Victims of Honor
Three factors went into writing this piece
1 The song, Behind blue eyes (Linkin Park)
2 the song Roses by outkast
3 the fact I have NEVER seen a Ranma/Ranko Prisioned unjustly fanfic
The only changes to the cast is they were more driven to think the WORST of ranma and not give him a benefit of a doubt, nothing much needed THERE considering all the prejudice within Ranma 1/2 towards the poor guy/girl really when you think about its for the title to this chapter, well I do love ninja movies, so I decided to have a small amount of fun with the title chap in this, Sho Kasugi ROCKS!
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Chapter 4 Enter the Janitor (Enter the Ninja)
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Brian was walking down the hallways, he was smiling sad little smiles again, and the same Guard was looking at him with disdain, until she wandered too close to Ravens cell.
As quick as lightning the Ex Teen Titan utilized her powers to nullify the Bars and grab the guard and pulls her against the bars in a vicelike grip.
You do know, that I read minds right?
Raven smiled darkly as the guard swallowed reflexively, Ravens hand gripped her Breast painfully tight
Good, Brian-San had just witnessed his wife commiting adultery, so he does not need your two cents to the peanut gallery, try anything to him and I will give you a lobotomy to make you want to take a flying leap off the wall of the Yard for all the girls amusement, from now on, you are going to be all of us girls bitch, and not the other way around, am I clear?
Raven whispered silkily within the guards ear causing the guard to aknowledge the treat
Yumi Noriko was around Brians age thirty years old and the picture of Japanese beauty, unfortunately she was also ugly upon the inside, she delighted on making men suffer, hence she was transferred from her first station sat the Male correctional facility to this one, especially when word got out that she repeatedly abused the male prisoners, she got off on the sick little fetish, and was sour faced because she thought her pleasures were over, that was until that Saotome prisoner was brought in, and later about a week later Tendo started working for the prison, oh how she enjoyed making the mans life more miserable
*Why is this girl sticking up for him, she is a bull dyke lesbian! *
Yumi thought at a loss forgetting briefly Ravens unique talent
Raven smirked slightly to herself
True, I MAY be considered a bull-dyke Lesbian, but that does not mean that all men are the enemy too me, especially Brian, he is MINE and RANKOS Bitch, you better be nice to him, or I will make you wish you were deader than Elvis!
Raven pinched the guards nipples roughly
You will call me Raven-Sama, and Ranko, Ranko-Sama, now get on with escorting Brian during his rounds, then you better come back to me, your Mistress, if you value your life!
Raven threw the guard aside and walked away from the bars to the far wall reinstating the electrical current to the bars, Rei looked to her cellmate and tilted her head
Why, I dont understand the significance of your threat?
Raven caressed Reis hair dominantly soft
She meant to hurt whats mine and Rankos, I will not stand for that, he has enough problems mentally without her adding to the list, maybe I will break her to him, after all this is a prison and accidents happen.
In the darkness of the cell Ravens eyes glowed meaningfully, Reis also glowed, albeit her gaze was affixed to Brian a slight hunger within them, a hunger to understand and to touch, she vaguely recalled the redhead cleaning her up after one of the other girls tread to make her their bitch, Rei stared at the man with a conflicted gaze, her musings were brought short by a gentle caress by her mistress
Its enough, that he protected you while I was in solitary, he took what was meant for you, that girl will never ever do that to you or him, EVER again
Raven said in a deadpan
The girl in question was the vegetable in the final cell, she became a vegetable as soon as Raven read the mans mind after her Bracers were broken, Raven paid the abusive girl a friendly visit, and when she left the girl was drooling like an infant with her finger flicking up and down her lips doing the b, b, b, b, b, b thing
It was that shocking development that sent the Guard into a nervous state in the first place, the girl in question was Yumis bitch, Yumi realized then and there especially after this episode a few minutes ago, Raven did not give Idle threats
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Brian was cleaning the Vegetable girls room
The short brown haired Brown eyed Japanese girl looked at him like an idiot as the orange clad man cleaned her room
She smiled at the man the only smile an idiot could give
*Food, nice man bring food, nice man wants Aki*
The seventeen-year old girl thought to herself slightly lucid today, other times her thoughts were of food sleep and sex with the guard, Aki giggled idiotically
Brian looked at Aki Yomato wary; he smiled a sad sort of smile
Im sorry for what happened
Brian had finished cleaning the cell and the girl up, he then began to clean the urinal that was there when Aki grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast
Brian was mildly surprised; he looked at the girl
Aki, that is not appropriate.
