Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? - Nerima Style!: Chapter 6

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: Nerima Style

Chapter 6

At the Same Time as When Belit and Sekhmet Were on Their Way to the Neko Hanten

“You know, Mother,” Rangda suddenly suggested to the Queen of Darkness as the two walked down the streets of Nerima in the opposite direction as the other two goddesses. “Perhaps Father wasn’t quite as big an idiot as I thought he was for this whole debacle.”

Erzulie smiled as she saw the stares of appreciation she and her beautiful daughter were receiving from the mortals as they approached their destination. Men! She thought with happy contempt. They’re always so easy to manipulate! Aloud she asked, “And why do you say that, Daughter?”

“Fear! Hatred! Desire! Loneliness! Angst! Frustration! This place is just chock full of possibilities!” The demoness in schoolgirl form hopped up and down, hugging herself in pleasure. “Just from sitting in that room I could practically taste their energies pouring into me! Imagine if I were to actually...!” Rangda again hugged herself in wicked joy.

The Queen of Evil smiled again at her daughter’s pleasure before cautioning, “That’s true, dear, but don’t forget your new fiancé’s...nature. It won’t be as easy as you seem to think. Especially with that frigid bitch and her cunt daughter here!” Erzulie’s gorgeous face suddenly twisted into a snarling mask of hatred, before she relaxed and it assumed its usual perfection.

“I know, Mother. I know,” The Goddess of Lust replied with tired patience. “But I’ve handled that flat-chested war whore before-“

“Not every time,” Erzulie noted.

“And I can do it again,” Rangda continued, ignoring her mother’s interruption. “As for dear Ranma’s nature...Well, that’s the wonderful thing! I don’t have to do anything about it at all. I simply need to loosen a few of his...inhibitions and then let things fall where they may!”

Erzulie smiled and shook her head slightly at her daughter’s optimism, obviously thinking it wouldn’t be quite so simple, but she said nothing. Finally it was Rangda who broke the silence again, “So, Mother. What exactly are you holding back from me? I know you’re planning something so why don’t you just fill me in?”

“I simply want to help out my dear little daughter,” Erzulie said with sweet sincerity, arousing immediate doubt in the other goddess’s mind as she knew her mother all too well. “So I thought we might recruit some local assistance for you and here’s where we’re going to do it.”

Rangda looked at where the two demonesses had stopped, directly in front of a pair of huge, wooden double doors set in a gigantic stone wall that stretched far off in either direction. Peering at the gold plaque set into the doors she read out loud, “Kuno Estate; Beggars, Salespeople and other Uninvited Intruders will be Beheaded.” Below that was a taped on paper edition which she also read. “My Beloved Akane Tendo and Fiery Pig-Tailed Girl are always invited!” Then scrawled under that in different handwriting was, “As is my Handsome Ranma-sama!!” Finally there were a series of competing notes: “Is not!” “Is too!” “Is not!” “Is too!” that stretched all the way to the foot of the doors. The Princess of Darkness looked at her mother skeptically, “Are you sure about this, Mother?”

“Just come along, dear,” With that Erzulie turned and simply walked right through thick wooden doors, soon followed by her doubting daughter. The two evil goddesses ignored the various traffic accidents and confused consternation their abilities caused in the street behind them.

Upon entering the extensive grounds that housed the Kuno mansion, the two demonesses found themselves strolling along a paved road that wound through clumps of trees toward a gigantic house that was mostly built in traditional Japanese styles, but had a few outer buildings that utilized European architecture. The two goddesses decided to ignore the indirect road, however, and cut directly through the lush yard toward their goal. A few steps off the road they were pounced on by a pair of snarling tigers, but a sharp gesture from Erzulie hurled them away to land with a thunderous splash in a lake. As the yowling cats began swimming out of their unexpected location, they were set upon by a huge alligator. Soon the air was filled with roars of pain and anger, the sounds of claws and teeth ripping at flesh, and sprays of water and blood.

“Rather pleasant, isn’t it Mother?” Rangda observed while a sheet of deadly arrows shattered against an invisible shield she had created in front of her. “It’s almost like home in some ways.”

