-Ling her own sister to please a perverted misogynistic baka who was not even there. |
Ok, well, I shall have to punish her later, but for now I have to explain to the new slaves the rules. Ranma says before he turns to Nabiki and Xiam Pu. Ok you two, heres the rules. First off, you will only what I say you can wear. You will not wear panties or bras anymore. LinLin is currently the toilet. When you pee you will use her mouth, when you shit you will use the regular toilet. You will always call me Master. You will not try to escape or contact the police. All doors except for the outside doors and any door leading to a room I am in are forbidden to be locked. Also, you two will be sharing a room. If one of you breaks any rules you will both be punished for it. If either of you disobey me, you will be punished for it. Nabiki, from now on you will wear that bikini top, Ranma indicates the one on the table and your shorts will be unbuttoned and unzipped. Xiam Pu, you will be wearing part of your current outfit. You will both wear dog collars from now on. Nabiki, go ahead and get into your clothing, you will change here. Xiam Pu, take off your dress and hand it to me.
Picard | This Lemon Otaku needs to be reported before he harms any more young girls. |
Ukyo | First off, you will only what I say you can wear. Huh? I dont get it. What did Lemon Otaku mean? |
Akane | I dont want to know, Im scared. |
Nodoka | So he finally tells someone that they cant leave the mansion. So what is Xiam Pu wearing? |
Nabiki takes off her tank top and puts on the bikini top, which covers only her nipples. She then reaches down and unbuttons and unzips her shorts. Once shes done she walks back over to stand by Xiam Pu, who hasnt moved. Xiam Pu, take off your dress and hand it to Master, please. Nabiki begs Xiam Pu. Xiam Pu simply shakes her head to Nabiki. Nabiki sighs and removes Xiam Pus dress, then hands it to Ranma. After she hands Ranma the dress Nabiki picks up the second dog collar and fastens it around Xiam Pus neck.
Akane | Thats not the same Nabiki from earlier. Must be another Body Snatcher. |
Ranma | Why is Xiam Pu being stubborn? |
I wont punish you two this time since Nabiki made sure I was obeyed, but I wont be so lenient next time. Ranma says. He then proceeds to tear Xiam Pus dress. When he hands it back to her he says, Put it on. Xiam Pu takes what is left of her dress and puts it on; only to discover that it barely covers her breasts. Oh, one last thing. From now on you will have no hair other than the hair on your head. I will give you one hour to go upstairs to the bathroom and shave. RanRan, please lead them to the bathroom. LinLin, follow me.
Ukyo | How are they supposed to shave? Lemon Otaku never got any shaving equipment. |
RanRan, Nabiki and Xiam Pu head up the stairs while Ranma and LinLin go to the living room. Ranma sits on the couch and motions for LinLin to kneel in front of him. LinLin, your punishment will be to sleep, if you can, tonight with a computerized vibrator in you. This vibrator will change size and speed throughout the night, and will also turn itself on and off at random intervals. You may go now. Ranma says as he turns on the T.V. LinLin walks carefully out of the room, trying not to arouse herself too much with the silk scarf between her legs.
Inuyasha | This is just driving me nuts. |
Kagome | Its ok Inuyasha, I am sure we will get to leave soon. |
Ukyo | When did he get that Vibrator or a TV? |
Akane | Plot Hole. Plus he is using a pleasure toy to punish Ling-Ling. |
Tendo Dojo, just after Ranma leaves.
Nodoka glances at Soun and Genma who both nod at her. Kasumi, may I talk to you in the guest room please? Nodoka asks.
Sure Auntie Nodoka. Kasumi replies. Nodoka leads the way up to the guest room and ushers Kasumi inside. After Kasumi enters the room Nodoka walks in and shuts the door behind her.
Kasumi, while Ranma may not have heard what you said down there, I did. I have spoken to Genma, who has spoken to your father, and they have agreed with my punishment. You will be Ranmas slave. I will send you over to his mansion shortly, but first I need to ensure you are prepared for him. Now, remove your apron and dress. Nodoka tells Kasumi.
Nodoka | Obviously there is a major character description problem. We now all really know who is the master and who the slave. |
Genma holds up a sign I love my master, she feeds me | |
Nodoka | :: Perfect Tear :: |
Please Auntie Nodoka Im sorry for what I said. Kasumi says, but makes no move to obey Nodoka.
Kasumi | Oh my, why would Auntie Nodoka do something like that to me? |
Ryoga | Havent you been paying attention. |
Ranma | No Pig Boy, her and Dr. Tofu just came back. |
You will call me, mother of my Master from now on Kasumi, now remove your clothes or youll walk to Ranmas mansion in just your panties. Nodoka replies.
