The Melding


I don’t own Ranma ½’s character, Ukyo Kuonji. She is property of Rumiko Takahashi.

This story should not be viewed by just anyone. It is an erotic story, and though it doesn’t contain explicit scenes, it can be understood...

For those who had not read any of my fan fictions, you will not have the least idea of who Wilheim is...

He is a character that I created, a vampire that became Ukyo’s boyfriend at the end of the story “The Wish of an Immortal”, and he later became human once more in “The Obscure War.”

This story was based on my former fan fiction “One Night of Passion”. The same thing happens here, only that this is a very, say, weird and unusual lemon...

Now that I’ve bored you enough with this lowdown (sorry), please read on, and enjoy the story. ^_^


Ukyo tried to fall asleep, but she couldn’t. And Wilheim was also having the same trouble. He had his arm around Ukyo’s neck and was caressing her cheek. But he couldn’t do it as he wanted to, because the girl kept moving over and over again.

After a long while, Ukyo kept still for three minutes. Wilheim smiled, as he thought that Ukyo would move no more. But he rolled his eyes as he felt the girl’s cheek leave his hand caressing nothing but air, and turned around again. Wilheim wasn’t mad, however. He was still thinking of how he and Ukyo had kissed an hour ago. He simply couldn’t get the sweet taste of her mouth off his mind. And the more he tried to think of something else, the more he thought about how his tongue and Ukyo’s had engaged a playful duel.

*Stop thinking about it. The last thing you want to do is to hurt her.* he thought to himself.

Little did Wilheim know, that the only reason Ukyo could not sleep, was because she was still thinking about the kiss as well. She rolled over Wilheim’s arm once more.

*I can’t help it. I love him. And I desire him... No, no, you jackass!! Behave yourself!!* she thought.

Wilheim let out a long sigh. He shook his head, beginning to get angry at himself. Surely, he loved Ukyo. More than anything else. But he loved her body as well. He desired to make love to her. He wished to bring upon him and her the most intense pleasure, and let their two bodies merge.

*I can’t.* he thought. *Such purity cannot be wronged by such desire.*

Ukyo moved her head again, and put it on Wilheim’s chest. She noticed that his heart was beating up very quickly. The sole thought of having Ukyo, made Wilheim’s heart beats began to race. His blood flowed through his veins at an incredibly fast rate, like the waters of a never ending river. His breathing began to speed up. He gulped and tried to close his eyes. But he couldn’t. He simply couldn’t get any sleep.

Ukyo sighed. She put her hand on top of Wilheim’s stomach. She then felt his abdomen’s muscles. Her eyes closed tightly, while the girl struggled against the desire to caress his hard stomach. She let out yet another sigh, but it had been a long, nervous sigh. Knowing that her lustful feelings would soon over come her, Ukyo tried to move away from Wilheim. But as soon as she stopped feeling the boy’s tough body, she immediately moved her head back on top of his chest. Ukyo felt secure with him. And she didn’t want to move. But she knew she had to, for she began to feel how her excitement grew more and more. Again, she tried to move away from him, but again she failed. She then felt Wilheim’s hand caressing her head. By just feeling his mere touch, she trembled nervously. She was now breathing hardly and rapidly.

*...What would happen if I ask him?* she thought for a second. *No... I can’t. It’s just not right.* she realized.

But she couldn’t help it. She needed to know if he wanted her, the same way she wanted him.

On the other hand, Wilheim was actually also thinking about it.

*Should I ask her?* he thought. *But... what will happen if she says no?*

A few moments passed until they finally gathered enough courage to make the question. They both took a deep breath, sat up in the bed, and asked at the same time:


“Ukyo dear?”

They froze for a few seconds, and then they let out a nervous giggle.

“...What?” asked the girl.

“No, you go first.” Replied Wilheim.

“No, no, I...” said Ukyo. She took a deep breath, and then muttered: “It’s because I’m moving so much, isn’t it?”

Wilheim shook his head.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just that I...” he said.

They were too nervous, too scared to hear one ‘no’ for an answer. But they needed to do it. After a long time, it was Ukyo who finally asked in a low voice:

“Do you want to make love?”

Wilheim opened his eyes widely when he heard the question, and let out a shocked, nervous breath. He couldn’t believe it. She actually wanted to have him, the same way he wanted to have her.

A strange silence filled the room. Ukyo looked at Wilheim, wondering if she had made a terrible mistake. But suddenly, Wilheim smiled and his face turned bright red. Finally, he barely nodded his head.