Brian said gently as Aki smiled naively up at him
Aki had a smile and looked at him
Aki bitch, Man nice to Aki
Brian looked at Aki fearfully
No, man is Rankos bitch, Aki must find another
Brian said in a strained tone
Aki pouted childishly
Aki want be Brian bitch!
Brian noted the unfocused gaze and sighed out slightly
Ok but Brian must work now, Aki be a good bitch for Brian and behave
Brian said quietly, he could tell that whatever happened to this girl was a doozy, he was the first one in the room when Aki had first awakened from whatever happened to her, and the first thing she saw was him, naturally she imprinted upon him, unlike other things Aki still knew who and what she was, her grasp on reality of the intuition was still 100% she just didnt care anymore, the part that made the rational decisions was kaput now she was obsessed with the man she abused, instead of abusing him, she wanted him in her , she wanted him to use her, and she was quite frankly miffed that Brian didnt want to use her like the guard did, her mind just didnt understand why he didnt want to use her , not now anyway.
Aki pouted and flounced on the bed submissively
Aki behave, Aki be good girl for Brian, then Brian play with Aki
Brian finished cleaning the toilet then patted the brunettes head
Good girl
Brian said hesitantly to the girl, after all she was here for a reason, she killed her lover and her mother with a piano wire when she found them in bed together, Aki was clinically proven to be a cold blooded killer and a lesbian, Brian swallowed and wiped her face
Now you keep your pretty face clean
Brian walked out of the cell, the bars were electrified again and Aki waved
Aki Brians Bitch, Aki belong to Brian
The girl kept repeating to herself in a mantra she was rocking humming a tune
Brian shook his head sadly
*Well no two guesses as whom did it, looks like Ravens handiwork, well I guess Rei does not have to fear for her life now *
Brian thought pragmatically he now was near Raven and Reis cell
The bars were de-electrified and he stepped through, he smiled hesitantly at the two girls, as the bars shut behind him
Raven smiled slightly
I see Aki has had a change of mood?
She said candidly as she read Brians mind, an unrepentant smirk upon her face, Brian rolled his eyes heavenward
Raven snorted in a laugh
Oh seems mother Saotome wants you and Ranko hitched, does that make me wife number two eh?
Brian was used to the dry wit of the teen girl and snorted slightly, an improvement ever since he came here not by much but an improvement
Yeah right I can just see you spreading your lily white thighs for me, not
Brian muttered embarassedlly as he cleaned the floor, nothing really was dirty in the room, he cleaned the toilet where he felt a hand upon him, his eyes widened as he spotted porcelain colored skin
He said in a slight catch
Brian looked up into the crimson-eyed girls gaze with confusion; Rei kissed him on the cheek softly then walked back towards Raven
Brian brought his hand upon his left cheek in stunned amazement
He muttered silently to himself
He brought himself out of his reverie and finished up before Raven got jealous, he so did not want a full frontal lobotomy
After he exited the cell he heard raven
Hey Brian?
Turning he looked at Raven, Raven smirked slightly and spread her legs
Maybe this here is your bitch hmm?
