Retribution for the Damned
by DigiSim
Kasumi Tendo was pissed.
This fact in and of itself would more often than not seem to be an impossibility. Usually it is for the simple truth that Kasumi is the sweetest and kindest person on the planet. That may be true in some cases; however it didnt apply just now. She had been running for her life for a while now. Kasumi was tired, she was edgy and she was running out of ammo.
Not a good combination.
Many years ago, when Kasumi still lived in Nerima, a terrible incident occurred. Usually its the death of Kimiko Tendo that alters the rest of the Tendo family. That event in her life had already come and gone. By the time the eldest Tendo daughter was 12, Soun Tendo had made a big mistake. He followed the advice of his middle child, a precocious young cutie named Nabiki who had a knack for numbers. The advice wasnt bad, said advice being to invest in a pharmaceutical company; it was the people who ran the company that caused the trouble.
Kasumis father, the head of the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, was first and foremost, not all there. He had done many disreputable things while training. Lying, cheating and stealing had been done in the name of the Art. His best skills were quietly breaking into places he wasnt supposed to be, a talent he later passed on to his daughters but not on purpose. Somehow, the skill shifted to them. Too bad for him that he was usually discovered, most times while going through some womans panty drawer.
During his training trip, Soun made the wrong people mad. His friend, a stocky man by the name of Genma Saotome, and he had entered a town with their Dread Master and through brow beating, the shriveled up little pervert threatened them into raiding some houses. Soun and Genma however did not like the way the town felt. The old pervert just thought they were slacking off, but kept the idea to himself that he felt they were right about the town. It was like an open sore in the earth, one that never fully healed or perhaps was enforced to fester and rot. There were creeping terrors in that vile little village that haunted the three mens dreams and waking hours for years to come. Soun had snuck into one particular house and discovered a safe that was filled with information that would have given a lesser man a heart attack on the spot. The horrid and graphic details were scarred on his psyche for life but the effects werent revealed till the death of his wife years later whenever his emotions ran rampant.
Without knowing it, he had painted a huge target on himself and his family just by reading those documents. They all described secret plots or medical descriptions of the abominations of nature that were residing there and in other towns worldwide. He never made the connection to the secret organization and the pharmaceutical company until it was too late. By then, the shock troops of the Umbrella Corporation razed the dojo to the ground and Soun, along with Akane and Nabiki, was never heard from again.
It was Genma that had found Kasumi at the ruins of her home. He had planned to take his son on a ten year training trip to get him away from the softening influence of his mother. He tried to convince her that it had to be done and had even written up a seppuku pledge to prove it. She convinced him [she beat the ever-loving snot out of him] that he was mistaken. He quickly saw the wisdom of her logic, in other words, he crumbled like a sandcastle in a tsunami. She did let him go out with Ranma every other year but made him promise to come back so he would be trained by her. Since this was a Nodoka year, Genma didnt really have anything to do. He had to admit that his wifes plan was sound though. He had never been more fit in his life thanks to a diet she made him adhere to and had a full head of hair along with a newly grown beard and moustache. Someday they might even decide to have more children so Ranma wouldnt grow up alone.
Genma was particularly bored that day so he had decided to go visit his old training partner. He also had to tell Soun that the plan for uniting the schools [Nodoka found out about the engagement and beat him worse than when he showed her the seppuku pledge] needed to be changed. When he got to the dojo, the unnatural quiet of the neighborhood put him on edge. As he walked through the gate, the sight of smoldering rubble took him by surprise. Kneeling where the step to the front door would have been was a young girl with her back to him. She had a canvas sack dropped unceremoniously next to her and was obviously crying. He could see there was an unbroken bottle of soy sauce tipped over on its side and resting against her ankle but that was the farthest thing from her mind at the moment. She had been shopping for groceries and had come home to discover her family and home gone. Without prompting, he knelt down next to her and gathered her in his arms. She almost ran off screaming until she saw it was her Uncle Genma, though he was a little hairier than she remembered, and she started sobbing into his chest.
