Sonic Wind: Sidestory 01

By RankoSaotome

Yep, it's a sidestory! This sidestory is not relevant to future parts of Sonic Wind, just a little something going on in Ranma's spare time. This takes place between the end of BERSERKER - CROSSING and BERSERKER - RUNNING.

I posted a shorter version of this earlier, but I found SOOO many mistakes, and I pride myself on good grammar and attention to detail. Thus, I renamed this sidestory and added another bout of sex, plus the appearance of Kale Scavenger. At some point, Virginia might get with Ranma, but that remains to be seen.

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"Instant Nannichuan?" I was a little surprised by Tikal's idea, to say the least. She'd told me she wanted to make love to me, and I had assumed it'd be some pretty straight sex. Instead, I find out Tikal wants to use that powder and... make love to my female side.

"Yeah, don't you think it'd be fun? Besides, it's not like we won't use protection..." I could only blush as my mind ran through a number of images, like of a male Tikal on my female side's back, both bent over and naked, male Tikal thrusting away... My cheeks felt like they were on fire when those images faded.

Tikal only giggled and smiled when she noticed my blush, reaching down and taking hold of my hand gently. I knew it was coming before I saw it, but I was quickly doused with cold water, my body instantly changing from male to female in an instant. I shivered in response, both excited and nervous at the same time. Nervous because Tikal would be a guy and thrusting into me and excited for the exact same reason.

Tikal's hand quickly engulfed mine with the change. She had large hands for a girl, her large hands wrapping around my slender ones before I realized something was wrong. Looking up, I found myself face-to-face with a guy with dark, orangish hair and I blushed. Tikal was handsome as a guy, and very chiseled, with a small package in one large hand, and both of my wrists held in the other.

"How about it, Ranma?" I shivered in delight when I realized that in his hand was a box of condoms, and I hesitantly nodded, though I could feel a smile building on my face. Sure, this wasn't exactly how I wanted mine and Tikal's first time to be like, but it would be our first time. We had to see what'd feel good, see if we'd want to do these things again. The more I looked at Tikal as a guy, the more female hormones assaulted me with images of running my hands over those muscles, licking his collar, and generally giving myself to him. I shook my head to get it out of the clouds, though I could feel I was quite damp between my legs.

Tikal only smiled and got to his feet, taking hold of one of my cheeks with one hand and gently stroking it. I moaned, it felt so good that I couldn't stop it. Each second that passed, my arousal got higher, my pussy got wetter, and my mouth got dryer. I wanted him like no other, I wanted to feel him thrust his dick into me and not stop. I... needed to get control back, but my hormones wouldn't let go.

Tikal started us off, pulling off the muscle-t he'd gotten from me and exposing his chiseled chest and stomach to me. I became wetter in anticipation, and I had no doubts my boxers and pants were drenched with my fluids. His pants came loose quickly, dropping to show a simple pair of panties that strained on Tikal's... impressive manhood. My blush came back with vengeance as he quickly grasped my breasts and squeezed.

I cried out in orgasm, the build up of the events having aroused me too much that Tikal's grope just sent me over. I could feel my pussy leaking more of my orgasmic fluids into my pants that I just rose to my feet to become even with Tikal's chest, until he pushed me back down. I looked up questioningly when my eyes beheld Tikal's length once more, and I understood.

"Oh, you want a..." I smiled and giggled before slowly bringing my hands to the rod of flesh, one grasping the base to keep it upright and the other holding it straight. He must've been at least six inches long! Then, I pulled slightly and my mouth found the head.

I could hear Tikal gasp as my lips kissed the head gently, my tongue snaking out to lick the underside teasingly. I could feel Tikal trying to push himself into my mouth, but I held him still with my greater strength. Grinning, I slowly teased him further, tongue teasing every inch along it. The slit, underside of the head, body, and base, none went unnoticed by my tongue.

Eventually, I couldn't stop myself from engulfing his cock into my mouth, tasting it inside the heat of my mouth as my lips closed around it. I could feel Tikal shiver before something shot into my mouth. It was tangy and creamy, and I realised I liked the taste, but a large flood of it pushed the yummy rod out of my mouth, myself managing to save how much of Tikal's sperm was in my mouth by swallowing, before I got a faceful of it.

I'd heard facials were considered taboo, sometimes considered the ultimate submission, but I knew that between me and Tikal, it was little more than a cumshot. Just considered to us as naughty, and we enjoyed naughty things. "Look at you. All a mess with my white stuff all over." I licked my lips, finding a little sperm there and quickly swallowing it.