“Yes...” he said, as he let out a passionate sigh.

Ukyo smiled, relieved. She looked at Wilheim in the eyes, and then held his hands with hers. The boy took a deep breath and began to caress Ukyo’s hands. They both could feel each other’s pulse. Their hearts beat like the drums that are later followed by the sweetest melody. Suddenly, Ukyo stopped smiling and closed her eyes. She began to let her breath come out of her mouth. She had the scent of a thousand roses. Wilheim savored Ukyo’s breath for a few moments, and then, without any advice, he received a long, passionate kiss.

Ukyo quickly introduced her tongue in Wilheim’s mouth, and at that very moment, the passionate and loving battle began, a fight that would seem to last forever, a combat in which the loser would gladly surrender to the winner. The boy tried to push back Ukyo’s tongue into her mouth, but he didn’t know that his adversary already had a lustful plan. When Wilheim finally achieved his goal, Ukyo began to suck him vigorously, and didn’t let go. The girl had captured her opponent, and wouldn’t let go of him, at least not until she was sure that she had won this fight. The boy finally gave up, and let himself at Ukyo’s mercy.

After a long while, the kiss finally came to an end. Ukyo slowly retracted her tongue into her mouth and gently bit Wilheim’s lip. The boy then decided to let loose another fierce battle. With a quick movement, he pinned the girl and put his body on top of hers. Ukyo didn’t put any resistance, she decided to let her adversary take control of her, just for this time. Wilheim looked at his girlfriend in the eyes and smiled at her.

“I love you...” he whispered.

The girl smiled as well, and replied:

“I love you too...”

And then, Wilheim slowly lowered his head and kissed Ukyo again. The raging battle that started it all was let loose once more. But another one began...

Wilheim gently slid his hands down from Ukyo’s hair to her shirt, and slowly unbuttoned it. The girl took a deep breath, while she felt as if an incubus was slowly taking control of her. But she was not afraid, for she knew that the creature would not steal her soul. He would give her his, for he loved her deeply. The girl smiled, let out a happy sigh, which was immediately muffled by her boyfriend’s gentle kiss.

After a little while, Wilheim finally managed to let Ukyo’s beautiful, upper body exposed. He looked at her for a long time, overwhelmed by her magnificence. The boy did not feel worthy at all, such beauty was untouchable. But he knew that Ukyo wanted him to love her, she wanted to keep on battling till the very end. And so, Wilheim looked at her girlfriend in the eyes and murmured:

“You have the most beautiful body I have ever seen in my whole existence.”

Ukyo smiled sweetly, and said in a low, sensual voice:

“Don’t stop, Wilheim...”

The boy nodded and let out a little sigh. And so, Wilheim carefully lowered his hands and placed them on Ukyo’s soft, beautiful, white breasts. The girl let out a surprised gasp. Wilheim then began to massage and to gently kiss Ukyo’s body, letting her enjoy his magical touch.

The girl felt how an unknown force slowly drained her energy. She didn’t know whether it was the beautiful incubus that gently caressed her body, or if it was the sudden, warm gale that had touched her skin. She felt as if that gale slowly took her strength away, defeating her.

“Wilheim... ohhh... don’t... Ahh! Don’t stop...” begged Ukyo, between moans and gasps.

The gale that gently stroke her body suddenly turned into a small storm. Its rain drops fell on Ukyo’s body, making her shiver from pleasure. She felt how a soft wind began to run through her hair, and her fingers. She closed her eyes, and let herself be carried away by the gentle storm. For she knew that it would carry her to the very Heaven. The girl felt how her body slowly began to float in the air, as if it was suddenly sucked by a typhoon. She let out a soft, surprised cry, and let the new wind engulf her body. She then smiled, and began to moan and gasp even louder than before, as if she were pleading to the typhoon to take control over her. The incubus then appeared, and with a triumphant smile, he quickly embraced Ukyo and let her feel her round, soft muscles. The girl let out a small moan and then looked at the strange, but beautiful creature in the eyes.

Wilheim smiled, and gave Ukyo a quick kiss. The girl tried to respond with a kiss herself, but as soon as she felt Wilheim’s lips touch her mouth, she was paralyzed by a cold, but merry wind. Ukyo then remembered that she was letting her adversary take complete hold of her, and she couldn’t allow that. Without any warning, she rammed her body against her boyfriend, and tried to pin him over. However, she was quickly dominated by Wilheim’s superior force. The boy captured the girl between his arms and gently put his body on top of hers once more. Ukyo decided to stop fighting, and let her loving opponent win yet another battle.

