Authors Notes (Suekeiichi Kaiton): This side story is a foray into the land of lemons, so please read only if you are old enough to view such material and graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse do not offend you. This chapter is meant to flesh out the back story of Ranmas relationship with the royal family of Teh Sthlhu. I had written vast passages from this work separately as part of an upcoming chapter, but after Eric contacted me with the idea for writing a lemon component I gave him the work I had done to integrate with his own work. I personally thought the idea was a terrific one, but far be it from me to take away such a talented writers work. Ahem, now on to Erics notes.
Authors Notes (Eric Freedman): After reading the second chapter I was kinda blown away by some of the possibilities for Ranma and his harem. After I emailed Kaiton about writing a lemon on his idea, he told me I should write it! He gave me a huge amount of text he was working on and I gave him some scenes I thought I could write. Anyway, we wrote it together!
The Wandering Saotome Interlude 1
By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton and Eric Freedman
(Footnotes or Authors commentary)
---Throne room of Emperor Maximillian, Stupar City---
Ranma Saotome! Prince of Phoenix Mountain, Regent of the Musk, and conqueror of the House of Copper Victory, approaches the throne! A guard clashed his steel pike against the marble floor of the emperors main audience chamber. At the moment, however, Maximillian was not in residence. Pressing concerns surrounding the conflict between the Dukedom of Ly-Donia and the Lan-Drian Empire at the Gurukadon Cliffs in the far reaches of Teh Sthlhu disturbed the Emperor and so he had left to mediate their peace accord. His wife, Kase, was in charge of state in his absence.
Kase was one of the Shades, a race of assassins who possessed the innate ability to blend into the shadows, in essence teleporting from one shadow to another. What began as a natural ability became further honed by the use of bioengineering, granting them the ability to warp from one shadow to another. Naturally this led to their status as hired killers, for none could truly escape from shadows. They were a neurotic group, but they were successful and were in charge of the largest and most expansive illegal cartel in Teh Sthlhu history.
The Druidic Warlords, in their heyday, had brought two species to the land from dimensions far removed to kill each other as a sport. The species were the Shades and their opposites, The Brood. A race of luminescent beings, the Brood existed as a collective mind of neural synapses, a living series of interconnected nuclear reactors. After seven centuries of warfare, the Druidic Warlords eradicated the Brood from Teh Sthlhu, leaving only the Shades.
The story of Kase and Maximillians romance was filled with murder, intrigue and irony. In the seventh year of his reign, Maximillians second advisor, Toh Gaeberev, planned to have the emperor killed and take control of the empire. To this end he enlisted the aid of the Guild of Shadows, and specifically the female assassin, Kase. Kase had built her reputation on disguise and swiftness in the kill, easing her victim into a false sense of security with his new consort before ruthlessly ripping their hearts out. For six months she masqueraded as a palace maid, building a relationship with the budding emperor, then finally he had taken her to his bedchambers. Unfortunately for Gaeberev, Maximillian had an ace up his sleeve.
Maximillian had been born during the regime of the Druidic Warlords to a servant girl and the last member of the Brood. Separated from the gestalt mind, it had lashed out and raped one of the Warlords maids, in this case Maximillians mother. Schoct, the Warlord in charge of the sector, hunted the Brood-member down and erased him from the dimension, leaving him to drift aimlessly in the void of nonexistence, but the damage had been done. Maximillian was born a year later and his mother was killed for continuing the Brood bloodline, he himself was relegated to slave work. After seventeen years of labor, he incited a rebellion against the Druidic Warlords. It was this Brood blood pulsing in his veins that alone saved him from suffering Gaeberevs ambitious plans.
In truth, Kase had been developing a grudging respect bordering on affection for Maximillian, and did not look forward to killing him. Maximillians Brood blood had reacted with Kases Shade blood, resulting in a shift of morals for her profession. Suffice it to say, Kase renounced her loyalty to the Guild of Shadows and married Maximillian. Toh Gaeberev was exiled and cast past the Sunken Graveyard.
