Ranma's Hour of Darkness - Chapter 3

Disclaimer - I own neither Disgaea nor Ranma 1/2.

Further disclaimer - This chapter is lemon.


"You like her, don't you?" my lord asks. She looks like Akane again, ready for bed.

"I don't know," I say. "When she smiles, maybe. But she's always mad at me..."

"Is it because of the arranged marriage?" she asks as she walks towards me.

"I don't..." I trail off as she smiles Akane's cute smile.

She starts unbuttoning her pajama top, and as each button comes undone, a sense of dread builds inside of me. When she slips it off, I find myself cowering and bracing myself.

"Ranma, what's wrong?" my lord asks. "What have they done to you?"

'She sounds different, not like Akane. Kasumi?' Hesitantly I look, and I find myself staring at a topless Kasumi. She takes a final step forward, and draws me into a hug.

I freeze up, waiting for something bad to happen. When nothing does, I slowly become aware of her stroking my hair, and my cheek resting on soft skin. Realizing exactly what it is that I'm leaning on, I jump away and say, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I didn't see anything!"

"Ranma," my lord says. This time it's her normal voice. "Ranma, look at me."

I slowly turn around. I know that I'll be punished for being a pervert, but she's my lord. When I look, the first thing I see is her anger, and I shudder as her lashing tail brings a vague image of slitted eyes and pain. She's dressed in her normal bikini and thong.

I stay still, and after a moment she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, and her tail stills. She opens her eyes again, and says, "I'm not mad at you, Ranma."

She waves her hand, and we are in a small bedroom. She takes a seat on the bed, then pats the spot next to her, and says, "Ranma, sit here."

I sit down, and she says, "You asked earlier what other powers a succubus has, remember?"

I nod.

"Succubi exist to tempt men, Ranma. We invade the dreams of men, and try to seduce them," she says. "We gain power from lust, and much more power from sex. Almost all of our powers have to do with seduction or sex."

I look at her uncertainly.

"We live on the energy we get from it. Without it, I would fade and die. We crave sex just like you crave nourishment," she says.

"It's like your food?" I ask.

She nods. "What you gave me earlier was good, but it isn't really enough. It's like only getting to eat a single bite of rice, when you know that there's a whole bowl sitting there," she says.

'Just like Pop, and his speed training.' "So you want me to have sex with you?" I ask with a blush.

She smiles, and nods.

"But, won't that make me a pervert?" I ask.

She laughs, and says, "Ranma, I'm a demon. You're asking the wrong person. Was what you did earlier today perverted?"

I look down, and mutter, "Probably."

I hear her sigh. She says, "I don't think that it was. I didn't feel any lust coming from you, it was all coming from the boys around you. If anyone was being perverted, it was them."

I say, "But..."

She continues, "Even then, they weren't really being perverts. They were just following their nature."

"I guess so," I say.

"So, will you try it?" she asks.

I close my eyes, then nod. When I look over at her again, she's turned back into Kasumi.

My eyes go wide, and she chuckles and says, "I can be any girl you've ever wanted, Ranma. As long as you're going to do it anyway, why not play around a little?"

"It just doesn't feel right," I protest. "Not with Kasumi."

She changes into Nabiki, wearing the shirt and shorts she does her exercises in. She says, "How about this one?"

Images of Nabiki teasing me, tormenting me, demanding money all flash in my mind, and I find myself nodding.

"Good," my lord says, as she takes off her shirt.

I watch as she unclasps her bra and slips it off. Although normally the sight of a female body doesn't do much for me, in this case I find myself examining her breasts closely. They're only a little smaller than my girl side, with cute brown nipples. When she sees me looking, she cups her breasts in her hands, leans toward me, and says, "Would you like to touch them?"

I hesitantly reach out a hand and run a finger along her breast. When she smiles at me, I cup both breasts with my own hands.

'I can't help but feel that something is going to go wrong.' I rub my thumbs over her nipples, and watch as they grow hard.

She says, "Good, Ranma. Now let's both get undressed."

