RanSquareSS2 Realities Squared, A Night of Delights By Jim Robert Bader (Loosely Inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi, with characters and concepts supplied by Toshio Maeda and my fellow Fanfic writer D.B. Sommers) Part One. Continuum #57821964 Roll Call: Ranma Saotome --38, dark-haired brooding figure whose tragic life was marked by his doomed marriage to Akane. A Time Agent, Troubleshooting consultant, linked with the spirit of the god Shiva, the Destroyer. Ryoga Hibiki --38, dark haired partner to Ranma whose marriage to Akari was both happy and fruitful. Time Agent/Troubleshooter linked to the god Vishnu, the Preserver. Nabiki Tendo --38, brown haired Lore Master and Time Agent/Dispatcher, Ranma and Ryoga's immediate supervisor and current Iinazuke to Ranma. Toltir --Cat-Man, Elder God of Mischief, Age: Indeterminate but Ancient. Ranko Saotome --16, redheaded daughter of Ranma and Akane From Continuum #29715382 Jusenkyo cursed: Nanniichuan. Watazashi Saotome --16, black haired daughter of Ranma and Kodachi From Continuum #29457180 Yuan-Yen Tendo --16, brown haired daughter of Mousse and Nabiki From Continuum #29457180 Tinkerbell Tendo --17, brown haired daughter of Perfume and Kasumi From Continuum #68743219 Rinse Saotome --17, purple haired daughter of Ranma and Shampoo From Continuum #472193567 Tachi Kuno --17, brown haired daughter of Tatewaki and Nabiki From Continuum #472193567 Ryeka Masaki --16, blue haired fusion daughter of Ryoko and Ayeka From Continuum #472193567 Atari Moroboshi --16, green haired daughter of Ataru and Lum From Continuum #472193567 Silver Saotome --17, silver-haired daughter of Shampoo and Ranma, From Continuum #48972185 Jusenkyo cursed: Nanniichuan. Akira Tendo --20, black haired son of Shampoo-kun and Kasumi From Continuum #48972185 Kinko Kuonji --14, brown haired daughter of Ukyo-kun and Akane From Continuum #32145896 Jusenkyo Curse: Winged Angel. Lylac Tendo --17, purple haired daughter of Nabiki and Shampoo From Continuum #59343921 Ekko Daitokuji --16, redheaded daughter of Beiko and Aiko From Continuum #59343921 Tenko Masaki --17, blue haired daughter of Tenchi and Ryoko From Continuum #59343921 Veil Morisato --16, brown haired daughter of Keiichi and Belldandy From Continuum #59343921 Lamyra Saotome --17, green haired daughter of Ranma and Megumi From Continuum #17046289 Kama Sutra Saotome --18, purple haired daughter of Miko Mido and Ranma Native to Continuum #57821964 Part Shikima Tsuyori Saotome --18, brown haired daughter of Ukyo Kuonji and Ranma Native to Continuum #57821964 Part Kitsune-Fox HOUSE MIROKU Ranma Saotome Akane Tendo Yaku Midori Fubuki Mido Ukyo Saotome Nabiki Tendo Miyu Mido Kodachi Kuno Miko Mido Kasumi Tendo Botsasu Suzuka Ryoga Hibiki Dan Suzuka Shampoo Tendo Ranmaru Suzuka Akari Hibiki Wulf Midori --17, green haired son of Yaku Midori and Ranma Shikari Mido --17, purple haired daughter of Akane and Miko Kitten Saotome --17, cherry pink haired daughter of Shampoo and Ranma Tsuyosa Hibiki --17, black haired son of Akane and Ryoga Omake Tendo --17, brown haired daughter of Kasumi and Ranmaru Shibari Tendo --16, purple haired daughter of Akane Tendo and Dan Koi Mido --16, indigo haired daughter of Miko Mido and Dan Shiromitsu Suzuka --16, silver haired son of Ukyo and Dan Tenshin Saotome --16, brown haired son of Fubuki and Ranma Bukotei Mido --16, dark haired daughter of Miyu Mido and Ranma Thorn Saotome --16, green haired daughter of Kodachi and Yaku Midori Rose Saotome --16, black haired daughter of Kodachi and Ranma Achika Hibiki --16, black haired daughter of Botsasu and Ryoga Bonbori Tendo --15, purple haired daughter of Shampoo and Akane Sakura Kuonji --15, silver haired daughter of Ukyo Kuonji and Ranma Price Tendo --15, brown haired daughter of Nabiki Tendo and Fubuki Kashiko Tendo --15, brown haired daughter of Kasumi and Fubuki Kurenai Mido --15, blue haired daughter of Yaku and Miko Kimera Suzuka --14, dark haired daughter of Miyu Mido and Dan Kyura Saotome --14, black haired daughter of Akane Tendo and Ranma Tekase Suzuka --14, dark haired daughter of Botsasu and Ranmaru Bracelet Saotome --14, indigo haired daughter of Shampoo and Ukyo 1. "Here we are, folks," announced Tsuyori rather brightly, "House Miroku, home sweet home, and the greatest rest-stop you'll find in all of Japan, not to mention a good portion of the sub-continent of Asia." "It will be good to be home again," agreed her sister, Kama Sutra, "It may be said that travel abroad improves the mind, but be it ever so humble, there is no bed like your own bed to sleep upon." "Or whomever's bed you happen to be sharing at the moment," Tsuyori added matter-of-factly. "Wow," remarked Ranma as he studied the place from the exterior view afforded by the streets, "All that belongs to my counterpart, huh? Pretty swank." "Actually," Watazashi corrected, "It belongs to the Clan leader, Mido Miko, who is one of the wives of the Saotome Ranma of this timeline. It is shared co- equally among the rest of the clan members, but from what I understand it is Mido herself who is the nominal landlord." "Mido Miko, huh?" Nabiki remarked, "Ran across a pretty thick file on her once...the only surviving member of the Mido family, who were the traditional clan lords of the Miroku House of Ninja. I'm a little surprised that an ancient clan with ties to the Demon realms would proclaim themselves so openly by putting the name of the clan on the front of their Hotel-restaurant complex." "Not so surprising when you think on it," remarked the redheaded Ekko, "After all, hiding in plain sight has always been a favorite technique of the Ninja, and I suspect that the defenses of the place are rather extensive. Invisibility comes in many forms, and providing a pleasing exterior is but one of many snares that can be devised." "Whatever," shrugged the purple haired Lylac, "I agree that it looks pretty impressive from out here, but maybe we ought to contemplate this from the INSIDE of the complex? I don't know about the rest of you, but it feels a bit chilly standing around here this early in the morning." "Don't tell me the cold bothers you?" boasted the blue haired Ryeka rather smugly, "My Rinse-sama was trained to resist any temperature extreme, it's all part of the mind-over-matter technique we learned as kids..." "YOUR Rinse-SAMA?" Atari bristled, "I don't recall seeing an ownership label anywhere upon her body, so where do you get off laying exclusive claims to MY Beloved?" "Ah, Guys?" Tachi moved to pre-empt another impending alien Catfight, "Like the lady said, let's move it indoors, okay? I don't know about the rest of you but I don't exactly feel like explaining to the police that we left our clothes in another dimension." "No worries there," Nabiki said a bit smugly, "You're effectively invisible so long as you stay close besides me and don't stray too far from wherever I'm standing." "A Somebody Else's Problem Field?" the green haired Lamyra asked, "Those can be rather helpful." "So what are we waiting around here for?" Ryoga asked, "I don't know about you people, but I'm at least curious about meeting the version of me who lives on this timeline." "Just watch the Nosebleeds, Uncle Ryoga," urged Yuan-Yen in a timely manner, "This place can be quite a bit of a mental adjustment on your first visit." "You think?" Tinkerbell asked as she hovered nervously close to her Aunt Nabiki, all too aware of her less-than-clothed status. "Allow us to lead the way," urged the appropriately named Kama Sutra, and with her sister beside her they escorted the large group of paranormally displaced Elders and teenagers in through the front entrance to the restaurant portion of the building complex, and through the main dining area, which currently was full of the morning crowd of interested patrons, who were themselves in the process of enjoying a good home-cooked meal while watching the various displays being conducted by colorfully clad members of the House Miroku. It was an odd experience for all concerned, having twenty-four naked women (and three men, only one of whom was wearing a stitch) in prime condition and embodying the highest qualities of exotic and aesthetic physical perfection walking brazenly (or floating in a few cases) through the midst of a moderately sized crowd without even once drawing attention in their direction. However, a few of the people on staff seemed to notice their passage, and those who were able to followed after them to see what all the fuss was about as the two Miroku girls took them through the rear passage ways leading from the restaurant to the Miroku family living quarters, where their arrival was finally met and challenged by two of the Elders, who were more than a bit surprised at what they witnessed arriving on their doorstep. The first was a moderately tall blonde woman wearing a curiously flashy body suit that left interesting portions of her anatomy open to full view, while the equally tall figure beside her was dressed head to foot in more traditional Ninja costume, face masked from view so that only the eyes were exposed as this one looked their group carefully over (and if this one were looking for concealed weaponry, he-or she---was more than likely to be disappointed). "Hold it right there, young ladies," the blonde addressed herself to Tsuyori and Kama Sutra, "Would you mind explaining what this is all about?" "Aunt Fubuki," Kama Sutra replied as she made an elegant gesture to include the rest of the party, "These are more friends who have joined the ones who