Now, Kase was sitting upon the emperors throne, garbed in a slinky black dress that hugged her assets and a jeweled gold crown inscribed with Maximillians seal. She had angular features, straight black hair (an uncommon trait in Teh Sthlhuians), long lush eyebrows and full ruby lips. Her rose nipples showed blatantly through her gown, and the long slit up the side of her skirt displayed her long legs and just a peek of her black thong undergarments. She looked on him with amusement as he blushed and looked away from her body, while she herself gazed lecherously at his broad shoulders, firm buttocks, and bronze complexion. As empress, she was allowed lovers just as Maximillian had his harems in each of his palaces, she however had not thought of taking one until now. Ranma strode up to the steps leading up to her dais and knelt under her scrutinizing gaze.
Arise, Ranma. He rose, still averting his eyes. While I believe it flattering that you would not look upon your Empress directly, you know that Maximillian thinks of you as a close friend and as such you have permission to look upon my body. Ranma winced as she noticed his embarrassment at her state of dress. Reluctantly he looked up and gazed straight back into her ruby eyes. [Strong and forceful, I like that in a man, he just defiantly stared at me.] A wicked smile grew on her face as he continued to stare. [He wont back down, I believe he feels it his duty to look upon me now.] She broke the stare and rose from her throne, laughing a bit as the servants opened the veils ahead of her. Come, Ranma, you shall dine with me tonight.
He nervously swallowed and replied, Your highness, I believe that Lord Choiler is expecting me back on Earth tonight, I must decline your invitation. He seemed to shrink under her scrutiny.
As you say. When you return, however, I wish to see you immediately. We can dine then. The servants closed the veils behind her, the only image Ranma could see was her silhouette behind the silk. I have some rather...intimate matters to discuss with you when we meet again. She walked down the passage, her shadow drawn across the silk growing smaller and smaller until Ranma breathed a sigh of relief and made his way home.
---Phoenix Mountain, the Forgotten Library---
How was it, Ranma? Did you succeed? Choiler flew down to the landing from his perch at the highest shelf, speckled wings dusting the edges of the book-spines adorning the stacks.
I guess so Have you ever heard of The House of Copper Victory? Ranma threw his remaining gildouns on the table in front of him.
Yes, the dragon tribe. Quite an old one as well, I hear most of their traditions date back to the time of the Druidic Warlords. Why?
I guess I cant just disregard their traditions then, huh? He lay down on his cot along the wall of Choilers office. Gazing up at the familiar ceiling, Ranma reflected on his encounter with the Empress and just why he became so nervous under the scrutiny of her ruby orbs, there had been something hungry behind those eyes. Shivering despite himself, he wandered off in search of Kima, dreading her reaction to yet another fiancée.
Choiler sat back in a cushioned chair, his gray beard lying down his chest and sighed, knowing full well the trouble his heir had fallen into. A boy (or should he say man) of his skill? He knew the House of Copper Victory wouldnt let go of Ranma, theyd stop at nothing to betroth him to one of their number and gain his power for themselves. Still, Ranma would never be anyones pawn, never, so Choilers fears were contained for the time being.
---Emperor Maximillians Palace, same time---
Kase dined in her private chamber with her daughter, Pseip, on a banquet of roasted hien and boiled jamjul (1). She was dressed much the same as when she had received Ranma into the palace, a tight, revealing gown which pulled taut in all the right places. Pseip was her first and only child, Shades generally produced only one heir each millennia, and was nineteen years old with straight black hair and golden eyes. A bit flat-chested for her age, she more than made up for it with her long legs and tight body. With her father away, she had nothing to attend to and her days seemed to stretch on and on.
Tell me daughter, what do you think of the techno-mage, Ranma? Kase placed her dish at the end of the table as a servant plucked it from her grasp. Does he interest you in any way?
As her daughter fidgeted with the embarrassing nature of the question posed at her, Kase casually poured a glass of elderberry wine and sat back on a satin-embroidered couch. Pseip was simply too shy for her own good, she couldnt even lay her eyes on any of the male servants without blushing, once she had walked in on a naked man and fainted at the mere sight of his penis. Swirling the wine, Kase sipped the thin fluid and regarded her daughter.
With long legs and her beautiful face, she could hope to win any of the other nobles for her husband, but Pseip just couldnt look at any man save her own father. Without strong ties to the aristocracy or an individual in high esteem to the masses, Maximillians dynasty could never continue, something had to be done. Kase had hoped that Ranma would help break her daughter of her silly phobia, but now she was considering taking him for herself. Maximillian never gave her any attention anymore, he was always off surveying his empire and whoring about with his harems, neglecting his wife as time passed on; it was only natural that she seek a partner to fill the void. She laid the crystal glass on a nearby table.