Genma took Kasumi back to his home, carrying her for most of the way because she cried herself to sleep. He had his suspicions on what had happened being connected to that dead town. The only reason he or his family werent targeted was due to the fact that Soun was the one caught on a security camera going through the safe. Nodoka of course needed no convincing to let Kasumi stay with them, especially after what Genma told her about what had happened at what once was the Tendo home. As time went on, Kasumi adjusted to life with the Saotomes. She even got training from the both of them, just like Ranma. Whenever it was a Genma year, both she and Ranma would head out and train. During one such trip, the both of them met up with one Ukyo Kuonji, Okonomiyaki Martial Artist in training. She and her father had set up shop near the American Army base in Nagasaki and were doing quite well for themselves.
It took Ranma a while to realize that this girl Ukyo was his childhood friend Ucchan. Back when they first met, he had thought she was a he. They had almost become engaged back then but Genma didnt go along with it. He had to wonder what type of man would sell his daughters future for just a simple yatai. Though nothing came of Kuonji-sans attempt, a friendship was started that would last a lifetime. The three wanderers were grateful to see the Kuonjis for the simple reason being, they were starving. Because of their connections with the base personnel, Kuonji-san and his daughter were able to get the trio access so they could train. Besides hand to hand combat, they also gained weapons training. Ranma and Kasumi were both quite skilled with the Glock 9mm as well as rifle style weapons, such as the AK-47. Of course, they needed practice to hit the targets right, but they were both quick studies. Even Genma took to the training, proving himself to be adept as well.
While at the base, Genma met a man named Trent. He was a mysterious sort, but Genma felt he could trust him. When he wasnt training with Kasumi, Ranma or both of them, he spent what time he could with Trent. It was like Soun had come back in a way, in the form of this strange man.
One night, while Genma and Trent were at the Officers Club swapping stories, Ranma and Kasumi were in their on base home swapping spit. The two had grown close over the three years that Kasumi had spent with the Saotomes. The fact that Kasumi was fifteen and Ranma twelve didnt really bother them in the least. Hormones will be hormones. Kasumi and Ranma had been each others First Kiss back when Ranma turned ten. Over time, they experimented with each other but never got farther than topless groping or fondling each others privates with their pants and underwear down around their knees. There was one night that Kasumi was filled with a surge of boldness and suckled Ranmas manhood till he ejaculated in her mouth. The reason they never removed their pants and underwear completely was in case they would get caught. It made oral sex a little difficult but fun nonetheless. It was a needless precaution however since they never did get caught. That night, with Genma and Trent gone, Kasumi and Ranma gave up their virginity to each other totally and willingly.
The two lay nude on the couch in each others arms, kissing with passion, as if each kiss would be their last. Ranmas prick was aching and stiff, the constant rubbing against Kasumis hot and shaved bare mound nearly drove him over the edge as their movement grew more heated. Soon, Kasumi spread her legs under him and guided him to her soaking entrance. Their gasp of pleasure as the head of Ranmas young cock slid between Kasumis labia was like a rifle shot in the otherwise quiet house. The only things of Ranmas that had entered her down there before were usually his questing fingers or his hungry tongue. As he slid in deeper, he encountered a barrier. He knew it was her hymen thanks to his mother teaching him the things his father would not. Gazing into Kasumis eyes, he silently asked her if she was ready for him. With a little fear in her own, she answered back that she was.
With a quick thrust, he broke through all the way till their pubic areas were mashed together. If their earlier gasp was like a rifle shot, Kasumis cry of pain was like a hand grenade going off. After some reassuring kisses from both parties, the two got into an easy sliding rhythm that brought them both over the edge quickly. As Ranmas semen splattered against Kasumis vaginal walls, it triggered an explosive orgasm deep in her soul. While her orgasm continued, the walls of her vagina massaged and milked Ranmas shaft which triggered an explosion of soul light that nearly made him faint. After resting for a few minutes, the young lovers resumed their activities. Half an hour later, Ranma had his second orgasm of the night and Kasumi had her ninth. When they finished resting a while more, the two got off the couch and shared a shower that turned into Ranmas third and fourth as well as Kasumis fourteenth soul light explosion that night.
When Genma and Trent returned later that night, they never suspected what had happened. Unfortunately, the couch would never be the same again.
