Title: Twilights End
Author: radical
Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own Ranma * pouts *
or Anita
* pouts again * they belong to their creators.
Also this story is a
crossover if you don't like then I am
sorry. I did my best to keep the
characters in character as
much as possible. Ranma will be the wild
Warning: * spoiler alert * this fic takes place after the
of the Ranma series and after Narcissus for Anita.
If you have not read,
have no prior knowledge, or do
not wish to know. DON'T READ! It will contain
vampires, werewolves and possibly many other types of
baddies, so be ready. If you do read and
want to know more please contact
Rating: NC/17, for those of you familiar with Anita you
know why.
For those who don't that means SEX and/or
sexual content, violence and LOTS
OF BLOOD. If you
are squeamish about any of that stuff I again suggest
*** The prologs will be in third person (for
different pov) and the story will be written very similar
to the Anita
novels ***
Twilights End (prolog 1)
"What else can go
wrong today?" Ranma said to himself as he lay on the Tendo roof watching the
stars. ' Before Mt. Phoenix I never believed my life could get any stranger, but
I was wrong. Since getting back from China everything in my life has gone to
hell. Whatever happened with Saffron has caused me to develop new abilities,
which I have kept secret, but that is not the worst part. Every one here is
after a piece of the "God Killer." Oh do I hate that nickname. The Amazons are
drooling over what a catch I would be for their tribe, Ryoga now thinks he has
even more reason to beat me because of Akane. Ukyo tried another love potion to
win me. I overheard Pops and Mr. Tendo plotting another wedding.' * sigh * '
Akane is another matter. I love her and I can't tell her. * Damn you Pops * I do
everything in my power to show her I care, to the point of risking my life for
her and all I get in return in her anger and a one way ticket in Akane air. I
hate this. I wish there was some way to end it all. If some challenger showed up
I would probably just let them kill me. That would certainly solve some of my
" Hello my boy." Happi said and smiled as he broke Ranma from
his reverie.
" What!" Ranma replied obviously rattled.
* * * *
Akane was startled by a voice she recognized as Ranma yelling near her
window. She was about to go out and clobber him when another voice caught her
* * * * *
Ranma began to get anxious as Happousai took
on an evil smile. " Ranma my boy I am here to give you something as a reward for
standing up to me for so long. " Happi then used his great speed and placed a
small bag into Ranmas hand.
" What's this? " Ranma questioned the tiny
man as he began mumbling under his breath. Almost as soon as Ranma finished his
question was he rewarded with a jolt of intense pain shooting through his
" Your reward boy," Happi said with a smile and continued the
spell. Again the jolts of pain returned bringing the proud martial artist
screaming to his knees.
* * * * *
" What the...?" Akane said in
shock as she watched Ranma collapse to his knees screaming in pain.
* * *
* *
Between screams Ranma choked, " What are you... doing... to me?"
"Getting you out of my business."
A bright light began
surrounding the fallen martial artist as Happi neared the end of the spell. The
light continued to grow; it was now a small sun with bolts of electric charges
shooting to the center from the surrounding area, bringing more pain filled
screams from the lights occupant. All of Nerima could now see and hear the
events taking place.
Akane was frozen on the edge of the roof. She
couldn't see Ranma at all the light was so bright. But she could hear him; each
burst of energy brought more anguished screams from Ranma as the pace of the
bolts increased.
Happi yelled one final incomprehensible word and the
energy burst in a massive explosion of light. Ranma was gone. There was nothing
there but the old pervert. It was like Ranma was never even there.
bye Ranma." That was the last thing Happi said before being pounded into the
roof by Mallet-sama.
* * * * *
Almost ten minutes later everyone
was seated around the Tendo dining room table pondering what Akane just told
them. Well everyone minus two idiots who were crying over the schools not being
joined. Everyone else sat staring at a heavily tied up Happousai.
talking Happi; or I will make you life completely miserable from now on." Colone
told the shriveled old man.
"You couldn't."
" Try me." Happousai
looked at everyone in the room, from Akane to Genma even to Nodoka and Ryoga,
they all had venom in their eyes just for him.