She said in a slightly flirtatious way meaningfully, then she closed her legs and winked
Brian snorted
He said with a mock pout while shook his head and walked to his final destination
*Was it my imagination, or was Raven and Rei Flirting with me, man that is a strange idea I just had*
Brian thought to himself, not knowing that is EXACTLY what the two girls were doing, and too be quite frank they were having the time of their lives too
Brian was in Rankos cell he told her that her mother loved her and was worried about her, he told her everything that went on really, he wanted to unburden himself, and Ranko as well as Makoto were good listeners
Ranko smirked
Well seems like things are getting interesting, and to think that your mine studlly, did Raven Really spread her lily white thighs hmm, never thought you were a leg man?
Ranko had placed her self into an interesting position showing off her calves to Brian and smirking slightly
Ranko, yes I am a bit of a leg man but I am also a bit of a breast man, what drew me to you though, was your eyes, same with Rei and Raven
Ranko smiled as her heart fluttered slightly
*Oh yeah, definitely a keeper, he is a romantic*
I thought you were more of a pussy man?
She said quaintly as she looked at him speculatively
Brian went red in the face as he flushed
Ranko, youre embarrassing me
He said chagrinned
Rankos eyes widened slightly
*Oh no wonder Akane was so vindictive, he has a pussy fetish, Hmph that bitch dont deserve such a man*
She smiled and looked to Makoto
What would you do for a, man that loves pussy like a real lesbian Mako-chan?
Maskoto looked at Brian through half-lidded eyes, and a very small smirk
*Damn I cant believe it, I know I am bisexual, but what that man admitted right now has me so damn HORNY! *
I would suck him off and show him how much of a good asset I can be, I can guarantee you that Ran-Chan, if anyone dumps him, I am gunna make myself his
The purring innuendo of her tone spoke volumes to Ranko and Brian
Brian swallowed nervously
Um, thats nice to know, Makoto-Chan, Erm but why was Raven flashing me, and now you guys?
Makoto looked at him stunned
We want you, we want to be attractive for you, and besides your beautifully handsome
She said in honesty as she looked at him with a heated glance
Ranko looked at Brian with that same heated look
Youre having breakfast with me and Raven got me, we need to talk
With that she whapped Brians butt sexually soft
Now scoot unless you really want to fuck me
Rankos eyes locked upon the hard member in the mans orange pants and licked her lips primly
Brian gulped and left the cell, Ranko smirked
Remember husband, Breakfast, this kitty wants some cream
She said in passing
There were catcalls and wolf whistles, as well as congratulations to the newlyweds ` that left Brian blushing as the other prisoners in the aisle offered Ranko and raven suggestions at made Brians ears burn
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Breakfast was upon them Brian was seated and very nervously between Raven and Ranko both girls had one hand on either leg toying with Brians member under the desk
Finally Ranko spoke
You want my husband?
She said in accusation to the teen titan
Raven looked at Ranko and nodded
Indeed I find him worthy to mate with me, kitty, then again, are you afraid of a dual marriage two wives such as us on one hot beautiful man, I thought that you would never back down from a challenge?
Raven said simply she knew Ranma very well, well enough to know every little detail
Ranko narrowed her eyes
I never back down from a challenge
Raven smiled
Good because he needs me as much as he needs you, he is screwed in the head \because of that dyke bitch, and I for one have been keeping his regressive stage held back, I would hate to have him regress back to ten years old again
Raven threw that information that Brian had withheld like a gauntlet
Rankos eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed angrily, she looked at Brian
Is this true?
She was angry at Akane but Brian didnt know that, it was the look in her eyes that triggered the regression this time
Brian started crying
I want mommy
Raven sighed and glared at Ranko, angrily
Smooth move dip-shit, scare the fuck outta him till he confesses, real mature
Raven placed her free hand to Brians Forehead it glowed with a black aura as she mentally coaxed big Brian back to the concuss world, she shot Ranko a frown
Next time ask nicely, remember even though that bitch named him like you, he is NOT you
She said in chastisement as She kissed Brian long and hard ion the lips
Ranko felt her throat constrict
*I didnt mean to set him off like that*
Brian, I wasnt angry at you, just at Akane
Ranko said in a low voice as she then took her turn and kissed him, with tongue
THAT was the exclamation point that made Brians eyes go wide
Holy shit!