arrived yesterday, and alternate versions of our parents who happened to tag along to chaperone our little party." "More guests who came dressed for the occasion?" the masked figure replied in a curiously falsetto tone of voice that was deep enough to be identified as masculine, "Or are you opening up a new fashion line called 'Back to the Basics?'" "Uncle Ranmaru," Tsuyori replied, "May we present the Saotome Ranma and Tendo Nabiki of another frame of reality who asked that they might visit with us and learn more of the ways of the House Miroku? Oh yes, and Uncle Ryoga is here with them as well..." "Ah...charmed," Ryoga winced, being rather overly conscious of the fact that he was one of the only people in their group who was still wearing clothing. "This should prove interesting," Fubuki remarked with a smile, "I can't wait to hear what stories you have to tell, and I especially can't wait to see my Nabiki-chan's expression when she meets you." "YOUR Nabiki-chan?" Nabiki asked with lifted eyebrow, and then a sigh, "It seems we both will be hearing some interesting stories today. I just hope that we can impose on you for something to wear while we summarize our mission." "What you need will be provided," Ranmaru assured, "But it seems a pity to me that you should wish to deny us such an interesting view of your stunning profile, dear lady..." "Listen, Bub," Ranma growled, "Don't push it. That's my iinazuke you're ogling..." "Oh?" the masked Ninja replied with a telling smirk that could be almost felt without being seen, "Did you think we were going to leave you out? I assure you that we would never do that...brother." "Brother?" it was Ranma's turn to lift an eyebrow, not least of all because he was having trouble deciding if the Ninja was either male or female. "This way, please," Fubuki gestured in past a pair of doors that opened without being touched, and with a bow from their waists she and Ranmaru bade them to pass beyond. "Enter freely and of your own will," mused Tendo Akira as he walked with his arm near permanently grafted onto that of his half-sister, Saotome Silver. "It ain't all that bad," Silver herself remarked as she drew him along in an entirely possessive manner. "Depends on your definitions, I suppose," Yuan-Yen remarked. "Oh come now," Watazashi assured, "It wasn't all that bad the last time, was it?" "I suppose not," Tinkerbell allowed while nervously glancing at the corners of the ceiling as though expecting them to sprout arms at any moment, "But still..." "First time for us," Lylac glanced at Rinse, "Was it all that exciting for you, sister?" "Oh yeah," Rinse rolled her eyes, "Just wait until you see how wild it gets here..." "Wild?" Ryeka grinned, "You haven't seen anything yet, Rin-chan...just wait until we try out the facilities..." "You do mean 'WE,' don't you?" Atari growled in an ominous manner. "I think this may turn out to be yet another round in our little matrimonial drama," Tachi predicted rather grimly. "Now if that wasn't ever an understatement," Ranko grumbled, "No offense to you, but I wouldn't want to be in your shoes...in a manner of speaking." "Shoes?" Kinko ruffled her wings a little as she filed in after the others, "You've gotta be kidding!" "Oh my..." Veil remarked once she and the others had passed through a brief corridor and arrived out in a wider and more open part of the complex that resembled nothing so much as a combination of atrium and dojo, "So many interesting people..." "Yes," Tenko agreed, "And some are wearing even less than we are." "Oh yes," Lamyra openly leered, "Such possibilities I see here..." "Oh my," Tenko commented in open wonder. Indeed they found over a dozen teenaged youths of varying ages and haircolors working out within this garden-like practice area, some as naked as jays, others in comfortable-seeming exotic outfits, and overlooking their activities were a half-dozen of their elders, some wearing next to nothing and all of them familiar on sight to the new arrivals. "I don't believe this," Ranma murmured as he caught sight of a Ryoga and Akari serving as teachers of four youths who were sparring together wearing nothing whatsoever, which prompted him to add, "Can you, Porky?" "What do you think?" Ryoga replied in numb tones of disbelief, "Akari...here?" "Not the one you know," Nabiki cautioned, "I think here she's that other Ryoga's wife..." "One of several you mean," Fubuki remarked, "And cast a look over there conducting meditations with your sister." Nabiki blinked her eyes upon seeing another version of herself sitting down beside Kasumi while three other youths sat facing them in full-lotus positions, all stripped naked and seeming perfectly relaxed about the matter, "Now this I don't believe...the Kasumi I knew would have been forever chiding me about this one." "Different world, different rules, Auntie," Watazashi replied, "And that is far from the most shocking thing you may witness, but do try and withhold judgement...these people are friendly and seem relatively happy." "So I've noticed," murmured Ranma, seeing a green haired girl doing an improbable stretching exercise with one foot poised on the floor, the other extended outward while her back was arched like a jackknife over backwards with her fingers extended to catch her weight in a slow, Yoga-like motion. Two other teenagers were watching her perform with calm and serene expressions as if waiting their turn to give a similar demonstration. And---much to his surprise and chagrin---supervising these motions was a naked Shampoo, who was turning a coy over-the-shoulder look in his direction! "Eyes front, Ranma-kun," Nabiki rumbled dangerously, "If you want to keep them." Ranma swallowed and grumbled under his breath, "I was just looking...no harm in that, right?" "All depends on where you're looking, Ranma-Honey," Fubuki cheerfully commented as they reached the other end of the garden area and passed through a larger set of double-doors that lead into what looked to be some manner of Buddhist temple...only the massive statue at the far end was no bronzed rendering of the Buddha. Rather it was the graven image of a lordly being whose features were like a grotesque parody of an ancient Daimyo...handsome but in a lascivious way belied by the fangs that he was sporting. He sat with his leg folded in the Western manner, but from his crotch area protruded a huge male member grotesquely out of proportion to his already cyclopean body, as if this particular "Buddha" was experiencing a full erection! To the sides were pillars engraved with the richly ornate detail of totem poles with the faces of what would normally be Buddhist saints only leering and mocking with various "come on" and suggestively lewd gestures that made them each seem to represent a different vice or form of indulgence as though representing various "virtues" held in high repute within this temple. And here in this "holy place," set beneath the statue on a partially raised dais, was assembled a small gathering of adults whose appearance was both familiar and surprising. Both Ranma and Nabiki were surprised to see a version of Tendo Akane sitting to the left-hand side of a purple-haired girl who dominated in the center next to a handsome man whose face was not familiar. Even more surprising was finding yet another version of Saotome Ranma sitting besides a kimono-clad Kuonji Ukyo as if the two were more familiar than just friendly. The others included Kodachi and three other girls whose hair colors ranged from brown to green to blue-black, all of whom seemed to be sizing up their party with great interest, particularly when it came to Ranma and Nabiki! Fubuki and Ranmaru paused to bow to the seated woman, who acknowledged the gesture with a folded fan, then smiled and said aloud, "Welcome to Clan Miroku, those of you who come here for the first time seeking hospitality and wisdom. For those of you returning from a journey that rather hastily removed you from our presence, welcome back. I am Mido Miko, and this is my husband, Dan. We are the Lords of Clans Midori and Suzuka, and in the name of our united Houses we bid you a joyous stay under our roof. Feel free to take freely of our hospitality and stay as long as you desire, for what is ours now belongs to you, and what you choose to share with us will be treasured beyond measure." "Ah...thanks," Ranma said, glancing at his counterpart, who just smirked back as if to hint that he knew something that the new arrival did not and found it most amusing. For some reason Ranma found himself both annoyed and disturbed by the smirk his other self paid to both him and Nabiki, but even more to the hungry leer that he saw plain upon the lovely face of the Ukyo sitting beside his double. "Your hospitality is most welcome," Nabiki spoke up, "Sorry to say we didn't come here with very much...we had a bit of excitement and lost our things in transit." "We will see what can be done for you," Dan replied in a friendly manner (TOO friendly for Ranma's liking as the other man did not even bother to hide his interest in Nabiki's curvaceous figure, "We look forward to hearing a full account of your travels. May we trust that affairs were sufficiently eventful to warrant your unexplained absences, young ladies?" "You may indeed, Uncle," Kama Sutra replied, "We were called away to save the world using the arts of the Miroku for the benefit of others." "We got a pretty nice screw job out of the bargain," Tsuyori added, "It was well worth the price of admission...in fact, we can even describe the