“Indeed, dear,” Erzulie agreed, whizzing, poison-tipped darts sparking off her own shield. “Or, the best they can do on this pitiful mud hole at any rate. Oh! What’s this?”

Bounding toward the two was a diminutive man clad in the dark clothes of a ninja. As he landed nimbly in front of them he produced a slightly curved short sword and demanded, “Who are you? How dare you invade the noble House of Kuno?!”

“I’m the Queen of Pain, little man,” Erzulie explained sweetly, even as her magic tightly bound her opponent, squeezing him until he cried out in agony and dropped his weapon. “And I dare whatever I want. Now it’s your turn. You’re going to take us where we want to go or I’ll crush you into bloody paste. How does that sound?” She tightened her grip to make her point.

“I’ll-URRK!!!-I’ll never aid you!”

“Let me handle it, Mother,” Rangda suggested, strutting in front of their sweating, pale-faced prisoner. “Now let’s see what we have here.” A slight twirl of her index finger caused the man’s head covering to unravel and fall to the ground revealing his face to the Infernal interlopers. Rangda gave a moue of distaste, “Not really my type at all. Oh well...” Reaching out with her right hand she lightly scratched a complicated sigil on his forehead that glowed a deep crimson briefly, then sank back into the man’s skull. When it did so, Erzulie let her magic binds fade away, dropping him to the ground where he twitched and spasmed repeatedly.

When the final quivering had died away, the Goddess of Lust spoke, “So, what is your name, little man?”

“Sasuke, Mistress.” The ninja’s voice was lighter than normal and somewhat toneless.

“And what is your job here?”

“I am in charge of the estate’s defenses, Mistress. In addition, I provided services for the young master and mistress.”

“Very well then,” Erzulie took over from her daughter. “Take us to Mistress Kuno.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

The two goddesses followed the beglamoured ninja, not showing any particular hurry as he led them into the house and down numerous hallways. At one point, however, a sudden voice caused them to halt.

“Sasuke! Where have you been! I’ve been looking everywhere for you, you useless peon!!” Striding toward them was a handsome teenager with thick, curly brown hair. He was dressed in dark blue, traditional kendo training garb and in his hand was a wooden bokuto. “Sasuke!” The young man began to bellow again toward his unresponsive servant when he noticed the two women trailing the ninja. “But wait! What is this?! Two more goddesses who have come to proclaim their love for me?!! Ah, Tatewaki Kuno!! You devilish rascal, you!”

While Kuno primped and posed, Rangda raised an eyebrow at her mother who simply shrugged in return. Given permission to act, the Highest of the Succubi cast away her mortal guise and assumed her natural shape of an ebony demoness. Kuno was so busy declaiming his many wonders, from his point of view, that he didn’t even notice what had changed until her clawed hand wrapped tightly around his throat and pulled his thrashing body toward her. He slashed at her with his wooden training sword until she burned it to ash with only a glance of her eyes. Then he could only hold onto the slender wrist on the arm that had lifted him bodily off the ground while those very same eyes regarded him closely.

<Eeeewwww!> Rangda complained. <This mortal is even worse than the little one!> Her delicate senses probed the soul and aura of Kuno, finding it repulsive in every way. <And here I thought I was going to get to have some fun!>

<Either do it or don’t, Daughter.> Erzulie commanded her, also speaking the Divine Language. <Time is passing and we have things to do.>

<Well, I wish you’d tell me what exactly it is that we are doing here.> The Succubus grumbled before turning her attention back to the teenager dangling from her claws. <And I’m certainly not going to do anything with this one!>

<Then mind-wipe him and let’s move on. No, wait! Don’t mind-wipe him, you’re probably going to be spending a lot of time here in the future.> The Dark Lady ignored her daughter’s questioning look and pursed her lips in thought. <You’d best mark him for the future.>

Rangda sighed at the lack of information from her mother, but did as she said. Her black talon swiftly sketched a different glyph than the one she had used on Sasuke and the seizure that accompanied it was much more severe, causing a smile of cruel pleasure to appear on the demoness’s face. Eventually, however, Kuno seemed to recover although he was clearly still dazed. He obeyed without a word when he was ordered to return to his room and sleep until morning, though.