Was the only comment that Brian was capable of saying, Akane NEVER kissed him period and the Kiss he received from Ranko then Raven DAMN and Double DAMN that was GOOD! he never received a Tongue before and he was blown away
For no reason Raven laughed out loud
I think you rocked his world Kitty
Ranko preened
Merely showing him how much I care
She shot her gaze at Raven speculative
After all I am his Number 1 choice, I saw him first, he is mine!
Ranko said seriously, then smirked darkly
And so are you and yours, got me gothic?
Raven arched a brow
Me think the lady doth protest too much
She said languidly imitating Kuno
Brian turned green
Please Raven, dont quote Shakespeare, theres a guy whom does that, and it was enough to make me wanna retch, I bet the immortal bard is spinning in his grave at the bashing that Kuno is giving his reputation
Ranko had a sour expression
Tell me about it, he makes me wanna give up men, Brian in my girl form I DO like men only certain kinds of men, if there was a choice between Kuno and hard core lesbianism, I would chose Lesbianism
Raven sweatdropped
He THAT bad?
Brian and Ranko said in unison
Beyond bad, he is the absolute worst, he thinks he is Kamis Gift to women
Both redheads shuddered
A hush descended upon the room, now if there is one thing a room full of hardened female prisoners hate more, is an arrogant man that thinks he is gods gift too women, and right now there were at least three hundred hardened criminals that were muttering death threats to one Tatewaki Kuno
It was then that Aki tugged at Brians shirt
Aki was good, you play with Aki now?
Ranko arched a brow and looked at Raven
What did you do to her, she was cruel to Brian and stuff, but this?
Raven smiled sinisterly
Hey I am a demon remember, paybacks a bitch, and now so is she
Ranko sweatdropped
Remind me never to get on your bad side
Raven smirked
Same goes to you godkiller
It was then that Raven & Ranko uttered moans of protest
Aki what are you doing, thats mine!
Both girls frowned petulantly as Aki had taken Brians non resistance and helped herself to some cream ala natural from Brians cock under the table, the Brunettes head was shamelessly bobbing back and forth
Raven rolled her eyes at Ranko
Geez and I called you Kitty thinking you were going to be the first one to do that!
Ranko flushed
Actually Brian calls mer kitty for a different reason
She stated quietly
There was a loud burp under the table
Raven and Ranko rolled their eyes
Aki, use your manners you cum hog!
Both said that in unison slightly no maker that moderately jealous
Raven smirked
Well how was your first BJ
Ranko sweated
What that was his FIRST and only Blow Job?
Ranko looked at Brian irrudiouslly
Geez ya think with the expertise you go down on me, you would think that Akane or at least Ukyo would return the favor
Ranko griped angrily at the thought of Brian being left unsatisfied
Raven nodded
Hey it makes me jealous and angry too, I mean the way his tongue moves youd think he was a devil in the sack, a real silver tongued serpent he can be
She said wistfully remembering her first encounter with Brians tongue upon her frustrated snatch
Ranko glared at Raven
Just so you dont get any ideas, I am the main wife you are the second wife got me gothic?
Both girls locked gazes surprisingly enough both agreed to the situation eventually when they saw how upset Brian was getting, and the fact that Aki was shamelessly calling Brian Brian-Sama and his member Cock-Sama
Brian was dragged to Rankos cell by Ranko herself, she was not pleased one bit at having Brians time hoarded by Aki of all people
Brian, I will show you what a real girl can do for her mammon, hang on to your hat Hon, youre about to go for a wild ride and I will take you through all the stops
Okay but remember, this is truly my first time. Brian responded while being `escorted by Ranko to her cell.
