Storm Warning-Part 2: Chapter 6

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in you house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 6

As Tank stepped toward his newly Evolved Pokegirl her gently wafting black hair suddenly snaked out toward him, totally covering him as it insinuated itself through every gap in his clothing to gently stroke and flow over his skin. Tank, however, didn’t allow this strange assault to slow him down and continued to approach Kodachi. He was only a few steps away when he heard her laugh, even crazier than ever after her change, and her hair suddenly exploded outward, shredding his clothes and leaving him as naked as she was. “That’s better, don’t you think, Tank?”

Stopping directly in front of her he found that they were now of approximately the same height and their eyes could now stare directly into one another. Tank did his best to allow nothing to show in his face as he stopped directly in front of his Pokegirl and he looked into her newly changed face, their bodies just millimeters away from one another. Kodachi smiled at his closeness and he could see and feel her inky-black hair approaching to surround the two of them. Just before it touched him, he took action.

Abruptly grabbing her arm with his left hand he whirled her around and flung her face down over the boulder that she had been standing on to assault the Growlie that had attacked them earlier. Tank thought he caught a brief glimpse of surprise in those bottomless dark orbs that used to be her eyes, but he was already busy with his next move. As he pushed her down onto the stony surface of the rock he gathered up some thick strands of her wildly-moving hair and used it to tie her arms together behind her back. Kodachi gave an enraged screech at this rough and disrespectful treatment, but the moment of shock and disorientation put her at a disadvantage and by the time she had recovered enough to take some type of action it was already too late. Her young Tamer had bound her forearms to one another from elbow to wrists with overlapping skeins of her hair; the bindings were too complicated for her to unravel, especially since she was so newly Evolved and not entirely comfortable and familiar with her new abilities.

Tank kept her more than generous breasts pinned down on the boulder with this strong right hand on her back while he gently swept his left one over her perfectly pale ass. “Kodachi, Kodachi, Kodachi,” he clucked in disappointment as he felt her up. “And here you used to be so respectful. Do I have to teach you your place yet again?”

“How that little girl I used to be behaved has nothing to do with me!” Kodachi hissed over her shoulder. “Now unhand me immediately!!”

“I guess that means I do indeed have to reeducate you. How regretful. At least your body doesn’t seem to have forgotten me.” Tank brushed his fingers along the length of her slit and then brought them up for her to see how they were coated with her sticky juices. “And so quickly too.” Noticing the Pokegirl’s head shake in denial, Tank also shook his own. “You always did want it the hard way, didn’t you?”




The spanking continued for over a quarter an hour as Tank used his open palm to turn Kodachi’s upturned, wiggling ass into a bright red, glowing mass of sores and bruises marking a strong contrast with her otherwise pure-white skin. He smacked her ass brutally, using his strength to its fullest extent so that his own hand was throbbing painfully by the end. When he finished he thought he could actually feel shimmers of heat wafting off her sorely abused rear. Kodachi, meanwhile continued to glare balefully at him blinking away the involuntary tears his attack had raised in her unnerving sooty eyes. Her mouth was pulled back in a grimace and he could see her teeth tightly clenched together so as to choke back the majority of her cries of pain and discomfort. Tank also noticed, however that her smooth thighs were rubbing together furiously and trails of juice were sliding down her legs from her overheated cunt. He himself was achingly hard.

Taking his erection in his left hand he brushed the broad tip up along her snatch, forcing an unconscious trembling sigh from the Pokegirl, quickly followed by a snarl of displeasure. Tank didn’t push in any farther, however, instead he moved his penis along her slit enough to coat the tip in a thick coating of her vaginal secretions. Then he positioned it at the tight entrance of her ass.

“NO! Don’t you dare...!” Kodachi growled, clenching her ass cheeks together in an effort to keep her Tamer from violating her butt.

“Or what?” Tank asked with a grin, forcing himself into the Pokegirl’s anus. “You go ahead and try to deny me Kodachi. It just makes it even more enjoyable when...AAAAAaaaahhhhh, yyyeesssssss!!” He hissed in pleasure as the head of his dick popped into her tight channel. He didn’t pause for long, however, instead immediately continuing to shove, twist and grind his hips forward until the choking Black Rose was completely impaled on him. Leaning forward over her bruised and steaming ass cheeks he whispered in the trembling Pokegirl’s long, pointed ear, “Besides, you love it don’t you?”

“N, n, no! You, you,...You’re cra, a, aaaaha, crazy!!”

Ignoring her denials the teenager caused his dick to twitch in her body, forcing another gasp of pleasure from Kodachi. “Admit it, Kodachi. Remember how you squealed during our first Taming? Your scream of pleasure when I put my thumb up your ass? You’re an ass-slut; you love it up the butt!!” Kodachi merely grunted and again shook her head in rejection even as her Tamer begin moving in and out of her ass, the thick length of his dick moving in her forcing a series of minor orgasms from her body.