" You win." He sighed.
"Some time ago I found this very old transport spell. It took me ten years to
translate. It was so old that some of it was untranslatable. What I could make
out was that it was used by the ancient Chinese as a way of banishing criminals.
It sends them to some far off land. It took me a full year to grow the
ingredients and when I had them I cast the spell."
" Let me get this
straight." Nebiki continued, " You cast a partially translated spell on Ranma
without knowing what it would do to him, and that spell was supposed to send him
somewhere on the planet, but you don't know where, or how to find
"Oh my!"
" That's right" Happi practically squeaked as
everyone closed in around him.
" I suppose you had better start growing
the ingredients again."
" Why Cologne?" Happi said defiantly.
Because Happi you are going to help us find son-in law."
* * * *
A lone figure dragged her tired and injured body through the brush.
'Where am I?' she thought as she pushed along. She needed to find a place to
rest and heal so she kept moving toward the light she saw through the trees.
After what seemed like hours she finally staggered into the clearing.
girl nearly collapsed as she was engulfed in a wave of power. Some one in the
crowd yelled at her but she didn't know enough of the language to understand.
She tried to take a step forward but the crowd circled her preventing such a
move. The gashes on her neck and side hurt terribly and she needed rest but
these people didn't seem to want to help, and if she didn't get help soon she
wasn't going to last much longer. Just then one of the people took a swing at
her. She reacted in time and rolled back away from the attacker. The girl knew
the signs of a fight well and flared her power in preparation for the fight,
hoping she had enough to make it through what was about to come.
group seemed shocked for a moment and then attacked. The first came flying at
her with a tremendous amount of speed. She easily sidestepped and sent him
hurtling toward a tree outside the edge of the clearing with a spinning heal
kick to the back of the head. The girl landed and staggered for a moment. The
next attacker seemed to have some knowledge on how to fight. The girl composed
herself as the woman attacked with a complex series of kick and punches that she
easily avoided and was ended with the smaller of the two doing a flip kick to
the aggressors chin. The kicks momentum carried the girl back to her feet as she
watched the recipient land on the ground unconscious. The girls' fatigue was
increasing as she now paired off against three very large men. She heard a
commotion off to her left but ignored it as they attacked. She dodged several
charges and finally managed to get some space and room. ' These guys are fast. I
don't know if I can beat them...shit.' The girl started to glow. The attackers
charged in a blind rage. The light around the girl increased as she screamed
some incomprehensible phrase and slammed her fist into the ground. The energy of
the impact traveled through the ground and exploded at the men's feet. The
explosion sent the men flying about thirty feet into the crowd. Still glowing
the girl then turned her attention to the four remaining would be attackers. The
girl began gathering her energy between her hands for one final blast before her
body gave out. She was about to fire when she heard "STOP!" She turned her
attention to the voice and the energy dissipated as it was forgotten. The four
fighters scattered. An Asian man with very short hair, dress slack and dress
shoes came running up to her. "STOP!" he said again in Japanese.
know Japanese?"
The girl nodded and faintly replied. " Yes."
man rubbed his forehead for a moment and then asked, "Do you know... other...
language? I only know... small Japanese."
She again faintly replied.
"Yes, I know Mandarin, the Nichezou dialect of Chinese, Korean, and several
dialects of ancient Chinese and Japanese."
The man seemed astonished for
a moment and then relaxed. He then turned and spoke to a tall blond man next to
him. After a moment he addresses the girl. "Our leader apologies for their
behavior, they should not have attacked you and they will be severely punished
for it." He then points to the blond man and continues. "This is our leader
Richard and I am his bodyguard Sheng-Da."
Still not completely trusting,
but much more relaxed about them she replied. "I am Ranma." She was cold, so
cold it hurt. She took a step closer into the light of the fire and as she did
so everyone gasped at the sight. A beauty with piercing blue eyes and fire red
hair was standing before them, but what shocked them was her condition. She
shakily stood there in tattered boxer shorts and the shredded remains of a
Chinese style blouse. The blouse was partially opened revealing deep wounds on
her neck and side, fresh blood still flowing freely down her blood soaked
clothes to pool at her feet.
