Thank You's go out to Ryan Trask and Tom Hackwood for pre-reading this


First Release

By: Wishbringer

Donations, C & C:

Flames, Complaints, death threats, and subpoenas, call 1-900-IAM-DUMB to speak to our customer representative. $3.95 per minute, long distance charges apply. Children under 18 need parental permission. Children above 18 need serious psychiatric help. Right after me for even trying this.


Ranma Nibunnoichi is owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Kitty, and Viz Video. I have permission to borrow their characters for a moment, may god strike me down. (A burnt Wishbringer is standing in front of the audience.) Ok, so I lied, sue me! C'mon, I dare ya!



This is a lemon story. Just a friendly warning if you didn’t notice the NC-17 tag. Sankyuu very much. Oh yea. Non-linear timeline and OOC alert too. Just to cover my bases. This is a follow-up to Breaking in a wild stallion. The Kasumi installment. You don’t have to read it to enjoy this story, but it helps. Now I must ask all the children to leave the theater. That means you, you little bastard in the fith row! Out Now! Gone? Ok, Enjoy!


Wishbringer presents...

Change in the Mist.

Chapter 1: The morning after


All I gotta say is that I must be dreaming, can't be real
You're not here with me, still I can feel you near me
I caress you, let you taste us, just so blissful listen
I would give you anything baby, just to make my dreams come true
Oh baby you give me butterflies
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I just wish that I could be with you tonight
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I...

--"Butterflies"- Michael Jackson


Kasumi was taking her shoes off when she called out, "Tadiama!" It was near lunch time, and she could smell the acrid stench of smoke. She shook her head, and tried not to picture the damage that was done to the kitchen by Akane's attempt to cook.

She found it hard to walk home; her body was rebelling against the strange contorted positions she put herself through during her tryst with Ranma-kun. Nabiki watched her oldest sister slowly walk to the tea room; Kasumi was moving with slow deliberateness that suggested pain. The middle sister smirked, and silently thanked the Kami for her luck. Maybe now that her sister had a good fuck she'd stop being such a prissy.

"Hey! You finally got some, didn't you?"

"Huhh!" Kasumi winced in pain as her muscles tensed when she heard Nabiki's voice. "Nabiki! You startled me!"

"So, was it good?"

"Hmmmm. Uh-huh!"

"So, tell me all about it..." Nabiki led Kasumi into the tea room, and helped her down onto a pillow. As Kasumi slowly lowered herself, she felt her crotch rebel from exertion. Her sister was being nosy, but she couldn't fault her. After all, at the ripe age of twenty-three, she finally popped her cherry, and it was with her youngest sister's fiancee. Or more likely, soon to be her sister's ex-fiancee and hopefully, *her* fiancee. Her mind slipped a gear, and she pictured herself in bed with her new husband, she still in her wedding dress, he in his tuxedo. She had taken her panties off earlier in anticipation of the moment, and was pulling her dress up to expose her newly shaven snatch...

"Kasumi! Wake up! You're daydreaming again!"

Kasumi looked at her sister, disappointed that she couldn't continue her train of thought. Sighing, she said the only thing could think of, "Five. No six."

Nabiki looked at Kasumi as if she grew another head, not understanding what she was thinking about. Maybe she was talking about the size of Ranma's organ. "Six what?"

"Children of course. One for each time he came in me last night." Nabiki face faulted, while from the entrance of the room, an new voice was heard.

"Whaaaaaaa! My daughter's pregnant with six children! I'm so happy! She's growing up!"


Soun simply switched between sobbing and thanking the gods that Kasumi wouldn't die an old maid. Kasumi overheard and whispered something in his ear, and her father turned whiter than a sheet. Smirking in a way shockingly similar to Ranma's, she turned and went to her room. Nabiki grabbed her arm and Kasumi turned to face her.

"What did you say to him?"

"I just said if he didn't stop that, I'd let Akane cook for him for an entire month."

Nabiki paled at the thought. "Where did that come from?"

"Blame it on Ranma-chan. If you'll excuse me, I need to lay down." With that having been said, she retired to her room. Nabiki regained her composure, and smiled. 'Oneechan, Ranma-kun... you two really deserve each other.' \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Ranma was staring at the ceiling of his apartment. Hands behind his head as he watched the propellers of his ceiling fan whirl by slowly. It was unbelievable. Last night was the most incredible moment of his young twenty years of life on Earth. He never imagined it would be like that when he was with a woman, and he never thought in his wildest dreams that it would be Kasumi that would be the one to show this to him.