I reluctantly release her breasts, then stand and methodically strip down. For some reason, I'm more embarrassed to be nude in front of my lord in my natural form than I was when I showered in front of my classmates.

"Turn around," she says, and I do. She looks directly at my crotch, and I fight the urge to hide myself with my hands as I feel myself growing hard. The urge intensifies as she licks her lips.

She motions for me to come closer. When I do she reaches out and cups my balls, and I only barely manage to keep from jumping back. She smiles up at me, and says, "Relax, Ranma."

Before I can say anything in response, she runs her other hand down the length of my shaft, pulling the skin tight. As I harden further and push my hips towards her, she says, "Very good."

She gently rolls my balls around with her hand, while slowly stroking my shaft with the other, and asks, "Ranma, have you ever done this to yourself before?"

Her question brings back all of my embarrassment at once, and I find myself blushing again. I mumble, "Yes."

She smiles again, and says, "Good. I hadn't felt you do it since we were contracted, and I was worried."

That makes my embarrassment even worse. 'She can feel when I'm doing that?'

"From now on, I want you to do it at least once a day," she says firmly.

I nod, shakily. "When, though? I'll be interrupted."

"At your school, use the bathrooms. Most of the other boys did, yesterday. A lot of the girls did too," she says. The motions of her stroking hand speed up as she adds, "Almost all the boys in your class did, after your shower."

"R-really?" I say with a gasp. 'The boys don't really surprise me, but the girls, too?'

She nods, then asks, "Do you like this, Ranma?"

I nod. Her stroking combined her playing with my balls is quickly bringing me toward orgasm.

"Do you want me to do something even better?" she asks.

"Better?" I gasp out.

She nods, and leans forward. As I watch disbelievingly, she takes me slowly into her mouth. 'It is better. A lot better.' Her mouth feels smooth, hot, and wet, and when she moves her tongue, I start to come.

I hang there, just on the edge, and slowly become aware of her finger pressing a point behind my balls. With a slurp, she leans back, and says, "Not yet, Ranma. First, you're going to watch me suck you. It's important, so don't look away."

"Ok," I say. She pulls my hands onto the back of her head, and says, "Hold me, and push into my mouth with your hips."

She puts the head of my cock into her mouth, and I realize that she's serious. I stare down at her as I push my cock into her mouth. Moving my hips makes everything more intense and immediate, and I feel myself building toward orgasm again.

I quickly find myself both thrusting my hips and pulling her head into my crotch, and as I do so her tongue keeps making everything better and better. When I finally come, it seems much more intense than normal, and the image of Nabiki staring up at me with my cock in her mouth is vividly imprinted in my memory.

As my knees buckle, she pulls me onto the bed and says, "That was perfect, Ranma. Now rest, and we'll continue this in a while."

I nod, tiredly, and as I drift off to sleep all I can see in my mind is Nabiki's face staring up at me.


I stretch out, and feel someone cuddled up next to me. I start to panic when I realize that it's Cindy, and not Shampoo. She's back in her normal form, and when I jump she opens her eyes and says, "How do you feel?"

I close my eyes, and concentrate on my body for a second. When I open my eyes, I smile, and say, "Good. Really good."

"And next time Nabiki threatens you, what will you be thinking of?" she asks.

"Her looking up at me, with me in her mouth," I say, picturing it again. "Hey! You did that on purpose. Now I'll never be able to look at her again without thinking of that."

She laughs, and says, "Yes, Ranma, I did. You'll be a lot less nervous around her from now on, I think."

"I guess so," I say. Remembering the force I was using near the end, I say, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, Ranma. Any normal girl would have choked, but succubi are meant to be used like that. To us, it's more satisfying than you could imagine," she says with a smile.

I look at her, unsure of what to say.

"Trust me, I'm fine," she says. "You still owe me sex, so who should I be now?"

"I don't know," I say. 'Who do I want to have sex with? If I choose a fiancee, does it count as really choosing?'

"Do you want me to choose, then?" she asks. "You'll have to accept whoever I choose."

"Ok," I say, happy to have avoided making that decision.

