New Bet
[fanfic][R/SM][New Bet][Lime] Uncles Again?
Uncles Again?
By Deric
A New Bet/SI scenario - or if you prefer - a spamfic because everyone else is doing one, why shouldn't I?
Heavily Lime with a touch of Lemon, because the sex is mostly alluded to, without full description.
Toltir, Mimir's Well, and The Bet concept by metroanime (Gregg Sharp)
Ranma 1/2 by Takahashi Rumiko
Sailor Moon by Takeuchi Naoko
No permission was granted for using these characters - not that I asked, either.
Based on Uncles! by Deric - because I'm still stuck for ideas on chapter 6.
Toltir (sometime god of mischief, sometime bane of other god's existence) approached the scrying pool of Mimir's Well, only to find someone he'd never believe would be sitting back quaffing beer and eating pizza while observing a timeline.
The aforementioned someone was 1.9 meters tall, dark haired, bearded, and wearing - of all things - eyeglasses. His wire rimmed frames let Toltir know who it was, as none of the other gods and demigods would appear wearing such ridiculous things. It could only be Deric, demigod of unfinished manuscripts and fanfics.
"So what brings you here?" Toltir asked.
"Oh, nothing much," the other replied. "The only sports being played on earth at the moment are basketball, tennis, baseball and soccer. American football and rugby are the only sports I like to watch, so I'm bored. There was no one here, so I decided to look up the new bets timelines. They fall under my jurisdiction, anyway."
"See anything you like?"
"A few of them are interesting. A lot of them are so far-fetched, I can't see why they started the offshoot. To each their own, I guess," Deric answered. "I like the anime crossovers better than anything else, though."
"Like the Uncles! timelines, for instance?"
"Well, it ^is^ one of my avatars that's doing one of them. Take R-SM-Un-2001-D-0003/5," he said, bringing the timeline up in the pool, "this is the one he's working on. You wouldn't really like one of these because it doen't have half the chaos or mayhem as other timelines."
"True enough," agreed Toltir. "What about it?"
"It's a fusion of the Ranma and Sailor Moon timelines. Several Ranma characters participate in a Senshi adventure. They meet, find out they are all related in some way, and then it trails off because the creator doesn't know what to do with them afterwards. As he puts it, 'Meetings are easy. It's adventures and plotting that are difficult,'" he gestured towards the well with a slice of pizza in one hand. "Aw, Nifleheim," he nearly shouted when a bit of sausage rolled off the pizza and into the pool. He shouldn't have made it a double meat special, there wasn't enough cheese to hold it together.
"Well," said the god with a cat form, "this could be interesting."
"Not by much," the poor sighted demigod sighed.
Genma hobbled down the street with a walking cast on his left leg, a crutch under his left arm.
"Where do you think he's going?" a ten year old Tsukino Usagi asked.
"No idea," her eleven year old cousin, Saotome Ranma, answered. When Genma moved in with his cousin Kenji because of his broken leg, Ranma had begun teaching his younger cousin a bit of what he had learned in his travels about being stealthy. He didn't include the stealing, since he didn't like it himself and he knew he shouldn't teach that. As Genma couldn't spar other than standing in one place, it gave Ranma a lot more free time than he had ever had before. Even when Ikkuko and Kenji insisted he go to school as long he was staying in their home.
Not one to sit in front of a TV, he had to find something to pass the time. Visiting with his mother for an hour each day was okay, but she insisted that he was still on his training trip and he should stay with his father. He figured one way to pass time would be to teach a little bit of what he knew to Usagi, even if she was just a girl. Shingo was only six, so he couldn't do very much with him, although he was included in Ranma's impromptu kata lessons in the back yard of the Tsukino residence.
[watch Genma screw prostitute]
[Usagi wonders why they do it when that's how they make babies(her mom gave her the facts of life talk)]
[Usagi goads Ranma into fucking her, to find out why Genma does it to someone other than his wife]
Many years before, Robert Heinlein had written in one of his novels, 'When a girl decides she's gunna, she's gunna. The most one can do is co-operate with the inevitable.' with the inevitable.
Not being happy until he had mastered a technique, any technique, Ranma continued to 'co-operate with the inevitable' several hours each day, until the Saotomes left the Tsukino household a few months later. The two pre-teens made sure every time the Saotomes passed through Tokyo from that time on, they 'practiced' their mutual 'kata' with each other. Neither one seemed to think they had mastered it, so they 'practiced' as often and as long as they could with each other over the next five years, sometimes in her room, sometimes at his mother's place.
"It's not that bad," Toltir said.
"It's not that great, either," said Deric, wryly. "I am a hentai at heart, but shouldn't I just scrap this timeline?"
"Before you do, let it run for a while. See? This section here is amusing."
"Less amusing than what you usually look for," stated Deric. "Ranma becoming sexually active at an early age and sneaking off to his mother's house as a place where he won't be interrupted, keeps the seppuku contract from being used against him. More contact with his mother through the years does change his personality. He becomes more prone to using deception and manipulation, and easily recognizes when they are used against him.
