By Bing

Part Three: Lovers

Chapter 16 – Affairs of the Heart

Written by Bing and Kalaong

"A love affair is better than a loveless marriage..."

Drake Newman, Through A Glass Wall

The sun rose to meet the morning sky as Akane gazed out from the window in her room. She had been standing there for what seemed like forever, trying to search for an answer for the question that kept her awake for the past few hours.

As Akane turned away from the window, her eyes went down to the floor where she saw pieces of clothing that had been discarded, triggering every detailed memory of how they got there in the first place.

She glanced up and saw Ranma sleeping on the bed. Her bed. His bare chest heaved up and down matching his breathing. Akane couldn’t help but smile. To watch him sleep was a vision she thought she would never see again.

He looks so peaceful, she thought. I’d hate to wake him up.

Her eyes slowly wandered down from his handsome face, his broad chest, his muscular arms, and then they stopped at his hands, which clutched the white sheet that covered the rest of his body. Akane saw something sparkle on his left hand.

His wedding ring.

Akane’s smile faded. Last night all she ever thought of was that she wanted to be with Ranma. Not even thinking twice about his wife Michiko. Not even thinking twice about the consequences of tomorrow.

And now tomorrow was here, and that same burning question returned to her mind.

Now what?

Ranma stirred slowly from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he discovered that he was in an unfamiliar yet cozy territory. The he saw Akane standing there in her bathrobe, looking at him. Ranma smiled at the sight of her. For awhile, he thought of pinching himself, thinking it was only a dream.

"Hi," he said.


Ranma stretched and sat up. "What time is it?"

"It’s past seven."

Ranma blinked and widened his eyes, pushing the sleepiness away. "Oh, the class." He got up and picked up his clothes from the floor.

As Akane watched him dress, she said, "I didn’t make any breakfast."

He turned to her, a little surprised.

"I thought if you stayed longer...well, it wouldn’t be wise. The children will be coming with their parents soon. We don’t want them to think that..." She trailed off.

Slowly, he nodded, not sure if he wants to understand this or not. "Oh, sure."

Akane looked down nervously at her feet. "Well..."

Ranma was not certain if he should kiss her or not since she seemed so distant and sad. "Akane..."


He stood in front of her and took her hands. "I want you to know that I would never trade anything for what we had last night. And I meant it when I said that I love you."

She gave him a smile, but her eyes were still sad. "I know."

He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. "Well, I’ll see you at the dojo."

Then he walked out, closing the door behind him.

Oh, what have I done?


The phone was already in its fifth ring when Ranma stepped inside his house. He rushed to pick it up.


"Darling, it’s me."

Ranma’s eyes shot wide. Michiko!

"Hi, " greeted Ranma in a forced cheer.

"Darling, where were you? I’ve been calling you."

"I was...I was with Akane."


""It’s true. I spent the night with her."

"Ranma, you bastard!"

Ranma could hardly breathe, and then he heard her voice say, "Ranma? Hello? Are you there?"

He closed his eyes, realizing that the conversation took place in his mind. Man, get a grip! "Uh, yeah, I’m here. Sorry. Guess I’m still a little sleepy."

Oh, man, you liar!

"I see. Why didn’t you call me back last night?"

"I got home late last night. I was at my mom’s."

Suuure, you were, Saotome.

Shut up! Just shut up!

"So how did the meeting with the real estate agent go?"

"It went fine. They’ve agreed to sell the house with the furniture."

"Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m so glad that you’ve got everything under control." Michiko continued, "Listen, darling, the reason why I’m calling you this early is because I wanted to tell you that I won’t be home this weekend."

"Oh? Why not?"

Oh, come on, Saotome. Don’t get all weepy. You know you’re happy.

Stop it.

Michiko replied, "I have to go to Hong Kong this weekend and settle a deal. I’ll be home the next weekend so don’t worry."

"Okay," he said, wishing the call would end.

"I love you."

Oh, shit.

Ranma gripped the phone tightly. "I love you."

But Akane was in his mind.

Just like always.


As Ranma arrived at the gate, he saw little children going into the dojo. He also spotted Akane outside, talking to a man. At first, Ranma thought he was one of the parents, but he discovered that it was Kazuki Ofuda.

Kazuki saw him. "Hello, Ranma."

"Hi, Kazuki."

"Good morning, Ranma."

"Good morning, Akane."

"I was in the neighborhood, "explained Kazuki. "I thought I’d check out the school. Then Akane told me that you were going to give me a chance. I want to say thank you for that."

Ranma glanced at Akane who kept her gaze away from him. I don’t understand. Why would she tell him? Well, duh! Of course, you dummy. As far as she and the whole world know, you’re going back to San Francisco.

He looked back at Kazuki. "No problem. I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday."

Kazuki waved his hand. "Oh, it was nothing. Don’t worry about it. So, when do I get an interview?"

When Akane didn’t reply, Ranma said, "Tell you what, Kazuki, why don’t we call you instead?"

Kazuki shrugged. "Well, okay. Let me give you my number."