Wilheim let out a soft giggle, and then whispered in Ukyo’s ear:

“Out of energy all ready?”

This had been clearly a challenge. The girl decided to wait for the right moment to answer that call, and to take control of his adversary. But for now, she merely smiled and nodded her head.

The boy raised his body a little bit, and then, he asked in a low voice:

“Are you ready?”

Ukyo smiled, and as a response, she slowly opened her legs. Wilheim let out a passionate sigh and gently put his body on top of Ukyo’s once more. He let both of their sexes touch, and then began to move his hips up and down.

The girl let out a surprised gasp, and tried to stop her boyfriend from going any further, for if she did, she would surely lose the loving war. But pleasure had completely overtaken her mind, and she had now surrendered herself to the ecstasy that invaded her. However, Wilheim felt Ukyo’s grasp and quickly stopped his movements.

“What... what is it...?” the boy asked, as he tried not to breathe too hard.

Ukyo didn’t answer right away; she had to let a minute pass, for her heart was beating so loudly that her chest had began to ache a little.

“I’m sorry.” She finally said. “It’s just that it’s my first time... And I’m really nervous.”

Wilheim smiled and gently caressed Ukyo’s cheek.

“If you want me to stop...” he began, but was interrupted by the girl, who said:

“No, it’s ok. I really want to do it.” She made a small pause, and she then added: “I’m really nervous, but that’s all...”

The boy’s smile grew bigger. He noticed that she was trembling with fear, and excitement. Without saying a word, he gently pulled down Ukyo’s pants. The girl closed her eyes, and felt how her heartbeats suddenly started to speed up. Then, Wilheim sweetly kissed Ukyo’s ear, and then whispered in a soft, gentle voice:

“Don’t worry. It is my first time as well, believe or not... I will be as gentle as I can, for you and for me, Ukyo dear...”

The girl looked at Wilheim in the eyes and gave him a tern smile. She let out a soft giggle, and then embraced him. After a little while, she kissed him yet again, and let loose the same fierce battle that started the loving war. Again, she began to suck the boy’s tongue. Little by little, she was draining his strength, without him noticing it. Wilheim didn’t know that a small wind had begun to blow from the very heavens. He did not know that that gale was announcing the coming of that which he could not defeat. But he chose not to trust such strange wind, and let himself at the girl’s mercy.

At long last, the kiss came to an end. The boys got on their knees, and then, Wilheim took off his shirt and revealed his beautiful, tough torso. Ukyo let out a thrilled sigh, as she gently began to caress his body. For her, it seemed that the incubus that had nearly drained her from all of her strength was finally surrendering to her. The girl kissed the boy’s body, as she let her curious hands massage the rest of Wilheim’s body.

The boy slowly reached Ukyo’s underwear, and then pulled it down her long, slender legs. The girl reacted immediately, and began to unzip Wilheim’s jeans. After a little while, they had their bodies completely exposed to the approaching, loving storm that was about to engulf them. However, neither of them dared to look down.

*If I look, won’t it be wrong?* Ukyo thought to herself.

*Should I profane such purity?* Wilheim wondered.

After looking at themselves for a long while, they finally smiled at each other and held hands. And then, they both saw each other’s sexes...

Ukyo let out a small, excited moan when she saw that the incubus had now transformed himself into Apollo. His strong, beautiful body was ready to hold her between his tough arms. She took a deep breath, and tried to relax her lower muscles. She was wondering if she would be able to overcome the strength of that strong, fair, ancient creature.

Wilheim opened his eyes widely, and let out a gasp. He felt as if he had profaned an ancient, holy temple. He felt as if he had suddenly entered the most beautiful forest, and in its center, was Venus herself, smiling at him. The boy felt very excited, for he would soon wage the greatest of battles. He was sure that he stood a chance against the fair, Greek goddess. But he knew that if Ukyo’s appearance was really an illusion, he would then face the greatest and most beautiful of all creatures. And against that being, he could never win.

They smiled at each other, and then, Ukyo let her body rest on the bed again, and she opened her legs, once more. Wilheim took a deep breath and lowered his body on top of her girlfriend’s, and let their sexes touch. They both gasped when they felt this, and tried to calm down their excitement. After a while of looking at her in the eyes, Wilheim whispered in a low voice to her beloved:

“My fairest star... I beg you... let us ride through the Heavens together...”