Shaking off the memories for the moment, Kasumi spotted a door up ahead. Thank God, she muttered as she ran towards it. Once on the other side, she slammed it closed and locked it. Hearing her pursuers banging ineffectually against it on the other side gave her a sense of relief. Pretty soon, she heard them shuffle off and she let out a sigh. Grateful that the door was made of solid steel, she turned around to check out where she was. It was a warehouse of some sort. Down a very short flight of metal steps was an eighteen wheelers cargo hauler. Off to her direct left was a cement walkway that ended in another flight of stairs, these went up however. There was also what appeared to be a sort of office up there. As she took one step forward to check out the trailer, she heard a scream of fright.
D-dont come any closer! Im warning you!
Kasumi was surprised to see a man brandishing an iron bar at her. Relax sir, Im a human. The man sagged visibly and nearly dropped the bar. Oh thank God. I thought you were one of them. What is going on in this town?
Thats a little complicated. By the way, Im Kasumi. Kasumi Tendo. Who are you? Straightening up, the man replied, Im George. George Romero. My family and I were driving through town when some maniac jumped out in front of our car. I wasnt able to stop in time and I hit him. Cracked the damn windshield and everything. My wife would have called for an ambulance but there were no payphones nearby and our cell phones dont seem to work here. While we were arguing about who we should try to call, the guy I hit attacked one of my kids. They both got out of the car to see him and he grabbed Melissa by the throat and he…Oh God!
Kasumi watched as George bent over an open barrel and vomited. She guessed that the guy he hit must have done something terrible to his daughter to warrant this reaction, even if it is just from a memory. George, are you alright?
Am I alright?!? What kind of stupid question is that? Of course Im not alright! I saw some freak EAT MY DAUGHTERS FACE!!! He, he pulled her down to him and bit into her forehead and ri-ripped her face off with his teeth! It happened so damn fast, we couldnt do anything. When my wife and I finally unfroze, it was too late. I beat that bastard with the tire iron I keep in the trunk but he just wouldnt stop moving. I had to cave in his skull for him to stop. Luckily, I kicked him off of Mel before I started. If I had been paying attention, Annie would have survived at least.
With a look of horror on her face, Kasumi asked him what had happened to Annie. He told her that another sicko came out of nowhere and grabbed his other daughter. His wife was quick enough to wrest her away from the creep but grabbed her. He then bit her neck and chewed. George was too late to save his wife Annie, but he and his other daughter Jennifer got away. He went on to tell her about how the two of them tried to get out of town. The car was almost out of gas. It wouldnt make it out of town, let alone the next five blocks. As they were walking away, a semi tanker drove by and sideswiped the car, turning it into a mangled wreck. George went on to tell Kasumi how he and Jennifer got separated briefly and when he found her again, she had become another victim. He wrapped up his story by telling her that he had found this warehouse and decided to hide in the trailer till he felt like leaving.
Its like everybody in town has gone insane. Theyre all cannibals or something. What is going on? And why do they look like theyre rotting? Kasumi told him of the T-Virus and how it turned people into flesh-eating zombies. Zombies? Do you really expect me to believe that? This isnt some horror movie, this is real life. Look, if youre not going to help me then just leave me alone. George then turned around and ran to the back of the trailer. He climbed in and shut the doors behind himself, locking them from the inside. Kasumi just sighed and headed back up the metal stairs. She would check out the area a little later for any supplies that might be lying around. She then went to the office, hoping that she could get a little rest and maybe find some ammo as well. For some reason, ever since this whole mess started, handgun, shotgun and rifle ammo was a little easier to come by sometimes. Even normal and strange rounds for grenade launchers could be found. She didnt understand it, but she wasnt complaining. As Kasumi sat in the office chair, her mind wandered back to her past, and what lead her to where she currently was in her life.
America? What do you mean were moving to America?
Nodoka Saotome, wife and mother of Genma and Ranma Saotome respectively, was confused. Her husband had just dropped a bombshell on the family by casually mentioning a move to another country. It was obvious by everybodys attitude around the dinner table that this would be no ordinary meal. Kasumi had just blurted out the question that was on Nodokas, and most likely Ranmas, mind. She turned her gaze to her husband, patiently awaiting his answer.
