Lovers Emerald Lemon
By Alex Pienkoss
Three months have passed since Ranma and Brianna got out of the Emerald. Ranma was starting to fit into his new life style at the Diggers’ House hold. Ranma is staying with Brianna and her sisters at their house. Not only is Ranma learning new things from the Diggers and friends, but he is also trained under Julia. Life was good for Ranma Saotome.
Ranma was walking back towards the household from the Digger Mansion. Bang up and beaten, Ranma once again learned that training under Julia is not an easy task.
[Man, three months under Sensei’s training and I still can’t beat her.] Ranma thought with a smile, [At least she keeps pushing me and encouraging me on.]
Where Genma puts him down in every training, Julia encourages him onward, even past his limit.
[I’m really enjoying myself here.] Ranma thought with a smirk.
He reaches the house and unlocks the door.
“I’m home!!” Ranma calls out.
With no answer, Ranma walks into the kitchen and finds a note on the counter.
“Ranma, went out shopping. Be back in a bit. Signed Gina, Britanny and Brianna.” Ranma read the note out loud, “P.S Lunch is ready on the table.”
Ranma puts the note aside and saw the Saotome quaintly lunch on the table. With the growl of his stomach, he sat down and eat at his usually way.
A few minutes later, Ranma finishes eating and puts the dishes in the sink. It was then that he noticed a note on the table. Ranma picks up the note and reads it.
“If you enjoy lunch, then you will enjoy a treat in our room. Signed Brianna.”
Curious, Ranma heads up the stairs and headed towards a door that read, ‘Ranma and Brianna’s Lovely Suite.’
Ranma knocks on the door, “Brianna?”
Not hearing anything, Ranma opens the door and walks inside. The room was lighted dimly and had rose peddles on the ground and bed.
“Well this is new.” Ranma said to himself.
As he walks towards the bed, he hears the door closing and the sounds of a light giggle.
“Good to see you home dear.”
He turned to see Brianna in a bathrobe, smiling at him with love and a look of ‘hunger’.
“I thought that you were out with Gina and Britanny.” Ranma said with a hit of nervous.
“I decided to stay home and stay some time with you alone.”
She smiles at him and walks towards him, hips moving from side to side. She wraps her arms around his neck and leans closer to him.
“You don’t mind do you?”
Ranma smiles and wraps his arms around her waist, “Never.”
They kissed each other with as much passion they can mutters up at that moment. When it came time for air, they broke apart but their faces still close to each other.
“I see that you enjoyed the lunch I made for you.” Brianna said.
“It was very good Bri-chan.” Ranma said with a smile.
“Well, I think you are ready for some ‘desert’. Brianna said with a catty grin.
She steps back and removes her bathrobe. Her womanly body is revealed to Ranma’s eyes. Her long blonde hair that reached her back, her left eye stripe with sparkling green eyes, her naked ample chest, her trimmed stomach, her other lips with natural blonde public hair, and her long and strong legs. If she turned around, he would also see a supple butt.
Though Ranma has see and made love to Brianna many times before, he still blushes in shyness.
“Um… well…. I wouldn’t mind…..”
Brianna smirks happily and gently pushes Ranma on the bed. She lands on top of him with a bounce.
“You are still adorable Ran-chan.”
She kisses him with lover’s intention. Ranma closes his eyes and returns the kiss with much vigor. They both moan in pleasure as their body temperatures continue to raise. Ranma’s hands travel up to her breast and gently message them, rubbing on the hardening nipple.
“Ohhh Ranchan…” Brianna moaned.
Brianna’s hands did not idle as she moves her hands up and down his chest through the Gi’s opening. She unties the straps and the Gi falls to the ground.
Taking action, Ranma rolls Brianna over with her on her back and him on top. Ranma then kisses along her jaw line and down her neck, biting gently on her shoulder. Brianna cooed as she closed her eyes in absolute pleasure. Ranma continues to trail kiss down in the valley of her breast and down to her navel. With a smirk, Ranma licks Brianna’s stomach, causing her to laugh.
“Ranma….Ha Ha Ha…. You know….. *giggles*….. I’m tickles….. Hahahahaha……there!!!”
Teasing her for abit, Ranma continues his kisses and stops in front of her pussy. A small trail of cream spills out from the opening as Ranma smelled a husky sent.
Without a word of warning, Ranma licks from the bottom of her slit to the top. Brianna moans loudly as her body heats up. Ranma then spreads out her outer lips and proceeds to eat her out. Brianna nearly screamed out in pleasure as she wrapped her legs around his shoulders and placed her hands on his head.
“Oh Yes!!! I love how you work with your tongue!!”
Ranma smirks as he hears Brianna’s praises. He then speeds it up to Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken speed and licked ever single places. Brianna’s eyes snap wide open as her pants become quicker.
[My god!! So fast!!!!]
She screamed out as pleasure washed over her. As she came, Ranma licked every single drop.
“That was some good ‘dessert’ Bri-chan.” Ranma said with a smile.
“Ran-chan… Please….”Brianna moaned out with lust clouded her eyes, “I need you in me!”
Ranma stands up and removes his pants and boxers at the same time. His manhood, fully aroused, springs free from its tight prison. Brianna’s dazed eyes locked on to the ‘stallion’. She crawls on her hand and knees towards him. Returning the favor, Brianna takes in Ranma’s manhood in her mouth without warning.
“Bri-chan…” Ranma moans as he gently place his hands on Brianna’s head.
Brianna smirks as she licks his length. She deep throats him as she bobs her head as much as she could. Ranma continues to moan as he instinctively thrusts his hips forward. Brianna decides to step it up a as she massage his nut shack.
“Brianna…… I’m….. I’m……” Ranma moaned as sweat poured from his body.
Deciding to make him come, Brianna uses her other free hand and use two fingers to tease his rosebud.
That teasing was the trigger that caused Ranma to come hard. Brianna drinks every single drop as she were lost in a desert for weeks.
“That was great Bri-chan.” Ranma said in heavy breathes.
“Well my big strong Ranma,” Brianna said in a cute voice, “That was only the beginning!”
She gently pushes him back on the bed and lays above him again. They kiss again with the same passion and hunger like before. Brianna impales herself on to Ranma’s still harden manhood.
“OH GOD YES!!!” She yelled as she broke the kiss for a second.
Ranma moans in pleasure as he is surrounded by a pleasant warmth. They resume kissing, hips thrusting and counter thrusting in perfect harmony. Pleasure filled them both as their souls touched one another, increasing their already strong bond. Sweat increased as their bodies become hotter and hotter. Very soon they reached the high point of their love making.
“RANMA!!!!!” Brianna yelled as her walls clamped down on Ranma, milking him for his seeds.
“BRIANNA!!!!” Ranma yelled as he unloaded his seeds into Brianna’s womb.
They both breathed heavily as they climb down from cloud nine. Brianna laid on top of Ranma and rested her head on Ranma’s chest. Ranma wraps his arms around Brianna in a loving embrace.
“No matter how many times we have done it, it is always fanatics Bri-chan.” Ranma said in a whisper.
“I know what you mean Ran-chan.” Brianna said happily.
They both look at each other and kissed lightly on the lips.
“I love you Ranma.”
“I love you too Brianna.”
The End.
(wipes sweat from forhead) Okay that was my first lemon I have ever done before. Now to explain to the people at Adult Fanfiction, this is from my series on I put this party here because of the strict rules and such. To learn about what is going on and what not, go to and search of APienkoss.
Hope you enjoyed this and maybe more.