I guess hes alright. Pseip began examining the plate of food before her intently under her mothers gaze. I-I mean, hes certainly popular. Kase could literally see the rosy glow of her daughters cheeks as the girls blush exploded into a vivid red aura. Why?
Im thinking of asking him to marry you. Pseip almost choked as her mother refilled her glass of wine from a nearby decanter. As her coughing subsided, Pseip turning to her mother with eyes as large as rhoditay. (2) Kase smiled at her daughters embarrassment and set down the glass again to place calm hands on her spawns shoulders. The Empire needs allies, daughter, and Ranma certainly would have enough of them to ensure the future rule of you and your ancestors for millennia to come. Well, that and I want to break you of this simpering, embarrassing phobia of yours. She swirled her glass before taking another long sip of the magenta fluid. How do you think it feels to have a daughter who cant even see a male servant without blushing? A girl who cant look a male, save her father, in the eyes? How can you ever hope to catch a husband and satisfy a man if you cant stand seeing him, let alone his cock!
Pseip fainted at the mere utterance of the word cock and submitted to the embarrassment that shed staved off for so long, crumpling to the floor in defeat. Kase sighed deeply, repentant for driving her daughter to such extremes, but her childs shyness was no excuse. Something had to be done, and soon, or Maximillians empire would be in jeopardy with no stable, married heir. Calling to her servant to take Pseip back to her room, Kase called her minister and asked him to alert her when Ranma was next seen in the lands of Teh Sthlhu. Smiling at the thought of making love again, Kase slipped a cool hand between her legs and retired to her bedroom.
---Two weeks later---
Hail! Ranma Saotome, Prince of the Phoenix, Regent of the Musk and conqueror of the House of Copper Victory now approaches the throne! The guard clashed his steel pike upon the polished, reflective marble floor. Ranma, skittish and nervous at this meeting, jumped at the cacophonic emanations and faced forward. Steeling himself against the hungry stare Kase projected from across the hall, Ranma walked with careful, deliberate steps to her dais. Upon reaching the red velvet steps he knelt.
Arise, Ranma. He raised his head to behold her majesty in a slinky, thin black dress. To call it a dress would be an exaggeration because it was seemingly made of spider webs and left her nude except for concentrations of covering around her crotch and breasts. Still, anyone with his sight could see through the sheer black material. He could see every inch of her body, from her long legs to her firm buttocks and from there to her creamy breasts and long, regal neck. Her breasts were seemingly suspended by magic, jutting from her chest as if held there by invisible hands.
She wore her personal crown now, a gleaming confection of gold floss and silver leaf superimposed over a white gold frame. Long, spindly spines flew from either side of the platinum-embossed seal placed over her forehead. A mark of the Shades and the mark of the Empire were fused together on the seal, which was carved into a solid piece of platinum and offset by ruby ornamentation. Lowering his eyes, Ranma was not surprised to find a few strands of her wiry, black pubic hair peeking from either side of her panty crotch, he was more shocked. Unwillingly, he stiffened and looked down just in time to see the tell-tale evidence of his arousal tent his pants. Cursing under his breath, Ranma hoped that the cold air vent above him would cool him down somewhat from the open back of his tunic.
I am appreciative that you called me to dine at the palace, it is a great honor, your highness. I was going to return to Earth for a meal when your messenger arrived. He gave a low decorative bow. She laughed in amusement at his stiff formality, if she wanted him as a lover, that was one habit she had to break in his personality.
There is no need for such formality, Ranma, you are my husbands friend and are my friend as well, [Perhaps something more after tonight ] she thought as she licked dry lips, It is our pleasure to reward such a great hero. She rose with an alarum from behind the throne and motioned for the servants to part the veils enclosing the portal to the Emperors private area of the palace, hooking her arm in his before gesturing to the opening. As he rose, she noticed the rigid bulge tenting his slacks and felt herself become slippery in anticipation of tasting that particular meat later on in the evening. I have invited my daughter, Pseip to join us, you do know my daughter, dont you?