After handing over his number, Kazuki left. Ranma thought he would have a chance to talk to Akane, but when he turned around to face her, she had already gone into the dojo.


~Kuno’s Law Office~

The clock struck 11:45. Akane glanced nervously at the door and then looked at Nabiki and Kuno as the three of them were sitting at his table where Ranma and Akane’s partnership officially began, and where it’s now coming to an end.

"He’ll be here any minute," Akane said.

Nabiki rolled her eyes. "That’s what you said five minutes ago. Akane, do you think Ranma forgot about this meeting?"

"No...of course not. We closed the school together and then went off on our separate ways."

Kuno said, "Let us give the man five minutes and no more. I suggest for a reschedule of this meeting if he does not come into sight before us. There is a matter of other important business that must be taken care of before this day is over."

Akane nodded. "Sure. I understand."

Three minutes later, the door opened and Ranma entered. "Hi. Sorry I’m late."

"It’s about time," Nabiki told him.

"Never mind, wife." Kuno waited for Ranma to take his seat and then he began. "From what I understand, you and dear Akane reached an agreement how you would want the schools divided. Akane, of course, will keep the school here in Nerima. She also wishes to have control of the school in Utsunomiya. She feels that since it is only in its beginning stages, it would be more convenient that she will take over the school while you will be in San Francisco. Therefore, the three remaining schools shall be in your hands."

Ranma nodded. "I accept those terms, but I want to make some changes."

Nabiki arched an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? And what are those, Saotome?"

"That all three of my schools will go to Hikaru’s name when he turns eighteen."

"What?" The rest of them said in unison.

"Hikaru is my son. I have the right to do that, don’t I?" Ranma looked at Kuno.

Kuno, who was still getting over his surprise, answered, "Why...why, yes, of course."

"I figured since he was a Saotome, the legacy will be able to continue. It has always been the Tendo-Saotome Anything Goes Martial Arts for as long as we can all remember, so why should it change now?"

Akane stammered, "B-but..."

"Besides, I have no desire in breaking this partnership."

Akane shook her head vehemently and slammed her fist on the table. "You can’t do this!"

Ranma’s eyes narrowed. "Why not?"

She stood up and shouted, "How dare you! You have no right!"

Ranma stood up as well. "I have every right!"

"This isn’t what we talked about yesterday!"

"A lot has changed since yesterday, Akane!"

Kuno got up from his seat and raised his arms like a referee. "Please! Before anything breaks in this chamber, may I suggest that you discuss this in an orderly manner?"

"Yeah, you two," agreed Nabiki. "Can’t you agree on anything without fighting?"

Ranma and Akane fell quiet. Then Akane said in a huffed voice, "Fine. I’ll be leaving now."

As Akane exited the room, Ranma called out, "Akane, wait!"

Nabiki and Kuno watched Ranma chase after her and shook their heads.

Nabiki sighed. "Those two! Sometimes, I just want to throttle them both."

Kuno gave her a sly smile. "While other times you take the pleasure of ridiculing them, dear wife?"

She turned to him with hands on her hips. "This is serious, Kuno-baby."

"Of course, lovely lady. Well, I must be off."

Nabiki watched her husband gather his papers into his suitcase and put her hand flat on his back. "Do you want me to come with you?"

He smiled. "No, I thank you for the offer, beautiful one, but I must decline it. I shall return before dinner is served." Kuno kissed her cheek and left to take care of his business.



She could hear him shouting at her from behind, but chose to ignore him.


Ranma continued to yell and walk after her yet she kept on going.

"Akane..." He stopped at his tracks until finally he couldn’t take it any more.


Akane came to a sudden halt. Then she turned around and saw Ranma standing a few feet away from her. She said, "It’s you who need to face reality, Ranma. What were you thinking back there?"

"It’s what I want, Akane. For me. For you. For Hikaru."

She started to say, "Ranma –"

"Listen to me. For the past eighteen years of my life, I thought I lost you forever. And when I finally found you again last night, I knew that we were actually meant to be."

"Ranma, would you listen to yourself? Do you honestly think that one night will change everything? I mean perhaps we were caught up in the moment."

"Caught up? Akane, I love you!"

Tears formed in her eyes. "Ranma...please...please...don’t do this. Last night was wonderful, and I would cherish it forever. Everything happened so fast last night just like it did eighteen years ago. We didn’t think of the consequences then. We didn’t think of Michiko then. And look at what happened to us."

"So, what are you saying?" Ranma’s voice trembled. "That...that it’s over?"

"For now. Ranma, we need time to think. Think about ourselves. About what we should do. About our future...if we have one."

"Akane, I – "

She pleaded with her eyes. "Ranma, do this...for me, please...."

He wanted to refuse, but this was Akane. He would do anything for her. With a reluctant nod, he agreed.



For once, Ryoga was not manning the griddle. He told his son to cook the okonomiyakis while he took the orders from the customers. After lunchtime, the number of customers dwindled, and the restaurant was nearly empty by 1:30 p.m. until another customer came in.

"Well, well, well, look who’s here," Ryoga remarked.