He felt honored that she was his first as he was hers. He had claimed Kasumi, and it was magical. Therein lies the problem; what he had done was to make his choice. He loved Kasumi, or he wouldn't have done what he did. And as he laid on his bed, looking at the fan, he knew if he took this to fast, it would all be ruined.

Ranma then cringed, feeling the wet spot on his back. 'But first... I gotta change these sheets.'


Ranma held the receiver in his hand and stared at it. This was new territory to the martial artist. Never before had he had to deal with this sort of situation. His life in Nerima had been anything less than normal, and anything normal was a foreign experience to him. But this was a special reason, and thus, It required him to try. Accepting his fate, he dialed the number and waited for the response.

"Moushi moushi, Tendou-ke."

"Hiya, Nabiki."

Ranma cringed as he could feel the smirk on the other end of the receiver. "How much do you know?"

"Well, I've learnt that you're good for five or six times a night..."

That caused Ranma to blush a furious shade of red. How did she get Kasumi to say that? She didn't seem like the type to kiss and tell. Calming down, Ranma continued. "Anyways, is she around?"

"Iie. She went out to get groceries for dinner tonight. Touchan is still weeping on about getting Kasumi's forgiveness."

Ranma decided not to pursue on that subject. "Well, I wanted to talk to you again anyway."

"Oh? What about?"

"Well, I wanted to ask for your help."

"Just what are you planning, Ranma-kun?" That would be a miriacle in it's self.

"Well, I need to talk to Kasumi about a few things, and I was wondering if you could help get Tendou-san out with my Oyaji. Okassan had been on her guard with him and Tendou-san because they're still set on hitching me up with Akane."

"Hmmm... I'll come over and talk to Auntie. I think she'll let them out for a drink or two."

"Well... I guess so... at least I don't have to worry about everyone else. Can you ask Kasumi to call me back?"

"Hai. A pause. "Ranma. I have a price for helping out."

Ranma ground his teeth in anticipation. "What is it this time?"

"Kasumi said something about knowing how to put a large knot to use. Could you give me a demonstration?"

Ranma blushed again before hanging up on Nabiki's giggling. 'Well, that was easier than I thought.'


Ranma brushed himself off again as he looked at himself in the mirror while waiting for Kasumi to come down the stairs. He had on a white tuxedo with twin foxtails and black alligator dress shoes. His mother had insisted on him expanding his wardrobe when he moved out, and was grateful he did. He was plenty nervous about this already, as his usual track record with dates were pretty abysmal.

Putting his hand inside his pants pocket, he idly played with the ring box in his hand. Tonight would be the night that would define his life from now on. He wouldn't run away from his problems anymore. He would face them as a man amongst men.

"Ranma! I'm ready now!"

Ranma turned to look at Kasumi and he was left breathless. She wore a sleeveless white dress that went to her knees. She had on light make-up to enhance her already timeless features. Ranma considered himself a lucky man that he had such a lovely date tonight. He had left much of the planning to Nabiki on this date, and was happy he did.

"How do I look, Ranma?"

"Like a goddess." He replied honestly.

Kasumi blushed and looked down. "Arigato." Ranma walked up to her and extended his arm to her.

"Well, shall we go?"

"Hai." Kasumi answered. Just happy that her dream was coming true.


Ranma had Kasumi's arm entwined with his and her head on his shoulder as they continued to walk in a seemingly random direction. After they had finished dinner, Ranma had said he wanted to show Kasumi something. They had been walking for a bit, and Kasumi's feet were killing her. Soon, they stood atop of a bridge. Ranma then stared out towards the night sky. Kasumi looked at him, wondering where this would lead to.

Ranma was just surprised that the whole evening had gone off without a hitch. No rivals, new iinazuke, or old iinazuke to interrupt. It was the perfect evening with his perfect woman. There was only one way he could end this night.

"Kasumi, you know this is one of the places I like to sit down and think, or just be by myself. I don't want people being able to know I'm here unless they look." Ranma sighed.

"Well, that explains where you are when Akane hits you sometimes, but why did you bring me here?"

