Disclaimer: I do not OWN any of the characters except for one even that is technically not mine considering it is a development from a previously made character anyhow hope you will enjoy it
Sweetness of Vengeance
Section 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Convincing the Gods
As Loki and his mysterious lover descended the stairs into an antechamber, his lover still holding on to his shaft like a leash, that is quite similar to the one they have just left. The heads on the plaques are also different, the eyes of the heads are constantly moving and their mouths are covered by a rune scriped cloth. The table unlike the other room is carved in the shape of a coiled viper and striking upward. The eyes of the viper is made out of golfball size rubies. A blood red flame dances in the middle of its mouth without touching the opening of the snake. A round table surronds the fire breathing snakes head, their are multiple pus and bloodstains on top of the table. The chairs that surronds the table is carved into a dragon with its head pointing down at the occupant of the chair. The chair other than the dragon head seems to be charred. The eyes of the dragon is made out of sapphire that is about the size of a fist. The dragons have a calm facial expression while the snake on the contrary has a sinister expression.
As the red-headed goddess led Loki to the table by his "leash," she got on top of the table and in turn with a snap of her nimble fingers she pull out of a statue of three monkeys, each of the three monkeys is covering its eyes, ears and mouth respectively. She tapped the statue and the statue flashed with an eerie light and all the heads eyes have a blank look on it. Afterward checking each and every head, with a satified smile she put the statue away.
While she is still holding Lokis thickened member she took off her shoe, then she moved her feet up his muscled legs to his croutch using her toes she replaced her hand. The goddess than proceed removed all of her clothing except for the jewlery which she wears, twin ruby earrings which matches well with her flaming mane, a platinum choker decorated with rubies and saphires that mark her as a goddess, and a silver ring on her right middle finger that has Lokis sign on it marking her as Lokis avatar. She then proceed to untie her pigtail, she give it a shake and her hair tumbles down to the middle of her back.
Loki stood transfixed as if a deer looking at a pair of fleshy headlights.
"Oh comeon, its been at least a century and you still act like a virgin when seeing women flesh?" The godkiller scalded her lover, with her hand on her hips.
[Damn] thought the goddess of Lust as realization like a mallet hitting her, smaking her forehead, [ I completely forgot that my domain also include Lust]
This scaldiing smack home into Lokis brain as he quickly shed his clothing except for a nipple ring that noone know is there except for the goddess in front of him who has given it to him, which marks him as her avatar. This way neither of them will be able to be wiped out because no matter what they will still have one believer regardless of their human believers. Neither of them needs to convince mortals to believe them to further their own existance, they are each others avatars and each others diety.
Loki went between the goddesss legs with his erect member
"Hmmmmmm, I wonder what my god want from his wittle powaless avatar" the goddess of of Dishonor teased the god of chaos
"You know damn well what I want from you, love" Loki said darkly, with a thrust he missed her hole but it hit her clitoris.
"AHHhh...MMmmmm" Lokis lover moaned"My you are the impatient one."
If she does not have her eyes closed she would have seen the wicked smirk on Lokis flawless face. With her eyes still closed, she used her hand to guide his thickened pole into the proper hole. Her hands went to cup his firm butt then pushed him into her inviting hole.
Loki bent his head down to capture a luscious nipple into his mouth, rolling his tonge around it and then gently bit it, causing a moan of approval from his own goddess. He sticks out his tounge and started moving up passed her collarbone up the side of her neck and started licking behind her ear.
The woman in his arms squirmed and her hand went under his arm pits and started moving in the opposit direction...down his side and her fingers went to his nipple ring which she has given him, and gaved it a playful pull. causing his manhood to twitch inside her. Causing her to produce more white stuff that started gushing or would have...if it is not plugged.
"Mmmmm...Ahhhh, dont you think it is enough foreplay, love?" Loki whispered to her ear.