Ranma sat at the counter and greeted him in a solemn voice, "Hey, Ryoga."

"What would you like?"

Ranma leaned his chin on his hand. "Not hungry."

Ryoga bent down to his level and gave him a mocking look. "What? Did I hear that right? The great Ranma Saotome, whose stomach is like a bottomless pit, is not hungry. Are you feeling okay?"

"You got a minute?"

"Sounds serious."

"I need to unload some of this crap I’m feeling right now, Ryoga."

He nodded. "Alright."

The two of them sat on the seats at the back of the restaurant as they faced each other.

Before Ranma could speak, Ryoga said, "Let me guess. This is about Akane."

Ranma nodded.

"I take it that the two of you didn’t settle anything about yesterday. Did you fight again?"


"What then?"

Ranma took a deep breath. "We slept together last night."

Ryoga’s face went still with shock. Then he cleared his throat. "Well...well..."

"She thinks we got carried away last night, but that’s now how I feel. For the first time in eighteen years, I feel so complete."

"Oh, man." Ryoga shook his head. "I knew it. I knew this was going to happen."

"Like hell you did."

"I’m not kidding. The minute Ukyou and I heard that Akane was moving back to Nerima, we knew something was going to happen. I mean you two had something going on back then. Plus the fact that she’s widowed and that your wife is away all the time doesn’t help a bit."

"It’s not just being lonely, Ryoga. You know I never wanted to marry Michiko in the first place."

"I know. I know. I’m actually surprised you and Michiko stayed together this long."

"I wanted to leave her a long time ago," confessed Ranma.

"Why didn’t you?"

"Because...because of Akane. I thought she loved her husband Kouhei. I thought that Hikaru was his."

Ryoga was confused. "You thought Hikaru was his?"

"He’s my son, Ryoga," admitted Ranma. "Hikaru is my son."

His jaw dropped, and then he became silent and soon regained his composure. "Now that I didn’t expect."

"Just think about how I felt when I found out."

"I can’t imagine."

"The point is my marriage to Michiko was trouble right from the start. More than anything, I want to be with Akane although she thinks that one night can’t decide the rest of our lives."

Ryoga got quiet again as he fell into a deep thought. Then he said, "I think she’s right, Ranma. Yes, you love Akane and you want to be with her, but you’re still married. One night, as special as it seems to you, changes some things, but it doesn’t determine everything."

Ranma bent his head down as if he was accepting a defeat.

After a long while, Ryoga stood up from his seat and reached out for his friend’s shoulder. "This depression really isn’t your style, Ranma. Tell you what. Why don’t I make you your favorite style of okonomiyaki? On the house."

Ranma smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Ryoga."


~Sakagami Institute for the Mentally Disturbed~





Palms flat on the floor, Kodachi Kuno balanced her body as her long, shapely legs shot straight up into the air. Her strong, muscular arms bent as she lowered herself entirely to accomplish a push-up.




The door opened and a nurse with broad shoulders stepped inside. He saw Kodachi doing one of her daily exercises again. He tried hard to wipe the smirk off his face for he had to admit that she was attractive and remarkably sexy. Too bad she was insane.

"Miss Kuno, you have a visitor."

One hundred.

In a swift move, she flipped her body into a curve until her feet touched the floor. Then she stood up into a full height and faced the nurse.

"Bring me to him."

She followed the nurse through the halls until they arrived at a room that said VISITING AREA. A tall man in a suit was standing there alone with a present in hand.

"Brother, dear."

Kuno smiled. "Greeting, sister." He turned to the nurse who nodded and left them alone.

He looked at his sister. "I bring forth this."

Kodachi smiled. As he offered her a present. "Why, brother dear, you shouldn’t have."

"Happy birthday."

"Ohohohoho!" Her hands grabbed the box and tore it open. Inside she saw a pair of clothes. "Oh, how lovely they are!" Then as fast as her smile appeared, a mask of hatred took over. "She didn’t select these, did she?"

Kuno shook his head. "No, of course not. I would never allow my wife to pick your clothes."

Kodach smiled again. "Then I shall wear these. I shall wear these when I visit my nephews."

"Yes, one day I shall bring them here."

She blinked her eyes and then smiled. "Of course! Ohohohhohoho!!!"

Later when the visit was over, Kuno was heading to his limo with the psychiatrist beside him. "She’s been on good behavior this week," he remarked. "We didn’t have any problems with her. She cooperated very well with the nurses and didn’t pick fights with any of the patients."

"And the week preceding that?"

"We’ve had a trying time with her a few weeks ago. Mr. Kuno, it would be nice to visit more often."

They reached the limousine, and the chauffeur opened the door for his boss who turned back to the doctor.

"Yes, I try my best but due to my duties at the office, it has become impossible to visit my sister."

"I understand, but please try anyway. And perhaps a family member can come along with you."

Kuno gave a faint smile. "Thank you, doctor. I am grateful for the services you have provided for my sister."

He went inside the vehicle. The doctor looked on as the limousine pulled away from the institution and rode into the sunset.