Ukyo let out a long, excited sigh, and then said:


And with that being said, Wilheim gently commenced the fiercest of all battles.

They both gasped when they suddenly felt how a strange, sudden storm struck their bodies with its most powerful lightning. This was merely the beginning of their passion and their love, for the storm would grow more intense and powerful by the minute.

Ukyo looked at the boy in the eyes and smiled. He returned the smile and began to let his body move in and out of the girl, as he inflicted the same amount of pleasure he received.

Ukyo began to moan hysterically, but his sensual cries of pleasure were suddenly deafened by an approaching hurricane. The storm was so fierce that its strong winds tore of all the Earth’s roses, and a powerful lightning shattered a huge, old tree. But after that, the rain began to fall on the Earth, making its roses grow taller and with more splendor. And the tree’s branches suddenly began to grow as well, as they reached the highest limits, and the tree’s trunk extended itself to the very Heavens. And from those Heavens, Ukyo’s cry was heard, and Wilheim’s moan was listened.

“Ohhh... Honey... Don’t stop!! Ahh!!” shouted the girl, as her erotic yell shattered the clouds and the shadows, and was captured by the great tree.

“My dearest... Ohhh... My love...!!” moaned Wilheim, and his sensual voice was heard by the soft soil and was imprisoned by the flowers.

The boy felt how an unknown force began to drain all of his strength from his body. He felt as if he were at the edge of a mountain, with his eyes fixed on the sky. A soft wind blew from below, and it gently caressed his tough body, capturing him, and weakening him.

Ukyo felt how her body began to absorb his boyfriend’s strength. She smiled to herself, and used all of her energy to pin Wilheim down, and put her body on top of him.

The boy let out a gasp, filled with pleasure, as he felt how Ukyo began to move on top of him. He could not battle against her, for she had absorbed her power. The incubus had been touched by a succubus, and his strength had gone.

The girl smiled to herself, and let out a triumphant giggle. Like a sweet melody, she began to move her slender body up, and down; left, and right. Wilheim knew that Ukyo was about to win this battle, and he did not with to let that happen. But it was too late for him.

Because when he looked at the sky again, a beautiful Angel emerged from the clouds. It was as he had feared... She spread her wings and made all the shadows and all of the darkness retreat to their somber hideout. Then she swooped down and Wilheim, and embraced him. The boy felt the creature’s intense glow, and let out a cry. With her light, the angel was slowly taking complete control over him, enslaving him, turning him into a puppet which would only move by her master’s will. Wilheim could not battle against the divine being. He had lost the fight. He finally decided to let himself at the creature’s mercy, he let her do whatever she wanted to do with his body, because she had turned him into his servant.

Ukyo let out a triumphant, happy moan, as she saw with her beautiful, blue eyes how the incubus, how Apollo, how his boyfriend, Wilheim, was slowly succumbing to her superior will. She had enough strength to deal with him, for he saw her as a divine being which cannot be defeated, while she thought of him as a victim to her holy powers.

Wilheim tried to give battle, as he slowly raised his hands and gently caressed the Angel’s body. But the more he massaged the holy creature, the more strength he lost. He knew he would surely lose the loving battle, but he needed to touch the Angel, for the divine being was the most beautiful thing he had ever saw, and with her erotic glow, she told Wilheim, in words he could not listen with his ears, but that he could understand with his mind:

*Let me purify you, my love. Let your soul merge with mine...*

It was then that the boy lost his grip on the Angel’s body. Ukyo noticed this and quickly grasped Apollo’s hands and pinned them on their cloudy bed. She had now completely won this battle. Her boyfriend had little strength left, and her holy touch was slowly draining it away.

Wilheim felt how the Angel began to flap her wings. Slowly, they began to float in the air, and she then took him to the very Heaven. With every flap of her divine wings, a holy gale hit the boy’s body, weakening him even more, and making him cry out in ecstasy.

However, Ukyo had not won the war. Because, her holy glow, her divine touch had betrayed her, for they had let her fall under Wilheim’s magical spell. Slowly, the incubus began to recover his strength, and Ukyo began to lose hers. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t give up. She didn’t wish to. She continued to let loose her magical, divine glow, making herself and Wilheim moan again, and again, filled with pleasure.