Ranma turned towards Kasumi, asking, "Kasumi, can you truly love me? With the insanity that is in my life, and with all my faults, failings, and with my curse... can you honestly love me?"

"I can, and I do love you, Ranma. I always will." Kasumi answered.

Ranma gathered his courage, praying he could say what he wanted to. He got down on one knee and produced the ring box, and he opened it. "Then Kasumi, will... will you... marry me?" His voice cracked as he asked. He then placed the ring on her finger. Kasumi closed her eyes and smiled. Slowly she nodded her head and Ranma's face lit up.

He hugged her close to him and the two shared a deep kiss. When they parted, Kasumi was flustered a bit and turned away from Ranma.

"Ranma, what about an "omiai" with this weekend?"

[Wishbringer: an "omiai" is, basically, an engagement ceremony. Sometimes, I wonder why Takahashi-san never did this in the cannon series, but when I think about it, I figure out why.]

"(gulp) Uh... N-no, I think it's too early for that. I mean we really should be thinking of a way to break this to our families."

"But your Okassan already knows about us."

"And that'll make it easier on us. At least someone will be on our side when all hell breaks loose."

Kasumi nodded and played with the ring on her finger. Well, it wasn't official yet, but her future with Ranma was all but secure. Smirking to herself, she turned to Ranma and leaned to whispered into his ear. "Let's go back to your place tonight."

Ranma nodded and offered his arm, his hormones racing already with that suggestion. "I was hoping you'd ask that."


"Only for you, Kasumi. Only for you."


Ranma slammed the door behind him as he continued to kiss Kasumi, Both smiling as they headed to his bedroom again. He tossed his suit jacket over his shoulder as Kasumi began to unbutton his shirt franticly. Popping some buttons off the shirt in the process.

"My, aren't we in a hurry?"

"Shut up." Murmured Kasumi as she held Ranma away to open the door to his room. Ranma tossed off his shirt and went for Kasumi's lips once more. Kasumi's hands went over his back as Ranma held her in his arms. Ranma broke the kiss and smirked to her.

"Tanoshi mashite chodai, anta. (You'll give me a good time)" Ranma whispered into Kasumi's ear before he started his work on said ear, his other hand moved up to her heaving bosom and began to stroke and caress Kasumi's breast. Kasumi moaned into the kiss as Ranma showed his new found confidence at this form of intimacy, her hands running down the surface of Ranma's finely muscled chest until reaching his belt. She undid the buckle and the pants fell of his frame. He stepped out of the pants and held her close and tight, unbuttoning her dress slow and careful.

For a moment time stood still as they drank in the sight of each other. Kasumi was now dressed only in lacy, dark blue bra, and a virtually transparent set of matching panties. She still had her hair in a ponytail, making her even more attractive to Ranma. The world's greatest martial artist stood clothed in red silk boxers. After the moment had passed they both stepped forward and into another kiss, their tongues entwining and sliding across from each other. Ranma then wrapped his arms around her, lifted Kasumi off the ground, and carried her to the satin sheeted bed without breaking the kiss.

He laid her down tenderly, positioning himself beside her, still embracing. The brown haired woman ran her hands down her lovers back. Ranma broke the kiss slowly, almost regretfully, and trailed his lips down her graceful neck to the swell of her breasts. Kasumi moaned softly and arched her back, and it was then that Ranma undid her bra and pulled the straps to her shoulders. Agonizingly slow the pigtailed man pulled the lace over her rapidly hardening nipples.

Kasumi closed her eyes tightly and arced her back even more offering her beautiful breasts to her lover. Gently he caressed her chest, moving his hands up and down the valley between slowly, his hand finally moved over to her left breast, and he rolled it around in his hand, taking extra care to make sure his fingers rolled about her areola every-so-often. He lowered his head, and then caressed her right breast with his lips, his tongue flicking over the nipple, and sending shivers of pleasure through her body. Ranma ran his tough, callused hand across the smooth skin of her side, to the pale flesh of her thigh. He stroked her leg with his other hand gently, making Kasumi tremble from head to toe.