"Having Sailor Moon cure the Neko-Ken insanity, so he won't be bothered by Luna's presence before leaving for the Tendo dojo, is also a big change. It allows him to use a fake insanity deception to approach Akane to find out what she truly thinks about him, once the first cat appears. He doesn't want Genma to know he's been cured, either. Not only would he have to explain how he was cured, but 'going cat' lets him get away from his father without repercussions.
"Keeping an emotional distance from his father is another major change. He has a much more adequate emotional outlet with Usagi, not to mention a readily willing sexual partner without ulterior motives. Therefore, he isn't as vulnerable emotionally when he meets Akane. I'm not altogether sure all of that changes the timeline for the better."
"And the use of the Ginzuishou on her cousin inadvertantly halts his aging once he turns twenty five. Now he's as long lived as if he was a reincarnated Senshi from the Silver Millenium. Mostly because she hadn't gained that much fine control over the crystal at the time," Toltir added. "More contact with an individual with a strong sense of honor -such as Ranma - then seeing the opposite - in Genma - also gives her more incentive to emulate Ranma and his accomplishments, so she doesn't whine about being a Senshi. Or at least not as much as she would in the canon timeline. Now, being a Senshi has her following the code of bushido. It's her duty as a martial artist to protect others, though she's still annoyed that it interferes with hanging out at the arcade. But look further down the line, here."
"Saotome residence."
Usagi begged her father's cousin.
"Mamoru, again?"
"Oh, that idiot! I still don't see what you see in him."
"Don't bother trying to tell me. I'll send Ranma as soon as I find him."
As she hung up the phone, Nodoka went to the one place no one else had ever thought to look for her son.
Akane was sure, when he periodically disappeared, that he was running around with one of the other girls chasing him. She was right in some ways, but she was always looking for the wrong people in the wrong places, such as the Nekohanten, Ucchan's, or the Kuno estate.
Nabiki, on the other hand, looked for him in the quiet and slightly remote places where she held her own trysts. She could tell he was seeing someone, but she wasn't sure with whom he was carrying on. So, she didn't think to look in her own back yard, so to speak.
Nodoka rapped smartly twice on Ranma's bedroom door, paused for a second, then knocked once more. She then entered and closed the door behind her. Kasumi was lying naked on the bed, arms and legs wrapped around Nodoka's also naked son, who was pistoning himself into the older girl. Nodoka was more than happy for him to come to her home as a place for him to be 'manly' with any number of girls.
One thing Nabiki always forgot was that the Martial Arts were also about feints and misdirection. If she ever was reminded of this, Ranma would be in big trouble. With a capital 'T'. He'd either have to stop screwing Kasumi or find some way of keeping Nabiki from telling any of the others. Maybe they would have to include Nabiki in their liasons. That is, if she ever caught them en flagrante delicto.
Kasumi wasn't as stupid as she appeared, either. She didn't want to be married to anyone other than Tofu, but liked to get laid. Often. Ranma, Ryouga, Mousse, the greengrocer, the fishmonger, or any one of a host of others, it didn't matter to her. As long as she could impale herself without that someone spilling the beans to anyone else, especially her family, she was happy. Of course, the hefty discount she received from the shop owners because she was getting laid by them didn't hurt the family budget in the least.
That mindless smile of hers was not from obliviousness, but from sexual satisfaction. The fact that she was serviced as much as she desired, let her ignore most of the chaos going on around her. Or, contrarily, she may have merely been daydreaming about sex and not noticed what was happening around her.
"In the words of Quick Draw McGraw...'Now hOoOld on thar!' Doesn't that look like somebody else made a second change to the timeline?"
"It does, but it isn't really. It was never stated in the canon timeline - or most of the others, for that matter - whether or not any of the Tendo girls were sexually active," stated the cat. "I can see this Ranma being more observant of the subtle nuances that indicated Kasumi might have been interested in a physical relationship, if not a permanent one."
Nodoka continued across the room to the bed and proceeded to peck her son and his current lover on their foreheads. "I'm sorry, Kasumi, but I have to take Ranma away from you for a while."
"Just...a minute...Auntie...I'm...almost...theeeEERE!"
Ranma tried to make Kasumi's orgasm last as long as possible, continuing to pump into Kasumi until she unlocked her legs from around Ranma's waist. Ranma collapsed into Kasumi's embrace, then rolled over so Kasumi was on top. His manhood still buried to the hilt inside her, he slowly caressed her body as she snuggled her head into the crook of his neck.
These actions with all of the girls he brought over, more than anything else he had ever done, had convinced his mother of his status as 'a man among men' and to have her discard the seppuku agreement. That they still played as if she had to be continually convinced of this, was Ranma's idea to get himself more time for training. Or more free time to get laid, pretending he was training. Many of his 'training trips' were just that kind of deception.