When he felt he was about to reach the climax, the boy rammed his body against the Angel’s, and tried to pin her. But neither of them could dominate the other, for their strength was equal. Wilheim looked at the beautiful Angel, while Ukyo stared without blinking, and while breathing hard, at Apollo. They then smiled at each other, and let the beautiful, pure moment come to its end...

The boys cries were heard by the holy temple, and by the fields; they were captured by the flowers and by the tree. Their power was now equal, and none of them would lose; they would both emerge victorious from the loving war.

They both felt how they were slowly reaching the climax. Ukyo let her head roll back and wrapped her body around the incubus, and let him drain her strength. Wilheim let out a low yell, and surrendered completely to the Angel’s will.

“AHH!! WILHEIM!! MY LOVE!! OHH!!” Ukyo yelled, while overtaken by ecstasy.

“OHH!! MY GODDESS!! UKYO!! AHH!!” Wilheim loudly moaned, as he felt how the Angel’s glow engulfed him.

And then, Ukyo felt how Apollo suddenly summoned the rivers of the Elysium. The girl froze, and then felt how their pure, holy waters bathed her body and penetrated her soul. She then felt how her heart became one with Wilheim’s spirit.

Wilheim felt how the Angel’s glow completely imprisoned him, and drained all of his strength. He let out yet another moan, and allowed the Angel to take hold of his soul and his body, and meld with them. The divine being quickly returned to the Heavens, while smiling tenderly and triumphantly. The boy felt as if he had lost the battle. But it had been a glorious defeat, for he and Ukyo were now one...

They stood still and quiet for a few moments, while they tried to cool themselves down. They were drenched in sweat, and they both breathed heavily and rapidly.

“That... that was... amazing...” whispered Ukyo, as she felt how her heartbeats slowly returned to their normal speed.

“In... Indeed...” muttered Wilheim, and his breathing began to slow down.

They then broke the loving, lustful union, and collapsed on the bed.

After a while, Ukyo and Wilheim were now dressed in their pajamas, and were ready to go to sleep. They laid down next to each other, and were looking up at the ceiling.

“...Did you like it?” asked Wilheim, nervously.

“I loved it.” Answered Ukyo, happily. And after a pause, she added: “We ought to do that again.”

Wilheim nodded and chuckled. Then, he turned his body to face Ukyo, and hugged her. She smiled, and put her head on Wilheim’s chest, and let him caress her cheek.

Ukyo was about to fall into a deep sleep, when she suddenly thought of something to do. She smiled to herself and tried hard to keep herself from bursting into laughter.

“Hey, Wilheim-honey...” she finally said, trying to sound as serious as she could, “How are we gonna name the baby?” she added, as she turned around, trying not to smile to watch Wilheim’s reaction.

She had a lot of trouble not to burst out laughing when he saw him. First, his smile completely faded away, and he opened his eyes widely. He held his breath, and turned pale. He then let his jaw drop a little bit, and did nothing for a while. Finally, he put his hand in his face, and said in a worried voice:

“Oh, shit.”

Ukyo could no longer hold her joy, and so she burst out laughing. Wilheim turned around, still shocked, and faced her. She smiled at him, and tried to stop her frantic laughter.

“No, no!” she barely said. “Don’t worry, I’m as sharp as a clock, and I won’t ovulate for another five days! Calm down, I was only teasing!!”

Wilheim let out a long, relieved breath, and smiled. Even though there is no exact way of calculating such things, he chose to trust Ukyo’s words, rather than his thoughts.

“Oh...” he muttered, as he tried hard to not to hyperventilate.

Ukyo noticed this and nearly laughed her head off. When Wilheim was calm enough, he started to tickle her, playfully. Ukyo laughed even more, and nearly stopped breathing.

“Very funny, very funny!! Let’s see if you think this is funny!!” Wilheim yelled, as he tickled her.

“Stop!! Wilheim-honey... please!!” Ukyo barely yelled.

Wilheim chuckled as he saw how Ukyo stopped breathing and kept on laughing. He then decided to stop. It took Ukyo a few moments to recover her breath. When she did, they both let out a long, happy sigh, and Ukyo put her head on top of Wilheim’s chest, while he began to caress her cheek. They did this for a while, until they were about to fall asleep. And before they did, Ukyo said in a sweet, low voice:

“I love you, Wilheim-honey...”

“I love you too, Ukyo dear...” replied Wilheim, tenderly.

And then, they both fell into the deepest of dreams.