From: Rarstarr Subject: [FFML][MST]Nekoken is Out of the Bag Ch 9 & 10 Okay, hope this works this time. BTW the cast (seeing as I forgot to do proper introductions): Amy - Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon Luna - the moon cat from Sailor Moon Rarstarr - ME! Sephiroth - Main villain from Final Fantasy 7 ------- Rarstarr: Evening Ladies, droid. I see I'm not the last here. Mercury: Who are we waiting for? Rarstarr: Not him. Where's Cloud? Sephiroth: He's been... detaned Rarstarr: I'm sure. Wanna swap seats? Amy: Are you kidding? Luna: You'd let a girl sit next to him? Rarstarr: Point, point. Sephiroth: What's wrong with me? Others: YOU'RE A VILLIAN. ]Rarstarr: Now then, on to the MST. Its... ] Nekoken Is Out Of The Bag! Chapter 9 - 10 by Lord Archive Author's pre-note: This is a Lemon. There are sex scenes in this even though it has a plot. It is also has a couple dark scenes, but isn't really dark, just serious. [ Luna: A lemon? Rarstarr: A good story. ] This story takes place after Manga volume 38. Legal babble: Ranma 1/2 and all characters in this story are copyrighted by Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Video, ect... and is used without consent. I am only borrowing them. I will return them... eventually. --------------------------------------- Chapter 9 - Planning for the Future --------------------------------------- [ Rarstarr: That reminds me, must look at retirement packages. Sephiroth: Should I join you? Rarstarr: ... Don't bother. ] -Sunday Akane was pleasantly surprised to find that she woke up before Ranma did. His early morning practice had given him the habit of waking up before she did. This was the first time in a long while that she had seen him asleep when he hadn't fallen asleep first from exhaustion, or awakened her by screaming in the middle of a nightmare. [ Amy: Poor Ranma. Sephiroth: Sounds like Cloud Rarstarr:... ] Akane absentmindedly stroked his hair of the man who was her lover and soon to be her husband. She glanced at the clock, and noticed it was almost 9:30. [ Luna: These are sixteen year old kids? Rarstarr: Yeap. They grow up fast these days. Luna: Amy, promise me you'll wait. Amy: ... Rarstar: Should also be "stroked the hair of the man..." ] Ranma awoke slowly. He realized someone was playing with his hair. He opened his eyes and smiled at Akane. "`Morning." "Good morning. How did you sleep?" "I slept fine... though last night it was your turn to wake me up." "Huh?" "Well, I was starting to have a nightmare the next thing I know, you're punching me in your sleep." [ Rarstarr: I'd forgotten about that. Sephiroth: I don't understand. Rarstarr: Some people walk in their sleep, some people talk in their sleep, Akane fights in her sleep. ] "I was?" Akane looked concerned. "Yeah, but don't worry about it. It was turning out to be a bad nightmare, and I'm glad you woke me." "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." "Yeah I'm sure, and if Ryoga didn't mind you thrashing around at night, why should I?" [ Luna: She's been sleeping around?! Sephiroth: Fascinating girl. Rarstarr: No, you've got it wrong. Ryoga was a pig. Luna: I'll say. Amy: I think he means the animal. Rarstarr: Right. Sephiroth: She sleeps with animals. I thought this was a nice girl. Rarstarr: Unlike Ranma, I know when to give up. ] Akane frowned. "Okay... but please don't remind about Ryoga's curse." A slight smile returned to her face. "We better hurry and get downstairs for breakfast and then we get to plan our wedding!" Ranma thought sarcastically. [ Luna: Married at their age? What's behind this? Rarstarr: It's a long story Luna. Sephiroth: About 38 manga volumes and 8 chapters apparently. ] --------------------------------------- Ranma watched, bored out of his skull, as the Tendos and the Saotomes went over details of a western wedding, his wedding. He didn't see much point to this: get into a suit, toss a dress on Akane, go in front of a minister and say, 'I do.' What more was there? Ranma was actually relieved when a pair of Amazons interrupted. [ Rarstarr: Quick Nabiki, call the contractors, the house needs repairs, or will at least. Luna: Want to explain that comment? Rarstarr: Nope. ] Something wasn't right with how the Amazons were dressed. Their clothes appeared to be ceremonial in nature. Another odd thing was that if this was some attempt to get Ranma married to Shampoo, why did Shampoo look upset, like this was the last place she wanted to be? "What do you want old ghoul? There's no way you're going to force me to marry Shampoo," Ranma said sternly. [ Luna: Rarstarr, what's happening? Rarstarr: Luna: I see. I'm starting to feel sorry for this boy. Rarstarr: ... That would be a first. ] "You will refer to me as Honored Elder." Cologne smacked Ranma with her staff. "As for your engagement to Shampoo, I offer you a means to declare it null and void." "Really?" Ranma asked, shocked, stunned, and surprised. "If you become an Amazon through trial, rather than marriage, you'll be able to break the engagement if Shampoo agrees to it." Cologne glanced at Shampoo. "And she will agree to it." Shampoo sadly nodded. Ranma couldn't believe it, he was finally given an honorable way out of an engagement. "When do we start?" he asked eagerly. [ Sephiroth: Callous isn't he. Rarstarr: He's been chased all over two countries by this girl. Then she fell in love with him. She's made his life hell. Amy: