The Blue Thunder and the Mercenary Girl
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic
by V. Zhao
Author's Notes: Second chapter... Let's see where I'm going with this. I'm not exactly sure myself. I decided to do a first person thing for Kuno's POV also.
Chapter 2:
Nabiki made my world spin around me like nothing else in the world mattered. I had never felt this way before. Often I had thought that I hated this girl that humiliated me and could manipulate me so. She was always ice to me, cold and stabbing. I had never taken into consideration her number of curves and her plushness. I had thought that her sister was so much more suitable than her to be the wife of Kuno, but something about her now ripped me apart with desire.
Perhaps all those years of hatred and seething anger spawned a sort of hot passion between us that couldn't be achieved in any other way. It was like our emotions had finally exploded in a sort of erruption of love and intimacay. And now she carried my child in her womb, a kind of binding of our hearts that would seal our everlasting love. When she had asked me if I loved her, I stumbled because I knew not what to tell her. It was overwhelming to be hit so suddenly by this feeling that knocked me off my feet.
A dark loneliness had enveloped my soul when Mother died. My family collapsed under the grief and completely snapped into insanity. My sister had become a tortured witch obsessed with poisons and pain. My father escaped to Hawaii and returned with a sudden fetish for haircuts. I, myself, retreated back into a hard shell guarded by my Kendo and fencing skills. I carry my bokken as if it would defend me from my darkest fears.
Then she came and led me to her room where she opened doors to beacons of hope for me. She made me feel as if I were needed by her. When I entered her, I could feel her emptiness from the inside and tasted the tears that stripped her throat raw as she cried silently. She thought I didn't care about these things. She thought I was only there to take advantage of her pleasurable body. I can truthfully say that she was wrong. I wanted her to know I was there even if she felt her whole world abandoned her because, well, she was always there for me in a way. Always dependable that she would stop by with some business.
Had it occurred to me that she had just wanted to marry me for my money? Yes, in fact it has. Somehow, I also think that that's not why she wants me. Of course, if she wanted the money, I would have given it to her in a second, but I still see a certain desperation in her eyes that wasn't there before, a desperation that started to show when Akane got married. It really was quite a disappointment that she married that chump Saotome. Kami knows that he will never be able to provide for her. Nabiki, however, will get the best of care from yours truly. And if she ever needed anything for her family, it's all hers.
I suppose that my heart was "a-flutter" hours after I left Kuno's. In the late afternoon, I found myself wandering around like that lost boy, Hibiki, and smiling like an idiot. When did the Ice Queen loose her control over things? Everytime I thought of him, I could feel almost generosity come over me so that I was even willing to throw money on the streets for the poor and homeless. Had I finally found love? Love was making me not myself.
To tell you the truth, I really no longer had to feel the need to make money. Now that I was engaged to the richest man in Nerima, I had all the money I wanted to fix that wall Ranma smashed in a week ago, and the door Akane destroyed with her mallet when she was chasing after Ranma... Don't get me wrong. I wasn't marrying him for the money. That just came with the neat little package, another advantage.
It was around sunset when I got home. I waved off Kasumi as I made my way up the stairs and to my room. Expecting the room to be dark and silent, I slipped my hand in first to flip on the light switch. Then the rest of me inched in. "Kuno-chan!" He was sitting on my bed waiting for me. "What are you doing here?"
"Nabiki, where were you? I've been here since noon waiting for you. I thought I told Kasumi to tell you that I was here." He did look a little tired like he had been just sitting for hours.
I sat down next to him. "I've been out taking a walk. You waited that long for me? What for? What's the matter?"
"I just wanted to see you again." He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into a lying position on the bed so my head was resting on his lap.
My heart was beating fast. "Just to see me?" I couldn't keep the suspicion out of my voice. He must really love me then? Or maybe he was here for other reasons. I lefted up my head and sat up again. "Just to see me or something else also?"
The wicked grin spread across his face again. "A little of both." His hands started to roam.
"Kuno..." I slapped his hand when it was getting a little too close to the zipper on my jeans. It snapped back bewildered. "Why do you have to ruin it?"
"Ruin what?" His face was equally bewildered. "What am I ruining? I thought that you wanted to... after this morning... and..."