As you know Kasumi, Ive been in contact with Trent ever since our trip to Nagasaki. Hes the one that convinced me that a move would be good. Im thinking of your and Ranmas future. From what he tells me, there are more opportunities in America when it comes to either jobs or schooling. Here in Japan, going to college wont automatically guarantee you a good job. Ive finally learned that the sexist views of Japanese society are just plain wrong. After all the years of training you and Ranma have gone through, do you want to just throw it all away by being stuck in some dead-end job as an O.L.? Kasumi had to admit that he had a point. Nodoka and Ranma also found they felt he was right. Ranma, however, was curious about something.
Hey Pop, what about our training? I thought Kasumi and I had farther to go. What about our trips? Genma turned to his son and said, I had been meaning to talk to the two of you about that actually. I feel that you and Kasumi have progressed far beyond my expectations and faster than I thought possible. I had decided that we would have gone to China to continue training but the remarkable skill you two have shown lately makes it unnecessary. When Trent called me a few weeks ago, he told me of a job in law enforcement in some place called Chicago. Since the gun laws are less strict in America, I also figure that moving there will help the three of us keep up our handgun skills. We cant go traipsing off to a military base every time we want to fire off a few rounds you know.
When she heard about law enforcement, Kasumis interest was piqued. Maybe if she became a detective, she could find out what had happened to her family all those years ago. Living in Nerima had become a bit of a struggle lately. The few memories that she still had of her father and sisters, sometimes brought her to tears, especially when she wandered and found herself at the sight of the dojo, now a housing development. What kind of name is Maison Ikkoku anyway? The last Tendo wanted the chance for her heart to heal, and moving away sounded like the best idea. Revenge, of course, would come later.
The move was uneventful and the Saotomes and Kasumi found Chicago to be a refreshing change to the staid prefecture. Genma almost went back to his old weight when he discovered deep dish pizza and restaurants like The Chicago Chop House. Luckily the diet his wife had put him on years ago and his somewhat active lifestyle put his metabolism on par with his sons. Even Kasumi had been known to scarf down hefty meals at her favorite Italian restaurant, Lidos. Of course, her natural grace and charm made it seem like she was eating in a dignified manner, despite the size of the meals themselves.
Kasumis and Ranmas relationship had progressed to the point where they felt they no longer needed to sneak around as it were. When they revealed what they had been sharing all this time to Ranmas parents, minus any graphic details, they were stunned that the two elder Saotomes already knew. Nodoka told them that she knew once they returned from the Nagasaki trip. A mother can always tell, she said. Genma found out later by accidentally walking in on them while they were busy a couple of years later and just left quietly, so as not to disturb them. With Ranma being a somewhat genius, no one knew that a life altering choice like moving to another country would reveal that, he was able to be in the same school as Kasumi. Thanks to years of training, he looked somewhat older than his actual age, that being three years Kasumis junior. The both of them made quite a stir in school. Everyone thought them to be the perfect couple and it showed. However, once graduation rolled around, things didnt stay that way. Ranmas wanderlust reared its ugly head and Kasumi decided to join the police academy. Though they didnt part with harsh words but actually an intense night of passion, it was plain to see that they were no longer an item.
Kasumi soon realized she had found her niche, one of many to be truthful. The skills she showed at the academy powered her through the school and landed her a job right off the bat with the Chicago P.D., something she was immensely proud of. If Ranma had still been there, she would have shown him how happy she was, but thoughts like that caused a small ache in her heart. A few months before they moved away, the Saotomes, along with their new daughter Keiko, took Kasumi out to celebrate. It helped ease the ache somewhat, but not much. After they moved away, Kasumi slowly rose to the rank of lieutenant. She was instrumental in the arrest and conviction of many dangerous criminals during her early years on the force. She soon gained the attention of the higher-ups and was offered a plum assignment on an elite Special Forces team. Even though it would mean moving to a new town, she accepted the offer.
The day she met her new teammates was an interesting one to be sure. She didnt expect to see a familiar face as she walked into the office.
Uncle Genma? Is that you?
Genma looked up from his desk and recognized who she was right away. Kasumi! How good to see you. Come here and give me a hug. The now burly man with a slight graying in his beard and at the temples stood and opened his arms which Kasumi filled right away. Slipping into Japanese, Genma asked, So how have you been Kasumi-chan? No-chan and I havent heard from you in a while and Keiko was wondering about her auntie. Whats been going on? Replying in kind while finishing the hug and stepping back, Kasumi told Genma of what had happened to her since her last letter to them and asked about Ranma. He told her that they hadnt heard from him in a while and assumed that the two of them had gotten back together. Kasumi was a little saddened by this news but pushed it aside for the time being. A clearing of a throat behind her caused them both to focus their attention on the new arrival.
