Onimusha Ranma.


Ranma and the characters of Ranma’s world belong to Rumico Takahashi and do not belong to me.

The characters and weapons from Onimusha belong to the wonderful people of Capcom.

The characters from Resident Evil series belong too to the wonderful people of Capcom.

The characters from Devil May Cry belong to the wonderful people of Capcom.

Hellsing and the character sure as hell don’t belong to me too.

So please don’t sue me or rip me into little bitty pieces.

Enjoy the story you all.

The time line for Ranma is 5 years after the failed wedding. Ranma has annulled the engagement to Akane. Shampoo was jilted forcefully by Ranma. The only two persons happily married are Ryoga and Ukyou. Ranma moved back to his mum’s place in Tokyo. Kasumi is married to Dr Tofu and are looking after Kodachi who has lost her mind and has regressed to the mind of a child (more on that later in the story). Nabiki is a lawyer of a very good law firm.

<>- Another language

[ ]- thoughts.


In Hokkaido, “Ryoga dear will you pass me the bag of flour?” Ukyou asked as she started the grill.

The two were preparing the shop for business.

The two have been married for the past 3 years.

After the incident at Ranma’s wedding.

Ukyou ran into Ryoga, he stayed by her side consoling her when she decided to close the restaurant there and leave he went with her.

Since then the two were together, they dated for a while then finally one day on the second year of their relationship Ryoga popped the question and the rest was history.

The two were now happily married.

Ryoga grunted as he lifted the large bag of flour from the storeroom and carried it to the grill.

“Here you go dear.” Ryoga said as he put the flour onto the floor.

He kissed her as he walked into the kitchen to get the other ingredients ready.

His dog Checkers was with him guiding him around so he wouldn’t get lost.

It was going to be a busy day for them.

The okonomiyaki restaurant was during very well as afternoon crowd was coming in.

Ukyou was busy behind the grill while Ryoga was manning the counter and the tables.

Ukyou was flipping okonomiyakis like crazy.

Finally the crowd died down and they got ready to close the restaurant for a break until the dinner crowd started.

“Yawn.” Ryoga stifled a yawn with his hand.

“Why don’t you go get some shuteye I’ll clean up.” Ukyou said as she wiped a table.

“All right dear. But I’ll be the one cleaning up later all right..” Ryoga said as he went over to give his wife a kiss.

Then walking up stairs and laid down on to the tatami and slowly dozed off.


“Huh??” Ryoga sat up and looked around.

He was sitting in a middle of no where and there was a lot of mist.

He got up and looked around.

[What the hell is going on??] He looked around trying to find the source of the voice.

Suddenly a huge figure loomed over him. Ryoga took a defensive stance as the mist cleared from the figure.

[What the hell??] Ryoga was taken aback at what he was seeing.


“What menace??” Ryoga asked looking at the oni.


“What??” Ryoga said in shock.

[This must be a nightmare.]


Ryoga held out his right arm.

It started to glow then suddenly a dark blue gauntlet appeared on Ryoga’s fore arm.


“How the hell do I know it’s him??!!” Ryoga asked as he looked at his forearm the gauntlet winked at him and closed its eye.


Then suddenly Ryoga felt himself fall.

Then he suddenly woke up he was still in the room.

He was breathing rapidly and perspiring he brought up his right hand to wipe his brow when he found that it was encased by the gauntlet.

[Oh shit how am I going to explain this to Ukyou....] Ryoga looked at the gauntlet realising that it was not an ordinary dream.

As he shook his head Ukyou stepped into the room.

“What is that on your arm dear??” Ukyou asked as she went over to take a look at the gauntlet.

“Don’t know. I had a weird dream and the next thing I know I wake up with this on my arm.” Ryoga said as he flexed his hand.

“......” Ukyou looked at Ryoga worriedly.

“Something about stopping a demon king.” Ryoga said as he tried to get the gauntlet off but to no avail. “And you went and volunteered??!!” Ukyou was getting angry.