Ranma stood up on will alone, but that could
last only so long and with a soft sigh her body gave out and her mind slipped
into blissful nothingness.
* * * * *
Ranma woke in a soft bed in
a mass of satin sheets and plush comforters. The room was decorated in vibrant
reds and deep blacks that could even be seen with the dim lighting. Ranma tried
to move to get a better view of her surroundings but immediately regretted it as
each little movement sent jolts of pain through her weakened body.
a few minutes of silence the door opened and seven people walked into the room.
A small woman with short brown hair came immediately to her left side and began
to check on her; another woman with shoulder length, curly black hair, followed
her. On the right there stood a tall, pale man with black wavy hair, on his
right stood a smaller man with light brown hair and hungry eyes. At the foot of
the bed she recognized Sheng-Da and Richard from before but it was the third
that held her attention. He was tall with pale skin, pale blue eyes and very
fine light blond hair. She just stared at him until the spell was broken by
" Ranma we brought you some place safe for you to recover. How
do you feel?"
Continuing in Mandarin she replied. " Like crap. How long
have I been here?"
"A full day." She seemed to ponder that for a few
moments then points to Richard.
" I remember him from last night but who
are the rest of these people, and where am I?"
Everyone looked over to
Sheng-Da for a translation. He did so and then returned his attention to the
"O.K. Ranma the woman on your right with the curly black hair is
Anita and the other woman is Cherry. She is a nurse and has been treating your
wounds." The redhead turned to Cherry and expressed her thanks, which Sheng-Da
translated for her. "The tall man with the black hair is Jean-Claude, you are
currently staying in his home." Sheng-Da again translated her thanks. "The one
to Jean-Claude's right is Jason and finally," pointing to the tall blond, " this
is Asher. You're currently in his room." She was again mesmerized by him. His
silky hair, his smooth skin, she thought of how it would feel to have it under
her touch... she then nodded to try and hide the crimson color her face had
turned. "As to where you are. You are in the lower levels of a club called the
Circus of the Damned. The city is St. Louis, in the United States."
that explains the English." She joked dryly. She then glanced over to Asher and
was again lost until she was found by the calling of her name.
She turned her attention to Sheng-Da. "Cherry says that you should get some more
rest." With that the group left and Ranma almost immediately fell asleep in the
plush bed.
* * * * *
"Wow!" Ranma heard someone whisper in English
off to her lift. She moaned as she came into full consciousness. She looked over
to Sheng-Da and smiled.
"What are you readin'?" she asked in
"A news article on a woman who was rescued from a group of
rogue vampires. Apparently she was rescued by a single girl who, according to
the police, single-handedly defeated them all barehanded."
"I'm glad she
got to safety. It was hard to tell after they attacked me for setting her
"You did that?" He gasped in English.
"Yes." Ranma replied
also in English. She then watched him get up and leave the room. Moments later
he returned with Anita, Richard, Jean-Claude, Asher, Cherry and Jason in tow.
They all froze as they saw a completely healed, very nude Ranma examining
herself in the mirror.
"Ranma you should be in bed." He said at Cherry's
"I feel fine." She replied, which she proved by doing an
aerial spinning heel kick and landing soundlessly on the carpet. She then turned
to the group.
"Do you mind if I get shower?" She asked in English. She
received no answer. In fact she received no response as they stared at her like
a bunch of statues. She sauntered over to Sheng-Da and tapped him in the
forehead. He blinked a few times.
"Do you mind?" She asked in English
pointing behind her with her thumb toward the bathroom. He looked at her
confused. She sighed.
"Me... Bath." She spoke in English. Saying the
words to them as you would to a small child. They all nodded. She then smiled
and headed for the bathroom, but stopped in the doorway. She turned around and
said to them in perfect English, "I answer any questions you have when I get
out." She then entered and closed the door behind her.
* * * *
'Kami I feel better.' Ranma thought as he looked down at his male form.
"Why can't I remember why I knew I could do that?" He shrugged it off, wrapped a
towel around his waist, grabbed one for his hair and exited the room.