She turns into Ms. Ninomiya, in her adult form, and then suddenly I am standing outside my classroom, holding my school bag. When I slide the door open, she looks up from her desk, and says, "Mr Saotome, you are late! Detention started five minutes ago!"

"But.. um..." I say, feeling lost.

She winks, and says, "Just play along. It makes it more fun."

"Um... ok. Sorry, Ms. Ninomiya," I say.

"Take your seat, Mr. Saotome," she says as she shuffles through some papers.

I sit at my desk, and after a short while she looks up at me. "The subject we'll be going over today is remedial sexual education. Do you have the results from the physical with you?" she asks.

I look in my school bag, but can't find anything that looks like it's supposed to be what she's asking for. "No, Ms. Ninomiya," I say.

"Then I'll have to re-administer the physical myself," she says. "Come up to my desk."

I stand up and walk towards the desk nervously. 'Wait. Why am I nervous? This isn't really my teacher. This is my lord.'

When I reach the desk she looks up at me impatiently. Not knowing what to do, I stand and fidget uncomfortably.

Finally, she says, "What are you waiting for, Mr. Saotome? Drop your pants."

I quickly untie my pants, and let them drop to the floor along with my boxers. When she sees my unaroused state, she shakes her head, and murmurs, "That won't do at all."

Looking up at my face, she says, "Mr. Saotome, you must be erect for the measurements. Do you require assistance?"

I close my eyes for a second. Somehow, even though I know that this is my lord, I still feel embarrassed to be in front of my teacher. Hearing a rustling in front of me, I open my eyes to see her taking her blouse off.

"Um, Ms. Ninomiya, that's not necessary," I say.

As she unsnaps her bra, she says, "Mr. Saotome, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're not the first student I've had to assist."

I blink at that. 'I wonder... would she really do this?'

Cupping her generous breasts in her hands, she says, "Now step forward, Mr. Saotome."

I take a step towards her chair, and she leans forward and places her breasts on either side of my cock. She presses her breasts together, with my cock in between them, and starts gently rocking her torso. The feeling is totally different from Nabiki's mouth. It's dry, and even though it's smooth, it feels totally different.

It doesn't take long before I'm hard. Just as I begin thrusting my hips forward, she leans back. As I stand there panting slightly, she places a ruler on top of my shaft, and presses it against my belly.

"192 millimeters. Excellent," she says, and makes a mark on the clipboard sitting on her desk. She then takes a cloth tape measure and wraps it around my shaft.

As she makes another mark, she says, "154 millimeters. Very nice indeed, Mr. Saotome. You're in the upper ten percent for both measurements."

After she finishes writing the information down, she turns back to me, and places my cock between her breasts again. When she sees my look of surprise, she says, "Don't you remember, Mr. Saotome? We need to take three different measurements, from three different erections. Now, just relax and enjoy this, and we'll see if we can't get this over with quickly."

I nod, and then close my eyes as she begins the gentle rocking motion again. Soon I find myself thrusting my hips in time with her rocking. When I come close to orgasm I tense up to hold it off, and she says, "None of that, Mr. Saotome. Just let it happen."

Seconds later I am pushing my hips against her chest, spurting my come all over. With a sigh of contentment, I sink to my knees.

When I look up at her, her face is dripping with my seed, and she is rubbing it into her breasts. When she opens her eyes, they seem to sparkle with delight.

"Only two more to go, Mr. Saotome," she says. "When we're done with the third measurement, I'll give you a reward." She begins toweling off her chest and face with what looks like regret.

I nod and say, "It may take a while, Ms. Ninomiya. Sorry about this."

"Nonsense!" she says. "You're a young man. This will take no time at all. Now, hop up here, on my desk."

I get to my feet, then sit on her desk. She pushes my legs apart, and slides her chair in between them. When she sucks my semi-limp cock into her mouth, I am unsurprised. I control the urge to cringe away as she starts caressing it with her tongue. It's sensitive, and the caresses are only vaguely arousing.