“I’m going to have to keep an eye on that one,” The Princess of Hell noted as she returned to her form of a blonde schoolgirl. “He’s too stupid and crazy for the sigil to be permanent.”

By the time she finished speaking the trio had arrived in front of an ornately decorated pair of doors. “Mistress Kodachi’s quarters, Mistresses,” Sasuke bowed to the goddesses.

“Very well, be on your way, mortal,” Erzulie commanded with a flick of her wrist. “Go about your normal duties, but stay away from here no matter what until tomorrow. And ignore any...sounds or disturbances from this area. Go!”

“Yes, Mistress.” In moments the two demonesses were left alone in the corridor. With a flicker of a smile, the Queen of Pain pushed open the doors without bothering to knock.

“Who dares?!” Kodachi Kuno shrieked as she was surprised in the midst of kissing a life-sized cut-out figure of Ranma Saotome. Her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and rage as her gymnastics ribbon popped into view in her hand and she strode across the huge length of her luxurious bedroom to the two strangers who had just burst into her domain. “I don’t know who you two are, but you’re going to pay for this effrontery!!”

This time it was Erzulie who shrugged out of her mortal guise, a wave of heat distortion enveloping her until she assumed her true, demonic shape. Well over eight feet tall, she was even more wickedly beautiful to look upon and her hair was still a glowing shade of red, but now even longer, trailing down her back to brush against the floor. Her skin tone was the complete opposite of her daughter’s, a totally pale white that made her hair seem even brighter. No clothes obscured her body’s voluptuous curves, beyond any mortal woman’s, nor did Erzulie have any visible wings or horns as Rangda did. The Queen of Hell did, however, have two, long, thin, pointed, elongated ears whose tips poked out of her luxurious hair and a smooth, flexible tail that sprouted from just above her perfect backside.

Kodachi, confronted with the sudden appearance of this hellishly beautiful creature, dropped her ribbon and began backing up her mouth opening and closing soundlessly. There was no escape from the demonesses, however, and a quick hooking motion from the white goddess resulted in Kodachi hanging in the air in the middle of her own bedroom. Another gesture and the rich girl’s expensive, designer clothes were completely torn from her body, leaving her naked and defenseless before the two intruders. The teenager’s screams of fright and anger brought no response other than smiles from her tormentors.

“She’s cute, Mother!” Rangda opined as she also shifted to her true form. “Definitely much better than her brother.” She reached forward to delicately run one clawed fingertip down Kodachi’s face, then cupped one of the girl’s perky breasts with the same hand, ignoring the howls of protest this brought. Squeezing it gently, lovingly she purred to the captive teen, “You and I are going to have a lot of fun together, sweetie. A lot of fun!”

“Daughter, this is Kodachi Kuno,” Erzulie mock introduced, cupping the Black Rose’s other breast. “She’s been sending me a number of requests for aid lately, haven’t you dearie? Help with one Ranma Saotome?”

Kodachi abruptly stopped her screaming and lay in the air silently for a few moments, simply panting to regain her breath as she looked over the two demonesses who were erotically stroking her body. “Y-Y-You’re Erzulie, then?” She eventually managed to get out and when the white demoness nodded and smiled, exposing extra long and sharp canines, the teenager looked at the black one. “So, you’re Rangda?” The Succubus nodded her agreement and looked over her captive hungrily. “I-if you’re hear to answer my calls to you, then, then...?”

“Then why are you bound up like this?” Erzulie asked. When Kodachi nodded her eyes full of fear, but also hope and desire, she went on; “Because we’re not here in answer to your prayers, honey. Not directly. You see, you didn’t have enough power to bring us to this plane directly, but,” The Queen of Torment stepped in close, her large breasts burning with warmth where they pressed into Kodachi’s body, the demoness’s breath hot on the girl’s cheek. “But I can give you that power, Kodachi. I can make your dreams come true. You can marry Ranma Saotome. I swear it. With our aid.”

“What do I have to do,” Kodachi panted, as her lust began welling up within her. Lust for power. Lust for control. Lust for Ranma-sama. Lust for these evil, gorgeous visions in front of her.