details of the device that was used on it in case you'd like to commission building a copy..." "Ah..." Ranko eyed the two Miroku sisters as if wondering how they and her companions might be related, then added simply, "That thing was pretty dangerous...are you sure you'd want to risk it?" "We can build a safer model that will not have an undesirable side effects," Kama Sutra replied, "And I know that our sisters will feel left out if we don't give them a taste of what we went through." "Or what went in and out of us," Tsuyori added with a smirk that implied fond memories over the issue. "Swell," Silver grumbled, "You can have it...once was enough for me! Anyway, it's nice to be back, so...where are the others?" she asked with a note of hopefulness in her tone and expression. "The rest of the children you mean?" Miko asked then nodded to Ukyo, who clapped her hands decisively and waited as if expecting a reply at any moment. She did not have long to wait, for almost immediately the other members of the Clan Miroku began filing into the chamber to sit down in two rows on opposite sides of the center, framing the party containing Ranma and Nabiki as though their movements were precision-drilled to impress the unwary. Before long every member of the house not currently attending to the restaurant was gathered to greet the visiting party, and in surveying this group both Ranma and Nabiki found cause for being disquieted as there was something hinting strongly of a close kinship in these earnest and attractive young people. "Hooboy," Ranma grumbled, privately wondering just how many of these kids could likely refer to him as "Father" and mean it. Nabiki was wondering the exact same thing, but rather than venture the question she instead turned to see her counterpart smirking at her and wondered just what kind of a lifestyle her other self was enjoying in this household. "Ah yes," Watazashi mused rather fondly, breaking the silence of their party, "How nice to see so many familiar faces...perhaps we can pick things up where we left off, eh Yuan-chan?" "Just as long as we do it together," her lifemate replied with a subtle hint of warning. "I've got a wet feeling about this," Tachi murmured sidelong to her own companion, "That about describe how you're feeling, Rin-chan?" "Like I'm a blue-plate special who just came up on the menu?" Rinse murmured back at the same stage whisper, "Oh yeah...that about describes it..." "Fear not, Beloved," Atari reassured them, "None shall approach you 'less they come through me." "Yeah," Ryeka agreed, "If anybody here gets to screw you silly, it's gonna be us." "Thanks," Rinse rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, "I think..." "We shall make accommodations available to you for as long as you choose to visit us," Dan announced with relaxed candor, "All we ask is that you make our home your home and partake of the facilities. You will find we come provided with every imaginable amenity that you can desire..." "We thank you for your generosity," Nabiki replied, "But I don't think we'll be staying all that long. We came to deliver your children, and having done that..." "One moment, Auntie," Tsuyori spoke up, "There is one important element that Kama and I wish to bring to your attention, Elders. Uncle Ranma and Aunt Nabiki here are engaged to be married...and we were wondering if they might do us the honor of having the ceremony here within our Temple." "What?" two versions of Ranma said aloud, even as Nabiki blinked and stared at the brown haired Kuonji. "It's true," Kama Sutra herself added, "We mentioned it to them in passing but I think they didn't quite take us seriously enough, Mother. We hoped that our petition might meet with your approval so that you could formally ask them to remain here long enough to become officially wed. After all, they've been engaged to each other for the better part of close to twenty years." "Twenty years?" the other Ranma spoke up, "What the hell's wrong with you, guy? Afraid of commitment?" "And what's it to you, Punk?" the Timecop Ranma retorted, "Nabiki and me...well...we're gonna get married, but we just hadn't picked the right time to get down to business in all the excitement..." "Then why not make the time while you are visiting with us?" Miko asked brightly, "I think my daughter has made an excellent suggestion...what do you think about it, Sister?" "Me married to Ranma-kun?" the other Nabiki smirked, "Hey...I can picture worse fates..." "Such as?" asked Ukyo with a mildly arched expression. "Like not asking you first for the privilege of course," Nabiki said brightly. "Good answer," Ukyo nodded, then turned to the Timecop Ranma and said, "You guys really serious about doing this? If it were me I'd jump at it, of course, but then again I've already got my own Ranma and I'm happy enough with him. Of course tall-dark and grim over there looks just about exotic enough to be worth a second glance..." "Hey!" her husband protested. "Akane?" Timecop Nabiki asked of the counterpart to her sister, "Is this also all right with you?" "Why wouldn't it be?" Akane asked in surprised, then said, "Oh...well...a long time ago I was engaged to the Baka, but if you want him you can have him..." "Thanks a lot," both Ranma said in chorus, then exchanged mutually non-plussed glances at each other. "Splendid!" Dan clapped his hands together, "We can have the ceremony right away, or as soon as you'd like. It can be a full Miroku House affair with all the appropriate rites for safe passage into a long and fruitful marriage. As you can see for yourself we here in the Miroku house have been very prolific in our marriages, and it would please us to no end to give some of that success to you in your journey into matrimony." "Ah...well..." Ranma blinked his eyes, then exchanged nervous looks with his Nabiki. "Go for it, you moron," Ryoga stage-whispered, "They're offering to host the party, the least you can do is accept it." "Hey, don't push me, I'm thinking about it already!" Ranma urged his directionally challenged partner. "That could take a week, at least," the other Nabiki replied, "What about it, Sis? You gonna be passive or you gonna grab the hunkster and drag him kicking and screaming to the altar?" "Ah...well..." Timecop Nabiki reluctantly responded. "They accept!" Ranko spoke up on a whim. "What's that?" Ranma blinked as he looked at her, even as Nabiki turned a surprised look in the redheaded girl's direction. "Look, you guys offered to adopt me, right?" Ranko reasoned, "That means I get to have you as my mother and father, and what kind of role models are you making for me if you don't get married?" "You know, that is a very good point," Watazashi mused. "Air tight with me," Yuan-Yen grinned, "Right Mom?" "Eh...?" Nabiki once again glanced from her alleged pan-dimensional offspring before turning back to exchange another look with Ranma, who sighed at last as he took his hand in her own and said, "Well...why the hell not? Sounds better than a trip to Vegas." "Do I take that for a second proposal?" Nabiki arched an eyebrow in a significant manner. "You can take it however you like," Ranma replied, "Too bad I ain't got a ring, but...hey...you over there, loser!" "Are you talking to me?" the other Ranma snorted. "Got a lump of coal around here I can use?" replied the Time Cop. "A lump of coal?" Dan arched an eyebrow, "This I have got to see..." At a nod from his head, Ranmaru reached into one of the fiery braziers that illuminated the room and extracted a piece of unburned anthracite, which same he passed along with a toss over to Ranma. "Thanks," Ranma said, placing the coal in between his hands and pausing to cup them together. "Not that old trick again?" Ryoga rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Hey, I've been practicing," Timecop Ranma replied before his face grew alight with an intense focus of his concentration. His aura flared to life as his hands pressed together and for a moment they were surrounded by a glowing ball of force that lasted a full minute and then just as abruptly subsided. Nabiki watched this with a lifted eyebrow and said nothing until Ranma uncupped his hands and presented what looked like a lump of fused glass for her inspection. From seeming out of nowhere she produced a jeweler's eyeglass and began to critically examine the slightly brown mass, but then she put the glass away and set the stone in the palm of one hand, holding it up before her eyes before tapping it with the tip of one finger. The object fell apart into several precisely cut shards, and in the middle of this was a perfectly faceted stone roughly the size of a glistening blue-white marble. "Neat trick," the other Nabiki commented from where she was standing with a look of amazement. "It comes in handy sometimes," Nabiki eyed the faceted stone before nodding with approval, "Now all it needs is a setting. Ranma-kun, consider yourself proposed to." "Then may I be among the first to congratulate the happy couple?" said a surprisingly mild-tempered and pleasant sounding Kodachi, who gave the Timecop Ranma a friendly peck on the cheek that left him as stunned as a statue, "You really do seem to make a wonderfully matched couple." And without the least hint of ill intent on her part the Black Rose gave both Ranma and Nabiki an affectionate caress on their exposed nips with fingers training down to pat their respective exposed buttoxes. Ranma's eyes flashed alarm at this, which was nothing compared to the look of surprise on Nabiki. "Splendid," Miko