Yes, we have passed each other in the halls. [Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?]
Good, good, I was thinking of inquiring on your marital status, Ranma. She pressed closer to his body, his arm pinioned between her breasts. He felt a warm wetness stain his pants as she wrapped her legs around him for a moment, the musky odor of her arousal driving his libido to undreamed of heights. She saw the bulge grow bigger and pull the material of his slacks taut over his package.
I am unwed, Madam. Ranma blushed crimson and could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks as his manhood jutted out in front of him. May I ask why you wanted to know? As they passed a group of palace maids, they giggled, blushing as he saw their eyes drawn to his pants. He took the opportunity to look down and saw that his penis was clearly detailed through the thin fabric of his pants.
I want you to become my consort, Ranma. He yelped as she pinched his ass with her right hand and grabbed hold of his bulge with her left. He spun away from her, leaping high enough to touch the vaulted ceiling, before touching down ten feet away. She smiled wickedly, licking the fingers on her left hand before dissolving through her clothing and into her shadow. The darkness was like a crack in the earth as her melting form was swallowed by her own darkness. Ranma relaxed slightly.
You wouldnt want to disappoint your Empress now, would you? Soft arms encircled his neck as she phased out of his shadow. He froze as her erect nipples pressed into the open-back of his tunic and her cool hands fell to his head and crotch. Firmly messaging with both of her hands, Ranma let out a moan as she rubbed his slacks against his hard on. He gasped as her soft hand delved past the drawstring of his pants and grasped his penis. Come now, Ranma, let us dine first-and enjoy ourselves later.
---Maximillians camp, Gurukadon Cliffs---
He was tired. The squabbling was endless, neither side wanted the peace that could prove advantageous to them both and it was giving the Emperor of Teh Sthlhu a headache. Landrick, nomadic emperor of the northern continent of Lan-Dria which bordered The Sthlhu, was an old friend who had been instrumental in the final years of the Turning, when the Druidic Warlords were defeated and a new golden age began under Maximillian, now he feared another war.
The Dukedom of Ly-Donia was new to him, inhabiting a remote island to the north-west of Teh Sthlhu. Its ruler, Rwedad, was brought to the land by the Druidic warlords during the final year of the Turning. Brought as a general he failed miserably and left all matters of war to his shady advisor, Temnoble. Maximillian was wary of them both, Rwedad was short and stumpy, and Temnoble wore thick gauntlets and stood wreathed in black cloaks. Not a word was uttered by that creature, which worried him, it was the quiet ones you had to watch out for, a lesson he had learned all too well.
Taking a prepared glass of wine, he read the accords brought to him during the day. Most were greetings and letters from friends, but two scrolls caught his attention. First a letter with his wifes seal, informing him that she would be taking a consort. [Good, its about time. Now perhaps she wont mope about when I take one of my concubines.] The next scroll was purposely written in a hurried, sloppy manner but he could ascertain that Kase had asked Ranma to marry his daughter! The latter half of the letter noted that he had conquered the first princess of The House of Copper Victory! It seemed he now had to give the hero that estate near the Mystical Ruins.
He fell into the cushions around his tent and snapped his fingers twice. The two guards standing by the door clashed their pikes upon the ground and walked outside, minutes later a blonde wood nymph parted the veils of his tent and approached his stiffening form. Nymphs in general had high libidos and were sold in the slave trade as concubines, but wood nymphs were practically built to ride. Green- skinned with silky flesh, woodies as they were called were born with a distended labia and pouting nether lips, at the age of 5 they were sexually active and rutting about with anything phallic in nature or form. As the concubine descended on his crotch, Maximillian lay back and relaxed under the eager girls ministrations. [That consort of hers better know what hes getting into ]
---Imperial Palace, Stupar City---
Normally they would have eaten in a grand dining room filled with expensive tapestries and gold ornamentation, but as he had been invited to a _private_ dinner with the Empress and her daughter, Ranma was to go into the palace proper. The palace itself was sprawling on the ground and rose into the air, with the administrative offices on the ground and the Emperors private chambers (bedrooms, lounges, and bathes) suspended in a circular construct 30 stories off the ground. Stupar City extended out from the Palace and split apart into boulevards, alleys and thoroughfares. The seedy underbelly of the city was indeed underneath the Emperors sight, hidden within ancient catacombs stretching out miles beyond the city limits. The transport spell terminal on the ground was hidden behind the veils beyond the throne room and reacted with mirrors to fling the occupant high into the clouds and the Emperors domicile.