“Ah! She’s a smart one!” Rangda commented happily as she too pressed in close to the teenager, one of her clawed fingers beginning to toy around near the entrance to the girl’s vagina. Not penetrating it, but coming ever so close to it. “She knows nothing comes without a...price.” She extended her long, flexible tongue and let it brush against Kodachi’s neck and flick ever so lightly into her ear, forcing a squeal from the girl.

“Hmm, everything has a price,” Agreed Erzulie, rubbing her impossibly soft and smooth body up against the black-haired gymnast’s.

“Wh-What do you want?” Kodachi gasped. “Money? Influence? Anything! Name it! Aaahhhhhnnnnooooooo!!!” She groaned in denial as the two goddesses stepped away from her body to stand before her once again.

“We want your service, Kodachi,” Erzulie explained with a vicious grin. “Your complete and willing obedience to our will. A pledge of loyalty and devoted service out of your own free will and choice.”

“We could of course compel your cooperation with magic,” Rangda went on. “As we’ve done with your idiot brother and manservant, but that option has its...limitations. We would much prefer to have an open-eyed, free-thinking retainer; one who will never want to betray us or our goals.”

Kodachi licked her lips nervously as her grey eyes slid from goddess to goddess. “I will have power?” She asked, her voice husky with need and desire. “I-I-I will have Ranma-sama?”

“You will indeed,” The Temptress promised seductively. “I will train you myself, in all the Infernal arts. Whatever skills you think you have now, pale to nothingness to the abilities I can teach you in a single day. And should you swear yourself to us, I promise that you will marry Ranma Saotome within a year from this day.”

Kodachi’s eyes flared with hunger, “I-!”

“Wait!” Erzulie stepped in, interrupting the girl before she could say anything more. “Before you choose, know this: Yes, we will grant you power, but you will always be below us. Yes, you will have control, but we will have even more control over your entire existence. Yes, you will have Ranma Saotome as your husband, but he will also marry my daughter. Think on these things, Kodachi Kuno and then make your decision.” With a wave of her hand, the Queen of the Infernal Realm surrounded the Black Rose in the darkness she loved so well. Within this black shield, all of Kodachi’s senses were cut off from the outside world, leaving her to ponder her future.

<I fell in easily enough with your plan, once I realized what you wanted,> Rangda said as the two demonesses conjured a pair of comfortable chairs to relax in. <But would you mind letting me know why we’re bothering?>

Erzulie looked at her daughter for a moment before she shook her head in disappointment. <Rangda dear, weren’t you paying attention when you were looking at your future husband?>

<Mmm, I sure was! He’s got a nice body, and->

<Not that, you fool!> The Dark Lady hissed in anger. <I could smell it all over him! And the way that bitch Belit acted when she heard his name...>

<Well, then...What is it?!>

<Amazons!! Those fucking, stupid, pain in the ass Chinese Amazons the cunt and her daughter are always looking out for! I guarantee you right now they’re recruiting a bunch of those little shits to help them out!>

<Fuck! Those...> Rangda’s curses were foul and inventive even for the Devil’s daughter. <If those bastards are around, then we’re going to need more than just one little rich girl...Do you have anyone else in mind, Mother?>

<A couple, a couple,> Erzulie admitted with a wicked smile. <One in particular I want you to look into. I wasn’t able to get much on her because of your fiancé’s fucked up influence on everything, but...> A crimson rectangle flared to life before the mother and daughter and they were soon caught up in a conversation over its details and their meanings. Over twenty minutes passed before the Queen of Hell allowed the magically summoned screen to fade away. <Well, let’s see what our Black Rose has to say, shall we?>

When the shield of darkness was swept away, Kodachi Kuno was revealed, her lovely, naked body dripping with sweat and tears running down her face. As soon as she was able to blink the bright light away from her eyes, she immediately began babbling. “I’ll do it! I’ll do it! Whatever you desire, whatever you need, I’ll do it! Take me! Fill me with your power and I’ll do anything for you! I’ll swear any oath you wish, make any promise you demand!!”