If Im not out by 6 hours, do not disturb. Ranko reminded everyone.
It was Ranko that led Brian and lay the man upon the floor, she had divested the bunk bed matressess and sheets, she quicklly divested him from the ugly orange attire, and herself, she smiled quietlly, as she gentlly shoothed him down upon his back.
Ive been waiting for this a long time Brian, and I am glad to be your first time in the correct way, dont worry I am not on my period, that is at least three weeks away
Ranko kissed Brians chest softlly with feathery kisses she laved his male nipples with tounge teeth and mouth ,her blue eyes looking languidlly up at his face devouring his responses to the stimulation she was providing, she smiled quiettlly to herself .
*well all this time around girls taught me everything I ever wanted to know anbout lesbian sex, and what Brian gave me with his tounge was nothing less than mindblowing, I guess if there was an anything goes martial arts style that exclusivelly was the domain of pussy eating then, Brian would be the grandmaster indeed*
She nipped playfully at his ribs and blew upon his bellybutton and her eyes widened when she heard the small gigle from Brians lips
*oho, this is fun, and now for the main event, Breakfast!*
Like a snake Rankos head struck her mouth opened as she engulfed Brians cock gentlly, she had practiced with acucumbers the carrots and hotdogs, but this most throbbing appendage was indded glorious to feel in her mouth, her blue eyes shone with need and quiet respect as she pleasured the man whom pleasured her so selflesslly .
Brians features took on a grimace of pleasure his eyes wide as he looked at Ranko, ranko winked with her left eye as she caressed and stroked her mans balls as she sucked needfully upon his shaft.
A shudder of euphoria spread through his body, he was still unused to pleasureible sensations, and he ejaculated within Rankos mouth, she swallowed her mans semen with a bemused look she allowed to let the still semi hard member fall from her lips
Hm an aquired taste, but not without its benifits, lots of protein
She winked and smiled, as she gentlly straddled him and inserted his phallus within her folds, and in a suprise move she rolled over forcing HIM on top
Just thrust back and forth Brian go slow and gentle, trust me on this, I may not be a virgin in this form, but a real bride would want her first time special too
Brian did as Ranko requested going gentlly and slowlly, he was clumsy and awkward but thanks to Rankos tutalage she did manage to have a good time and orgasm with her man, although he came a few times before she did, Ranko smiled slightlly to herself as they lay entwined in each other
I will give you points for determination I will say that much, and you filled me up marvoluslly
She kissed Brian on the lips as both Prisoner and Janitor fell asleep in each others arms.
From the shadows twin glowing eyes blinked.
The white pair turned to the red pair
that was sweet of him, no man has ever done something like that for me
The red pair looked at the white
I would think he would, I remember him stroking my body all over whilst he washed me clean, he was very gentle and his touch was so soft, just like yours is, he made me cum by his touch alone, he is a very sad yet kind man, my heart feels funny whenever I am around him, and you
The white eyes went languid
Thats called love Rei
The red eyes widened slightlly then glowed this what love feels intruiging
Both girls walked away their smiles were soft and serene
297 female prisoners looked at the two returning prisoners
They said in a quiet,murmur , Raven ever the blunt one looked at them in a deadpan
Brian got laid, and boy did he have his big cock serviced, I am very envious, Ranko had her cunt stuffed three ways from sunday , and both had smiles on their dials when they fell asleep
There was a roitus cheer albeit a subdued one , after all Ranko was a real cranky bitch when she was sexually frustrated
Raven snorted
Dont get your hopes up, Tommorows MY wedding night.......
Her eyes glowed with anticipation as a slight letcherous smile graced her otherwise stoic face
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Ranko being more open in her femininity, well she HAS been full female since Herbs castle, remember.
Trust me no one likes Sexual Frustration especially Ranko
Oh boy, I hop[e Brian has taken his vitimins cus tommorow night is going to beinteresting to say the least..