Storm Warning-Part 1: Chapter 9

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in you house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 9

“So you think you did so well today?” Tank asked Kodachi, the squirming Pokegirl sitting in his lap while he expertly manipulated her lovely body.  One hand was stretched down through her neat and well-trimmed but rather thick dark bush of pubic hair over her pussy to stroke her wet vaginal lips and occasionally flick her engorged clit.  His left hand meanwhile was playing with the erect nipples of her large breasts, which were bouncing rapidly with the Dominatrix’s ragged breathing.  “I think that you missed what you were aiming for almost half the time.  You’ll have to do better in the future.”

“Y, y, ye-es, Tank-sama,” Kodachi panted.  “Uh, hah, huh, oooo!” The Dominatrix cooed her desire as her Tamer’s hands and fingers continued their arousing dance on her body.  Suddenly Kodachi’s body stiffened and she flung her head up as a long, low moan escaped through her red lips.  Tank could feel her cum streaming onto his busy fingers as the Dominatrix’s orgasm swept through her.  Wow!  He thought, She’s really rarin’ to go!  As the pale-skinned Pokegirl continued shuddering and sighing in reaction to her climax, her Tamer shifted her onto the sleeping bag rolled out on the tent floor.

When she felt the cool fabric of the sleeping bag on her back, Kodachi opened her eyes to see Tank positioning himself between her slender legs, his thick cock clenched in his fist.  “Yes, Tank-sama,” she moaned as she felt the head of his penis press against her still seeping cunt.  The wetness of her canal allowed Tank to cram his dick into her quickly and he was soon smoothly stroking in and out of his Dominatrix’s extremely willing body.  Kodachi arched her back, pushing her large breasts up into her Tamer’s chest.  She groaned as she felt her hard, erect nipples rub against Tank’s muscular body.  Tank kissed her as she moaned, the Pokegirl’s and the human’s tongues probing and slipping against one another’s.

Suddenly Tank paused his thrusts on a down stroke, grinding his hips into his Pokegirl’s groin.  The sudden switch in tempo triggered yet another orgasm in the Dominatrix and Tank felt her nails scratching wildly across his back as she screamed her release.  Feeling her hot cunt clenching tightly along the length of his penis, Tank gritted his teeth to keep himself from cumming.  When he thought he could control his body again, he resumed pumping into Kodachi, whose hands and arms had dropped to the floor as her body relaxed after its crashing orgasm.  She whipped her head back and forth, her black hair sticking in wild, sweat-stained clumps, as she realized that the night’s Taming session wasn’t over yet.

“Uuunnghh!”  Kodachi and Tank groaned together as the Tamer began corkscrewing his thick dick in and out of the Dominatrix’s sloshing cunt.  Tank knew from the tingling sensation in his balls that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer.  Wanting to end the encounter on a high note, Tank grabbed Kodachi’s slim yet muscular legs and pushed them together, both of her ankles hanging on his right shoulder.  Kodachi opened her glazed eyes while Tank clenched his shut at the even tighter feel of this new position.

“M, M, Master!”  The Pokegirl moaned desperately as she felt her Tamer’s large cock swelling even further in size as he prepared to blast his semen into her.  “P, please!  L, let me taste it!  I want to taste you!!”

Tank looked down at Kodachi’s flushed face in surprise at her request.  The thought of her wish along with the exquisite feel of her spasming pussy was quickly pushing him over the edge.  “Do it, Master!!”  Unable to control himself any longer, the husky tamer started crushing his cock into the sweat-soaked body of his Pokegirl like a trip hammer.  When he simply couldn’t hold back his orgasm any longer he tore his cock out of the Dominatrix’s cunt and let her legs flop over to the side, even as he edged forward his dick began erupting, sending white cum splashing onto Kodachi’s trembling body.

The first streamers spurted onto her slender waist and then across her plump, heaving tits.  The feel of her Tamer’s cum blasting over her body triggered yet another series of orgasms in Kodachi.  “AAAaaaaaahhhhh!!  Yeesssss!!”  Kodachi yelled her pleasure even as the main load of Tank’s cum sprayed into her face and open mouth.  Tank groaned with the feeling of release as he hunched over the Dominatrix, his dick clenched tightly in his fist, letting his jism splash out over her.  When he finally felt the last of his cum drip out, Tank opened his tightly shut eyelids to look down at his Pokegirl.  Kodachi was sighing with bliss, as she languorously swallowed the cum in her mouth and her tongue began flicking out to try and catch as much of the semen coating her beautiful face as she could.  Tank lowered his dick slightly and Kodachi eagerly moved her head upward to suck on the red, swollen head of his penis.  Tank groaned at the wonderful, but somewhat painful sensation of her actions before he finally collapsed to the side of the Dominatrix’s sprawled out body.  Finally, only the sounds of panting filled the heated, humid air of the tent as Kodachi quickly turned to face him and snuggled back into his side, pressing her tits into his side.  It wasn’t long until the black-haired Pokegirl was fast asleep snuggled in her Tamer’s muscular arms.