Plus he's fairly callous. Rarstarr: True. ] "You've already started Ranma. I had you learn Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken to see if you were worthy of truly being an Amazon or just a concubine. Your ability to overcome obstacles has earned you a place in the tribe. If you can defeat two appointed champions, you'll be accepted as an Amazon. Follow me." Ranma nodded, but was concerned. If Cologne chose herself and Happosai, he'd already lost. Ranma, and everyone else, followed Cologne to the dojo. There were two people already in the dojo. "Greetings, Saotome Ranma," Mousse said with a bow. "I, Kuno Tatewaki, shall destroy you and free everyone from the spells you've woven to deceive them!" Kuno glared at Ranma. [ Sephiroth: Such a power. Perhaps I should return this Ranma to the planet so I gain this knowledge. Rarstarr: Wouldn't work, there is no spell. Besides which it wouldn't work for you anyway. Amy: He's so cute. Rarstarr: See. ] Ranma shook his head. "Are these your 'champions?'" Cologne nodded. "Defeat both of them and you are an Amazon." "Are you intentionally setting this up so I'd win?" Ranma asked, not believing this was his final challenge. "Would I do that?" Cologne looked at him with false innocence. "All right then. Let's get this done with so I can be an Amazon then." He feared there was more to this, and that he really wasn't going to like it when he found out what that "more" was, but he couldn't pass this chance up. [ Luna: Why is he suspicious? Rarstarr: Colonge's pulled lots of tricks before. He's right to suspect her. Luna: Poor, poor boy. Rarstarr: You haven't met his parents. ] Akane stood off to the side, smiling. When dealing with Cologne to stop Ryoga, she started to trust the Amazon. Akane was a little concerned this was a trap of some kind, but she also remembered what Cologne said after they stopped Ryoga about Ranma's love belonging to her and that nothing could change that. This initiation would mean one less headache when making wedding preparations. [ Rarstarr: Yeah, the food's likely to be less lethal. Amy: Bad cooking? Rarstarr: I'm told it exploded. Others:.... ] Ranma faced off against both Kuno and Mousse. Cologne shouted, "Begin!" "I shall smite thee, you vile..." Kuno started to say before Ranma sent him through the roof and into lower Earth orbit with a boot to the head. [ Sephiroth: That was shorter than my battle with Cloud will be. Rarstarr: Hehe, you got that right. ] "I will not go easy on you, Saotome," Mousse said calmly, launching chains in an all-too familiar attack. Ranma, wanting to have a quick decisive victory, dodged the attack, setting himself up for, "Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken!" He was surprised when Mousse ducked the attack. Mousse punched Ranma in the stomach. Ranma responded by kicking Mousse in the head. Mousse launched an uppercut only to find himself Judo tossed to the other side of the room. Moving to get up, he was hit by a jump kick, sending him into a wall. "Stay down, Mousse," Ranma said, punching the myopic Amazon. [ Rarstarr: That was a little short sighted of him. Others: ] Mousse collapsed, unconscious, after Ranma kicked him once more in the head. Cologne smiled as she hoped towards Ranma. "Congratulations and welcome to the tribe. This is a copy of the rules you'll need to follow as an Amazon male." Cologne handed Ranma an inch thick book. [ Rarstarr: Knew there was a catch. Amy: This is not a good thing? Rarstarr: About as good as becoming a Senshi. Amy: Senshi? Rarstarr: Sorry, Sailor Scout. Amy: ] "Now how about breaking the engagement?" Ranma asked. "Of course. Shampoo, do you reject this Amazon male as a possible husband?" "Yes," Shampoo reluctantly answered. "You are no longer engaged," Cologne said. "Um, you didn't ask me if I wanted to be engaged," Ranma said, confused. Akane scowled at him. "You don't really have a say in breaking an engagement, only an Amazon female does," Cologne replied, smirking. "By the way, when you marry Akane, she'll be an Amazon female and your superior. Until then, she is an Amazon initiate." [ Rarstarr: Pay attention, there'll be a quiz later. ] Akane couldn't help but grin at this statement of being Ranma's superior, but was a little confused at the wink Cologne gave her. Ranma rolled his eyes. "Like any girl could be the my superior." [ Luna: Remove the "the" ] "Hate to break this to you Ranma, but she's already your superior when it comes to her bossing you around," Nabiki smirked. Cologne chuckled dryly. "I have one more thing to do before I return to the Neko-Hanten. Ranma, Shampoo, come here." The two approached Cologne. "It is time I name my successors. Shampoo, I name you Bearer of My Lore. You will be taught all my knowledge of magic, science and history, and guard all my possessions once I am no longer of this world. Ranma, I name you my Bearer of My Arts. You shall be taught all my knowledge of martial arts, chi, and combat magic." Everyone in the room save Cologne, Shampoo, and the comatose Mousse gasped at this announcement. [ Rarstarr: Amy: Think that was momentous? Sephiroth: I believe so. ] "Do you accept your positions?" Cologne asked. "Yes," Shampoo and Ranma answered. "Very good," Cologne said. "Ranma, I shall contact you later about training you." Ranma nodded. "We'll take our leave now," Cologne said, waking up Mousse using shiatsu. The three original