“Hey I protested but he was an oni. I can’t say no to that right. You know like those we see in temples. I thought I was dreaming but when I woke up this was on me.” Ryoga said as he fiddled with the gauntlet.

It opened its eye and blinked at Ryoga then it closed.

“What the hell...” Ukyou jump back in surprise.

“It’s also alive. Any way the oni said that another wearing something like this will come looking for me so we wait.” Ryoga said.

“But that will put you in danger and....” Ukyou started to protest.

“Look Ukyou if the oni is right and that demon king wins our lives won’t matter any more.” Ryoga said as he embraced his wife.

“I’m going to stop that demon so we all can live in peace” Ryoga said then kiss his wife on her lips. Ukyou held on to her husband fearing the worst.


On the plane Ranma was looking at the scroll while the rest of his family and the Tendos were fast asleep.

Seras also had retired to her room to get some shuteye.

They were due to arrive in but a few hours time.

[This sucks.] Ranma cursed as he looked at the scroll.

From what he could decipher the scroll only shows where the next pearl was and not where the rest were.

And there was also part of another map on the scroll it said when all the maps were put together it would show the location of the pearl holding the oni army and the most powerful oni weapon.

Ranma yawn and looked at his gauntlet.

[I better start training with this or something else will go wrong] Ranma sighed.

The eye opened and blinked a few times like it heard Ranma’s thoughts and it stated to glow.

[Hmm having the same thoughts as me? All right we’ll get down to it soon.] Ranma said as he got comfortable in his seat and dozed off.


Back at the Hellsing estate. “Walter.” Integra called.

“Yes my master.” Walter came in to her office.

“Walter are the rooms ready for Ranma’s family?” She asked as she puffs on her cigar.

From the reports she has on Ranma’s family and the Tendo’s it was a very interesting read.

“It’s has been prepared master. All the arrangement have been made and I hope they are to their satisfactory.” Walter reported.

“Thank you Walter you may leave.” Integra dismissed Walter.

“Oh yes is Alucard around?” Integra asked.

“He is in the crypt master shall I inform him you need his presence.?” Walter asked.

“No but I want him to be here when the meeting starts.” Integra said as she stood up and poured herself a drink.

Walter left the office and closed the door.

She went over to the window and looked out.

She had Walter dig up some more on Ranma’s various associates and enemies.

The ones who intrigue her the most were amazons of China.

There was not a lot on them only scant information on them.

[Hmmm I wonder if they will join our cause. I must consult Ranma on this.] She thought as she closes the file.

She finished her drink and went back to work.

She had a lot to do to prevent the world from becoming hell.


Later that evening, Ranma and his family and the Tendos arrived at the Hellsing estate.

They were all taken aback by the size of the estate it too almost 45 minutes to arrive at the castle from the main gate.

Walter was at the entrance to meet all of them.

“Welcome back master Ranma.” Walter greeted.

“Hi Walter.” Ranma took out his bag from the car.

“This is my mom and dad.” Ranma introduce Genma and Nadoka.

“Ahhh a pleasure to meet you.” Walter greeted Genma was to awe struck by the size of the door that his mouth was hanging.

Nadoka jabbed him and bowed in greeting.

“I am Nadoka and this is my husband Genma.” Walter bows back.

Suon and his daughters got out of the cars.

“Oh my how beautiful.” Kasumi said as she admired holding on to Kodachi’s hand.

“It’s magnificent.” Tofu said as he stood beside his wife.

Mr Tendo too was taken aback by the size of the castle.

Akane was standing next to him.

Seras ran from the car and.

“God it’s good to be home.” She said.

“Ranma the master requests your presence and that of your family and friends in the conference room after we have settled your family and friends in.” Walter said.

Several servants were unloading the cars and bring their luggage into the castle.

“Please follow me.” Walter requested.

They entered the castle.

The various paintings and the largeness of the main hall awed all of them.

Just then Alucard appears from the above the stairs he stood there looking down at them.

He smiles and walked down the stairs.

“How do you do I am Alucard.” Alucard said bowing to them.

The whole group was awed by his dark aura surrounding him.