approved, "Then we'll have the ceremony tonight after the bride and groom are given a chance to freshen up with some Miroku-style hospitality to help them on their way to the altar." "Heh, trust me on this, Brother," the Miroku Ranma smirked, "You ain't never been to a Bachelor party the way we throw them here!" "Same thing goes for you, Sugar," Ukyo leered at a suddenly nervous Nabiki, "Trust us...you won't regret your stay here...I guarantee it." "That's pretty much a given," the other Nabiki replied, exchanging amused looks with Kasumi and Akane. "Why do I have this feeling that this is going to be a wedding to remember?" Lylac asked. "The odds to seem to favor this in strong measure," Ekko replied with a rare grin of her own as she slipped her hand around the purple haired girl, causing Lylac to raise both eyebrows. "Hey, is it okay with you guys if I take off on my own for a while?" Kinko asked, her eyes seeking out a certain group of Miroku teens very close to her own age group, "I've got some unfinished business of my own if you don't mind me picking up where we left off?" "Mind?" asked one of the teens in question, "Why should we mind, eh?" Her brothers and sisters all smirked and nodded their heads in assent, which prompted Tinkerbell to remark, "Oh yeah...I can definitely see where this is going...I just hope 'Zashi'll some day be able to forgive me..." 2. Ranko Saotome Tsuyori Saotome Bukotei Mido Silver Saotome Lamyra Saotome Kitten Saotome Akira Tendo Sakura Kuonji "Here we go," Tsuyori remarked as she led the way into one of the saunas attached to the gymnasium-dojo part of the complex, "This should do nicely in fulfilling our needs for the present." "Ah...okay," said Ranko, who now had a towel wrapped around her upper body, "If you say so..." "I don't get what you're up to, Sister," Silver frowned, "Ain't you had your fill of us from the last time?" "From you, never?" Tsuyori smiled, "I just never got the chance to thank you properly for that ride you gave me right before we were transferred away from our fun in the day room...and I thought your brother and our lovely friend, Lamyra, might enjoy our facilities while the adults discuss the details of impending wedding. You don't really mind that, do you?" "Well..." Akira hesitantly answered. "I would love to see what you people have to offer," Lamyra smiled back, "This place is incredible, it's almost something like what the Beast World might have to offer if it were set up properly for humans." "All the comforts of home," Ranko smiled as she breathed in the warm air of the sauna. "Yeah," Silver agreed, "If your home happens to be a brothel." "Now be nice," said a sultry voice as a silver-haired Sakura stepped into the room with a sultry expression. "You don't hear us complaining about the place where you hail from, do you?" added Bukotei the Fan Dancer, currently dressed in nothing but the leer that crossed her expression. "Hey, what is this?" Silver was instantly on her guard and full of suspicion. "These are your Masseuses," Tsuyori waved a hand to indicate the two of her sisters who were present, "Miroku hospitality requires full attention to the needs of both the mind and body...and---let's face it...after what we've all been through, we could use the attention." "You mean a backrub?" Ranko asked. "That's...one way of putting it," Sakura smiled she sauntered up beside Akira and said, "Remember me, Handsome?" "How could he forget about me?" Bukotei silkily slipped an arm around Akira's waist and gave him a punch down below where the towel was covering his fanny. The young man gave a mild yelp, at which point Silver bristled and looked ready to cause mischief. "Hey, cool it, okay?" Ranko urged, "They don't mean anything bad, and we're not here to cause trouble." "Besides," Tsuyori cooed as she smoothly slid into the space between the other three paradimensionlly displaced Saotome siblings, "There's no need for jealousy here...we intend to see to it all your needs are attended, and it's not like you didn't take liberties of your own when you were last among us." "Eh?" Silver eyed the other girl then said, "Ah...look, if it's the Ass thing I did with you, well...at the time I was kinda..." "Jealous?" Ranko lifted an eyebrow, "No fooling." "Listen, Red," Silver growled, "The day you get a boyfriend of your own is the day you can talk to me about jealousy around predatory Fems..." "Excuse me," a friendly voice cheerfully hailed from the door to the sauna, "I was looking for Rinse's party...oh well...what have we here?" she sidled up alongside Lamyra and said, "You're that other flying girl...the newcomer, what's your name?" "Lamyra," the green haired girl replied matter-of-factly. "Coolness!" Kitten leered, "Wanna take a tour of the place with me? I can show you some interesting sights if you're in the mood for a little playing around." "I'd like that very much," Lamyra said, "But I was promised a backrub..." "No sweat then," Kitten leered, "I'll be happy to give you one." "Oh really?" Lamyra leered back, "And where would you like to start?" "Over there looks nice," Kitten pointed to one corner where a flat bench was already set up like a small table, "Just lay face down and let me do all the work, Honey-bunch." Lamyra dutifully complied, laying face-down on the bench while Kitten positioned herself above her and began to rub her hands together. "I like you guys's idea of full service," Silver remarked as she saw Kitten remove the towel to expose the green haired Beast-girl's naked back, and then the cherry-pink-haired Saotome went to work applying hand lotion to the well- padded areas of the other girl's body. "Thank you," Bukotei replied, "We manage." "Why don't you come over here, handsome, and we'll give you a rub-down?" Sakura indicated yet another bench close to the others, and with only a token of reluctance for his part, Akira allowed himself to be drawn along by the silver haired Fox-girl. "Traitor," Silver grumbled under her breath, then yelped in surprise as she found Tsuyori's hand caressing her own bottom. "You're next," their Miroku counterpart indicated another bench, and then Bukotei took Ranko by the hand and led her to yet another bench parallel to the others. In short order all four house-guests were stretched out on towels while their naked behinds were being attended to by Miroku. "Oh man..." Ranko groaned, "Now this is more like it!" "You said it, Girlfriend," Silver soothed, momentarily forgetting all about her jealousy over Akira as Tsuyori began to work her nerves and stimulate sensations that were powerfully distracting. "Feels good doing this in a warm and comfortable environment, huh?" Kitten remarked as she went to work pleasuring Lamyra. "Oh yes..." the green haired girl moaned contentedly, "This sure is what I'd call living..." "Just relax those muscle groups and let us do all the work, Handsome," Sakura urged a still-tensed Akira. "This does feel good," Akira sighed as he began to relax a bit more, still too conscious of the fact that Silver was close nearby and taking notice of his progress. "All that hard work we just went through was pretty exhausting for you, my Sisters," Tsuyori noted as she kept Silver too busy groaning to make protest, "We all deserve a break from such strenuous activities. Just lay still and breathe deeply and we Miroku will see to it that you are rewarded for your labors." "Hey, by the way, Sis," Kitten spoke up, "You never did tell us where you guys went to in such a hurry?" "Oh yeah," Sakura agreed, "Where did you and Oneechan get off to while the rest of us were busy slaving away in the kitchens?" "I don't know that I would call that slaving," Tsuyori mused, "But when friend Ranko here drew us along with her pendant we wound up in a Limbo-like realm that was on the verge of delivering us to another parallel timeframe. Lamyra-chan's world, as a matter of fact, which was being ravaged by minions of the Demon realms other than Shikima...the world of the Overfiend, as a matter of telling." "The Overfiend?" Bukotei asked, "Not that old legend..." "'Fraid so," Ranko sighed, indicating the pendant that currently constituted her only article of clothing, "Seems we got drawn to a place where the Earth was on the verge of a total reality melt-down, but we were able to save it thanks to some fancy machine that helped restore everything to normal." "Sounds fascinating," Kitten leered as she gave Lamyra a slow caress to the space between her ass-cheeks, "What kind of a machine was that?" "You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Akira murmured softly. "Try us," Sakura replied, "You wouldn't believe the stuff we already take for normal." "The device in question," Tsuyori replied, "Was called a 'Nazi Rape Machine,' essentially a large wheel around which twelve women were mounted in harnesses designed to stimulate them to sexual ecstasy, and at the height of their enjoyment drain this energy to power the inner wheel, which consisted of four other mounted women, with a seventeenth girl located in the center. These cumulative energies were used to cause a dimensional inversion that reversed the effects of the previous Rape Machine and restored the dead to life, who then took our places on the Wheel while the rest of us were transported back into Limbo." "A device that stimulates girls into sharing an orgy?" Kitten breathed, "That's so cool! Sis, you get so lucky at times that I almost want to rape you!" "Why stop yourself at that?" Sakura replied, "I'd rape Oneechan anyway, and I don't need a device