Amazons left. "Ranma, my boy, you'll be the greatest martial artist that ever lived!" Genma elated. [ Rarstarr : (having recovered) There's an understatement. Amy: By the time he finishes training he'll probably as old as Colonge. Rarstarr: Not at the rate he learns. He's capable of analysing any martial arts attack after seeing it once. Sephiroth: If he was my enemy I would be truly scared. Rarstarr: You should be, you should be. ] "Once the old ghoul finishes training me... no one will ever be able to beat me," Ranma said in disbelief. "Great, more to add to his ego. How am I going to get him to try other emotions besides confidence now?" Akane muttered to herself. --------------------------------------- Everyone had returned to planning the wedding. Most of the decorations and the reception had been planned, but two important topics in Ranma's mind had yet to be answered. "Um, whose family name will we take?" Ranma asked, uncertain. "Mine, of course," Akane said flatly. "I'm afraid not, Akane," Soun said. "What? He should take my name. After all, we get the dojo because of me." "Akane, Dear. The agreement with Genma was that my daughter who married Ranma would take his name to continue his clan since Ranma is an only child. The dojo will still be called the Tendo Dojo, but you'll be Saotome Akane." Akane shook her head. She would've liked to keep her name, but it'd be very hard to convince them to allow that. She resigned to get use to the idea of being a Saotome. [ Rarstarr: Quick, call Dr Tofu, Akane's sick. Amy: A little out of character? Rarstarr: She's been through a lot. Guess she's learnt to stop bashing her head against a brick wall. ] "Um, okay," Ranma said. "Now when are we going to set the wedding date?" "Next Saturday looks nice," Soun said. "I was thinking more like after graduating from high school," Ranma said. [ Rarstarr: And once more Ranma firmly puts both feet in his mouth. Luna: Why do you say that? Rarstarr: Watch. ] "Why should we wait, Ranma?" Akane asked fiercely. "I don't want to be saddled with the responsibilities of a husband yet." Akane started to get angry. "Tell me what would be different once we get married?" Ranma stammered trying to think of an answer. Her name getting changed didn't seem a good enough answer. "Besides, Ranma," Nabiki intoned, "You're already milking the cow. You might as well buy it." "What?!" Akane screeched. Ranma sighed, "I guess you're right." "Excuse me? Did you just refer to me as a cow?" Akane glared at Ranma and Nabiki. "Ah..." Ranma lost capacity of speech. [ Luna: Poor boy, he just can't seem to please this girl. Rarstarr: Nice line though. ] "It's a figure of speech, Akane. I just meant that since your already lovers, getting married is only a formality now." "Oh," Akane said coldly, still glaring at them. Ranma thought of something that might get Akane happy. "How about we get married at the end of this school year. It's only a month away now, and that way we could have an actual honeymoon too." Akane smiled. "That's a great idea! Now where should we go?" Nabiki scowled at Ranma. He just managed to up the cost of the wedding even more, but then grinned. "Oh, Akane, have you been to a gynecologist or at least a family planning clinic yet?" "Um, no." "Well, I guess it's a good thing I set up an appointment to see a gynecologist on Tuesday, then." "I guess," Akane said. While she knew she had to go, she didn't like the idea. Nabiki smirked, "Ranma, I set up an appoint for you too." She had been planning to get back at Ranma for inadvertently raping Akane while in Nekoken. Now was the perfect time and excuse to make him pay. [ Sephiroth: That is a fairly petty vengence. Rarstaarr: Nabiki can be a fairly petty girl at times. I hope she didn't hear that. Amy: You scared of her fighting skills? Rarstarr: Nope, her planning skills. ] Akane and Nodoka twitched. "Um... what's a guyecolgy?" Ranma asked, he hadn't really paid attention. "Gynecologist, a doctor specializing in women's medicine." "What?!" Ranma stammered. "Why would I need to see that kind of doctor?" "You turn into a girl. It'd be a good idea for you to have that kind of check up at some point." "Come on Nabiki," Akane fumed. "Why would he need to? It's not like Ranma has periods." "Y..." Ranma's words died in his throat, paling slightly. Akane noticed his reaction. "Y-you have periods?" Ranma barely nodded, whispering, "Yes." Half of the room face-faulted. [ R&S: L&A: Amy: That's not very funny. Rarstarr: Yeah, well fortunately we're males twenty-four hours a day. ] "You didn't know?" Kasumi asked. "I didn't think the curse was that... complete," Akane whispered. Nabiki smirked, "Anyway, there are some female problems that can threaten your health. It wouldn't hurt you to see the doctor to make sure your female body is healthy. Besides, if Akane has to go through it for you, you should too." Akane couldn't help but agree to Nabiki's reasoning, so she nodded. "There's no way I'm going to woman's doctor!" Ranma shouted. "Ranma, Dear," Nodoka frowned. "Nabiki is... right. It would be a good idea for you to see the doctor. Especially seeing as your curse might cause some sort of complications." Ranma knew he was defeated if his Mom thought he should go. "Fine," he said weakly. [ Sephiroth: Yes, mother knows best. Rarstarr: The headless alien? Amy: Don't insult his mother. Rarstarr: What? His mother is a headless woman from