Ranma had to admit, the Emperor knew how to live , all around swarmed naked, nubile nymphs and submissive servant girls. The Empress took no notice of the nude females lounging about playing with themselves, while Ranma couldnt help but notice as he felt fit to bursting what with the harem stroking all over his body and introducing all manner of fluids into his mouth. They whined and begged him to ease their lust, apparently the Emperor had seen fit to cast a mass compliance spell over his harem, an illegal compulsion used only by the Priestesses of Serenity to procure their payment. Kase gestured to the guards standing in front of a pair of massive, shining doors which opened to reveal the Emperors daughter, Pseip, seated at a square solid crystal table.
She was beautiful, he thought as he was seated to her right at the square table, her fair skin and jet black hair displaying a mixture of Brood and Shade blood. Her legs were long and silky, leading his eyes to her firm thighs and narrow waist, then up her washboard stomach to the subtle mounds of her breasts. Drinking in the sight of her, he stood transfixed as her nipples raised slowly and pointed out of her dress, then looked forward to stare straight into Kases emerald eyes. Her slippered foot was casually caressing his leg under the table as she rhythmically clenched her hands in anticipation.
Im glad you approve of my daughter, Ranma, She looked down through the clear table at the growing wet spot on the front of his pants and purposefully outstretched her foot to rub the throbbing organ hidden underneath his clothing. If you are quite finished, for now at least, she licked her lips, I believe our dinner is ready. A portly fellow named Ryem Elelewe stepped out from the sanguine curtains and clapped his thick hands twice and servants immediately started serving steaming platters of food. The servants were all older men, probably in the service of the Emperor since the beginning of his reign. The platters, themselves, held enormous servings of dolphanine steaks and titalon legs, roasted with keleem powder and sesame seeds(3). Very good, Ryem, you may leave us now. The portly man bowed to the Empress and slipped back behind the curtains, his white chefs hat fluttering in the cooling eddies blowing through the palace. Ranmas nervousness faded as the Empress and her daughter fell into the act of eating, his mouth beginning to water as the steaming meat was placed under his nose.
Padsh Tisins, the chefs beautiful wife, stood off in the shadows of the curtains watching the royalty eat her dishes. An accomplished chef in her own right, Padsh was bought by Ryem during the last servant revue at the slave city of Meir Kalb in the Kingdom of Psuagua Neir. Ranma was well aware of the slave trade, Choiler had told him of it during their first trip to Teh Sthlhu. Essentially, there were places where the realty between Teh Sthlhu and Earth was stretched thin, it was possible that occasionally people from Earth would be transported, never able to return by themselves. Most ended up in Meir Kalb, a domed city set into a mountain range amid the Desert of Bleached White Bones. The expansive slave trade was based there, it was there that one could find nymphs, concubines or slaves. It had always seemed sad to him that people could be thrown into an entirely different world and forced into slavery, as it stood he made a yearly trip to the city to buy some Terrans their freedom. In fact, his friendly flesh merchant, Phost-Rierch Hebb, had explicit instructions to buy any Terrans he came across and his yearly appointment was coming up.
The food was rich, going down hard and sticking to his ribs, but he soon realized he was given larger portions than the others, the empress and her daughter were finished already. Looking about, he saw the chef slip away past the drapes and jumped out of his seat as Kases bare foot brushed his leg again. The empress had finished her meal and had turned to her plans to wed her daughter once again.
Pseip looked through the table at the action going on below the glass, namely her mothers shameless flirtations. The foot began to gently rise up and down the growing hardness in his pants, maddeningly slow as he panted and groaned. Pseip began to tremble as she watched, transfixed by her mothers ministrations, as the foot pressed urgently into Ranmas crotch, pressing and arousing the shaft to undreamed of stiffness. His manhood rose through the tight tent of his pants, the outline of his organ detailing every inch through the wet cloth. Mother! What are you doing?!? She abruptly shot up, spilling her chair backward to the floor.