Ranma | Theres just too many problems, I dont know where to start. |
Dr. Tofu | Besides the fact she would have to walk past my office to leave town. I would notice if Kasumi was walking downt the street in just her panties. |
Kasumi silently removes her dress and apron. Nodoka walks up and removes Kasumis bra once Kasumi has obeyed her. Now, you will kneel and wait for me to return from the store. You will remain kneeling in the spot you are currently standing in until I say otherwise. Nodoka say.
Please Auntie Nodoka, dont do this. Kasumi says, not making any move to kneel.
Nodoka | I dont picture Kasumi being that defiant. |
Nodoka pulls out the ruler Ranma used earlier and hits Kasumis exposed breasts. That was for calling me Auntie Nodoka; I told you that you are to call me mother of my Master. Nodoka says. She then hits Kasumis cloth covered cunt with the ruler, which hits something plastic under Kasumis panties. That was for disobeying me.
Ryoga | Magic Rulers? |
The second hit causes Kasumi to drop to her knees, after Nodoka hit Kasumis cloth covered cunt when Kasumi didnt obey Nodoka after the first hit. Nodoka then walks out of the room, and into Nabikis old room. Nodoka turns on the video camera that Nabiki had in the guest room, Nodoka then sets the VCR to record everything that happens in the guestroom while she is gone. Nodoka then leaves the dojo. Nodokas first stop is to a pet store where she buys a collar and leash. After she gets the collar and leash she heads back to the dojo. Nodoka walks up the stairs to Nabikis room and grabs some paper and a pen. She the writes two notes, one of which she puts in an envelope. Nodoka then checks the tape to see if Kasumi has moved. Nodoka is pleasantly surprised to see that Kasumi has not moved at all. Nodoka then grabs some safety pins from Kasumis room and heads back into the guest room. Very good, Kasumi, you managed to obey me. Now, you will put this dog collar on, and then stand up. Nodoka says as she hands Kasumi the dog collar. Kasumi takes the collar and puts it on. Nodoka then takes the note that isnt in an envelope and pins it to Kasumis panties, being careful not to accidentally poke her. Now, put on your dress and apron. Nodoka says. Kasumi silently puts on the two articles of clothing and watches as Nodoka safety pins the envelope to Kasumis apron, at breast level. Now, you are to take a taxi to Ranmas mansion. When one of his slaves lets you in you will remove your dress and apron, and then put back on only your apron. You will be careful to not rip either message, and you will not read either message. After you have completed this you will tell Ranmas slave that you need to talk to her master. After Ranma has read the first message you will hand him the leash. Nodoka tells Kasumi as she hands Kasumi the leash. Now leave. Nodoka says.
Soun | When did Nabiki get a VCR, Camcorders, and Tapes, let alone set them up in my house? |
Ryoga | Wait a minute earlier she said she has to walk there, now she is taking a taxi. Never mind the fact that the Taxi Driver is going to see a crying young girl who obviously has been abused with a note pinned to her apron. This is all supposedly happening in Japan? This aint New York. |
Kasumi walks out of the room blushing heavily. She flags down a taxi just outside of the dojos gate and gives the driver Ranmas address. Kasumi sits in the backseat fidgeting the entire way. When she finally arrives she pays the driver and walks up to the door. Kasumi knocks on the door and waits a few seconds.
Dr. Tofu | They have left Earth. What planet are they on? |
Washu | :: On the intercom :: I dont know, Ill tell you when I find out. |
Inuyasha | Gee, Mirokus been quiet. |
Kagome | Hes been hiding under his chair. I think hes in shock. |
RanRan rushes to get the door, since she was relaxing after having shown Nabiki and Xiam Pu to the bathroom about 45 minutes ago. When she opens the door she is surprised to see Kasumi standing there. Please come in RanRan says as she recovers from her shock.
Ranma | Shes in shock? It should be Kasumi that is in shock. |
After Kasumi enters RanRan closes the door and turns around to see Kasumi taking off her dress and apron. While RanRans mouth hangs open Kasumi sets aside her dress and puts back on her apron, after making sure that neither note was torn or seriously wrinkled. After Kasumi ties her apron she turns to RanRan and says, I need to talk to your master, would you please go get him?
Everyone | :: Perfect Tear :: |
RanRan rushes off to get Ranma while Kasumi stands there blushing. Ranma walks in and when he sees what Kasumi is wearing gets a shocked look on his face. Ranma then notices the envelope, which says, Read Immediately, pinned to Kasumis apron.