"I'll take a raincheck on that cumbath, Tikal." I winked and was treated to a full-body blush on Tikal's part. I smiled and stroked his rapidly limpening cock gently. I knew my face was covered in spunk. I knew, but for reasons beyond me, I didn't care. All I knew was watching Tikal unwrapping a condom and a smile growing on my face. This was it, the moment of truth.

He had me quickly lick his cock once more, licking and sucking, getting the remaining spunk off the rod before he became erect once more, pulling out of my mouth, me giving a groan of protest, before her quickly slipped on the condom. I was happily undersexed at the moment and lay back on Tikal's bed, spreading my legs for him. I have no idea when I'd gotten naked, but Tikal had somehow manged to remove my clothes without me noticing.

He came together quickly, lightly teasing my entrance with the wrapped sausage and licking my earlobe. My pussy dripped honey and he whispered that my cunt was glistening to be fucked. I knew he was right, I wanted him in me so badly! Nibbling on my earlobe, I knew that his teasing was making me leak like a bucket one of his hands guiding the teasing below and the other tweaking my nipples.

With a light bite on my ear, I cried out as he finally entered me, his covered cockhead slowly pushing my lower lips aside and diving into my folds. I twitched slightly as I had no hymen to stop his advances, a full seven inches of cock making me feel like I was being stretched wide. Like anymore would rip me open to the world. He proved me wrong, as he slowly worked a finger in and out of my cunt as well.

I could do nothing but moan and twitch under Tikal's expert menistrations, his experience with Crystal as a girl quickly showing as another nibble on my earlobe brought another cry of pleasure, as his cock shoved in and out of me, joined by a finger.

My pussy hugged his large cock tightly, as he pushed in and out again and again, each dive bringing him deeper inside my body, and the filling sensations brought me to cloud 9 and beyond. He obviously knew how to bring me to the clouds and the rain, but all I could do was tighten my pubic muscles best I could and put a squeeze on his meat.

I could feel his pounding reaching a different barrier, my cervix that seperated my folds and insides from my womb. I could feel Tikal slowly stop thrusting and push against that barrier, moving his rod this way and that as if seeking something. This was quickly bringing me towards another orgasm, though I prayed and cried out for more.

Then, he found something, whispering as he continued licking and biting my earlobe that he was looking for a small opening. And it came, his cock pressed up against that tiny hole and slowly expanded it. It widened further and I could feel myself dripping honey wildly as I was almost sent over, when a single thrust got Tikal's meat through and the head entered my womb.

Then, I felt it, but, in a way, I didn't. He was cumming inside of me, but that thin barrier of latex blocked his seed from shooting deep into my belly. Each stream of sperm I could feel being blocked by the small barrier that held it in. Quickly, his orgasm came to a complete stop and he pulled out, lowering himself to finish me off as well.

Cunnilingus, Tikal had called it. I just called it like it was, eating me out. His tongue pushed into my cunt without even a minor amount of teasing. I knew then he was fully concentrated on bringing me off, and I did not hesitate to twitch and squirm in his grasp. His tongue pushed deeper, as his lips made out with my cunt gently.

I groaned when he finally succeeded, my honey glazing his tongue and lips in juice as the rest dripped down his face. When he came up to breathe, a smile formed on my face when I beheld his soaked lips. I kissed him quickly and rectified that problem, licking my own juices from his face before slowly, very slowly, pulling off his condom.

It was filled with Tikal's sperm and I could only smile, laying back and turning it upside down over my mouth, the warm jism sliding out and dripping into my mouth. When the loose liquid was in my mouth, I swallowed it all and turned the latex inside it, cleaning it over while watching Tikal out of the corners of my eyes.

He was watching me enjoy his liquids, which made me grin and sit up. "That was wonderful, Tikal. Maybe we should do that again sometime." Then, I leaned in and added one final thing, which I was sure would leave a lasting impression. "Maybe we should invite Amy next time... Or Kale... I wouldn't be against two guys on top of me..."

Tikal blinked confusedly once before a smile formed on his face. When I was sure it'd sunk in, I winked for effect. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind being the woman the the other girls being the men. Truly, I wouldn't. In fact, I'd probably enjoy it, but the first time of making love with Tikal was my favorite time. It gave me my first experiences, and, even though I was the woman my first time, it was the one bout of sex I cherish the most.