What? Kase smiled slyly as she folded her well-manicured hands in front of her, still stimulating Ranma with her right foot. Is something wrong? Daughter? She dared her child to say something, knowing full well that Pseip would be too embarrassed to utter a word.
C-could you stop doing that M-maam? Ranma squeaked as her foot rubbed up and down his shaft, feeling the simmering fluids rising in the bottom of his stomach. He could feel a tightening in his loins and the quivering of his manhood. Suddenly, Kase stopped her activities as if she knew he would burst. Ranmas sweating face rose to meet her calm and collected visage. Maam?
Dont worry my stallion, I dont think its proper for my daughter to see this before her wedding night, preferably with you. I wouldnt dream of spoiling her surprise. She withdrew her foot, sticky with his leaking fluids, and rose away from the table, tapping a massive gold ring upon the crystal. A servant appeared at once. Would you please take my daughter back to her bedchambers. It wasnt a question. The older man in livery grasped Pseips arm and helped her out of the room. The reluctant princess took one last defiant look towards her mother before submitting to her request. Kase was impressed, it seemed her daughter did have certain feelings for the young man.
I thought I was supposed to have dinner with your daughter? Dont you want me to marry her? Ranma dropped his napkin to his lap, hastily covering the moist fabric.
Oh, I do! You _will_ marry my daughter without question. As for dinner, you ate yours, now its time that I _ate_ mine! Kase slipped the shoulder-straps of her dress away, causing the sheer material to slide away from her breasts - leaving them to swing enticingly before his eyes. Ranma blushed to his toes and turned away. She forcefully grabbed his chin in her smooth, cold fingers and pulled it back to her creamy bosom. Theres no need for such embarrassment, we _are_ going to make love you know. The ruby nipples pouted from blood engorged aureoles and their pin-pricked openings dripping sweet, white milk. His eyes bulged as she forced his mouth to her breast, the silky milk sliding over his lips. Cautiously he opened his lips and tentatively licked the fluid from her nipple. We Shades tend to lactate long after we give birth, we consider it a treat for those we bond with, I know Maximillian always liked it. Her back arched in time to her shout of pleasure as Ranma grasped a full breast and suckled. I see you do as well!
Thin streams of milk flooded his mouth, the fatty fluid sluicing down his gullet and warming the fires of lust in his belly. He bent her down to the couch as she writhed in ecstasy from his suckling. Ranma groaned as she climaxed under him, feeling the flood of gushing cum splashing his pants and shirt. She spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist, dry-humping him as he suckled her to another orgasm. The orgasm seemed to further her ire as she tackled him to the floor, rubbing her suspended breast over his mouth and fondling his cock. Ranma felt panic spread through him as she stripped off the remainder of her dress and tugged off his slacks. Remove your shirt, Ranma! She barked in her lust.
Y-your highness uh Im only eleven! This would be um pedophilia! Yeah! Y-you cant do this! It would set a bad example, cause a scandal! He crawled backwards on the marble floor. Im too young!
Come, come, dear Ranma. You may be eleven years old in _your_ world, but you have the body of a twenty-year old. You should know that here, appearances can be deceiving. The illumination of the pulsing circuitry lights running through the walls emitted a writhing color to highlight her glistening nude form. You cant really tell me that you have the mind of an eleven year old, or that you arent the least bit aroused by my body, can you? She slid her right hand across the stick wetness of her sex.
N-no maam. I fear I cannot. He looked down at the massive hard-on lengthening before his eyes, the veins pulsing, and the crown an angry purple, then back at Kases dripping snatch.
Good. Now just dont struggle and I guarantee that this will be enjoyable for both of us. Kase knelt by his crotch and reached out a dry hand out to his dripping head. Her black hair fell over his cock, each strand gently caressing his fleshy pole until he felt the head engulfed by her warm, wet mouth. The Empress sucked in his penis as she licked the underside with her velvety tongue, tickling that tiny bundle of nerves inherent in all males of every species (well, maybe not gholems), and was rewarded by his low moan of pleasure rising gutturally from his throat. His hands grasped her head and directed the rhythm as she made luscious sucking noises and swallowed all the pre-cum pouring from his much abused genitals. Delicious! I think were both going to enjoy this arrangement!