Ranma removes the safety pins from Kasumis apron and takes the note from the envelope. He is shocked by what he reads in the note. Which says, Dear Ranma, during your short fight with your former fiancées today I asked Kasumi why she didnt say anything to stop Akane. Kasumis response was, Oh my Auntie Nodoka, why would I want to do that, this happens all the time. It is my understanding that this is not the first time that Kasumi has had the opportunity to stop Akane from attacking you. Your father and I feel that she needs to be punished for this, and so, with Souns agreement, we give her to you, as a gift. Kasumi is now your slave to do with as you please. We will send over more of her aprons tomorrow. Love, Nodoka. PS, check under Kasumis apron. Ranma, wondering what the hell his mom meant by, Check under Kasumis apron lifts it up to see the second not which simply says, Enjoy. Ranma also notices that Kasumis panties are damp and there is a buzzing sound. Kasumi then hands Ranma the leash that Nodoka had given her.
Ranma | Uhhhhh :: Perfect Tear :: |
Akane | Now we have Magic Vibrators that appear and start whenever Lemon Otaku wants. |
RanRan, take Kasumi up to the bathroom and tell her the rules. Also, Kasumis uniform will be her apron, and nothing else. While you are up there, remove the vibrator from her and make sure she licks it clean. Also, tell Nabiki and Xiam Pu that their time is up and they are to report to me in the living room. Ranma says. While RanRan leads Kasumi up stairs Ranma heads to the living room to await Nabiki and Xiam Pu. When they finally arrive Ranma notices that there is still the same amount of purple hair covering Xiam Pus pussy as when he sent her upstairs. Ranma walks over to Nabiki and yanks down her shorts revealing brown hair. Both of you spread your legs and put your hands behind your head. Ranma says in an angry voice. Neither girl moves an inch. LinLin, come here. Ranma yells. LinLin runs into the living room and awaits her orders. You are to watch these two dumb sluts, and tell me if they move while I am gone, do not stop them, they will just be adding more to their punishments if they move. Ranma says. He then storms to the nearby bathroom (not the one Kasumi is in) and grabs some wax and paper (For waxing legs and such). He then heads to the study and grabs a ruler, once he has the ruler he heads to the garage and grabs some course rope. Ranma finally walks back into the living room and sees Nabiki and Xiam Pu sitting on the couch with Nabikis shorts sitting on the coffee table. LinLin, you will sit on your cousin and try to make sure she doesnt move. Ranma tells the bound slave girl. Ranma then walks up to Nabiki and grabs a large handful of her hair. He yanks Nabiki to her feet and wraps some of the rope he grabbed earlier around one wrist. He then uses the rope to pull her wrist behind her and snags Nabikis other wrist with some of the rope as well. Ranma quickly ties both wrists together. Once Nabikis hands are tied Ranma lets go of her hair and bends down. Ranma proceeds to tie one strand of rope around Nabikis left ankle, which he drags towards one end of the coffee table. He then ties the rope to the leg of the table and moves to Nabikis right side. He quickly ties Nabikis ankle to the right leg of the three foot long table.
Inuyasha Jumps up and uses his Dragon Twister on the screen, smashing it into a billion pieces. | |
Inuyasha | Bark Bark |
Washu hears a giant explosion runs out of her lab, with Nabiki and Troi on her heels. Inuyasha is standing there with his sword still pointing at where the screen used to be. | |
Washu | Who destroyed my screen? Was it you Ranma? |
Ranma | Nope |
Washu | Ryoga? |
Ryoga | Nope |
Washu | Ukyo? |
Ukyo | No Little Washu |
Washu | Genma? |
Genma | Holds up a sign I wish |
Washu | If it wasnt any of you, that means it could only be . Kasumi and Kagome. |
Everyone else | :: Perfect Tear :: |
Inuyasha | No you old hag I broke it. :: Starts walking up to Washu :: I ended the fanfic the only way I knew how. I had to save Kagome. |
Washu | :: Perfect Tear :: Old hag? You realize you only broke my screen, the fanfic is not damged. I think its time for you to take Kagome and Miroku home. I knew it was you the whole time. :: Laughs and murmurs Old Hag :: |
Washu | Hey Miroku, why havent you asked any of the girls to bear you a child? |
Miroku | I did, cant you tell by all the lumps on my head. Wait a minute, missed one. Washu will you.. |