"No, Kuno. Why does it always have to be about sex?"
"I have no idea what you mean. I thought I was making a rather romantic gesture." He looked longingly at me before apologizing. "I'm sorry." Under his breath, I heard him mumble, "Though I have no idea why I'm so sorry..."
I brushed this off. I really had no desire to fight with him especially in the dojo where Ranma was present and ready to take him down. Besides, Kasumi's knock could be heard at my door. "Nabiki? It's time for dinner. Would your gentleman friend like to join us?"
"Yeah, we'll be right down, Onei-chan." I sighed. "Well, I guess you're staying for dinner."
I should have known that that was not exactly the best idea. The minute we both walked into the room, all chattering stopped. Ranma narrowed his eyes and peered suspiciously out from behind his bowl at Kuno. Oto-chan broke another pair of chopsticks and sat staring at us with his bottom lip quivering. Akane avoided the whole situation, keeping her eyes on the tabletop. The only people who were acting normal were Kasumi who her usual cheery self and Uncle Saotome who was eating as vigorously as ever.
I was reluctant to stay for dinner, but she had already taken me down the stairs before I could object. Funny how I knew things would not turn out well since that Saotome was there. I knew he would do everything in his power to dishonor me before my beloved. And of course, I was correct in my assumption. The minute I settled into my seat, he blurted through his mouthful of rice, "So, Kuno, how'd you knock up Nabiki?" He snorted. "What kind of idiot would knock her up?"
"How dare you speak that way of my sweet summer flower! I must challenge you to a dual in order to win back her honor." I slammed my bokken on the table as I stood up. That Saotome always got me all fired up by putting words in my mouth. This time I must defeat him. "What, are you too much of a coward?"
Later when I look back at this event, I realized that I was such a fool for doing things like this. It took two seconds for us to stand outside in the yard next to the pond. I took my battle stance with my bokken and struck out at him. He ducked and kicked me in the stomache right before he fell in the pond. "Pig-tailed girl! What are you doing here?"
My pig-tailed goddess climbed out of the pond and screamed, "YOU IDIOT! I'M RANMA! I FIGURED YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS BY NOW!" Her chest was heaving with rage which cause my body to do something I knew perfectly was wrong. I wrapped my arms around her and lost myself in her squishy softness. Suddenly, she was no longer soft and instead was hard with muscles and... "AHHH! SAOTOME! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE PIG-TAILED GODDESS?"
Nabiki tapped my shoulder and showed me the teapot she was holding. "He IS your 'pig-tailed goddess.'" She dumped a bucket of cold water on him and he turned into a girl. Then with the teapot, she poured warm water over his head and he turned back. Nabiki looked at me coolly and said with daggers in her voice, "Thanks for proving your loyalty, dearest." She walked calmly to the stairs to go to her room.
I was shocked. The pig-tailed girl was Ranma? How could this be? With all these confused thoughts, I didn't realized that I was still embracing Saotome who was noisily protesting, "Kuno! Get your grubby hands OFF OF ME!" I released him absentmindedly and left the Tendou dojo.
Back in my chambers, I turned these events over and over in my head. Now both Akane and the pig-tailed girl were gone. In fact, they had ran off with EACH OTHER. And what have I done with the one woman who did want me? I just did the stupidest thing in the whole world. It was like I couldn't help myself, like there was a magnetic attraction between her- er, his- um, her skin and my hands. The minute I saw her, I forgot about all forms of decency. Who was I kidding? I wanted her so bad. The fantasies continued to fill my head as the sky grew darker and darker with the late rolling night.
I thought of her breasts and her, well, breasts, and more breasts. And then I thought of what it would be like to be with her. I thought of what it was like the first time I was with any woman. I thought of Nabiki. Nabiki with her big, blue eyes. Nabiki with her full, pouting lips. Nabiki with her impressive curves. Most of all, I thought of her kiss, a real kiss. The pig-tailed girl was no girl at all. The realization struck me as a shock. And Akane? Akane now was nothing compared to her sister.
I walked to my window to watch the full moon rise. I had to think of a way to apologize and to win her back.