“Uhhn! Uuuuummmpppphhhh!! AAAuuuuhhhh!!” Tank and Kodachi’s groans mirrored one another as he began pounding into her ass. He removed his hand from where it had been keeping her pinned to the rock and clenched her butt cheeks tightly, forcing them apart so he could clearly see his dick moving in and out of her fantastic body. “Say it, Kodachi! Say you love it!!” At this point, however, the Black Rose was past making any intelligible statement, her focus completely internal as more and more climaxes wracked her body.

“Tell me!!” Tank growled again, his left hand tangling in some of the looser strands of hair at the top of her head and pulling her upward. This action forced Kodachi to sharply arch her back as her arms were still tightly bound behind her. The new position could only be incredibly uncomfortable: her muscular Tamer was furiously butt-fucking her, her overflowing groin was being ground into the unyielding surface of the boulder beneath her, Tank had a painful grasp on her scalp and was steadily pulling her back toward him so that her spine felt like it was going to snap, and her suddenly freed and rather massive breasts were bouncing and shaking wildly with each of his forceful thrusts into her.

It was unbearable.

It was unsustainable.

It was unendurable.

It was...It was...It was...

It was the most incredible, unendingly, erotically pleasurable experience of her life.

“AAAAAUAAUUAUAAAUEEIEIEIEIIIIIAAOAOAOAOOAAAAEEEE!!!” At the echoing cry of ecstasy Tank’s Harem of Pokegirls picked their heads up from where they were doing various chores around the campsite they had set up a few minutes walk down the mountain path. They paused and then shared some small smiles and chuckles before they turned their attention back to the tasks at hand.


Tank winced as he pulled his aching cock out of Kodachi’s abused rear end. Both of their groins were covered in the overflow of their orgasms and unfortunately with all of their clothing being destroyed he had nothing to clean them up with. He untied his unconscious Pokegirl’s arms and left her sprawled out on the boulder, a contented smile gracing her blood-red lips. Looking about he spotted his Pokeball pouch which had luckily not been shredded along with his clothes and balled Kodachi. Then he began limping his way up the trail having to pick his way through the darkness and shivering in the chilly night air that he had ignored while caught up in the midst of the Taming. OUCH! I fucking hate walking around without shoes on!

A Short Time Later

“So now we have a new Killer Queen as part of our Harem, huh, Tank.” Washu mentioned to her Tamer as he ate his dinner after having put on a new set of clothes. All of the other Pokegirls paused with what they were doing to focus on the conversation between their Alpha and Tamer. “Kodachi should make an even more powerful member than she was before, wouldn’t you say?” Washu added after Tank’s nod of confirmation to her first comment.

“True,” Tank said calmly, wiping his mouth after finishing his meal. “Especially since we Bonded during out Taming.”

“WHAT!!?!” The yells of surprise came from almost all of the Pokegirls, but Asuka’s was the loudest of all. The Succubus jumped to her feet at this revelation, her clawed hands flexing aggressively. At Tank’s silent affirmation of this shocking news her wings popped out and she disappeared into the night sky. I think it’s time I take steps about this rivalry between Asuka and Kodachi, Tank mused to himself as he followed his Succubus through their Bond with one another. She wasn’t going anywhere he knew; she just needed to work off some steam. I probably should have done something about it before, he admitted silently. Looking across the campfire his eyes caught the green ones of Washu and knew they were thinking the same thing.

A babble of conversation swept over the group as the Pokegirls began talking over this new development with one another. All except Miluska that is, who was laying on one side of the fire, jerking and twitching her limbs as she dreamt some type of wolfy-dream. Tank looked up from his gentle observation of the Artit Wolf as Washu sat down next to him.

“Tank, did you notice anything unusual when Kodachi Evolved?”

The teenager pursed his lips and began rubbing his shaggy hair as he thought back to when... “Now that you mention it,...You know, I did think I saw some kind of black glimmer around her feet when she was Evolving. Why, Washu?”

Washu looked thoughtfully into the fire before slowly replying, “I’m not exactly sure, to be honest. I’ve been getting some weird readings around here and...” She trailed off before she shook her head. “I’m just not sure yet. Let me think it over some more, but I think it may be something that could help us out.”

Tank regarded his Alpha in surprise, then shrugged his shoulders. “OK, whatever you say, Washu. We’re going to spend at least a week or so in Gash anyway, so let me know when you’re ready.”

“How about the Growlie?” Washu suddenly asked, her sharp eyes glancing over at the young Tamer. “Are we going to keep her? It wouldn’t hurt to have some Fire Pokegirls in our Harem,” She reminded him.

Tank began rubbing his head again at this comment. “Yeah, I know. But it looked like she was some girl who just went through her Threshold so she’s probably got family in Gash. It might be better to turn her over to them. We should get into Gash tomorrow afternoon so we’ll check out what the situation is then and make our decision.”

“Sounds fair to me. Well, I’m gonna turn in. Good night, Tank.”

“’Night, Washu.” Tank remained seated quietly at the fire as his Pokegirls began going to bed, his attention returning to his Bonds with Asuka and Kodachi and what he needed to do about them. Soon.