Ranma spent the rest of the day similarly like he did yesterday. He remained with the Hibikis and played with the baby. Then after dinner, he went to his mother’s. He and Nodoka watched TV until ten that night when it was time for her to go to sleep.

Ranma locked up her house and headed home. He found himself playing the same scene he did the night before. Almost like deja-vu. Only this time, when he stopped in front of Akane’s house, the light inside was burning brightly.

Don’t go there, man.

I want to see her.

You’re crazy! If you go back there, you’ll go back there the next night. And the next. And before you know it, you’ll have a full-blown affair in your hands.

But I want to be happy.

Like hell! You think you’ll be happy having an affair with another woman while married to another?


Ranma suddenly broke into a run and he didn’t stop until he reached the door.


Akane had been watching TV since dinnertime. She switched it off when she saw it was getting late. As she was about to head for her room upstairs, she heard knocking at the front door.

She opened it and saw Ranma standing there in his usual Chinese outfit. She felt a large amount overwhelming emotion welling up inside her.



"I know. I shouldn’t have – "

He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. Akane had thrown her arms around him, and was kissing him, taking Ranma by surprise. Yet soon he was kissing her back, holding her by the waist, and then lifting her a few inches from the floor.

Akane broke the kiss, but remained in his arms. Her voice came out softly as she spoke. "You came."

"Yes, I came. You told me to think things over, and I have."


Ranma leaned forward, and pressed his lips against hers. She reacted with a lust that had been bubbling, just under the surface of anger for the past eighteen years.

Akane kissed him hard, and he made he way inside the house while he kissed her with the same intensity, closing the door behind him.

In the hall, they gave each other one passionate kiss after another. Ranma’s hand drifted down to her waist, gripped the sash of her robe and pulled it free. His hands slipped inside to find that she was nude beneath the robe, and her soft, silky skin pulsed warmly under his fingertips.

Akane reached for the drawstring of his pants and pulled it loose. She grasped the waist and tugged it down, and Ranma let them fall as he continued to follow Akane’s steps, stopping a moment to kick them free.

Ranma’s hands went up inside the robe, parting it, stroking along the soft hips, her sides, the sides of her breasts, slipping inward to lay his palms upon the heaving mounds. Then they went further up, pushing the robe over her shoulders, her arms, and then she was bare, her body warm under his hands, which continued to touch her.

Akane’s hands went up, pulling the buttons on his shirt loose hurrying, then slipping inside, copying the movements he had made on her body, and his firm chest was warm under her hands as she moved downward again.

Ranma dipped his head to her breasts, took a firm, brownish nipple between his lips, and began to suckle, his tongue teasing the tip as he rolled it between his teeth and drew it further into his mouth.

Akane gasped at the exquisite treatment as she stumbled into the living room and reached into his boxer shorts, his hot manhood firm as she grasped it. As she squeezed the hard organ in one hand, the other gripped the seam of his shorts and tugged them down, and Ranma shook them off.

Akane’s eyes darted around, then the couch seemed to glow in her view as they stumbled towards it, Ranma still enthusiastically suckling her. She spun as they reached it, releasing his manhood and grasped his shoulders. She pushed him down and away, as hard as she could, and he landed in the cushions. Then she crawled over him and devoured his lips again.

Ranma gasped as she pushed him away, his lips making a popping noise as they came away from her breast, shook his head, wondering at the harsh movement, and then Akane crawled on top of him, her lips descending to his once again. His hands wandered over her body as they kissed, amazed at the heat that flowed over her.

Akane reached down and grasped his manhood in her hand, pointing it upward. Then she lowered her body, jerking slightly as her soft, wet sex touched his hot staff, and then Ranma’s hands found their way onto her buttocks and yanked her down. She screamed in joy and pleasure as she was thrust down upon the hot organ, feeling it throbbing inside of her wet channel as it slid deep into her.

She slapped her hands onto Ranma’s chest as it touched bottom inside of her, causing him to let out a "Whuuf!" She took deep breaths as felt him within her, wondering at the magnificent feeling of him filling her inner crevice, the way her clit cried out to her as it brushed over the short, curled hairs that mingled with her own, as she rocked gently on to him, his most vulnerable part high inside of her.

The she raised her body, feeling it pull at her lips as it slid out clenching her inner muscles tight to feel every inch of him, and thrust her hips down at him again, his body arching upward in surprise as she took him within her again. Then his head falling into the cushions again as she ground her hips into him, clenching him tight with her warm wet channel.

Ranma groaned as Akane thrust herself onto him and clenched him tight with her, so tight that it almost hurt. He opened his eyes as she took her hands away from his chest and grasped her breasts, squeezing them and pinching her own nipples as she ground her hips into his, moaning as she grasped his manhood with her womanhood. He was struck with a sense of awe as she ran her hands over her own body, delving into their junction to feel him embedded in her. He moved his hands from her waist to between her legs, teasing at the tight curls, as she planted her hands on her chest as she once again rose and jabbed down, taking him deep.