How could he do that? I thought he loved me even though he never really said it with his own words... STILL! It was implied. This proves it. He'll never be able to control his woman chasing ways. Hey, that didn't mean I wasn't going to marry him. I stared at my fingernails. Hmmm... the polish was chipping. Besides, he still had a huge wad of cash. I walked over to the shelf next to my window and started rummaging through my nail polishes. "What light through yonder window breaks."
I looked out the window and saw Kuno making an ass of himself in my yard. "Kuno? What in the world are you doing?"
"It is the east and Nabiki is the sun."
I was starting to get a headache.
"Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon."
I sighed and dug out a bottle of aspirin.
"Who is already sick and pale with grief."
After popping two pills into my mouth, I beckoned to him. He jumped in easily a minute later and kissed me. "Ugh. Kuno-chan, cut it out. You know, maybe you should consider thinking before you act next time. Oh wait! I forgot. You haven't been thinking since we were six years old." I opened a bottle of pearlly nail polish and started to touch up on the tips. "Look, Tatchi, I wouldn't even marry you now except for the fact that I have something that belongs to you." I could feel my heart wrench while I said those things.
His eyes traced my every move, but I pretended not to notice and coolly continued with my nails. "Nabiki, you know I love you and-"
"Wait! Did you just say it?"
"Kami, woman! Would you let me finish a sentence for once in my life?"
"YOU JUST SAID IT!" I knocked over the bottle all over my bed but I didn't care. He said it!
"Said what?"
"That you love me!"
"I did?" He looked confused for a while. "I said it. I'll say it again. I'll say it a million times. I LOVE YOU, NABIKI!"
I hopped into his lap and rested my neck between his neck and his shoulder. "If you wanted to prove your love, you just had to say it..." He lifted up my chin and kissed me passionately. "Oh yeah, you just had to say it."
"What about you?" He looked into my eyes with his hand still cupping my chin. "Do you love me?"
It surprised me that I saw a sincerity that I never saw there before. "Yes..."
"Say it." He let go of my chin and kissed my neck and then the triangle of flesh between my breasts. "Say it."
"Ohhh... I love you." He lowered me onto the bed and started to unbutton the buttons to my blouse. "I love you, Tatewaki Kuno..." The clasp to my bra came undone and it slipped to the floor. My own hands were eagerly removing his pants. "I love you."
"Look, Nabiki, can you keep it down in there. Ranma and I are trying to have-" Akane stopped when she half opened my door and gaped. "Alright. Nevermind. I can see we have the same goal tonight." To my relief, she promptly slammed the door shut and her footsteps echoed down the hall.
A giggled escaped my throat. "Hahaha..."
He stopped and looked at me. "What's so funny."
"Oh, just Akane walking in on us."
"Oh yes, Akane, walking in, whatever," he mumbled as he pulled off my jeans.
I smiled. This was the first time that he didn't go rigid from the mention of Akane's name. Instead, he seemed very set on giving me his undivided attention. I ran my hand through his tousled hair and kissed his Adam's apple. His every touch made me tingle and respond in so many ways.
The morning rose from the horizon and shone on the sleeping Kuno in my bed. He mutter something and ran his hand back and forth softly over my middle. A part of him was in me and it felt wonderful. Suddenly, a maternal instinct hit me. So this is what Kasumi felt like. Wait, no, Kasumi couldn't possibly feel like-
I scrambled up from the bed, waking Kuno with a start, and ran into the bathroom. Pregnancy was nauseating. When I stepped back into the bedroom, Kuno gave me a look of concern. "Nothing to worry about, just morning sickness, sweetness." I laid down next to him again. "I'll be glad when it's over."
He propped himself up on his elbow and continued to pat my middle. "A Kuno family heir. You know what's really funny? I deposited sperm at the clinic just in case I would never impregnate a woman. Isn't that laughable?"
"Oh yes." I gave a short fake laugh and leaned against his shoulder basking in the early morning sun. "I wonder if it's a boy or a girl..."
"It's a boy," he assured me. "It has to be a boy."
"Well, it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's legit." I propped myself on my elbow just like him to face him.
"Kuno-chan, when are we going to get married?"
"How about tomorrow?"
End of Chapter 2