So Genma, whos this? Are you seeing someone behind Nodokas back? I must admit, shes… Dont finish that thought Brad or youll be spitting teeth. The brown haired mans eyes widened slightly in shock at that statement. This is my niece Kasumi. Kasumi, meet Brad Vickers. Hes one of the pilots for the team. Sticking out her hand, Kasumi said, Nice to meet you Brad. Thank you for the almost compliment. Uh, no problem. Nice to meet you too. If youll excuse me, Ill be over by the communications console. After shaking her hand, he wandered off. Turning around again, Kasumi gave Genma an inquiring glance. Genma told her of Brads somewhat rotten reputation with women and of his nickname Chicken Heart. He then explained that Brad was somewhat of a coward, but the best helicopter pilot and mechanic they had. Before they could continue their exchange, a new voice interrupted them.
Hey Genma, whos this? Dont tell me you have another daughter that you didnt tell anyone about. Hi, Im Chris Redfield. And you are? On first glance, Kasumi wasnt impressed in the least. Chris seemed to be an average looking man, slightly muscular and carried himself like a boxer. Having known Ranma ruined all other men for her because she knew they would never measure up to him. She figured that Chris would be a good friend and someone she might be able to trust someday, so she thought she should make a good first impression. Im Kasumi Tendo. Its a pleasure to meet you. Genma is actually my uncle, but not by blood or marriage. Its a Japanese thing. With a slight look of confusion, Chris finished shaking Kasumis hand and welcomed her to the team. He then sat at his desk to go over a case file there.
Before she could turn around again, a third person entered the room. This man was by far the strangest she had ever seen. Dressed in what seemed to be the standard uniform for the group, it was militarily sharp. His blond hair was styled in a severe buzz cut which seemed to defy gravity by sticking straight up. The fact that he was wearing sunglasses indoors wasnt lost on Kasumi either. What type of fool wears sunglasses indoors? He must be trying to compensate for a distinct lack of something if he thinks that makes him look cool. Whos he trying to impress anyway? Kasumis internal dialogue was interrupted when the man stepped up to her and Genma. Taking the reigns of conversation, Genma made the introductions. Kasumi, meet Albert Wesker. Hes the captain. Captain Wesker, meet Kasumi Tendo, my niece.
Youre Captain Wesker? Then I guess I need to give you this. Reaching behind herself, Kasumi pulled out a manila envelope and handed it to the blond-haired man who had yet to say anything. Opening the envelope, he then skimmed over the papers inside before looking back to her. Opening his mouth, he spoke the words that would forever seal her fate. Well, it seems everything is in order. Welcome to the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad Alpha Team, also known as S.T.A.R.S. Alpha. I hope youll enjoy living here in Raccoon City.
Authors Notes:
Ive finally finished this damn thing. And here it usually takes me less time to write a Scenes from Nerima fic. Go figure. Of course, I own none of the characters here, not even Trent. For those of you that have read the novelizations of the games by S.D. Perry, you would know who he is. Its been a while since Ive played the games and read the books, so the time frames may seem skewed. That and I plan to wreak havoc on the Resident Evil world. [Insert evil boisterous laugh here] *ahem* My bad. Anywho, it might be a while before my next chapter comes out, or at least the first one since this is the prologue. Where Ill be steering this fic, only my muse knows for sure and she aint telling.
As always, reviews are appreciated. Its nice to be acknowledged. Ranma wont be making an appearance for a while though so dont expect him to just show up right off the bat. This is my first attempt at a fusion fic of sorts. With Kasumi playing the role of Jill Valentine and Genma filling Barry Burtons shoes, it makes you wonder who else from the Ranmaverse will be taking over somebodys life. Just to make something perfectly clear, Kuno will not be Alfred Ashford. That guy is loony enough. Shampoo will also not be Ada Wong. I have someone else in mind for her. Of course, Im not telling who I mean. As always, remember my motto, My fic, my rules. See you in the funny papers.