Ranma reminisced on how the most obvious thing about her was always her strength as his fingers writhed at their junction, dipping slightly onto her channel, slipping across her clit. He raised his eyes, and he saw Akane looking down at him, and their eyes locked. He smiled, and she did so in return as she began to rise and fall upon him, fast, hard, cooing in pleasure as she did so.

Akane breathed deep and hard as she rode him, feeling like a goddess, with just a flick of her muscles she could make Ranma cry out with pleasure, or gasp with surprise, or drop his head into the pillows as he overwhelmed her. She looked down and saw Ranma’s forehead bathed in sweat, his breath coming in short gasps...she could almost feel his pulse through his entrapped organ, fast as the pattering raindrops upon a roof. She smiled down at him, and added a twisting wriggle as she ground into him with every fall of her hips.

She was rewarded with him arching beneath him as his seed erupted from his manhood, spraying up within her as he cried out her name. She drove her hips onto his shaft one more time, and she arched back in orgasm, spasm around him, her body wanting to swallow him within her but satisfying it with drawing his pulsing seed deep into her womb as she cried out his name in return.

She fell upon him, kissing him deep and hard, hugging him tight as he did the same, his manhood softening, shrinking within her, its duty complete.

Then it was over, and they slowly withdrew from each other. Ranma fell on his back, closing his eyes, trying to catch his breath. A minute passed before he realized that Akane was no longer beside him.


There was water running from the kitchen.

Ranma got up and went there. It was dark in the kitchen, but he could easily see the silhouette of her figure standing by the sink as she washed her face.


Instead of answering, Akane reached for the hand towel nearby and wiped her face.

He put his hand between her shoulder blades. "Akane, what is it?"

"Why is this so complicated?"

"Who said love was easy?"

She turned to him. "You know what? All those years when I was angry at you, there was always a part of me that never was. That part of me dreamt of you, Ranma. I dreamt that one day you’ll come back to me."

"I have come back. I’m here."

"Yes, but for how long?"


"And Michiko?"

"I don’t love her, Akane. I love you."

Akane reached out and touched his cheek. "I love you, too, Ranma. I want to be with you. I’m happy with you."

"I feel a but coming."

"It would have been easy years ago when you were still engaged to Michiko, but now you’re married. It’s different now. I never thought that I would become your mistress."

He took her hands. "Akane, you know I’ll do anything you want me to, and if you want me to stay away, then I will."

"I’m afraid I can’t ask you to do that. Being away from you hurts me so much."

"Oh, Akane." He gave her a sweet, long kiss.

When she drew away, she asked, "Stay with me tonight?"


And he did. He stayed that night. And the next night. And the next. And the next...


~Tofu residence, Saturday~

"Mom!" Aunt Nabiki’s here!" hollered sixteen year old Mariko.

Kasumi quickly wiped her hands on the apron she wore as Nabiki entered the kitchen.

"Oh, Nabiki, so nice to see you, "said Kasumi sweetly.

Nabiki nodded. "I sure hope this idea of yours will work."

"Of course, it will." She took off her apron and grabbed the picnic basket that had been sitting on the table. "Have you heard from her yet?"

"Not since she stormed out of Tacchi’s office."

Kasumi sighed. "Poor Akane. She’s really not taking Ranma’s departure very well. Oh, well! We’re her family. It’s our duty to be with her in times of trouble."

As they were leaving the house, Nabiki said, "You know, Kasumi, maybe we should call her first."

"Why should we? If we do, it won’t be a surprise. If we go there unannounced, she would be so flattered that we thought of her."

Nabiki shrugged. "Well, yeah, okay. Whatever."

The two sisters started walking towards the old house where they grew up in.


Akane hummed happily in the kitchen as she poured the mix over the griddle. Aroma filled the room, and moments later Ranma arrived.

"Hey! Okonomiyaki!"

Akane turned to him and winked. "Thought I’d make your favorite."

He watched her turn her back towards him and smiled in approval at what she was wearing. "I was wondering where my shirt went."

"Oh this?" She looked at him again and then at his Chinese shirt, which came down at past her thighs, showing off her long legs. "You want it back now?"

Ranma grabbed her by the waist. "Tempting."

Akane giggled. Then they exchanged long, fervent kisses until Ranma slightly pulled away from her, sniffing the air.

"Hey, something’s burning."

Akane gasped and turned to the griddle. "Oh, no! The okonomiyaki!"

She scooped the burnt Japanese pancake off and quickly transferred it to the plate. "Oh! Ranma no baka! This is all your fault."

"My fault! Hey wait a sec, you tomboy. Who started the kissing?"

Her hand thumped his chest. "You did, you hentai!"

"I did!" Ranma’s eyes went wide. "Kawaiikune."




The two of them began laughing in hysterics as they pointed at each other. Then Ranma embraced her. "You’re my tomboy."

"And you’re my baka."

They began a series of kisses and caresses. The okonomiyaki forgotten.

At that time, Kasumi and Nabiki were arriving at the doorstep. The door had been left open so they let themselves in.

"Hello?" Kasumi called out. "Anyone home?"

Nabiki wrinkled her nose. "I smell something burning. She must be in the kitchen."