* *
* * *
"Ranma... is that you?"
The teen said nothing as he
stood next to the bed drying his hair. He just nodded. The next few moments were
spent in strained silence, each person using his or her abilities to get a feel
for the teen: just as Ranma was now strong enough to do in return. Ranma felt
each individually. They all seemed helpful, sincere and very powerful. The nurse
Cherry was strong, she had an orange glow and a fine warmth about her: she
seemed the gentle type, but with a dark side. Anita, Richard and Jean-Claude
were baffling. Richards power was smoldering and a bright orange. He had an air
of royalty, but beamed with naiveté. Jean-Claude was a deep blue with an eerily
frigid stillness. He seemed intelligent and truthful, but Ranma could feel an
unyielding sexual pull just under the surface. Anita seemed to be a middle
ground. She was a light blue, almost white with a chill to her power, yet it
carried warmth. She seemed uncommonly brave and stubborn, craving control of her
life. What confused him most was how all three felt like one being, one power;
tendrils flowed and ebbed between them. Ranma then extended his power to
As soon as their energies touched they exploded in a burst of
power. The shock of the sudden burst of power sent a cold wave through both of
their bodies dulling all feeling, dropping them to their knees. They both curled
up on themselves, trying to control the painful spasms that shot through them as
a second wave of power forced its way through them. This wave felt of pure heat
and electricity. Screams were torn from them as another; agonizingly intense
wave rocketed through them. Their bodies arched in pain with each jolt of power.
Electric bolts shot between them, wrenching more screams from their throats as a
fourth wave of heat and electricity forced its way through them. This time the
power built higher and higher: with a burst of white light and intense heat both
men collapsed to the ground unconscious.
* * * * *
Ranma slowly
came to consciousness. His body throbbed and he was so hot it hurt. He began
some deep breathing in an attempt to control himself. He looked at Asher and saw
he was doing the same. They both made a move to the bed to use it to help them
get up. In the process Asher's hand brushed against Ranma's. The light skin
contact sparked with power sending shivers of intense electric pleasure through
them igniting an aching need inside of both of them. Ranma gasped and backed
away as best he could. He was afraid of what ha just felt, pain he could handle,
but this? He was now painfully aroused, and remembering there were people in the
room he brought his legs up to his chest to hide himself, squeezing them trying
to regain some control. Asher looked at the Japanese teens nude form and half
lidded eyes and silenced a moan as his pants suddenly felt way too
"What...ju...ju...sst...happ...end?" Ranma stammered in
"What DID just happen?" Anita forcefully inquired. She noticed
Richard nodding his head in agreement to the question, and then turned her
attention to the two vamps. All she got was a small smile from the both of them.
"Tell us." She said coldly.
"Relax Ma petit. I believe what happened was
Ranma's and Asher's powers calling to each other."
Anita looked
confusingly toward Ranma and Asher. They were just staring at each other but she
could tell they were listening intently. "Okay Jean-Claude no more cryptic
bull-shit. What do you mean by 'called to each other'?"
Of all the
people in this room I believe you and Monsieur Zeeman should know the answer to
Her eyes shot wide in understanding. "You mean a
"Oui Ma petit, but not just one, from their reaction I would say
at least two."
Both Richard and Anita exclaimed "Two!"
"Oui, at
least." He responded calmly.
Anita continued. "But I thought marks were
given by vampires. I didn't know they could be gained by a reaction like
"It is rare Ma petit but it does happen."
"I still no
understand." Ranma said weakly as he tried to control what was happening to
"Ranma both Anita and Richard have all four of my marks."
thought for a moment or at least tried to around the need pulling at his mind.
Anita responded before the others.
"They enable us to share our power..."
Jean-Claude interupted. " It's
more than that. Power is shared, but it also enables the two or in our case
three to know who and what each person is down to his/or her mind and for lack
of a better word soul."
Ranma replied softly. "But I no even know who I
really am."
Asher looked like an angelic predator, on his hands and
knees, and his face a mask of animalistic lust. His eyes never left his Asian
target even as Jean-Claude knelt down next to him. Jean-Claude then spoke to his
friend softly in French. [You want this child, am I correct?]
nodded slightly.