Washu | No! |
Inuyasa | I tipped everyone off, thats one of the reasons he was hiding under his seat. |
Inuyasha, Kagome, and Miroku leave the theatre all happy. | |
Kagome | Where is Sango? |
Miroku | Oh, we have a date later today. |
Washu | Now I have to fix the screen. Everyone take a break. |
Intermission | |
Everyone | Hooray! |
Washu | This is only until I fix my screen. |
Everyone else | Boooo! |
Washu | Tell you what if you talk about the last scene we will restart with the next scene. If you dont talk we will restart with the last scene. |
Everyone Else | Yes, Little Washu. |
Ranma | Ok when did he ever get shaving equipment for them? |
Ryoga | When Lemon Otaku passed out of course. |
Dr. Tofu | When did Lemon Otaku get some wax and paper? |
Ryoga | Again, when he was passed out. He used his make-believe super fake powers to make objects appear as needed. Thats not new, hes been doing it throughout the fanfic, as he needs items they mysteriously appear. |
Nodoka | Wait a minute Ling-Ling is Xiam Pus sister, not cousin. The author even said that earlier. Whats going on here? |
Ranma | We have been trying to figure that out for sometime, mom. |
Ukyo | Wait a minute the rope he grabbed earlier? Ok, the author forgets to mention Lemon Otaku getting robe until then. What was he walking around the whole chapter with Robe? When did he get it? |
Picard | I think the chapter is almost over. |
Deanna Troi | I hope so. |
Back in the theatre | |
Q | Hi Little Washu. I thought I check in on things. |
Washu | Well, Inuyasha smashed the screen to bits, so I sent him home. |
Q | Figured, this fanfic isnt a A quality fanfic. Id say it is a C quality fanfic. |
Washu | True, compared to Chibi-usas 7th Birthday, this aint bad. |
Q | True, and well there are tons of better fanfics, so Id say C is fair. |
Washu | I would say D-, so I guess we can compromise and say D. |
Q | Agreed. Well looks like the screen is fixed. |
Washu | Yup, Ill go get the cast. Want me to tell them anything? |
Q | Yeah, tell Picard Nabiki owns his ship. |
Washu | :: Chuckles :: I think Ill tell him at the end. |
Q | :: Disappears in a flash :: See you in a little bit, Little Washu. |
Washu | Ok, to make it fair everyone that is not on the Enterprise has to watch the last part of the Fanfic. |
Everyone else | Damn! |
Washu | Wait a minute, except for Troi, we need to finish that conversation. |
What are you doing Saotome? Nabiki asks.
Ryoga | Isnt it obvious, Lemon Otaku is still sex deprived, he is going to rape you. |
Genma | When will the horror end? |
Ranma | Soon, I hope. |
Ranma slaps Nabikis tits with the ruler and quietly says, What did you call me?
Ranma | She called you Saotome. First off, thats what she usually calls me. Second, even I am not that dense, she was standing right next to you, so you had to have heard her. |
Akane | Selective hearing? |
Kasumi | No Akane, no hearing. |
Saotome, same thing I always do. I hope you know youre gonna have to pay me to keep me from telling everyone about this. Nabiki says.
Everyone | Wow, that kinda sounds like Nabiki. |
Ranma | The author may be improving. |
Ranma slaps Nabikis breast harder with the ruler. I dont think so bitch. In case youve missed the news, you are my slave, you do what I say, when I say, or you get punished. Now, what did you call me?
Ranma | And the fanfic gets worse. |
Akane | My Ranma would never do that. |
Stuff it Saotome. Nabiki says.
Ukyo | Hmm, I could picture Nabiki saying that to Lemon Otaku. |
Everyone else | Yup. |
Oh, I plan to, but first Ranma says. He then hits Nabikis pussy with the ruler causing her to cry out. He waits a few seconds before hitting her pussy again, this time tears start to fall. Ranma hits her pussy yet again and notices that it is starting to get wet. He smiles a little as he hits Nabikis pussy a fourth time. Nabiki is now sobbing, even though she is blushing. Ranma hits Nabikis cunt one last time before he sets the ruler aside and runs his finger along her now wet pussy. You enjoyed that, didnt you bitch? Ranma says.
Ranma | Damn, I wish Inuyasha where here to smash the screen again. |
Ryoga | I have a idea, lets go Ranma |
Ryoga and Ryoga stand up and walk up to the screen | |
Ryoga | Shishi Hōkōdan! |
Ranma | Mōko Takabisha! |
Ryoga and Ranmas blasts hit the Screen but did not effect it. | |
Washu | :: On the intercom :: Sorry Boys, I strengthened the glass this time. |
Ranma | Damn |
Ryoga | Nuts |
Never Asshole Nabiki responds.