When I wiggle my hips, she looks up at me and says sternly, "I know this is uncomfortable for you, Mr. Saotome. It is, however, the quickest way to gain the results we need."

I sigh and nod, and she resumes sucking.

It takes longer for me to get hard this time, and again just as I'm really starting to enjoy it, she stops and quickly measures me.

When she again resumes sucking, I sit there and enjoy the sensations. It takes a lot longer before I'm ready for release, and when it I come I feel fatigue wash over me like a wave. Her mouth doesn't leave my shaft, and as she continues her stimulation I can't control my wiggling.

This time she just moves with it. It seems to take forever for me to feel anything like arousal, and it's all I can do not to curl up into a ball.

I am relieved when I feel myself growing hard again. Her mouth slowly becomes more and more pleasurable. Again she stops just as I finally feel ready, and jots down the measurements.

"Good, we're all done," she says. "Now for that reward I promised you. Get up for a moment, Mr. Saotome." She moves her chair back and stands up as well.

Once I'm out of the way, she leans over the desk, and pulls up her skirt. I realize that this whole time she hasn't been wearing anything under it, and she gives me a naughty smile. As I step up behind her, she says, "Think of this as extra credit. We both want you to get a good grade for this part of the class, right?"

Instead of replying, I push my cock into her. To my surprise, it slides in easily. Just as I push my hips against hers, she tightens her muscles. "Now, Mr. Saotome. You must promise me that no matter what happens, you won't stop until we're both done. Even if your girlfriend and all of her friends come through that door."

I pull my hips back, enjoying the new sensations, and say, "Yes, Ms. Ninomiya. I promise"

With that settled, I grab her hips and begin thrusting. This time, everything feels perfect. As I slowly speed up my thrusts, she suddenly squeals. Worried, I slow down, and she says, "Don't you dare! Just keep going. Remember your promise."

I resume my rhythm, and try to ignore it as her squeals become louder and louder and her legs shake in time to them. As I get closer and closer to release, I speed up my thrusts more.

Just as I'm on the verge of release I hear her gasp, "H-happy's change... returned!" As I start pumping my seed deep into her, I open my eyes and watch in horror as she shrinks into a little girl. My cock is reporting the tight, pleasurable pressure to me, and she shrieks loudly and her whole body tenses. Finally, she goes limp, and says, "Thank you... Ranma."

When she says my name, I suddenly remember that she is not my teacher but instead my lord. As I extricate myself from her body with a pop, my anger flares.

"Cindy," I say. "Why did you do that?"

She looks up at me, and her expression of satisfaction melts into one of confusion. "Ranma, what's wrong?" she asks.

"You just made me have sex with a little girl!" I say loudly, angrily.

She sighs, and says, "She isn't a little girl, Ranma. She's older than you are. Besides, what's wrong with that anyway?"

"When she's like that, her mind is like a little kid's. And having sex with children is wrong. They're just not ready for it, they're not old enough," I say. 'Why doesn't she understand?'

She looks at me with an expression that I can't decipher, and asks, "How old does someone have to be before it's ok, Ranma?"

The question makes me stop and think. 'Technically, I'm too young. But I just did it, and I don't feel too young. How young is too young?'

"I.. I don't know," I say. "But I think that she's too young."

"Ranma, I'm less than a month old. Am I too young to have sex with?" she asks.

"That's..." I trail off. 'She needs sex to live, but...'

She grins a naughty grin that looks totally out of place on such a young girl, and says, "Want to know a secret?"

"Sure..." I say. 'Is it wrong for me to have sex with her? She seems a lot older than a kid, though. Is it how old someone seems that makes it ok?'

"Remember yesterday, how Ms. Ninomiya kept staring at you?" she asks.

I shake my head. 'If she was staring at me, I didn't notice anything.'

"Everything we did, including the end, was all part of a daydream she had yesterday. She was staring at you the whole time, Ranma," she says with a smile.

I try to remember yesterday, and something about it jumps into my mind. "But she didn't drain anyone yesterday! She was a kid all day," I protest.

"Maybe she's not as much of a kid inside as she wants you to think," she suggests.