With Nabiki leading the way, Kasumi walked to the kitchen. And when they reached the kitchen, they received the biggest shock of their lives. They saw Ranma and Akane locked in a fiery embrace, kissing passionately.

"Oh my!" Kasumi dropped the picnic basket.

"AKANE!" Nabiki exclaimed.

Ranma and Akane spun their heads as hey held each other, horrified to see them.

"Kasumi! Nabiki!"

"Onee-chan! Nabiki!"

The four of them stood there, speechless for the next few moments. Kasumi had her hand over her mouth while Nabiki eyed them angrily. Akane and Ranma both turned red in embarrassment.

Nabiki was the first one to regain her composure. "I knew we should’ve called."

"What...what are you guys doing here?" Akane managed to ask.

"We thought we would surprise you and invite you to a picnic," replied Kasumi.

"Looks like we were the ones who got the surprise. Akane, could we speak to you for a moment?" Nabiki turned away from them and started walking out of the kitchen.

Ranma gave Akane a worried look, but she squeezed his hand, reassuring him that it was going to be alright. She followed her sisters into the hallway where they can be out of the earshot from Ranma.

Once it was just the three of them, Nabiki demanded, stressing each word. "Akane, what – the – hell – was - that?"

Akane crossed her arms and looked at them defiantly. "I apologize for what you saw, but I won’t apologize for my actions."

"Oh, Akane...Akane..." Kasumi was shaking her head. "This is not right."

"I love him." Akane had tears in her eyes.

"Kami-sama!" Nabiki exclaimed. "Would you listen to yourself? Akane, for once stop getting yourself tangled in your emotions and think!"

"You can’t tell me what to do! I’m thirty-seven years old!"

"Well, then act like it! I know you love him. I know he gave you up just to save you, but he’s still married. Adultery is wrong! Kami-sama! I thought you had more sense than this!"

"Look for a year, I fought hard to hide my feelings, but the more I fought, the more I found myself losing."

"So you decided to sleep with him? Akane, how could you be so stupid?"

At that moment, Ranma appeared into the hall He spoke up, "Please...please don’t blame Akane."

Nabiki turned to him. "And you! You better stop screwing up my sister’s life while you’re ahead!" She looked at Akane and gave her a disgusted look. "Button your shirt," she ordered and started to leave.

Akane looked down to see that her lover had unbuttoned her shirt, completely and that her lithe body was blatantly exposed- including the sheen on her thighs showing her excitement.

Akane set her face. "Why? It’s just gonna get undone again as soon as you leave."

"Stop acting as if your brain was between your legs, dear sister." She glanced at Ranma. "That’s his job."

He turned his face away, looking almost ashamed.

Akane scowled. "Don’t beat on him. He’s the one who had to live with that manipulating bitch for the past two decades."

She looked back at Ranma, her face full of sorrow and love. "I’m the one who seduced him. All he did was take what I offered him-what he needed. What I wanted. What I needed."

Nabiki slapped her. "You’re a slut, Akane."

Ranma cried out and started forward, but Akane waved him off and turned back to her sister. "How could I be a slut if he was the only man I slept with?"

Nabiki grit her teeth. "Because he’s married to another woman!"

The red handprint on Akane’s cheek pulsed. "Against his will."

Nabiki poked her finger into Akane’s chest. "That’s not the point! He’s married. Not to you. That’s wrong."

Akane yelled this time. "Yeah! You have a hell of a lot respect for your fellow black mailers, don’t you! What did YOU do to score YOUR husband?"

Nabiki screeched. "YOU WHORE!!!" And then she let fly a furious punch.

Ranma moved forward, but before he could take more than a step...

Akane broke into a block, grabbed Nabiki’s wrist, and sent her flying into the wall. Then she rushed forward and held her there. "Only Ranma. There was never any one else even remotely close to him. He is the only man I have ever wanted to make love with. And he is the only man I have ever let share my bed in that manner."

Nabiki struggled, but it was in vain. While Akane routinely smashed blocks to powder in the dojo, she never progressed a simple black belt. Akane was far too strong.

She snarled. "So you just let your fudge-packing husband sleep around while you just laid back and waited for Ranma to drift back between your legs, right , Akane?"

Akane let out a braying, sobbing scream. "DON’T YOU EVER SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT KOUHEI!!!!"

And she threw Nabiki away from her body in a disgusted manner. She impacted the door rather roughly.

Akane screamed. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!"

Nabiki pressed her lips together and breathed hard.

Akane fumed until Kasumi placed her hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we should leave before we say more things that we will all regret."

Nabiki shook her head, looking carefully at Akane’s sobbing, shaking form. "Alright. Come on, Kasumi."

Nabiki walked purposefully out of the doorway while Kasumi looked at Akane. She was disappointed at her, but at the same time she felt sorry for her and feared for her. She pushed Akane’s hair out of her forehead. "Be careful, Akane. Call me if you need me."

Akane nodded. "Goodbye, Kasumi."

Her sisters were gone. Akane turned and ran to Ranma who welcomed her in his arms as she sobbed into his chest.