another planet. ] --------------------------------------- Ranma, while sitting in his and Akane's room waiting for her before going to bed, read a little of the Amazon laws. He stared at the law pertaining to the initiation of a male Amazon. [A newly admitted male of the tribe must be shown the pleasures that a woman can give by an appointed Amazon woman.] "This is so not good," he muttered. [ Rarstarr: Aha! Amy: Why do I get the feeling the lemon scene is comng up. ] "What is?" Akane asked, looking over his shoulder at what he'd been reading. Ranma became very nervous, he hadn't heard Akane enter the room. He was now trying to keep the book of laws away from her. Akane grabbed it. Skimming over the two pages, she found the same passage Ranma had read. "What?!" Akane noticed there was a little more to that law, [Amendment - An Amazon initiate may take the place of the Amazon woman if appointed by an elder of the tribe.] [ Rarstarr: Phew, that was lucky. Amy: I'll say. Rarstarr: I'm surprised it wasn't on the next page like the Nekoken. ] Ranma was now confused at that grin Akane was giving him. "Ah... Akane?" "Looks like Cologne appointed me to show you what pleasure a woman can give an Amazon male," Akane said sultry. "But, it says Amazon woman must do it, and you're not one yet." Akane scowled. "You didn't read further. An Amazon initiate can also do so if appointed by an elder." She held the book in his face for him to read the amendment. "I am an Amazon initiate, so I get to show you." Akane tossed the book onto the desk. She got Ranma to stand up and started to kiss him. Breaking the kiss, she said seductively, "I'm in control tonight. You'll do as I say." Ranma nodded. [ Rarstarr: Here's an idea. No comments till the lemon scene is over. Others: Agreed. ] Ranma rather liked it when Akane led, and no doubt, she liked it when he led. When the other person led, it meant getting to lay back, letting the other focus on giving pleasure, and not expecting to have pleasure to be returned. Most times they pleasured each other almost equally, but tonight, he was hers to toy with. Akane thought. Akane kissed Ranma passionately. Slowly she unbuttoned his shirt and then slid it off him. She moved down his body, kissing his chin, neck, chest, and stomach as she went. She bit on the drawstring of his pants, pulling out the knot. Her hands caressed his legs, moving them up to his waist. She tugged at his pants, and they fell around his feet. Akane stood up and kissed Ranma on the lips again. Her hand slipped into his boxers, massaging his hardened manhood. She felt him rock his hips in rhythm to her stroking. She continued to do that until he appeared close to orgasming. Ranma loved every second of what Akane was doing to him. She was arousing him to an incredible degree. He never wanted her to stop. When Akane stopped massaging his shaft he knew she was going to play the game of delaying him from orgasming as long as possible. While it was frustrating when she had done it to him once before, it also led to a very strong orgasm that had made it worth it. Akane broke off the kiss and led him to their bed. Ranma nearly fell since his pants were wrapped around his ankles. Akane pulled his boxers down to his feet, and then pulled each foot free from both boxers and pants. She then had Ranma sit down on the edge of the bed, and then knelt before him. One of her hands gently played with his balls. She then leaned forward and took his dick into her mouth. Akane's tongue swirled around his lower head. Ranma emitted moans, trying to refrain from cuming too soon. Akane noticed this and stopped. She took off her shirt and bra, waiting for him to regain control. She then, once again, took Ranma's cock into her mouth, this time sucking on its length. Her head bopped up and down, while his hips moved in motion with her. Ranma started to stiffen and Akane quickly stopped. Ranma grunted in frustration, having to restrain himself from finishing the job himself. He nearly lost it anyway when Akane slipped out of her remaining clothes. Akane waited a moment before she started to lick Ranma's male member. His organ pulsated, ready to erupt at a moment's notice. Akane took pity on Ranma. He was grunting, trying to hold on even with minimal contact. She started to suck, and a second later was rewarded with a mouth full of cum and Ranma shouting a moan that probably could be heard a block away. She swallowed reflexively, trying not to gag. Ranma collapsed on the bed, fighting the urge to fall asleep. Akane finished cleaning him with her tongue. She knew it would take Ranma a while to recover from what she had just done. If she just waited for him to recover, he would likely fall asleep. She grinned, thinking of a way to keep him awake and get him to recover quicker. Ranma watched, seeing Akane move to the desk chair. She sat down and started to play with her breast. Rolling her tits between her fingers, she moaned, adding more to it than there really was. One hand moved down to the delta of her sex. Her fingers parted her lower lips, massaging her opening. Then ever so slowly, she slid a finger into her wet hole, wiggling it inside her. She moaned, this time adding nothing to the volume. She added another finger to the first, and began thrusting in and out of herself. She quickly brought herself to climax. Her fingers became covered with her love juices. Removing her hand