to make me do it either." "Well...'Rape' is such a crude term," Bukotei remarked, "I'd much prefer to call it 'Forcible Seduction.'" "Well, whatever you call it," Ranko sighed, "I'm just glad that whole business is over. Be nice to get things back to relative normal..." "Whatever you call normal," Silver dutifully noted. "Well, normal for you two can mean a lot of very different things," observed Tsuyori as she continued to work on Silver, while Bukotei was steadily increasing the stimulating effect of her fingers on Ranko, "For example...have you ever considered the fact that the both of you seem to share so many things in common?" "Huh?" Ranko murmured, "What do you mean?" "Well," Tsuyori explained, "Differences in history and parentage aside, you both share a powerful resemblance to one another in terms of physical attributes, notwithstanding your different hair colors. You are each strong, brave and noble defenders of the weak and the innocent and highly accomplished martial artists. You are each very confident of yourselves and your abilities, and you protect the ones you care for in a way that I find both shining and heroic." "In other words," Bukotei remarked, "You're both worthy of the name Miroku." "If you're saying we should adopt them, then I'll all for it," Kitten nodded with approval, giving extra special attention to the green haired girl yielding to her caresses before adding, "And this one's got responses just like us. I can already tell that she's had pretty advanced sex training." "Well," Sakura mused, "I guess when you get down to it, they are Saotomes, and as such they have much the same potential that we do. All that's lacking is the full training in our Sexcraft." "One step at a time, Sisters," Tsuyori encouraged, "What about it, Sister...do you want to know more about what we Miroku have to offer?" "Ohhh...that's nice..." Silver arched her back then said, "Ah...sure...whatever...I mean...ah! Oh! Ohhh---YEAH!!!" "You mean you guys teach this stuff?" Ranko found her entire spine was tingling with electricity while her pelvis tingled with a very different expression, and when Bukotei's hand caressed the crimson bush that was her pelvis she arched and sighed with absolute abandon. "Only to those who demonstrate the gift for it," Bukotei mused, "Are you interested...Sisters?" "Sure," Lamyra groaned, "Whatever you say...just don't stop doing that...please?" "Hey, it's my pleasure," Kitten grinned like her namesake. "So much for this side, big guy," Sakura urged Akira, "Turn around and face upward so I can get at the rest of you, Lover." "Turn...around?" Akira's eyes widened. "Lover?" Silver opened an eye and said, "Hey...!" "What I am saying is that---while you are staying with us as our guests---you might as well train with us," Tsuyori remarked, "And that means the two of you can practice Sexcraft on each other, Sisters Silver and Ranko." "OH?" both girls replied, turning their heads to glance meaningfully at one another... * * * 3. Ranma Saotome Ranma Saotome Miko Mido Kasumi Tendo Nabiki Tendo Ukyo Saotome Dan Suzuka Nabiki Tendo Ryoga Hibiki Ryoga Hibiki Fubuki Mido Akane Tendo Ranmaru Suzuka Akari Hibiki Miyu Mido Shampoo Tendo Botsasu Suzuka Yaku Midori Kodachi Kuno "So, Bro," said the Ranma of the House Miroku, "You married the Tomboy and it didn't work out, huh? That's tough, but at least it shows me that I made the right choice staying with my Ucchan." "Hey!" Akane protested, "Sounds more like to me that you were just as much at fault for the failure of his marriage, Baka." "Now you two," Ukyo shook her head sagely, "Don't get started in front of our guests." "It sounds like such a sad story the way you tell it," Miko nodded to Ryoga, who had done most of the explaining, "How sad that so much of your lives has been wasted due to the tragedy for which neither one of you was truly at fault..." "I'm not so sure of that," Nabiki (TC) said softly, "I made a lot of mistakes on my own, not the least of which was trying to foist Akane onto Ranma." "I made the same mistake as you, Sis," Nabiki (Miroku) replied, "Only difference is we all came to our senses before anybody got really hurt." "Indeed," Shampoo nodded, "We should all give thanks to our splendid good fortune. How sad that my counterpart should end her days so tragically on that world. If only we had the chance to meet so that I might counsel her on the...alternatives that were available to her back then." "You mean like hitting on me instead of Ranma?" Akane grinned, "That sure would have made a difference..." "Um..." Nabiki (TC) hesitated, "Let me see if I have this right...are you saying that you, Sis, are an avowed Lesbian and you're clan-married to Mido-san here?" "I'm one of her wives, if that's what you mean, sure," Akane grinned, "I wouldn't say I was a total Lesbian, though...I'm also married to Ryoga-kun, but thankfully not to the Baka over there that you want to marry." "I am so thrilled," Ranma (TC) snorted. "Don't be," Ranma (Miroku) advised, "Just be glad for me that I dodged your bullet." "Shut up, Ranma," Ryoga (Miroku) chided before turning to his Time Patrol counterpart, "So...you married Akari on your world too, huh? That's great, right Hon?" "Oh yeah," Akari grinned broadly, glancing from one man to the other, "You're a stud on two worlds, my little Piglet. I'd love to see how the both of you measure up in the same bed..." "Huh?" Ryoga (TC) replied with a frankly stunned expression. "For the record, Sis," Nabiki (TC) resumed, "You and Shampoo also share a mat together?" "What do you think?" Akane leered, taking Shampoo by the hand and squeezing it tightly. "Akane is this One's Airen, every bit as much so as Ranma," Shampoo replied, "But first wife status must go to Ukyo, who made it possible for us to all be together." "Got that right, Sugar," Ukyo leered back their way, then sobered and regarded the Time Patrol Ranma sagely, "Can't say I'm any too surprised that my counterpart on your world gave up her life for you, Ranma-kun. I'm just surprised you put her through so much when you could have left your wife and started up a new life together." "Yeah...well..." Ranma (TC) glanced down sadly, "Made a lot of mistakes that I've lived to regret, and that's just one near the top of the list. Ucchan did everything for me to try and help, and I...I just didn't understand how much she meant to me at the time...I let her down, and I can't ever forget that." "It would appear to me that you have tortured yourself enough on that subject," Dan remarked with obvious sympathy in his expression, "It does no good to live in the past, believe me. There comes a time when you must learn from your mistakes and move on..." "Yeah," Ranma (Miroku) replied sourly, "Just make sure you never repeat the same mistake with Nabiki. She deserves better than that from what I've been hearing." "Yeah, well..." Ranma (TC) replied, "I'm gonna make a good effort to stand up for her for putting up with me all this time..." "Just make sure you stand up the right way for her, Ranma-kun, " Kasumi spoke up, surprising even the Time Patrol Nabiki with the lasciviousness of that declaration. "Heh, good one, Sis," Nabiki (Miroku) complimented. "Just hope this sorry guy can get it up for her," Akane smirked, "Be a shame if she's waited this long to finds out the guy is limp in his performance." "Now that does raise a very interesting point," Fubuki pointed out, "I wouldn't want my Nabiki marrying some guy who only thinks he knows how to please her." "YOUR Nabiki?" Nabiki (TC) responded as she eyed the blonde Ninja-girl with a raised eyebrow. "You, get over it, Sis," Nabiki (Miroku) replied with a leer that went well beyond the suggestive. "I think the question being raised here is valid," Miko noted, "Just how much schooling in the Sexual arts have you two had, prior to this...what did you call it again?" "A Nazi Rape Machine, renamed the 'Wheel of Ecchi,'" Ryoga responded. "Hardly what I'd call a good first introduction to the arts of pleasure," Dan observed, "You two deserved to be joined in a real ceremony of love, and for that you need the help of the Miroku." "Help?" Ranma (TC) arched an eyebrow, "You saying I don't got what it takes to make Nabiki happy?" "Not at all, Bro," Ranma (Miroku) replied, "But it sounds like you do need a few pointers, and if you really wanna get things off to the right start, then you've come to the right place, believe me." "Ranma-kun is right," Kasumi said, "From what you had described of your relationship, you have spent the better part of twenty years in sexual reclusion while she has been forced to seek outside help with her friend, Ryonami. One encounter alone does not make you experienced..." "But if you're going to go twenty years waiting for it to happen again, then you definitely need a few clues so as not to make yourself a total Jackass, Sugar," Ukyo leered, "And that's what the Miroku are here for, to make sure no woman or man ever suffers from privation." "Just...what exactly are you implying?" Nabiki (TC) asked, trying not to sound too worried. "Not to worry, Sis," Nabiki (Miroku) replied, "We've you covered on all angles, trust me on that." Ranma (TC) and Nabiki (TC) exchanged puzzled looks and then Ryoga (TC) murmured, "Why does the sound of that suddenly have me worried...?" * * * 3. Rinse Saotome Shikari Mido Tachi Kuno Shibari Tendo Ryeka Masaki Bonbori Tendo Atari Moroboshi Koi Mido "Y'know," Rinse groused, "Somehow or other, I just knew this was gonna happen..." "Stop complaining and relax," Tachi smiled, "You