Ranma | I know Nabiki would say that. |
Soun | Agreed. |
Sure, I believe you. Ranma replies sarcastically. He then forces Nabiki to lie back, onto the table. Once shes lying down he pulls out the wax and applies it to her pussy. After all the wax is applied Ranma lays the paper over it and smoothes the paper out. He then rips the first strip off, leaving half of Nabikis cunt naked. Nabiki is balling as Ranma rips off the second strip, removing the rest of Nabikis pubic hair. You will keep your cunt like this, or we will repeat this once a week. Ranma says to the sobbing girl. LinLin, you can get off Xiam Pu now. Ranma tells his green haired slave. After LinLin gets up Ranma tells Xiam Pu to spread her legs. Instead of spreading her legs Xiam Pu clenches them together tighter. Ranma sighs as he stoops down to untie Nabikis legs. Once Nabikis legs are untied Ranma reaches between Xiam Pus legs and plays with her pussy for a little, causing the purple haired girls clit to peek out from under its hood. As soon as Ranma sees this he uses his thumb and forefinger to pinch the small knob. Xiam Pu instantly spreads her legs, at which time Ranma picks up Nabiki, spreading her legs and getting between them. Ranma then positions Nabiki so that she is facing the ground and her face is about six inches from Xiam Pus slightly wet cunt. Ranma then rams his penis into Nabikis virgin pussy causing the girl to scream. As Ranma hears Nabiki scream he steps forward a little shoving Nabikis open mouth onto Xiam Pus pussy. Xiam Pu fidgets slightly from the vibration of her slave-sisters scream. Ranma then pulls out till his penis is barely inside Nabiki and rams back in, causing the now silent girls face to hit Xiam Pus pussy. The next time Ranma pulls back Nabikis face slides down a little, so that as Ranma thrusts back into her Nabikis nose slides part way into Xiam Pus pussy. Ranma continues to fuck Nabiki for a few minutes before he cums in her.
Just as the scene ends Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker burst through the doors. Anakin rushes the screen and attempts to smash it with his lightsaber. Obi-Wan rescues Ukyo and they leave quietly. Outside | |
Ukyo | Thanks for saving me. How did you |
Obi-Wan | Q told me all about it, we could save one person. Thats all Q would let us. |
Ukyo | Oh my, Im flattered, so what next? |
Obi-Wan | I know this nice restaurant |
Ukyo | What about Anakin? |
Obi-Wan | That was the deal, I traded him for you. I got tired of my padawan, he was never listening to me anyway. Plus Q said you would make a good padawan. |
Washu | Q? What did you do this time? |
Q | Nothing major, just opened his mind. By the way the Jedi Knights no longer exist, well as you know them anyway. |
Washu | Then what is Obi-Wan going to do with Ukyo? |
Q | He needed a girlfriend. She needed a boyfriend. A little magic here, a little magic there, and I am sure we will be invited to the wedding. |
And with that Ukyo and Obi-Wan leave. Back in the theatre Anakin is not making a dent in the screen. Washu has paused the fanfic and nobody seems impressed. Picard then pulls out his phaser and stuns him. Washu walks up to Picard and takes his phaser away. | |
Washu | Your phaser privileges have been revoked. |
Washu then walks back to her lab. | |
Picard | I was thinking about stunning everyone so no one would have to watch this. |
Ranma | Hey Washu, do we have to comment? |
Washu | As sick as that scene was . |
Everyone | :: crosses their fingers and whispers :: Please No. |
Washu | Yes, of course. |
Everyone | Damn |
Washu | Thats the point of a MST, you make comments when its really bad or good. So far the author has had very little good stuff, but lots of bad stuff. |
Ranma | I would never do that, that is a sick way to remove hair. |
Ryoga | Wait a minute, when did Lemon Otaku take off his pants? |
Nodoka | That scene is just wrong, Lemon Otaku has dishonored himself and his family. |
Get up Xiam Pu. Ranma says.
Ryoga | Oh no, he is still sex deprived! Run Xiam Pu! |
Ranma | It slices, it dices, it uses advanced techniques from people before they create them, plus it splices DNA, it makes objects magically appear and now it rapes people without taking off its clothes. |
Akane | If only we could find a mad scientist to study him and find out what makes it tick. |
Washu | :: On the intercom :: Hmmm |
Xiam Pu hurries to get to her feet, at which time Ranma moves Nabikis shorts to where Xiam Pu had been sitting. Ranma then sits Nabiki on her shorts, before tying Xiam Pus ankles to the table. Once her ankles are secured, Ranma ties Xiam Pus wrists together behind her back. Ranma then picks the ruler up again and hits Xiam Pus pussy. Xiam Pu bites on her lower lip as a blush spreads across her face. Ranma, not noticing this, hits Xiam Pus pussy again with the ruler, this time causing her breath to quicken. When Ranma notices this he grins up at her. Youre enjoying this. Ranma states, just before he slaps Xiam Pus pussy with the ruler again. Ranma waits a second before hitting Xiam Pus pussy twice more with the ruler. Ranma then reaches around and grabs Xiam Pus hair, which he then yanks, causing her to fall backwards onto the table. Once Xiam Pu is lying on the table Ranma applies the wax and presses the paper on. Ranma then rips both pieces of paper off at the same time causing Xiam Pu to scream. While Xiam Pu is sobbing Ranma bends down and cuts the ropes that were holding her legs to the table. Once the ropes are cut he positions the still sobbing Xiam Pu so that her mouth is right above Nabikis pussy and positions himself between Xiam Pus legs. Just before Ranma thrusts into Xiam Pus cunt he says, Xiam Pu, you are to lick Nabiki clean, and you know where I mean. Ranma then thrusts into Xiam Pu as hard as he can, noticing that Xiam Pu is keeping her mouth closed. Ranma pulls all the way out of Xiam Pu and shoves his penis into her ass, causing her to moan, but she still keeps her mouth shut. Ranma thrusts in and out of Xiam Pus ass for a few minutes before he cums. Ranma then pulls out and rolls Xiam Pu off of Nabiki.