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It was later that night when Tikal and I woke up once more, smiling and looking around for a clock. It was barely past midnight and damned if I wasn't horny. I was about to relay my thoughts to Tikal but he took the initiative, placing a gentle kiss on my lips that I melted into.

Soon, I couldn't stand it. My pussy was leaking just as badly as before and I needed to be filled. Scary when a guy wants to be fucked so badly... Either way, I wanted him bad once again. I managed to share my feelings in between all the kisses Tikal was giving me. "Tikal, all this kissing's got me horny... I wanna do it again..."

With a smile on his face, Tikal reached to the box on the nightstand and quickly removed a small package, when a hand stopped his. Both of us looking up in surprise, my eyes widened as I beheld the subject of just a few hours prior, Kale Scavenger standing over the both of us with a wry smile. I began to sweat bullets as I could imagine what this looked like, especially that it looked like I was making love to another guy in Tikal's bed.

"K-Kale... this... this isn't what it looks like! I..." I am so screwed!! Kale's eyes were beginning to turn emerald green and change larger, her body becoming slightly transparent and I panicked. I was in no condition to fight Kale, I knew she'd whip me good. So I decided to try one last resort, one I never employed on anyone because of the sheer nature of the maneuver. Waterworks.

I know I'm a terrible actor, but this was one thing I had down pat, faking tears. As I began to cry, Kale's transformation began to falter slightly, and Tikal was only looking on, nothing apparently coming to his mind on how to take care of this. I merely lay underneath him, crying, just before I panicked once more. Tikal lift himself off me and quickly took up a combat stance, but I had no time to dodge the watery tentacles that wrapped around my throat and limbs, lifting and suspending me over the floor.

"You make a cute guy, Tikal." WHAT THE!!! "How dare you two start without me. You know, it's a shame that I have to punish you now, Ranma-chan..." I immediately cursed, earning myself a swift swat on the rear. I started to scream, just before a tentacle of water shoved itself down my throat, silencing me.

"Sorry, Ranma, but Kale wanted in on this." The tentacles quickly began to pull gently, turning me spread-eagle in front of the watery girl, that was rapidly changing shape as Tikal poured a powder over Kale. Instant Nannichuan!! Soon, I found myself looking downward on Kale's male body, to find the large wet monster that resided on his crotch. My eyes widened as another tentacle started pressing against my anus while I was slowly lowered towards that monster.

I could only stare at the monster between his legs and pray that that nine inch monster was only an illusion, that he was really a good deal smaller. Closing my eyes a few moments, I looked again and nearly fainted. He was still a monster in size and it was now rubbing up and down my folds, Kale trying to push that monster into my body. I could barely note Tikal nearby, jerking her cock near my face like he was going to...

At first, my pussy denied Kale entrance into my body, the folds holding tightly while that slippery tentale played with my ass. I could feel Kale push some more, myself grunting in an effort to stop him, before my desperation was shattered.

That single, slimy tentacle I'd ignored had taken advantage of my distraction to push itself right up my ass. As did Kale use that distraction to push her monster's head into the folds of my cunt. Wincing from the double penetration, I idly noticed Tikal was now at my back entrance, about to slip on a condom when I spoke. "No, Tikal."

"Huh?" "No condom... just fuck my ass..." I trusted Tikal, especially since I was under the impression his cock wouldn't rip my ass open like Kale's monster would. Of course, the boy hesitated before thrusting inside, bringing a wince from me. He was deep, hard... and he felt huge in my ass! I cried out, a little in pain and mostly in ecstasy, as the two began fucking me.

Between the both of them, I began to ignore my surroundings, instead concentrating on those two pieces of meat inside me, so I didn't notice the tentacles releasing me. I didn't notice Kale change back to a normal guy and shift his stance, accidentally pulling out in the process. I didn't notice when Kale re-entered me. The only way I knew, was Tikal's whispering in my ear.

We didn't last long, due to the combination of yesterday's events, fatigue, and the power of our orgasms, Tikal shooting his seed deep into my bowels and Kale shooting his deep into my belly. I made a mental note to take one of Tikal's morning-after pills to make sure I didn't get pregnant.

Of course, this had still exhausted us three, and we fell asleep immediately, laying in a jumbled group on the covers of Tikal's bed. Thank god there was no school tomorrow... Later that night, I'd take a pregnancy test, embarassing as it was. I'm just thankful it came back negative. Either way, it would have been worth that night of passion.

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