“How do you do.” Kasumi said breaking the silence.

“Ahh a pleasure.” Alukard smiled.

“I shall see you all later I have to report to my master.” With that he walks away.

“Who the heck was that he was radiating such a dark aura.” Genma said shivering.

“Yes he rivals even the master....” Suon added.

“That was Alucard he’s a vampire too.” Ranma explained.

“My he must be a powerful one I have not seen such a powerful and dark aura before.” Akane said sweating a bit and shivering.

“Don’t let Alucard get to you he is a nice person when you get to know him.” Walter said.

Seras couldn’t help herself as she started to giggle.

Ranma shrugged his shoulders and they were all brought to the conference room.

The door was opened and they went in Alucard and Integra were already inside.

“ Ahh please make yourself comfortable.” Integra said motioning them to sit.

“I am Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing. And welcome to my estate.” She introduced herself.

“I am very sorry at the inconvenience caused by your son’s involvement with us.” Integra said.

“But now he is an important part in our fight.” Integra said as she puffed at her cigar.

“As Ranma might have explained to you his involvement I am allowing you all to be housed in the estate to prevent any happening to you all that was part of the deal made with your son. After reading files on all of you. You all have very interesting past and very skilled at what you do. Mr Genma I hear that you are an excellent martial artist and your training of Ranma impresses me. Mr Tendo and you involvement with the Japan army during World War 2 as a major also intrigues me. It says that you and several hundred men were able to hold out a force larger then yourself for several days and you have been awarded many awards for your tactical mind and your ability to lead men.”

Tendo’s daughters looked at him.

That was something new to them.

“And madam Nadoka a master swords woman. According to file on you, you come from a line of famous swords master. A master with the katana.”

Nadoka bows at the compliment.

“Mr Tofu you are an enigma. You could have work in a large hospital but you turn that down to open your own practice. According to the files you are the only one in history of Japan’s medical universities to score the highest in all test scores and doctorates in medicine.”

Tofu smiled.

“Akane Tendo, you are no stranger to these happening to Ranma I see. Being kidnap and so on I see that you lead an extraordinary life you are also the instructor for your family dojo. A master in the arts as well.”

Integra continued puffing on her cigar as she reads the file.

She stands up and starts walking around the room.

“Ranma after the attack on you I have received word that our enemy is on the move. We do not have much time.” Integra said as she paces around the room.

“My daughter Nabiki.....” Soun suddenly remembers about his middle daughter.

“Do not worry Mr Tendo I have dispatched several of our operatives to get her here safely. Now Ranma we must plan for the battle. Mr Tendo your input will be most valuable.” Integra looked at Soun.

“Indirectly it your involvement during the war has come back to haunt us.” Integra said as she made her way to her seat.

Soun paled Genma looked at him sweating too.

His wife looked at him puzzled at her husband’s reaction.

“Oh Kami the Mobius project.” Soun said his face ashen as he said those words.

“But it’s impossible all the documents we sent over were destroyed when their lab was discovered!” Genma said.

“It seems other wise my friend what have we done....” Soun said sadly clenching his hands.

“I take it you two were involved in the project. You mentioned.” Integra said.

“What project Pop??” Ranma asked turning to his father.

“You see Ranma Soun and I were in the army when we were younger We were young and ambitious we were task to bring some important document to Germany.” Genma explained.

“But I thought you two were training with Happonsai??” Ranma asked shocked that his father was in the army.

“Well that was after we stashed him into the cave. We decided to join the army so that we can get away from him. It seems that we made a grave mistake.” Genma shook his head.

“It doesn’t matter any more. What I need now are more allies because I don’t know if we can hold out against an army of demons and undead.” Integra said as she sat down.

“......” the two were silent.

“I know why don’t we get the Shampoo and Cologne’s help??” Akane suggested.

“I’m pretty sure if they get to know about it they will probably help us?” She continued.

“She’s right if we can get them to help us that would be a boost.” Ranma agreed.

“But where do we find there two?” Integra asked.