Kasumi's breathing quickened as she parted her thighs, letting Ranma glide his hand along the insides of her thigh, up toward her, moistening panties. Then across them, causing the beautiful woman to groan in ecstasy and cause her to rock side to side slightly. Ranma ran his fingers lightly across her womanhood, pulling the sheer material of the panties against her in pleasurable ways. She felt his hand withdraw and heard a short rustle of clothing. Opening her eyes she found herself looking at him naked, and relished the sight of his manhood once more.

Ranma kissed her tenderly, then hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her panties and dragged them off her slowly. Breaking the kiss, Kasumi gripped his manliness once again, cocked her head at her man. She grinned. "Is this for me?"

"Do you see anyone else here?"

Kasumi giggled before lightly pushing Ranma down on the bed. She grabbed Ranma's hip with one hand and his manhood with the other. Starting at the base of his shaft she lightly flicked her tongue all along it paying close attention to the tip. After her initial teasing was complete the girl engulfed as much of him as she could comfortably and began moving her head up and down it applying her tongue at appropriate moments. Ranma growled approvingly, moving his leg to allow her easier access.

She kissed along one side of the heated member, drawing sighs from its owner, then the other. Her tongue came in to caress the underside, pausing near the head to flick the tip of her tongue at that point very rapidly, then tasted the glistening essence at its opening. He groaned as her mouth worked over him, bringing him to new heights of desire, his hands involuntarily edging her more and more. Then Kasumi again took the tip of him in between her lips and suckled him slowly, swirling her tongue all about the growing head. Ranma gasped, his hips making an involuntary thrust to her.

Kasumi moved her head slowly along Ranma's shaft running her tongue along the bottom of it all the way. Her hand that rested on Ranma's hip went to his testes, Playing with his sack while her delicate fingers pumped his shaft as she licked Ranma's other head, speeding up as he began to quiver within. His groans became more pronounced, his hands entwined in her hair, and soft slurping sounds bouncing throughout the bedroom. Suddenly she took him down as far as she could swallow him, the back of her throat sucking at him intensely. Ranma's moans of approval grew deeper and deeper, and he knew soon it would be him who came. He was right as he soon lost it and erupted into her mouth.

Kasumi was expecting this and as Ranma came, she swallowed the cum that erupted from his manhood. She swallowed every last drop, making deep swallowing sounds. She pulled away from him and licked her lips, giving the head of his cock one more kiss before smiling at Ranma seductively. Ranma was panting lightly as he looked at Kasumi.

Kasumi laid down as she expected him to enter her, but her iinazuke had other plans. He threw both of Kasumi's legs over his shoulders and grabbed her waist, pulling her lower lips up to his face and supported her firm bottom with his powerful arm. The Jusenkyo-cursed man took one long breath through his nostrils. Then like a man dying of thirst at an oasis, Ranma dove in.

Kasumi cried out in surprise at first, then as Ranma's hungry tongue drove deep inside her, flicking every so often against her rapidly hardening nub, her cries softened and turned to gasps and coo's of pleasure. Kasumi's long brown hair spread out above her as the woman turned her head side to side. One hand gripped the sheets of the bed so tight her knuckles were turning white, the other was attending her breast squeezing it and pinching the nipple lightly. 'Only the gates of heaven can be better than this. ' She thought to herself.

Impossibly, and far too soon for her liking, Kasumi felt that familiar tightness building up her legs again. In the back of her mind she wondered how this man was affecting her so powerfully, but the rest of didn't care. It only wanted more, and more, and more. And Ranma didn't disappoint. Her back arching and her hips grinding into the martial artist's face, Kasumi felt the climax rip through her. After Kasumi's honey soaked his face, Ranma let her slide to his lap, an hungry grin on his face.

Kasumi lay panting, barely conscious. At the outskirts of her perception, she noticed her thighs spread apart. Then Ranma plunged inside her. He wasn't gentle this time, for he simply didn't care. Fortunately for Kasumi, the previous orgasm had made her more than wet enough. For Ranma, the sensation seemed to be his only reality, the feeling of her warmth, the softness of her breasts against his chest, the vague sounds of her cries.

"You like?" came the martial artist's cocky, yet lustful voice. Ranma punctuated the question with a particularly deep thrust, making Kasumi cry out in ecstasy. Kasumi took just enough time from her moaning to reply.