That leaves me speechless, with my thoughts whirling.

"We have time enough for one more, after you rest," my lord says. "I promise that this one won't make you mad."

I look at the little girl, and at my seed dripping from between her legs, and then close my eyes.


Some time later, I open my eyes. I feel refreshed and unexpectedly not angry with my lord, though I'm not really sure why. A quick glance around confirms that we're back in the bed from before.

My lord is laying on the bed next to me, staring at me. She's in her natural form, and looks worried.

When I smile at her, she tentatively smiles back, and says, "Ranma, I'm sorry. I didn't know that it would be a problem."

I shake my head, and say, "It's all right."

"Great!" she says. "Want to do it again?"

"Um..." I say. 'I'm not sure if I'm ready for that again.'

She giggles, and says, "No, I mean sex. Not Ms. Ninomiya."

"Oh. Ok, sure," I say, nodding. "Let's go a little slower this time, though. Last time was too much all at once."

"All right, Ranma," she says.

She changes shape, and suddenly I am staring at my girl side, nude.

As she stretches, I say, "You want me to have sex with... me?"

She nods, and says, "Just think of it as playing with yourself. Besides, you can't say that you're uninterested. Remember, I can feel your lust."

I blush, and look away.

"Ranma, if any other boy at your school had your curse, they would have used it to get sex by now. Most of the boys in your class were wishing that they were you when they were masturbating after your shower," she says.

"If they want it, they can have it," I say. "I hate it. I'm always getting splashed at the worst times."

"Well, this time you're not going to get splashed, I promise. Now, let's cuddle for a while," she says. She slips under the covers and leans back against me, pulling my arm over her shoulder and putting it on her breast.

I let my fingers explore her breast, playing idly with her nipple. She sighs happily, then says, "I should teach you how to seduce people. You'll be good at it."

"I would get in so much trouble when Akane caught me," I say.

She shakes her head, and says, "I'd have you practice on me. Don't worry so much."

"Ok, so what do I do?" I ask.

"Well, we're a bit past the start, but that's all right. Keep doing what you're doing with your hand, and kiss my neck and ears," she says.

I lean my head down, and gently kiss her neck, and she whispers, "Good. Keep doing that."

I continue to kiss her neck and ear, and after a while notice that she's wiggling her hips. Soon my cock is nestled up between her thighs.

Finally, she says, "Ok, enough. You just lay on your back, and this time I'll do all the work, ok?"

I roll onto my back, and she throws the covers back. She straddles me, and instead of settling herself on my shaft she instead leans forward and presents her breast to my mouth.

"Just let your hands and mouth have fun, Ranma," she whispers.

I suck her nipple into my mouth, and run a hand over her other breast, while she smiles down at me. As her nipple firms, I switch sides, and soon both are feeling as solid as my cock.

When I start urging her hips down toward mine she sits up, and for just a second I feel myself poised on her threshold. She slowly sinks down, then just as I feel myself push past her entrance she jumps slightly, and her whole weight impales her upon me.

"Are you all right?" I ask.

She gives me a wide-eyed look, and says, "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting to be a virgin."

With that, she starts rocking her hips against mine. The feeling isn't as intense as when I was behind Ms. Ninomiya, but at the same time it's far more gentle. When I reach up to play with her nipples, she smiles at me and nods approvingly.

This time, the buildup is slow, and I approach my arousal almost languidly. Long before I am ready for release she stops and shudders, and then soon starts moving again, slightly faster. Each time she stops, I can feel her muscles pulsing around my shaft.

As I slowly increase my tempo, she comes more and more often, and I find myself almost envious of her. She starts moaning, gasping for breath as she shoves her hips down on mine.

Her voice grows louder and louder, her motions more and more demanding, until finally I can take no more. As I thrust up at her with all my strength she clamps her hips down on mine, and our voices rise in tandem as I fire my seed into her.

I lay there panting, and watch in tired amazement as she stays tensed and her muscles pulse around my cock for several minutes more.

Afterward, she collapses bonelessly on top of me, and I sleep.