“They are in China. In the mountainous region.” Ranma said.

“Good then you will leave immediately to bring them back.” Integra said.

“That would be a problem.” Ranma apprehensively said.

“Why?” Integra asked.

“Well I have to go to Hokkaido to look for a magic pearl.” Ranma answered.

“And what is the purpose of the pearl?” Integra asked arching her eye.

“According to the scroll I read it’s one of the powers that will enable me to seal Nobunaga’s soul again.” Ranma answered then showing the gauntlet arm to her.

“I got this and I am told that with this I can defeat Nobunaga.”

Integra looked at the gauntlet.

It opened it’s eye looked around then it closed again.

“Interesting....” Integra rubbed Her chin with a hand.

“Then who else can go and get the two people Akane mentioned?” Integra asked.

“I’ll go.” Tofu volunteered.

“Anyway I’m the only one here that doesn’t have a history with them.”

“Alright then good doctor you and Alucard will depart immediately for China. You have 2 days to get them back.” Integra said.

“And you Ranma Seras will assist you in your quest for the pearl. I want it found soon.” Integra As she stood up.

“Please excuse me while I go make the arrangement be ready to depart soon.” With that Integra left the room Alucard closing the door behind her.

Walter then steps forward.

“Will you all come with me.” Walter ask they all follow him to another room it was a dining room.

“I took the liberty of preparing something for all you all to eat. I am sure the trip here has made you all hungry.”

“Thanks Walter.” Ranma thanked as they all sat down to eat.

They ate quietly Seras had left the group saying that she needed to do something.

Ranma broke the silence

“So Pop want to tell us more about the project you two were involved in?” Ranma asked as he drank some juice.

Genma looked at Soun.

He nodded his head.

“Well son it was a top secret mission which me and Soun were involved during the war. We were suppose to gather everything about the mystic arts and bring them to Germany.” Genma explained. “We transported several crates full of ancient texts and scrolls on the supernatural. We thought that they were insane at the request boy were we wrong.”

Genma said then took a long sip of his drink.

“It was insane when we arrived at the secret lab we saw experiments conducted......... It was horrible ......” Suon said closing his eyes shuddering as the memories of past came back to him.

The group talked for awhile then Walter escorted them to their rooms.

Ranma was pacing the room, rereading the scroll again.

He sat down on to a chair and sighed.

“How do I get into these things...” Ranma shook his head.

“Ranma?” A voice called out.

“The door is open.” Ranma said.

In came Seras holding a large bag with her she placed the bag on to the table and turned to Ranma. “What the heck is in the bag??” Ranma asked as he walked over to the table.

“It’s some stuff I got from the armoury. Sir Integra said that you have to be equipped for the mission.” Seras said as she pulled out a black suit.

“This just came in from the R&D.” Seras passed the suit to Ranma.

“What’s this for...??” Ranma asked as he held the suit to his body.

“It’s a poly alloy ceramic fibre armour.” Seras explained.

“Huh??” Ranma scratched his head.

“It’s a body armour according to the techs this armour can take block cutting and stabbing weapons and certain types of rounds.” Seras starts to take out the stuff from the bag.

“Why don’t you go try it on. You can wear it under your clothing.” She said as she took out the stuff.

Ranma began to take off his shirt and pulled down his pants.

“Hey!!” Seras shouted at him.

“What??!!” Ranma looked at her as he pulled on the suit.

He felt uncomfortable with his boxers on so he took it off and pulled down his boxers his back facing Seras.

Seras had turned away here face blushing.

[God he has a nice body.] She managed to take a peek as Ranma pulled up the suit over his butt.

She swooned as Ranma pulled on the suit and pulled up the zip.

It was a sung fit.

He stretched himself trying to get a feel of the suit.

Then he started to put on his clothes.

“Man this is cool.” Ranma exclaimed as he examined the suit.

“ Here put these on.” Seras had turned around and passed Ranma webbing.

“What are these??” Ranma asked as he straps on the webbing.