Ranma kissed her cheek gently, like a touch of a butterfly. "Yes, love?"

"I want to talk about Kouhei."

Ranma held his mistress a bit closer to him from where they lay on the bed. True to her word, as soon as Nabiki and Kasumi had left, she had dragged him upstairs and attempted to drive away the pain and loneliness that stepped her soul by making love with Ranma. She ended up just crying in his arms.

Ranma still held her, trying to drive the pain away from her body with his presence, not his sexual prowess. It seemed to be working.

"If that is what you want, Akane."

Akane nodded, curling into his chest. "When you were forced to leave me, he came to my apartment and offered me that deal- If I was his wife, I could hide his sexual persuasion so he could take over his father’s advertising agency, and if he was my husband, then he could legitimize Hikaru. Pay for his education. Be a father to him.

"After the wedding, he confessed that that was something he had always wanted to be, the father of a child he could help raise, but adoption agencies will not let two men adopt a child, and he just was not attracted to women. I know that to be a fact. About three months after Hikaru was born, I was so lonely that I persuaded Kouhei to dye his hair black and tie it in a pigtail, and wear Chinese clothes as I attempted to make love to him. I wanted to at least pretend that I was with you. And...I thought that...he could replace you in any way...then wouldn’t hurt as much when I thought about you in America with Michiko.

"It didn’t work.

"No matter how hard we tried, I knew he wasn’t you, and he just wasn’t attracted to women. We couldn’t get anywhere. The entire thing just ended hurting us so bad...

"I didn’t love him the way I love you. But for the past eighteen years he was the most precious thing in my life. He could not be my husband, no the way I needed him to be, so somehow he ended up as my older brother. I brought my hurts to him, and he did his best to help. He was there to watch Hikaru grow up. Patch his skinned knees. Break his first boards. Ride a bicycle for the first time. Go to school for the first time. He was not my husband, but he was Hikaru’s father."

Ranma gently raised Akane’s chin to look at him smiling even more gently. "He did a wonderful job. I wish I had known him better."

Akane smiled. "Somehow, I think he would understand all this All these lies and hurts and broken dreams. He always was the wise, kind, gentle sort."

Ranma smiled back at her. "I’m glad you went to him. I just wish he could have...taken care of you. You didn’t deserve to be alone for a long time. I just took what a few scraps of compassion Michiko threw my way. I never could feel that way without you. I could never make love with her. I was just a piece of meat to her."

Akane cried into Ranma’s shoulder.

He wishes I had had a lover.

She spoke gently from her place in Ranma’s shoulder. "I...think I understand what you mean. That’s why I encouraged Kouhei to take lovers. He may not have been my lover, but he was Hikaru’s father.

"He deserved to be happy, because he made Hiakru happy. And, when he came home sometimes, kissing my cheek and being a good father for Hikaru, it made me feel that part of my heart was not gone. I could pretend I have what I wanted. A beautiful child. A loving husband. I could pretend that life was not stolen from me, because I had such an important piece of the life I wanted."

She looked up at him, tears in her eyes, "Your son."

"You planted a seed, I carried it, and Kouhei and I nurtured it. Every time that some part of Hikaru reminded me of you, I was at the same time filled with both joy and rage. Joy, that I had some part of you. Rage, that you were not there. But I promised myself that I would never hurt my family in any way.

"And I’m not stupid. I broke my promise to Kasumi to never hit anyone in anger. I would not break my promise to hurt my family. I pushed my rage into a deep corner of my mind and let it out on huge chunks of rock in my new dojo. I slipped the joy into an even deeper corner, and sometimes late at night I would tell you all about your son.

"And so I lived, watching Hikaru grow and Kouhei care for both of us. In a way, it was like he was a single parent and both me and Hikaru were his children. And once I started to let that seep in, it didn’t hurt as bad. It would be okay, because he would always take care of me.

"Then that bitch, who could not stand that her husband wanted a man, destroyed Kouhei’s life, smashing him down again and again. When I saw Kouhei’s body lying in that bathtub full of blood, it took all of my will not to kill myself or charge straight to that woman’s door and tear her to pieces. But I remembered my promise to never hurt my family. And if Hikaru lost his mother as well as his father, it would hurt him even more.

"Kouhei took out an insurance premium from a company new enough to not include a suicide exemption the day that his father’s company was stolen from him. He waited as long as he could- it was his last resort. When his agency flopped, he used it. And then I was alone.

"There was enough money to keep Hikaru in school, and a trust fund we set up the very day we were married took care of college.

"I think I was waiting for Hikaru to go off to college. Then I would join the only friend I thought I had."

She turned to face Ranma, smiling. "And then you came back And everything was revealed. The man who I had always loved with all my heart and soul, the father of my child, still loved me. Had given me up only to keep me alive. And just a few days ago, made sure that my child will be taken care of."

Ranma smiled. "It was the least I could do, for all the pain I let you through."

Akane shook her head. "No. You didn’t need to do anything. You were saving my life again and again ever since we met. You did it again as you left, and even though I did not know the truth at the time, I hurt you badly in return."