make it sound as if something horribly unpleasant was about to happen to you when all that's going to happen is that you get another fine screwing." "You call that nothing?" Rinse visibly sweated as she contemplated the contraption that the Miroku had strapped her into this time, all so Atari and Ryeka could resume their "unfinished business" of seeing which one of them would make the better sexual partner. It hardly reassured her that Tachi had "volunteered" to be subject to a similar treatment, laying now beside her in a matching swing as the two of them contemplated the six other girls currently selecting which vibrators to use as their chosen "weapons of seduction." "To tell the truth," Tachi mused, "No, not really...and yes, that is a double- negative. Still and all, I think I managed to swing pretty good terms for the both of us. Ryeka and Atari will take turns screwing me and then go to work on you...I rather think they've been looking forward to this since I announced myself as yet another potential fiancée." Rinse eyed her cousin and lifelong companion dubiously then said, "If you really mean that, then should you be the one to screw me?" "All in good time, Rin-chan," Tachi replied as she experimentally tested the bonds that held her feet apart and suspended part of her weight on her wrists, the "cradle" of the swing open in such a way that one would have no difficulty finding access to her most private "nether" regions, "I think we will have to abide for a time and do things the Miroku way, which means I have to earn the right to screw you...which I take as something of a challenge." "You may be in for worse than you realize, Tachi," Rinse cautioned, "The last time Ryeka and Atari had an orgasm together my hair was almost turned into an afro." "Well, look on the bright side, Cousin," Tachi philosophized, "The worse thing that can happen here is that we both expire blissfully with a smile on our lips." "Sure," Rinse groused, "Deep fried or pan-baked, and extra crispy along the edges." "Now that you mention it," Tachi mused, "I am a little hungry and could go for a Pizza. Too bad Ryoukio didn't come along for this ride, he's almost as good as his mother when it comes to whipping up a batch of Okonomiyaki." "Hungry?" Shikari Mido asked, "You're in the right place for it." "Yes," her sister, Shibari, noted, "This does happen to be a restaurant." "No wonder I feel like I'm on the menu for tonight," Rinse said. "Guess that makes me the second helping," Tachi mused, "But if it's any consolation, Rin-chan, you make a lovely prime special. " "That's your idea of a consolation?" Rinse asked as she saw Ryeka, Atari and the others advance with weapons drawn (and well lubricated), to which she could only whimper that famous Japanese exclamation, "Momma Mia..." * * * 4. Tinkerbell Tendo Omake Tendo Tsuyosa Hibiki Watazashi Saotome Rose Saotome Shiromitsu Suzuka Yuan-Yen Tendo Thorn Saotome Tenshin Saotome Kinko Kuonji Achika Hibiki Bracelet Saotome "Ah, it's nice to be back in civilized accommodations," Watazashi mused, "I simply must make a note of the facilities here and have mother commission a carpenter to supply a set to our living quarters. I'm sure mother will see the advantages and convince father that it is in everyone's best interest." "I'm with you on this, 'Zashi-chan," Yuan-Yen said with enthusiasm, "These toys are great for relieving stress and all those built-up tensions. Sure a lot more soothing to the ol' self esteem than having some impersonal contraption doing it to you. Give me the personal touch any day, right Omake-chan?" Omake could only moan in response to this, having her mouth currently filled with the slick-end of a ball-cock as Yuan-Yen slid it in and out of her mouth while Watazashi filled her other end with a uniquely double-headed strap-on double-ended vibrating harness that was keeping the daughter of Kasumi and Ranmaru humping, even as she was locked in a pillory keeping her in place while Watazashi and Yuan-Yen enjoyed some two-way communal screwing. "Rose and I can't put into words how glad we are to have you back with us, 'Bell-chan," Thorn purred with contentment as she and her sister sat on either side of the naked blond Fairy-girl, playfully running their hands up and down her lush-yet-firm body. "Oh yes," Thorn agreed, "We were afraid we'd never have another chance with you again...we've missed you so much, and it's only been a few hours." "You don't mind if we pick up where we left off, do you?" Thorn added as she gently pinched one of Tinkerbell's nipple's, "You won't go melting through the floor and vanish out on us again, will you?" "Ah...well..." Tinkerbell gasped, sighed then shuddered slightly, finding herself once again double-teamed by a pair of amorous versions of Watazashi, "I..I...guess I can...oh hell...why fight it? Do me, girlfriends!" "We thought you'd never ask," Rose grinned as she two daughters of Kodachi went to work giving the Fairy-girl a reason to be thankful for her surrender. Kinko was enjoying her own reunion with her friends Achika and Bracelet, thoroughly content to be back in the arms of the Miroku, who were intent on teaching her all there was to know about the pleasures of sex shared with other women. Meanwhile three of the Miroku male children sat off to the side and watched the action, debating whether and when to join in on the fun of these amorous ladies. "Looks like the girls have everything well in hand," mused Tenshin as he sipped a ginseng tea and studied the activities of the girl named Watazashi. "Think there's room to insert a dick into this Fem-Fest?" asked Shiromitsu, "Or would it be worth our trouble?" "You don't think the girls mean to hog all the action to themselves this time?" asked Tsuyosa, "That really sucks...I'd like another crack at some of these girls, and that Yuan-Yen looks enough like Price that I could really get into doing her." "Let's take our time and study the options," Tenshin urged, "As much as that Tinkerbell girl looks like she'd be a feast for our meat, I was warned off by Rose earlier who told me she has strong reasons to prefer girls." "Just as well," Shiromitsu remarked, "You couldn't pry Rose and Thorn off her anyway if we used a crowbar." "Kinko's way too young for us anyway," Tsuyosa sighed, "I found that out the hard way." "Yeah, we heard," Tenshin sympathized, "Uncle Dan and Aunt Miko were pretty upset with you when they found out you screwed a fourteen year old girl. You know the rules as well as the rest of us, no Fem under fifteen, and only after she's been rated capable of handling basic Miroku Sexcraft techniques." "Yeah, don't want the poor thing to get traumatized or turned off to men forever," Shiromitsu noted. "That would be a tragedy," Tsuyosa nodded towards the winged girl, "Some lucky guy would really be missing out on a great piece of tail...ah...no pun intended." "Chickening out on your own joke?" Tenshin smiled, "Still, I can see how any man might be tempted..." "Excuse me, Gentlemen," Watazashi called back over her shoulder to the three boys lounging about the bar, "But if you are seriously interested in playing with us girls, perhaps it might suit you to ask around. I know that I am not usually partial to men, but if you male members of the Miroku house are as accomplished as you profess, then perhaps Yuan-Yen and I might be persuaded to see you make a suitable demonstration." "Demonstration?" asked Shiromitsu. "Sure," Yuan-Yen indicated Omake, "On her. We'll watch while you give her a sample of your treatment...and if we like what we see, then we'll talk business." Tenshin, Shiromitsu and Tsuyosa exchanged mutually surprised looks, then gazed speculatively at their lushly well-endowed sister and shared a smile as Tenshin took the initiative, "Why, we'd be happy to demonstrate for your benefit, gentle ladies." "Miroku arts are the best with either gender," Shiromitsu assured, "After all, we boys have to be able to compete with our sisters for any new talent that should come out way." "And when we get started," Tsuyosa bragged, "There won't be a dry hole in the house." "Kinky," Watazashi smiled, giving Tenshin a generous look-over, "And if you really do impress us, well...I wouldn't mind seeing a demonstration of that interesting pool table that converts into a rack. I have this pain in my lower back that could use some stress relief." "And besides," Yuan-Yen cupped her breasts and molded them sensuously for the enjoyment of the men, "These could use a little workout too, if you guys don't mind a little suckling action?" The way she arched her tone at the last caused all three male members to stand at instant attention. Watazashi grinned as she took justifiable pride in the way she and Yuan could charm the best of them, then she turned to Omake and said, "You don't mind if we let the boys play for a bit, do you, Darling?" "Mmm?" Omake replied, "MMM-Hmmm-Hmmm---mmm?" "Oops," Yuan-Yen said sheepishly as she pulled the artificial cock out of the mouth of the helpless brown haired beauty. "Why should I mind?" Omake grinned, "Bring it on, Bros!" The male trio needed no further encouragement as they went to work giving their free "live" home demonstration... * * * 5. Lylac Tendo Kama Sutra Saotome Ekko Daitokuji Price Tendo Tenko Masaki Kashiko Tendo Veil Morisato Kurenai Mido As a martial artist who relied as much on cunning as on pure muscle, Lylac Tendo had always trusted her instincts to warn her of any hidden dangers that she might stumble into in her travels. As such her instincts had been