Akane | Whats going on here. Xiam Pu is on the table, Nabiki is on her shorts, so how |
Ryoga | I am not sure I want to know how he poisoned them that way. |
Dr. Tofu | Once again Lemon Otaku has decided to punish innocent girls and starts abusing them mentally and physically. |
Nabiki, you are to clean me off Ranma orders.
Ryoga | Because Lemon Otaku is too lazy to do anything important himself. |
Thats disgusting Saotome. Nabiki replies.
Ranma | That sounds like Nabiki. And I agree that is disgusting Lemon Otaku. |
Ranma growls as he grabs Nabikis hair and yanks her head back so that she is looking at him, with her mouth open. Maybe you havent realized whats going on here bitch, you are my slave, you call me master, and you do what I say with out complaint. Ranma then shove his penis into Nabikis mouth causing her to gag a little. Bite me and you will regret it. Ranma warns. Ranma then moves Nabikis mouth back and forth, while Nabiki, who is now terrified, is being very careful not to nick Ranma with her teeth. Ranma pumps in and out for a while before pulling out and cumming on Nabikis face. Xiam Pu, lick Nabikis face clean, then her cunt. Now Ranma says
Ranma | Excuse me, I think no, I know I am going to be sick. |
Everyone runs to the restrooms to throw up except Anakin who is still asleep. The rest of the crew is jealous because Anakin gets to sleep through this. |
No, Xiam Pu no obey stupid male Xiam Pu replies.
Ryoga | Lemon Otaku is so stupid even Xiam Pu realizes it. |
Ranma sighs, LinLin, come here. Ranma says. LinLin rushes over to Ranma and looks at him expectantly. Im going to untie you now; you will still face the punishment I told you tonight. Ranma tells his slave. Ranma then unties the silk ropes and has LinLin kneel. You are to lick the cum off Nabikis face, then clean Xiam Pus cunt, in fact do what you want with them, as long as you clean them. Do you understand? Ranma asks.
Ryoga | I knew I should have stayed in the restroom. |
Washu | :: On the intercom :: Just to inform you, Next time I wont serve Lunch before this kind of Fanfic. |
Ryoga then runs back to the bathroom as everyone else starts walking back in. |
Yes Master, LinLin understand. LinLin says as she kneels in front of Nabiki. LinLin licks some cum from Nabikis cheeks then kisses Nabiki on the lips. LinLin tries to stick her tongue in Nabikis mouth, but Nabiki has her mouth closed. Ranma, seeing the problem, walks out of the room and grabs 2 pairs of nipple clamps. LinLin is still trying to get Nabiki to open her mouth, by playing with Nabikis breasts, when Ranma returns. Ranma motions for LinLin to stop and puts one of the clamps, from one of the sets of nipple clamps, on the Nabikis left nipple. As Nabiki screams LinLin rushes in and kisses Nabiki full on the lips, at the same time LinLin feeds Nabiki the cum. LinLin then licks the rest of the cum off Nabikis face and tries to kiss Nabiki again, but Nabiki again refuses to open her mouth. Ranma puts the second clamp on Nabikis right nipple causing her to scream again. LinLin kisses Nabiki and feeds Nabiki the rest of the cum. Nabiki reluctantly gives into the kiss and even starts kissing back. As soon as Nabiki starts kissing back though, LinLin stops and moves over to Xiam Pu. LinLin then forces Xiam Pus legs open and starts to lick cum out of Xiam Pus pussy. Once LinLin has a mouthful of Ranmas cum and some girl-cum she moves up to kiss Xiam Pu. Xiam Pu keeps her mouth closed until Ranma attaches both clamps to both nipples at the same time, causing Xiam Pu to gasp in pain. LinLin then kisses Xiam Pu full on the mouth and forces the cum from her mouth into Xiam Pus mouth.