from her sex, she seductively cleaned her juices off her hand. Akane smiled seeing how enraptured Ranma had been in her performance. He was even ready to go at it again. "Lay down," Akane ordered, to which he quickly obeyed. Akane straddled Ranma's knees. She slowly pulled herself up Ranma's body. When her sex met the base of his dick, she slowed even more. Over an agonizingly long period of time, she ran her dripping cunt along his manhood, covering it in her juices. Akane then gripped Ranma's shaft in her hand, and began to teasingly impale herself on him. Each time she went for a different amount of penetration, but never less than his tip or more than half his length. Ranma was surprised and almost came when Akane suddenly impaled herself to the hilt. She then began to bounce with her body, raising and lowering herself onto him. Ranma was a little surprised at how much her motion had brought a bounce to her breasts. Ranma berated himself as his distraction caused him to lose himself in an orgasm he could've held onto. He may have been Akane's toy, but he would've liked her to orgasm too. Fortunately for Akane, he did not go limp immediately after ejaculation, and she was able to ride bring herself to orgasm before he did go flaccid. Akane laid down next to Ranma, exhausted and trying to catch her breath. "Akane?" Ranma breathed. "Hm?" "You did that too well." Akane giggled. They snuggled closely together, sleep falling quickly over them. [ Sephiroth: It's over, you can open your eyes. Amy: Where's Rarstarr? Sephiroth: He got a nosebleed and had to hurry off. He'll be back soon. Amy: I see. Sephiroth: Certainly the scene was well written, and wasn't there just for its own value. The love the characters feel for each comes through in the descriptions. Rarstarr's right, lemons with plot are the best. ] --------------------------------------- Chapter 10 - A Woman's Needs --------------------------------------- Monday "Appointment for Saotome," a girl with red hair said. The girl was completely soaked from rain. The secretary at the psychologist office blinked. She recognized the raven haired girl that just entered, but she didn't recognize the redhead. "Excuse me, but you certainly don't look like MR. Saotome." "Ranma?" the psychologist asked from the door of his office. Ranma nodded. "Right on time. If you and... your fiancee would come in, we can start." Ranma and Akane nodded and entered the office. The secretary, proud of having a good memory, wanted to know how she could forget a red-haired girl since this was Saotome's second visit. The doctor's reference to the two girls as being engaged also confused her. [ Rarstarr: She's not a Nerima citizen. Amy: Because she's smart, observent, and willing to speak out about it? Rarstarr: Yep. ] "How did you know it was me?" Ranma asked. "Well, I remembered what you said about the Chinese curse, your face isn't really any different than when you're a guy, it's raining, and I heard the name you gave my secretary." [ Sephiroth: That name thing just gives it away. Amy: He's not from Nerima either. ] "Oh." Ranma shrugged. "How have you progressed from looking at the photos I gave you?" the doctor asked. Ranma remained silent. "No improvement?" "Actually... I haven't looked at them. I've been a little busy and forgot about them." "How could you forget about it?" the doctor asked, confused. "Well, I made the engagement to her official, officially broke off one of my other engagements, became a member of an Amazon tribe, talked to various other suitors, and some other things." "Not to mention he doesn't have that great of a memory to start with," Akane added jokingly. Ranma scowled slightly at Akane, but then sighed. "I did go cat rather easily last Tuesday, and Akane was able to lead me to her room." The doctor nodded. "Okay. I guess I can understand that. Now Ranma, I'd like to observe you go into the Nekoken." [ Rarstarr: Not a good idea. Amy: Why? Rarstarr: You'll see. ] "Why?" Ranma uttered, shocked. "It may give me a better understanding of it." "I really don't think it's a good idea," Ranma said nervously. "It may help me cure you." "Besides, I'm here to help keep you in control." Akane gave Ranma's hand a reassuring squeeze. [ Rarstarr: And that's good? Amy: Considering what happens when Ranma goes Neko, having Akane around is not smart Sephiroth: Unless your making R-rated films. ] Ranma reluctantly said, "I guess... you got some hot water ready?" The doctor nodded, pointing to a teakettle and portable stove in the corner of the room. He pressed a button on the intercom. "Bring in Whiskers." [ Rarstarr: I meant the cat, not the brand of cat food. ] Ranma braced herself. Akane got a cup of hot water to splash Ranma with. The secretary entered a moment later holding a brown cat. Instantly Ranma was in the corner of the room, scared out of her mind. The secretary looked at the redhead strangely. While she had seen some cases where someone was deathly afraid, the girl in front of her was scared more than anyone else she's ever seen. She wondered how anyone could be that afraid of a cat. [ Rarstarr: You would be too if you were wrapped in seafood and thrown into a pit of starved cats. Sephiroth: That's some torture. Rarstarr: Actually it's training. Luna: That's crazy. Rarstarr: No arguements here. ] Ranma stared at the cat in cold fear. She fought to keep her mind as it started to slip away, but