sounding alarm bells all from the time that she had left Washu's lair to the encounter with the Wheel of Ecchi, right up until she stepped through the doors of this restaurant, at which point her Danger Sense had shorted out altogether, a most ominous of portention. But this House of the Miroku read like a whole new level of danger, a danger that had more to do with how acutely vulnerable she was feeling at the moment to the subject of her sexuality. Most especially being in such a place beside Ekko was making her all too aware of the recent revelation of the underlying emotional bonds that existed beneath the veneer of their casual friendship. To say the least, Lylac had yet to fully figure out just where she stood on the issue of a love-bond between them, but she knew that they did share emotional ties of a frank and open nature, the kind that had made the act of love they shared altogether special and unique and very deeply satisfying. She had no idea what this were mean for the future, or even if they had a future together, but knowing that Ekko thought that way about her made a great difference in everything that had gone before and ever since. Lylac knew that she cared deeply about Ekko, her best friend and longtime companion, but she was not sure if she was looking forward to a permanent commitment. The future was too open and uncertain for any such formal declaration, and the question of what Ekko herself wanted from their relationship was another issue yet to be resolved. Yet throwing them into a place like this, a place where there was free congress between all sexes, regardless of issues such as incest and interbreeding, an extended family devoted to carnal pleasures and taking great pride in the joys of the flesh, almost an atmosphere of celebration. While this was far from a bad thing in Lylac's book, it highlighted an aspect of her current vulnerability that the purple haired Tendo had not thought to encounter so soon after their experiences on the Wheel of Ecchi. She was especially worried of what effect this place might have on Ekko's imagination. And the last thing Ekko needed at this point was inspiration in her pursuit of Lylac. It was not that Lylac resented or especially minded that attention, but the implications of what this house provided made her feel the strong urge to cover her privates or go running for cover! At the moment they were receiving the grand tour of the place, conducted by their recently acquainted paratime sister, Kama Sutra (now there was a name ripe with suggestions!), along with three of her sisters, each of whom was eyeing their group with unmistakably predatory interest. Lylac had not felt so much on display since her last run-in with Madam Lao and her pervert daughter, Tyger- Tiger. (Unless, of course, you were to count in that run-in with a Cannibal tribe on the lost "Island that Time Ignored," but Lylac was still trying to live down that whole sorry experience!) Needless to say, the Miroku had offered to give them clothing and shelter, (and one out of two wasn't too bad odds) but what they had provided was hardly enough cloth to make a lousy T-shirt (and one that did not cover any place worth concealing). Lylac had expected a spare Cheosong at the very least (considering the number of Chinese-descended Amazons, she had thought it not an unreasonable expectation) but somehow the subject of clothing did not seem to be too much on the menu, and the way the tour was being guided further into the complex left Lylac with few illusions that this would be a "disinterested" package tour. More alarming still, her concerns appeared to be exclusively her own province, for the others in her party hardly seemed all that concerned with the display of flesh that they were putting on for the locals, not even the normally reserved and modest Veil Morisato. Ekko was walking around almost like she owned the place (but then again, when you were as strong as a tank and had a mind like a computer there was not too much one could reasonably expect to feel threatened about, being "merely" naked not even rating a footnote). Princess Tenko of the Jurai was another chapter in surprises altogether, for she was usually a very modest sort, not at all flashy and flamboyant like her blue haired half-sister, Ryeka. Lylac, being merely human, had more to fear of strange quarters than any of these three, but still it was surprising to be considered the prude in their odd group. At the moment Kama Sutra was explaining to them the sort of training exercises that normally went on in the interior garden area. Practice fields and level areas set next to traditional rock gardens and other settings more typical of a large Japanese estate took on a slightly more ominous context when considering the type of "martial art" these people practiced. Lylac's sensitive nostrils could detect the faint whiff of male and female body-scent only slightly concealed by the perfume of various herbal plants and flowers. Doubtless her Sentinel sister, Fragrance, would have had a field day picking out the variety of aromas, the nature of which hinted greatly of a state of near-continuous sexual arousal. To Lylac's further surprise and chagrin, she heard Veil ask pointed questions asking for details about the sort of training that went on here, punctuated by more comments and observations from Tenko as Ekko smiled almost continuously as though forming her own opinions from the evidence on hand. Lylac had already made her own conclusions and knew that the longer they stayed in this place, the greater the odds were that she was going to wind up in some type of sexual arrangement. This suspicion was only enhanced when Kama took them to their next stop, which she (appropriately enough) referred to as the "Play Room." One look at the scene that was going on inside there and Lylac's worst suspicions were confirmed, for there was Watazashi strapped down to a pool table, held spread- eagled by chains that appeared from the corner "pockets" while a man held up a candle and dripped hot wax over her body. Yuan-Yen was presently keeping two other young men occupied at either end of her openings while a girl held bent down in a pillory made encouraging sounds and appeared to fervently want to get into the middle of this action. Meanwhile Tinkerbell was getting it on with a pair of "bookend" twin-like sisters, one of them with green hair, while Kinko was using a strap-on vibrator on another girl with dark blue hair, all in all looking much like a scene from a really kinky Hentai movie. "Ah," Ekko mused, "Hospitality indeed." "Oh my!" had voiced Veil, looking particularly wide-eyed as she saw the way Watazashi writhed under the torture of the candle, yet seemed very much to be enjoying the whole matter. "This sort of thing is typical here?" Tenko asked, not sounding the least bit offended. "Actually it looks like things are a bit slow at the moment," Kashiko replied, "Should we go in and liven up the party?" "Later perhaps," Kama replied, closing the door and leading them off in another direction, "First I would like to show you to another part of the house, a place where first-time visitors can enjoy a soothing and relaxing experience so we can all recover our energies after the trials we have been through. I'm sure that will suit sister Lylac much better than jumping into the action without even so much as taking time to eat lunch together." "Eh?" Lylac was surprised at being singled out in such a manner, though this realization was somewhat mollified by the obvious consideration of that statement. "Ah yes," Ekko turned a thoughtful look her way, "I'm sure we all could use a momentary pause from the excitement we have been under, eh, Lylac-chan?" The "chan" part of that statement made Lylac feel very odd, both pleasured and troubled at one and the same time, but she knew that Ekko meant well and was thinking more of Lylac's welfare than her own (if Ekko even had physical limits, Lylac was not certain what they would be, only that they would be well beyond the measure of most "normal" humans). At any rate, the place where Kama lured them was a closed off area that had a very pleasant atmosphere, both relaxing and inviting with tones of blue that implied strongly of something highly aquatic. Indeed, there were fishtanks and the muted lighting of colored glass windows highlighting stone furnishings that were smooth and rounded in an oddly textured manner. Kama bade them to sit down on this stoneware and---much to Lylac's astonishment---she found them pleasantly comfortable to set weight upon, even to lay upon as though they were lushly padded upholstery. Nor was she the only one to evidence surprise at this discovery, Tenko and Veil being quick to point out their singular delight at sitting down to such comfort. "Glad you like it," Price remarked with a smile, "Stone sculptures such as these are the products of our brother, Shiromitsu, who has mastered the ancient art of contour sculpting and can fashion these of either clay or stone with shapes that feel almost as comfortable as leather cushions. Feel free to lay back and test these surfaces, you'll find you can do almost anything laying down that you might do on a futon." "Anything?" asked Veil (of all people, much to Lylac's amazement) with a tone of interested speculation. "Oh yes," Kurenai assured them, "This is a favorite place for us to come and relax when we want a soothing atmosphere to ease the mind and sooth our tired bodies." "It's even better when you add sound to the mixture," Kashiko