“There’s a first aid kit and some other stuff on it. Here.” Seras passed Ranma a P-90 sub machine gun. “I don’t like guns....” Ranma said as he put the gun back to the table.

“ Sorry Ranma All Hellsing members have to carry a weapon. Any you don’t need to use it if you don’t like it. Think of it as a back up. Look maybe you might run into some one or a survivor you might want that person armed right.” Seras suggested as she handed the gun to Ranma.

Ranma reluctantly took the gun and put it into the holster behind his back.

Seras then passed his 3 magazines of bullets.

“The bullets are made of melted blessed silver crosses. It good a against Vampires and the undead.” She commented as took out a box from the bag and opens it.

There was an earpiece in it.

“This is your communication device.” Sears helps Ranma to put on.

“There all done.” Seras said as she took a step back to look at Ranma.

Just then Ranma’s mother came in.

“Hello Mrs Satome.” Seras greeted as Ranma’s mother walked in carrying a Katana.

“My son....” Nadoke stood before her son.

She was proud of her son she knew that here son would be great one day but she was afraid she is going to lose him.

She hugged him tightly.

Shedding some tears.

“Mum...” Ranma stammered then he held her in his arms.

Nadoka broke off and held out the katana.

“My son this sword has been in the family for many years. I pass it on to you. From what I know this sword belonged to a very famous samurai in our family. I hope it will be of use to you.” Nadoka said as she held out the sword to Ranma.

Ranma took the sword.

It was the same sword his mother always carried with her and it was the same sword, which almost ended his life because of the curse.

He took it with both hands.

“Be careful my son. Nadoka hugged him again then she left the room.

As she walked out the door she turned.

“Please take of him for me Seras.” Nadoka asked then she closed the door.

The two stood there not knowing what to say.

Then Walter came in.

“Ah I see that you are dressed master Ranma. Let’s go. Sir Integra has allowed us the use of the concord.” He said as he hurried the two out of the room.

“Alucard and Doctor Tofu will be also be with us and will stop over in China before you two proceed on to Japan.” Walter briefed them as they walked.

“Concord? I thought that they were retired and not in use anymore??” Ranma asked in surprise.

“Sir Integra bought two for use in this type of situations.” Walter explained as they went out the main door and into a waiting car.



Half an hour later they arrived at an airstrip.

There was a Concord on the runway getting ready to take off.

Seras and Ranma ran up the stair.

“Take care and good luck!” Walter shouted over the din and returned back into the car and drove off. The stairs were taken away and the concord taxied into the runway.

Alucard and Tofu were already seated.

Seras and Ranma took a seat as the plane got ready to take off.

A few minutes later the plane was in the air.

“This is your pilot speaking we will be arriving in China in 4 hours and Japan half an hour after.” The pilot announced.

Seras got up and went over to her master Alucard.

< Master it is getting harder and harder to be in control myself around Ranma...> Seras said trembling slightly.

Alucard smirked at her.

<Then do what you must then let yourself go. > Alucard said as he watched Ranma talking to Tofu. <But it will kill him or worst he will become like us.... > Seras said unwilling to succumb to her desires.

<Foolish one you can ask him for his blood from a cut you do not need to bite him in the neck.> Alucard shook his head

<Oh I did not think of that .> Seras said as she got up and walked over to the back to check on her things.

“It seems that Seras has taken a liking to you Ranma.” Tofu said.

“What...??”Ranma exclaimed face blushing madly.

“But doc she’s a vampire....” Ranma replied shaking his head.

He still has that knack for attracting women of every kind.

“Hmmm it would be interesting to see how you handle it.” Tofu teased Ranma.

“Ahhhhh....” Ranma cursed and got up and left for the toilet.

Tofu smiled [He has not changed much.....] then returned to reading his book.


4 hours later they landed in China.

Alucard and Tofu left the plane.

Then the plane took off again to head for Japan.

Ranma was still looking at the scrolls when Ako suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Where have you been??” Ranma asked. Looking at the small tengu.

“I went to met the other person who is wearing the gauntlet.” Ako answered as she took a seat on the rim of a glass.