Continuing his soft stroking of Kasumi's back and firm shapely rear with his hands, he looked up to his mother and asked quietly, "So, what's wrong, that you needed to interrupt, Mom?"
"Your cousin Usagi called."
"Again," she said with more than a hint of exasperation. "I told her I'd send you over."
Softly kissing Kasumi, he slowly disengaged himself from her embrace. "I think this 'training trip' will last about two weeks. One week wasn't enough last time."
"Oh?" Kasumi asked.
"A year ago. Just before I came to the dojo after leaving China. I still don't understand why she took him back after he dumped her then." Picking up his clothes, he told his mother, "I'll be leaving as soon as I get cleaned up."
"What's wrong with me?" Usagi cried into Ranma's shoulder. "Why does he always dump me without giving any reason?"
"There's nothing wrong with you," he quietly told her, nuzzling her ear and neck. "There is something seriously wrong with him, though. He's an idiot."
"Make love to me, Ranma. I need you. Now."
Ranma continued his liplock with Usagi while undressing her. Once he finished with her he undressed himself, then broke the kiss to nuzzle her neck, saying, "I'm not going to make love to you. I'm going to have hard, hot, sweaty sex with you until you feel better. Got it?"
"Got it," she giggled. "Give it to me, hunkmeister!"
There was no tenderness, no mercy, no caring in any of Ranma's actions for the next few hours. To Usagi, it didn't matter. She knew, in her heart of hearts, that Ranma did care and always would care. He would never purposely do anything to make her feel bad and would do a myriad of things to make her feel good. It made all the difference.
The scent of musk and sweat assailed Luna as she walked into Usagi's room after Chibi Usa had burst through the door. "Not again," she sighed. This was just not proper! She knew there was a reason for raising the princesses in total isolation during the Silver Millenium. She hoped that she could establish that custom once Crystal Tokyo became a reality. No, she prayed.
Not that she really disliked the boy. All that much. He was very solicitous where the Moon Cats were concerned. Artemis had pointed out to her that Crystal Tokyo would be founded centuries earlier than expected because of his presence. His training of the Senshi had increased their power levels and made the Inners and Outers mesh as a team much closer than in any previous incarnation. She just didn't approve of what usually happened once combat training was finished.
While these things were floating through Luna's mind, Chibi Usa pounced on the two lovers, hurriedly stripping and snuggling between them. "Ranma, have you been to Jusenkyo, yet?"
"You don't know?"
"Well, I'm not sure what year it happened. You never told me in the future and I left while you were on another diplomatic mission with the Outer Senshi. I think the Black Moon Family attacked when they realized you'd be gone on Millenial Knight duties out of the solar system with the Outers."
"Your mother became Sailor Moon just before I left for China, didn't you know? That's why, when she cured me of the Neko-Ken after I came back, she didn't fully cure me of the Jusenkyo curse. Mostly because she didn't know I had it, because I was still ashamed of it." He transformed into his female guise and said, "At least I have control of it, now that you told your mother I did in the future and she told me."
Chibi Usa buried her head between her favorite pair of breasts, those belonging to her father. Though Neo-Queen Serenity had filled out in the millenium to come, she never came close to the size of her cousin's female form. Chibi Usa had missed moments like this during the year she had spent in the past. Curling up between her parents as they shared a bed was her single most treasured memory. She hadn't realized, yet, that it had begun because she initiated the custom in the 21st century and they continued it with each of their children in the centuries after the founding of Crystal Tokyo.
Not that she had told anyone in the past who her father was. There was too much chance of a time paradox, as future Pluto had warned her.
"So Usagi decides not to marry Mamoru until Crystal Tokyo is founded and never consummates the marriage with him," Toltir laughed.
"The marriage is for purposes of State, and nothing else. It also looks like Ranma will be the only father of her children. And possibly the rest of the Senshi, too, excepting Hotaru and Chibi Usa, as they are his niece and his daughter."
"Especially when Usagi isn't averse to Multiple Partner Sex with the Inners or the Outers, making it almost impossible for jealousy to rear its ugly head. Usagi seems to like sharing Ranma with her friends, once he returns from China, and this only binds them to her more firmly. It looks like the only one of the Senshi that won't be bi-sexual will be Michiru, though the female Ranma takes over as her most favored bed partner from Haruka."
"Interesting, but not all that great," said Deric. "Should I wipe the timeline, now?"
"No, just leave it as it is. Maybe one of the others would be amused by it. It may even garner a vote or two."
"Not from me," Deric said.
"Nor me," Toltir chuckled.
26 Jun 2002
(R-SM-Un-2001-D-0003/5 = Ranma-Sailor Moon-Uncles!-written 2001-by Deric-third timeline posted on Nighthawk's website/five chapters) for anyone who wonders why it was given this designation.
As I stated above, 'Meetings are easy. It's adventures and plotting that are difficult'. I have been working on Uncles! chapter 6, but haven't really gotten inspired. Most everything I've been working on is on my website; Not that any of it is worth releasing to RAAC, but it's there if anyone wants to see it.