Ryoga | Wait a minute Ling-Ling was disobeying Ranma. Lung-Lung or as he calls her RanRan is the obedient one. So why is Ling-Ling obeying him now? |
Ranma | When did Lemon Otaku get nipple clamps? |
Nodoka | Magic objects, again. |
Picard | I think Im going to be sick, again. |
Ranma | Hey, how did you get back here so fast Ryoga? |
Ryoga | Washu gave me a pill. |
As LinLin is cleaning Xiam Pu, RanRan walks in pulling a leash which is attached to Kasumi. Ranma notices that RanRan has a hand print on her face and that Kasumi has one on her butt.
Ranma | Then Lemon Otakus meds wear off and he realizes he is in the park watching some kid walking their dog. |
Ryoga | Then Lemon Otaku realizes he is a bum who only dreams he is Ranma. |
What happened RanRan? Ranma asks.
Ryoga | You slapped them, of course. |
Master, Kasumi is shaven, but Kasumi slap RanRan-Dorei when RanRan have Kasumi clean vibrator. RanRan-Dorei spank Kasumi then Kasumi clean vibrator. RanRan responds.
Kasumi | Ill be back, I need to use the facilities. Everyone remembers how Lemon Otaku wanted her to clean it, right? |
Everyone runs to the restrooms, again. |
Ok, RanRan, since I wasnt planning on Kasumi being a slave and youve been so good these past few days, Im giving Kasumi to you as a gift. She is now your slave and has to do what you say, but if I say for her to do something it over rides anything you want her to do, understand? Ranma says.
Ryoga | I guess he wanted lots of sex slaves, but now that he has some he cannot handle them without help |
Yes Master, RanRan-dorei thanks Master for this gift! RanRan responds happily as she runs up to Ranma and kisses him full on the lips.
Ranma | Lemon Otaku is dreaming again. |
RanRan, dont you think that Nabiki is a little dirty? Ranma asks his enthusiastic slave with a small twinkle in his eyes.
Ranma | Duh, and you are the reason. |
Oh, yes Master, perhaps Kasumi-shouhu should clean Kasumi-shouhus little sister. RanRan replies with a wink.
Akane | I have a bad feeling about this. Good thing Nabiki is on the Enterprise. |
No, I will not lick my sisters beautiful, hairless pussy clean of cum, you perverted little girl. Kasumi says to RanRan.
Dr. Tofu | I will never let that sick man near you, my love. |
Kasumi | Thank you, dear. |
RanRan slaps Kasumis naked butt and says, Two things Kasumi-shouhu, Kasumi-shouhu RanRan-doreis and Master Ranmas slave, Kasumi-shouhu obey RanRan-dorei and Master Ranma or be punished. Kasumi-shouhu also call RanRan-dorei Mistress or be punished. Now, lick Nabikis cunt clean of be punished.
Ranma | There is no way that can be healthy. |
Dr. Tofu | Not only is it not healthy physically but it is not mentally healthy. |
Kasumi glares at RanRan as she slowly sinks to her knees between Nabikis legs. Kasumi tentatively licks Nabikis smooth pussy then, after the first taste, starts licking like a cat would lick cream. While Kasumi is cleaning her sisters pussy, LinLin is finishing cleaning Xiam Pus pussy. Once both girls are finished Ranma notices the clock.
Ryoga | Great, I guess Lemon Otakus water got cut off. Maybe thats why he is treating them worse than dogs? |
Ok girls, its time for bed. RanRan do you want Kasumi to sleep in your room or have her own room? Ranma asks.
RanRan-dorei want Kasumi-shouhu to sleep with RanRan-dorei Master. RanRan replies.
Akane | Of course, since Lemon Otaku is not satisfying her |
Ok, thats fine. You two can go to bed now. Nabiki, Xiam Pu follow me. LinLin, its time to finish your punishment. Ranma commands.
LinLin takes the lead and heads towards the stairs while Ranma reattaches Xiam Pus and Nabikis collars. Ranma starts walking but both girls dont stand to head towards the stairs. Ranma simply sighs as he reaches down and pulls on the chain connecting the nipple clamps on both girls. Ranma keeps up the pressure until both girls are on their feet, at which time he lets go of both chains. Ranma then starts walking again and this time both girls follow him. Once the reach LinLins room Ranma ties Nabiki and Xiam Pus leashes to the leg of the desk and walks over to LinLins bed. Ranma then ties LinLin spread eagle to the bed. Once LinLin is securely tied Ranma leaves the room for a short time. When he returns the girls see him holding a vibrator that is about an inch and a half thick and about six inches long. The vibrator has a cord hanging from the back end, with a small box halfway down, which Ranma plugs into an electrical outlet near LinLins bed. Ranma then slowly works the vibrator in and out of LinLin a few times until she gets wet, at which time Ranma shoves the vibrator all the way in. Ranma then stoops down and turns a dial on the box to the left. After hes sure the vibrator has started up Ranma unties Nabiki and Xiam Pu and takes them to his room.