His goddess could do nothing but nod her head, when he got the answer he wanted. He started pumping into her like a mad man, varying from slow to fast, and vice versa, driving both of them crazy with desire.
Loki couldnt hold on any longer as he erupt and yelled...
The End...a cliffhanger you will NEVER know who he is screwing or the main characters name...Nah...as much i want to end here I cant because of plot development and set up in this chapter.
"Annnnnnnnnnn" Loki catches his breath..."Marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
"LooooooooooooooKiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii" his lover screams in unison
If not for the "Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil" statue all of the dead gods would have seen and heard the entire event. and the goddesss name.
An-mar and Loki both are the oldest diety, but none of the gods or goddesses alive or dead know how both of them has survived for so long. Each diety will run out of worshippers sooner or later, but they did not realize that the domain of both An-mar and Loki are the foundamental creation of the world that cannot be erased or eradicated.
The dieties know that Lokis domain is chaos but there are several other domain that he emcompasses that people do not know other than his beliver that worship him for that domain, Lokis domain also consists of evil and his beliver are demons and demon summoners that worship him for this domain. Another domain he possess is cunning, the new god of chaos is actually the old god of chaos and none other than An-mar and his demons know of this secret. He send his mortal form to earth and using his mortal form of three years to defeat himself and manifested himself into the younger one to mature faster into the new and improved Loki.
An-mar took up the domains that was rejected by other dieties, she is one of the elder dieties , her domain consist of Lust, Vengeance, and Dishonor. Her worshippers are so seperated and loose that most of the dieties do not know she even exists except for her believers and worshippers. None of them are capable to envoke her name anywhere, but her believers do have the ability to talk to each other in what she created as the darkplain, where her shrine is located. The darkplain is also the only place where she lives with her glory due to the banishment that Kami-sama has given her. She only lives there to humor her banisher and plot her vengeance against her banisher.
The current Kami-sama does not even have the faintest clue that she even exists nor the new gods and goddesses. They only believe her to be an urben legend of the gods. When Loki informed her of this recently she had the best laugh she had in centuries.
After they have dressed each other, An-mar once again pull out her statue from her void storage place created courtesy of Gaea another one of the elder goddesses that cannot be destroyed or confined since she emcompasses all.
An-Mar sticks her head into the void storage and started throwing all type of things out and into another void storage space, from blessed katanas to scrounchy ball, a few occasional wierd shaped dildos are also seen thrown out of the void space...
"Damn where is that plaque" She immediately took her head out and went into another void storage, after another few hours of rummaging and a few Cat of Ninetails seen thrown out she finally said...
"So that where I put it" She turned to Loki with a sheepish grin, in which Loki cant resist and bent down and kissed her int the lips
"Its alright love, I guess my chaos started to rub off of you huh?" Loki teased her
An-Mar ignored his last comment and dragged out a plaque that have a head that have pink and orange hair and a pair of curiously long adorning antannae that sprout from the head.
Loki bent down to read the plaque
"Saffron, the demgod of the Phoenix, protector of Jusenkyo, Reason of death: Pissed me off, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark"
An-mar eye brows twitched as Loki read the punctuation marks out loud.
"Ummm..."Loki said "wouldnt Gaea be pissed that you started killing off her protectors and phoenix"
An-mar eye brows twitched again then she couldnt hold on anymore she exploded
This little outburst waked up Saffron and saw the enemy of the homeland standing in front of him and tried to flap his wings but he could not feel anything from his neck down. He looked around the room and couldnt seem to figure out here he is. He looks up and multiple heads of different gods on plaques with a blind look and a piece of cloth covering their mouth and their eyes does not seem to be moving at all.
Then he heard a male voice with a little bit of fear in his voice but seems calm at the same time,
"Love, I think your outburst has awakened your newly arrived friend here." He feels his head started floating and joined the other head on the wall.
"Okay Saffron" he heard his enemy say, "Looks like you have just joined my collection, you see this is my personal collection of all the gods I have killed in the ages."