to no avail. Meanwhile, Akane watched with concern as her fiancee underwent the mental shift. "Meowr?" "Take Whiskers out now," the doctor ordered, his eyes transfixed on girl that was acting like a cat. The secretary left the room, trying to understand what she just saw. Akane seeing the cat gone and the redhead approaching her, splashed Ranma with the water. The doctor blinked. He had some doubts about what these two and his old friend, Dr. Tofu, had told him, but seeing a red haired girl turn into a guy with black hair took away much of those doubts. The Nekoken might have been an act, but the transformation wasn't. [ Sephiroth: Such a powerful fighting style. Rarstarr: He can shred anything with a swipe. Sephiroth: Anything? Rarstarr: Maybe not, but it is dangerous. ] "Wha..." Ranma uttered, as he stood up on two legs. "I did a little better that time." Akane nodded. "Yeah. I think it took almost a minute this time." "How long does it usually take?" the doctor asked. "Lately it's been close to instantaneous. But I've seen him hold on for long periods of time, even when confronted with many cats," Akane informed him. [ Rarstarr: Yeah, it took a tiger the first time." Others: A ttiger?! ] "Can you guess as to why it took longer now than it had previously?" "I guess, it's because I've been facing some of my other fears," Ranma replied. The doctor nodded. "What are those fears?" "Let's see... I'm sort of afraid of commitment and rejection, and I was afraid of hurting Ukyou and Shampoo." "Who are Ukyou and Shampoo, and why is that fear past tense?" "Ukyou and Shampoo were two of my fiancees. And I already hurt them. Now it's a matter of trying to become friends with them, hoping they don't reject me." "I see," the doctor said. "Have you tried to face your fear of commitment?" Akane raised her hand, showing the engagement ring. "In less than four weeks, we'll be married!" She smiled. The doctor smiled back. "Well, I suggest now we continue to work desensitizing you to the presence of a cat. I'll give a schedule to Akane for her to make sure you look at those pictures." "Okay," Ranma replied with a little trepidation. --------------------------------------- The secretary looked up when two people left the office, and blinked. The guy she had remembered to be Saotome was exiting the room, but he hadn't gone in. The red haired girl wasn't there either. She looked at him strangely while he made an appointment for the next week. Something just wasn't adding up in her mind. "Um, doctor?" The secretary uttered. "Yes?" "I think I'm... seeing things." "Oh, what have you been seeing?" The doctor looked amused. "Saotome entered as a girl with red hair and left as a guy with black hair." The doctor chuckled. "You're not seeing things. They are both the same person." He looked at his secretary carefully. "He's a cross-dresser?" "Er... something like that." The doctor didn't care to find out what proof of magic would do to his secretary's sanity. The secretary noticed the reluctance of the doctor to answer. One thing really bothered her about the idea of Saotome being a crossdresser. [ Amy: Poor lady. Rarstarr: The universe is not only stranger than we imagine it, but stranger than we can remember. Amy: Who said that? Rarstarr: Can't remember. A Russian comonaught I think. ] --------------------------------------- Tuesday The doctor walked through his clinic, approaching the room where his next patient was. He used to enjoy his job. Getting paid to see a women's vagina, what guy wouldn't be happy? But, day after day and week after week of seeing a women's sex caused him to no longer have any interest in seeing another one. Maybe that's why Hikaru was his only child. The doctor almost sighed as he picked up the file of his patient that was placed on the door. He blinked. His patient couldn't be... [ Rarstarr: Trouble. Amy: Really, you think so? ] The doctor opened the door to see an innocent and shy looking redhead sitting on the examination bed. He started laughing. He couldn't believe 'she' would be here. "What's so funny?" onna-Ranma demanded. "S-sorry... I just never expected you'd to ever be my patient," the doctor said trying to stifle his laughter. Ranma raised her eyebrow. "You know who I am?" "Yes. My son is quite smitten with your fiancee. It's hard to believe all the things he's said about you and the stuff that happens around you, especially the curse." "Who's your son?" "Hikaru?" "Who?" "Gosunkugi Hikaru." [ Rarstarr: Real trouble. Amy: I wonder if this is going to come back to haunt Ranma. Sephiroth: I hope so. Rarstarr: I hope we haven't just ruined Lord Archive's plot. ] Ranma paled slightly. "He's your son? Sorry about sending him to the hospital..." "I understand what happened. I've had Tendo Nabiki explain everything. He was trying to break your relationship with Akane, and his plan back-fired. If your skills are as high as I've heard, you could've done far worse than made him spend a night in the hospital." [ Rarstarr: More like his skills are at least high enough not to do more. Amy: Really Rarstarr: The why Ranma fights it takes skill to hurt someone without doing serious damage. ] Ranma nodded slightly. "So what brings you here?" "Akane and I have... become active and seeing as she is seeing a gynecologist..." Ranma's words died in her mouth. "They thought it'd be a good idea you see one too." The doctor doubted Ranma would do this of