Ranma opened his mouth and Akane closed it with a finger. "If you want me, I will be here, waiting for you. I do not regret being your mistress, your lover, in any way, shape or form. And I want to be that for you anytime that you need it. That month eighteen years ago and this week have been the happiest times in my life. Because, both time, I got to spend that time making love to the man that I love with every fiber of my being.

"I am proud that I made love with you in all those ways in that apartment. I am proud that I carried your child. I am proud that I gave birth to him. I am proud that I raised him. I am proud to love you the way your wife refuses to. I am proud that I could ease your pain, as it helped ease mine. I am be your mistress."

Ranma could not speak.

Akane simply smiled. "It’s almost noon. I better cook you something to eat."

With that she wriggled out of his arms and left, placing a tender, luscious kiss on his lips as she took off the red Chinese shirt that she borrowed from him and laid it on his chest. Then she dressed and left, striding like the happiest woman in all creation.


The sound of gentle, falling rain woke Ranma. He looked towards the window and saw that it was dark. He read the clock, which said 2:00 a.m. He glanced down, seeing Akane asleep in his arms.

I want to stay with this woman.

I want to be there whenever she laughs and laugh along with her. I want to be there when she cries and cry along with her.

I want to wake up every morning and have her face be the very first thing I see before I start my day. I want to us to cook breakfast together then sit down with this woman and laugh as we discuss the latest thing that is funny and then go to work together. And before that day is over, I want to come home with her to this house. I want to cook dinner with her, eat together, and talk about the day’s events. I want to teach Hikaru, the son she birthed and raised for me, every little thing I know about the art with Akane at my side.

I want to stay with this woman for the rest of my life.

Akane slowly started to wake up. Ranma watched her as she looked at him with that same soft, brown eyes he always found himself drowning in and that same smile he fell in love with long ago when she asked him if he wanted to be friends.

"Hey, what are you doing up, you baka?" She asked.



"You and how amazing you are."

"How sweet." Akane touched his cheek.

Ranma smiled and hugged her, and they snuggled together and fell asleep.


And the day finally came.

Michiko will be arriving to Nerima that Friday evening, and it was time for Ranma to go home.

They woke up early together that day. Quietly, they ate breakfast, holding hands and giving each other occasional glances that were full of love.

Finally, it was time for Ranma to leave. They still had classes to be taught that day, and they would still be seeing each other, but they knew that once Ranma walks out of the door, they would not be able to express their love as they had in the past several days.

Akane was sitting on her bed, watching Ranma taking his time getting dressed. When the last button was fastened, he turned to her, and she sat up.

"It’s time, isn’t it?"

Ranma nodded, and they left the room where they had made mad passionate love every night for the past week. "Well, Akane."

She smiled. "I had a terrific week."

They walked down the stairs, through the living room, Akane’s fingers trailing across the couch in which they began their passionate affair with a bang.

Ranma smiled. "Me too."

They stepped into the hallway in which they had kissed and fondled and tore away their unnecessary garments.

Akane sighed. "I’m glad we had this."

He fell quiet and then turned his eyes to the door and then back at her again. "It’s not going to be easy for me to walk out that door, Akane."

She stood up and moved next to him, placing her hand on his cheek. "I know," she whispered.

Ranma took a deep breath and said as his voice quavered, "I don’t want to go back to her. I don’t love her."

She put her finger on his lips. "Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay. It’s okay."

"I can’t stand it anymore, Akane. Tonight, I’ll tell her. I’ll tell Michiko that I want a divorce."

Her eyes went wide. "Oh...Ranma..."

"It was you who I was suppose to marry. It’s you who I love. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Ranma...are you..."

He looked deeply into her eyes and whispered, "Marry me."

Akane’s eyes began to water. "Yes, " she replied, "I’ll marry you as soon as you are free."

They shared a sweet, loving kiss.

"I love you," said Ranma.

"I love you."

He slowly turned around and walked out of the door, where they had shared a kiss that cemented their love. As he reached the curb, he looked over his shoulder and smiled at her.

She smiled in return, gently kissing her palm and waving it at him.

Then he was gone.



Author’s notes:

Sigh! Isn’t it sweet when they’re together? I thought they deserved a scene or two where they are happy and enjoying themselves.

But this emotional roller coaster ride isn’t over yet, folks. As a matter of fact, I’m just warming up!

Some plans for Chapter 17:

  1. Ranma finally tells Michiko that it’s over. Finished. Finito. (Way to go, Ranma!)
  2. Hikaru learns the truth about his father from an unexpected source.

June 25, 2000

Okay, I included the scene about Nabiki and Akane fighting and about Akane talking about her family. Kalaong added the Nabiki and Akane scene during their confrontaion in the hall and Akane talking about Kouhei scene himself. I thought these were significant, and my co-author wanted to compare the two marriages Akane and Ranma had. He pointed out that Akane turned out to be the lucky one since Akane was loved and Ranma was used. Though there was no sex between Akane and Kouhei, their marriage and family life was a happy one and the love was deep and true.


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