Ranma didnt reply, he merely pulled her up from the floor by an arm and threw her on the bed, her sharp cry of pain and surprise at his newfound temerity. This new aggressiveness excited her, a bed pet with attitude was one you didnt want to lose, at least in her opinion. A steady trail of fluid stretched from the far wall to her bed, a puddle forming on her bedsheets as his cock released more and more of the salty elixir. She smiled at his lust-filled eyes and lewdly spread her legs apart, teasing her engorged clit with her free hands. He licked his lips slowly as she brought a vial to his face, an oily liquor sloshing against the sides. He sniffed at the glass then downed the contents in a gulp, smacking his lips at the sweet nectar before burying his face in her muff. Kase moaned in appreciation as his expert tongue slid over her inner lips and pressed against her clitoris then all to soon pull away and began lapping at her inner thighs.
Ranmas relative inexperience with a grown womans form was more than compensated by his experience with Dan-Tae and the Priestesses of Serenity, the information he had gleamed from their bodies alone was enough to satisfy Kase ten times over. He broke into her molten depths with the tip of his tongue, relishing the salty taste of her cunt as she pressed his face further into her crotch, sliding her wet lips against his nose. Her tangy taste soon gave way to the sweetness hed so earlier tasted from the vial and he remained buried in her crotch for another hour before she demanded to be properly fucked.
Now, now, little boy. I think its time you gave that long thick cock of yours a workout. She spread her legs and thrust her pelvis at him, holding her legs up with her hands as he teased his prick into granite. The long tube immediately quivered in excitement as he ran the wet head across her legs and shot a miniscule load on her pussy, rubbing it in with her own fluid. He then brought his cock over her patch of pubic hair and rubbed it between her breasts, giving his mistress a thick pearl necklace even though he hadnt cum yet. He gazed at her with lust as she rubbed it into her skin and gave his cock a long suckle before turning over and pointing her petite ass up at his member. The long rod slid between her legs and smacked upwards at her hard clit, she screamed as her climax dropped her to the soft bed and caused her knees to shake in pleasure, the mere touch of his hot cock driving her to orgasm. FUCK ME! Do me hard right now! She grabbed his ass and shoved the entire length of his sex deep into her with no ceremony or precaution. Her mind was focused on his cock and nothing else, all she wanted was to curl around that cock for the rest of eternity, eating its seed and cumming for the rest of her life.
Ranmas rational mind, although out to lunch, still had enough control to alert his body to another pressing sex organ that hed acquired in Meir Kalb the year before. Kase watched, transfixed, as his body sprouted another limb which prodded her lovely tush as it grew. After much sweating and gasping, Ranma had a second cock. Kases mind blew a gasket before she paled at the ramifications of such a gift. Two cocks and two holes in one woman meant double penetration, and if Kase knew anything about herself it was the truth that if he started using both of those lovely pricks she would turn into a slave for his cock. She didnt want that. W-why dont we try one for now, hmm? He dutifully obliged and crammed the top ones full length inside her, tickling her cervix and pressing into her womb.
He pushed and pulled in her tight grip, the delicious wet squish of their bodies urging him on as his penises began to tremble with an approaching orgasm. Kases position allowed her to hastily pump his other member as he squeezed into her and drove her to screaming multiple orgasms. The vieny, sinuous cock grew hot in her hand as she ran her fingers under his foreskin and jerked him off underneath her. I-if you keep doing t-that, Im gonna cum! Ranma nearly screamed as her cunt spasmed and constricted around his thick organ, the rod squirting a stream of heavy semen inside her as his other erupted and sprayed his jizz all over her stomach and breasts, soiling the sheets. She came five times just from the sensations of his ropy cum blasting her body inside and out. Finally the days exertions caught up with her soreness and she slumped down into the waiting pool of her juices and his. Soon thereafter Ranma himself fell to her side and drifted off to sleep, his second cock pulled back into his body.
---The next morning---
Ranma awoke next to the sleeping empress, her face still pressed to his crotch, her velvety breath blowing across his pubic hair. Apparently shed been up to something during the night as he slept, a fresh coat of dried juices was sprayed over his lower abdomen and her smooth cheeks. Utilizing an Amazon speed technique he managed to get out of the bed without waking the empress up, the only sign of his movement her heads new position on the silk pillow.