her own free will. Ranma nodded. She looked like she was ready to run at the slightest excuse. [ Rarstarr: Meow!" Amy: ] Dr. Gosunkugi smiled. An old spark of anticipation had been lit when he saw Ranma was his patient. He was about to see the rarest of sights, a vagina which belonged to a man. [ Luna: I really didn't need to know that. Rarstarr: Ditto. ] --------------------------------------- Ranma was in a bad mood when he left the gynecologist. Several people had gasped as he transformed into a guy in the hall. He had wanted to get out of his girl's body as fast as possible, and did so not caring who saw him. He felt oddly violated by some of the tests. He felt only Akane should be able to look at where Dr. Gosunkugi had looked. "Akane, did you know what some of those test were going to be?" Akane sighed. "Not really. I sort of guessed at some of the things. I didn't really expect her to look at me... where she did." "You had a female doctor?" "Yes." "Good." Akane looked at him, concerned. "You had a male doctor?" "Yeah. He's also Gosunkugi's dad." "He was?" Akane squeaked in surprise. Ranma nodded. "I think he did some 'tests' he didn't need to." [ Amy: Everyone thinks that, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Rarstarr: I'm sure your mother will be so happy you said that. ] "I sort of think that too about my doctor." Akane shook her head, trying to forget the doctor visit. While nothing wrong had happened, Akane still felt like her privacy had been violated since her doctor had seen and knew things only Ranma had otherwise truly seen and known about her. "Well, I do have some good news. I didn't get pregnant during our training trip. There's still a chance I'm pregnant, but not a very good one." Ranma smiled slightly. "That's good. Did you get birth control pills?" Akane nodded. "We still have to be careful. The pills might not take full effect until after I have another cycle. But it still should reduce chances greatly." [ Luna: The first smart thing this girl has said so fair. Rarstarr: Don't be so hard on Akane, she's had a hard life. Sephiroth: Especially since Ranma arrived. ] Ranma nodded. --------------------------------------- Wednesday Akane practiced a complex kata in the dojo. She wanted Ranma to be with her, since she still didn't like the idea of him being out of her sight. But Ranma had to go out with his friends, if for no other reason than to just go out. If he always stayed with her, he'll never be able to control Nekoken again. [ Rarstarr: Feel the foreboding. ] Akane thought of all the problems Ranma has: the curse, Nekoken, and all the other insanity that surrounded him. Truthfully, it scared her that she had promised to stand by the side of a man who's life would never be easy, until death do they part, a death which might happen at any time. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard, "Mweor?" She turned around hoping it was just a cat or Ranma playing a joke. She saw a girl with red hair in a stance similar to that of a cat. This could be rather bad. Neko-Ranma looked at his mate. He could feel the anticipation growing... but something didn't feel right. Ranma looked down and saw that he was a girl at the moment. She cast a confused look at her mate. How could two girls mate? [ Sephirtoh: That question has been answered before. Rarstarr: Yeah, in one of the eariler parts. Amy: Please, don't talk about it. ] Ranma approached her rather nervous mate. She knew her mate was female, but pawed between her legs to make sure. Ranma let out a sad meow, and curled up into a ball. She didn't know what to do. Akane had been of a similar thought of being unsure of how to handle Ranma being female and a cat. She just stood there staring at Ranma. Now that Ranma had curled up into a ball she started to be able to think again. "Ranma?" Neko-Ranma looked up. "Meow?" "Want to turn back into a guy?" Ranma nodded. "Meow." [ Sephiroth: He makes a smart cat. Luna: Hmph. Rarstarr: All cats are smart. Didn't you know, they're controlling the world. Luna: Curses, discovered. Now I'll have to kill you all. Sephiroth: I thought I was supposed to be the villian. ] "Follow me." Akane walked out of the dojo and led Ranma to the kitchen. She grabbed a teakettle and poured it on Ranma. "Hot," he screeched, jumping away from the teakettle. "What happened this time?" Akane asked. "Well, after the old lady somehow splashed me again, I overheard Kuno trying to convince Gosunkugi to cast some spell. When I approached to find out what they were up to, I ran into a bunch of cats." [ Rarstarr: Hmm, I wonder if Archive is going to give Gosunkugi real powers. Sephiroth: And what spell Kuno wants cast. Amy: And if we're contemplating the plot. ] "Do you know how long it took?" Ranma shook his head. "I'm not sure." --------------------------------------- Friday Ranma laid in bed. He let the haze of sleep slowly fade from his mind. Ranma noticed Akane wasn't in bed with him. He looked at the clock. It was a little after five o'clock. Akane was rarely awake before six thirty. Ranma quickly got dressed and decided to look for her. He first checked the kitchen, much to his relief, she wasn't there. Kasumi was and she told him Akane was in the dojo, breaking bricks. [ Rarstarr: Thank the lords above. Luna: You shouldn't insult someones cooking Rarstarr. Rarstarr: Its toxic! Luna: Its not that bad. Rarstarr: Wanna bet. ] "Yo, Akane. What's