Saffron then saw the red-head retie her pigtail and pull out a statue and she procceed to tap it, then put it away.
She watched her as she sit down in one of the chairs that does not have any charring or dragon head pointing down at it and she snaps her finger twice and multiple gods from the heads descended from the plaques and two gods materialized from thin air.
Among these gods he did not recognize anyone of them except for Gaea which he had worshipped for many years, but he did realize all of these gods that descended from the plaques are elder gods from seperate religions. From their attires he recognized six of them are egyptian, six of them including Gaea is greek, two of them are surprising enough Celtic and the last five are gaea, but he did not recognize the one god that materialized from thin air.
Gaea walks up to him, and read his plaque, and started laughing.
She turned to the redhead and said
"I guess I owe you another one for eliminating him for me, sister" After hearing his goddess address him like that he suddenly froze.
"Just put it on my tab" responded her sister
Loki looking at his lover questioningly
"She is my sister in blood in one of my mortal life, we just feel like keeping up the relationship, since we did develop a bond while we are sisters mortally" Responded An-Mar
A ledger appeared in front of the Great Spirit
"Ok that makes it, I owe you 30 favors and you owe me 20 favors"
An-Mar than went on ahead and greeted all of the other dieties in what seems to be a language of the gods that demigods do not know, it seems to be a gutteral language yet it seems very gracious at the same time.
All of the gods and goddesses took a sit around the table, all of them are quite affraid except for the two dieties that appeared out of thin air.
An-Mar instead of sitting she snaps her finger and the room lit up by fire that surronds the room, this caused a startled gasp from all of the gods except for the two that was not affraid of the chair the center snakes flame disappears and the snake seperate into several heads each of the heads is pointing at an occupant in a chair. The dragon itself, came to life and wraps itself around the occupants legs and wrists.
"I called all of you here, obviously to continue our plan to overthrow the current system of electoral system a baktan will end soon and again their will be a shift in the entire organization of the Yggdrasil system. It is quite possible that the current Kami-sama that has taken over does not understand the baktan cycle and there will be a need in the Yggdrasil system to redo itself in one entire bakten because of how much it is needed for it to destroy and remake itself and the first god to be created will be the holder of the bukten and it is also a struggle to see which god can survive. The Darkrealm I have designed is a complete seperate reality from that of the entire world, I have been working on it ever since I have been banished 4 bakten ago. The point of this meeting is to inform you, all of you that the Apocalypse is upon us and there is nothing in this world or the next can stop it. We are the "evil force" from the prophecy, and by evil it is defined as traditional and chaos. I have drawn up a contract for each and everyone of you gods and goddesses you can participate in this uprising to see if the innovations are superiour or tradional"
After this little speech made by An-Mar, Since noone raised a voice or motioned to question about anything she also continued:
"I have also enlisted the worlds best. Here is the entire list of everyone I have enlisted as you can see I have made absolutely no mistake in who I call my help upon. You all have twelve hours to decide." She paused. "and Chronos" she turned to the god that appeared from thin air "please dont mess with the time this time, even though it is amusing the last time you did it."
"When twelve hours are up, I will call all of you here again with the people I have recruited on that list" She said
she snaps her fingers twice and all of the gods went back to their plaques to contemplate her proposition with noone except for Gaea, Loki, Chronos, and An-mar left in the room. She once again pull out the "Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil" Statue and tap it again.
"Now for the rest of you, can I count on you to get your worshippers to abid to what I have given you?" An-Mar turned to the remaining elder dieties.
They responded with a nod
She then snaps her fingers again and they disappeared as well. Leaving herself alone in the Darkrealm.
End Blubber:This here concludes the second chapter of Sweetness of Vengeance, I will be working on the next insertion of LR...anyways hope you likes it so far, anyways tell me what you think of the story thanx. Yes it is a Mayan Cosmogenesis story.
Baktun=144000 days