[His power may overwhelm you.]
[No.] He purred
[He is a mystery.]
[Not to me.]
"Be careful and
have fun." He said the next part into Asher's ear. "Take caution, his fear of
what is happening to him indicates he is most likely untouched."
Jean-Claude then rose to his feet and turned to leave the room.
"Come Monsieur, Ma petit, young Cherry. Let us leave them be."
"Are you
sure that's wise. We know next to nothing about him...her... aarg. I don't trust
"Anita you don't trust anyone."
"Shut up
Jean-Claude gave a small laugh at the exchange.
you start." She warned.
"He has a point Ma petit." She scowled at him.
"But we should leave. We will find out all we need to know when things are
finished between the two."
They all left, but Anita was not happy, not by
a long shot.
* * * * *
Kasumi cheerfully walked to Akane's room to
let her little sister know about dinner. She was about to tell her through the
door when she heard sobbing coming from inside. Dinner forgotten she walked in
to help her crying baby sister. The sight she was greeted with as she opened the
door made her heart sink.
"Oh My." She said sadly as she watched her
normally tough and boyish little sister cry openly into her pillow. Kasumi sat
down and put her arm around the sobbing girl.
"Kasumi." Akane looked up
at her sister with red, tear-filled eyes. "I miss him." She then began to cry
harder, tears streamed down her face in small rivers. "I never got to tell him
how much I cared for him. I loved him Kasumi." She collapsed back down into her
Kasumi's heart was breaking seeing her normally proud sister an
emotional wreck. "Akane," she began. "I know Ranma cared for you deeply, we all
knew he did, so don't give up hope. We can still find him. With Master Happousai
and Granny Cologne looking for a way to do it, I'm sure we will get him
Akane sniffled. "You really think so Kasumi?" She gave a bright
smile and nodded.
"Dinner is ready." Kasumi says brightly, changing the
"Thank you Kasumi." She said and sniffled as her sister stood
up. "I'll be down in a minute." She continued and gave a weak smile.
older girl continued to smile at her sisters' improved emotional state, glad she
helped and left the room. Once the door was closed her smile faded. "I hope we
do get him back. We all miss you Ranma. It's not the same without you."
* * * *
Ranma's breath caught and he shivered as Asher ran his hand
lightly down the boy's leg. The boy looked up as Asher moved closer. Ranma was
having trouble thinking as Asher continued to ignite the fire in the boy's body.
Asher moved to the side of the smaller man and brought him into his embrace. The
blond man turned the raven-haired boys head and kissed him. The kiss was gentle
and urgent and initially shocked Ranma, but Asher's skill quickly caused Ranma's
already clouded mind to shut down and respond to the kiss with equal urgency.
After a few moments Asher pulled away leaving Ranma flushed and panting, eyes
half lidded with pleasure. Ranma could not remember ever feeling anything that
ever felt like this and he could not contain his voice as Asher made his body
sing with pleasure. He moaned almost continuously as Asher kissed and sucked on
Ranma's throat, moving to his collarbone and to his chest. He silently screamed
and fisted his hands into Asher's hair as latched onto and teased the Asians
"Ash...Asher." Ranma pants. "What happening to us? Why we feel
like this?" He then groaned as Asher pulled away. The Asian boy looked up to see
the same need etched in the blonde's features.
"When our powers reacted
and the marks were exchanged, they seemed to have reacted strangely. The line of
vampires I am descended from has the ability to use sex as a form of power." He
kissed Ranma on the forehead and whispered the next part into the boy's ear. "It
seems that the need will not end until the marks are exchanged and because of
the way we are reacting the only way we are going to achieve that is through
sex." Ranma's thoughts flew away as Asher resumed his assault on the boy's
Asher was enjoying every sound he caused to escape the boy under
him. He craved this boy, he never thought he would have anyone ever again but
now he had this boy that felt so right with him.