up?" Ranma asked, entering the dojo. "Nothing," Akane said with an edge of bitterness. Ranma noticed Akane seemed angry at something. He asked nervously, "I know you better than that. Why are you breaking bricks early in the morning? Is something wrong? Did I do something stupid?" "Nothing is wrong and you haven't done anything stupid." "Then why are you here?" "It's my own business." "Akane, we're going to be married soon, why can't you tell me?" "You want to know? Fine! I'm having my period. Happy?" "Oh," Ranma said meekly, then realization struck. "OH! That means you aren't pregnant then." "Exactly. Which means nothing is wrong." "I guess I'll leave you be then." Ranma turned to leave. "Aren't you going to ask me why I'm irritable then?" Akane asked, part of her wanting him to step into her verbal landmine. "No. I know why... Know more than any guy has a right to," Ranma sighed. "Remember? I go through it too." Ranma left the dojo. Akane grumbled slightly. Stacking more bricks, hoping to quiet the feeling of discomfort her period brought her. Ranma reminding her about how he has periods too caused a mix of emotions to go through Akane. The jealousy that there was nothing she could do that he couldn't also do was one of them. Another was an odd sort of relief or understanding, that he would be able to understand her when she was having female problems. [ Rarstarr: That's it Ranma, just keep chipping away at her self esteem. ] Akane shook her head to clear her thoughts. Half the reason for being there was to get her mind off her discomfort. The other half was to practice using other emotions for chi attacks. Anger came to her easily, but that'd lead to her destruction. She tried joy and then hope, and while both worked to a certain degree, they wouldn't come to her right now. That meant they wouldn't likely come to her in the middle of battle either. Akane sighed. There was one emotion she had so far avoided using. She was afraid of the results it'd cause. If she used that emotion, it'd quantify that emotion. She didn't want that. She wanted it to be unknown. But she needed a reliable chi attack in battle. An emotion that anger could not overtake. She sighed. She focused. Chi enveloped her hand. "AKANEKEN!" Akane smashed into the stack of bricks, turning them into a fine powder. Akane looked at her hand to see the color that had enveloped it. She smiled, seeing the color was crimson red. It was oddly appropriate for both her name and the emotion it was sometimes associated with. Love. Akane looked at the powdered concrete. The chi attack might have quantified her love for Ranma in some ways, but it was a powerful emotion, more powerful than even her anger. She rather liked the side effect of this chi attack that let this emotion become easier to tap. If anything, she always wanted to touch the feeling of love Ranma gave her. [ Rarstarr: YAY! Good going Akane! Amy: If Ranma uses confidence doesn't that mean he's going to become more and more confident to the point of stupidity? Rarstarr: Unfortunately yes. Sephiroth: I sure Akane will take him down a few pegs before then. ] ------------------------- Author's Note: Now for another reason why her chi attacks are called Akaneken and Akane Ha, since Akane can translate as meaning crimson. Meaning her attacks now have the English meaning of Crimson Fist and Crimson Blast. [ Rarstarr: Brilliant. Well planned. Amy: It slipped right by you didn't it. Rarstarr: Yep. ] A note about nicknames: Most nicknames are said without respect, and will not be capitalized to show that. (Shampoo calling Akane: pervert girl.) Some times there is some respect and will be capitalized to show it. (Akane calling Ranma: Baka.) The same goes for the Nekoken in terms of 'the.' (Ranma and Akane have no respect for it and call it 'Nekoken,' while their parents generally do and call it 'the Nekoken.') C&C and MSTs are welcomed. [ Sephiroth: Ask and you shall recieve. Rarstarr: It's been a delight. I'm enjoying the series. The best type of lemon is one with plot. Amy: Especially seeing as you can't last through the entire sex scene. Rarstarr: Which was done very well. Luna: I would say so. Sephiroth: It is apparent the plot is very well thought out, and not simply tacked on to justify the lemon elements. Amy: Part 9 was primarily focused on the tying up of the Amazon plot, but part 10 promises a new foil to Ranma and Akane's continued happiness. Rarstarr: We'll be waiting for the next part. ] If you want to send C&C privately or want previous parts, you can e-mail me at Previous parts and my other works can be found at / LORD ARCHIVE \ ************************************************************************ * The JAFO otaku. * A Knight of The True Fiancee, Akane. * * Slave of GRAAC * Addiction, The Footman of the Appocalypse. * ************************************************************************ * Web Page: - Ranma fan-fiction * ************************************************************************ [ Rarstarr: Well that's that. We'll have to do this again. Luna: Not a lemon next time. Rarstarr: Okay. Incidently Luna, you failed as a Ranma chaacter. Luna: How so? Rarstarr: You didn't blame Ranma for anything. You took his side. Luna: You're kidding. Sephiroth: Excuse me, I have to go. Rarstarr: That was abrupt. Cloud: Sephiroth I'm going to kill you! A&L&R: He went thatta way. ] ----------- Rarstarr, David Farr