“Unh!  Auh!  Oh!” Asuka gave small cries as she pumped her body on Tank’s long, thick penis.  It was about an hour after Tank had finished his taming session with Kodachi and well into his next one with his Tomboy.  He was lying on his back, his hands reaching up to caress and tweak the breasts and hard, erect nipples of his orangish-red-haired Pokegirl while she writhed on top of him.  Crouched on her knees, her weight back on her hands which rested on Tank’s muscular thighs, Asuka’s blue eyes were shut tight as she reveled in the feelings her Tamer’s cock was wringing from her body.  Tank, meanwhile, enjoyed the sight of his dick stretching her small, tight pussy wide as it pushed in and out of her slim body.  Tired from her efforts, Asuka paused in her work and ground her hips in small, tight circles, crying aloud once more at the tremendous sensations shooting through her body.

Grabbing the Tomboy’s waist, Tank pulled her forward so that her nipples were pressed tight into his broad chest.  Then he planted his feet flat on the floor of the tent and, raising his hips, began to quickly thrust up and into Asuka’s taught vagina.  “Huuunn!  Yesss!  Oooohhh!!”  Asuka’s voice filled the tent with the sound of her pleasure at the Taming Tank was giving her.  The short, sharp stabs quickly drove the Tomboy past the point of no return and Tank enjoyed the sensation of her juices seeping down his erect cock as she screamed her release into his open mouth.

Rotating their combined bodies to his right side, Tank reached down to hook her smooth, slender right leg in the crook of his left arm.  This position opened up Auska’s pussy slightly and her tired, blue eyes as her Tamer again began to pump his hips, this time in a slower, gentler way.  She gave a contented sigh and tucked her head into Tank’s muscular chest as his large dick again began to cause tremendous pleasurable sensations to course throughout her body.  The position they were in didn’t allow for strong, forceful movements, but Tank felt that that would probably be better, in general, for his Tomboy.  She wouldn’t respond well to the more vigorous approach that was necessary with Kodachi.  So Tank kept up a steady rocking action with his hips while he listened to and felt Asuka’s quickening breath on his skin and smelled the wonderful, rich scent of her orange-red hair that in their current situation was piled up against his face.

“Ssooo gooood,” Asuka moaned.  “I never thought it could feeeeeel so gooood!”

“It’s nice to be appreciated,” Tank replied, grinning slightly.  The young Tamer used his right hand to pull back his Tomboy’s head and leaned down to kiss her panting mouth even as he continued to push his cock in and out of her wet cunt.  Asuka responded eagerly to his kiss and Tank felt her arms wrap partly around his torso, her delicate hands gently rubbing over his back as the two kissed passionately.  She pulled herself even tighter into Tank’s strong body, her tight nipples poking forcibly into his sweaty skin.  Both of them began to grind themselves against each other more energetically as their desire also increased.

Tank slid his broad left hand down the flawless skin of his Pokegirl to cup the taught cheek of her ass.  At the feeling of her Tamer’s hand squeezing her butt cheek, Asuka’s eyes flew open and she broke away from the kiss. 

“OOooohh!  Aaaaaahhh!!”  She groaned both in pleasure and in surprise at the contact, especially when his fingers brushed lightly along the crease between her butt cheeks.  Tank took the opportunity to crane his neck downward even further so he could suck and nibble along the neck of the slighter Pokegirl.  “Uuuuuuuhhhnn!!!”  Asuka panted her delight at this maneuver and Tank gripped her rear even tighter to allow him to try and push even more of his dick up into her tight little body.

Feeling a need for a bit more control Tank suddenly shifted their position once again.  Pulling himself out of the Tomboy’s yearning clasp he swung his left leg and body between Asuka’s.  This left him straddling her left leg while her right one was draped over his muscular left thigh.  Asuka’s upper body had fallen down onto the sleeping bag when Tank had moved away from her and now she lifted herself up slightly on her arms and looked back over her shoulder and through the tangled locks of her orange-red hair at her Tamer.  Her tender red lips opened to ask something, but before she could say anything Tank thrust deeply into her.  Their new arrangement allowed him to wring even greater sensations from her tired but willing body and Tank took every advantage of this fact.

The force of those feeling swept any questions from the mind of his Pokegirl and she quickly collapsed facedown on the sleeping bag the couple was conducting their Taming session on.  Asuka’s outstretched hands were soon clenching and clawing at the slick fabric beneath her while simultaneously she bit and sobbed into it, overcome by the growing awareness of a building, tremendous orgasm that felt like it was going to be set off at any time.  Sweat dripped from Tank’s flushed face to splash down onto the heaving back of his Pokegirl as he groaned at the tremendous feelings being aroused by his Tomboy’s tight, clenching pussy.  Suddenly Asuka’s entire body seized up as taught as a bowstring and she gave a great keening cry as she came like a cyclone time after time.  The sight of her straining muscles, clearly defined under Asuka’s pink, blushing skin triggered Tank’s own release and he grunted with relief as his swollen cock blasted a large load of semen deep into Asuka’s womb.  At last their orgasms passed and Asuka lay quiet, passed out from the force of her climaxes while her young Tamer slumped exhaustedly over her body, gasping for breath.