He smiled at her as he stood up, wrapping his nudity in the white robe laid out for him by the maid, smiled at his first true sexual experience and how superbly hed pleasured his Empress. That enhancement at Meir Kalb seemed worth the price, it was strange though that only the Meir Kalbian Priestesses knew how to accomplish the alteration, maybe because they were all sex starved sluts that walked around in the hot sun without the smallest glimpse of a cock for months, maybe it was just some esoteric skill. He grabbed his clothes from the chair next to the bed, knowing that the maid had been inside earlier to clean the floor. It was a well known fact that the palace had the most luxurious bath house in the kingdom, Ranma fully intended to take advantage of the Empress kind offer to stay. As he walked into the parlor he was astonished by what he saw.
In his haste to get off the previous night, he had not seen what Kase had filled her chambers with, treasures from the far ends of the land. In the four corners of the room stood four massive statues of the four kings of the world: Maximillian from Teh Sthlhu, Landrick from the Lan-Drian Empire, Rwedad of the Dukedom of Ly-Donia, and Mokeib Neir of Psuagua Neir. An extreme effort for realistic interpretation had been made, evidenced by the thin sheen of glass over the statures eyes to imitate moisture. On a dais in the centre of the room was a marble table with an intricate game of Sticks set-up for play, no doubt Kase and Pseip played the game often. So entranced was he by the art that it came as a surprise when the door opened.
Pseip wandered the halls aimlessly, hoping against hope that her mother hadnt done anything shameful with Ranma. Dressed in a clingy black negligee that covered the barest portion of her breasts but left her thatch of wiry pubic hair exposed, Pseip stepped softly to her mothers quarters. In her hands was a glow rod, illuminating the dark halls with its pale green glow. Finally she was before the massive stone doors, and with a sigh of fear she entered, already knowing what she would find.
Ranma greeted her eyes as she stepped in, Ranma was naked. Ranma was completely naked and his enormous cock was swaying between his legs. Pseip did the only thing she could in the situation.
Her vagina spat out a thick glob of mucus in orgasm and she fainted.
---Several days later---
Kase smiled to herself as she lay in bed. She was nude on the sheets, her pussy sore from a recent fucking and her tits devoid of milk from a very recent milking, but she was happy. Next to her, Pseip bounced happily on Ranmas twin cocks, the thick snakes burrowing up both her orifices and spilling salty semen into her body. Her daughter screamed as Ranma began nipping her breasts and Kase allowed herself to smile a little wider.
It had worked. Kase looked at the tiny vile on her nightstand, once filled with fragrant fluid now empty as the contents sloshed about in Ranmas stomach. It was a special serum, it was also outlawed in all the regions of the world but such a trivial matter didnt stop her. The serum produced an immediate addiction and dependency on whatever fluid was added to it, in this case her vaginal fluids mixed with Pseips.
She looked back at her daughter, happy for the first time in her life for her child, Ranma would never betray her. He actually couldnt, without any of Pseips mucus he would only live four months, of course he also needed hers but the dosage was so small she could smear it on his lips and hed be fine.
Pseip screamed in ecstasy as she felt the twin cocks ravage her insides, relishing the sensation of them both squirming and rubbing against one another inside her body. Ranma grunted and gasped as her tight little twat squeezed the life out of him. It was bliss, she was his! After all the years of watching him from behind her fathers throne, passing him in the halls and blushing when he smiled at her, he was finally hers. Perhaps she was his, it really didnt matter because his cocks were inside her now, they were pleasuring her and that was all she cared about. He loved her, she loved him, they would marry and have wonderful children together, her dreams had come true.
R-ranma Im going to cum! Pseip ground her ass onto his cock, pushing the slick rod up her anus and cramming the other far into her womb. The pleasure was almost too great, she was a slave to his cock. He cried out and squeezed her tits painfully as he ejaculated into her, the spray of semen rocketing her body off his, leaving her to fall onto her chest. Not content to just lie there as such delicious cum was wasted, Pseip and her mother both clamped a mouth over a spurting monster, savoring the salty tang long into the night.
Ranma was theirs, and nothing he could do would ever separate them. Not that he wanted to, with two such willing lovers as well as the unexpected gift of Dan-Tae, his life soon grew a bit more pleasurable.
---The End---