“Where is this person anyway??” Ranma asked.

“Well I have good news he’s in Hokkaido also. And so are the pearls for him and you.” Ako said happily.

“That’s great I’ll go tell Seras.” Ranma got up and walked over to the rear compartment.

Ranma knocked on the door.

“Seras? Seras?” Ranma called out as he knocked on the door.

Ranma tried the handle and the door opened.

It was dimly lit inside the cabin.

He went in and closed the door.

He looked around.

His eyes adjusting to the dim lighting.

There was a large rectangular thing in the centre of the room.

Ranma realised that it was a coffin.

Ranma started to back away.

The lid to the coffin opened and Seras sat up yawning.

She got up and scratched her head and stretched herself.

[Got to change out of these clothes.] Seras thought as she sniffed herself.

She started to strip.

Taking off the top of her uniform and unzipping her dress letting it fall to the floor.

That’s went she heard someone swallow she turned to find Ranma standing there looking at her his hand to his nose.

She could smell blood.

[Oh god...... That smell...... ] Seras trembled as the aroma of Ranma’s blood washed over her.

Ranma turned and franticly tried to open the door but Seras was too fast as he opened the door she slammed the door shut.

Now she was standing next to Ranma her two hands against the door.

Ranma could feel Seras’s breast pressing against his back.

[I am going to be in a lot of trouble.......] Ranma shuddered as he felt Seras’s breath behind his neck. She was breathing heavily.

“It’s been too long.....” She moaned feeling the heat of Ranma’s hot body and the beating of Ranma’s heart.

The smell of his virgin blood was over powering.

“I must taste you.” Seras muttered as she turned Ranma around to face her.

Seras leaned her whole body on him.

Not allowing him to escape.

His nose was still dripping blood.

Seras licked her lips and used her tongue to lap at the blood around his upper lip.

“Oh god.” Seras moaned as the taste of the flood her body.

She could feel the changes in her body as the blood diffused into her body.

Alucard her master had said that the blood of virgins increases the powers of a vampire.

She did not believe him at first but now she was not so sure.

She continued to lap at the blood like a cat lapping at milk.

Ranma was having a hard time controlling his body as Seras’s body pressed against him.

Her breasts crushing against his chest.

Ranma lets out a soft moan he was losing control of himself.

His hands grabbed on to Seras’s behind and start to squeeze them.

Pushing Seras’s body closer to him and starts to rub his now hard erection on her.

Suddenly Seras came out of her blood lust as she felt Ranma’s hard erection rubbing on her crotch.

She was getting wet down there too.

She moaned as Ranma rubbed her body against his harder.

Seras looked at Ranma he had his eyes closed he was enjoying feeling her body against his.

Seras then starts to kiss Ranma on the mouth.

Ranma’s eyes snaps open in shock as Seras kissed his passionately.

Her hands behind his head.

Seras pushed her tongue into his mouth looking for his.

Ranma picks it up and a start to use his tongue to dance with her’s in his mouth.

Ranma’s tongue ventured into her mouth too and got too close to her fangs.

Ranma grimaced in pain as he feels his tongue get cut by the fangs.

Seras was in heaven as the taste of the blood flooded her mouth Seras wanted more.

She sucks on Ranma’s bleeding tongue letting the blood flow into her mouth.

The two starts to slowly slide on to the floor.

Ranma hands found their way to her breast and start to squeeze on them.

“Ohhhhhhhh......” Seras moaned as Ranma fondled with her breast.

She rips away her bra letting Ranma have more access to them.

She starts to tear at Ranma’s clothing wanting to feel his body on her.

The suit was in the way Seras moaned in frustration as Ranma broke away from the kiss and unzips the suit and pulls it away from his body.

[Oh god he looks so good.] Seras moaned as the sight of Ranma’s naked body drove her deeper in to lust.

Seras looked at Ranma’s erection.

[He is big.] Seras eyes opened in amazement. Ranma continued to kiss her and fondle her breast.

On of his hands managed to find it’s way to her now wet entrance.