Akane | Once again Ranma uses pleasure toys to punish. I guess he fears being replaced |
Get on all fours Ranma commands.
Ranma | They aint dogs you freak. |
Neither girl moves so Ranma again grabs both chains, on in each hand, and yanks as hard as he can towards the ground. Both girls fall to their hands and knees. Once there Ranma ties Nabikis leash to one leg of the bed and then Xiam Pus to the opposite leg of the bed. Ranma then goes into his closet and brings out a three foot long, 4 inch wide, double dildo. He shoves one end into Nabiki as hard as he can and then does the same to Xiam Pu with the other end. Ranma then shuts the door, turns out the lights and goes to bed. As he sleeps he goes over in his mind how he can train Haruka to use her psionic powers.
Q Flashes in and starts whispering to Picard. Shortly after Anakin wakes up. | |
Ranma | I think you are right Akane, he used another pleasure toy to punish them. |
Picard | Hey Anikan, I have a idea, why dont you come back with me and Counselor Troi? |
Deanna Troi | Yes, we can go get your wife, Padmé Amidale. I am sure you would be happy in the Federation. |
Akakin | Sure, can I build Androids? |
Picard | Sure, in fact Mr. Data would be happy to help you. Back in Washus Lab |
Q | By the way I fixed Anakins mind as well. |
Washu | I can see that, oh well there goes Star Wars three thru six. I liked that song that went My, My, This here Anakin Guy, may be Vader some day later |
Ryoga | Should someone tell Mr. Lucas, that Q destroyed his little universe? |
Q | Nope, besides it was so messed up anyway, I thought it could use a little help. |
Q | I hated that song. Besides Jean-Luc really needs to know his son. |
Washu | Q? What did you do? |
Q | Nothing, much, really. |
Washu | :: Perfect Tear :: Well his mom never really knew who the father was |
Washu | Wait, how did you |
Q | I aint telling you everything, Little Washu. Unless you tell me how old you really are |
Q and Washu | :: laugh :: |
Eveyone else | :: Perfect Tear :: |
Ranma | That explains why Anakin behaves the way he does. |
Ryoga | Hey, that means there will be another Captain Picard. |
Akane | That is a good thing. Better than a Vader. |
Kasumi | Anakins last name is Skywalker |
Ranma | Dont be silly Kasumi, you know he is going to take his fathers name. |
Ryoga | Anakin will finally become the man he was destined to be. |
End Chapter 2
Kasumi | All those who wish to flame him for calling me a whore? |
Everyone | Lets flame him! |
Dr. Tofu | All opposed? |
Everyone | :: Dead Quiet :: |
Back on the Enterprise | |
Picard | I want my ship back, Q. |
Q | I dont own it, Nabiki does. |
Riker | Nabiki said I could be the captain. :: Riker then winks at Picard :: |
Picard grins back. | |
Picard | Nice try, oh yeah how was that holodeck program, the one where you got your own ship? |
Riker | Pretty bad, Data died. |
Deanna | Except for the part where we got married. That was the only good part of that program. |
Q | Of course some nut had to make that into a movie. |
Deanna | Where is Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung? |
Q | I sent them home. |
Nabiki walks in with Worf on her heels. | |
Picard | So I hear you own my ship? |
Anakin | If you do anything to my father Ill kill you. |
Everyone else | Father? |
Deanna | Did I miss something? Where did Q go? |
Q flashes in with Padmé Amidale. | |
Q | Ok, I got Picards daughter in law. |
Anakin | How did you find out? |
Worf | Hes Q, he thinks he knows everything. |
Q | I do. |
Nabiki | I dont own your ship. I own a model of your ship. Who told you that? |
Picard | Q! |
Q starts walking towards the turbolift, turns around and says, I got the 2 mixed up. | |
Q | You cant be too mad, I brought your son back. Its time to go Nabiki. |
Nabiki | Come on, I was having fun. Mr. Worf was teaching me some things. How come Anakin gets to stay here? |
Q | Because he is going to live with his father. Plus you have fanfics to MST. Oh wait, theres a party to go to. |
Nabiki | Drats, I thought I got out of MSTing. Oh well a party sounds good. |
Q and Nabiki disappear. |