Ranma was so lost in
sensation he barely noticed being set down on the soft bed. He opened his stormy
blue eyes to see a completely nude Asher move over him. He didn't care about the
situation, all he could feel was the marks pulling the need in his body and he
knew that Ashe was the cure to it.
The Asian teen felt his legs being
spread wide by the blonde as he settled between them. The taller man leaned down
continuing the assault on the smaller ones body. Asher teasingly moved down the
boy's body bringing ragged pants and moans all of the way until he stopped at
the boy's sex. Asher began lightly rubbing the boy's cock drawing out sharp
pants and moans. With Ranma distracted by pleasure the blonde inserted his
finger into the boy almost immediately hitting his sweat spot. Ranma couldn't
contain his screams of delight at the internal contact.
His breathing
became shallow pants as he thrust his hips to meet Asher's hand. He was almost
there when Asher completely pulled away. Ranma's moans of protest were
interrupted as something larger pressed its way into his opening. With one quick
thrust Asher seated himself deep into Ranma. He screamed in first pain then
pleasure as the thrust hit that spot in him, sending pleasure radiating through
him overriding the sensation of being split apart.
After what seemed an
eternity to Ranma, Asher slowly pulled out till just the tip was inside of him
and then slammed in again hitting that pleasurable spot. Before he had time to
recover Asher thrust in again and did so setting a frantic pace driving them
quickly to the heights of pleasure. Each thrust merged them body and power.
Their energies circled them as their pleasure increased, riding each thrust of
their bodies. Suddenly they both climaxed drawing each other's power into their
own. Out of reaction Asher bit down into Ranma's throat causing them to climax a
second time as pleasure once again rode through them and then it suddenly ended
leaving them both tired and breathless.
After a few moments Asher
recovered his senses and saw a faint glow surrounding Ranma. He gasped as Ranma
suddenly shifted into his female form. The two moaned simultaneously as they
felt the need claw at them once again.
"Why we still feel like this?"
Ranma moaned as her body burned more than before.
"I am not sure. Perhaps
the final mark must be given like this." Asher then slid down and then took
Ranma's left breast onto his mouth causing her to arch off the bed in pure
pleasure. Asher continued his pleasurable torture with his mouth as he brought
his hand up to play with the other rosy peak. The redhead brought her hand up to
fist in to Asher's hair, but he put it back to her side.
"Keep it there."
He panted.
The blonde caressed, licked, kissed and lightly bit every area
on the redhead's chest and neck bringing her breathing to shallow pants, as she
was too aroused to do much else. He kissed her savagely as he slowly pushed
himself into her until he was completely encased in her warmth. Ranma gasped at
the feel of her body being so completely filled in this way, but the need in her
craved more of the fullness. Asher almost immediately began a series of shallow
thrusts, which quickly turned into a frantic rhythm as their hips pounded
together. The two were so blinded by pleasure that they failed to see or feel
their energies expend from their bodies and meld into an intense white light
that got brighter with their increase in pleasure.
Asher shifted. He sat
up bringing Ranma down into his lap facing him where they continued to drive
each other to ecstasy. Intense bolts of pleasure caused Ranma to scream and put
deep gouges into Asher's shoulders as she rode out each wave. Something in Ranma
couldn't resist and she latched her mouth over the cuts on Asher's right
shoulder. At the first swallow of blood they both came. The power flowing around
them burst forth in a sharp wave causing the contributors to pass out from pure
pleasure and exhaustion.
* * * * *
Everyone who wasn't sitting was
on their knees on the floor panting from the wave of power and sex that just
passed through them.
"Shit!!" Anita panted from her spot on the
"Oui Ma petit." Jean-Claude whispered breathlessly from the couch
next to her. After a few deep breaths for composure he continued. "I believe we
now have a new member to our interesting little group."
Everyone just
stared at him.
Anita responded
In the next chapter
of Twilights end Ranma learns about the Anita verse and the Nerima groups Ranma
Look forward to
Okay that is the end of Prolog
ch1. I will try to make things more clear in the next prolog ch. Please R&R
I like reviews and Flames are laughed at and fed to my pet CHU CHU. Heh Heh Heh.
If you must flame me make it constructive.