"Yes! Oh... Kami-sama, yes! Just like that... don't stop! Kimochi ii yo, motto...motto tsuyoku...onegai! (It feels so good...More, more, harder...please!) Oh kami... please... FUCK ME!” The force and vulgarity of her own words shocked Kasumi, however it also caused new waves of pleasure to crash through her writhing sweaty body. Ranma was surprised at Kasumi's language, but responded to it in only one way. That was to speed up his thrusts driving his perfect dick inside her harder and harder.

Soon she had both arms and legs wrapped around Ranma, her hips bucking wildly against his thrusts. Then she felt Ranma's right hand slide to the inside of her thigh open it, turning her to her side. The different angle brought an entirely different kind of pleasure and Kasumi's hands tightly gripped the soaked sheets again. She was just getting used to this when Ranma moved her again.

This time he pushed her leg wide out and then down until they were both on their knees, with him penetrating her from behind. Grunting, Ranma pulled back and propelled his hips forwards again, pushing against her soft resistance. More of him went in this time, Kasumi whimpering as he eased in slowly. They rocked several more times, 'till Ranma reached the end of an in stroke and found his pelvis pressed hard against her ass. The feeling as her body gripped him so tightly was as wild as it was passionate. Pulling back a little, he thrust forward again and again. For a few moments the sex was rough and disjointed as they crashed against each other unevenly. Kasumi grimaced sharply, and he stopped.

"Daijobu?" he asked, concerned.

"Hai, but slow it down for a moment. Just take it easy Ranma."

She slowly rolled her hips back into him as Ranma gently eased forwards. "Yeah," she purred as they gently pulled away, then together as his hot and thick member slid deeply into her. "Just like that." Slowly they eased themselves into a rhythm as he drove inside her. Slowly, but surely, the pig-tailed martial artist resumed his pace. Her hands clutching at the bed sheet, she bunched up the fabric as he continued to push into her. Ranma gripped her harder, the sweat from their two bodies making his grip on tricky. Still thrusting, he raised his hand to caress her cheek. Feeling something touching her, Kasumi turned towards the sensation. Eyes closed as passion worked inside her, she grabbed his fingers in her teeth and started to suck greedily on them. Seeing her do that got a whimper out of Ranma; the sight drove the sensations he was experiencing even higher.

Rocking his pelvis against her firm ass, Ranma drove deep into her vagina, loving each and every motion from the two of them. Rapidly, each stroke increased the pressure he was feeling in the center of his manhood. Nearing the edge, he slowed down for several strokes, trying to drag the sensation out for as long as he could. Kasumi whimpered at the change in tempo and reluctantly he pulled his fingers from her mouth. She sucked on them for as long as she could, then shivered as he dragged them down her cheek and neck.

"Ran... uh... nnmmmm..." As another orgasm neared, Kasumi began to whimper and moan. Ranma went slower this time, more deliberate and delayed, but it was far too much for the over stimulated woman, and she screamed as she came hard, shivering and quaking, soaking her man's dick with her honey. Then, finally, Ranma's grunts and pace picked up, emanating from deep within his throat, and Ranma seemed to be just about ready to fly over the edge as well. Sure enough, Kasumi suddenly felt a hot rush fill her as Ranma's head lurched backwards and a cry of pure lust ripped through his mouth as he came inside Kasumi.

Ranma pulled himself out of Kasumi with a soft pop, and fell backwards into a hunched heap, and the darkness of deep sleep quickly washed over him, and he embraced it willingly. Slumping to his face, Ranma was asleep before his back touched the wet sheets. Kasumi collapsed heavily against Ranma's chest, and turned around to nestle her head between Ranma's shoulder blade.

"Oyasumi, anata." Kasumi whispered before she joined her iinazuke in a deep sleep.


End Change in the mist.

Special thanx to Tom Hackwood for that opening for this story. When I first read it, I knew it just had to be shared. (Matter of fact, it's all his fault I'm making this sequel to BIAWS: Kasumi. Good thing I'm not mad. ^_^ ) And for those thinking that all this is happening to fast, well... I'll be dealing with that if I pick this up.


Thank You's go out to Ryan Trask and Tom Hackwood for pre-reading this and all the warm receptions for Breaking in a wild stallion: Kasumi. This goes out to all of you! ~_^ And to all the flamers, you're just confused. And Congradualtions! You're confused! How wonderful! You've taken a giant step towards intelligence!


We don't need bombs to drop bombs on Afghanistan, we have XBoxes.