Seras moaned as Ranma’s fingers played with the lips.

Rubbing on it sending shivers up her back.

[Oh kami this can’t be happening to me] Ranma pulled on Seras’s nipple.

“Ohhh.” Seras moaned as Ranma pulled on her nipple. Suddenly, <Miss Victoria we have landed. Is Mr Satome with you?> A voice called from behind the door.

Seras head snapped up her mind reeling.

<Yes Ranma is in side with me. We’ll be coming out as soon as we clear the things in here.> Seras lied stifling a moan as Ranma slipped a finger into her hot wet vagina .

“Ranma we got to stop or they will get suspicious.” Seras said as she pulled away from Ranma.

Seras whimper as Ranma took his fingers out from her vagina they were all wet and covered with her juices.

She then pull Ranma up and kissed him again.

“We’ll continue this later alright?” Seras said as she turned to get something to wear.

“What the heck am I going to do with this.” Ranma asked pointing to his hard erection.

It was going to be a pain squeezing it into the suit.

Seras sighed.

“Alright but promise me we’ll do this properly later.” Seras said as she walked over to Ranma. Standing behind him her breast on his back she took hold of Ranma’s erection and starts to pump it. “Oh Kami....” Ranma threw his head back moaning with pleasure as Seras masturbated him with her hand.

After a while Seras could feel Ranma’s erection spasm and his body shudder as he shot out his seed. Seras pumped and pumped on his erection till it stops squirting.

Her fingers were all covered with his seed.

She took a lick and starts to lick her hand clean of Ranma’s seed.

“Hmmmm delicious.” Seras said as she went back to wear her clothes.

Ranma tried to clean himself up as best as he could and pulls on his suit.

His clothing was in tatters.

“Seras what am I going to wear....” Ranma asked holding up his clothing.

“Sorry Ranma.” Seras apologised and takes out a box and throws it over to Ranma.

“Sir Integra asked me to give this to you.”

Ranma grabs it and opens it.

It was a Hellsing uniform with his name stitched on the front.

Ranma quickly puts on the uniform and pulls a pair of boots.

Then the two exited the cabin.

The crew of the plane had already exited from the plane.

It was evening and the sun had just set over the horizon.

Seras lingered at the door as the sun disappeared from view before leaving the plane.

Ranma was already at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Seras to come.

A black Humvee with tainted windows was waiting for them.

The driver got out.

“Welcome to Japan Miss Victoria.” He greeted.

“I have arranged for everything. Your equipment and supplies are in the hummer here are the keys and the location various safe houses in the area.”

The man handed Seras an envelope and the keys to the Humvee.

“Good luck.” With that the man turned and left.

“Come on lets go.” Seras called out to Ranma as she gets into the hummer.

Once inside Ako came out of her hiding place in Ranma’s bag.

“So where to Ako?” Ranma asked.

“Hmm let me try to remember the name of the place first.” Ako said putting a finger on her fore head and starts to think.

“I got it. It’s a place called Uchchan’s.” Ako finally said.

“ Uchchan’s.......” Ranma’s eyes were wide.

“You have to be joking.....” Ranma asked not believing what he had just heard.

“You know the place?” Seras asked curious.

“No but I think I know the owner I think...” Ranma said gathering his thoughts.

“That’s great. Then it will be easier to convince them to join us.” Seras happily said as she takes out a GPS and starts to look fore the place.

Ranma shook his head.

“Ukyou.....” Ranma whispered the name.

“Got it, its a few kilometres from here.” Seras said as she started the engine and they were off.



Author’s notes:


Sorry to get this chapter up so late. I lost the files when my computer died on me.

Well I’m back and not to worry the next chapter will be out along with this chapter.

Thanks to everyone for the views and comments.

I’ll try harder to get the next few chapters up faster.

Hope you guys like the pairing between Ranma and Seras. (It might change, as Ranma is a girl magnet.)

If you people want to insert any ideas in to the story please feel free to leave your ideas or comments.

More to come in the later chapters so look out for it see you all soon.