noted as she went to one wall and exposed a hidden control panel, making a few adjustments that caused harmonic vibrations to fill the air, following in short order by musical notes that were both easy to the ear and---indeed---soothing to the nerve endings. "Oh wow," Tenko sighed as she and Veil held hands together and lay back upon the stone bench that they were sharing, cozying up together with shared intimacy and a great deal of affection. Lylac was surprised to find her own hand was suddenly filled by that of Ekko, and as she turned a questioning look towards her friend-turned-lover she found a warming sensation of a kinship that was still too strange and new to be easily trusted, and yet somehow she knew that she would not put up any resistance should things proceed as she was expecting. As Ekko urged her to lay down and share warmth, Lylac found herself nestling into the oddly comfortable alcove provided by the redhead's surprisingly soft shoulder. Kama shared a knowing look with Price, Kurenai and Kashiko, then all three sat down on benches in couples of two, not far removed from the four newcomers (whom they hoped to make just that) and bided their time while the subtle mood- enhancing environment did its work and enflamed smoldering passions. It would not be long now until the fondling, nuzzling and cuddling would give way to far more vigorous pastimes, and if Lylac had suspected that this was their intention all along she gave no hint nor even showed the slightest resentment. It was nice to cuddle with Ekko and let those strange emotions within her flare to a bright flame from long smoldering embers. Before long the "worst" that she had expected would come to pass, and yet she would find no resentment within her as matters would soon progress to where anything was possible, and indeed, most likely to happen... * * * 6. Kodachi Kuno Kimera Suzuka Kyura Saotome Ranmaru Suzuka Tekase Suzuka Wulf Midori Botsasu Suzuka Kyura Saotome Toltiir As much as Kodachi had wanted to stay and chat with this alternate world version of Ranma and Nabiki she knew that someone had to stay and tend to the restaurant. Having only a light staff at this period when business was light made it easy to attend to the basics, but after it was over she intended to look up these new arrivals and get in on some of the fun, and wouldn't that make this Ranma's day as sweet as her own Ranma-sama? Intrigued as she was to know the details of the life lived by this particular Ranma, she was equally intrigued by the sharp eyed and dour-looking Nabiki, whose gaze had reminded her much of a hungry wolf keenly eyeing her mate with territorial interest, yet obviously starved for much-needed affection. Kodachi could well remember when she had felt much that way, many years ago, back during her solitary period, which many referred to as her "Crazy Time." Back then she had been alone, frustrated, neglected and ignored, prey to inner demons and a budding drug addiction that was her personal private vice, the product of her father's experiments in Black Rose extracts, coupled with the tragedy of a past that took her years with which to come to grips. Had this Nabiki suffered as much privation in her life? Twenty years engaged to the same man, yet only once consummated? That did not bode well for what Kodachi now knew to be a good and healthy lifestyle. If so, then she had come to the right place to find the solace that she needed, for the Miroku had given Kodachi a home away from her home, and one that had healed her mind, spirit and body. Kodachi would indeed enjoy playing a part in that healing for another, especially if it gave her a window of opportunity to enjoy both this Nabiki and the equally dour-faced Ranma. Almost of equal interest to her was getting to know the singular guest who went by the name of Watazashi. Now there was a daughter that any mother could be proud of, not that she was any less satisfied with either Rose or Thorn (her pride and joy in every sense). Watazashi was as sharp as a whip and as lean as a blade, combining the best that was in both Ranma and herself, a warrior of few peers and clearly devoted to her beloved companion, Yuan-Yen (a rather unlikely pairing of Nabiki with that annoying fool, Mousse). The stories those two were likely to tell would bring a smile to Kodachi's lips as she had always dreamed of being the dashing heroine rather than be regarded by some as a quasi-villain. She paused in these reflections to survey the near-empty restaurant, which was currently being made ready for the night crowd, and smiled as she regarded Wulf, the Chef in residence, the green-haired son of her Ranma-sama and the were- woman, Yaku. He was such a good and honest boy, very attentive to the needs of the guests and a superb chef, much like Ukyo Kuonji. He could prepare a savory meal in less time than it would take another to describe it, and with him on the duty-roster, she had little to do besides circulate among the crowds while directing the other children to go about their duties. Off to one side stood Ranmaru and Botsasu, that odd pair of twins who were senior representatives of the Suzuka branch of the House of Miroku, both currently in costumes that did little more than hint as to their generously feminine attributes. They helped to lend the restaurant with an appropriately "Ninja-like" atmosphere that the patrons loved so well. Meanwhile Kimera and Tekase were performing the "floor- show" entertainment with a martial arts duel that was both highly ritualized and extremely arousing (and not just in an aesthetic sense as these two loved to give off flashes of their bodies in the skimpy costumes they were wearing). All was going well, and Kodachi was satisfied that her shift was progressing nicely, when a curious feeling caused her to glance to one side, as though she were being watched by someone from a place of concealment, someone very near to where she was standing, which set her martial arts instincts to full arousal. She scanned the thin crowd of patrons and well wishers but saw nothing unusual or out of place in the setting, yet still the feeling persisted, causing her to lower her sight somewhat as she turned suddenly to the left, guided by intuition more than conscious thought, and found herself meeting the gaze of... A small furry animal whose eyes held an intelligence that was well beyond human? At first she had thought it was a mouse that she had spotted, but then it seemed more like a cat, then like a rabbit, then like a cross between a cat and a rabbit, and suddenly more like a monkey, right before it turned and scurried away, heading towards the kitchens, at which point Kodachi decided to follow. "Is something wrong?" Ranmaru asked as she passed him on the way. "I don't know," Kodachi replied, "Look after things for me, would you? I'll only be a moment." She left the main dining area and was about to enter the kitchens themselves when a pleasantly male voice hailed her with a sly, "Never thought you'd ever turn out to be the type to work in a restaurant." "Eh?" Kodachi turned to find a man standing beside her, a very odd looking man whose hair was long and half-black, half white, "Who...?"" "Names can be such deceiving things, Little 'Sword-Belt,'" the man sounded teasing, "I was just stopping by to see how a friend of the family was doing...and considering what sort of place this is, I don't even have to guess what's going on back there." Kodachi frowned at the perceived mockery of her given name and said, "You have a sense most unusual about you. Are you a hostile spirit seeking mischief within these walls?" "Mischief is my specialty," the man inclined his head, "But I mean no hostile intentions, if that is what you are implying." "Then what business do you have, if I may be so bold as to ask?" Kodachi said a bit stiffly. "My business is observation," he smiled, "I must say, though, that Timeline has certainly worked out a lot better than I would ever have anticipated. I don't normally favor Hentai-inspired worlds, but I suppose one could do a lot worse than combining genres like Ranma with La Blue Girl." "La Blue Girl?" Kodachi blinked, "You mean Miko-sama?" "Good deduction," the odd man nodded, "You interest me, which is not something that I an say about many of your alternate versions. A child of wealth and privilege who deliberately chose to make herself a virtual servant to a Princess. I'd like to see more of this place you call your home, if you don't mind very much. Would you do me the courtesy of playing my tour guide?" "I..." Kodachi was about to upbraid the man for his presumption, but something in his eyes stopped her so that she found herself agreeing to play the hostess. She did, however, remember to ask the question, "What shall I call you then, stranger?" "Call me Toltiir," he replied, "I'm an...associate of the Time Patrol Ranma and Nabiki." "Ah...just so," Kodachi replied, turning to lead the way into the building while wondering just what sort of a fox she was letting into the "henhouse..." Continued. Comments/Criticisms/Circumcisions at a Discount: shadowmane@ridgenet.net Thus ends the preliminaries, stay tuned for "Round Two" as things heat up around Ranma and Nabiki with a "Bridal Shower" that the two of them will never forget, while Ranko and Silver get some coaching from Tsuyori in how to make the most of their similarities/contrasts, and Toltiir pays his respects to both Shikima and the Miroku. Be with us next time for: "Moon Over My Auntie," or "The Minimum Wages of Sin." Be there!