The two demonesses smiled evilly at one another as their newest servant continued to beg to be taken into their fold. They let Kodachi go on for several minutes before the magical bonds holding her were dispelled, letting her fall into a crumpled heap on the soft carpet of her bedroom. From that position, Rangda’s night-dark clawed hand reached down to grab the teenager’s sweaty black hair and pull her upright, her head pointed straight up to the ceiling. Looming over the much smaller girl, the Highest of the Succubi hissed, “And now, Kodachi Kuno. Now you will learn what it is to serve the Goddess of Lust!!” The demoness’s face moved down and she violently kissed the Black Rose, who only moaned with pleasure.

All that night while Sasuke was performing his rounds, checking the perimeter and looking for intruders, he seemed to hear the strangest shrieks coming from Mistress Kodachi’s wing in the mansion. But every time he moved to investigate them an odd lassitude swept over him and he forgot about them. It was only with the dawn that the hoarse, broken, almost gurgling voice of the lady of the house was quieted.

Author’s Notes

Hmm...That took a lot longer than expected. Oh well. At any rate, here are a few notes for everyone to think of while they wait the undoubtedly long time before I update this story again.

First I’d like to explain about the mermaid flesh and its role in my story. As I mentioned at the beginning, I got the idea from Shadowbakasama’s story Ranma Crossing Over to the Wild Side. Before I read that story, I’d already had the idea of Ranma getting two more fiancées, one from heaven and one from hell. Actually, all of my stories basically begin with an image of a scene that pops into my head somehow. If the scene is interesting enough, I start to think about what happened up to that point, and what might happen next. When things seem to be going well and I’m interested in what I’ve dreamed up so far, I start writing. In this case, my first image was basically the scene between Zeus and Beelzebub that took place in chapter 2. It was funny to me, so I started thinking about it more and eventually got close to the point that I was going to begin putting it down onto paper. Well, electrons I guess.

Anyway, I was fairly happy with the ideas I was having, but I felt like something was missing. It was at this point that I read Shadowbakasama’s story, which used mermaid flesh to make Ranma immortal. It struck just the right note with me and seemed to fill in the story gap that was bothering me.

Now, I’ve never seen or read any of the Mermaid’s Scar anime or manga. All the information I’ve gotten has come from fairly brief searches on the Internet. I know I’ve changed quite a few things about the effects of eating mermaid flesh from the source material. For example, I’ve made the chances of becoming immortal much smaller than seems to have been the case originally. Also, I’m sure my explanation of how it works, its physical and mental effects on the body, and many other things are quite different from how Rumiko Takahashi wrote about them. To be honest, though, I’m not really concerned about it. I needed something that fit my story and this seemed to do it. If it really bothers you, you can email me and describe everything I’ve gotten wrong, but I really doubt I’ll change anything.

On the same note, my use of the various gods’ and goddesses’ names is, I’m sure, full of mistakes. For example, Belit’s full name is really Belit-Ilani and Erzulie’s is Erzulie Dantor (apparently the dark aspect of the good goddess Erzulie). In their cases, I wanted to shorten their names, because I was going to be using them a lot, and using the full name was cumbersome. Also, I didn’t want to use the same old Greco-Roman or Norse god names, so I basically just looked up the gods and goddesses of different regions focusing on two points. The first was that the description of the god’s role and areas of expertise basically kinda fit the area those beings would be concerned with in my story. The second was that the names themselves be interesting and unusual without sounding too crazy or dorky. If anyone out there is an actual worshipper of one of these religions and finds themselves deeply insulted and offended by my misappropriation...Well, too bad. Again, feel free to email me and express your displeasure or correct my many errors, but don’t expect any changes.

On the point of emails and comments, I strongly encourage them. I like to hear what you all have to say, even if I may not agree with it. So if you notice a grammatical mistake, some error in characterization, or anything else that’s bothering you, please pass it along. Compliments, of course, are also gratefully accepted!

Finally, I’ve had a few people offer their services as a pre-reader and /or offer a writing team-up. While I appreciate the interest and the offers, I have to say that I prefer working on my own. I tend to write in spurts as time and interest coincide with long periods of drought in between, so I feel that writing with another person would only slow my already snail-like pace of production. But again, please do email me with any requests, comments, criticisms, etc. that strike you.

Until next time.

Null Factor